HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/20/20 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AGENDACITY OF BAKERSFIELD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 20, 2020 AGENDA MEETING 4:00 P.M Development Services Building - 1715 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield California First Floor Conference Room SPECIAL NOTICE Public Participation and Accessibility Z-5 POSTED ON by City Clerk's Office City of Bakersfield On March 18, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom issued Executive Order N-29-20, which includes a waiver of Brown Act provisions requiring physical presence of the Commission or the public in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on guidance from the California Governor's Office and Department of Public Health, as well as the County Health Officer, in order to minimize the potential spread of the COVID-19 virus, the City of Bakersfield hereby provides notice that as a result of the declared federal, state, and local health emergencies, and in light of the Governor's order, the following adjustments have been made: 1. The meeting scheduled for October 20, 2020, at 4:00 p.m. at the Development Services Building, 1715 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield California, First Floor Conference Room, will have limited public access to preserve social distancing. 2. Consistent with the Executive Order, Commission members may elect to attend the meeting telephonically or via Zoom meeting app and to participate in the meeting to the same extent as if they were physically present. 3. The public may participate in each meeting and address the Historic Preservation Commission as follows: • If you wish to comment on a specific agenda item, submit your comment via email to the Economic and Community Development Department at ecdc@bakersfieldcity. us no later than 1:00 p.m. prior to the Commission meeting. Please clearly indicate which agenda item number your comment pertains to. • If you wish to make a general public comment not related. to a specific agenda item, submit your comment via email to the Economic & Community Development Department at ecdc@bakersfieldcity. us no later than 1:00 p.m. prior to the Commission meeting. A. ROLL CALL B. PUBLIC STATEMENTS C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Minutes of the February 18, 2020, meeting for approval. 2. Minutes of the September 15, 2020, meeting for approval. D. CLOSED SESSION .None E. CORRESPONDENCE None F. PUBLIC HEARINGS None G. REPORTS None H. OLD BUSINESS 1. Current Historic Preservation Commission Committee Members a. Ad Hoc Committee on Mills Act b. Cultural Resource and Architectural Committee c. Ordinance and By-laws Committee Recommendation: Receive and file. 2. Mills Act Letter of Support Recommendation: Review and discuss the draft support letter. 3. Historic Preservation Commission Education and Outreach Updates Recommendations: Staff recommends discussion. I. NEW BUSINESS 1. Historic Preservation Commission Consultation Letter — Jastro Park Stage Restoration. Recommendation: Staff recommends review and submission of the comment letter to the City of Bakersfield Recreation and Parks Department. J. COMMISSIONER STATEMENTS K. ADJOURNMENT Respectfully submitted, r hristopher Boyle, Development Services Director If anyone wants more information on any of these agenda items, call Cecelia Griego, Economic Development Principal Planner; Economic & Community Development Department at (661) 326-3788. SAMCD_Shared\ED Projects\ED HPC\HPC Meetings\2020\HPC 10.20.20\10.20.20 HPC Agenda.docx CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 18, 2020 MINUTES Chair Stussy called the regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to order on Tuesday, February 18, 2020, at 4:00 p.m. at the First Floor Conference Room, 1715 Chester Avenue, Development Services Building. Roll call was as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: Cathy Butler Stephen Humphreys Stephen Montgomery Susan Stussy MEMBERS ABSENT: Cheryl Long STAFF PRESENT: Cecelia Griego Joshua Rudnick Christina Oleson Christine Gutierrez Jason Cater PUBLIC STATEMENTS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 1. Motion to approve minutes from the November 19, 2019 meeting. Minutes approved: Motion made by Commissioner Montgomery; Second by Commissioner Butler. APPROVED: All Ayes CLOSED SESSION: None CORRESPONDENCE: The Commission received a request for information from Kern County General Services on Hart Park Peacock House. Commissioner Montgomery stated that he is in the process of providing information to the County. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None REPORTS: None OLD BUSINESS: Selection of Historic Preservation Commission Committee Members: a. The Commission voted to appoint Commissioner Butler and Humphreys to the Cultural Resources and Architectural Committee: Chair Stussy nominated and the Commission voted all ayes. b. The Commission voted to appoint Commissioner Butler and Humphreys to the Ad Hoc Committee on Mills Act: Chair Stussy nominated and the Commission voted all ayes. 2. Mills Act Letter of Support a. Commission was presented with a re -draft of the template letter. b. Commissioner Butler made mention of a scheduled meeting at the Guild House on March 2 at 4:00 regarding the Mills Act to engage interest from neighborhoods to form a district. The letters would be provided for signatures on petition and to answer questions. Also at 5:30, a property owners meeting (Mixer) would be held at the Guild House. NEW BUSINESS Historic Plaque installation on the Moronet Building a. Initially, Ken Hooper spoke with the Manager of the Moronet Building on the situation with the installation. It was stated that the owner of the building did not want the plaque installed on the building, it was preferred to be installed in the lobby. At this time, 1.5 years later, the response from the owner is the same. We are still waiting for permission to install the plaque on the building. b. The name of the owner is needed to approach personally. City can assist by researching the owner's name and contact Ken Hooper with the information. 2. Historic Preservation Commission Education and Outreach Updates a. A new tablecloth will be ordered for events. Logo has been cleaned up for a brighter stamp. It will be black with white lettering and logo. Should be available in May. b. The website is now current with all updates. A Mills Act link with basic information has been added to the website. c. Name badges for new commissioners will be ordered with the tablecloth. d. Education and training on historic preservation topics for Commissioners and City staff will be available through webinars in the FY20/21. They can take place in the Development Services first floor large conference room. e. Updates to the Rehabilitate Bakersfield Right Handbook: Commissioner Montgomery will continue on the revision and will be giving the Commission reports on the progress. COMMISSION STATEMENTS: None ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. by Commissioner Stussy. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 MINUTES Chair Stussy called the regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to order on Tuesday, September 15, 2020, at 4:05 p.m. at the First Floor Conference Room, 1715 Chester Avenue, Development Services Building, with Commissioner Stussy, Montgomery, Butler, and members of City staff joining via Zoom. Roll call was as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: Cathy Butler Stephen Humphreys Stephen Montgomery Susan Stussy MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Cecelia Griego Joshua Rudnick Christina Oleson Jason Cater Brianna Carrier Diane Hoover Stuart Patterson Fidel Gonzalez Frank Hinojosa PUBLIC STATEMENTS: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 1. Motion to approve minutes from the November 19, 2019 meeting. Minutes Postponed: Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Butler; no second as Commissioner Stussy noted an error in the minutes pertaining to the membership of the Committees developed at the February 18th, 2020 meeting. Staff informed the commission that they will review meeting minutes from February 18th, 2020, make updates as needed, and subsequently submit the minutes for review and approval at the subsequent meeting. CLOSED SESSION: None CORRESPONDENCE: None PUBLIC HEARINGS: None REPORTS: None OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS 1. Review of Jastro Park Stage Restoration Project a. Cecelia Griego, Economic Development Principal Planner for the City of Bakersfield Community and Economic Development and Fidel Gonzalez, Parks Construction and Facilities Planner for the City of Bakersfield Recreation and Parks Department, gave a presentation on the proposed Jastro Park Stage Restoration Project and requested input from the Commission on the undertaking. Generally, the project includes aesthetic enhancements and ADA improvements. After the presentation, the Commission offered the following comments: a. ADA Access Ramps: ADA access ramps should include components that deter skateboarders from using the ramps. Also, ADA access improvements should be designed to minimize the impact to the existing structure. b. Color Scheme: The paint color chosen for the project should match the structures original green palette. Staff commented that the theater was painted blue about three years ago as part of a series of enhancements undertaken at Jastro Park to correspond with the completion of the Westside Parkway, however the original color could certainly be incorporated into the proposed renovations. The Commission recommended that old plans and photos be researched to, as much as possible, correlate the color with the original scheme. Additionally, it was recommended that staff chip away at the current paint coat to identifying the original paint layer. c. Original Structure Components: Original structural components, such as the balusters, granite stairs on both ends of the stage, and railing should be preserved to protect the facilities historic integrity. d. Commissioner Butler voiced her support for the undertaking, stating that the project aligns with the 30 -year anniversary of when the All- American Celebration was held at Jastro Park. Motion: The Historic Preservation Commission should offer its services as a partner to enhance and protect this architectural treasure. Motion: Commissioner Butler, Second: Commissioner Montgomery Vote: All Ayes. COMMISSION STATEMENTS: Commissioner Stussy requested a quick review of items from the February 18th, 2020 Agenda items to check in on where things left off. The following items were discussed: a. Peacock House - Hart Park: Commissioner Montgomery reported that the property will be an educational center focused on informing the public of the area's history. The County is receiving a grant from the State to fund the projects restoration. b. Mills Act Support Letter- Commissioner Stussy requested that staff continue where we left off with the support letter so we can prepare to circulate a letter for community support. Commissioner Butler supported the continued efforts on the letter in order to move the Mills Act program forward. c. Historic District Formation: At this time, the effort to form an Historic District can be placed on hold due to the pandemic. d. Moronet Building Plaque -Staff informed the Commission that they contacted the owner of the building regarding the plaque. The owner informed them that he is not interested in putting the plaque on the outside of the building due to concerns about vandalism. Commissioner Stussy requested that the owner of the building be approached again to discuss putting the plaque on the exterior of the building rather than on the inside. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. by Commissioner Stussy. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Meeting Date: October 20, 2020 Agenda Section: Old Business Agenda Item: H - 1 TO: Historic Preservation Commission FROM: Economic & Community Development Department DATE: October 14, 2020 SUBJECT: Current Historic Preservation Commission Committee Members a. Ad Hoc Committee on Mills Act b. Cultural Resource and Architectural Committee c. Ordinance and By -Laws Committee RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation is to receive and file. BACKGROUND: Due to the confusion on committee appointments, staff reviewed the past meeting minutes and found the current committee appointments to be as follows: • Ad Hoc Committee on Mills Act: Commissioners Cathy Butler and Stephen Humphreys • Cultural Resource and Architectural Committee: Commissioners Cathy Butler and Stephen Humphreys • Ordinance and By-laws Committee: Commissioners Stephen Montgomery and Susan Stussy Due to new commission appointments, the Commission discussed updating appointments to the two standing committees, the Cultural Resource and Architectural Committee and the Ordinance and By-laws Committee, and requested the formation of an Ad Hoc Committee on the Mills Act. At the November 19, 2019 Historic Preservation Commission meeting, the commission voted in the Ordinance and By-laws Committee, and chose to delay the appointments of the other two committees until a full commission is present. At the February 18, 2020 Commission meeting, the Commission voted and approved the appointments of Commissioner Humphreys and Commissioner Butler to the Cultural Resource and Architectural Committee and the Mills Act Ad Hoc Committee. The Committee on the Mills Act will provide guidance on the formation of a Mills Act program and assist with gathering community support from eligible property owners. S:\EDCCLShared\ED Projects\ED HPC\HPC Meetings\2020\HPC 10.20.20\Historic Preservation Committees.docx ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Meeting Date: October 20, 2020 Agenda Section: Old Business Agenda Item: H - 2 TO: Historic Preservation Commission FROM: Economic and Community Development Department DATE: October 13, 2020 SUBJECT: Mills Act Support Letter RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation: Review and discuss the draft support letter. BACKGROUND: At the November 19, 2019 meeting, a draft of the Mills Act support letter was presented for discussion. Subsequent to the meeting and at the direction of the Commission, City staff sent an electronic version to Commissioners to review and modify. Since that time, comments and edits have been received from Commissioner Stussy and Commissioner Montgomery. At the September 15, 2020 Historic Preservation Commission meeting, staff was directed to bring the current template letter of support for a Mills Act program to the Commission for review. A draft of the letter is attached. S:\EDCD_Shared\ED Projects\ED HPC\HPC Meet1ngs\2020\HPC 10.20.20\Mills Act Admin.docx Date Honorable Mayor Karen Goh Members of the Bakersfield City Council 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield CA 93301 Re: 1234 5t" St., Bakersfield CA 93300 Honorable Mayor and City Council: My property has been designated by the City as a significant cultural, historical or architectural resource. With my interest in preserving our built"Nilt, e and contributing to an attractive community streetscape, I believe, with adopli-bhi: a local Mills Act program, the City would facilitate and encourage owners of prop`etiewith historical provenance to apply for and use the benefits of the p ovisions of the Mills . eft to enhance and preserve their properties and contribute toj,fe revitalization of their neighborhood. Since the Mills Act was signed into law in 1972 it`has`,-thro'`ughout the state, facilitated much valuable preservation of our built heritage. Cornet nities that have adopted the Act have enjoyed increased property values b nearb'K' istoric properties along with p p Y: Y Y'ti �, the registered historic properties. The Mills Act authorized local initiatives th neighborhoods and the revitalization ofdow 1 the Mills Act legislation grafts pc± rticipatin�giloi contracts with owner5,,�,Qf'quCiffi ed historic;` k restoration and maintenance o ;their historic ", With the benefit of they preserving the multi ace complerrle ngtlenew preservation of residential own commercial districts. Enacted in 1972, Z l governments the authority to enter into roperties who actively participate in the 7operties while receiving property tax relief. ins Wthe'Mills Act, my property would contribute to tural and built fabric of our community with the historic It's mf desire, in using the'provisions of the Mills Act, to maintain and preserve the historic elemrts'gf my property; This will preserve and increase an attractive streetscape while keepeing�ar ,element o ':'our history among us. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. ; Sincerely, ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Meeting Date: October 20, 2020 II Agenda Section: Old Business I Agenda Item: H - 3 TO: Historic Preservation Commission FROM: Economic and Community Development Department DATE: October 13, 2020 SUBJECT: Historic Preservation Commission Education and Outreach Updates RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation: Staff recommends discussion. BACKGROUND: Commissioner requested items related to Commission education and public outreach efforts for discussion: - Updates to the Rehabilitate Bakersfield Right Handbook - Website updates - Distribution of brochures: Downtown Bakersfield Plaque Walking Tour, Stepping into the Past, and others S:\EDCD_Shared\ED Projects\ED HPC\HPC Meetings\2020\HPC 2.18.20\2.18.20 Education and Outreach Update.docx ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Meeting Date: October 20, 2020 Agenda Section: New Business Agenda Item: I - 1 TO: Historic Preservation Commission FROM: Economic and Community Development Department DATE: October 14, 2020 SUBJECT: Historic Preservation Commission Consultation Letter - Jastro Park Stage Restoration RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation: Staff recommends review and submission of the consultation letter to the City of Bakersfield Recreation and Parks Department. BACKGROUND: In accordance with powers and duties in Bakersfield Municipal Code 15.172.040, the Bakersfield Historic Preservation Commission is authorized to review and correspond with City departments to matters as they relate to the cultural resources of the community. Within the scope of this authority, the City of Bakersfield Recreation and Parks Department presented at the September 15, 2020 Commission meeting to request input and recommendation from your Commission on an undertaking being considered for the Jastro Park Stage. Staff from the Recreation and Parks and Economic and Community Development Departments presented on the history and the different components of the project's restoration. After the presentation concluded, your Commission voted unanimously to submit a letter and offer its services as a partner to enhance and protect this architectural treasure. Attached is a draft letter summarizing the recommendations of the Commission for review and submission to the City of Bakersfield's Recreation and Parks Department. BAKEDNIELD METOPIC PRE MVATION To: Diane Hoover COMMIN1109 Director of Recreation and Parks BAKER STREET City of Bakersfield PUBLIC LIBRARY 1600 Truxtun Avenue, 3rd Floor Established 1915 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Jastro Park Stage Restoration Project Dear Ms. Hoover: Thank you for presenting the Bakersfield Historic Preservation Commission the opportunity to provide input as the Recreation and Parks Department considers renovations and ADA improvements to the Jastro Park Stage. We look forward to continue offering feedback and to work in partnership to enhance and protect this architectural treasure. The Commission recommends the following considerations: - Original structural components, such as balusters, granite stairs on both ends of the stage, railing, and any ornamental design should be preserved to protect the facilities historic integrity. - If ADA access ramps are installed as part of the project, they should minimize their impact to the integrity of the original structure. Removing original items, such as railing, balusters, and ornaments should be avoided when possible. - The paint color chosen for the project should match the structures original color palette. We recommend that old plans and photos be researched to correlate the new coat with the original scheme. Additionally, we recommend your staff chip away at the structure's current paint layer to identify its original. - Cement blocks appear to have replaced balusters on the structures western railing as a result of vandalism. We recommend consideration be given to replacing the cement blocks with balusters which match the original structure to help restore the structures historic character. The Commission thanks you for the opportunity to provide its input. Jastro Park is a part of the history of our community and is a valuable cultural resource. We strongly support this undertaking and efforts to restore and preserve this historic character of this amenity. Sincerely, Susan Stussy, Chair Bakersfield Historic Preservation Commission 1715 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, California 93301 Attachment A - Jastro Park Stage Historic Photos All-AWF4u.A CRNaL-aMEP A Cl'g WORK ON'JASTRO. MEMORIAL'BAND STRUCTURE BEGUN Construction of the $15,000 H. A. Jastro memorial bandstand in Jae• tro park was started thle week by a squad of workmen employed by Contractor Henry Elasler, who Is In charge of the Job.- Rapid prog• reqs is being made constructing the concrete base. The bandstand will have a deep concrete base, 'the upper super- structure will be built of limestone, and the roof will be constructed of terracotta tile, according to Charles H. Biggar, who designed the type of architecture as specified by Mrs. Max Koshland, daughter of the late H. A. Jastro, who provided the $15,0O0 fund In his will for con. struction of the bandstand. According to workmen, atone for the beatttlfui memorial will arrive herd from Indiana within six weeks; _ and all of the concrete foundation work will be completed by that time. The. location of the bandstand, chosen last week by members of the City Council and Bakersfield Pianning Commission, Is half way between the north and south boun. daries of the park, on the westerly boundary Tina. The structure faces east. Jastro Bandstand. Gift of Pioneer, Is Dedicated w"A w i _ „W Vandals have done an effective job damaging the balustrade at the rear of Jastro Memorial Bandstand in Jastro Park. Nineteen balusters have been removed from the railing. The episode which occurred on July 4 week end was not the first time that dam- age to the balusters has occurred, according to city parks Superintendent Bill Brown.