HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/05/18 KRGSA AGENDAKERN RIVER GSA Thursday, April 5, 2018 10:00 a.m. City Hall North 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA 93301 First Floor, Conference Room A AGENDA Board Members: Rodney Palla, Chair Gene Lundquist Bob Smith 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the March 1, 2018, Regular Meeting 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Correspondence Received (City Clerk) B. Finance Report (Nelson Smith) i. Receive and File Financial Report ii. Request additional cash call of $100,000 per agency ii. Approval of Outstanding Invoices for Horizon Water and Environment (2) and Todd Groundwater (2) C. Management Group Updates (Beard, Mulkay, Chianello) i. Approval of DWR Agreement Letter for early release of C2VSim model files ii. Approval of Horizon Water and Environment proposal for Grant Administration Services iii. Update on Potential Kern River GSA Boundary Changes iv. Update on Kern County Groundwater Sustainability Agency Coordinating Group Activities 6. REPORT A. Update on the Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model (P. Stanin) 7. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 8. ADJOURNMENT KERN RIVER GSA MINUTES MEETING OF March 1, 2018 RIM ACTION TAKEN CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING - 1 O:05 ax n, 2— ROLL CALL Pr s e ri t: Ch airr'nan PaHa, Board Mernt.,)ers Lur-�6:just arid SmHl',i Absent: sm 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - of the Febn.,rary 1, 2018, regdar rneefing Motion by Board Member Lundquist, seconded by APPROVED Board Member Smith, for approval of minutes. 5. NEW BUSINESS A, Corresponden(.',,e Receive(.J C orrespo rider,") c e receved Febrn,.uary 5, 2018, frorn Meh Johnson, Greerffield Courity Water District requesint partk,;ipation in and coordnafion with the Kern Wver (37SA. B� Hnance Rpod L Rec6ve and hFile hriarical Report Neson Smith, Hrinruce Director r"nade staff cornrnents. Motion by Board Member Lundquist, APPROVED seconded by Board Member Smith, to approve and file the financial report. Bakersfied, Caffornia,March 1, 2018 -- Page 2 ACTION TAKEN Approvab of Outsfig: r6n( g Vrvvoices for Todd Groundwater (3) Nedson Srnith, FinarICEDirector rnade staff cornR"er-ts and req(,uested a cash cak forfl')e nex� rneefirig. Motion by, Board Member Smith, APPROVED seconded by Board Member Lundquist, to approve the payments and the recornmended cash call. C" Updafe on poter0irJl Kern River C -,SA boundary changes (David Beard) L 01cese Wateir Dstrici iL Lafflont Flubkc Lffikfies Dsfiicl �HCawe�oWa�er Dsik1 �VOthers DcMd Beard, 04 Manager, provided update regardirug the bouridary (z,,hanges. D, Dscussdon regarding adjacer'0 Band (:,)wner requ,,)ests for unc�usuor) in Managed Areas Mark Mulkay, Ger�eral M(",inager of KErn DeHa Water District, provided update, r�o reconirnendafions at ths forme, Gene McMurtey, Allorney f(;x K(,.nrr� DEH' Waler Disfiicf, rnade addHioric:id cornr-nents, Update on'the Kern County Subbask) Groundwater Su stainaLAity P�ar"n Support 2017 (',', r, a n t. ,orf CNaneHo, Wafer Resources Manager, provided (,)pdc)te regarddng fl -ie (.3,rani. Bakersfi0d, CaVornia, March 1, 2018 -- Page 3 ACTION TAKEN F. Update ori Kern County Groundwaie� SL)StairuabiHty Agency Coordinafing Group Activities,. Mark Mulkay, GE)nera0 Manager of Kern Delta Water Dusfrict, provdeed update, Phykis Stann, Vice Prespdent Of Todd GrouricJwatev, g(.",ive update regardlr,ug Oetter' agreernent for the C2VS�rn rnc,�de�. She also requested to be added fiz) the ApO 5, 2018, meefirig regarding the 0iydrogeologk, Con(,-,,eptUCfl ModeL None C). CorJerence wHh k Counse Potential Litigation: 0osed Sessuoiru p.,)rsuant feta Governrrent Code section 54956.9(d)(2),(e)(1) (or e matter). Motion by Board Member Smith, to adjourn to APPROVED Closed Session at 70:40 am. 7. CLOSED SESSION ACTION NO REPORTABLE a. ("'oriference vMlh Legai Counsei ACTION Potential Litigation,* 0osed Sessuon pura,art to (.3,overnment Code secfior� 54956.9(d)(2),(e)(1) (one n"iiatter). Bakeirsfi0d, Calliform , March 1, 2018 - Page 4 UNINZIM 8. COMMITTEE COMMENTS MOVED FORWARD ON THE AGENDA ("hoir of 1he Kern River Groundwaier S,,)stciinabflity Agency ATTEST: SECRETARY of the Kern R�ver GrOUndwater Agency CAWEL ELO Q(4') �) ')'()3'() ( Y72 Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (S ;MA) & Grotindwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) Workshop and S Board Meeting of the "at welo Groundwater Sustainability AgEmcy (CGSA) Thursday, Aprfl 5,, 2018 200 IRNA — 4M PM (I . aw0o Water DislHct 1,7207 industriifl Farm Road Bakeq,sfield, CA 913308 The pUrpose of the workshop Ns to provide backgr"ound on SGMA and begin open dscussions can the develolornent of a GSP ff,.'nr sustainaNe groundwater management for, Nandowners wfthin the CGSA area and other interested parties, 'I"'his is the first meeting in a series (:)f rneetings to provide comments and engage the CA regarding the managernent of groundwater Under the new SGMA regLAlations. Nease RSVP to CawOo Water Dist6ct, YoU can contact the office by phone at 661-393-6072 or by email at 1, Nntroduction 2, SGMA Backgr"OUrid and Overview 3. Regulatory ReqLdrernents and 1'4nehne 4, GSW" Background and Requirements 5, Groundwater SL)sta4mble Management 6estion s, Comments and Open Msclussion CY Kern River GSA Report of'Reco eipts and Disbursements for the 2017-18 FiscaYear Report information as of March 28, 2018 I , , � 1� I I � I I I III 1 1111 1111 1111 "IMIM71 Date Received 0 City of Bakersfield Kern Defta Water Disthct Kern County Water Agency Henry Mffler Water District Total Receipts in this Fiscal Year gwg� Arnount Received no,0100m 1,001,000M 1001,000M 751-00 Total Msbursements In this Fiscal Year Balance in KRGSA Trust as of report date (cit�y trust account: 618 0000-208M-00) Sr\Accou nti ng\K RGSA\re port of recOpts arid disbursernents 2017 Authorized Date COB Check Amount for payment PaIid P,ayee Number Paid by KRGSA on: 7/21/2017 Todd Groundwater 661879 $ 29,09935 7/13/2017 7/21/2017 Horizon Water & Environmental 661850 7,556.23 7/13/2017 9/15/2017 Todd Groundwater 664209 41,907A9 9/7/2017 9/15/2017 Horizon Wates & EnOronrnental 664192 24,733,65 9/'7/2017 10/13/2017 Todd GrOUridwater Ei165471, 8,554,25 10/5/2017 10/13/2017 Horizon Water & Evia onrnenol 665404 1.1.,1741.41 10/5/2017 1.2/1.5/2017 Todd Groundwater 668157 45,476M 1.2/7/2017 12/1,5/2017 Horizon Water & Environrnental 668122 68,045.94 12/7/2017 12/1.5/2017 Kern Groundwater Authority 668129 12,27100 12/7/2017 2/9/2018 "rodd Groundwater 670509 24,79530 2/1/2018 2/9/2018 HoHzon Water& EnOronmental! 670500 23,4241.51. 2/1/2018 3/9/2018 Todd Groundwater 671936 50,394,10 3/1/2018 Total Msbursements In this Fiscal Year Balance in KRGSA Trust as of report date (cit�y trust account: 618 0000-208M-00) Sr\Accou nti ng\K RGSA\re port of recOpts arid disbursernents 2017 Kern River GSA Contract Mon�toring Worksheet Report information as of March 28, 2018 S:\Accounting\KRGSA\report of receipts and disb�,irsements 201:17 Amount Date Notes 06&M Contract $ 194,000.00 AUgUst 4, 2016 Amendment 4''11 $ 82,000M Feb. 1, 2018 Grant App SUPi)ort 276,000M Remaining Authorized Date COB Check bwoice AMount Contract for payment PaW Nwnber Number Pa W Balance by KRGSA on: Beginning Mance 276,,000.00 12/2/2016 651494 1887 $ 1,508.84 274,49111r6 12/l/2016 2/10/2017 654461 1�,YM 7,434,19 267,,056.97 2/2/2017 6/9/20,17 659813 2125 3,93173 263,123.24 6/1./2017 7/21/2017 661,850 2258 7,55623 255,567M 7/13/2017 9/15/2017 664192 2310 6,243-69 249,32332 9/7/2017 9/15/2017 664192 2332 18,489,96 230,833.36 9/7/2017 10/13/2017 665404, 2418 11,770,43 219,06193 10/5/2017 12/15/2017 668122 2459 18,97418 200,,088.75 12/7/2017 12/15/2017 6613.1r22 2467 4,246.16 195,842,59 12/7/2017 12/15/2017 668122 2501 44,825,60 151,016,99 12/7/2017 2/9/2018 670500 2546 3,481J15 147,535,94 2/1/2018 2/9/2018 670500 2557 17,881 04 129,654M 2/1/2018 2/9/2018 670500 2586 2,058,42 127,596,48 2/1,/201,8 S:\Accounting\KRGSA\report of receipts and disb�,irsements 201:17 S:\Accounting\KRGSA\report of receipts and disbursements 2017 An,iount Date Notes Ohginap Contract 360,000,00 August 4, 2016 Amendment #I (36M) April 6, 2017 Scope 1 adjUstment Amendment #1 $ 431,957.00 AprH 6, 2017 SCOPEw 2 arnendment $ 791,92L00 Renmining Aut6ro6zed Date COB Check C'nvoice Anwunt Contract for payment PaW Number Number Pad Mance by KRGSA on: Beginning Balance $ 791,921,00 11/10/2016 650665 62306- 9.1,6 7d 2,256,25 789,664.75 11/3/2016 �12/2/2016 651513 62306--10-16 15,436A2 774,22833 12/l/2016 2/10/2017 654488 62306-11-16 754.30 773,474.473 2/2/2017 4/14/2'017 657389 62306-02-17 6,360A0 767,113,63 4/6/2017 6/9/2017 659826 62,306-03- 17 10,255,60 '756,858.03 6/1/2017 6/9/201.7 659826 62306-04-17 9,056,7.(15 747,7 4 77.98 6/1./2017 7/21/2017 661879 62306-05-175,855, �n 731,922.53 7/13/2017 7/21/2017 661879 62307-05-17 13,244.20 718,678.63 7/13/2017 9/15/2017 664209 62306-0(5-17 11,480,76 707,197,87 9/7/2017 9/3.5/2017 664209 62307.0&17 �19,361.80 687,836,07 9/7/2017 9/15/26717 664209 62306-01°17 6,052,13 681,78194 9/7/2017 9/15/2017 6642079 62307 07-1 7 5,012,K) 676,771,14 9/7/2017 10/13/2017 66,5471 62306-08-17 1,927.30 674,843.84 10/5/2017 10/13/2017 665471 62307-08-17 6,626,95 668,216M 10/5/2017 12/15/2017 668157 623969..17 12,770,02 655,446,87 12/7/2017 12/15/2017 668157 62307 -09.1 s" 9,702,25 645,744,62 12/7/2017 12/15/2017 668157 62306. 19,612,75 626,131,87 12/7/2017 12/15,/2017 668157 6x23617`161...17' 3,397..4167 622,740.87 12/7/2017 2/9/2018 670509 62306- 11-17 8,967.85 613,77102 2/9./2018 2/9/2018 670,509 62307-1117 3,32115 610,450,57 2/1./2018 2/9/2018 670509 62306-12..17 10,009.15 600,44112 2/1/2018 2/9/2018 670509 62307-1.1...1 A 2,495 95 597,945,17 2/1/2018 3/9/2018 671936 62307 -04- 17 5,679.35 592,266M 3/l/2018 3/9/2018 671936 662306..01..1.5 32,415.05 559,851.77 3/1,/2018 3/9/2018 671936 62307,01,18 12,30030 547,551.07 3/1/2018 S:\Accounting\KRGSA\report of receipts and disbursements 2017 Kern Groundwater Authorily - 4MIhorized letter from KRGSA,,..-��t. 1,_Z_QI6 Arnount .......... Date Notes OdginM Contract $ 55 685.00 Sept. 1, 747:15 ietter agreement Remaining Authorized Date COB Check Invoice Amount Contract for payment Paid Number, Number Paid Mance by KRGSA on: Beginning Balance $ 55,685.4141 6/9/2017 65981.5 2017-05 $ 31,,346,00 24,539,00 6/1/2017 12/15/2017 668129 2017 35 $ 12,272M 12,267,00 12/7/201.7 S:\Accounting\KRGSA\report of receipts and dBsbursenients 2017 H o r iz o n . ....................... . . . . R 0 Nd I l N. P.O. Box 2727 Oakland, CA 94602 510-986-1851 ken(e.ihorizonh2o.com www.horizonh2o.com Bill To Kern River Groundwater Sustainability Agency Bakersfield City Clerk's Office 1600 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Invoice # Project 2/26/2018 2710 16.036 Groundwater Sustainability Plan Aako Description gp' llo, . .......... K" sa Y"I Rate Amount Terms W KRGSA Contract 16-001 Net 45 Personnel/item Description Hrs[Qty Rate Amount Kern River Groundwater Sustainability Agency KRGSA Contract 16-001 For services rendered December 1, 2017 - January 31, 2018 Kenneth Schwarz Principal 4 210.00 840.00 Debra Ully Sr. Associate 1 175.00 175.00 Sandra Wieder Admin 0.25 75.00 18.75 Subtotal 1,033.75 Ken Schwarz - Mileage: July 12-13, 2017 for KRGSA Meetings 530 0.535 283.55 Ken Schwarz - Mileage: September 14, 2017 for Public Outreach Meeting 530 0.535 283.55 8-1/2x11 Color Print 5 1.00 5.00 8-1/2x11 Photocopies 19 0.15 2.85 Reimbursable Expenses Subtotal 574.95 Mark-up 5.00% 28.75 Reimbursable Expenses Total 603.70 For Services provided through 14-5p e- .01 $1,637.45 Total January 31, 2018 Or el Invoice Approval Signature >J- 1 - Horizon Water and Environment, LLC is a California Limited Liability Company and a Certified Small Business (#52574) ui 40 O O 40 IR, 0-0 WNOM—aor� W) 0) ce) 4. 0 u co cq o C� 0 C4 0 C? O V cq LU M u Cl) U*) r- Ct) to 00 ce) m to z z 'd 4 Ld C,) 'ci V: uf Z� N C-4 uj CO 6H 69 69 6p, <fl 6F3 60 61)� to). W Ln CO CW cq -j LU r%- 00 v 00 to In CS! CQ Oct Cl) C*q Cli 0 00 co to 06 to 0 LO W 0) LO 0 00 0 cr > D z u co 60 64 69 601, 6% (a 601 vil CD C14 J N (D kc) cli d00 r (0 CI r - V: Ni CO00 N o6 co OD c4 M M Ot -1 CO cl) C14 r- > 00 co co cli C6 LU C%j — to 9 C > cc m w 0. 6-1 60 64 of 641 .14. E r 0800000 q q C? CJ C? C? 8 8 CD V- Cl rl . m m w m -tT w ami r, w 0 r, r- r -j Ln r- rn Ln Ln w Ln t.D � C6 ry� ;I �F Lr� fy� -�iI 06 r-4 m r4 (N m 1.4 M amt C tio CL M o (U 0< U 4) 0 , 0 c w m ca m E N ro c r 0) w M c Ln = 0 M C: . U- -0 m C C .0 m m C) -0 C m 0 CL -0 c = M N c c m E .2 E- �u c m A a) "Fu E - m "S -a - 4, =j E > 0 0 u tw o 0 .5: E -0 - E aj U cu 0 CL Cr a < M W 0- r *z,; aj U 0- CL C: C: tw 0 Ln m W Ln Ln m m 1 (D co cL (D 0 CL 0- 1 CL 1 Ln 4D r * 00 Horizon Water and Environment, LLC 266 Grand Ave. Ste 210 Oakland, CA 94610 Date: 12/01117 to 01/31/18 Client: KRGSA-Kern River Groundwater Sustainability Agency Project: 16.036 -Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) Project Manager: Kenneth Schwarz Project Scope: Group By: Task Re ort lype:, Detail Task Personnel Date Rate Hours Fees 2. Basin Coordination Schwarz, Kenneth 1/31/2018 $210.00 0.50 $105.00 2. Basin Coordination Lilly, Debra 1/19/2018 $175.00 1.00 $175.00 2. Basin Coordination Schwarz, Kenneth 1/19/2018 $210.00 1.00 $210.00 Subtotal for 2. Basin Coordination 2.50 $490.00 4. Draft Communication Plan Schwarz, Kenneth 12/8/2017 $210.00 0.25 $52.50 4. Draft Communication Plan Schwarz, Kenneth 12/7/2017 $210.00 0.50 $105.00 Subtotal for 4. Draft Communication Plan 0.76 $157.50 8. General Program Communications & Schwarz, Kenneth 1/4/2018 $210.00 0.50 $105.00 8. General Program Communications & Wieder, Sandy 12/20/2017 $75.00 0.25 $18.75 8. General Program Communications & Schwarz, Kenneth 12/7/2017 $210.00 0.75 $157.50 8. General Program Communications & Schwarz, Kenneth 12/6/2017 $210.00 0.25 $52.50 8. General Program Communications & Schwarz, Kenneth 12/4/2017 $210.00 0.25 $52.50 Subtotal for 8. General Program Communications & IMtgs 2.00 $386.25 Total 6.26 $1,033.75 2/26/2018 Remote JI: Department ID Management: iR-ADV C5045: iR-ADV C5045 Restart Device Preferences III;, Paper Se4fings 11imer/Eneigy So trays Ne Awork S,"etfings ExterrW Interface Vblunwe Settings Function Settings Cornnion Setfiings C�op Y F , rinter IC: Swerid Receive,/Forwwd S,Wreftcess Rhws IK se't Destination Management Settings a User Management r)evice Managawymni Urerlro)other Do ,ts, Managernerit Settings/Registration Management Settings : User Management > Department ID Management > Edit Department Dept. ID: 16036 Total Color Prints Change PIN Total Black Prints 19 PIN : 0 (Max 7 digits) Confirm Color Print (Max 7 digits) Black Copy: 0 Black Scan Pzige 1-76n�i___ Black Print 19 Total Prints: 0 (0-999999) Total Color Prints: 0 (0-999999) Total Black Prints 0 (0-999999) Color Copy: 0 (0-999999) Color Scan: 0 (0-999999) Color Print: 0 (0-999999) Black Copy 0 (0-999999) Black Scan 0 (0-999999) Black Print: 0 (0-999999) Total Prints : 24 Total Color Prints 5 Total Black Prints 19 Color Copy: 0 Color Scan 0 Color Print 5 Black Copy: 0 Black Scan 0 Black Print 19 Copyright CANON INC. 2010 All Rights Reserved P.O. Box 2727 Oakland, CA 94602 510-986-1851 ken jihorizonh2o.com www.horizotib2o.com Bill To Kern River Groundwater Sustainability Agency Bakersfield City Clerk's Office 1600 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 R�•� Date Invoice # Project 3/16/2018 2761 16.036 Groundwater Sustainability Plan Personnel/item Description re Rate Amount Kern River Groundwater Sustainability Agency IfiV, AnkaTerms KRGSA Contract 16-001 For services rendered February I - 28, 2018 Net 45 Personnel/item Description Hrs/Qty Rate Amount Kern River Groundwater Sustainability Agency KRGSA Contract 16-001 For services rendered February I - 28, 2018 Kenneth Schwarz Principal 11.25 1.5 210.00 125.00 2,362.50 187.50 Dean Martorana Analyst 0.25 75.00 18.75 Sandra Wieder Admin 2,568.75 Subtotal 8-1/2x I I Color Print 2 25 1.00 0.15 2.00 3.75 8-1/2x11 Photocopies 5.75 Reimbursable Expenses Subtotal 8.00% 0.46 Mark-up 6.21 Reimbursable Expenses Total 1 1 1 For Services provided through$2,574.96 February 28, 2018 Invoice Total Approval Signature Horizon Water and Environment, LLC is a California Limited Liability Company and a Certified Small Business (#52574) LU - 0 .1 1 R 1-01 0-0 -.o 1.-0 I. -Q 40 Lli ri1 U7 ce) —i aou7otvc1OOt�o a> z Lli WNNomoo uP- z 4,6 C14 C4 Ce) f T C6 04 ,f 04 LLS co cc ER 6A EA 4FY EA :fi 6p, ull uj CN 0 co LO 04 to "4 V4 -1 LAJ --jco U.) co 0 C;)) co cl� (Q q 0 -j 0 00 a) r- CN 'i — Gi 01, 6A vi 69, to 09, 613, 6% vil a lx� (D C? 0 U? (D �R Z r-- m , r- 0 LAJ cc O 07 N (D to AC > fq z u d3 6A 6R 64 6A 64 6A v► C14 CCD U) 04 N 0) 0 00 (D to In CO v co 6 M C; w 00 W L, pJ C' C%4 0 Cl 5; co co L. N Ui 0) 06 cr CM a. V) 64 64 60 6rk vA 6-) Ga C) 0 0 0 Q Mea r, m oi o6 r-: ni .11 o6 o6 rh ami r, 00 r- r, r14 Ln rl a) Ln Ln 00 %T Ln achi 06 cy� 41 -�F tf� rf� -ze 06 �A m CN (N m �q m al C6 U. 14 U tio CL cu o 0) 0 4� :3 Q < 0 0 CU E _a a m W c oc 0 ii 0 -.p m c . - U- V, .0 m a 0 V E N s c (U E �,03:=VlEm>o M-WEtwwco-u 0 E cL E U 0 u Q. a- a. C m C m 0 Ln (D m m w CL V) to Ln Q) a- a- m I -41 04.M. -,T. Lniol '*'I co Horizon Water and Environment, LLC 266 Grand Ave. Ste 210 Oakland, CA 94610 Date: Client: Project: Project Manager: Project Scope: Group By: 2. Basin Coordination 2. Basin Coordination 2. Basin Coordination 2. Basin Coordination 2. Basin Coordination 2. Basin Coordination Subtotal for 2. Basin Coordination 02101/18 to 02128118 KRGSA-Kern River Groundwater Sustainability Agency 16.036 -Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) Kenneth Schwarz Task Detail Personnel Date Rate Hours Schwarz, Kenneth 2/28/2018 $210.00 1.00 Schwarz, Kenneth 2/28/2018 $210.00 0.50 Schwarz, Kenneth 2/27/2018 $210.00 0.50 Schwarz, Kenneth 2/27/2018 $210.00 0.50 Schwarz, Kenneth 2/12/2018 $210.00 0.25 Schwarz, Kenneth 2/7/2018 $210.00 2.00 4. Draft Communication Plan Schwarz, Kenneth Subtotal for 4. Draft Communication Plan 6. Plan Refinement and Finalization Schwarz, Kenneth 6. Plan Refinement and Finalization Martorana, Dean 6. Plan Refinement and Finalization Schwarz, Kenneth 6. Plan Refinement and Finalization Schwarz, Kenneth Subtotal for 6. Plan Refinement and Finalization 8. General Program Communications & Schwarz, Kenneth 8. General Program Communications & Schwarz, Kenneth 8. General Program Communications & Schwarz, Kenneth 8. General Program Communications & Wieder, Sandy Subtotal for 8. General Program Communications & Mtgs Total 4.75 2/27/2018 $210.00 1.00 1.00 2/25/2018 $210.00 0.50 2/16/2018 $125.00 1.50 2/16/2018 $210.00 0.50 2/13/2018 $210.00 1.00 3.50 2/28/2018 $210.00 2.00 2/28/2018 $210.00 0.50 2/27/2018 $210.00 1.00 2/26/2018 $75-00 0.25 3.75 13.00 $105.00 $105.00 $105.00 $52.50 $420.00 $997.60 $210.00 $210.00 $105.00 $187.50 $105.00 $210.00 $607.50 $420.00 $105.00 $210.00 $18.75 $763.76 $2,668.75 3/1612018 1111 wj Settings/Registration 11 Restart Device Preferences Paper Seffings 1'irner/Eneiigy SeWngs NeWok SeWngs [,,Yterna�inteiiface Vohm,ie Setflngs Function Settings Ceemirr°nonG SeWngs Copy Phnteu Send Rec6ve/Forward Stom/Access F0es Eet Desfiii'mtk,)in Management Settings al User Managenient E)evice Il ainagea,nent [Jcense/Other Data Il ainagernent http://10,10.1.20:8000/rps/csp.cgi Remote Ul: Department ID Management: iR-ADV C5045: iR-ADV C5045 settirig, -(ment iD > E")epai Ed[t Dept. ID : 16036 Total Color Prints Change PIN Total Black Prints 25 PIN : 0 (Max 7 digits) Confirm Color Print : (Max 7 digits) Page Limits 0 Black Scan Total Prints 0 (0-999999) Total Color Prints 0 (0-999999) Total Black Prints 0 (0-999999) Color Copy: 0 (0-999999) Color Scan 0 (0-999999) Color Print: 0 (0-999999) Black Copy: 0 (0-999999) Black Scan 0 (0-999999) Black Print 0 (0-999999) Page Total Total Prints 27 Total Color Prints 2 Total Black Prints 25 Color Copy: 0 Color Scan: 0 Color Print : 2 Black Copy: 0 Black Scan 0 Black Print 25 Is Clear Count Copyright CANON INC. 2010 All Rights Reserved TODD= Invoice GROUNDWATER DATE INVOICE NO. 2490 Mariner Square Loop, Suite 215 3/8/201.8 623062-18 Alameda, CA 94501. 510/747-6920 Federal 1D# 94-2490748 BILL TO: Kern River Groundwater KRGSA 16-002 Sustainability Agency Bakersfield City Clerks Office 1600 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 Project No: 62.306 Kern. River GSA GSP DESCRIPTION HOURS RATE AMOUNT Professional services in connection with a Groundwater Sustainability 174.91 Hotel Accommodations 186.11 Plan. Meal(s) 37.07 37.07 Phyllis Stanin 38.5 220.00 8,470.00 Kate White 15.5 210.00 3,255.00 Mike Maley 5.5 215.00 1,182.50 L,iz Elliott 34.25 200.00 6,850.00 Amber Ritchie 32.5 150.00 4,875.00 Professional Services Subtotal 24,632.50 Communications Fee (�&, 2% of Professional Services 24,632.5 0.02 492.65 Drafting, GIS & Support Services: Alain I3outefeu 36 110.00 3,960.00 Administrative/Secretarial: Sheila Gould 0.25 100.00 25.00 Outside Expenses Maps/Documents 25.00 25.00 Car Rental & Gas 174.91 174.91 Hotel Accommodations 186.11 186.11 Meal(s) 37.07 37.07 Standard expense fee cr 10% of total Outside Expenses 423.09 0.10 42.31 Feb. 1 -28, 2018 $29,575.55 "II'his invoice is now due and payable. Balances unpaid over 30 days accrue 1.5% interest per month, if payment for previous charges has been sent, please accept Cour thanks and disregard our reminder of previous unpaid charges. TODD= Invoice GROUNDWATER DATE INVOICE NO. 2490 Mariner :Square I_,00p, Suite 2.15 3/8/2018 623072-18 Alameda, CA 94501. 51.0/747-6920 Federal ID# 94-2490748 BILL TO: Kern River Groundwater Sustain. Agency Bakersfield City Clerk's Office 1600 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Project No: 62307-K.RGSA Subbasin Modeling DESCRIPTION HOURS RATE AMOUNT Professional services in connection with subbasin modeling for GSP water budgets. Phyllis Stanin 2.5 220.00 550.00 Mike Maley 28 215.00 6,020.00 Maureen Reilly 45 200.00 9,000.00 Chad Taylor 4 200.00 800.00 Brent Johnson 1 155.00 155.00 Professional Services Subtotal 16,525.00 Communications Fee @ 2% of Professional Services 16,525 0.02 330.50 Administrative/Secretarial: Sheila Gould 0.25 100.00 25.00 . Outside Expenses: Parking/Tol.l 8.75 8.75 Local Mileage C� .545/mile 145 0.545 79.03 Standard expense fee @ 10% of total Outside Expenses 87.78 0.10 8.78 Feb. 1 -28, 2018 $16,977.06 This invoice is now due and payable. Balances unpaid over 30 days accrue 1.5% interest per month. Upaynient for previous charges has been Ment, please accept our thanks and disregard our reminder of previous unpaid charges. . . ....... . ...... . . H 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --- -------- .... .... ..... ------ .......... - 8 . 8 . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 9 TODD GROUNDWA 1" 11'�J'E IR March 20, 2018 Tor Rodney Paula, Bozird Chair. Kern River Groundwater Sustainability Agenc.y (KRGSA) From: Phy1fis Stardn and Kke Maley Re: Comphance wth "rerry-rs and Conditions un the DWR Agreement Letter for Eady r0ease of C2VSirn model files To t:he KRGSA Board - urn, the GSP reguuatioris (§354,18 (f)), t:he Cahfornia Departirrent oftater Resources (DWR) rnade as comrnitment to provudeth6r, entral Vailley groundwater- suff ace water rnodO (UVSirn) for water budget applications,, As you are aware,, the KRGSA, un cooperation wMi the KGA, has retained Todd Groundwater to coriduct water budget analyses using UVSirn. Due to delays in the r0ease of the UVSirn Model, the IJrnefine fret Usmng UVSurn for this purpose us now extremOy tught, I'he KRGSA and KG, recently subrylitted letters to DWR requesUng an eady-version of the modO to prevent fUrther sc:hedule d0ays, pn addition, Todd Groundwater and Terry ErIewine of KGA rnet with DWR un February 2018 to follow up on 'tNs request. As as result of to ese efforts, DWR is now making an ew`uY.rversion UVS4ii Model avaHable, However, DWR is requ4ing that the Re(4Uesting Agency sign as Data Request/Wease Agreenient that includes five conditions for use. AWIOLigh these condffions are rather restrictive, they are not in conflict wfth our intended use of fl -w eady version Cit VSirnModel. Accordngy, Todd Groundwater agrees to abid(,r by these conditions in handling the early - version UVShn Model and requests that the KRGSA sign the letter as soon as possNe. Phy1fis Stanki Vice President/Prin6pauGieopogist 2490 Mariner SqUare Loop, Suite 215 V Aiameda, CA 94501 O510 747 6920 d toddgroundwater,corn STATE OFCALIFORNIA DEPAR,rMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Sustainable Groundwater Management Program (SGMP) Early Version Data Request Agreement Pr , I 0 M California Department of Water Resources March 2018 DAT'A REQUEST/RELEASE AGREEMENT The Department of Water Resources (DWR) is updaflrig the Cahfornia CerltraValey Groundwater - Surface Water Simullation ModO DWR willi make the finaversion pubhcy ava0able for use by Groundwater Sustainabihty Agenc�es, (GSAs) m developing Groundwater, Sustainabihty Plans (GSPs) as described in regrj�atk)ns (23 CCR §'354.18(f)). An early vers�ori of this rriodO wiI1 be inade ava��abletx> a requesting GSA (Requesfing Agency) that as required to adopt a GSP by January 31, 2020, pUirsuant to Water Code section 10720.7(a). 1"he ea dy version of C2VSiM �s being made avaiWAefilar the hrn�ted purpose of training staff in the use of C2VS�M, subject to the condiflons described b0ow, 'ro obtain ea dy access to the eady versiori of C2VSAM, each Req ueshng Agency shoLfld cornpiete and sign the foRowing Data Req kiest/ Release Agreement, P�E�ase contact Ty�er Fiatch 41 the DWR Susta�naWe Groundwater Ma nagenient Program wfth any, qUestions, TOer Hatch Senior Engineer SustainaWe Groundwater Management Program Department of Water Resources 'Teiephone- (916) 6S1-7014 Ernad: DIS CLAIMEB DWR MAKES NO WARRANT]ES, REFIRE SENTAT �ONS OR GL)ARAW NTEE S, DTHER EXPRESSED OR GMPLIED, AS TO THE COMPLETENESS, ACCURACY, OR CORRECTNESS OFTFff DA[A, OR ACCEPTS OR ASSUMES ANY UAMUTY AMSMG FROM QTS USE. CONDITIONS 'ro receive the eady version of C2VS�M, Request�ng Agency MUSt agree to the fo8 owng conditions: 1. The ReqUesfing Agency understands and agreesthat, because the eadyversion of C2\/SIIM is computer software devOoped by DWR, ft is riot a public record subject to disc�osure under the Cahfornua Pubhc Records Act (Gov. ("ode Section, 625 .f The Requesfing Agency agrees that the eady version of C2VSkM wbe kept confidentW arid 0-10 not be disc�ose,d by the Requesting Agency, �ts agents, representafives, or ernployees, The Requesting Agency shabe responsnble for any breach of this Agreement by Requesting Agency agents, irepresentatives, or errip�oyees. 2. The Requestung Agency understands and agrees that thcr eady versnon of C2VSIM shall ony be used by Requesting Agency for training arid famdia6zatuon purposes, Data Request/Release Agreernent CaVornia Departnient of Water ResoUrces March 2018 3. The ReqUesting Agency understands and agrees that the eady version of C2'VSIM is preliminary and is not SUitaWe fm use in devOopment of water bUdgets for a GSP or for arly other purposes, 4n The Requesting Agency agrees to inlMediately nofify DWR in writing of any and aH defects, errors, iriaCCUracies, or any other problems with the ewady version of MW discovered during Use of the modeL 5, The Requesting Agency agrees that DWR wiH retain aH ownership of the digita6 data 4 has generated and any de6vative works using the digita� data as its source. By sgning this agreement, the Requesting Agency agrees to be bound by the Condffions stated above, Tl,,ie Requesting Agency, warr,ants and represents that the Undersigned has the legai authority to bind the ReqUesting Agency to 0 thea terry,is and cond�fions of this reClUest. Art Chianello -.-. (Printed Name) Water Resources Manager Ifle) Kern River GSA (Agency) (Signature) 3/21 /'2 018 1-........ (Date) Data Req (jest/Re lease Agreement 3 MR13M February 28, 2018 The Kern River GrOLIndwater Sustainabilfty Agency (KR GSA) subn*ted a grant application to the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) in November 2017, for $1.5 rnillion in grant funding to support the development of the KRGSA's Groundwater SUstairiabihty Nan (i SR). The grant application also relied on a variety of local cost sharing and assistance for 4idividUai projects as required by DWR's brant reqUirernents. In early 2018, DWR annOUnced draft funding recommendations indUding that the KRGSA's grant application WOUld be founded for the entire $1.5 rri0hon amount. DWR wM announce final awards following the Fel,,)ruary 28 closure of a public comn-wnt period. Horizon developed this proposed scope of work to provide adrn4iistrative and management ser0ces to assist the KRGSA in-iplernent the grant funding over the coming 2 -year, 8-cluarter time period. Task 1: Grant Initiation, Agreements, and Templates There are several anticlpated tasks to initiate the grant process with DWR, including: HOp the KRGSA clarify who w0l serve as the Grantee to enter into the formal agreement with DWR, This may be the City of Bakersfield (City) or, it may be the KRGSA itself, depending on whether a Federal Tax if) nurriber will be required, For the pUrposes of this scope of work we refer to the "Grantee" as the orgar'6zation who wdl enter an agreernent with DWR. * Provide D with any addifloriai lnformation to support the agreement process, The Grantee will then execute a grant agreernent with DWR, and comply with associated reportlng and invoicing requirernents, as well as any additional ongoirq compliance per the grant agreer-neni. Under Task 1, Horizon woWd assist the Grantee by taking the lead coordinating with DWR to establish the grant agreement and provide necessary docurnentatiorl. Whiie the Grantee will work directly with DWR on grant requirements over the ClUration of the grant terni, as the Grantee, the KRGSA or- City, would benefit frorn executing a simple sub -agreement with the other GSA(s) members of the g,rant package. The loam is to ensure that all project leads for all 5 projects are cornrnitted to comply with the grant terrns and requirements and to provide deliverables, reports and invoices to the KRGSA as needed to support the grant process. Horizon can assist with developing exarriple sub -agreement language for the other member GSAs, developing reporting and invoicing schedule to inClUde in the stub.-agreernent, and developing a Progress Report and lrivoice template and gUidance for the other member CAS s. Task 2: Grant Implementing, Reporting, and Invoicing Once the grant agreement and any subagreerrients are in place, the Grantee will comply with the grant terms, including repoirting and invoicing requirements. The Grantee will collect from lrnplernenting Horizon Water and Environment KRGSAI� Grant Administration Proposed Scope of Work February 28, 2018 GSA(s) quarteHy progress reports and 4ivok,.es for each of the 5 projects, review project progress reports and deliverables for accuracy, and coinpiie project level grant onvoice materiM into an overall grant Nevel quarterily invoice SUbr-nittal to D for reirnbursement. Ser0ces proOded by Horizon may rncWde: L CondUCtirIg a workshop (or cMl) with project leads to present reporting and invoicing requirements and process, answer, questions, etc. 2. Providing quarteHy comrm,inicafions Mth project !goads (frorn KRGSA, KGA, any other GSAs), to confirm the status of Progress Reports and lnvoice temmutes, schedUlE�, etc. 3. Review Progress Report and kivoce submirttals for aN 5 projects, edifing and/or coordinating wO project leads as appropriate. 4, Generating overall quarterly Invoice and backUp docurnentation package for DWR submittal, S. Uploading quartedy defiverableS, Progress Report and lnvoce material to MR, C. Coordinating with DWR Grant Manager. This Task 2 scope of work assuryies that quarterly reporting and invoicing w0l cover a two-year, 8 quarteu, time-frarrie. Level of effort as shown in the attached cost estirriate assurnes that project Heads/rnernber GSRs will provide complete quarter1y invoicing and progress report inforrnation in accordance with grant agreement reqUirernents, entered into templates and at a ievel of devOopment that requires Horizon to make crMy modest edits and adjL,Mments prior to subrntting to DWR, Additional assurript ions are that while initWly quartedy reporting arid invoicing may require more sigr6ficant Hohzon effort and coordination with project leads, this wM dirnirilsh over the grant teri-ri as project ieads becorne accustorned to providing rnaterW per DWR renin remerits. Task 3: Grt Completion and Closeout As projects are cornpleted, the Grantee wM review and submit to D a Draft and HnM Project CornpleUon Report for each project, Horizon services may inCiUde-. 1. Coordinadng wrth project Heads to devebp as Draft Project CornpNetion Report per DWR grant agreement requirenrents, and urfloading each of the 5 project reports. 2, Coordinating with project leads to respond to any DWR corranents arid sutinflt a NrraN Project Cornpleflon Report, and uploading each project's HrW report. Once all projects, are complete, Grantee M11 devOop a Draft arid NW Grant Completion Report to summarize the project activities that were accompfished Linder the grant. H, orizon assistance coWd poterrtWy include: t.. Developing a Draft Grant Completion Report. 2, Working with project Neads arid Grantee to respond to any DWR coniments and subriiit a Final Grant Cornpleflon Report. ff the grant agreement reqUires post-performarice reports, project leads Mil develop and subrylit reports annually for the required period of years, subrnrt thern to GranteEu for subirr)iIIM to MR, Ho6zon assistance could potentially incNude: L Developing a post-, pe rforrna nce report ternpNate. 2. Working with project leads arid Grantee to cornpele and subirnit the reports in accordance with the required subrnittaN schedtfle. t-iodzon Water and Environment KRGSk Grant Adrninistrcifion Proposed Scope of Wor,k F"ebruwy 28, 2018 This Task 3 scope of work assumes that the grant agreement MH require each of the 5 projects to submit separate draft and fina� Project onipefion Reports, arid that the Grantee MH be required to submit as draft and final Grant Completion Report. LevO of effort as shown in the attached crest estinlate assumes that project leads/memberGSAs MH rovide the draft Project Competion Report's by the grarit agreernent deadhne and at as CevO of development that requires Hohzon to rnake orfly modest edits and adjustments prior to submitting to DDR. Additional assumptions are that Horizon wiH assist the grantee to a 6arger degree in developing the draft and finM Grant Cornpiedon Report, and that Horizon Will UpWd to [)VVR the draft and final Project COMpletion Reports and Grant COrrlp6etuon Report. Task 4: Project Management Task 4 provides budget to organuze and submit invotes to the :RG SA for the grant administrative support services and to have periodic conference caHs with the KRGSA management tearn to discuss the grant as remora straflve service,s, I YdM n.W'p. � PMY El p 49. Y 7c,n lr ,r r ll ll . .. � . .b........ pe. wk wn 44 � IGI I,: II b RMA myyw�y •• . 'W "d 6 M a d i y rr ' G,� LI IlJ 4~D 4 t91 l I di Cb 4r R',I k. r, 5 rut 41, Awt R f p� N E Pw. 0..Y ✓ w q J tai El