HomeMy WebLinkAbout4000 S. Allen Road LAN P 141 Comments EPORTING R LAN P Other Departments ONITORING AND M EPORTING ITIGATION R M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Department ONITORING AND Development Services Planning Approved by _______________ on_____________ M The following mitigation measures are from the Recirculated Draft EIR. on a one-to-one basis, phase is developed. ITIGATION mpliance with this Measures M 15 The applicant shall mitigate loss of 2,182 MITIGATION MEASURES - AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES 5.1A.1.acres of agricultural lands,by selecting one or more of the items described below. The applicant shall submit written verification of the applicant’s compliance with this mitigation measure to the Planning Director’s satisfaction at the time of recordation of final tract maps and parcel maps for urban development or support facilities as contemplated in the West Ming Specific Plan. Cocondition may be phased as the project is developed. The amount of agricultural land to be mitigated shall be equal to the amount of land being developed as each Funding and/or purchase of agricultural conservation easements. Such easements shall be accepted or purchased and monitored and enforced by a land trust or another appropriate entity. Funds may be used for easement purchases, ongoing monitoring and enforcement, transaction costs, and reasonable administrative costs. Contribution of agricultural land or equivalent funding to an organization that provides for the preservation of farmland in California. Funds may be used for purchases, November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING R hoose to participate in ONITORING AND to mitigate loss of M Measures ITIGATION 142 M ongoing monitoring and enforcement, transaction costs, and reasonable administrative costs. Purchase of credits from an established agricultural farmland mitigation bank approved by applicable governmental authority. During the life of the project, if the City of Bakersfield or other responsible agency adopts an agricultural land mitigation program that provides equal or more effective mitigation than measures listed above, the applicant may cthat alternate program agricultural land impacts. Prior to participation in the alternate program, the applicant shall obtain written approval from the City of Bakersfield agreeing to the participation, and the applicant shall submit written verification of compliance with the alternate program at the same time described above in the first paragraph. Agricultural land used for mitigation shall be of at least equal agricultural classification as the land being converted or be capable of being developed as such; that is, mitigation land shall be classified or developed as Prime Farmland, Farmland of Statewide Importance, etc., (as established by the California Department of Conservation in the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program), the mitigation acreage being at least equivalent in classification to the converted land, or being capable of producing the same or equivalent crops as the land being converted. Completion of the selected mitigation measure, or with the Planning Director’s approval, a combination of the selected mitigation measures, can be on qualifying agricultural land within the San Joaquin Valley (San Joaquin, Stanislaus, LAN P 143 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Department Development Services Planning Approved by _______________ on_____________ ith the District’s New offsetting thresholds ationary source basis. Measures Prior to grading plan approval, the Prior to the approval of building permits, net emissions by 14.00 tons per year (from X Merced, Fresno, Madera, Kings, Tulare, Kern), or outside the San Joaquin Valley with written evidence that the same or equivalent crops can be produced on the mitigation land.” AIR QUALITY 5.2. B.1. applicant shall demonstrate to the City of Bakersfield and the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District that all construction activities and operations will comply with local zoning codes, and District Regulation VIII (Rules 8011-8081) and implementation of all other control measures (BACMs) as stated in GAMAQI. 5.2.C.1. the applicant shall comply with District Regulation II, specifically, the project will be subject to Best Available Control Technology (BACT) in accordance wSource Review (NSR) Rule. As a part of the District permitting process, any emissions exceeding the District’s would have to be offset back to the thresholds on a stationary source by stAccordingly, these NSR Offsets will reduce ROG net emissions by 22.92 tons per year (from 90.97 tons per year to 68.05 tons per year) and reduce NO33.20 tons per year to 19.20 tons per year). November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING Planning Approved by _______________ on_____________ R net emissions by 10 ONITORING AND M , and 43.28 tons per year of Measures ould be restated that x net emissions by 19.20 tons X net emissions to zero or in 10 Prior to the approval of building permits, , from onsite agricultural emissions will be , and PM ITIGATION X 10 144 M 5.2.C.2. the applicant shall comply in all respects with developer’s obligations under that certain Air Quality Mitigation Agreement approved by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, and entered into by and between the District and developer, a copy of which is contained within the appendices of the Air Quality Assessment in Appendix C of this Draft EIR. Developer’s compliance with the Air Quality Mitigation Agreement will result in a reduction of ROG, NOquantities sufficient to fully mitigate the project’s air quality impacts to the extent that the development of the project will result in no net increase in criteria pollutant emissions over the criteria pollutant emissions which would otherwise exist without the development of the project, all as verified by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. Accordingly, the Air Quality Mitigation Agreement will further reduce ROG net emissions by 68.05 tons per year (from 68.05 tons per year to 0 tons per year), will further reduce NOper year (from 19.20 tons per year to 0 tons per year), and will reduce PM38.79 tons per year (from 38.79 tons per year to 0 tons per year). It shapproximately 39.42 tons per year of ROG, 28.22 tons per year of NOPMsubtracted from the proposed project emissions since they will phased out as the project is developed. LAN P 145 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Department Development Services Planning Approved by _______________ on_____________ Planning Approved by _______________ on_____________ ection 15.78.030 of the Measures Prior to grading plan approval, the Prior to grading plan approval on the A pre-construction survey shall be conducted prior to site grading to search for active kit fox dens. The survey shall be conducted not more than 30 days prior to the onset of construction activities in areas subject to development to determine the necessity of den excavation. Monitoring and excavation of each known San Joaquin kit fox den which cannot be avoided by construction activities. Notification of wildlife agencies of relocation opportunity prior to ground disturbance in areas of known kit fox dens. Excavations shall either be constructed with BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES 5.3.A.1. project applicant shall pay a Habitat Mitigation Fee in accordance with SCity of Bakersfield Municipal Code and MBHCP. 5.3.A.2. approximately 2,182-acre site, the project proponent shall comply with all appropriate terms and conditions of the MBHCP to the City regarding San Joaquin kit fox. The MBHCP requires certain take avoidance measures for the San Joaquin kit fox. MBHCP guidelines regarding tracking and excavation shall be followed to prevent entrapment of kit fox in dens. Specific measures during the construction phase of the project shall be implemented and include the following: November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING R kit fox. If they are shall contain at least al-status, a summary ONITORING AND ys of the “tailgate” ches or steep-walled M Measures ITIGATION escape ramps or covered to prevent kit fox entrapment. All trenexcavations greater than three feet deep shall include escape ramps to allow wildlife to escape. Each excavation one ramp, with long trenches containing at least one ramp every 0.25 mile. Slope of ramps shall be no steeper than 1:1. All pipes, culverts or similar structures with a diameter of four inches or greater shall be kept capped to prevent entry of not capped or otherwise covered, they will be inspected prior to burial or closure to ensure no kit foxes, or other protected species, become entrapped. All employees, contractors, or other persons involved in the construction of the project shall attend a “tailgate” session informing them of the biological resource protection measures that will be implemented for the project. The orientation shall be conducted by a qualified biologist and shall include information regarding the life history of the protected species, reasons for speciof applicable environmental law, and measures intended to reduce impacts. A report summarizing the date, time, and topics of the “tailgate” session, list of attendees and identification of qualified biologist conducting session shall be submitted to the Planning Director within 10 dasession.All food, garbage, and plastic shall be disposed of in closed containers and regularly removed from the site to minimize attracting kit fox or 146 M LAN P 7 14 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Department Development Services Planning Approved by _______________ on_____________ Planning Approved by _______________ on_____________ to take place during , the project applicant impacted by project all take place within Measures Since kit foxes are known to exist in the Prior to grading plan approval for the other animals. If site grading is proposed during the avian nesting season (February to September), a focused survey for avian nests shall be conducted by a qualified biologist prior to grading activities in order to identify active nests in areas potentiallyimplementation. If construction is proposedthe nesting season (February to September), no construction activity sh500 feet of an active nest until the young have fledged (as determined by a qualified biologist). Habitat containing nests that must be removed as a result of project implementation shall be removed during the non-breeding season (October to January). Preconstruction surveys shall include a survey for burrowing owl. If active burrowing owl burrows are detected outside of breeding 5.3.A.3. general area, it is recommended that all construction personnel involved in initial ground disturbance receive sensitive species instruction prior to initial ground phases of construction. Any evidence, such as dens, should be avoided and reported to the reviewing agencies for resolution. 5.3.A.4. approximate 2,182-acre siteshall comply with the following raptor nest mitigation: November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING Planning Approved by _______________ on_____________ R burrows are detected ce with the Migratory e a summary report of ONITORING AND ogical monitoring by a M Measures Prior to grading plan approval within the ITIGATION season (September 1 through January 31), passive and/or active relocation efforts may be undertaken if approved by CDFG and USFWS. If active burrowing owl during breeding season (February 1 through August 31), no disturbance to these burrows shall occur in accordanBird Treaty Act. 148 M CULTURAL RESOURCES 5.4.A.1. project site, a qualified archaeologist shall attempt to find evidence of the previously recorded sites. If the qualified archaeologist finds evidence of the previous recorded sites, the resources shall be evaluated for significance and integrity using the criteria established in the CEQA Guidelines for unique cultural resources and/or 36 CFR 60.4 for eligibility for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. If the resources are found to be significant, specific measures shall be recommended. In addition, the grading plans shall state that archaeolqualified archaeologist and a Native American monitor shall take place during construction excavation activities at the locations of the 10 cultural sites and 26 isolates that were previously recorded on the site within the project site. The archaeologist shall preparthe monitoring activities and findings. The report shall be submitted to the City of Bakersfield Planning Department and other appropriate agencies within 10 days of completion of monitoring. LAN P 149 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Department Development Services 10 days of completion Historic Preservation’s shall take place during Measures The archaeological monitor shall attend a pre-grade meeting to explain the role of the monitor during grading activities. If cultural resources are detected within the project area, the cultural resources must be recorded using appropriate State record forms (DPR523 series) and following guidelines in the California Office of handbook “Instructions for Recording Historical Resources.” The archaeologist will then submit two (2) copies of the completed DPR523 forms to the Southern San Joaquin Valley Information Center for the assignment of trinomials. If cultural resources are detected within the survey areas, they must be evaluated for significance and integrity using criteria established in the CEQA Guidelines for unique If the qualified archaeologist does not find evidence of the previous recorded sites, the grading plans shall state that archaeological monitoring by a qualified archaeologist and a Native American monitor construction excavation activities at the locations of the 10 cultural sites and 26 isolates that were previously recorded on the site within the project site. The archaeologist shall prepare a summary report of the monitoring activities and findings. The report shall be submitted to the City of Bakersfield Planning Department and other appropriate agencies withinof monitoring. Following are the specific measures. November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING Planning Approved by _______________ on_____________ R report, with original ace or greater within the rt earth-disturbing ONITORING AND M Measures Prior to grading plan approval, the ITIGATION cultural resources and/or 36 CFR 60.4 for eligibility for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. If cultural resources are found within the project footprint, appropriate mitigation measures and recommended conditions of approval must be developed to eliminate adverse project effects on significant, important, and unique historical resources, following appropriate CEQA and/or National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 guidelines. A technical resources management report is required. The report must document the inventory, evaluation, conclusions and mitigation recommendations. Submit two copies of the completed illustrations, to the Southern San Joaquin Valley Information Center for permanent archiving. Assign a paleontological monitor, trained and equipped to allow the rapid removal of fossils with minimal construction delay, to the site full-time during the interval of earth-disturbing activities. Should fossils be found within an area being cleared or graded, diveactivities elsewhere until the monitor has 150 M 5.4.C.1. grading plans shall state that paleontological monitoring shall take place during construction excavation activities that result in excavations of six feet below ground surfproject site. Following are the specific measures. LAN P 151 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Approved by _______________ on_____________ Department Development Services Planning Approved by _______________ on_____________ Public Works corner of the project curate all recovered northwestern corner of Measures Prior to grading plan approval, the Concurrently with submittal of a completed salvage. If construction personnel make the discovery, the grading contractor should immediately divert construction and notify the monitor of the find. Prepare, identify, and fossils for documentation in the summary report and transfer to an appropriate depository. Submit a summary report to the City of Bakersfield. Transfer collected specimens with copy of report to the repository. 5.4.D.1 - grading plans shall state that if human remains are encountered on the project site, the Kern County Coroner’s Office shall be contacted within 24 hours of the find, and all work in the immediate vicinity shall be halted until a clearance is given by that office and any other involved agencies.GEOLOGY AND SOILS 5.5.A.1. tentative subdivision map application or other development plan in the the project site, whichever occurs first, the project applicant shall conduct additional liquefaction studies in the northwesternsite (i.e., in the vicinity of the existing recharge ponds) during recharge periods to fully evaluate liquefaction impacts on specific development projects in this area of the site. Based on the findings of these studies, site specific designs shall be incorporated in the grading and building plans to reduce onsite liquefaction impacts. The November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Approved by _______________ on_____________ Approved by _______________ on_____________ LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING Public Works Public Works R portions of the project. ONITORING AND e transport, use, or M Measures Prior to grading plan approval, an Prior to site plan approval, applicant . ITIGATION 152 M scope of the liquefaction studies, findings, and recommendations to reduce liquefaction shall be reviewed and require approval by the City of Bakersfield Public Works and Building Departments prior to grading and building plan approvals.5.5.B.1. erosion control plan for construction activities that describe the best management practices (BMPs) that will be used to reduce the potential for soil erosion and loss of top soil. The erosion control plan shall be submitted to the City of Bakersfield Public Works Department for review and approval. The BMPs could include soil stabilizers and silt fencing as well as other measures.HAZARDOUS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 5.6.F.1shall provide evidence that future active oil wells and associated equipment will meet the California Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources regulations and public health and safety regulations, or provide other assurances that residents and visitors will not be exposed to health hazards from the routindisposal of hazardous materials, prior to development of affected LAN P 153 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M Approved by _______________ on_____________ ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Approved by _______________ on_____________ Department Development Services Public Works Fire lations as required by the ed, and marked by a Measures Prior to grading plan approval where Prior to grading plan approval, all 75 Feet of the right-of way of any dedicated public street, highway, railroad or private street, or adopted specific plan line of any street or highway; No streets may be constructed within 75 feet of any oil well unless it has been properly abandoned; 100 Feet of any building including dwellings, except buildings incidental to the operation of 5.6.F.2. there is an existing drilling and/or production operations of exploration oil wells and including disposal wells, the project applicant shall have the locations surveyed, locatlicensed land surveyor or civil engineer authorized to practice land surveying. A map shall be furnished to the Office of Environmental Services showing how all existing petroleum related facilities will be protected and integrated into the proposed development. The California Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources and the City of Bakersfield development standards shall be met. 5.6.F.3 . drilling and production activities shall be subject to all fire and safety reguBakersfield City Fire Department. The City Code 15.66.040 and 15.66.080 Well Site Development Standards Setback states that no petroleum well shall be drilled nor shall any storage tank and other production related structures be located within: November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Approved by _______________ on_____________ Verification of Compliance Public Works Department LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING Fire R property and describe ces or other sources of eof, which are within ble to each other shall ithin 40 Feet of a line bearing refined ONITORING AND M Measures The Pipeline Development Policy of the ITIGATION the well; 300 Feet of any public assembly; 25 Feet of a storage tank or boilers, fired heaters, open flame deviignition; A solid masonry wall 8 feet high shall encompass the entire well site. Two gates, as nearly opposite as possibe installed; Pipelines utilized for all petroleum related operations shall be buried a minimum of 3 feet below grade.No habitable portion of a structure may be built within 50 Feet of a gas main, or transmission line, or refined liquid product line with 36 inches of cover; No structure may be whazardous liquids pipeproduct, with 48 inches or more of cover; No habitable portion of a structure may be built within 30 Feet of a crude oil pipeline operation at 20% of it’s design strength; Prior to or concurrently with filing of a final map, a covenant shall be recorded on all lots of this tract, or portion ther250 Feet of any gas transmission lines. Covenant shall acknowledge proximity of pipeline easement to said the name, type and dimension of the pipeline. Prior to recordation, the subdivider shall submit 154 M 5.6.F.4 . City of Bakersfield Fire Department is as follows: LAN P 155 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M ServicesApproved by _______________ on_____________ ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Approved by _______________ on_____________ Approved by _______________ on_____________ Department Development Services Public Works Office of Environmental Public Works ith applicable federal, Measures Prior to recordation of a final map, any Prior to recordation of a final map, all Prior to recordation of a final map, a and obtain approval of covenant wording with the City Attorney, Office of Environmental Services and City Engineer. 5.6.G.1. abandoned wells within the grading envelope shall have the surface area returned to its natural condition including but not limited to cleaning all oil, oil residues, drilling fluids, mud and other substances; leveling, grading or filling of sumps, ditches, and cellars including removal of all lining material to the satisfaction of the Department of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources. 5.6.G.2. stained soils observed within the grading envelope near the active water wells, idle water wells, and former water wells shall be shall be tested. If the soils are found to be hazardous, the soils shall be disposed of in accordance wstate and local regulations. The applicant shall provide the City with evidence that any hazardous soils found onsite have been disposed of in accordance with federal, state, and local laws. 5.6.G.3. written verification shall be obtained from the Department of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources that abandoned wells within the grading envelope were properly abandoned pursuant to their regulations. The written verification shall be submitted to the City. November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Approved by _______________ on_____________ Approved by _______________ on_____________ Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Approved by _______________ on_____________ LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING Public Works Public Works Fire R s are found, and/or if g the exact location of ONITORING AND ed area, and notification Department. Prior to M Measures Prior to recordation of final map, any lot Prior to recordation of a final map, If during grading and construction, a ITIGATION 156 M 5.6.G.4. or parcel within the grading envelope containing an abandoned well shall be encumbered with a deed restriction specifyinsaid well and prohibiting any construction within said 10 feet of an abandoned oil well. This is required by the City Municipal Code 15.66.080, Development encroachment in petroleum areas. 5.6.G.5. information on the location of the pipelines and any information regarding safety concerns of these pipelines shall be provided to the Bakersfield City Fire grading activities, Pacific Gas and Electric Company and/or any other company with pipelines running through the affected portions of the project site shall be notified of the construction activity within the corresponding easement. If any pipelines have any problems or if a pipeline is ruptured during development, the Bakersfield City Fire Department shall be notified. 5.6.G.6. pipeline accident occurs or potential unknown buried hazardous materialunidentified materials are discovered in the testing of the soil, health and safety procedures shall be implemented. These procedures shall include, at a minimum, emergency medical, evacuation of the site and/or threatenaction. Notification shall include but not be limited to the following agencies: The City of Bakersfield, Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC), Bakersfield City and/or County LAN P 7 15 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Public Works Approved by _______________ on_____________ Approved by _______________ on_____________ Department Development Services Building Approved by _______________ on_____________ Engineering s arise during any part riate verification closure emicals, and associated northwestern corner of Measures Prior to grading and building plan Concurrently with submittal of a Fire Department, and the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). Evacuation and determination regarding the type of contamination encountered and best course of action would be determined by the ranking official and the required mediation measures shall be implemented. 5.6.G.7. approvals, the grading and building plans shall state that all work will stop immediately if any unknown odorous or discolored soil or other possible hazardous materialof the testing, grading, or construction on the project site.5.6.H.1. tentative subdivision map application or other development plan in the the project site, whichever occurs first, soil testing shall be performed on the lands within the grading envelope to determine the level of residue for pesticides, herbicides, chmetals. If residue is found to be within acceptable amounts per the Kern County Environmental Health Department (KCEHD) and Environmental Protection Agency/Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) standards then grading and construction may begin. If the residue is found to be greater than the KCEHD and DTSC standards, all contaminated soils exceeding the acceptable limits shall be remediated and/or properly disposed of per KCEHD and DTSC requirements. An approp November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Approved by _______________ on_____________ Verification of Compliance Public Works Department LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING Fire R esent, a plan shall be rner of the project site, the piping will be ONITORING AND M Measures Concurrently with submittal of a tentative ITIGATION 158 M letter from KCEHD and DTSC shall be obtained and submitted to the City of Bakersfield. Depending on the extent of contaminated soils, a verification closure letter from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board may also need to be submitted to the City of Bakersfield. Site remediation can occur by the use of on-site transportable thermal treatment units or bio-remediation. The soil can also be excavated and shipped off-site to fixed incineration or bio-remediation facilities. The preliminary report shall be submitted with said application. The report, findings and recommendations shall be submitted for approval by the Fire Department, prior to recordation of a final map or approval of a development plan.5.6.I.1. subdivision map application or other development plan in the northwestern cowhichever occurs first, the onsite subsurface irrigation piping within the grading envelope shall be tested to determine if Asbestos Containing Materials are present in the piping. If Asbestos Containing Materials are prprepared to identify howremoved and disposed of during grading activities. The applicant shall provide the City with evidence that any piping with Asbestos Containing Materials was disposed of in accordance with federal, state, and local laws. The preliminary report shall be submitted with said application. The report, findings and recommendations shall be submitted for approval by the Fire Department, prior to recordation of a LAN P 159 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M Approved by _______________ on_____________ ServicesApproved by _______________ on_____________ ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Department Development Services Fire Office of Environmental ith applicable federal, restricted to less than northwestern corner of of greater than 10 in Measures Prior to grading plan approval, the Concurrently with submittal of a final map or approval of a development plan.5.6.J.1. tentative subdivision map application or other development plan in the the project site, whichever occurs first, the soils beneath the existing pole-mounted transformers within the grading envelope shall be tested. If the soils are found to be hazardous, the soils shall be disposed of in accordance wstate and local regulations. The applicant shall provide the City with evidence that any hazardous soils found onsite have been disposed of in accordance with federal, state, and local laws. The preliminary report shall be submitted with said application. The report, findings and recommendations shall be submitted for approval by the Fire Department, prior to recordation of a final map or approval of a development plan.5.6.K.1. handling and storage of hazardous and acutely hazardous materials shall bethreshold planning quantities within 1,000 feet of sensitive receptors which include residential areas, schools, daycare centers, hospital, convalescent homes and other large immobile populations. Sensitive receptors shall not be approved within zones of cancer risk identified by a health risk assessment 1,000,000. November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Approved by _______________ on_____________ Approved by _______________ on_____________ LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING Public Works Public Works R northwestern corner of ONITORING AND prepare a Stormwater M Measures Prior to grading plan approval, the Concurrently with submittal of a ITIGATION 160 M HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY 5.7.A.1. project applicant shall Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that conforms to the State Water Resources Control Board NPDES permit in which the City of Bakersfield is a co-permitee. The SWPPP shall specify Best Management Practices (BMPs) to prevent construction-related pollutants from reaching storm water and all products of erosion from moving off-site. A Notice of Intent (NOI) must be filed with the State Water Resources Control Board and a copy of the submitted NOI must be provided to the City of Bakersfield Planning Department, prior to the approval of grading plans.” 5.7.E.1. tentative subdivision map application or other development plan in the the project site, whichever occurs first, the project applicant shall submit and receive approval of a lake management plan for the proposed 5-acre lake. The management plan shall provide specific methods to achieve a balanced aquatic ecosystem and an aesthetically pleasing lake with minimal insect infestations and uncontrolled algae blooms. The implementation of these methods shall result in water quality that can support the proposed uses of the lake. In addition, the management plan shall provide information on the personnel responsibilities of the long-term maintenance of the lake as well as the entity that will assume financial responsibility for the long-term LAN P 161 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Department Development Services Building Approved by _______________ on_____________ ect applicant is required ll identify that the area Measures Prior to recordation of a final map, or as management of the lake. 5.7.F.1. otherwise determined by the Building Director, for onsite areas that are currently in 100-year flood hazard area, the projto obtain a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The LOMR shaof the proposed development has been removed from the Zone A FEMA designation and submitted to the City of Bakersfield Building Department. Based on the Flood Study prepared by McIntosh and Associates in May 2005, the following improvements are required to remove the majority of the project site from the Zone A FEMA designation. Along the northern boundary of the site, the recently constructed levee shall be extended along Ming Avenue to intersect the proposed West Beltway. The recommended elevation at the intersection, based on the Revised Conditions Model, is 354.0 feet. From the northwestern boundary of the project site, the levee system shall continue to be constructed along the westerly boundary of the site along the proposed West Beltway alignment to 2,800 feet south of the Kern River Canal where it would blend into the natural ground elevation of approximately 349.0 feet. This portion of the levee may be a separate embankment or it may be incorporated into the proposed Beltway. In either case, the project applicant shall construct the November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING Building Approved by _______________ on_____________ Planning Approved by _______________ on_____________ R s that are required to elevation 351.6 feet. The required levee plicant shall raise the of the proposed West ONITORING AND evation 351.6 feet and quirements of the FEMA M Measures Prior to tentative tract map approval,, a Prior to recordation of a final map, or as ITIGATION 162 M levee in accordance with the FIRM - 2 evaluation in the Flood Study prepared by McIntosh and Associates in May 2005. The evaluation established the water surface elevation for the 100-year frequency event.elevation to meet the reis three-feet above the water surface elevation. Due to the need for the Kern River Canal to extend through the future West Beltway alignment, the project apexisting canal levee east Beltway alignment to elmaintain that elevation until the levee blends into the existing embankment at5.7.F.2 . otherwise determined by the Building Director, for the small area of the southwestern portion of the site that is currently within a 100-year flood hazard area, specific improvements to remove this area from the Zone A FEMA designation are required to be submitted to FEMA for approval and then submitted to the City of Bakersfield Building Department. NOISE 5.8.A.1. noise analysis shall be conducted to determine the setbacks and/or noise barriercomply with the City’s 65 dB CNEL exterior and 45 dB CNEL interior noise standards along West Beltway, and White Lane. It is assumed that a 6-foot high soundwalls and/or setbacks on the project site along South Allen Road, Ming LAN P 163 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Department Development Services Planning Approved by _______________ on_____________ Planning Approved by _______________ on_____________ , appropriate measures noise study to determine determine the appropriate nd uses are proposed to Measures Prior to site plan approval for Prior to City approval (conditional use Avenue, and Buena Vista Road, would be adequate to reduce onsite noise levels to meet the City’s exterior and interior noise level standards. Furthermore, if interior noise standards are to be met with windows and doors closed, the specific proposed residential and/or school buildings that require mechanical ventilation shall be determined in a noise analysis. Specific lot design and site grading would need to be evaluated in the noise analysis to determine the specific noise attenuation recommendations.5.8.C.1. commercial and industrial uses adjacent to residential uses, the project applicant shall conduct a noise study to measures to reduce potential noise levels to meet the City’s noise level performance standards. If commercial and industrial uses are proposed adjacent to residential uses, appropriate measures would include setbacks, sound barrier, or a combination of both. 5.8.C.2. permit, site plan, building permit, fire department permit, etc.) for the construction of an oil well adjacent to sensitive land uses, the project applicant shall conduct a the appropriate measures to reduce potential noise levels to meet the City’s noise level performance standards. If sensitive laadjacent existing oil wellswould include setbacks, sound barrier, or a combination of both. If oil wells are proposed November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING Planning Approved by _______________ on_____________ Planning Approved by _______________ on_____________ Planning Approved by _______________ on_____________ R with the equipments’ ONITORING AND M Measures Prior to tentative tract map approval for Prior to grading plan approval, the Prior to grading plan approval, the ITIGATION 164 M adjacent to existing sensitive land uses, the engines associated with the oil wells could be converted to electric motors, sound barriers could be used, or setbacks could be established.5.8.D.1. the proposed active park and related park facilities adjacent to sensitive uses ,the project applicant shall conduct a noise study to determine the appropriate measures to reduce potential noise levels to meet the City’s noise level performance standards. If the proposed active parks or related park facilities are proposed adjacent to sensitive use areas, appropriate measures would include setbacks, sound barrier, or a combination of both. 5.8.E.1. grading plans shall state that construction activities associated with development of the project site would be required to be in conformance with Section 9.22.050 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code which limits construction to the hours of 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. on weekdays, and between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. on weekends, where construction occurs less than 1,000 feet from residences. 5.8.E.2. grading plans shall state that construction equipment shall be equipped with mufflers and maintained in accordance factory specifications. During construction activities, the construction equipment muffler and maintenance records shall be onsite. LAN P 165 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M Caltrans Approved by _______________ on_____________ ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Approved by _______________ on_____________ Department Development Services Traffic Engineering with the statutory fees Impact Fee - Regional Measures Prior to the issuance of building Prior to the issuance of building permits, PUBLIC SERVICES 5.9.C.1. the project applicant shall pay Panama-Buena Vista Union School District and Kern High School District adopted development impact school fees in accordance that are in effect at the time of issuing each permit. TRANSPORTATION 5.11.A.1. permits, the project applicant shall participate in the Regional Transportation Impact Fee (RTIF) program as well as paying the proportional share for local mitigation improvements (those not covered by the RTIF). The intersection and roadway improvements that are required with the proposed project are as follows. The timing of these improvements are estimated below; however, all of these improvements shall be completed as the significance thresholds are reached. (Regional Transportation Mitigation) Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project applicant shall a) participate in the current, full RTIF program as modified by the Construction Cost Index (CCI) or b) mitigate everything to Level of Service C through the payment of their calculated Regional Impact Fee and pay a local transportation impact mitigation fee. For the calculated Regional Impact Fee, the applicant shall submit revised funding November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING R act Fee. The cost of with the project to a ONITORING AND M Measures ITIGATION 166 M calculations for all improvements associated with the RTIF program pursuant to Table 10 from the project traffic study, and in accordance with Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 15.84.040, which includes the policies of the program administrator. (Local Mitigation) For impacted intersections and segments subject to fair share improvements (refer to Tables 6 & 8 from the project traffic study), prior to subdivision, updated estimates shall be submitted and approved. The local mitigation fee shall be based upon the proponent’s share of the cost to upgrade the affected facilities to Level of Service C, and shall be adjusted annually by the CCI in the same manner as the Regional Transportation Impthe upgrade shall be the City’s costs and shall include, but not be limited to, all costs of obtaining and clearing right-of-way, all utility relocations, and all construction. Construction shall include but not limited to: curb, gutter, sidewalk, pavement, signal modification, landscape and wall replacement, drive approaches, catch basin replacement, additional storm drain where necessary, streetlights, striping and signing. Unit costs used in the traffic study may be outdated due to recent rises in construction costs and shall be updated as appropriate. Applicant shall participate in the improvements required on a pro-rata, fair share basis, prior to the issuance of building permits, based upon the approved estimates. It is the Public Works Department’s decision as to which methodology adequately mitigates the cumulative traffic impacts associated LAN P 7 16 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Department Development Services Measures Allen Road and Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps - Construct one southbound through lane. Allen Road and Westside Parkway Eastbound Ramps - Install signal and construct two southbound left turn lanes. Ming Avenue and Project Entrance No. 1 - Provide all-way-stop. Ming Avenue and South Allen Road - Install signal. Ming Avenue and Ashe Road - Construct one southbound right turn lane. South Allen Road and Chamber Boulevard - Install signal. South Allen Road and Project Entrance No. 2 - Install signal. White Lane and Campus Park Drive - Install signal. White Lane and South Allen Road - Construct one eastbound left turn lane, one eastbound right turn lane, one westbound left turn lane, one southbound right turn lane, one eastbound through lane, two westbound through lanes, one southbound through lane, and provide overlapping phase for westbound and northbound right turn lane. White Lane and Windermere Street - Install level of less than significant. Year 2015 Intersection November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING R ONITORING AND M Measures ITIGATION signal. White Lane and Buena Vista Road - Construct two eastbound though lanes and one northbound left turn lane. South Allen Road and Campus Park Drive - Install signal. Buena Vista Road and Campus Park Drive - Construct one southbound through lane, one eastbound left turn lane, and one eastbound through lane. Panama Lane and Northbound Ramps West Beltway - Construct one eastbound through lane and one northbound left turn lane. Panama Lane and South Allen Road - Construct one westbound right turn lane and one southbound right turn lane. Panama Lane and Buena Vista Road - Construct one southbound left turn lane. Panama Lane and Ashe Road - Construct one northbound through lane. Stockdale Highway - Gosford Road to Ashe Road - Add two lanes. Allen Road - Stockdale Highway to Ming Avenue - Add two lanes. South Allen Road - Ming Avenue to Chamber Boulevard - Add two lanes. South Allen Road - Chamber Boulevard to White Lane - Add two lanes. South Allen Road - White Lane to Campus Park Drive - Add two lanes. 168 M Roadway Segment LAN P 169 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Department Development Services h Project Entrance to Measures South Allen Road - Campus Park Drive to Pacheco - Add two lanes. South Allen Road - Harris Road to Panama Lane - Add two lanes. Buena Vista Road - White Lane to Campus Park Drive - Add two lanes. Buena Vista Road - Campus Park Drive to South Project Entrance - Add two lanes. Buena Vista Road - SoutPanama Lane - Add two lanes. Calloway Drive and Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps - Construct one southbound right turn lane. Calloway Drive and Westside Parkway Eastbound Ramps - Construct one northbound right turn lane. Stockdale Highway and Buena Vista Road - Construct one eastbound right turn lane. Stockdale Highway and Old River - Provide overlapping phase for westbound right turn lane. Ming Avenue and Project Entrance No. 1 - Install signal and construct one eastbound right turn lane, one westbound left turn lane, one northbound right turn lane, and one eastbound through lane. Ming Avenue and South Allen Road - Construct one northbound left turn lane, one Year 2030 Intersection November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING R ONITORING AND M Measures ITIGATION southbound left turn lane, one eastbound through lane, one westbound through lane, one northbound through lane, one southbound through lane, and provide overlapping phase for northbound right turn lane and eastbound right turn lane. Ming Avenue and Buena Vista Road - Construct one eastbound through lane. Ming Avenue and Gosford Road - Provide overlapping phase for eastbound right turn lane. South Allen Road and Chamber Boulevard - Construct one eastbound left turn lane, one westbound left turn lane, two northbound left turn lanes, one southbound left turn lane, one southbound right turn lane, one northbound through lane, and one southbound through lane. South Allen Road and Project Entrance No. 2 - Construct one northbound left turn lane, one northbound through lane, and one southbound through lane. White Lane and Campus Park Drive - Construct one eastbound right turn lane, one eastbound through lane, two westbound through lanes, and one southbound through lane. White Lane and South Allen Road - Construct one northbound left turn lane, one southbound left turn lane, one eastbound through lane, one southbound through lane, one northbound through lanes, and provide overlapping phase for southbound right turn lane. White Lane and Windermere Street - Construct one westbound left turn lane, one westbound 170 M LAN P 171 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Department Development Services Measures right turn lane, one northbound left turn lane, one northbound right turn lane, one southbound right turn lane, one eastbound through lane, and one westbound through lane. White Lane and Buena Vista Road - Construct one westbound left turn lane, one northbound through lane, and one southbound through lane. White Lane and Gosford Road - Construct one westbound through lane. South Allen Road and Campus Park Drive - Construct two eastbound left turn lanes, one westbound left turn lane, one westbound right turn lane, one northbound left turn lane, one northbound right turn lane, one southbound left turn lane, one southbound right turn lane, and one northbound through lane. Buena Vista Road and Campus Park Drive - Construct one westbound right turn lane, one northbound left turn lane, and one southbound right turn lane. South Allen Road and South Allen Entrance - Install signal. Old River Road and Harris Road - Construct one eastbound left turn lane and one westbound left turn lane. Buena Vista Road and South Project Entrance - Install signal. South Allen Road and Harris/Pensinger Road - Construct one northbound through lane. Gosford Road and Harris Road - Construct one northbound through lane. November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING R ONITORING AND M Measures ITIGATION Panama Lane and Buena Vista Road - Construct one westbound left turn lane and one southbound through lane. Stockdale Highway - Buena Vista Road to Old River Road - Add two lanes. Ming Avenue - Ming Avenue Project Entrance to South Allen Road - Add two lanes. Ming Avenue - South Allen Road to Buena Vista Road - Add two lanes. Ming Avenue - Old River Road to Ashe Road - Add two lanes. Ming Avenue - New Stine Road to Old Stine Road - Add two lanes. White Lane - West Beltway to Allen Road - Add two lanes. Allen Road - Rosedale Highway to Brimhall Road - Provide for divided roadway. Allen Road - Brimhall Road to Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps - Add two lanes. Allen Road - Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps to Westside Parkway Eastbound Ramps - Add two lanes. Allen Road - Westside Parkway Eastbound Ramps to Stockdale Highway - Add two lanes. Allen Road - Stockdale Highway to Ming Avenue - Provide for divided roadway. South Allen Road - Ming Avenue to Chamber Boulevard - Provide for divided roadway. South Allen Road - Chamber Boulevard to White Lane - Add two lanes and provide for 172 M Roadway Segment LAN P 173 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Approved by _______________ on_____________ Department Development Services Public Works h Project Entrance to affic, and air emissions Measures ance with the CEQA Prior to the issuance of building permits divided roadway. South Allen Road - White Lane to Campus Park Drive - Add two lanes. South Allen Road - Campus Park Drive to Pacheco - Add two lanes. Buena Vista Road - Ming Avenue to Chamber Boulevard - Add two lanes. Buena Vista Road - Chamber Boulevard to White Lane - Add two lanes. Buena Vista Road - White Lane to Campus Park Drive - Add two lanes and provide for divided roadway. Buena Vista Road - Campus Park Drive to South Project Entrance - Provide for divided roadway. Buena Vista Road - SoutPanama Lane - Provide for divided roadway. Coffee Road - Rosedale Highway to Brimhall Road - Add two lanes. Gosford Road - Harris Road to Panama Lane - Add two lanes. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS 5.12.B.1. for the onsite water facilities (i.e., water lines and water wells), the construction and operational impacts such as noise, tron adjacent land uses need to be adequately addressed in accordGuidelines. Construction activities are required to occur at times specified in the Municipal Code as November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Approved by _______________ on_____________ Approved by _______________ on_____________ LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING Public Works Public Works R would require an air sult in the exceedance of ect site to Wastewater ONITORING AND pacity of the treatment M Measures Prior to the recordation of final maps, Prior to the issuance of building ITIGATION 174 M well as ensure that mufflers are on the construction equipment. Operational noise levels associated with the water wells are required to be in conformance with the City of Bakersfield Noise Performance Standards. Traffic management plans need to be implemented to ensure adequate safety during construction activities. Finally, construction air emissions are required to be reduced according to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Guidelines and long term emissions associated with the water well pumppermit from the District. 5.12.C.1. the project applicant shall demonstrate to the City of Bakersfield Public Works Department that the existing sewer trunk lines and the existing sewer lift station on White Lane are adequate to accommodate project flows. If the development of the individual tracts rethe capacities of the existing facilities, the existing facilities shall be expanded or new facilities shall be constructed to adequately serve the proposed tract.5.12.C.2. permits, the project applicant shall pay sewer connection fees to the City of Bakersfield Public Works Department. The fees would be used to provide adequate sewer facilities to convey wastewater from the projTreatment Plan No. 3 as well as contribute to the cost to increase the caplant. LAN P 175 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Approved by _______________ on_____________ Department Development Services Public Works QA Guidelines. Measures Prior to the issuance of building 5.12.C.3. permits for the onsite and offsite sewer facilities, the construction and operational impacts such as noise, traffic, and air emissions on adjacent land uses need to be adequately addressed in accordance with the CEConstruction activities are required to occur at times specified in the Municipal Code as well as ensure that mufflers are on the construction equipment. Operational noise levels associated with any sewer lift stations are required to be in conformance with the City of Bakersfield Noise Performance Standards. Traffic management plans need to be implemented to ensure adequate safety during construction activities. Finally, construction air emissions are required to be reduced according to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Guidelines and long term emissions associated with the lift station would require an air permit from the District. November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Caltrans Approved by _______________ on_____________ Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Approved by _______________ on_____________ Approved by _______________ on_____________ LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING Public Works Traffic Engineering R Impact Fee - Regional ormance with the City of ONITORING AND M Measures Prior to the issuance of building Prior to the issuance of building permits ITIGATION 176 M 5.12.E.1. for the onsite drainage facilities, the construction and operational impacts such as noise, traffic, and air emissions on adjacent land uses need to be adequately addressed in accordance with the CEQA Guidelines. Construction activities are required to occur at times specified in the Municipal Code as well as ensure that mufflers are on the construction equipment. Operational noise levels associated with the drainage pumps are required to be in confBakersfield Noise Performance Standards. Traffic management plans need to be implemented to ensure adequate safety during construction activities. Finally, construction air emissions are required to be reduced according to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Guidelines and long term emissions associated with the drainage pumps would require an air permit from the District. CUMULATIVE IMPACTS Transportation And Traffic 6.3.11.A.1.permits, the project applicant shall participate in the Regional Transportation Impact Fee (RTIF) program as well as paying the proportional share for local mitigation improvements (those not covered by the RTIF). The intersection and roadway improvements that are required with cumulative development in the years 2015 and 2030 are as follows: (Regional Transportation Mitigation) Prior to the issuance of building LAN P 7 17 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Department Development Services act Fee. The cost of Measures permits, the project applicant shall a) participate in the current, full RTIF program as modified by the Construction Cost Index (CCI) or b) mitigate everything to Level of Service C through the payment of their calculated Regional Impact Fee and pay a local transportation impact mitigation fee. For the calculated Regional Impact Fee, the applicant shall submit revised funding calculations for all improvements associated with the RTIF program pursuant to Table 10 from the project traffic study, and in accordance with Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 15.84.040, which includes the policies of the program administrator. (Local Mitigation) For impacted intersections and segments subject to fair share improvements (refer to Tables 6 & 8 from the project traffic study), prior to subdivision, updated estimates shall be submitted and approved. The local mitigation fee shall be based upon the proponent’s share of the cost to upgrade the affected facilities to Level of Service C, and shall be adjusted annually by the CCI in the same manner as the Regional Transportation Impthe upgrade shall be the City’s costs and shall include, but not be limited to, all costs of obtaining and clearing right-of-way, all utility relocations, and all construction. Construction shall include but not limited to: curb, gutter, sidewalk, pavement, signal modification, landscape and wall replacement, drive approaches, catch basin replacement, additional storm drain where necessary, streetlights, striping and signing. Unit costs used in the traffic study November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING R with the project to a ONITORING AND M Measures ITIGATION Rosedale Hwy & Allen Road - Construct one northbound through lane. Rosedale Highway and Calloway Drive - Construct one northbound left turn lane, one northbound right turn lane, and one eastbound through lane. Rosedale Highway and Coffee Road - Construct one eastbound through lane and one westbound through lane. Brimhall Road and Allen Road - Construct one southbound through lane Allen Roadway and Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps - Install signal. Calloway Drive and Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps - Install signal. Calloway Drive and Westside Parkway Eastbound Ramps - Install signal. Coffee Road and Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps - Install signal. Coffee Road and Westside Parkway Eastbound 178 M may be outdated due to recent rises in construction costs and shall be updated as appropriate. Applicant shall participate in the improvements required on a pro-rata, fair share basis, prior to the issuance of building permits, based upon the approved estimates. It is the Public Works Department’s decision as to which methodology adequately mitigates the cumulative traffic impacts associatedlevel of less than significant. Year 2015 Intersections LAN P 179 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Department Development Services Measures Ramps - Install signal. Ming Avenue and South Allen Road - Provide all-way-stop. Ming Avenue and Gosford Road - Construct one westbound right turn lane and one northbound right turn lane - “Providing Full expansion per COB std Det T-4.” Ming Avenue and Ashe Road - Construct one eastbound right turn lane and one northbound right turn lane. Ming Avenue and New Stine Road - Construct one southbound right turn lane. Buena Vista Road and Chamber Blvd. - Install signal. White Lane and South Allen Road - Install signal. White Lane and Buena Vista Road - Construct one southbound left turn lane and one southbound through lane. White Lane and Ashe Road - Construct one eastbound left turn lane and one westbound left turn lane. White Lane and Wilson Road - Construct one southbound right turn lane. White Lane and Wible Road - Construct one westbound through lane. Buena Vista Road and Campus Park Drive - Install signal. South Allen Road and Harris/Pensinger Road - Install signal. November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING R ONITORING AND M Measures ITIGATION Panama Lane and West Beltway Southbound Ramps - Install signal and construct one westbound left turn lane, two southbound right turn lanes, and one eastbound through lane. Panama Lane and West Beltway Northbound Ramps - Install signal and construct two eastbound left turn lanes, one westbound right turn lane, one northbound right turn lane, and one westbound through lane. Panama Lane and South Allen Road - Install signal and construct two eastbound left turn lanes, one westbound left turn lane, one northbound left turn lane, two southbound left turn lanes, one westbound through lane, and one eastbound through lane. Panama Lane and Windermere Street - Construct one eastbound through lane and one westbound through lane. Panama Lane and Buena Vista Road - Install signal and construct one eastbound left turn lane, one westbound left turn lane, one westbound right turn lane, one northbound left turn lane, one southbound left turn lane, and one eastbound through lane. Panama Lane and Mountain Vista Drive - Construct one eastbound through lane and one westbound through lane. Panama Lane and Gosford Road - Construct one northbound through lane and one southbound left turn lane. Panama Lane and Reliance Drive - Install signal. Panama Lane and Ashe Road - Install signal 180 M LAN P 181 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Department Development Services Measures and construct one southbound left turn lane. Panama Lane and Wible Road - Construct one westbound through lane, one southbound through lane, and provide overlapping phase for northbound right turn lane. McCutchen Road and Buena Vista Road - Provide all-way-stop. Buena Vista Road - Panama Lane to McCutchen Road - Add two lanes. Calloway Drive - Brimhall Road to WB Westside Parkway - Add two lanes Calloway Drive -Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps to Westside Parkway Eastbound Ramps - Add two lanes Calloway Drive - Westside Parkway Eastbound Ramps to Stockdale Highway - Add two lanes Coffee Road - Brimhall Road to Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps - Add two lanes. Coffee Road - Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps to Westside Parkway Eastbound Ramps - Add two lanes. Gosford Road - Panama Lane to McCutchen Road - Add two lanes. Rosedale Highway - Calloway Drive to Coffee Road - Add two lanes. Stockdale Highway - Enos Road to Nord Avenue - Construct divided roadway. Stockdale Highway - Nord Avenue to Wegis Roadway Segments November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING R ONITORING AND M Measures ITIGATION Road - Add two lanes. Stockdale Highway - Wegis Road to Heath Road - Add two lanes Stockdale Highway - East of New Stine Road - Add two lanes. Ming Avenue - West Beltway to Ming Project Entrance - Construct two lane roadway Ming Avenue - Ming Project Entrance to South Allen Road - Construct two lane roadway Ming Avenue - South Allen Road to Buena Vista Road - Construct two lane roadway. Ming Avenue - Ashe Road to New Stine Road - Add two lanes. White Lane - West Beltway to South Allen Road - Construct two lane roadway. White Lane - South Allen Road to White Lane Project Entrance - Construct two lane roadway. White Lane - White Lane Entrance to Buena Vista Road - Construct two lane roadway. White Lane - Wible Road to SR 99 Southbound Ramps - Add two lanes. Panama Lane -Gosford Road to Ashe Road - Add two lanes, construct as divided roadway. Panama Lane - Stine Road to Wible Road - Add two lanes. Allen Road - Rosedale Highway to Brimhall Road - Add two lanes Allen Road - Brimhall Road to Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps - Add two lanes. Allen Road - Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps to Westside Parkway Eastbound Ramps 182 M LAN P 183 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Department Development Services Measures - Add two lanes. Allen Road -Westside Parkway Eastbound Ramps to Stockdale Highway - Add two lanes. South Allen Road - Ming Avenue to Chamber Boulevard - Construct two lane roadway South Allen Road - Chamber Boulevard to White Lane - Construct two lane roadway South Allen Road - White Lane to Campus Park Drive - Construct two lane divided roadway South Allen Road - Campus Park Drive to Pacheco - Construct two lane divided roadway South Allen Road - Pacheco Road to Harris Road - Construct four lane roadway South Allen Road - Harris Road to Panama Lane - Construct two lane divided roadway South Allen Road - Panama Lane to McCutchen Road - Construct two lane roadway. Buena Vista Road and Harris/Pensinger Road - Install signal. Hageman Road and Calloway Drive - Construct one northbound through lane and one southbound through lane. Rosedale Highway and Calloway Drive - Construct one eastbound left turn lane and one westbound left turn lane. Year 2030 Intersections November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING R ONITORING AND M Measures ITIGATION Rosedale Highway and Coffee Road - Construct one eastbound right turn lane, one westbound left turn lane, one northbound left turn lane, and provide overlapping phase for northbound right turn lane. Rosedale Highway & Allen Road - Construct one southbound left turn lane. Brimhall Road and Allen Road - Construct one southbound left turn lane. Brimhall Road and Jewetta Avenue - Construct one southbound through lane. Brimhall Road and Calloway Drive - Construct one southbound through lane. Brimhall Road and Coffee Road - Construct one northbound left turn lane. Allen Roadway and Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps - Construct one westbound left turn lane and one westbound right turn lane. Calloway Drive and Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps - Construct two northbound left turn lanes, one northbound through lane, and one southbound through lane. Calloway Drive and EB Westside Parkway - Channelize eastbound right turn lane; and construct one southbound left turn lane, one northbound through lane, and one southbound through lane. Coffee Road and Westside Parkway Eastbound Ramps - Construct one eastbound right turn lane, one southbound through lane, one northbound through lane, one northbound right turn lane, and southbound left turn lane. 184 M LAN P 185 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Department Development Services Measures Coffee Road and Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps - Construct one northbound left turn lane, one southbound right turn lane, one westbound left turn lane, and one southbound through lane. Truxtun Avenue and Coffee Road - Construct one northbound through lane. Stockdale Highway and Allen Road - Construct one eastbound left turn lane and provide overlapping phase for westbound right turn lane. Stockdale Highway and Old River Road - Construct one westbound through lane “for Full expansion per COB Det T-4. Stockdale Highway and Gosford Road - Construct one westbound right turn lane and one northbound right turn lane. Stockdale Highway and New Stine Road - Construct one eastbound right turn lane, one eastbound left turn lane, one northbound right turn lane, and one southbound through lane. Ming Avenue and Buena Vista Road - Construct one westbound right turn lane, one northbound through lane, and one southbound through lane. Ming Avenue and Gosford Road - Construct one eastbound through lane, one westbound through lane, one northbound through lane, and one southbound through lane. Ming Avenue and Ashe Road - Construct one westbound right turn lane. November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING R ONITORING AND M Measures ITIGATION Ming Avenue and New Stine Road - Construct one eastbound right turn lane and one westbound right turn lane. Ming Avenue and Old Stine Road - Construct one eastbound left turn lane. White Lane and South Allen Road - Construct one northbound through lane. White Lane and Buena Vista - Construct one westbound right turn lane. White Lane and Old River - Construct one northbound through lane and provide overlapping phase for westbound right turn lane. White Lane and Gosford Road - Construct one westbound left turn lane, one southbound left turn lane, one northbound left turn lane, and one northbound through lane. White Lane and Ashe Road - Construct one southbound left turn lane and one northbound left turn lane. White Lane and Wilson Road - Construct one eastbound left turn lane. White Lane and Stine Road - Construct one westbound right turn lane and one southbound right turn lane. White Lane and Wible Road - Construct one eastbound right turn lane, one northbound through lane, southbound through lane, and provide overlapping phase for northbound right turn lane. South Allen Road and Harris/Pensinger Road - Construct one eastbound left turn lane, two eastbound right turn lanes, one westbound left 186 M LAN P 7 18 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Department Development Services Measures turn lane, one westbound right turn lane, one northbound left turn lane, one southbound left turn lane, one southbound right turn lane, one southbound through lane, and provide overlapping phase for southbound right turn lane. Harris Road and Old River Road - Construct one northbound through lane and one southbound through lane. Harris Road and Gosford Road - Construct one southbound left turn lane. Panama Lane and West Beltway Southbound Ramps - Channelize southbound right turn lane; and construct one eastbound right turn lane, one westbound through lane, and one eastbound through lane. Panama Lane and West Beltway Northbound Ramps - Construct one westbound right turn lane, one northbound right turn lane, one eastbound left turn lane and one westbound through lane. Panama Lane and South Allen Road - Construct one eastbound right turn lane, one northbound right turn lane, one westbound through lane, and provide overlapping phases for westbound right turn lane and southbound right lane. Panama Lane and Buena Vista Road - One eastbound left turn lane, one northbound right turn lane, one southbound right turn lane, one eastbound through lane, one southbound through lane, two northbound through lanes, November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING R ONITORING AND M Measures ITIGATION two westbound through lanes, and provide overlapping phase for westbound right turn lane. Panama Lane and Gosford Road - Construct one eastbound left turn lane, two eastbound through lanes, one eastbound right turn lane, one westbound left turn lane, two westbound through lanes, one northbound left turn lane, one northbound through lane, one northbound right turn lane, one southbound left turn lane, two southbound through lanes, and provide overlapping phase for westbound right turn lane. Panama Lane and Mountain Vista Drive - Install signal. Panama Lane and Reliance Drive - Construct two eastbound through lanes, one westbound through lane, and one westbound left turn lane. Panama Lane and Ashe Road - Construct one eastbound left turn lane, one westbound left turn lane, one northbound left turn lane, two eastbound through lanes, one westbound through lane, and one southbound through lane. Panama Lane and Golden Gate/Mountain Ridge Drive - Install signal. Panama Lane and Stine Road - Construct one eastbound through lane. Panama Lane and Wible Road - Construct one westbound left turn lane. McCutchen Road and Buena Vista Road - Install signal and construct one eastbound left turn lane, one northbound left turn lane, one southbound left turn lane, and one southbound 188 M LAN P 189 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Department Development Services Measures right turn lane. McCutchen Road and Old River Road - Install signal. McCutchen Road and Gosford Road - Install signal. Buena Vista Road - Stockdale Highway to Ming Avenue - Add two lanes. Buena Vista Road - Panama Lane to McCutchen Road - Construct as divided roadway. Calloway Drive - Hageman Road to Rosedale Highway - Add two lanes. Calloway Drive - Rosedale Highway to Brimhall Road - Add two lanes. Calloway Drive - Brimhall Road to Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps - Add two lanes. Calloway Drive -Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps to Westside Parkway Eastbound Ramps - Add two lanes. Calloway Drive - Westside Parkway Eastbound Ramps to Stockdale Highway - Add two lanes. Old River Road - South of Taft Avenue - Add two lanes. Gosford Road - Panama Lane to McCutchen Road - Add two lanes, construct as divided roadway. Gosford Road - McCutchen Road to Taft Highway - Construct as divided roadway. Roadway Segments November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING R ONITORING AND M Measures ITIGATION Stockdale Highway - Enos Road to Nord Avenue - Add two lanes. Ming Avenue - South Allen Road to Buena Vista Road - Construct as divided roadway. Ming Avenue - Old Stine Road to Real Road - Add two lanes. White Lane - West Beltway to South Allen Road - Construct as divided roadway. White Lane - South Allen Road to White Lane Project Entrance - Add two lanes White Lane - White Lane Entrance to Buena Vista Road - Add two lanes roadway. White Lane - Gosford Road to Ashe Road - Add two lanes. White Lane - Stine Road to Wible Road - Add two lanes. White Lane - Wible Road to SR 99 Southbound Ramps - Add two lanes. Panama Lane - Gosford Road to Ashe Road - Add four lanes. Panama Lane - Ashe Road to Stine Road - Add four lanes. Panama Lane - Stine Road to Wible Road - Add two lanes. Panama Lane - Wible Road to SR 99 Southbound Ramps - Add two lanes. Allen Road - Brimhall Road to Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps - Construct as divided roadway. Allen Road - Westside Parkway Westbound Ramps to Westside Parkway Eastbound Ramps 190 M LAN P 191 wn to be Comments EPORTING R l impacts that are currently kno Other Departments ONITORING AND M ITIGATION to reduce potential environmenta M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Approved by _______________ on_____________ Department e conditional of approvals are implemented with the project. Development Services Public Works Planning Approved by _______________ on_____________ Although the following conditions of approval are not required - itat located adjacent to Measures - Construct as divided roadway. Allen Road -Westside Parkway Eastbound Ramps to Stockdale Highway -Construct as divided roadway. South Allen Road - White Lane to Campus Park Drive - Construct as divided roadway. South Allen Road - Campus Park Drive to Pacheco Road - Construct as divided roadway. South Allen Road - Pacheco Road to Harris Road - Add two lanes, construct as divided roadway. South Allen Road - Harris Road to Panama Lane - Construct as divided roadway. The applicant shall be required to consult with CDFG for any construction within 200 feet of the upper bank of the Kern River and outer edge of any riparian habthe project site. This consultation is to ensure that the findings in the EIR are still applicable Mineral Resources Prior to approval of a tentative tract//parcel map, the project applicant shall submit a petroleum integration plan that shows how all existing petroleum-related facilities will be protected and integrated into the proposed development and provides documentation of compliance with Section 17.46.010 and Section 15.66 of the City Municipal Code. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL less than significant, they are included to ensure that thes November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING Planning Approved by _______________ on_____________ Planning Approved by _______________ on_____________ R ) is not ONITORING AND M Measures Dipodomys nitratoides ) on the project site, potential ITIGATION Dipodomys nitratoides nitratoides and no new measures are required. However, if new information is found that identifies a potential significant impact, additional CEQA documentation would be required as outlined in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines. This additional CEQA documentation may involve obtaining a State Incidental Take Permit pursuant to Section 2181(b) of the Fish and Game Code. The applicant shall be required to survey for nesting raptors following the survey methodology developed by the Swainson’s hawk Technical Advisory Committee (SWHA TAC, 2000), prior to any disturbance on the project site that is within 5 miles of a potential nest tree (CDFG, 1994) to ensure that the findings in the EIR are still applicable and no new measures are required. However, if new information is found that detects an active nest of a Swainson’s hawk within 5 miles of the project site and a potential significant impact could occur, additional CEQA documentation would be required as outlined in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines. This additional environmental documentation may involve consultation with CDFG. The applicant shall be required to conduct trapping prior to ground disturbance activities to confirm that the Tipton kangaroo rat (located on the project site. However, if new information is found that detects the Tipton kangaroo rat (nitratoides 192 M LAN P 193 Comments EPORTING R Other Departments ONITORING AND M ITIGATION M Verification of Compliance Public Works Department Department Development Services Planning Approved by _______________ on_____________ Planning Approved by _______________ on_____________ easures are required. Measures significant impact could occur and additional CEQA documentation would be required as outlined in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines. This additional environmental documentation may involve consultation with CDFG and United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). The applicant shall be required to implement a no construction buffer zone of a minimum distance of 250 feet, unless a qualified biologist approved by CDFG verifies through non-invasive methods that either: 1) the birds have not begun egg laying and incubation; or 2) that juveniles from the occupied burrows are foraging independently and are capable of independent survival, and that in the event burrowing owls are detected within the area of ground disturbance, passive and/or active relocation efforts may be undertaken subject to approval by CDFG and USFWS The applicant shall consult with USFWS and CDFG, where applicable, prior to any ground disturbance activities. This consultation is to ensure that the findings in the EIR are still applicable and no new mHowever, if new information is found that identifies a potential significant impact, additional CEQA documentation would be required as outlined in Section 15162 of the State CEQA Guidelines. This additional CEQA documentation may involve obtaining a USFWS 10(a)1(b) Incidental Take Permit and/or a State Incidental Take Permit pursuant November 2007 7 Comments November 200 Other Departments Verification of Compliance Public Works Department LAN P Department Development Services EPORTING Planning Approved by _______________ on_____________ R ONITORING AND M Measures ITIGATION to Section 2181(b) of the Fish and Game Code. The developer shall install or fund two lanes of the West Beltway to Arterial standards from Ming Avenue to the Asphalto Railroad at no more than 80 percent buildout of the project or within 1 year of completion of Final Design of the West Beltway by the City of Bakersfield, whichever comes first, but no sooner than 4 years from the certification of the Final EIR for the West Ming Specific Plan Project 194 M