HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 130-2020RESOLUTION NO. 13--0 2 0 2 0 A RESOLUTION DECLARING REAL PROPERTY EXEMPT SURPLUS LAND AND SURPLUS TO THE NEEDS OF THE CITY AND AUTHORIZING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO NEGOTIATE ITS SALE WHEREAS, the City owns a fee simple interest in property located at the NEC of California Avenue and P/Q Street ("Property"); and, WHEREAS, ME DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC., has requested the City sell this property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the Bakersfield Planning Department found the sale of this property to be consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan pursuant to Government Code Section 65402; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 54221 (f) (1) (G), the Property is exempt surplus land because State and Federal obligations require the City to develop the Property as commercial to satisfy the requirements of the Federal grants used to purchase the Property; and WHEREAS, Bakersfield Municipal Code 3.20.125 authorizes the negotiated sale of City property deemed to be "surplus". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. The foregoing findings and recitals are true, correct, and incorporated herein. 2. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54221(f) (1) (G), the City Council finds and declares that the Property is exempt surplus land because State and Federal obligations require the City to develop the Property as commercial to satisfy the requirements of the Federal funds used to purchase the Property. 3. The Property is hereby declared surplus to the City's needs, and the Finance Director is authorized to negotiate its sale. PAGE - 1 r '' ORIGINAL I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted, by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on 'SEP .0.9.2020 by the following vote: AYE . NOES: ABSTAI N: ABSENT: J J ✓ ✓ J f ✓ COUNCILMEMBER RIVERA, GONZALES, WEIR, SMITH, FREEMAN, SULLIVAN, PARLIER COUNCILMEMBER (NONE COUNCILMEMBER IN611E COUNCILMEMBER NOME J LIE DRIMAKIS, CMC CITY CLERK and EX OFFICIO CLERK of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED: 'SEP 0 9,1020 By KAREN GOH IF Mayor of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney 0y -)r7' SHUA RUDNICK Deputy City Attorney II JHR/vlg Attachment: Exhibit "A" - legal description/plats S:\COUNCIL\Resor\20-21 \P-QSurplus.Sale-Reso.doc PAGE - 2 O,RAK, -n s r v v ORIG PvAL �Wl (,tP./Q STRE' FT PROPERTY -- PSA" Those. portions of Blocks 346,.3.721..`_'373 386 and 3 87 -as shown and delineated on the M " of theCity of Map Bakersfield; County of Kern, "Cali.foriiia,- filed 'in the, Office of th& County Redorder..'of the* County -of Kern on November 18 .1$98; the alleys in Blocks 3-4.6 and 387; 13th Street, 1.40 Street, 15"' Street and: Q Streek. as vacated by the Qity-o'Bakersfield.ih Resolution 11-5.2--appro.yed. Februa:rY '18, and recorded , -19521, February 20, 195-2. iif. Book 1.904, at Page. 29; Resolution .8 - 0-71 approved November 22,. 197 1, and recorded December 16,'..1.971 in Book 4.6-M. at-page,657, R.esolution.0.13-11 approy.ed. February 16,201j, and recorded February 25., 2011 in DocuTiient No.. 0211025030 in the -Office. of the County Recorder- of -ofhat portion of Section. -3% Townsh -29­South, Range 28 East, Mount DiabloBase .the County Kern,Xem 10 �p axed Meridiani located in the southAt8t quarter b.fthe southeast quarter of said 9ection,. in the City of Bakers5614; County of. Kern, State of California, more -particularly desef.ibed as.follows:. :{PARCEL A) Tl e'bowidary of 'Which is described as follows: Beginnihst at: the "Begin Curve" monument located On -'the centerline of realigiied.-Q Street -(formerly P :said monuirtenflying 1.23.45 feet on a bearing ..of North .000`35. 24" East.from a. stone monument. located. in California AveAue''per Recoid of Sut'vey Map; recorded it Book .5 -at Page 169 of Record of Survey Maps, in the Office of the - County Recorder of fhe..Couxxty- of . Kern, -thence South 99' 247 36'7 East, departing said iiiQnuimeilt and b-.6iiteflihe: of Q Stteet, a distance—of 411.25 feet; to -a -point on the -east-.flght of way -line -of f Q 8 treet, said point also being THE TkU9.*P6I.NT'-OFBEG'INNIN-0.; �(I)- Thence North -00.'- 3 )5' 24" E-a'st, on and along said right of W14.. ..a. di9tahce... of 1. 63-8 --feet, to 'the beginningof a tangent 'ent twire concave to.southda8t having a radius of 440.75 *feet acid to -which a'radial line - bears North 89' 241 36'? "Alest; (2) Thence northeasterly—along..-said curve and -along-`saidxight of Way, 50,."05 feet -thfough 'a- central angle of 6'. 30" 24"Jo the centerline of a vacated `33%feet wide alley intlock-197, said alley was -vacated with Resolution No. 013-1 l:,-Jn Document 021.1'02.5030,re.corded Pebruary. 25-.-,. 2011 in the Office of the. County Recorder. of the -County of Rem; Thence gouth.-890-24:36"East, a...distance.-of.302....4ifeet, onand along said centerline toapoint. 6A `the' centerline of -the bld'aiignment. of 'vacated Q Street, said -street was vacated -Aith Resolution No. .013-;1.1,in. Document 0211.025030,recorded Febr.uat.y2.5'.,20.11 'in the -Office- of:th.e County-Recorde.r. of the Cooty"Of Kern;. -(4) 'Thence South 00' 35" 24" West, continuing .on said centerline, a distance of 132.0.0 feet, ..to point .on the. -north right of -way- line. of California Avenue; .as shown andAelideate.d. on. the Map of the -City of ffaketsfield, County -of Xerni, CaIlfohiia-., Pled in the --Office of -the: Co''unty .Recorder .of the County bf Kom on November 25, 1898; (5) Thence Nofth 8_91241-36" West, on axed along. said right of -way. tine, a distance- Of J-05.25 feet; to - the. -east right ight of .'way line of the. realigned 0 Street (formerly. P Street), as shown and delineated o)y;. the Mq of the -City of Bakersfield; County of Kern; California, filed in the Office -of the County Rept dL ;f the County of Kern on November 25, 1.898; M Page I of 8r__ 0 Q> ORIGNAL -(6) Thonce'X- orth OV`55' 24""E'a'st, on and along said -right of way, a -distance -of 65:.68 :feet, to THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; CotitAining 0.92 acres (more or less). (PARCEZ-B) The:boundary of'wMcb.-'is..described.as.-fo.1lows, .Beginning at the 2 -inch brass cap .in concrete starnpod L-3. 1343, said brass- cap. accepted as the lhiers'e'cti6n of ' -old.a. alignment of -'P. -Street. , a , nd 1.3:'h Str*edt, thence .Sou th-.89 24''.36" East, on and along. T --a� et -adistance of 346-.510. feet, to the intersection of vacated ac the centerline of I Stf66ta.nd vacated 13".S.ti-e 150'-Smet and vacated .Q:Street,. 13`1` -'.Street and Q Street. were vacated with Resolution No. 6.1-3-11, in Document -024.10250-30, recorded. February 25,,2011 in the of County Reebider Of the Cpunty of Kern;TRU OF BEONN.ING; rn; said poi -At also THE. E. -POINT Thence'Sbi:ith .890 24' 3.67' East.,. on and along. said vacated 1.3'h Street centerline,. a distance. of 153,62 feet;. to: a point on the west right of way line of the. realigned. Kern Island Canal. :as. shown :on "Recotd.of-SurveyMap filed June 14,1949,.ihBook 5,..Page 169 of Recoids of SiiiVpy, in the Office.. of tbe. County Recordier of the County or Kern; Thence -South 000 40'29'East,- on.and along -said . -canal right -of . ght-of w v. a distance of -305.32 feet, to a ppint on tb6 north ligh"f' line of California Avenue., as shown.and delineated. on the. Map of the City of Bakersfield,. K. CotintYof . Kern, California, file'd in the Office of the County Recorder of the - County of Kern .on Nov'einber.­25, 1898; '(3) Thence North -8902'4'36" West, on and aloins said rijalit.(jf.*way line, a-digtanceof'16'6.36-.feet,to:a. -point on- the-. centerline. of vacated 0 Street; (4) Thence North 00' 35' 24" East' on and along said Q Street centerline;. a distance of 305,25 feet, to thedntek5octioh oftfie. vacated 13ul Streetand to THE TRUE POINT OF BWI'NNT.NG; Containing 1.1 ..acres (njore or less) (PARCEL Q The bouiidary of which is -&sciibed follows: Begihfiing .at. the .2 inch. brass cap p in :concrete- stamped L.S. 1341 :said brass. -cap Accepted as the intersection of the. old alignment -of P Street and 1.P :Street; -South �89' 24' .3* 6"' East, and along 3 . slon � .. - *.-writerfine of 13'1' Street and vacated 13 t".Stmef. -a distance of -101:.84: feet, to a pdint..on. the east tight of way line -of 'the: realigned Q Street. (formerly P Street)., as -shown and delineated ori the Map.. of the City of Bakersfield, County- of Kern, California, filed in the bffice.of'fhe County Recorder of. ihe County of Keiji OIN' N on Nibvd.rnbdr:25, 1898; said -pdfilt also. being. THE.'TR. U -E. POINT OF BEGINNING; -N-ING; Page 2 of 8 ORIGINAL (I). Thence South 89° 24' 364'East, on and along said vacated. 1311"Street--centerlino., a-dfstance.of 244.5.6 feet, to the. intersection of -vacated 13th Street and vacated Q:Street, 13th Street. and Q Street -were. Vacated with Resolution. No: 013-11jn Doe-amdrit 02-11025030; .r6cdrded February 25,101.1 "in thd-OiAce of,oie County:Rpqqrder of the. County .of'Kern; (2). Thence South G0`3.5'.24" West, orr'.and along said Q Street cent"erline,.a.disiafice 6f'17. - 3.25 feet to :the centerline of -a:-vacated 33: feet wide all-ey"in Block 3 97". said. alley. was vacated with- Rdsodtition'' No.. 01:34 1County. Recorder o f . fie - o . f the. f in Document 04102* -Q30, reqordied,'Fe�lbruary.25, 201.1in the O `the. County of Ketn. (3) Thence 14orth 899 24' 36" West; on 'arid along said alley centerline, a. distance of 302.41 :feet,, to a. point on the easix.ight -of Way --.of Q Street (formerly P .Street), .as shown on Record. of 'Survey Map. filed June 14, 1 948-P. iii Book 5, Page 169 of Records of �Stirve*y*, in th6 Office. of ' the'06iinty , Recorder of the. y Count ofKe m., said point also beiqg-the.beginning-of a.-nori-tangent curve concave to southeast having -a radius of -440.75 fe6t.'and to; which a radial line bears North 821) 54' 12" West; (4)* Thence continuing hortheasterly-on and along said curve and.*said right of way line, a distarwo of 1 '91.9.9 gah a central -anglepf.�., 39 5.5' 03" to THE E TRUE POINT OF BEGINNINO- fqefthro�u central Containing. l.1 l'acres -.(!note, or 168s). (PA A CEL - 0) The',boundar .y..of which.ig described as follows: Beginning at the .2 inch brass .cap in concrete stamped LS. 1343, said brass cap- accepted :as the th .Intersection of fhe� old alignment. -of V Street and 13 Street, ffience. South. 89' 24 et 6' East, on -and, along the centerline'of 13th Streetandvacated 1.31h Street, 4 distance of'111.76 feet; §aid.point being- TI . TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, GINNING, said pdirif also being on the east:rig. hf of -way of realigned 'Q'Street as desoribed. in Grant. Deed Document N . 0.198150317, .recorded Octob& 30,. 1998 1the. Offlce: -of the County n Redotder of the.. County of kom', said point, also - being the. beginning of'a non -tangent curve concave to. 5oxitheast ha-Ving.q radius of 440.75 feet and to which a iadial. lm'e'bedrs North.. 56' 27' 50" West; (1) Thence continuing northeasterly on and along said curve and:said-ijght- of way line,.a distance of 132.66 -feet through a. central angle :.of 7' 14' 4.1 "., .to a pQint. of reverse curvature - w* it. h a''non-tangent. curve, concave-to.noft.hwesthaving:-a.-taditig of:523.25 feet and to which atadial line: bears South -399 1.3' 017 East.; Thence continuing hortheak6rly on and -along said .curve and said fight of *..ay line, ,a distance of 33.87 feet through a -'central angle --of 03-042' 32"; (3) Thence N 4 ' North .11' 04'.27" Bait, a distance of 107.32 -feet, on and albng said Hght.of way'line'to the, beginning a. -tangent curve -concave to'northeast having a radius of 575.00 feet and to -which a radial bears .9 South 420 55" 33`:'.EAst, .'Page 3 of 8 ORIGNAL (4) Thence northeasterly and: northerly on and along said curve and said right of way line, a distance of 356.82 feet through a central angle of 35° 33' 20", said point being the south line of a 33 feet wide alley within Block 346, said alley was vacated by the City of Bakersfield in Resolution 11-52 approved February 18, 1952, and recorded February 20, 1952 in Book 1904, at Page 29; (5) Thence leaving -said right of way line South 89° 24' 36" East, on and along said south line of vacated alley, a distance of 17.79 feet, to a point on the west right of way line of the realigned Kern Island Canal, as shown on Record of Survey Map filed June 14. 1948, in Book 5, Page 169 of Records of Survey, in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern; (6) Thence South 00° 40.'29" East, on and along said west canal right of way line, a distance of 156.79 feet, to a point on the, centerline of vacated 14th Street, 10' Street was vacated by the City of Bakersfield in Resolution 11-52 approved February 18, 1952, and recorded February 20, 1952 in Book 1904, at Page 29; (7) Thence South 0.0° 40' 29" East, continuing. on said canal right of way line, a distance of 346.58 feet, to a point. on the centerline of vacated 13`x' Street, 13"' Street was vacated with Resolution No. 013- 11, in Document 0211025030, recorded February 25, 2011 in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern, (8) Thence North 890 24' 36" West, on and along said vacated 13°' Street, centerline, a distance of 153.62 feet, to the intersection of vacated 13`x' Street and vacated Q Street, 13`h Street and Q Street were, vacated with Resolution No. 013-11, in Document 0211025030, recorded February 25; 2011 in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern; (9) Thence North 89° 24' 36" West, continuing on said vacated 13°i Street centerline, a distance of 234.76 feet. to THE TRUE POINTOF BEGINNING; Containing 1.93 acres (more or less) END OF DESCRIPTION Page 4 of 8 i � � �'t `1'" � i✓ ..........W EXHIBIT "'B" r7EcnON 30. T.'29 5,:P- 2E CL tc) � -N ON 06' 35,:.24" E� f6� I ( ! ' E I ! .. .......... ......... . _jj P-446-75: -L'=5005' A--06- jo, 24p- T=25.05, 14TH ST. ...... ..... .—.,--14TO STREET--i- O(v CATER)S:. 89' 24 .36 jOR. 4.................................. ...... .. .... ..... ....... .. 5.. 00- 3.5 24 W, 132.00'• J / z 32.00'- z N 89'24' 36w: W,; .305-25 N 00*-35'.24?' 65.675" /* z CENTERLINE OF 0 STREET PER/ I N ' -0 STREET UNDERPASS' PROJECT. .CITY &"BAKERSFIELD � / , cra fz� 4- 10 FILE f2. Z ........... ...... ........ .LLE / ©,. ......... . 13TH ST.13TH STREET ------- ----------:---- -- .-r —---------- -(VACATED) ...... ... ......... I / �f ' ............... r VR Lu .2 mok. 4 . .. ... .... .... .... ..... . .. ...... zVt TRUE POINT ' OF BEGINNING RIW ...... ...... ... ..... .... ... . . ...... ...... . ....... CA.LIFORNIA A-VEN'UEl ...... ...... 1. WSFONE MOM W w IL Piiae..5- of 8. ORIGINAL -'--'EXHlJMT .... .. . ......... 6ECn0K:W,7. 29 a' F. 98 r:,. C/) 36- E. ,153.61' 1 .100.'.40# 29w & 305;32' 14TH. 'ST., '14THET4TA STR9 N 89- 24.'36*" W, 160.J6 . ... . .. ........ .. ... .. . ... .... <> ii. 6.0#.35' 24" &' j05.15.1 CENTERLINE OF :Q SWEET PER z Q. STREET UNDERPASS S PROXCT- dTY OF YAKERS�lLL0 FIEF (P.4—.107) Z 2'BRA. SS CAP IN CONC•: S M A (PED .343: ACCEP7ED AS ME M FERSEC 770N. OF V) P SMtET (OLD A06NuEw) AND. lJfH STREET /,�..:_ ''( I I �� a�Z, I �? �7- i E Lu . .. .. ......... NO tO: -SCALC. Y . .. .......... ...... ............. . I ........ . 13TH . ST13TH. STREET {VACATED) ............. -- , .. . / ........ ... 77717-777., -2.4.36E, J-46:50 If . . ........ TRUPOINT U3 X A. OF BEGINNING > x x X. 38 lu 414 L4 jw V 4 xi. . .. ... ..... ............ .. EX. ..Rl4V ...... ..... . ... ...... CALIFORNIA AVEN, UEi ........... . ... ..... ...... — .. . .. ................ . W LL (L Pa-ae.6 of*8 ORIGAAL -4 ....... ....... LU EXHIBIT "B" SECTION W. T.'29 5, R.'2b E, < z -<�X 01 S .,69- 24 J6"' 244.56- S .00--J5" 24- W.. 171�75 .. . ... .... ....... ..... . ..... ...... .. . .. . . . ................ ,,O 14TH ST, i4TH iTREE�l J. N 89.' 24 36 W,. J02. 41 (VAC¢TED) 1 Z. fl=44a.75: t,=181991 W. 23' 55' 03". T --93.J5' uj Y. CENTFRUNE OF -0 STREET PER ,Q.STREET UNDERPASS' PROJECT.: Lp Cl T Y - OF'BXKER SRLL L f FXE-**.( .f2.4 107) 2" BRASS- CAP IN C0N9, / 1 �' 3 I, STAMPED L&lJ4TJj ACCEPTED IN A THE C 6N OF P STREET (QW -ACIGNMEVT) .AND 13TH STREET NOT ro SE . ....... ...... 13TH ST.- BEGIN G :L 13TH STREET (VACATED) V -X ".x x X., awl .,z LU > cL:t 4. �; C'`.'S' =V 4 I / i:' i.' � jam` � ,,� };x- i Z L > Ex -R- LU LLJ CY \LE'X RIW ........ .............................. ...... .... ................. . . CALIFORNIA AVE UEl Page 7 -of '8.. $AK,�q Le. ORIGINAL 1. R=44Q-75; .L='132.66' . 4117=!.66.0 A-17 EXHIBIT "E" 65dTION 30, F. <>2' R=52.5Z' L-3187' . ..... ---------04" 27��'E, 107J2' N:47' ..... ... . .. .... <�4> R=57.00; 1=356.-82' OS.99' 'N' 3e- t, -17,79' Nor TO SCALE 00•' 40 29 & 156..79' ... . . . ....... ......... . . ..... } O S.00' 40' 29.* E, 346.58' 15TH. ST. 8 Af 89`.2.4*'36#v'Wj' 153.62.' T :N.89' 24' MWP We. 2M-76' to ...... . .......... CENTERLINE OF" O' S7REET PER J, O.S.TREET 'UNDERPASS"PRaIEC T Ory"OF BAKERSFIELD. ALLEY FILE (j2.4 7). W E RIW-� 6. j xJ ........ ..1. .... ... ... ...... ....... ....... ... i. '14TR ST. �141TH -ST. NAC,) .................. OF PARCELS' 4 '4 '006-480-11 2" BRASS CAP IN CONC. ST AMPEL? LS IJ4,3;'. ACCEPTED A - A THE IN rkRSEC-.PON 3 T OF N P STREET ALiGWE wi AND 13 -TN. S7RCLvr' 006480-11 .4 .2 x<rr. 17" X. 's X' % x P AA�A D E 1 71 -t�4 . . . F ... ......... ....... - V it.V: L2x- 13TH TRUE. POINT 13THSTRET (VA ATED) < Page 8 of 8: ORIC&NAL