HomeMy WebLinkAboutSB989 2020- OVERFILL9/14/2020 SA004, AT&T Triennial Drop Tube Inspection Notification (BKFDCA12), Bakersfield https://mail.sa.tait.com/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Appointment&id=PSI.LgAAAAAaRHOQqmYRzZvIAKoAL8RaAwAe4ThZgnHuTb1WdTtldYiuAAAAA%2bj2AAAB.…1/1 SA004, AT&T Triennial Drop Tube Inspection Notification (BKFDCA12), Bakersfield Simplex Communication Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 1:47 PM Required:RENUK, ALLEN L [ar273x@att.com] ; Knoche, Rebecca (rk9575@att.com) ; FLORES, CECILIA [cf7893@att.com] ;ATTCATesting@taitenv.onmicrosoft.com; HAYN, CINDY H (ATTSI)' (ch1921@att.com) ; Brian Harmon; Carlos Cardenas; JenniferPruitt; Maria Figueroa; Adolfo Aguilar; jarce1549@gmail.com; Randy Novak; Erin Langford When:Monday, August 31, 2020 9:00 AM-11:00 AM. Location:1918 M STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301-4635Show time as:Busy Accepted:No attendees have accepted. Tentative:No attendees marked their acceptance Tentative. Declined:No attendees have declined. Importance:High Categories:Drop Tube Inspection; Legacy S Site Attachments:Relayed: Scheduling Request*... (7 KB ) ; RE: Scheduling Request***SA0... (404 KB ) ; RE: [External] Scheduling ... (86 KB ) There is an AT&T Triennial Drop Tube Inspection scheduled for this location on the date and time indicated. NOTE: -Testing will reset the Triennial Overfill Prevention Due Date SA004 1918 M STREET BAKERSFIELD 93301-4635 TEST DUE DATE 8/29/2020 PERMIT REQUIRED for TESTING Please contact the Compliance Manager with any ques 9/14/2020 SA004, AT&T Triennial SB989 Testing Notification (BKFDCA12), Bakersfield https://mail.sa.tait.com/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Appointment&id=PSI.LgAAAAAaRHOQqmYRzZvIAKoAL8RaAwAe4ThZgnHuTb1WdTtldYiuAAAAA%2bj2AAAB.…1/1 SA004, AT&T Triennial SB989 Testing Notification (BKFDCA12), Bakersfield Simplex Communication Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 1:47 PM Required:RENUK, ALLEN L [ar273x@att.com] ; Knoche, Rebecca (rk9575@att.com) ; FLORES, CECILIA [cf7893@att.com] ; ATTCATesting@taitenv.onmicrosoft.com; HAYN, CINDY H (ATTSI)' (ch1921@att.com) ; Brian Harmon; Carlos Cardenas; Jennifer Pruitt; Maria Figueroa; Adolfo Aguilar; jarce1549@gmail.com; Randy Novak; Erin Langford When:Monday, August 31, 2020 9:00 AM-11:00 AM.Location:1918 M STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301-4635 Show time as:Busy Accepted:No attendees have accepted.Tentative:No attendees marked their acceptance Tentative.Declined:No attendees have declined. Importance:High Categories:Triennial SB989 Testing; Legacy S Site Attachments:RE: Scheduling Request***SA0... (404 KB ) ; Relayed: Scheduling Request*... (7 KB ) ; RE: [External] Scheduling ... (86 KB ) There is an AT&T Triennial SB989 test scheduled for this location on the date and time indicated. SA004 1918 M STREET BAKERSFIELD 93301-4635 TEST DUE DATE 8/29/2020 PERMIT REQUIRED for TESTING Please contact the Compliance Manager with any ques 9/14/2020 RE: [External] Scheduling Request***SA004, AT&T Triennial SB989 Testing & Drop Tube Inspection Notification (BKFDCA12), Bakersfield https://mail.sa.tait.com/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=PSI.LgAAAAAaRHOQqmYRzZvIAKoAL8RaAwAe4ThZgnHuTb1WdTtldYiuAAAAA%2bj2AAAB.RgAAA…1/7 RE: [External] Scheduling Request***SA004, AT&T Triennial SB989 Testing & Drop Tube Inspection Notification (BKFDCA12), Bakersfield Peter Armagost [parmagost@bakersfieldfire.us] Sent:Wednesday, August 19, 2020 3:58 PMTo:Carlos Cardenas; Kristopher Karns [kkarns@bakersfieldfire.us] ; Malcolm W. Moore [mwmoore@bakersfieldfire.us] ; Shane Gardner [sgardner@bakersfieldfire.us] Cc:Jennifer Pruitt; Erin Langford; Knoche, Rebecca (rk9575@att.com); RENUK, ALLEN L [ar273x@att.com] Carlos, We are confirmed for the 31st at 0900. Peter Armagost | Fire Prevention Officer Bakersfield Fire Department City of Bakersfield email:parmagost@bakersfieldfire.us web: www.bakersfieldfire.us phone: 661-326-3697 From: Carlos Cardenas <ccardenas@TAIT.COM> Sent: Monday, August 17, 2020 2:13 PM To: Peter Armagost <parmagost@bakersfieldfire.us>; Kristopher Karns <kkarns@bakersfieldfire.us>; Malcolm W. Moore <mwmoore@bakersfieldfire.us>; Shane Gardner <sgardner@bakersfieldfire.us> Cc: Jennifer Prui 9/14/2020 RE: [External] Scheduling Request***SA004, AT&T Triennial SB989 Testing & Drop Tube Inspection Notification (BKFDCA12), Bakersfield https://mail.sa.tait.com/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=PSI.LgAAAAAaRHOQqmYRzZvIAKoAL8RaAwAe4ThZgnHuTb1WdTtldYiuAAAAA%2bj2AAAB.RgAAA…2/7 Mr. Cardenas, I have seen your request for scheduling the 989 test for 1918 M St. however I do not see that the permit has been approved in our system. Once the permit has been approved we can schedule the tes 9/14/2020 RE: [External] Scheduling Request***SA004, AT&T Triennial SB989 Testing & Drop Tube Inspection Notification (BKFDCA12), Bakersfield https://mail.sa.tait.com/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=PSI.LgAAAAAaRHOQqmYRzZvIAKoAL8RaAwAe4ThZgnHuTb1WdTtldYiuAAAAA%2bj2AAAB.RgAAA…3/7 To: Peter Armagost; Malcolm W. Moore; Shane Gardner Cc: Jennifer Pruitt; Erin Langford; Kristopher Karns Subject: RE: Scheduling Request***SA004, AT&T Triennial SB989 Testing & Drop Tube Inspection Notification (BKFDCA12), Bakersfield Importance: High Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Bakersfield. Think before you click! Hello Peter/Malcom/Shane, Please let me know if one of you can a 9/14/2020 RE: [External] Scheduling Request***SA004, AT&T Triennial SB989 Testing & Drop Tube Inspection Notification (BKFDCA12), Bakersfield https://mail.sa.tait.com/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=PSI.LgAAAAAaRHOQqmYRzZvIAKoAL8RaAwAe4ThZgnHuTb1WdTtldYiuAAAAA%2bj2AAAB.RgAAA…4/7 From: Carlos Cardenas [mailto:ccardenas@TAIT.COM] Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 10:19 AM To: Kristopher Karns Cc: Jennifer Pruitt; Erin Langford; Shane Gardner Subject: RE: Scheduling Request***SA004, AT&T Triennial SB989 Testing & Drop Tube Inspection Notification (BKFDCA12), Bakersfield Importance: High Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Bakersfield. Think before you click! Our original requested date and 9/14/2020 RE: [External] Scheduling Request***SA004, AT&T Triennial SB989 Testing & Drop Tube Inspection Notification (BKFDCA12), Bakersfield https://mail.sa.tait.com/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=PSI.LgAAAAAaRHOQqmYRzZvIAKoAL8RaAwAe4ThZgnHuTb1WdTtldYiuAAAAA%2bj2AAAB.RgAAA…5/7 Bakersfield Importance: High Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Bakersfield. Think before you click! Hello Shane, I just wanted to confirm that the check was received for the a 9/14/2020 RE: [External] Scheduling Request***SA004, AT&T Triennial SB989 Testing & Drop Tube Inspection Notification (BKFDCA12), Bakersfield https://mail.sa.tait.com/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=PSI.LgAAAAAaRHOQqmYRzZvIAKoAL8RaAwAe4ThZgnHuTb1WdTtldYiuAAAAA%2bj2AAAB.RgAAA…6/7 Subject: RE: [External] ***Scheduling Request / Permit Applica 9/14/2020 RE: [External] Scheduling Request***SA004, AT&T Triennial SB989 Testing & Drop Tube Inspection Notification (BKFDCA12), Bakersfield https://mail.sa.tait.com/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=PSI.LgAAAAAaRHOQqmYRzZvIAKoAL8RaAwAe4ThZgnHuTb1WdTtldYiuAAAAA%2bj2AAAB.RgAAA…7/7 There is an AT&T Triennial SB989 test & Drop Tube Inspection scheduled for this location on the date and time indicated. NOTE: -Testing will reset the Triennial Overfill Prevention Due Date SA004 1918 M STREET BAKERSFIELD 93301-4635 Please contact the Compliance Manager with any ques &(56 &DOLIRUQLD(QYLURQPHQWDO5HSRUWLQJ6\VWHP,' ,GHQWLILFDWLRQ867 8QGHUJURXQG6WRUDJH7DQN,&& ,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RGH&RXQFLO$9 $XGLEOHDQG9LVXDO 81'(5*5281'6725$*(7$1. 29(5),//35(9(17,21(48,30(17,163(&7,215(3257)250 3DJHRI  7\SHRI$FWLRQ,QVWDOODWLRQ,QVSHFWLRQ5HSDLU,QVSHFWLRQ0RQWK,QVSHFWLRQ , )$&,/,7<,1)250$7,21 &(56,''DWHRI2YHUILOO3UHYHQWLRQ(TXLSPHQW,QVSHFWLRQ %XVLQHVV1DPH(Same as Facility Name or DBA-Doing Business As) %XVLQHVV6LWH$GGUHVV &LW\ =,3&RGH ,, 81'(5*5281'6725$*(7$1.6(59,&(7(&+1,&,$1,1)250$7,21 1DPHRI8676HUYLFH7HFKQLFLDQ3HUIRUPLQJWKH,QVSHFWLRQ(Print as shown on the ICC Certification.) 3KRQH &RQWUDFWRU7DQN7HVWHU/LFHQVH ,&&&HUWLILFDWLRQ ,&&&HUWLILFDWLRQ([SLUDWLRQ'DWH 2YHUILOO3UHYHQWLRQ(TXLSPHQW,QVSHFWLRQ7UDLQLQJDQG&HUWLILFDWLRQV(List applicable certifications.) ,,, 29(5),//35(9(17,21(48,30(17,163(&7,21,1)250$7,21 ,QVSHFWLRQ0HWKRG 8VHG0DQXIDFWXUHU*XLGHOLQHV(Specify) ,QGXVWU\&RGHRU(QJLQHHULQJ6WDQGDUG (Specify) (QJLQHHUHG0HWKRG(Specify) Attach the inspection procedures and all documentation required to determine the results.RI$WWDFKHG3DJHV 7$1.,'(By tank number, stored product, etc.) :KDWLVWKHWDQNLQVLGHGLDPHWHU" (Inches) ,VWKHILOOSLSLQJVHFRQGDULO\FRQWDLQHG"<HV1R<HV1R<HV1R<HV1R ,VWKHYHQWSLSLQJVHFRQGDULO\FRQWDLQHG"<HV1R<HV1R<HV1R<HV1R 2YHUILOO3UHYHQWLRQ(TXLSPHQW0DQXIDFWXUHU V  :KDWLVWKHRYHUILOOSUHYHQWLRQHTXLSPHQWUHVSRQVH ZKHQDFWLYDWHG" (Check all that apply.) 6KXWV2II)ORZ6KXWV2II)ORZ 6KXWV2II)ORZ 6KXWV2II)ORZ 5HVWULFWV)ORZ5HVWULFWV)ORZ 5HVWULFWV)ORZ 5HVWULFWV)ORZ $9$ODUP$9$ODUP $9$ODUP $9$ODUP $UHIORZUHVWULFWRUVLQVWDOOHGRQYHQWSLSLQJ"<HV1R<HV1R<HV1R<HV1R $WZKDWOHYHOLQWKHWDQNLVWKHRYHUILOOSUHYHQWLRQVHW WRDFWLYDWH"(Inches from bottom of tank.) :KDWLVWKHSHUFHQWFDSDFLW\RIWKHWDQNDWZKLFKWKH RYHUILOOSUHYHQWLRQHTXLSPHQWDFWLYDWHV" ,VWKHRYHUILOOSUHYHQWLRQLQSURSHURSHUDWLQJFRQGLWLRQ WR UHVSRQG ZKHQ WKH VXEVWDQFH UHDFKHV WKH DSSURSULDWHOHYHO" <HV<HV<HV<HV 1R (Specify in V.)1R(Specify in V.)1R(Specify in V.)1R (Specify in V.) ,9 6800$5<2),163(&7,215(68/76 2YHUILOO3UHYHQWLRQ,QVSHFWLRQ5HVXOWV3DVV)DLO3DVV)DLO3DVV)DLO3DVV)DLO 9 &200(176 Any items marked “Fail” must be explained in this section. Any additional comments may also be provided here. 9, &(57,),&$7,21%<8676(59,&(7(&+1,&,$1&21'8&7,1*7+,6,163(&7,21 ,KHUHE\FHUWLI\WKDWWKHRYHUILOOSUHYHQWLRQHTXLSPHQWZDVLQVSHFWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK&DOLIRUQLD&RGHRI5HJXODWLRQV7LWOH 'LYLVLRQ&KDSWHU6HFWLRQDQGDOOWKHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDLQHGKHUHLQLVDFFXUDWH 8676HUYLFH7HFKQLFLDQ6LJQDWXUH If the facility has more components than this form accommodates, additional copies of this page may be attached. &KHFN,I$FWLRQ,WHP V $UH3UHVHQW SA004 10023349 8/31/2020 Pacific Bell Telephone Co. dba AT&T California 1918 M St. Bakersfield 93301 Adolfo Aguilar (714) 560-8222 588098 5238610 5/5/2022 OPW EVR Phase 1 / #100804 OPW 71SO Installation Appendix B Form SA004U001 113.75" OPW / 71-SO 101.75" 94.38% &(56 &DOLIRUQLD(QYLURQPHQWDO5HSRUWLQJ6\VWHP,' ,GHQWLILFDWLRQ867 8QGHUJURXQG6WRUDJH7DQN,&& ,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RGH&RXQFLO1$ 1RW$SSOLFDEOH8'& 8QGHU 'LVSHQVHU&RQWDLQPHQW 81'(5*5281'6725$*(7$1. 6(&21'$5<&217$,10(177(67,1*5(3257)250 3DJHRI  7\SHRI$FWLRQ,QVWDOODWLRQ7HVW5HSDLU7HVW6L[0RQWK7HVW0RQWK7HVW , )$&,/,7<,1)250$7,21 &(56,''DWHRI6HFRQGDU\&RQWDLQPHQW7HVW %XVLQHVV1DPH(Same as Facility Name or DBA-Doing Business As) %XVLQHVV6LWH$GGUHVV &LW\ =,3&RGH ,, 81'(5*5281'6725$*(7$1.6(59,&(7(&+1,&,$1,1)250$7,21 1DPHRI8676HUYLFH7HFKQLFLDQ3HUIRUPLQJWKH7HVW(Print as shown on the ICC Certification) 3KRQH &RQWUDFWRU7DQN7HVWHU/LFHQVH ,&&&HUWLILFDWLRQ ,&&&HUWLILFDWLRQ([SLUDWLRQ'DWH ,,, 6800$5<2)6(&21'$5<&217$,10(177(67,1*5(68/76 7$1.,'(By tank number, stored product, etc.)$ % & ' 7DQN&RQWDLQPHQW 7LJKWQHVV7HVW5HVXOW3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$ 3URGXFW3LSLQJ&RQWDLQPHQW 7LJKWQHVV7HVW5HVXOW3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$ &RPPXQLFDWLRQ7HVW5HVXOW3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$ 5HPRWH)LOO3LSLQJ&RQWDLQPHQW 7LJKWQHVV7HVW5HVXOW3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$ &RPPXQLFDWLRQ7HVW5HVXOW3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$ 9HQW3LSLQJ&RQWDLQPHQW 7LJKWQHVV7HVW5HVXOW3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$ &RPPXQLFDWLRQ7HVW5HVXOW3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$ 9DSRU5HFRYHU\3LSLQJ&RQWDLQPHQW 7LJKWQHVV7HVW5HVXOW3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$ &RPPXQLFDWLRQ7HVW5HVXOW3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$ 7XUELQH3URGXFW3LSLQJ6XPS 7LJKWQHVV7HVW5HVXOW3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$ )LOO5LVHU6XPS 7LJKWQHVV7HVW5HVXOW3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$ 9(1775$16,7,216803,'D E F G 7LJKWQHVV7HVW5HVXOW3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$ 8'&,'    7LJKWQHVV7HVW5HVXOW3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$ 8'&,'    7LJKWQHVV7HVW5HVXOW3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$ 8'&,'    7LJKWQHVV7HVW5HVXOW3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$3DVV)DLO1$ All items marked “Fail” or “NA” must be explained in their respective “COMMENTS” section. ,9 &(57,),&$7,21%<8676(59,&(7(&+1,&,$1&21'8&7,1*7+,67(67,1* ,KHUHE\FHUWLI\WKDWWKHVHFRQGDU\FRQWDLQPHQWZDVWHVWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK&DOLIRUQLD&RGHRI5HJXODWLRQV7LWOH'LYLVLRQ &KDSWHU6HFWLRQDQGDOOWKHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDLQHGKHUHLQLVDFFXUDWH 8676HUYLFH7HFKQLFLDQ6LJQDWXUH &KHFN,I$FWLRQ,WHP V $UH3UHVHQW SA004 10023349 08/31/2020 Pacific Bell Telephone Co. dba AT&T California 1918 M St.Bakersfield 93301 Adolfo Aguilar (714) 560-8222 588098 5238610 5/5/2022 SA004U001 T-2 T-3 T-4 Transition Sump ,' ,GHQWLILFDWLRQ   81'(5*5281'6725$*(7$1. 6(&21'$5<&217$,10(177(67,1*5(3257)250 3DJHRI  9 7$1.6(&21'$5<&217$,10(17,1)250$7,21 0DQXIDFWXUHU,GHQWLI\7DQN,'IURP6HFWLRQ,,,IRUHDFK0DQXIDFWXUHU $%&' $%&' 7HVW0HWKRG8VHG0DQXIDFWXUHU*XLGHOLQHV(Specify) ,QGXVWU\&RGHRU(QJLQHHULQJ6WDQGDUG (Specify) (QJLQHHUHG0HWKRG(Specify) Attach the testing procedures and all documentation required to determine the results.RI$WWDFKHG3DJHV 7DQN&RQWDLQPHQW7HVWLQJ7UDLQLQJDQG&HUWLILFDWLRQV(List applicable certifications.) ([SLUDWLRQ'DWH 9, &200(176 Provide any additional comments here. 9,, 352'8&73,3,1*&217$,10(177(67,1*,1)250$7,21 0DQXIDFWXUHU,GHQWLI\7DQN,'IURP6HFWLRQ,,,IRUHDFK0DQXIDFWXUHU $%&' $%&' 7HVW0HWKRG8VHG0DQXIDFWXUHU*XLGHOLQHV(Specify) ,QGXVWU\&RGHRU(QJLQHHULQJ6WDQGDUG (Specify) (QJLQHHUHG0HWKRG(Specify) Attach the testing procedures and all documentation required to determine the results.RI$WWDFKHG3DJHV 3URGXFW3LSLQJ&RQWDLQPHQW7HVWLQJ7UDLQLQJDQG&HUWLILFDWLRQV(List applicable certifications.)([SLUDWLRQ'DWH ,QWHUVWLWLDO&RPPXQLFDWLRQ9HULILFDWLRQ0HWKRG8VHG 9,,, &200(176 Provide any additional comments here. Modern Welding PEI/RP-1200 Modern Welding 6-4-2023 2 Hour Vacuum Test @ -10.00 HG, Passed. Western Fiberglass PEI/RP-1200 Western Fiberglass 12-3-2020 Visual Western Fiberglass Supply Sec. Line Tested At 5 PSI, Passed. Western Fiberglass Return Sec. Line Tested At 5 PSI, Passed. ,' ,GHQWLILFDWLRQ   81'(5*5281'6725$*(7$1. 6(&21'$5<&217$,10(177(67,1*5(3257)250 3DJHRI  ,; 5(027(),//3,3,1*&217$,10(177(67,1*,1)250$7,21 0DQXIDFWXUHU,GHQWLI\7DQN,'IURP6HFWLRQ,,,IRUHDFK0DQXIDFWXUHU $%&' $%&' 7HVW0HWKRG8VHG0DQXIDFWXUHU*XLGHOLQHV(Specify) ,QGXVWU\&RGHRU(QJLQHHULQJ6WDQGDUG (Specify) (QJLQHHUHG0HWKRG(Specify) Attach the testing procedures and all documentation required to determine the results.RI$WWDFKHG3DJHV 5HPRWH)LOO3LSLQJ&RQWDLQPHQW7HVWLQJ7UDLQLQJDQG&HUWLILFDWLRQV(List applicable certifications.)([SLUDWLRQ'DWH ,QWHUVWLWLDO&RPPXQLFDWLRQ9HULILFDWLRQ0HWKRG8VHG ; &200(176 Provide any additional comments here. ;, 9(173,3,1*&217$,10(177(67,1*,1)250$7,21 0DQXIDFWXUHU,GHQWLI\7DQN,'IURP6HFWLRQ,,,IRUHDFK0DQXIDFWXUHU $%&' $%&' 7HVW0HWKRG8VHG0DQXIDFWXUHU*XLGHOLQHV(Specify) ,QGXVWU\&RGHRU(QJLQHHULQJ6WDQGDUG (Specify) (QJLQHHUHG0HWKRG(Specify) Attach the testing procedures and all documentation required to determine the results.RI$WWDFKHG3DJHV 9HQW3LSLQJ&RQWDLQPHQW7HVWLQJ7UDLQLQJDQG&HUWLILFDWLRQV(List applicable certifications.)([SLUDWLRQ'DWH ,QWHUVWLWLDO&RPPXQLFDWLRQ9HULILFDWLRQ0HWKRG8VHG ;,, &200(176 Provide any additional comments here. ,' ,GHQWLILFDWLRQ   81'(5*5281'6725$*(7$1. 6(&21'$5<&217$,10(177(67,1*5(3257)250 3DJHRI  ;,,,9$3255(&29(5<3,3,1*&217$,10(177(67,1*,1)250$7,21 0DQXIDFWXUHU,GHQWLI\7DQN,'IURP6HFWLRQ,,,IRUHDFK0DQXIDFWXUHU $%&' $%&' 7HVW0HWKRG8VHG0DQXIDFWXUHU*XLGHOLQHV(Specify) ,QGXVWU\&RGHRU(QJLQHHULQJ6WDQGDUG (Specify) (QJLQHHUHG0HWKRG(Specify) Attach the testing procedures and all documentation required to determine the results.RI$WWDFKHG3DJHV 9DSRU5HFRYHU\3LSLQJ&RQWDLQPHQW7HVWLQJ7UDLQLQJDQG&HUWLILFDWLRQV(List applicable certifications.)([SLUDWLRQ'DWH ,QWHUVWLWLDO&RPPXQLFDWLRQ9HULILFDWLRQ0HWKRG8VHG ;,9 &200(176 Provide any additional comments here. ;9 785%,1(352'8&73,3,1*68037(67,1*,1)250$7,21 0DQXIDFWXUHU,GHQWLI\7DQN,'IURP6HFWLRQ,,,IRUHDFK0DQXIDFWXUHU $%&' $%&' 7HVW0HWKRG8VHG0DQXIDFWXUHU*XLGHOLQHV(Specify) ,QGXVWU\&RGHRU(QJLQHHULQJ6WDQGDUG (Specify) (QJLQHHUHG0HWKRG(Specify) Attach the testing procedures and all documentation required to determine the results.RI$WWDFKHG3DJHV 7XUELQH3URGXFW3LSLQJ6XPS7HVWLQJ7UDLQLQJDQG&HUWLILFDWLRQV(List applicable certifications.)([SLUDWLRQ'DWH ;9, &200(176 Provide any additional comments here. Western Fiberglass PEI/RP-1200 Western Fiberglass 12-3-2020 Franklin Fueling Incon TS-STS / #1007483708 5-9-2021 Accelerated Test, Passed. ,' ,GHQWLILFDWLRQ   81'(5*5281'6725$*(7$1. 6(&21'$5<&217$,10(177(67,1*5(3257)250 3DJHRI  ;9,, ),//5,6(568037(67,1*,1)250$7,21 0DQXIDFWXUHU,GHQWLI\7DQN,'IURP6HFWLRQ,,,IRUHDFK0DQXIDFWXUHU $%&' $%&' 7HVW0HWKRG8VHG0DQXIDFWXUHU*XLGHOLQHV(Specify) ,QGXVWU\&RGHRU(QJLQHHULQJ6WDQGDUG (Specify) (QJLQHHUHG0HWKRG(Specify) Attach the testing procedures and all documentation required to determine the results.RI$WWDFKHG3DJHV )LOO5LVHU6XPS7HVWLQJ7UDLQLQJDQG&HUWLILFDWLRQV(List applicable certifications.)([SLUDWLRQ'DWH ;9,,, &200(176 Provide any additional comments here. ;,; 9(1775$16,7,2168037(67,1*,1)250$7,21 0DQXIDFWXUHU,GHQWLI\9HQW7UDQVLWLRQ6XPS,'IURP6HFWLRQ,,,IRUHDFK0DQXIDFWXUHU DEFG DEFG 7HVW0HWKRG8VHG0DQXIDFWXUHU*XLGHOLQHV(Specify) ,QGXVWU\&RGHRU(QJLQHHULQJ6WDQGDUG (Specify) (QJLQHHUHG0HWKRG(Specify) Attach the testing procedures and all documentation required to determine the results.RI$WWDFKHG3DJHV 9HQW7UDQVLWLRQ6XPS7HVWLQJ7UDLQLQJDQG&HUWLILFDWLRQV(List applicable certifications.)([SLUDWLRQ'DWH ;; &200(176 Provide any additional comments here. Western Fiberglass PEI/RP-1200 Western Fiberglass 12-3-2020 Franklin Fueling Incon TS-STS / #1007483708 5-9-2021 Accelerated Test, Passed. Bravo (Fiberglass Sump) PEI/RP-1200 Bravo 5 -21-2021 Franklin Fueling Incon TS-STS / #1007483708 5-9-2021 Accelerated Test, Passed. 8'& 8QGHU'LVSHQVHU&RQWDLQPHQW,' ,GHQWLILFDWLRQ  81'(5*5281'6725$*(7$1. 6(&21'$5<&217$,10(177(67,1*5(3257)250 3DJHRI  ;;, 81'(5',63(16(5&217$,10(177(67,1*,1)250$7,21 0DQXIDFWXUHU V ,GHQWLI\8'&,'IURP6HFWLRQ,,,IRUHDFK0DQXIDFWXUHU     7HVW0HWKRG8VHG0DQXIDFWXUHU*XLGHOLQHV(Specify) ,QGXVWU\&RGHRU(QJLQHHULQJ6WDQGDUG (Specify) (QJLQHHUHG0HWKRG(Specify) Attach the testing procedures and all documentation required to determine the results.RI$WWDFKHG3DJHV 8'&7HVWLQJ7UDLQLQJDQG&HUWLILFDWLRQV(List applicable certifications.)([SLUDWLRQ'DWH ;;,, &200(176 Provide any additional comments here. If the facility has more components than this form accommodates, additional copies of these pages may be attached. TEST DATE: 8/31/2020 CLIENT: AT&T GEOPAR:SA004 PAGE _1_OF __1__ 21  Appendix B 71SO Overll Valve in Tank Shut o Level Worksheet Important: This is meant to be supplemental worksheet and not a substitute to following the installation manual instructions. All length measurements are in inches. Please contact the Authority Having Jurisdic- tion (AHJ) and review local, state, and national codes to determine the regulatory requirements governing shut-o capacity in your region, as well as take into account other considerations such as extreme tank tilt. Take the following measurements with the valve in- stalled in the tank: Distance from the 71SO inlet tube ange to the cast lug in the 71SO body (see gures), upper tube length. Note: the Upper Tube Length must be at least 16” to in- clude the protective bend in the tube. (D) = ______________________ Distance from the 71SO inlet tube ange to the top and bottom of lower tube, valve length. (W) = _____________ (U) = _____________ Distance from the 71SO inlet tube ange to the bottom of the tank. Note: If a tank bottom protector is present it may be necessary to add this thickness to dimension (OPW 6111 & 61TP models add 0.6”) (B) = _____________ From the tank calibration chart provided by tank manu- facturer nd the dipstick number (Y) which corresponds to the 100% volume. (Y) = _____________ 1. To determine shut-o percentage: Subtract upper tube length (D) from distance to tank bottom (B) (X) = (B) – (D) - 2” =________________________ Using the tank calibration chart provided by the tank manufacturer determine the tank capacity at the cal- culated (X) dimension and the 100% volume (Y) tank capacity. (X) tank capacity in gallons = _______________ (Y) tank capacity in gallons = _______________ SO% = (X) capacity / (Y) capacity x100 = __________ Note: The overll valve must be installed per AHJ require- ments and all applicable local, state, and national codes. If the overll valve is set above the allowable shut-o percent- age the overll valve must be removed and replaced. For reference 40 CFR part 280 Subpart B Section 280.20 overll valves should be set to a maximum of 95%. (B) To Tank (D) Upper Tube (W) Valve Length, bottom of cut (Y) Tank Chart 100% Volume Dipstick (U) Valve Length, top of cut 44" 147" 144" 147.75" 113.75" 101.75" 19,019 20,149" 94.38% AT&T SA0041918 M St.Bakersfield, CA. 93301 Technician Name: Adolfo AguilarDate: 8-31-2020 Signature:__________________ Identification of Inspection Procedures for Overfill Prevention Equipment To Whom It May Concern: Tait Environmental Services, Inc., utilizes the following procedures when conducting Overfill Prevention Equipment Inspections: 1) Drop Tubes with Overfill Prevention Valves a) Verify information based upon Manufacturer installation instructions and follow their inspection procedures. b) If manufacturer information is not available, we conduct the inspection per PEI-RP1200-17, Section 7.1 2) Audible/Visual Alarms a) Verify programming or installation per manufacturer guidelines and test the system per manufacturer specifications. b) If manufacturer information is not available, we conduct the inspection per PEI-1200-17, Section 7.3. 3) Ballfloat Inspections are conducted following the procedures in PEI-RP1200-17, Section 7.2         Identification of Test Procedures for Secondary Containment Testing      To Whom It May Concern:     Tait Environmental Services, Inc., utilizes the following procedures when conducting Secondary  Containment Testing:  1) Containment Sumps, Transition Sumps, UDCs – Tait follows PEI‐RP1200‐17 Section 6.6 for the  accelerated test method. Tait uses the Incon TS‐1000 hydrostatic test equipment following the  attached procedures.  2) Spill Buckets; Direct Bury & Contained in Sumps – Spill buckets contained in sumps are tested  per PEI‐1200‐17, Section 6.2, however Tait Pass/Fail threshold is 0” drop in one hour. Direct Bury  Spill Buckets are test the same as containment sumps per PEI‐1200‐17, Section 6.6.  3) Tank Annular Space – testing is conducted per PEI‐1200‐17, Section 4.2  4) Piping Secondary Containment – Testing is conducted per PEI‐RP1200‐17, Section 5.3    Please consider this letter as our Test Procedure utilized when conducting Secondary Containment  Testing in lieu of either parts or the whole RP1200 document due to copyright infringement.     T S - S T S S u m p T e s t S y s t e m Q u i c k S t a r t G u i d e TS-STS OverviewThe TS-STS system includes a T S - S T S c o n s o l e w i t h i n a c o n v e n i e n t portable case, leak testing prob e s w i t h 5 0 f e e t o f c a b l e , a n d p r o b e hanging hardware (slip rings an d c h a i n ) . After all fittings within the sump a r e s e a l e d , t h e s u m p i s f i l l e d w i t h a water-based test solution that c o v e r s a l l s u m p p e n e t r a t i o n h o l e s . T h e probe is installed so the float is f l o a t i n g o n t h e s u r f a c e o f t h e t e s t s o l u t i o n . The TS-STS console is quickly p r o g r a m m e d w i t h t h e s i t e n a m e a n d address, number of sumps, the 7 - d i g i t c o d e - n a m e s f o r e a c h s u m p , a n d the correct Time/Day/Date befor e l e a k t e s t i n g . Pressing the Testkey at the co n s o l e k e y p a d s t a r t s s u m p l e a k t e s t s f o r all sumps. The test time is 15 mi n u t e s a n d t e s t s f o r a l e v e l c h a n g e greater than 0.002 inches. If th e l e v e l o f a s u m p d r o p s m o r e t h a n t h e leak limit during the test, the Su m p L e a k T e s t R e p o r t w i l l s h o w a f a i l result when the test is finished. L e a k t e s t s c a n a l s o b e p r o g r a m m e d (scheduled) to start at desired ti m e s . When finished, leak test reports w i l l a u t o m a t i c a l l y p r i n t o u t a t t h e c o n s o l e printer. Extra copies of this repo r t c a n b e p r i n t e d u s i n g t h e r e p o r t k e y . A newly completed Sump Leak Te s t w i l l o v e r w r i t e t h e p r e v i o u s r e s u l t s stored in memory. Save sump l e a k t e s t r e p o r t s a n d p r o v i d e c o p i e s a s evidence of compliance with reg u l a t i o n s . Recommendation: Us e a c o m p u t e r a n d t h e T e c h v e r s i o n o f System Sentinel™ t o r e c o r d s i t e d a t a , s u m p c o d e - n a m e s , a n d t e s t results. Test result s c a n a l s o b e e x t r a c t e d f r o m C o m m P o r t 1 a t the bottom of the T S - S T S c o n s o l e ( a l s o s e e S e c t i o n 4 ) . Reference Federal a n d S t a t e r e g u l a t i o n s f o r l e a k l i m i t a n d t e s t time requirements. Re c o m m e n d a t i o n s f o r l o c a t i n g t h e T S - S T S console outside of the ( C l a s s I , D i v i s i o n 1 , G r o u p D ) H a z a r d o u s A r e a s during testing, are base d o n N F P A 3 0 , N F P A 3 0 A a n d N F P A 7 0 ( N E C ) . T S - S T S S u m p T e s t S y s t e m Q u i c k S t a r t G u i d e INCON P/N 000-3004 Rev.D Feb. 2009 © w w w . f r a k l i n f u e l i n g . c o m This document may change without prior notice. I N C O N ® i s a R e g i s t e r e d T r a d e m a r k o f F r a n k l i n F u e l i n g S y s t e m s T S - S T S I n s t a l l a t i o n 1 P g 1 NOTE 1 . ) R e q u i r e d M a t e r i a l s : a . ) T a p e t o s e c u r e t h e p r o b e c a b l e b . ) S a f e t y c o n e s & s i g n s c . ) G r o u n d e d , 3 - p r o n g e d e x t e n s i o n c o r d d . ) F l a t p i e c e s o f m e t a l t o s u s p e n d l e a k t e s t i n g p r o b e o v e r s u m p s 2 . ) W o r k s a f e l y — i n s t a l l S a f e t y C o n e s a n d S i g n s a t t h e s i t e 3 . ) T h e p r o b e s a r e p r e c i s i o n i n s t r u m e n t s — h a n d l e w i t h c a r e ! 4 . ) T h e S T S p r o b e s a r e s h i p p e d w i t h c a b l e s a t t a c h e d , d o n o t r e m o v e t h e c a b l e f r o m t h e p r o b e e n d . . . r e m o v e a t t h e c o n s o l e c a s e o n l y . 5 . ) I n s p e c t p r o b e s f o r p r o p e r f l o a t m o v e m e n t b e f o r e u s e , t h e n i n s t a l l p r o b e s a s s h o w n i n S e c t i o n 1 6 . ) C o n n e c t t h e y e l l o w p r o b e c a b l e s t o t h e r e c e p t a c l e s a t t h e T S - S T S c a s e . M a k e s u r e t o l i n e u p k e y w a y s b e f o r e i n s e r t i n g c a b l e a n d t i g h t e n i n g t h e s c r e w - o n c o n n e c t o r . 7 . ) L o c a t e t h e T S - S T S c a s e o u t s i d e o f t h e H a z a r d o u s A r e a a n d t a p e t h e c a b l e d o w n t o p r e v e n t p r o b e m o v e m e n t d u r i n g t h e t e s t a n d t o r e d u c e t r i p p i n g h a z a r d s 8 . ) S e t u p / P r o g r a m t h e T S - S T S c o n s o l e p e r S e c t i o n 2 9 . ) S t a r t s u m p l e a k t e s t ( s ) o n s u m p s t h a t a r e r e a d y 1 0 . ) A l w a y s c l e a n , d r y , a n d s t o r e p r o b e s i n t h e p r o b e c a r r y i n g c a s e a f t e r e a c h u s e 1 1 . ) T e s t e a c h o f t h e p r o b e s o n a m o n t h l y b a s i s t o e n s u r e i t s a b i l i t y t o d e t e c t l e a k s . I n s t a l l t h e p r o b e i n a t e s t c o n t a i n e r a n d i n i t i a t e a t e s t . A f t e r 5 m i n u t e s , r e m o v e a b o u t 0 . 1 2 i n c h e s o f w a t e r . W h e n t h e t e s t c o m p l e t e s , t h e t e s t r e p o r t s h o u l d s h o w a F a i l e d r e s u l t i f t h e p r o b e i s w o r k i n g p r o p e r l y . Figure 1.1 Typical Leak Detec t i o n P r o b e – D i s p e n s e r S u m p I n s t a l l a t i o n O v e r v i e w F i g u r e 1 . 2 L e a k D e t e c t i o n P r o b e I n s t a l l a t i o n D i s p e n s e r S u m p TS-STSSUMP TEST SYSTEMBUILDING SUMP TEST SYSTEM TS-STS14SUMP32 20 Feet - Min. DistancePer NFPA 30A DISPENSER1 / 2 DISPENSER3 / 4 I N C O N R E C O M M E N D S T E S T I N G D I S P E N S O R S U M P S I N G R O U P S S O O T H E R D I S P E N S O R S A R E L E F T I N S E R V I C E D U R I N G T E S T I N G G R O U N D E D 3 P R O N G E X T E N S I O N C O R D R E Q ' D S A F E T Y C O N E S D I S P E N S E R 7 / 8 D I S P E N S E R 5 / 6 P g 2 S P L I T R I N G T S - S T S S U M P T E S T S Y S T E M S U M P T E S T S Y S T E M F L A T M E T A L / A N G L E I R O N R E Q U I R E D T O S U S P E N D P R O B E ( S I D E V I E W ) T S - S T S S T S - P R B - 1 2 L E A K T E S T I N G P R O B E W I T H : T S P - S S P S T A I N L E S S S T E E L F L O A T D I S P E N S E R S U M P W I T H T E S T S O L U T I O N ( S i d e V i e w ) R E C E P T A C L E S F O R F O U R S C R E W - I N , P R O B E C A B L E P L U G S 3 2 1 P O W E R C O R D W I T H A G R O U N D E D 3 - P R O N G E D P L U G 4 S U M P Figure 1.3 Typical Leak Dete c t i o n P r o b e – T u r b i n e S u m p I n s t a l l a t i o n O v e r v i e w F i g u r e 1 . 4 L e a k D e t e c t i o n P r o b e I n s t a l l a t i o n T u r b i n e S u m p — ❖ — P g 3 S T P S P L I T R I N G T S - S T S S U M P T E S T S Y S T E M S U M P T E S T S Y S T E M F L A T M E T A L / A N G L E I R O N R E Q U I R E D T O S U S P E N D P R O B E ( S I D E V I E W ) T S - S T S S T S - P R B - 1 2 L E A K T E S T I N G P R O B E W I T H : T S P - S S P S T A I N L E S S S T E E L F L O A T T U R B I N E S U M P W I T H T E S T S O L U T I O N ( S i d e V i e w ) P O W E R C O R D W I T H A G R O U N D E D 3 - P R O N G E D P L U G 3 R E C E P T A C L E S F O R F O U R S C R E W - I N , P R O B E C A B L E P L U G S 1 2 4 S U M P T A P E / W E I G H T D O W N C A B L E T O P R E V E N T A C C I D E N T A L M O V E M E N T D U R I N G L E A K T E S T I N G ( P R O B E C A B L E P N : 6 0 0 - 0 2 0 0 = 5 0 F E E T ) T u r b i n e S u m p 2 TS-STSSUMP TEST SYSTEM GROUNDED3 PRONGEXTENSIONCORD REQ'D SAFETYCONESBUILDINGSUMP TEST SYSTEM TS-STS14SUMP32 Tank Pad TurbineSump110 Feet - Min. DistancePer NFPA 30A T u r b i n e S u m p 3 California Environmental Reporting System: Business Jennifer Pruitt's Account Sign Out Tools Reports Help Submittal Finished: Submittal Finished: AT&T California - SA004AT&T California - SA004 Home »Draft Submittal »Submittal Finished (10023349) Print Submittal You have submitted the following elements on 9/28/2020 to Bakersfield City Fire Department • Underground Storage Tanks • Facility Information What's Next? • Return to the Draft Submittal page. • Return to Facility Home. Version 3.05.0004 | Enhancements | CERS Central Diagnostics | Conditions of Use | Privacy Policy | Contact | Help California Environmental Reporting System: Business | © 2020 California Environmental Protection AgencyCERS Technical Support: Request Technical Assistance Unified Program/General Assistance: Contact your local regulator(s) Home Home SubmittalsSubmittals FacilitiesFacilities ComplianceCompliance My BusinessMy Business CERS Help Settings My Business: PACIFIC BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY dba AT&T CALIFORNI Page 1 of 2Submittal Finish: CERS Business 9/28/2020https://cersbusiness.calepa.ca.gov/768/Facility/10023349/Submittal/1732926/Finish CERS Help Settings My Business: PACIFIC BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY dba AT&T CALIFORNI Page 2 of 2Submittal Finish: CERS Business 9/28/2020https://cersbusiness.calepa.ca.gov/768/Facility/10023349/Submittal/1732926/Finish