HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 FMC RESULTSUNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION FORM (pase 1 of 6) This form muat be used to document testing and serviclng of underground storage tank (UST) monitoring equipment. AaoF EihE formmust be provided to the UST owner or opeEto.. The owner or operator must submit a copy of this form to ths local agency .ogulating th€ USTS within 30 days of the date of the monltoring systom certification. t.FACILITY INFORMATION CERS IO Date of Monitoalng System Certification 03104t19 Business Name (San e as Facility Nafie ot DBA - Doizg Eus,ness As.) Bakersfield City Corp Yard Building # Business Site Address 4101 Truxtun Avenue City Bakersfield ZIP Code 93301II. UNOERGROUND STORAGE TANK SERVICE TECHNICIAN INFORMATION Name ofCompany Performing the Ce(mcation Cal Valley Equipment Phone # (661) 327 - 9341 ext. Mailing Address 7608 Fruitvale Avenue, Bakersfield, CA. 93308 Name of UST Service Technician Performing the Certification (Pflrl as sttown on the ICC CettifGation.) Jerry Rangel Contractor/Tank Tester License # 998733 ICC Certification # 8160834 ICC Certification Expiration Date 08124t19 Monitoring System Training and Certifications (List all apglicable ceiifications.)Expiration Date Veeder Root 12t19 .RESULTS OF TESTING/SERVICING lndicate and dttach the following reports if the monitoring equipment is capable of generating elther. I Monitoring System Set-up I Alarm History Report Y N NA Waa any monitoring equipment replaced? (ff "Yos," identity the srycifrc devi@s eplaced and list the manufactuer and model for all Eplacenent pads in seclion lV below.)tr tr tr Was damege, debris, or liquid found jnside any secondary containment sysiems? (lf "Yes," descibe what was lound in section lV below.)!E n ls all monitoring equipment operational per manufactureis specifications? (ff "No," defidbe why in section lV below.)n M tr tv.COMMENTS lf directed to use this section, descibe how and when the issues werc or will be conected. Sensor in udc 7/8 does not work. Sensor in udc 5/6 has a cracked cable V, CERTIFICATION BY UST SERVICE TEGHNICIAN CONDUCTING THIS TESTING I hereby certify that the equipment identified in this document was inspected,/serviced ln accordance with California Code of Regulations, title 23, divi3ion 3, chapter 16, section 2638 and all information contained herein is true and accurate. Attached to this certiftcatlon is information (e-9., manufacturer8' checklisE, monitoring system set-up, alam history report, etc.) necessary to ve fy that this information and the site Dlan showinq the layout of UST svstem ls compleb and accurate. ice Technician Signature zfl-/<- CFRS = Cdifrttnia Fnuir rrl.nnel Rerr*lirr! Sv<tFrn r! = kle.ri6.ri.rn. ICC = lntemelihal Cn le C.ll rn il Y =Y*. N = N6 NA = N.* arx{hrHe CerTification Form must be lor each monitoing system control panet. Tank tD: 87 Unleaded E ln-tank Gauging (Sl4/ Iark, El Annular Space orVault Sensor E vPH Sensor I Mechanical LLD n Electronic LLD ! vPH Sensor EX Sump Sensor E vPH sensor fl VPH Sensor (Piping) E Sump Sensor E VPH Sensor (Sump) E VPH Sensor (Piping) E Sump Sensor E vPH sensor E VPH Sensor (Piping) I Sump Sensor n VPH Sensor (Sump) Tank lD: stored E lntank Gauging (SI,? Ir E Annular Spac€ or Vault Sensor fl vPH Sensor n Mechanical LLD I Eleckonic LLD I vPH sensor E Sump Sensor n VPH senso. D VPH Sensor (Piping) D Sump Sensor E VPH Sensor (Sump) E vPH sensor D Sump Sensor E vPH sensor E vPH Sensor D Sump Sensor n VPH Sensor (Sump) lD = l.lontifi.rli.n SW=Siilrtle.*li[E t VpH =Vi:,n,m/pni.:sr,.cHv.lrhsferic I LD E t thE hqk.tcEcr.r Veeder Root UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION FORM (Pase3of 6) lronitoring Devlce Used Device Model #ironitoring Device Used Devlce Model # VenuTransition Sump lD:VengTransltion Sump lD: I Sump Sensor E sump Senso. E VPH Sensor E VPH Sensor UoC lO: 112 UDc lD: 3/4 E Electronic Sensor 330212-001 El Electronic Sensor 330212-00'l E Mechanical Device E Mechanical Device D VPH Sensor n VPH Sensor uDc lD; 5/6 UDc lD: 7/8 E Electronic Sensor 330212-OO1 X Electronic Sensor 330212-001 E Mechanical Device E Mechanical Device E VPH Sensor E vPH Sensor UDC ID:UDC ID: ! Eleclronic sensor ! Electronic Sensor E Mechanical Device n Mechanical oevice ! vPH Sensor E vPH Sensor UDC ID:UDC ID: D Electronic Sensor fl Eleclronic Sensor E Mechanical Device E Mechanical Device n VPH Sensor E vPH sensor Other Monitored Component lO:Othe. Monltored Component lD: D Othet (Specry in section Vll.)D Othet (SN2W in &ction vll.) Other Monitored Component lD:Other Monitored Component lD: J Olf\et (Specify in section Vll.)I Olhet (Specify in section Vll.) Other Monitored Component lD:Other Monitored Component lD: A Olhet (Specify in section vtt.)D Othet (Specry in section Vll.) lnclude info.maaion for every underground atorage tank componenl monitored by this monitorlng system control panel. lf the monitoring syslem conlrol panel monitors morc components than this form accommodates, additlonal copies of these pages may be attached. VII. COMMENTS Use this section to ptovide any additional cgmmenb about the inventory of the equipment cedified. Ir) = ldc.nifi.ri.rr \/pH =V..rr rn/Pit srrlrr/}lv.lir*Hic tlrlc=llrvh.disEnser.nrf:innre.n CERTIFICA' This section musl be ifa rs used to leak detection Are the visual and audible alarms operational? SENSOTS and breaks Wete all sensoG at lowest point ofsecondary containment WaS set-up reviev€d to ensure Was lhe monjtoring panel's backup functionally tested, and confi rmed operational? Does the flow offuelstop at the dispenser if a leak is detected in the under-dispenser containment? containment system fails to operate or Does the turbine automatically shut down if the piping secondary containment monitoring system detects a leak? Which sensors initiate shut down?a that apply.) tr X Undea-dispenser containment lf alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring station, is all communications equipment (e.9. modem) operational? tx. Sensor in udc 7/8 does not work. Sensor in udc 5/6 has a cracked cable tank gauging Check this box if NO tank gauglng equipment is installed.(Do not complete this section.) sec'jon must be been and for prop€r entry and termination, probes visually inspected for damage to ensure Was accuracy of system's product level readings tested? Was accuracy of system's water level readings tested? Were all p.obes reinstalled Were all items on the manufacturer's maintenance checklist x. Y = Y6 N = N^ NA = N.t A.srliEH. U Check this box if line leak deteclors (LLD) are NOT installed. (Do not complete this section.) fhis section must be co,nDleted if LLDS are inslalled.IA Was a leak simulated to verify LLD perfomance? (Check all that aDply.) Simulated leak .ate verifled:EI 3 GPH fi 0.1 GPH E 0,2 GPH tr tr tr Was the testing apparatus properly calibrated?tr tr tr For emergency generator tank systems, does the LLD create an audible and visual alarm when a leak is detected?tr tr a For mechanical LLDS, does the LLD restrict the flow through the pipe when a leak is deteded?tr tr tr For electronic LLDS, does the turbine automatically shut oif when a leak is detected?!D AI For electronic LLDS, does the turbine automaticalty shut off if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled or disconnected?tr tr a For electronic LLDS, does the turbane automatically shut ofi if any portion ofthe monitoring system malfunctions or fails a test?tr fI tr For electronic LLDS, have all accessiblg wiring connections been visually inspected for kinks and breaks?n f]x Were all items on the equipment manufaclurer's maintenance checklist completed?tr tr tr Were all LLDS conflrmed operational within regulatory requirements?n n For any answelof "N" above, describe in section Xlll how and whe, fhese issares were otwitl be corrected. XIV. VACUUM / PRESSURE/ HYDROSTATIC MONITORING EOUIPMENT TESTING tr Check this box if VPH monitoring is NOT u6ed. (Do not conptete this section.) fhls section must be completed if VPH monltorlng is used to pe/,form leak dehction monilorlng. System Type (Mark allthat apply.) D Vacuum E Preseure E Hydrostatic E Pass n Fait I Pass f] rait n Pass El rait E Pass n Fail EI Pass n Fait n Pass E Fail fl Pass E Fait n Pass fl Fail E Pass n Fail L.l Pass LI l-arr fl Pass ! Fart L_l Pass L-l Fall E Pass I Fail E Pass E Fait i Pass E Fail E Pass E rait E Pass n Fait E Pass D Fail E Pass E Fail E Pass E Fail E Pass E Fait E Pass E Fait I Pass D rait E Pass E Fait How was interstitial communication verified?E Simulated leak at far ends gfthe interstitial space. D Other (Des6rbe the method in section XV betow.) tl Vrsual Inspection F] Gauoe Was the vacuum or pressure restored to operating levels in all interstitial spaces? E Yes E No (Oescrbe fre.gason in ieclion XV below.) For any ansller of "FAIL" above, describe in section XV how and wrea arese issues were ot will be cotected. GPH = Galklrls rEr hd 'r Y=YE& N = Nd NA = N., anrlLrhb VpH = Vad x rn P]r.sr rE ltvdryE6lc- lD: kt ntifi.ri.n UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION FORM lPaoesof G) XII. LINE LEAK DETECTOR TESTING N XIII. COMMENTS Sensor lD Sensor l_unctronaltv ntersttral Communication Test XV. COMMENTS Monitoring System Certifi cation UST Monitoring Site Plan Site Address: 4101 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA. 93301 :;e. ?ttrl,t . . U'tqlY- Z-Y .. pc. >ery,q, . 33cal1 ^ ",", ,t"n,,- :rir,,, 7lq 1q, -qoq, ,,ii .'.,i.,,, LLD tr'7 *l u'r.TA^r.. Aaft3t 8? 'frr^.t-. .1"t' 3": . q.r'l leEDce- ("+i Date map rras drarr,,, I il lnstructioos If you already have a diagram that sho\ys all required infomation, you may include it, rather than this page, rvith your lvlonitoring Systern Certification. On your site plan, shorv the general layout oftanks and piping. Clearly identill locations of the follolirtg equipment, if installedi monitoring system control panels: sensors monitoring tank irnnular spaces, sumps, dispenser pans, spill containers, or other secondary containntent areas: mechanical or electronic line leak detectors: and in-tank liquid ievel probes (if used fbr leak detection). In the space proyided, note the date ihis Site Plan was prepared. Page of4 Rcr. 0l/l?/08t \-016 1/l 11 1r $,Inido(s.org ' i.\ .ltl'( LiD' Type ofAction E lnstallation Test E Repair Test I 12 Month Test I. FACILITYINFORMATION CERS ID Date of Spill Container Test 03t04t19 Business Name (Sane as Facility Na.ne or DBA-Doling Eusiress As./ Bakersfield City Corp BuEiness Site Address 4101 Truxtun Avenue City Bakersfield ZIP Code 93301 II. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SERVICE TECHNICIAN INFORMATION Name of UST Service Technician Performing the Test (Pnrt 6s shown on the ICC Certification-) Jerry Rangel Phon€ # (661) 327 - 9341 ex. Contractor/Tank Tester License # 998733 ICC Certification # 8160834 ICC Certification Expiration Date 08t24119 SpillContainer Testing Training and Certifications (List applbable ceftifications.) OPW III. SPILL CONTAINER TESTING INFORMATION est Method Used: E Manufaclurer Guidelines: (Spec,fy.) E lndustry Code or Engineering Standard: (Spec,ty) E Engineered Method: (Speciry) Aftach the testlng procedures and all documentation required to determine the re.sul6.# ofAttached Pages fank lO: (By tank numbeL stored product, etc.)87 Unleaded Diesel Spjll Container Manufaclurer:OPW OPW Method of Cathodic Protection X Non-Metallic E lsolation I otter/sryify in secnon V.) E Non-Metallic D lsolation E oter (Specity in secl,.on V.) D Non-Metallic E lsolation E other (Specify in section V.) E Non-i,Ietallic E lsolation D otner (Specry in secfion V-) lneide Diameter of SpillContainer: (/nches)11 11 Depth of Spill Container (lnches)14 12 Does the spill container have a 5 gallon capacity?EYes ENo EYes lNo EYes ENo E Yes E tto Method to Keep Spill Container Empty EI Drain Valve E Onsite Pump fl other (Specily in section v.) I Drain Valve E Onsite Pump E other Fpecny in section V-) E Drain Valve E Onsite Pump E other (Specify in secion V-) D Drain Valve fl Onsite Pump E other (Specify in section v ) IV. SUMMARY OF TESTING RESULTS Spill Container Test Results I Pass n Fail XI PASS L] FAII Ll Pass Ll Farr I Pass E rait v. coMlUtENTs A items marked "Fail" above must be explained in lhis section. Any additional comments nay also be provided here. /I. CERTIFICATION BY UST SERVICE TECHNICIAN CONDUCTING THIS TESTING I hereby certify that the spill containers wer6 tested in accordance with Califomia Code of Regulatione, title 23, division 3, chapter 16, section 2637.1 and all the infomation contained heroln is accu6te. rian SignatureZ page may CERS =a>lik nta Frllrirrl.r7lcnfi.l Ri.rl.tirr, Sv.nnrrr lD = Lbnfitr.rirn IIST=trryL.nrn rd rtf..ht nk.IOC= lnlnmrtirnrlCrrbC-r lrril UNUEKUT(UUNU D I UI1AlJE I AN]\ )-i';=1E,]_Et:I UF _ lli.tE d. .'01':, B:tq Hf1 5IIITEI.I UI,,]I TE F;!5TEf'l LHll,"lLlri,:;E ET'JGL I $H FjlF-; l El"l tHIE.'l il'lE FCEIliiT l'lDI,l lrt, Y',".'Y HH:llll:l-ls ,11 I I Ti Lri::RF' . ",'fiFltr4l 0l TPl,lllTnl'l HlE . FaIlEFj$ErrF j ti (j . 91r3tr9 6b I -3.'6-3?95 I IjI.TH,..1}i EETUP fn r'luf,tri'ArronE :Elrl _ I ORT SETT I t,liis ; 'l l : l.ll,{LEAI,EI\ t ErlIrU.rT ,:UL,E THEPI,IAL fOEFF THI'I}: ! I HI'.1ETEP THI'I}i PE{iF T LE 1 . D0070lllle.JA.I PTgl4?83 I i03lj 7.i 0B ..7 5E 4,0 I r't. 4.0 l478iJ95!i l.lrl439\ 1330t il1li, .15 8l t00 99 9g4.1tl O. ED FULL99.5 I NL:H59. 7 I t,]r-:H3y. S It,lrH V'OL u0L 1.7*L I {E-E]HT !6UB NOI,IEI ETOF5HIFl'lllrE I EHI FT T I I.IE : EHIFT TII.IE 11 EHIFT TI I.]E t tr ] ETHELEI] tr I i::HEl-Etr ITI:THEI..ETT T,I EHFLEI] I::UI'lI I E ART] BHUIJ RATE PHR I Tf ETi-i'F B I T FLi jHT ij 1:E : IJHTER l"JriRtJI t,ir:HIl:;H I,]rrTEF] L JI,lI T Trrl.l[: I,EF TST l'lEEtiEl] i,JRl,l I' I9iAELEL TANIi nNll Ti-:T EEITEIT LtrFll tr I gfiELED L I NE FE-.EI/AEI,E I'IETHOT' F HFJ'J L I I.IE TE:]T L I I'lE I'ER TFiT liEEtrEtr l,lEli ti I TIHELEIT L I I,lE AI,l{1 'IFiT I'IEEI,EI, l,'lRli D I FJAELEF T'E I I.1T Ti VU,LUI"IE'J EIiTIELEI] TEI'lP LrQl'l!'El,lFin f I a-)l,l UrlLLlE I IrE\'; F ): 80.0 5T I C]. HEI '.iHT OFFSET IT I FABLETI H-I'P{,l uirol [,HTH F,JRI'I.iT ltE I.IHT t'H'lL l aiHT iiHul liG T ll'1E EI.I*ELET, -cfHkT DHTEHl'R IrEEI: I aiLlllEIHH 'f ] I'JE ? : aJrl Hl"lENtr trtTEflCT hlEE]l E, EUl.l EI,ID T II'IE il: iln Al.l EE-IrI EE(jT Li!;HL PIt I I(T UT FI SAELET1 EURO F ROTO']OL F'FEF I:il r-'UF-rTDI,I ttllrRf,l LAEEI-S Ir IIiHELEIJ T}ATA LEI.,IjTH: g DATAEg-?i1Z EEL-UR I TYtral'E i DI SnELEIT TJTR I,]T)RI.]AL E-THTE: HI6H F:EI-:E I VEE SETUF. : t.li, t,lE HUTir t'lrtl Tl I'lE EETUP : NO T]E I.lTi:i IlR LAEEI, UNI, : Lrl/ERF I LL LiHIT HIGH PROITUCT I'ELt!.rERy LI IT Li]L,J I?EOT]U.:TLEHI: HLHRU LIntT:SUtrt'Ell LOSE LIlltI:TAI'I}I TI LT iI'EI-'EB tiPPUt, : E I PHOI.,] I'IAI'.J I FOLTIEII THI.]KSTT: IWNE L I NE l.1rt I,I I FCLIED TA I,,I]{ST$: T,IONE LEHI: l"llN !. ER I rllr t r:: : O:.;:0 LEAII I'll N AN|,IUAL : ll!.;:-E FERIII'IC TEET TYFE GU I L]X Atil.iUrrl- TEST FH I L ALHFI"I D I SHELED FERIODIC TEST Fn iL ALARI.I ' IiJAELETT GE*SEi TEET FntL ril.rrFJl T,I SAELED Allll TE,gT H'lr EFTHL:; I r,tt;:t ER TEs'I ritr'EPHr; I tiri : l:;l-.'rj: Et.lt) uF nESEALiE J,l F-lnBL.EIr rrtiTu DIHL HLHEl"l BETIF,NFF OFF TFII,I}: TEST I'IOTI FY : OFF Tr.lli TEI', s i pHot,l EEEAI| ioFF I,EL l \,rER.r/ IiELFi\/ : J t,Itt,I'Ullt THPE:.jH(,L[, : I U. u["- T ! i Ir I EEE[-- i]t . r PRL)IJUi,,T f.]iIDE THEEI.]TiL L:'EFF THNI: tt I HI,IETEE TATII.| PPOF I LE FULL VliL89.5 I tlr-'H \r{ll59.7 I llC:H !/trL!!. s I NCH VOL FLLliiT SIIE : I,]HTER I]HRN I I,]!.:H1,lll li.iTEg LIl,tlT I'lfl)': OE LHEEL tjalt. IJ\IERF I LI, L II,.1I T Hltlll FR*I,l-1,-:T I,ELI\,rEEr LII"llT '-JE:" 1 4 tl4:1--rori 1t304 54t'-t LDI"J I.EOTTUUT : 3OELEAI: ftLnFl'l LIl"llT: !9 EUDtrEtl LOEFI t-l l"ll T i 99 THI'I}: TILT :- tr.lB PPOBE OFFSEI' : B. OO |r- i I'HL1tl l"lgf,ti FOLITEI, TfitliisT$: l'loNELl l,1E I'lHl,ll F4jLI,EI, THl,ll:S TS : l.tot{E LEAI| I'll N E'Elrt(lt,l,:,l ",:D LEfi): l'll tl ANl,lU*L ; rlrj:D FERI i]TT I I TES'I' T!I,E Al.il,lUHL TEST F* I L ALHFJ1 I' I FJiiELETI TERI D! I '.] TEST FA I L HLARI.] T' I FJHELEI/ 'JPliiJg TEEiT FA JL fiI.ARt1 tr I EABLEII Hl'11,1 'l'EFiT HVEFjAGI llrl: OFFFER l E,iT HUEEHG I N,i : OFF THI'I}.: TEST NOT 1 FY : OFF TI'II{ TST SI PHi}I,i BREAK:OFF TEL I !!ERY IIELHY : i] I.1I I']I'Ul,lI' THEESiHDLIT : 10. rJO,; L r rlrr r,-FjEr'lErFr-s!T!F_ _ _ l. I : l]l,lLEtiDEIr STP TFTI -$THTE {5I MiLE FLNH'I, i:ATE']If,EY : ETP SUI"]F L 3 : UIiLE ITET] HI,II,ILILHR TB I .STATE (5I I.II:;LE FLOiTT } CATEGNRI' : *FINULAR SF,HI:E L 3:IIIEEEL sTPTEt ST*TE TSINC;LE FLOfiT) [:,dTEI]ORY : g'TP HUI"IF, L 4 :I'IEIJEL FiI.]I.ILILHR TRI -FJTHTE (EI I{GLE FLOHT} '-:HTEG..1E! : ANIIULHR EFrtr::E 0uT!,uT_REt.fr,r,:EI''l _ _ E 1 : UIILEHTIET]-IjT!. 9THI{I'/HFT1 l.lOEI.1HLLl',:LrgE[' I t.l-TAllli HLHRl.lFr'1 1 : liif-;H lrrrTEl: HLARIIT l:Ltrl IEr)I,Ui,'f itLHRtl L IOLII T1 EENE1]R HLI,ISL 1:FUEL IILAEI.1L I;SENSi:]R 1]UT AT,"tPi,]L 3: FiEttE()E {iUT HLAET'IL I :SHORT HLHPTII, !:FJHiRT HLHRIl E !] : DI ESEL ETPT'it E: 9JTAHIJTlFIIllORl"lnLL! ':rLOEEtr I I'l-THlii: rrl"HFlt.laiT !:HIGH IJATER *!-HEl.]T ! :Lol-l !'ROL'U[:T HLARI'I L l'lUI tr SEfl--r{-)R fiLl.lsL :.J : FLIEI, ALARI1L i'l : -lEtlEOR aLlT HLHRl"lL '1 : SENSOR OUT ALHRT']L 3 :5HORT HLAEt"lL .I:SHORT ALAFI1 F ]:EEI,IOTE EEAT]QI.I T,.'I.E : E:Tdl.IDHRtl t,tfiFt lHLL!, UL,JSEIT I li-Tnl.{}: HLHEI'ls ALL :LO FEODUCT HLHRt,l Li,:rUIIr SEl.lF-i+E All.lri TLL ; FUEL riLiTFI.I iiLL :EEI,IS(]R OUT ALHRI,I HLL:EHi]RT ALARI1 ! . rJrln4Trl 119.38,I PT$ I4T8:Jl:D:rrl 74U 0 :75 u .1 .i I t't. 3.Ll 4.r:1 LEHI'I,'l EFiI l,rl1'HOf, TEET iiH IJrr'fE : HLL T,il,ll: JAt',,t L 1,-19E, FJTART TII,]E : III}:JAELET'TEIT F*TE : IJ ..iD GHL .IIR IiUE*TIOI.I : 3 HCURS TST EHRl-.r' ET{Jf): tr I tinElEtr LEHii TEFIT REF,ORT FORI'IAT lllijEl"lAL l! H H,<n, an F-> tr.l r' r- -,l| - r_r:- ,^ rl1 -- :E il, r:- f, r-, nl ,L r-r ua LlH I ,'_, '. nq:Fr-,xn-z t =.. fi..J ,:t! *or ,:-fi :i tr5 ftI} ' XF +E F vrr,I !.1 |Flrt IEr:-JF =r=E. L] I tn tt'lJ-r<id ,'-, ')) tt> i Ir- ir,i - ul Lrl r.r r-. = fr J :'D !-a . :.- :l:-: - ir* ;rr]]F=,:,1!-- ;El I .l -,J'i;, . Itz=i-: .-JL', Lr.l ':, L'r ': lil F =!A" r', t]{ .I,-:,*^11 I XL!*tll Lr.t :LLer,]< =ll{ n F :r -rIL_ a lrr LLF; j Fi.tF:f irrFL!alr:ffBE .!:* x lllnir-, =nl ':lF*'I (]r:t l] ,:rl I :f, tr: I= ,)-. a , !: ALHNII H I FJT{]F,,/ RET'iIET ----- ;--lfliTEl1 nLHRl"l -----IritI'ER llUT Nai'l 15, :L-1tB E,:;.:j rit,l FE I l,lTEP ERF:ttRl.lov 19. :[1tl 6:E! Ht"] EHT'I,ERY I SJ iJFFJhN 1 . I r!6 5: DO Hl"l trl"ARll i ETa)Ft,.' RE!()HT ---- I lJ-TliNll fi!.HFll ----- T !:I,l ESEL-l']i, . ! IJVEEF ] LL ALHEI'1JUll ll, :01: l:1:5':,Ft1 HIiiH I'ROtrl-i,lT Hl.HRl,lJUI'I 11" 3rll3 1?:5rl Fl,l FEOEE OUTJUL 5, 3l']18 t:D[ Ht'1 trEL I VEIII l,lEEIrEI' FEE ?8. ?UI3 7:zLJ HflJ*N 19, zRl9 ?: 13 Hll.liil'l 8. !Dl9 E:rjit r{'t HLHF:I I H ] |JT(]F'.' REf'{,187 --- -- FiENritlR HLHRI1 -----L :: Ut'tl-Etrt)Et' Ht,lllllLAF HI\II'IULHR SP*CE FUEL i{LHRI'.Il'lHE 7, ![lg l1;3|] ]\t"l gEllEOR tl-lT FlLi{El'lt,1*R ?, !0ls !:ll HH FUEL TtLHFIt,lllAE 7,3OlB E:E2 Hl'l r1LilHI.] HISTiRY REF,I]RT ---- I t1-'IHl\ll: HLHRl"l ----- 'I I : UI.ILEHLEI, H I ':iH PROITLI'IT ALHEl"lI,l.iv :?, lrtli, B:rt? rrfi I l,l\,rHL I D FUEI- LET/EL HLIi-; !1. lDlB E,:18 Hl'1 Hr'R !3, 2[tB t:l: Pl1 .:rUL 25. ?nl? E:3'-l Ht'l PRI]EE OUTJUL 5, itIIE E:DO HII t'EL I UERI,' IIEEDHIT FEE 2I, lBI9 ?:.IE HI'II]EE 8. !81 I ! : !: F,r.1Jrrll !9. :01 I I : l,l Pl'l * i, * i Elit' . I ; 'i;( nai*.El,ltr^.--* ALHFI1 H]5Ti)P'! EEF{J]l7 ----- 5El'li-t(-iR ALAHI'I -----L I : LlftLEHlEtr STt'sTP sL{IP FIIEL HLHRfIl"lAR ?. ?11 I ri I I : ij:t H|1 IJEI,]Ei]R OUT HLARI"Il"iHR 7, 2DlB 9:ll Hl"l FUEL riLHRI.ll"l.tE 7. fBl E B:tE Al'1 ''Lr.tFt"l H I qTOPl,/ FEI(lFT - --- 5EtisrlFr ALHRI1 -:---L : : T'I ESEL :3'I'PSTt SUtlI' FUEL *LARI']llAF ?, :lDl B I I :31 Hl'l ljEti:j{i,E tlUT HLHRIIf'lirR 7. ?018 5:l1Bl1 FUEL HLiTEII|,lfiE 7 . ?01 E B: .lE r.|',1 ^t.iiEllt)itX^; rit a*Elllt+r('i^ x*iEl,lLr(.j{*i ;!ti.xEllLexij{.