HomeMy WebLinkAbout3500 stine rd cvs hw 6.18.20HAZARDOUS WASTE UNIFIED PROORAia CONSOLIDATED FORMS SMALL QUANTITY HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR INSPECTION Facility Neme: _ P P.PSFI D 1 .,R. ARTM BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Prevention Services 2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 661 - 326 -3979 • Fax: 661 -852 -2171 Date: Site Address: Time m: Tune Out: Owner /Opetvtes: Phone: EPA ID a T ea4SfI QSe rS4p Routine D Re- ivspectiorl/FO0ow -up 0 Combined RUmine uspcctiov D loivt uspection 0 Complaint 0 Focused OMm KCONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (Neme / Ti0oo honectiov may involve obtaining photographs, review and copying of records, and determination of compliance mtb hazmdom waste handling ex ramerems. C = C CO V IamC V = cocas 4 u or tumor vmw,mn HAZARDOUS WASTE RE [JIREMENT N/A CRRc ViolatlonM COMMENTS Berordkee in doeuater ation Generator has an EPA M vumbrr [HSC 75143.13 3010002 Ha utolou waste determination made for all wastes 5 Anal , is d Generator Rnowled a ICCR 66262.40 3030005 Conde Ian information Bated veer hone CCR 66262,3 d) 2) Patin emomd demonstrate tramirWawareenoss [CCR 66262.M(d)(2)] Manifests /COnsolidatNManifestrecei sco Inc [CCR 6626223(al 3010022 3020001 3010008 Blueco s ofmanifestmailWmDTSC 1CGR 66262.230)(4)] 3010011 B0lard adin meet tsavailable ICCR 66262.40(a)] 3010010 LDRS avaiablo and com I— ICCR 6626833 3030006 Desire or cBn rted usin 11PCF I HSC 25143.10 30:30001 Cantaicer junk name enuvt Coememameu andermdition CCR 66262.341 d)(2 3030013 Commem are closed onott whenaddm mmovin [CCR66262.34(d)(21 3030017 Satelliteremanonsmmnear utaf mans.-o CCR 66262.34[ ell O(A) Em mntaivem are ran [CCR 6626234(0 30311017 Cnvumers 6m ded wakl ICCR 65262.341d1(2) 3030019 Tanks ins ecteal dady CCR 65M2.34(d)(2),40CFR 265.201 3030021 Onc coa tine per waste stream at 2ammm mace CCR 66262.341. (2) 30 -IM22 Exclude recyclable mmedab stored in acco dance with local mdramard m andom materials codes HSC 25143.10] 3010016 Accmvalmun Time I.imRs Wane is acwmulau d nm more than 90/1801270 CCR 66262.34(-) 3030010 5m ... ,nom. one ear CCR 66262.34(d 303NIO Universal waste accwvuuted less than one ICCR 66273.15(e) 30.30011 Used o0 filters offsim within 18(1 [I em <1 ton) CCR 66266.130( nA 3030003 Pb -acid batteries oBsite wiuiv 180(1 .I1 tun) 1, CCRImLix 81(e)(3 I 3030002 I.abelmgammonag Conraums are ProPm1Y labeled [66262.34(1)1 3030107 Exdudad clable materials marked p=IX (HSC 25143.9(a)] 3050005 Universm westecwminer ml labeled (CCR 6627334 Used oil filters marked "drained used oil filters" CCR 66266.1301 3030008 3030004 Date written oa spent lead -acid batteries [CCR 66266.81(ag6)(B)I 3030003 "Gsed Oil" marked on all used oil rank /cons iners I. 66279.2116) 103IX107 Tank marked with "ha, waste" . contents, stmt dare [66262.34(0 3030007 TomiamorI Timanport and D' Other Have rmitlauNorivation to do Ima.e.t HSC 25136.2 3040003 waste, sent with autbarbed transport en. eU NO [CCR 66263.41 3050MIl Waste di sad of to authorized m HSC 25t89.5(a)] 3050002 Pafied to rt handle a Ppt,.cc wastes imhL 25212(a) Fire Protection I6626234(d)(2) 3030032 Print and sign in this box for receipt of this report Signalmen does am imply agreameot whit Mdings oviy receipt of report. POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: • Connect the violations) noted above by • Within 5 days of correcting of of dse vivlat ions. sign and ¢tern a copy of Nis page to Bakersfield F Dept- Prevention Services, 2101 H St Bakersfield, CA 93301 Si,e mare (that aU violations have been corrected as noted) Date PM111 (.O 114) White - Business Copy Ye0mw Station Copy Pink - Prevention Services Copy