HomeMy WebLinkAboutSQG 7-10-2020HAZARDOUSWASTE 13AKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT UEFiED PSOGRAVcousOtmn-ED FOEais Prevention Services SMALL QUANTATY HAZARDOUS2101 H Street Bakersfleld, CA 93301 WASTE GENERATOR INSPECTION Phone: 661-326-3979 a Fax: 661-852-2171 Facility Name: AZ 116-- 7Ia t Date 71/UJ' 7C, Z(' Site Address: Z-611 1, ('HESc-A AUF &K'' `1`-�. Time in: Time Out Owncr/Operetor. "}n -/..'i S^ /{F('tiT4 Phone. rl� EPA IDll . '�n�il17 T coflnsncct'on .� Routine Re-inspection/Pnllow-W Combined Routine Inspection Joint Inxpcaion Complain focused Other CONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (Name / Tide): - - 4V Inspection may involve whodumg phow aphs, review and copying ofrecords, and deteemiumion ofcompliance with hmsmi.us waste handling memromcnts. C V HAZARDOUS WASTE RE UIREMENT NIA CF.RS YlohtaonIt COMMENTS Remrdkec in dacnmentadan Gexwtrhav nn EPA ID number 122CCR (,6262.12J 002 Haze dons waste demrminafion made for all wastes Analysis (enmator Rnowlel [CCR 66262.11 3030005 Y Contin cne Ian infommdon Dated near Photo LCCR 6G26234(1) 2l) 3010022 F.,ility,cesummel demonstrate mninin awareness CCR1-1G234(d)(2) 3020001 6lanifcsts/Cuvsolidamd Manifest receipts sora icor IUGR 6626223(0) 3010008 Binecop (s) ofounifat mailed to DTSC CCR66262.'_F(a841 mmUl1 Bills of nodi- mocils available CCR 66262.40(-)L 3010010 LDRs available and cam lcte CCR 66268.7 a 30300(16 Onsite mic,,ling reported usingPCP HSC 2514].10 3030001 Conrainer/tank mane .mint Carnahan am in and condition JCCR 6626234 it 2 3030013 Containers are closed teem t when addin romovi CCR66262.34(d)(2 Satellite carom.em at or year Dint of enemdon CCR 66262.34c)(I)(A 3030017 taineame t CCR 66261.7 F, conm 303000] Conminas ins eared wceidy CCR 66262.34 it (2 3030019 Tanks inn ected "ity ICCR 66262.34 d 2 , MCFR 263,20IJ 3030027 One conminer awaste stream at palate area CCR 66262.344 2 Exclude recyclable materials alored in aeeordance withlocal ordirmnce/Invarduus materials codes HSC 25143.10 3030022 3010016 Aceumula6ov Time Llmini Waste is..Iated not marc than 90/190/270 CCR 66262.34(4 3030010 Em eoaminas mana ed within one car CCR 66262.34(ch 3030010 Univemal waste aceumu[amd Ices than one ar ICCR 66273.15(a)] 3030011 Used oil filters offsite within 1 h[ 1 ear <I ton CCR 66266.130Ic 4 3030004 lib -acid beveries offsite within 180 it to. conal CCR6626fl81afe 3030002 Labding/Marldng { Containom am properly labeled [6626254(t)] 3030707 Excluded rm [able materials marked -,-,,iy HSC 25143.9a Universaiwastecontainer m i lahel.d CCR 6(273.34 3050005 3030008 Used oil filters marked "drained used nil filters" CCR 66266.130 3030004 Dntc wriacn on spent [ad -acid battcricv CCR 66266 %I a 6)(B) 30301103 "Used OII" marked on all used oil mnks/nncon. CCR 66279.2 1(1,11 3030007 Teak marked with "hoz waste", contents, shut dam 166262.34(t)] 3030007 Treatment Tuns ort and Dis homer H. crmiUauthodzation 4)do trcatmem HSC 25136.2 3040003 Waste sent with authorized trans ort en. c[i ble CCR 66263.41 3050001 Waste dis .ud of to aathon.cd oinv art H11'251%9.5 a) 3050002 Fsiledto rocri handles liancowastes HSC25212a Fire Protection 66262.34 4 2) 3030732 r t aad sign in this bar for receipt of this report Signature does not imply agreement with Bndinga only receiD[ of report. INSPECTOR POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: a Correct the violntion(s) noted above by Signaturc(ihstaB violationeh.-bac. c.—,ad as acted) • Within 5 days of canc,ting all of the violations. sign and rearm a copy of this page to: Bakemfield Fire Da, L, Phoonaion Seevica, 2101 H St Bakersfield. CA 93301 Date rpant Mw 1¢010) White- Prevention Service Yellow- Station Copy Pink -Business Copy