HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 35-99 RESOLUTION NO. 3 5 ' 9 9 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING SENATE BILL 117 TO EXTEND THE STATE'S ENVIRONMENTAL ENHANCEMENT AND MITIGATION PROGRAM (EEMP). WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield has funded capital improvement projects with the Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program (EEMP) grant in the past; and WHEREAS, the EEMP currently contains an existing restriction which could force the program to go out of existence after July 2000; and WHEREAS, Senator Kevin Murray (D-Los Angeles) has just introduced Senate Bill 117, which will make the EEMP permanent by eliminating an existing restriction which could force the program to go out of existence after July 2000; and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield supports Senate Bill 117 since funds could be used for additional projects which would provide significant benefits to the community. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Bakersfield supports Senate Bill 117 to extend the State's Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program (EEMP). AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER CARSON, DEMOND, MAGGARD, COUCH, ROWLES, SULLIVAN, SALVAGGIO COUNCILMEMBER COUNCILMEMBER N' APPROVED NIAR 3 t J999 MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield ITY CLERK and E~ Offi~'~_Clerk CCouncil of the City of Bakersfield of the APPROVED as to form: /~;:'.~-,~- '~:ITY A'IT"0RNE~; the City of Bakersfield G:~GROUPDAT~RESOLUTI\1999\SenateBilI117.wpd T H E TRUST F O R PUBLIC LAND pUBLIC February26, 1999 Conserving Llmd /~r Pc.pie F:~x 016.5~7. It~75 Raul M. Rojas City of Bakersfield 150 1 Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 YOUR HELP NEEDED TO PERMANENTLY ESTABLISH THE ENVIRONMENTAL ENHANCEMENT AND MITIGATION PROGRAM FUND - - Support SB 117 (Murray) Dear Mr. Rojas: As a recipient of an Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program (EEMP) grant, you understand the EEMP's importance in providing $10 million each year to fund: Urban forestry projects Resource/Open Space land acquisition and restoration projects Roadside recreation projects (eg. trails, others) Your help is needed to make the EEMP a permanent grant program. Senator Kevin Murray (D-Los Angeles) has just introduced Senate Bill 117 which will make the EEMP permanent by eliminating an existing restriction which could force the program to go out of existence v~er July, 2000. Yot:r help is needed to ensure SB 1 ! 7 is passed by the Legislature this year. Please: 1) Write your State Assemblymember(s) and State Senator(s) and urge them to support SB 117 (see reverse side for a copy of the bill). 2) Mail the attached postcards to Senator Kevin Murray and Senate Transportation Committee Chair Betty Kamette informing them of your support for SB 117. You can also fax letters on your letterhead to the Senate Transportation Committee at 916/445- 2209. The EEMP is especially important because of the substantial decline in other funding sources for these priority projects. The EEMP represents just 1/6501h of the state's transportation budget. Proposals are closely screened by the Department of Transportation and the Resources Agency to' make sure that the most important projects are funded and that all projects are sufficien~y connected to the transportation system. Please write today in support of SB 117 so the EEMP can fund additional projects. Please educate the legislators about the local need for continued EEMP funding. Thank you for your support. Tely,/?~ ./" Cor[~wn ' Government Affairs Director Enclosure BII,I, ~!lST IiEI~T: ,q, li 11'7 I~II'IH)I)II('EI) INTRODUCED IIY Senator Murray DECED, IBER Itl, 19911 An act to amend Section 16,1 ';6 of the Streets anti Ilighways ('ode, relating to transportation I,EGISI,AI'IVE COUN.~EI,'S DIGES'I' SB 117. as introdnced. Murray 'l'ransp,i fation facililies: Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program Fund Existing law slates that it is the intent of tile l.egislatnre, commencing July t. 1991. to allocate $1 0.O00,0n0 annually for lit years to the Environmental Enhancement and Nlitigation Demonstration l'rog~am Fund Under thcsc provisions, local. state, and federal agencies and nonprofit entities may apply for and receive grants, as specified, for environmental and mitigation projects related to tile environmental impact of modifying existing transportaticm facilities or fi',r tile design, construction. or expansion of new transporlation facilities This bill woold delete the 10-year limitation of the existing law and instead would specify that it is the intent ofthe Legislature to allocate $10,000,000 annually to the fired which wotfld be renamed the Environmenial Enhancement and Mitigation Program Fund The bill also would make related chanSes Vote: majority. Appropriation no Fiscal comnlittee yes. State-mandated local program: no I'ilE PEOPI,E OF TIlE S'I'AI'E OF CAI,IFORNIA DO ENACT AS FOIJ,OWS: SECTION I Section 164.56 ofthe Streets and !lighways Code is amended to read: 16456 (a) It is the intent of the !.egislature. ce, n'u,cneing July 1, 1991, to allocate ten million dollars ($10,000,000) annually fi~r 10 years to the Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation D-GnonM; ati~ Program Fnnd. which is hereby created. (b) I.ocal, state, and federal agencies and nonprofit entities may apply fi~r and receive grants, not to exceed five million dollars ($5,000,00(1) for any single grant, to undertake environmental enhancement and mitigation prqjecls tint are directly or indirectly related to the environmental impacl of modifying exisling transportation facilities or for the design. construction. or expansion of new Iransportation facilities (c) Projects eligible tbr ~nding include. but are not limited to, all of the ~llowing: (1) !lighway landscaping and urban forestry projects designed to offset vehicular emissions of carbon dioxide. (2) Acquisition or enhancenlent of resource lands Io mitigate the loss of, or Ihe detriment to, resource lands lying within the right-of-way acquired for proposed transportalton improvement s (3) The pcox, ;sion of ,x',ads;dc Roadsith, recreational opportunilies, including roadside rests, trails, trailheads, and parks (4) Projecls 1o millgate lhe impact ofploposed lransportation Facilities or to enhance the environment, wisere the ability to effectuate the mitigation or enhancernent measures is beyond the scope of the lead agency responsible for assessing the environmental inspact of tile proposed transportalicm impxovemenl (d) Grant proposals silall be submitted to tile Resources Agency for evaluation in acco.lance with procedures and critelia prescribed hy the Resources Agency Fhe Resources Agency shall evaluate proposals st,bmilted to it and p~ epare a list of proposals recommended for firedtag The list may be revised al any time d., ;ng the 10-.~ca, dcmt~n~tttttion period Prior to inch~ding a proposal on tile list, the Resources Agency shall make a finding thai lhe proposal is eligible for fimding pursuant to subdivision (f). (e) Willsin the fiscal limitations of sul~divisions (a) and (b). tile conmfission shall anntmlly award grants to fired proposals Illat are included on the list prepared by lhe Resources Agency p,rsuant to s,bdivisitm (d ) (f') Projects ~mdcd p,rsnnnt to this section shall be projects that contrilnne to mitigation of the environmenial effects oF transpodation Facililies. as provided for by Section I of Atliclc XIX nflbe California ('onslimtion The Honorable Kevin Murray State Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 Dear Senator Murray: RE: SB 117 -- Support February 1,1999 supports your Senate Bill 117 which extends the state's Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program (EEMP). We grea~y appreciate your efforts to continue the EEMP which tim& a variety of important conservation projects that protect our resource lands, improve our communities by planting trees, and construct hails. As Califomia's population continues to grow, it is especially important that we continue to invest in projects that protect our environment and improve our quality of life. The EEMP is one of Califomia's most important grant programs that helps implement resource land conservation, urban forestry and trail projects. Thank you for your leadership in extending this program. Signature Print Name of Official Name of Your Organization Address Phone Fax ............................................................. Cut Here ........................................................ February!,i999 The Honorable Betty Karnette, Chair Senate Transportation Committee State Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 Dear Senator Karnette: SB 117 (Murray) -- Support urges you to support Senate Bill 117 (Murray) which extends the state's Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program (EEMP). The EEMP is one of Califomia's most important conservation grant programs. By providing grants to acquire resource lands, plant trees, and build trails, the EEMP directly improves the quality of life in our local communities while protecting our environment. We sincerely urge you to continue this vital program by supporting SB I 17. We would also appreciate it if you would include our'organization in the list of SB 117 supporters in the analysis that will be prepared for the Senate Transportation Committee. Thanks again. Signature Print Name of Official Name of Your Organization Address Phone Fax -c, (Organization) Place Stamp Here Street City, Zip code, State The Honorable Kevin Murray State Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 (Organization) Stamp City, Zip code, State The Honorable Betty Kamette, Chair