HomeMy WebLinkAbout4751 wible rd carrolls tire hw 6.12.20HAZARDOUS WASTE UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS SMALL QUANTITY HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR INSPECTION Facility Name: Site Address: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Prevention Services e r P P I o 2101 H Street ANYX BakersFleld, CA 93301 Phone: 661- 326 -3979 • Fax: 661 -852 -2171 Date: Time In Time Out: Owner /Operamc Phone: EPA mR Tve of Impact, 8 Roudne 0 Re -imp; tbmVFollI 0 Combined Routine Inspection 0 Joint Inspection S Complaint 0 Focused 0 Other 0 CONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (Name /Title): Inspection may involve obtaining photogmphs, review and copying of records, and determination of compiierce with hazardous waste handling requ"vements. C= Complaint: V - Class I. B or Minor Violmion C V HAZARDOUS WASTE ]REQUIREMENT N/A CERS Violation# COMMENTS Rerordkee n docurmvtatlov ./ Generator has an FBA So number SC 25143.13 3010002 Hnardnu9 waste Generator Noeo made for all wastes u D Analysis D Generator Knowles a ICCR 66262.40 3030003 Conlin oc plan information pand near phone MR MM23 d 3010022 Facility personnel demonstrate o-ainin awareness CCR 66262.34 (d)(2)l 3020001 MomfeandComobdated Manifest reempla tom lets [CCR 66262.23(.) ] 3010008 Blue m s of manifest mailed to DISC [CCR 66262.23¢ 4 3010011 Bills of Lading/receipsis available CCR 66262.40(a) 3010010 LDRs available and complete CCR 66268.7(.) 3030006 O"Oke recycling reported ming UPCf, [HSC 25143. 101 3030001 Conidmrimm man ement Corso ers.reN road condition CCR66262. d 2 3030013 Commons are cloned exc 1 when addie manovin CCR6626134 d 2 3030017 Saallite contains at or near 'tat of merame. CCR 66262.34(¢ 1 A Em c.r umets are en t CCR 66262. 3030007 Conreinera ins tad weekl y CCR 66262.34(d)(2)) 3030019 Tanks inspected doly CCR 66262.34 d 2 , 40CFR 265.201 3030027 One romancer er waste stream at satellite area CCR 66262.34 d 2 3030022 Exclods recyclable materials stored in seemdance with local cob ... ce/bavrdous materials codes [HSC 25143.10 3010016 Accumdation Time I.Isdb Waste is acc.ond ..d not team than 90/180/270 ICCR 66262. d 3030010 Empty containers maned within one vean CCR66262.34d 303MIO Umveaal waste accumdatnd less then ov< ar CCR 66273.15 a 3030011 Used oil fUrom of" within 180 7 ear <1 too) [CCR 65266.131 4 3030004 Pb -acid batteries offsite, within 180 1 r. < 1 ton CC RAISM6.81(a)(3) 3030002 Labelivg/Marking Containers are properly labeled [66262.34(0] 3030W] Excluded. .,]able materials marked ar HSC M143.9(a) 3050005 Univcrsdw a.cotainer ro erl Iabe1N CCR 662]3.34 3030008 Used oil filters marked "drained used oil filtvs" CCR 66266.130 3030004 Date written on s ant lead -acid batteries CCR 66266.81(.X6 3030003 "Used Oil" marked n ell used oil anks/emrem. CCR 66279.21 3030007 Tank marked with "has waste". contents, start date 106252.34(l)) 303000] Treatment Traerapaft and DV Other Have mtitlawhorimtion to do resonant H2362 000 Wade amt with authorizM Van n m. eligible) 0/ Wade dis sad of toe umnxede2o, d art HBC 25189.5 a 3050002 FdkA to ro erl hand [HSC 252t2e Fire FmtoOO,n 66262.34(d(2) 3030032 Print and AI, In this box lot receipt of this report. igature does not imply agreement with Radbrge only rerelpt of repot. INSPECTOR POST INSPE • Cortect the violauhems) noted above by • Within 5 days of connecting aU of the violations, sign and retum a copy of this page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Services, 2101 H St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 White - Budness Copy Yellow - Station Copy Signature (that all violations have been contacted as noted) Pink- Prevention Services Copy M217t (Rerwln