HomeMy WebLinkAboutAmaerican Eagle Haz Mat SQG _6-20HAZARDOUS WASTE, ^ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOUDATED FORMS Generator hes an EPA ID numbm Prevention Services SMALL QUANTATY HAZARDOUS Hazardous waste determination made far ell wastes Analysis Oenemtor Knowled e 2101 H Street n Cumienc Ian lnformabon ostednear honeCCR66262.34(d)b2 3010022 Bakersfield, CA 93301 WASTE GENERATOR INSPECTION 3020001 ��i. �P Phone: 661-326-3979 • Fax: 661-852-2171 FacilityName: At -h ouctrit- Fr A6LE -44-sr[ Date: 6/Zy/zc' Kit site Addmaa: �'1 i]I MIi.tC— Aver. 81(R_D [A 43•.1-/ Time in. Tire Can: owner/operator: IRA -4 CA" Phone: (,//-7(3'7-14/C EPA 1D uC_ALiM�45 Tvoc of himection Routlnc Reow,,ectioNPollow-up Combivcd Roubnelnapection I. 3ointhopection Complain, Focased oNm CONSAIN'T'TO INSPECT CRANTP.D BY (Name/ Title): C .T - t ` rte- b11 Inspection may involve obtaining photographs, review and copying ofrmords, and determination ofcompliance with hverdous waste handling requirements. C=Cmmilamt V — Chow I. IT or Minor Violation. C V HAZARDOUS WASTE REQUIREMENT N/A CERS Vidalia.a COMMENTS Recorelkee in doeumentdHon Generator hes an EPA ID numbm 122CCR 66262.121 1 3010002 Hazardous waste determination made far ell wastes Analysis Oenemtor Knowled e CCR 66262.111 3030005 n Cumienc Ian lnformabon ostednear honeCCR66262.34(d)b2 3010022 Facilityrsonnol domonshate hainin a mncss CCR66262.34(d(2) 3020001 Manidstsconselidsted Manifest reeci tscompletc CCR 66262.23(a 30101108 Blue co sof manifest madod to DTSC [CCR 66262.23(x(4) 3010011 Hills of Ladin rnect is available CCR 66262.40(a)] 3010010 LDRe availableand cum Ism CCR 662683(a 3030006 Dnsine ox clic r oncd usingTFPCF HSC 25143.10 303MUl Container/tank mana ement Containers arc in ood candhion CCR 6626234d 2) 3100013 Containers arc closed exc t when addin • romovin CCR6626234(d 2 3010017 Satellite contains at or near road of creation CCR 66262.34c pA Em t containers arc ampry JCCR6626L7 3030007 Containers ins mmd woekl CCR 66262.34 d 2 3090019 Tanks inspected daily CCR 66262.3 a)(2),quCrKzn5.2011 3030029 Ono epardio r er wxss scream atsate6itc area CCR 66262.34(d)(2)] 3030022 Exclude mcyelable rnafedals stored in aecauddnce with local ordinanceihazerclous materials codes HSC 25143.10 3010016 Amumuiadon Time Limits Waste is accumulated not more than 90/180/270 jCCR6626134(d 3030010 Empty containers mane td within we ear I CCR 66262.34(d) 3030010 Universal westc accumuiatod less than one ynar, CCR 66273.15 a) I 303001 I Used oil filters offsite within 180 1 arQ [on) CCR 6626G.130(e N4 3030004 pb,aeid intones oflsim within 1501 n<I sitl [CCR66266.81(a)(311 1 3030002 Labeling/Marking Centainers are properly labeled 166262.34(01 3030007 Excluded recyclable materials marked properly [HSC 25143.9 a 3050005 Univers at waste container property labeled(CCR 66273.341 303MOS Used oil films marked "drained vsd oil filims" CCR 66266.130 303(1004 Dos writer on spent leadholdbatteries I CCR 66266B I a) 61(B)j 3030003 "Used Oil" marked on all usedoil tanks/covtsiners CCR 66219.21 b 303000] Tartk cooked wiN "hoz waste" , contents, start date 66262.94(f)l 3030007 Treatment, Transport end Dis osaVOther Have crmiVauNorizstion to do treatment libii:25136.21 3040003 Waste sent with nuthmlzN unwound End.enable) CCR 66263,411 3050001 Waste disposed ofto autherzed oinV an HSC 25189.5a1 menum2 FxOcd to property handle cOphance wastes HSC 25212(a) Fire Protection 6626234 d 2 ]030032 Print and sign in this box for receipt of Mix report Signature does not imply agreement wBh findings only receipt of report. X INSPECTOR�N.fMAC':f.' POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: l • Cermet the violations) nmM above by r �V — Signatum(thet all violations have bca eamwt�as road) • Within 5 days ofeorrceting all optic violations, sign and alum a copy of this page to: Ba mfleld Fim Dept.. Prevention Services. 2101 H St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date M171 (ser @x19) White— Precaution Services Yellow— Station Copy Pink -Business Copy