HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 short_sqg_6.19.20HAZARDOUS WASTE UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS SMALL QUANTITY HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR INSPECTION Facility Name: Site Address: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Prevention Services 2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 661-326-3979 a Fax: 661-852-2171 Data Time In: Time Out: Owner/Operator Phone: EPA ID Tvm of insoeci on 0 Routine 0 Re-maNcooNFollow-up 0 Combined Roudne Inspection 0 Joint Inspeetion 0 Complaint 0 Focused 0 Other 0 CONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (N. / Title): Inspection may involve obtaining pbatogmphs, review and copying of records, and detmvimtion of compliance with her4adom waste handling requirements. I.Ln tams v.Iuss r,u C V I HAZARDOUS WASTE REQUIREMENT N/A CERN Violetlong COMMENTS RecorNtae W documeoWtloe Generator has an EPA ED number SC 25143.131 3010002 Hounds at, deterne cobra made for ell .urea 0 Avel is 0 Genen[m ICnowled a CCR 66262.40 3030005 Conon enc 1. infameuov rednem hone Fraility personal demonstrate trdnin awrtenas CCR.,.34d T LCCR 66262.34(d)(2) 3010D22 302001 ManifestdCorawlidrted Mention recd .m tare CCR 66262.23 a 3010008 Blues sof mmiifeat mailed to DTSC CCA 66262.23e 4 301W11 Bills of lathe recd a available fCCK wLez.+uSwL 3010010 I.DRa Available and complete I CCR 66268.7 a 3030006 Onsite rcc .lin remoned mine UPC F HSC 25143.10 3030001 Coetalmos enk memo rated Containers are in good condition CCR 66262.34d 2 3030013 Containers are closed =ept when add'm removin CCR66262.34 d 2 Satellite containem at or neer psaini 66262.34 e 1A 30300,7 Emptycontainers amP t CCR66262.34 3030007 Containers insmd wesid CCR 66262.34(d)2 3030019 Tanks ins red dailyCCR 66262.3 d 2 40CFR 265.201 3030027 One conz waste stream et lGm arca CCR 66262.34 d 2 3030022 Xu Exclude recyclable matwi ri.. Pond m accordance with lord ordimnce/M1eurd.s merdela cdu HSC 25143.10 3010016 AccumulationTime Limits; is accumulate) not mote tM1than90/18027070 CCR 66262.34 d 3030010 Ease,caneiners mane ed within Om ear CCR 66262.34 d 3030010 Univemal waste eaumulelnd less the. one year CCR 662]3.15 m 3030011 Uad oil Chem onano within 180(1 ox<i ton) CCR 66266.130(c 4 3030004 Pb-acidbatt monsitewtnm180(I c<Itan) CCR66266.B1a3 3030002 Labeling/Merklog Containers am properly labeled [66262.34(f)]g3030008 030007 Excluded recyclable Demands marked I HSC 25143.9 a050005 Univcnel waste rumina I hdb led CCR 66273.34Usd oil filters mard "drund used oil burns CCR66266.130030004Date written ons t leedadd batteries CCR 66266.81 a (6 (B030003"Usd Oil" morked on aD need all tanks/ronminera CCR66279.2103007Tank marked with "hen waata". contents, sen date 66262.3403000] Treatment Treatment and DiruDOther Have parmtamorifirs, to do tremment HSC 25136.2 3040003 Wester sent with auolonred eligible) CCR 66263.41 30500111 Ven. oadWaste disposedomvd HSC 25389.5(a 3050W2 Failed to Promarly handle applurace wastes HS25212 e Fire Pmrection 66 2.34(d)(2) 30301132 Print and sip In this boxfor recelpt of this report. Signature does not Imply agreement wills findings only reee3pt of report. ii POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: • Coma the A.I.don(s) noted above by • Within 5 days of cmreaing all of the violations, sign and return a copy of thin page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept, Prevention Services, 2101 H St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Signature (hat all violations have been Containd as noted) FD2171 GkvwN) White -Business Com Yellow- Heti. Coos, Pink- Prevention Services COPY