HomeMy WebLinkAbout1133 32nd mike owens hw 6.15.20HAZARDOUS WASTE UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS SMALL QUANTITY HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR INSPECTION Facility N.: Site Address: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Prevention Services a e 1 s F t o 2101 H Street /Iff Bakersfield, CA 93301 ARFAF Phone: 661 - 326 -3979 • Fax: 661 - 852 -2171 - — � 1 n Data – /I Tlmeln: 7� TinnI CJY Ownedoperalvr Phone: / EPA mM Twe of Wv fors �ROUtine 0 Ro-inspedov/F011ow -up 0 Combined ROUtme lnspectleo 0 Joint lnspecdeo 0 Complaint D Focused D Older 0 CONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (Nance / Title); Inspection may involve obtaining phonographs, review and copying of records, and datemdnatiw of complunce with hazardous waste handling requitement. C =Com C V Joint V = Class 41 or Manor V lolaaon HAZARDOUS WASTE RE UIREMENT N/A Recordkee to doomentatlon Cawator has An EPA m vumher HSC 25143.13 CERS Violation M COMMENTS 3010002 V Bavrd. waste determine. made for all wades 0 Mal is 0 CenereW Knowled a MR 66262A0 3030005 Condo enc I.. !I fomWion enact near one CCR 662123 d 3010022 Faeilit rsoone] demonsnat Ireini. awareness CCR 6626234 d (2) Manifon/Coos, dated MAaikstrecei tcmo late [CCR 66262.23(.) Blue w s en manifest mailed to DISC [CCR 6626223 a 4 3020001 3010008 3010011 Bilhofl sin recd tsavdlable CCR 66262. a 301001 L )Rs available and w late CCR 66268.7 a 3030006 Onsite rec nn erred uai. UPCF SC 25143.10 3030001 Conednentadt name at Conmi." are in goodil omdidon III. 6626234 d 2 Containers ere closed exc t when ddin vin CCR6626234 d Satellite containers at or near Pod., of sawarefien JCCR 6626234(e )(1 A 3030013 3030017 } Em t —roniners arc ern t CCR 66262. 3030007 Conminers ins tad weekly JCCR 66262.34(d)(2)) 3030019 Tanks ins tad it It CCR 66262.34 d 2 40CFR 265201 3030027 One conmbon er waste.heam at seml6te area CCR 6626234 d 2 3030022 Eutude recyclable materiels stored m accordance with lord mdinawdlmaesdous m des HSC 25143. 101 3010016 m ianas Waste is acc do. no[ more tb 90/ m"o CCR 66262.34 d 303MIO Em conleinels man. ed within one ear CCR 6626234 d 3030010 Universal waste accumulned less then o.e ar CCR 66273.15 a 3030011 Used oit filters Offsiw within 180 1 ear, <I too CCR 66266.130 c 4) 3030004 pt-acid batteries offsi a within 180 { . < 1 ton) CCR66266.87 a 3 3030002 Lebeling/Markiog Csol.de n are properly labeled 1667123 3030007 (, Exclud l w table mmedels masked le I HSC 266273. a Universal waste container ro 1 labeled CCR 6627334 3030009 3030408 Used w"Alten n treason domed used ell filter" CCR 16266)(B) Data wdnen on n to Iced -acid batteries CCR 66266.81 a (6 a 3030004 3030003 "Used Oil" marked m dl and oil mnks/conminere CCR 66279.21 6 3030047 Teak markd with" haz waste'. contents, stn data 6626234 3030007 Tressimmt Tram rl and Dm Other 3610003 Hew ivauthorizetiontodobamonot HSC 251362 Waste sent with uffimiwdam2ortienollgiible CCR 66263.41 3050001 Wastedia sdofmauthorized na, HSC 25189.5. 3090002 Failed to ro d handle a liance wastes HSC 25212 a 3030032 Fite Pmtedon 6526294 d (2) Print and sip in this box for receipt of this rePOM Sigmmre does' not imply Alinement wlal Bndinge only receipt of report. INSPECTOR POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: • Correct the violation(s) noted above by • Within 5 days of correcting an of the violation, sign and W. a copy of this Page m: Bakers0eid Fire Dept., PreverfiOn Services, 2101 H St. Baken6eld, CA 93301 Signamrc (1691 dl violetiom have been cotrcetd as noted) Data FD2171 (Rev 9 /I4) White – Business Cony Yellow– Station COOV Pink - Travers. - Services COPY