HomeMy WebLinkAbout6541 white ln cosmo prof hw 6.17.20HAZARDOUS WASTE f/�, BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOUDATED FORMS _ r Prevention Services 2101 H SMALL QUANTATY HAZARDOUS ` �? , Bakes Street Bakersfield, 61- 2693301 WASTE GENERATOR INSPECTION �! Phone: 661 - 32/6- 397r�9 •Fax: 661 - 852 -2171 Facility Name. Ojt� -u �A4 Jt1�'11 /11��/ Dam: t(i -II-ZV r e Site Address: (fib ; Li I...t 1.. TV •'s Time In )So C; TimeOu: IJ IS Owner/0pemmr: Qeyk)ti .�.d Lka."t MAGI Phone Cp(p 1'/i11'137 S EPA ID# Tvoc of InsoaCon XPontiac 0 Re-inspectioNFollow -up C Combined Random Melanoma rl Joint Inspection Complaint U Focused ❑Other -' CONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (Name / Title): Inspection may involve obtaining pbotogmpha, review and copying ofrecords, and determination of compliance with hamrdme, waste handling requirements. C- V. —hunt V =Claca 1. If nr Minn. Vudatinn. C V HAZARDOUS WASTE RE UIREMENT Violation COMMENTS Recordor Ia documentation 22CCR 66262.12 02 Haza sous waste determination made for all wastes ❑Anal is U Gammon, Knowlcd c [CCR66262.11] 005 Conlin c Ian information Posted ncer hone MR 66262.34(d)(2)]]] 22 330300011 Facility emonncl dcmonstmtcuainin a s [CCR66262.34d 2 I 'ManifesWCOnsolidatWManifestr 6pN omplete CCR W262.23(a)] 08 s ofmanifcet mailed m DISC [CC 11 Bills ofl,adin CCR 66262.40 a) 10 LDRsavail etc W lit .c otted win UPCF HSC 25143.10 001 Container /tank management Containers am mn good condition CCR 66262.34 d 2 3030013 Containers are closed ntecat when addin ramovin CCR66262.34(d )(2 3WO017 Satellite containers at or near point of gencrown CCR 66262.34 c(1 A Empty containers are crapty, I CCR 66261.0 3030007 Containers in acted wcokly ICCR 66262.34(d)(2)]_ 3030019 Tanks Inspected daily CCR 66262.3 d 2 , 40CFR 265.201 3030027 One conminn Fax waste stream m satellite area I CCR 6b2b2.J4(dJl2N 3030022 Exclude recyclable materials stared in accordance with local ordmaaccPoamrdaus materials codes HSC 25143.10 3010016 Accumulation Time Limits Waste is accumulatednat more than 90 /180/270 CCR 66262.J4d 3030010 Em containers mans ed within one r CCR 66262.34 d 3030010 Universal waste accumulated Ices than one Wer CCR 66273.15 a 3030011 U <1 ton ) 4CR 66266.130 c 4 30300114 cid bakcricso tan CCR66266.81 a J 3030002 Labeling(Marking Cannot. am properly labeled [66262.34(f)] 3030007 Excluded recyclable materials marked WeParly FFISC 25143.9. 3050005 Universal waste container Proxnefly labeled CCR 66273.341 3030008 Uscdoil fi CCR 66266.1301 1 1 3030004 CCR 66266.81 a 6 B 3030003 "Used "'m onminers CCRM279.21 (b) Ta.],A�eamm-m, start dote 66262.34 30J0007 3030007 Treatment, Transport and DirPosx VOther ]'�tecaon it /authorimtion to do tcatncnt HS 3040003 Waste srn 'zed turn ort . chat ' CR 66263.411 1 1 3050001 Waste di oscd of to au[ho HSC 25189.5(.)l 3050002 Failed to a li...c wresms HSC 25212a 3030032 Print and sign in this has for receipt of this report Sigmamre does not imply agreement with findings only receipt of report l INSPECTOR V I I I a a POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: n • Cormettheviolation (s).bul.bovuby Sign W]ueree(that a �llrvmationshaZC becncorrectedasnmed) • Within 5 days ofcorrccting all ofihe violations, sign and mmm a copy ofthis page In: I n' I /�Z'O C° Rakcrsfidd Fim D,L, Prevention Services, 2101 H SL Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dam M2171 (aw1Q019) White - Prevention Services Yellm,Station COPY Pink - Business Copy