HomeMy WebLinkAboutSQG 6-16-2020Facility Name: r—A;ii, 2( St EcLt- Mir-' Hkkl- Dam: / /G; Zo2G Site Addmas: S--7ce AUAUkAJ sr r��tFr., moi: c3 :�.' // Time In: Tim. OUT Owner/Operator AVO C,Hc Li0klnry Phen,: (OG/. ?�'�-9 EPAIDpCALlXCC(2- r T c of Ins cctiov ._Routine Re-ioapmtloNPdllow-up Combined Pontine lnspled., Joint inspection Complain F.'eil Other CONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (Name / Title): Inspection may involve obtaining plm ogmphs, inview and copying ofreeadN, and decnnination of compliance with h.zmddm waste haddliog rcgniremens. C V HA9.ARDOUS WASTE RE UIREMEM1'T N/A HAZARDOUS WASTE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS Prevention Services SMALL QUANTATY HAZARDOUS 2101 H Street 3030005 Bakersfield, CA 93301 WASTE GENERATOR INSPECTION Phone: 661-326-3979 • Fax: 661-852-2171 Facility Name: r—A;ii, 2( St EcLt- Mir-' Hkkl- Dam: / /G; Zo2G Site Addmas: S--7ce AUAUkAJ sr r��tFr., moi: c3 :�.' // Time In: Tim. OUT Owner/Operator AVO C,Hc Li0klnry Phen,: (OG/. ?�'�-9 EPAIDpCALlXCC(2- r T c of Ins cctiov ._Routine Re-ioapmtloNPdllow-up Combined Pontine lnspled., Joint inspection Complain F.'eil Other CONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (Name / Title): Inspection may involve obtaining plm ogmphs, inview and copying ofreeadN, and decnnination of compliance with h.zmddm waste haddliog rcgniremens. C V HA9.ARDOUS WASTE RE UIREMEM1'T N/A CERS Violstlanq COMMENTS Reeardkne in doemanotathm Oowastar has nn EPA ID number 22CCR 66262.121 1 3010002 Hazardous waste dctertnination made for all wastes Analysis Gtoeramr Knowledge [CCR 66262.111 3030005 Conlime Jan infeonation osted neer hone CCR 66le'.1n d 12) -1 30IM22 Fndlitn crson demonstrnm mamjaglawaocma ICCR 66262.34(d) 2) 3020001 Mamfealb/CodmisntN Manifestrcneipls eamlom CCR6626223a immnst8 Blaeco s ofmanifcstroolMmDTSC JCCR 66262.23(aH4) 3010011 Bills oft h, recei is available 262%40(n 301001066(aLEDs available and mm len CCR662 303mm6 Onsite renYditm donatedusn UPCF HSC zbIaJ.IUj 3030001 Container/tank man. ement Conminem am N Pond madman CCR 66262.34(d 2 3030013 Contain. m.lasedex twhen etldiv reme... CCR66262.34(d)(2 emptor 'nt of cncmtion CCR 66262.34(, I A 3030011 mptimcomainemat Em t wntainers are empty CCR 66261 7L Empty 3030007 Conminers ins eetcal .1tkly CCR 66-'b2.J4m)(1jI 3030019 Tanks inspected daily CCR bbioz.jamli2i, 40C FR 265.201 303002] ,mminer orwaslestommaesatelbaxea CCR 6'262.}4d 2 3030022 Ezdudc recyclable mat¢ials stored in eceordanca witb local F.e ordinancoshanrdousmakmaheades HSC25143.10 Acemdm mm. Time LIm16 3010016 ICCR 66262.34(d)] 3030010 Em t containers mono ed shin one car CCR 66262.34(d 3030010 Universal wasto...Imminent leas than onn yr ICCR 66293,15 a 3030011 Used oil filler offsite within 180(1 yea, I .a, CCRG6266.130e 4 3-Im. Ph-acidbaneranothatewithm 1801 ,<l ton CCR662(mKI(a)(3 3030002 Labeling/Marking Conmincra aro Pm,t,ly labalel [66262.34(t)] 3030007 Excluded roc chmie materials marked to rl HSC 25143.9 a 3050005 Univemal wast, odmahmr poopelly, iabCied CCR 66273.34 3030MR Used oil filters mmlonl"drained used -111,8 riCCR 662'fi.130 3030004 Dam written unseat lead -.,id mr,n,s CCR uo,—,,, a6 BI 3030003 "Used Oil" marked on all used oil mnks/enalame a CCR 6627421 3030007 Tank markM with "hoz waste", contents, start date 66262.34 3030009 Treatment Trampoolaul DispaddlOther Have enablemhorinaticn to do treatment HSC 2513'.2 304203 Waste sent wiN authorized tmnS on Uset.Co ma CCR 66263.41 305mm1 Waste di used ofm amhorird p.inVp,,ty 3050002 Failed U, ma,cely handI alphanse wastes I HSC 25212. Fire Protection 66262.34 d 2 3030032 Print mad sign in this has for receipt of this report Signature does not imply agreement with'....gs only raceipt of report. 7 INSPECTOR I- liit-lIPC�-� POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS • Correct the violmanas)n&ad above by Sigmtum(Dat all violations have been eamaded as annex) • Within 5 days of correcting all of the viola[ions, sign mrd chum atopy of this page m: Bakemfield Fire Dept Prevention Sarvkea, 2101 H St. Balreadicid, CA 93301 Date F➢291 (as, 49) White-Preven6onSmices Yellow- Station Copy Pink -Business COPY