HomeMy WebLinkAboutFMC 2020CERS = California Environmental Reporting System, ID = Identification, ICC = International Code Council, Y = Yes, N = No, NA = Not applicable UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION FORM (Page 1 of 6) This form must be used to document testing and servicing of underground storage tank (UST) monitoring equipment. A copy of this form must be provided to the UST owner or operator. The owner or operator must submit a copy of this form to the local agency regulating the USTs within 30 days of the date of the monitoring system certification. I. FACILITY INFORMATION CERS ID Date of Monitoring System Certification Business Name (Same as Facility Name or DBA – Doing Business As.) Building # Business Site Address City ZIP Code II. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SERVICE TECHNICIAN INFORMATION Name of Company Performing the Certification Phone # ( ) - Ext. Mailing Address Name of UST Service Technician Performing the Certification (Print as shown on the ICC Certification.) Contractor/Tank Tester License # ICC Certification # ICC Certification Expiration Date Monitoring System Training and Certifications (List all applicable certifications.) Expiration Date III. RESULTS OF TESTING/SERVICING Indicate and attach the following reports if the monitoring equipment is capable of generating either. Y N NA Monitoring System Set-up Alarm History Report Was any monitoring equipment replaced? (If “Yes,” identify the specific devices replaced and list the manufacturer and model for all replacement parts in section IV below.) Was damage, debris, or liquid found inside any secondary containment systems? (If “Yes,” describe what was found in section IV below.) Is all monitoring equipment operational per manufacturer’s specifications? (If “No,” describe why in section IV below.) IV. COMMENTS If directed to use this section, describe how and when the issues were or will be corrected. V. CERTIFICATION BY UST SERVICE TECHNICIAN CONDUCTING THIS TESTING I hereby certify that the equipment identified in this document was inspected/serviced in accordance with California Code of Regulations, title 23, division 3, chapter 16, section 2638 and all information contained herein is true and accurate. Attached to this certification is information (e.g., manufacturers' checklists, monitoring system set-up, alarm history report, etc.) necessary to verify that this information and the site plan showing the layout of UST system is complete and accurate. UST Service Technician Signature ID = Identification, SW = Single-walled, VPH = Vacuum/Pressure/Hydrostatic, LLD = Line leak detector UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION FORM (Page 2 of 6) VI. INVENTORY OF EQUIPMENT CERTIFIED A separate Monitoring System Certification Form must be prepared for each monitoring system control panel. Make of Monitoring System Control Panel Model of Monitoring System Control Panel Software Version Installed Check the appropriate boxes to indicate specific equipment inspected/serviced. Monitoring Device Used Device Model # Monitoring Device Used Device Model # Tank ID: (By tank number, stored product, etc.) Tank ID: (By tank number, stored product, etc.) In-tank Gauging (SW Tank) In-tank Gauging (SW Tank) Annular Space or Vault Sensor Annular Space or Vault Sensor VPH Sensor VPH Sensor Product Piping Product Piping Mechanical LLD Mechanical LLD Electronic LLD Electronic LLD VPH Sensor (Piping) VPH Sensor (Piping) Sump Sensor Sump Sensor VPH Sensor (Sump) VPH Sensor (Sump) Fill Piping Fill Piping VPH Sensor (Piping) VPH Sensor (Piping) Sump Sensor Sump Sensor VPH Sensor (Sump) VPH Sensor (Sump) Vent Piping Vent Piping VPH Sensor (Piping) VPH Sensor (Piping) Sump Sensor Sump Sensor VPH Sensor (Sump) VPH Sensor (Sump) Vapor Recovery Piping Vapor Recovery Piping VPH Sensor (Piping) VPH Sensor (Piping) Sump Sensor Sump Sensor VPH Sensor (Sump) VPH Sensor (Sump) Monitoring Device Used Device Model # Monitoring Device Used Device Model # Tank ID: (By tank number, stored product, etc.) Tank ID: (By tank number, stored product, etc.) In-tank Gauging (SW Tank) In-tank Gauging (SW Tank) Annular Space or Vault Sensor Annular Space or Vault Sensor VPH Sensor VPH Sensor Product Piping Product Piping Mechanical LLD Mechanical LLD Electronic LLD Electronic LLD VPH Sensor (Piping) VPH Sensor (Piping) Sump Sensor Sump Sensor VPH Sensor (Sump) VPH Sensor (Sump) Fill Piping Fill Piping VPH Sensor (Piping) VPH Sensor (Piping) Sump Sensor Sump Sensor VPH Sensor (Sump) VPH Sensor (Sump) Vent Piping Vent Piping VPH Sensor (Piping) VPH Sensor (Piping) Sump Sensor Sump Sensor VPH Sensor (Sump) VPH Sensor (Sump) Vapor Recovery Piping Vapor Recovery Piping VPH Sensor (Piping) VPH Sensor (Piping) Sump Sensor Sump Sensor VPH Sensor (Sump) VPH Sensor (Sump) ID = Identification, VPH = Vacuum/Pressure/Hydrostatic, UDC = Under-dispenser containment UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION FORM (Page 3 of 6) Monitoring Device Used Device Model # Monitoring Device Used Device Model # Vent/Transition Sump ID: Vent/Transition Sump ID: Sump Sensor Sump Sensor VPH Sensor VPH Sensor UDC ID: UDC ID: Electronic Sensor Electronic Sensor Mechanical Device Mechanical Device VPH Sensor VPH Sensor UDC ID: UDC ID: Electronic Sensor Electronic Sensor Mechanical Device Mechanical Device VPH Sensor VPH Sensor UDC ID: UDC ID: Electronic Sensor Electronic Sensor Mechanical Device Mechanical Device VPH Sensor VPH Sensor UDC ID: UDC ID: Electronic Sensor Electronic Sensor Mechanical Device Mechanical Device VPH Sensor VPH Sensor Other Monitored Component ID: Other Monitored Component ID: Other (Specify in section VII.) Other (Specify in section VII.) Other Monitored Component ID: Other Monitored Component ID: Other (Specify in section VII.) Other (Specify in section VII.) Other Monitored Component ID: Other Monitored Component ID: Other (Specify in section VII.) Other (Specify in section VII.) Include information for every underground storage tank component monitored by this monitoring system control panel. If the monitoring system control panel monitors more components than this form accommodates, additional copies of these pages may be attached. VII. COMMENTS Use this section to provide any additional comments about the inventory of the equipment certified. Y = Yes, N = No, NA = Not Applicable UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION FORM (Page 4 of 6) VIII. MONITORING SYSTEM AND PROGRAMMING This section must be completed if a monitoring panel is used to perform leak detection monitoring. Y N NA Are the visual and audible alarms operational? Were all sensors visually inspected for kinks and breaks in the cables and for residual buildup to ensure that floats move freely, functionally tested, and confirmed operational? Were all sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so that other equipment will not interfere with their proper operation? Was monitoring system set-up reviewed to ensure proper settings? Was the monitoring panel’s backup battery visually inspected, functionally tested, and confirmed operational? Does the flow of fuel stop at the dispenser if a leak is detected in the under-dispenser containment? Does the turbine automatically shut down if the piping secondary containment monitoring system fails to operate or is electrically disconnected? Does the turbine automatically shut down if the piping secondary containment monitoring system detects a leak? Which sensors initiate positive shut down? (Check all that apply.) Sump Under-dispenser containment If alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring station, is all communications equipment (e.g. modem) operational? For any answer of “N” above, describe in section IX how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. IX. COMMENTS X. IN-TANK GAUGING TESTING Check this box if tank gauging is used only for inventory control. (Do not complete this section.) Y N NA Check this box if NO tank gauging equipment is installed. (Do not complete this section.) This section must be completed if in-tank gauging is used to perform leak detection monitoring. Has all input wiring been inspected for kinks and breaks in the cables and for proper entry and termination, including testing for ground faults? Were all in-tank gauging probes visually inspected for damage and residue buildup to ensure that floats move freely, functionally tested, and confirmed operational? Was accuracy of system’s product level readings tested? Was accuracy of system’s water level readings tested? Were all probes reinstalled properly? Were all items on the equipment manufacturer’s maintenance checklist completed? For any answer of “N” above, describe in section XI how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. XI. COMMENTS GPH = Gallons per hour, Y = Yes, N = No, NA = Not applicable, VPH = Vacuum/Pressure/Hydrostatic, ID = Identification UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION FORM (Page 5 of 6) XII. LINE LEAK DETECTOR TESTING Check this box if line leak detectors (LLD) are NOT installed. (Do not complete this section.) Y N NA This section must be completed if LLDs are installed. Was a leak simulated to verify LLD performance? (Check all that apply.) Simulated leak rate verified: 3 GPH 0.1 GPH 0.2 GPH Was the testing apparatus properly calibrated? For emergency generator tank systems, does the LLD create an audible and visual alarm when a leak is detected? For mechanical LLDs, does the LLD restrict the flow through the pipe when a leak is detected? For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off when a leak is detected? For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled or disconnected? For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system malfunctions or fails a test? For electronic LLDs, have all accessible wiring connections been visually inspected for kinks and breaks? Were all items on the equipment manufacturer’s maintenance checklist completed? Were all LLDs confirmed operational within regulatory requirements? For any answer of “N” above, describe in section XIII how and when these issues were or will be corrected. XIII. COMMENTS XIV. VACUUM / PRESSURE/ HYDROSTATIC MONITORING EQUIPMENT TESTING Check this box if VPH monitoring is NOT used. (Do not complete this section.) This section must be completed if VPH monitoring is used to perform leak detection monitoring. System Type (Mark all that apply.) Vacuum Pressure Hydrostatic Sensor ID Component(s) Monitored by this Sensor Sensor Functionality Test Interstitial Communication Test Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail How was interstitial communication verified? Simulated leak at far ends of the interstitial space. Visual Inspection Other (Describe the method in section XV below.) Gauge Was the vacuum or pressure restored to operating levels in all interstitial spaces? Yes No (Describe the reason in section XV below.) For any answer of “FAIL” above, describe in section XV how and when these issues were or will be corrected. XV. COMMENTS Monitoring System Certification UST Monitoring Site Plan Site Address: 6100 District Blvd., Bakersfield, CA. 93313 ffi+a / 6,rNA5t ........,..-. ' ooc' . / l. Y .6.rca f,rr *tar... . .Af(' . Tctribba -.219 . .s! t5ec. :---.'3{:)yl.o - iuq. ,Frll '' *. |l.Jloa.. . -. ge.rylo.- 4?o. Date map was drawn: I I. I[structions If you already have a diagram that shows all required information, you may include it, rather than this page, with your Monitoring System Certiflcation. On your site plan, show the general layout of tanls and piping. Clearly identi$ locations of the following equipment, if installed: monitoring system control panels; sensors monitoring tank amular spaces, sumps, dispenser pans, spill containers, or other secondary gontairunent areas; mechanical or electronic line leak detectors; and in+ank liquid level probes (ifused for leak detection). In the space provided, note the date dris Site Plan was prepared. Page 4 of 4 $ww.unidocs.orguN-036 - 4/,r Rev. 0l/17l0t 09 24 20 COLHUN I iIHT I{ir.tg t:alrl _ _ POFT FJETT I NL,;S : HUTI T) I HL .I I I.IE SETUT, : TT E : 1-, EEIIEF] Ri]UT { F'HS } N I PL I.]EEI:LY SATr,IAL TII.IE : ,i:1I FI'I KECE 1 JEF REI.. RTS : S'I5TEI,,]- EETUI E!'ETEI'] I] I,.I I TEU.E.SiETEI'I LANLiUAtE Ef,lail I tiH F]YSTEIl llliTE, TIHE FORI1AT l.lut'l Ltr Yrr,li HH : t1H : *t; iirl 2EED:? E 1 OLI II i ETFI 1{.TT ELUI) E,I}:EESF I ELT] i:A I]HTH LEI'']Ij].H: T T]*TA FS- !J! 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ALL:l1O ISLI IIrLE TIl,lE ALL:CSLD I I,I{IR E*TE ['IPRI'I ALL : *r::CU--1-'HHI.'T CllL l,ltlEN ,,lLL : FtEi r{)t.l r,lAEt,l I l,ttj HLL : RE:Ol.l ALARII BLL : LOl, TEI''IF l,lgRl'l1l',lc ALL:{lEtiSS Fn IL L I NE Tll}i L I El] I lr sEtlFj ,Ft *Lt'tE IiLL : FUEL ALARI"I HLL : FJEI.]Fji: E UtIT HLAEI']*LL : FjHORT ALHFl"lALL:TATER IIII.AEI'] ALL:I,IA]'EE {]UT ALAEI1 ALL: HIGH LIiiuIIT ALARI"I ALL : L }I,,] LIQUID ALgRI,lHLL:LIOUI D L,iARI,lI NG E:iTERl,lHL I Nt,UTS*LL :E;iTEFI'I I I.IPUT ALHFI.I FIETTE I UEH ALAEI,IIj SEE? I [rE FEP0RT LJHEt'l ITLAFI'] CLEAR I,JHRN I I'IG PR I NT TD UTiL,]'.IEE ENAELET' TEHI rO[1PEt,]ilAT I ll U*LUE { TTEii F ): EO,O ET I DH HE I ';HT I:LFFSET f'l SAELED H-PE TSCLI,L IT*Tg F:iRI"1I1T HE I GHT Dil'y'I-IGHT E*\iI I'Ifi TII']E ENAELEDsT*ET IIHTEl'li1R lL EEll t SUI,I BT*RT T I I,lE 2: [t ril'] El.lD L*TEI,IOU I,{EEH 1 EUI,I Ei"III T I I']E 2 : D0 *t"1 EE.DIRECT LI)i]AL FR i IiT UT DI SAELE! EUEO PEOTOI,:LTL T'EEF I i.i SYSTEI"] SECTIE I TYr-:0trE : ILll]r_.lL l I I.I-"TfiI.]H sETLII,. - . E},TERNHL I I,IPIIT sET]]p NOHET I:LTlEIJEI- FFtu[rLr{_]T {:rttrFl TIlEEI']AL I]]EFF'1'ltllli t' l HI.IETER TAl,lljl FE{rF I LE FULL TI,:}L FI,,;'HT = I:E : tJ*TEl'r L.!|HRt'tI l'l'_: H 1']H LJI1TER LIPIl I I . 0Ll -r45Lt 1 Lr9. 5r:rIPT r :L i:]0 q.I I r,l. 5. J5.l I !uLrL-l 1lY; 1 _ rJ[D 9Z'4 I r .l0rJ E, Lr0 5 LID1i 19 r-.1.0t: r_ !1t r.ll FIEI.*,, lilE]1.1I, HA:i UE LAEEL !]OL 4..,\,'E]IF ] LL LII"]IT H I GH I,ET]LI.JI]T LELIlEFf L,ITIIT LUtl PRlrt'Ur:'I LEH}i HLHRH ELlLrIrEl,l Li:riiFi TFI.]}i T I LT l"lAt'l I FtrLDEt, THl.lliSTf : t',lrf,lE DEL I !ER! l,iELA'I : LII,IIT: LII'1IT: E 1:llEf.lfTE Ht-Hpt"tT'i PE : STAI']IIHIII) n,:)FlHrit.LY iJ!.EN 1 11-1'Hrlti HL*,;flF HLL :4JlEEF I I-L HLARI.IFLL : L,]1, FElltit_li r'I' HLHFltlHLL. : H LH ptrlrl,!,,'T ril_rtpj tALL :I,EOEE i] ]TALL: fllr;H IJHTEk t,t*Ftl{I t,,tG,.tLL ; t,EL I IJERY f.lEEIrEflrlLL : t"l*:.; I,F t,gr_:1 g1_*tn, l. ID! i D F--Eflri{)R rllt"ts*LL: FUEL AL*FJ.Ii.tLL: FjEI,FjnR {iLIT fiLHEI,1HLL : SHr:iFT ALAFj,lALL:IIHTEH ALAEf.IALL : HIr-;H LI til,[L FLHpt"l ,qLL. : L(r,H LInUID fiL&Rt"lALL : LILlLIlL] I.]HFI.]I I,11..; E : :}OEITI1,/E ETI]UTLIFFT!r'PE : STAllFHRtr l'tOEf,lHLLI UFEI - Ht) ALHEt"t HD-li I i-lt,lt"lEI.JTFi - !J{jFTL,'JAF:E FjEi i EiI (]H LEUELvEl?li I OI,t 4?l . ut51IFT|^IHREd J,lE..l:1 1nu -.r ': EEH IEI, - !u.11 . iE. ltr.,lLr I,1O 5 FTI,,JA]iE I{IT)ULE irl|,lki,l H I Sf i)Ey F:Epl-iRT .- -- - jji':-_;TElt iilnErlHHl',tk i )L]T !rut, 14. jlt:,L l t :JEPN I I''J'I'ER EFF{IF Jli,ll; iS=,!.l"'".Ihli t. lfgE E;Llll HII *lr 5 [ U,] L t 0Ll I L _5ENFt rFt_i:rE i'UI" - - L I : ril'iHlll.lrE TRI -STHTE ( S I ll!";l-E FLOl.tT ) ilA'IEGOF.r.r' : nHll,ILAH SP*rrE L 3 :,Eiir_.lTH Er -t"lFT]II -FJTATE {EII.]GLE FL{]*T) CATEI,iTIRY : STF BUI,IP L 11: llijRTH fir_lt']F TFI _ST*TE {SINiIL,E FLOAT] tATEG{.JF!i : STP SUTI!. L g : tr I SPEI\liiEFr F*ll TH I "STATE i FJ I I,IfJLE FLOIiT -) CATEi,Jt]Rf : DIEPENSER PftI.I *l.HHI"I HISliLIr\', l?EF{-rl"lI - I l{-THNll Ht-*El"l - -- - T 1:IrlESE].. i\.?ERF I LL *LHFHFIEP i.i . :'u 1 f :1 : !:l t'l"l JUL I E, .-trr 'l I 1 : tlE HI'l t,tiiE llr. !1r17 l2: I B l'11 LOri t EiJt,urT iilfiFl"l JUL I B. :rJl',r I u:5u r'tl'lt"lAE E. !0lrB 1!::E Hll HI 'JH PR{.iIIL]I'I ALIIRI'].lull l?. :tllq 9:i]B *rl JUI1 1:. :l-tl: E:51 At'l*FR E, :01 1 4: U:l r',P] I I,I HL i Ii FUEL LE\.]ELJUL lE, llrl9 1D:5n * .,lt,iti l!. :U1! E:1.1 AI'l*FR E, !lll ,1:-rI Pl'1 PR{]EE ilUT JLIL IB. :Lll'-J ll:37 *l"l JLJL 1E. :[19 10i,.1'3 lrl'] tiilR 13, ':Ul5 E:15 Pl',',l TTEL I V,EEY, I.IEETIET],lUL 1B' 'JlJlg ll,r:5Ll HllllAE E . :-lDl.rB 1r: 1E AI'l I'l*)i FF0L, UL,]'I Ftl-AtrillJlll,i l ?, :Ll l .1 9 : 'lE At'l JUll 13, :t-r1r E: El r1l'1 H!,R rl, !011 4:0u pll Lr 'IEHF HrlRN I I'li-; l'lHR 11. 3u1B E:!:- Pl'l JUll r?. :u1q ltl:44 st',1 JUr'l l!. :Dl2 9:18 Al'1 HLHEI'I I1I ETI}Et REI.IJIiT - --- ljElli:{tFl HLriRl'lL 1 :Hllll-lLrtE I,iNNIILAR i]F*i.]E FUEL HL*El"l ..IUL 18, ILII9 1O:4E AI'1 F-EL ALfiFiIl.lu lE. :1118 1U:1! AI.1 FUEL frl-*Rll JUl,l :E. 3ll1T :r:lE Pll ALAEI'I HI STOR!. RE!,iiRT .- sEFlifiFl HLARI1 -L i3 :FNUTH FJ ]f'IF,STP SUI.1F FLIEL HLAEI1JUL 18, !|t1,:r l0:4E At"l =EIIEOE JUT ALAEI,IJUl,l !6, 21118 I Lr: 1? AI,l FUEL *LfiRI'] Jr_lFl ?E. lrt1g 10:14 gtl i;*-.EtlIrarr- HLHFII H I5.IiJF.]. REFURT - --- EEI,lFilFr ill"HFJ 1 -- ..- I- !:IIIIJPEI.]ETER Ir I:.,rFEliliEFt t HIl SEI'lErJFr ll LlT Hl-frl.T'll]*F 1rl, !l]l'-r ?iu5 Fll SEliEiF {-rUT ALliFll,lltl- :2. :Ut5 l1::Ll Hl'l I:UEl.,LrLHRl'l.lul. l?, ':rJiE 1l:lB Al'1 *lr*irEllftrdiXI fTLgRI',1 H IETOIIT REP1JIIT ---..- i:rEI{i[,R ALAET] -----L '1 : I,I{JFTH SUI"]P ilTI,SUt.ip FUEL ALARI.I.Jl,lL i:. !l]19 1i]:,lE rlll SEI,IE F] iUT ALHRI'] JUN !E, !r:rlE lr-1:17 Ht1 FLIEL ilL*Ftt1 JUi"r 2E. !01ts 10:1rl At1 lriixrEl.ltiXi*l(; rr.iiEllI'rt'il+ HLAlil'l H I EITORY EEF|RT --- - IiENS+R tiLAEl'1 -----L 5 : t,I *F EI.ISER F'AN tr lgFENr-lEE PAll FI.IEL *LHEI,1JUL 18, :019 10:56 Ai.1 EEI.ISOE ULIT IILI]RI.1 JUI,I :E. rutE ltr:17 *1.'l FUEL HLHEl"lJUll 2E. !018 l[:lE ,.]l'1 :r:r ir:rEllli i*i i, CERS = California Environmental Reporting System, ID = Identification, UST = Underground storage tank, ICC = International Code Council UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SPILL CONTAINER TESTING REPORT FORM (Page 1 of 1) Type of Action Installation Test Repair Test 12 Month Test I. FACILITY INFORMATION CERS ID Date of Spill Container Test Business Name (Same as Facility Name or DBA-Doing Business As.) Business Site Address City ZIP Code II. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SERVICE TECHNICIAN INFORMATION Name of UST Service Technician Performing the Test (Print as shown on the ICC Certification.) Phone # ( ) - Ext. Contractor/Tank Tester License # ICC Certification # ICC Certification Expiration Date Spill Container Testing Training and Certifications (List applicable certifications.) III. SPILL CONTAINER TESTING INFORMATION Test Method Used: Manufacturer Guidelines: (Specify) Industry Code or Engineering Standard: (Specify) Engineered Method: (Specify) Attach the testing procedures and all documentation required to determine the results. # of Attached Pages Tank ID: (By tank number, stored product, etc.) Spill Container Manufacturer: Method of Cathodic Protection Non-Metallic Non-Metallic Non-Metallic Non-Metallic Isolation Isolation Isolation Isolation Other (Specify in section V.) Other (Specify in section V.) Other (Specify in section V.) Other (Specify in section V.) Inside Diameter of Spill Container: (Inches) Depth of Spill Container: (Inches) Does the spill container have a 5 gallon capacity? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Method to Keep Spill Container Empty Drain Valve Drain Valve Drain Valve Drain Valve Onsite Pump Onsite Pump Onsite Pump Onsite Pump Other (Specify in section V.) Other (Specify in section V.) Other (Specify in section V.) Other (Specify in section V.) IV. SUMMARY OF TESTING RESULTS Spill Container Test Results Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail V. COMMENTS All items marked “Fail” above must be explained in this section. Any additional comments may also be provided here. VI. CERTIFICATION BY UST SERVICE TECHNICIAN CONDUCTING THIS TESTING I hereby certify that the spill containers were tested in accordance with California Code of Regulations, title 23, division 3, chapter 16, section 2637.1 and all the information contained herein is accurate. UST Service Technician Signature If the facility has more components than this form accommodates, additional copies of this page may be attached. SPILL BUCKET TESTING INFORMATION Test Method Used: Test Equipment Used: Equipment Resolution: Identify Spill Bucket (By Tank Number, Stored Product, etc.) 1 2 3 4 Bucket Installation Type: Bucket Diameter: Bucket Depth: Wait time between applying vacuum/water and start of test: Test Start Time (TI): Initial Reading (RI): Test End Time (TF): Final Reading (RF): Test Duration (TF – TI): Change in Reading (RF - RI): Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: Test Result: