HomeMy WebLinkAbout18-037609QUESTED BY AND WHEN RFCORDEQ.. MAIL TO: CITY ENGINEER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 S �-%J 11 - Recording Requested By. First AMerican Title Jon Lifquist, Assessor -Recorder DD Kern County Official Records 2/1812020 02:36 PM Recorded Electronically by: 734 First American Title Doc#: 220021762 Stat Types: 1 Pages: 14 FEES 52.00 11111111111111111111111 TAXES .00 OTHER .00 220021762 PAID 52.00 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE) The City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers, Lot Line Adjustments, and Certificates of Compliance and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby states that the real property described and shown on Exhibits "A" and "B" along with associated Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made parts hereof complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. The above-mentioned real property is a result of LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 18-0376 being an adjustment of the boundaries of the following portions of land: 1. Parcel 2 of Parcel Map Waiver 14-91 per Certificate of Compliance recorded September 11, 1991 in Book 6567 at Page 2081; 2. Parcel 3 of Parcel Map Waiver 22-86 per Certificate of Compliance recorded March 26, 1987 in Book 5985 at Page 193; filed in the office of the Kern County Recorder being a portion of the Southwest quarter of Section 24, T. 29 S., R. 28 E., M. D. M., in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California. Property Owner: Aldar Mini Storage L.P., a California limited partnership Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 435-010-25 and 435-010-27 This Certificate of Compliance is being issued and recorded for 2 parcels. This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcels described and shown on Exhibits "A" & "B" herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcels may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. Dateek DecemberM, 2019 NICOLAS FIDLER RCE No. C-61069 Expiration December 31, 2020 City Engineer City of Bakersfield SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZED Page 1 of 14 SALand Division\Minor Lond Div\LLA\2D18\18-0376 coc.doc 0279QUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: CITY ENGINEER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 Recording Requested.By. First AmericanTitle CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE) The City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers, Lot Line Adjustments, and Certificates of Compliance and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby states that the real property described and shown on Exhibits "A" and "B" along with associated Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made parts hereof complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. The above-mentioned real property is a result of LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 18-0376 being an adjustment of the boundaries of the following portions of land: 1. Parcel 2 of Parcel Map Waiver 14-91 per Certificate of Compliance recorded September 11, 1991 in Book 6567 at Page 2081; 2. Parcel 3 of Parcel Map Waiver 22-86 per Certificate of Compliance recorded March 26, 1987 in Book 5985 at Page 193; filed in the office of the Kern County Recorder being a portion of the Southwest quarter of Section 24, T. 29 S., R. 28 E., M. D. M., in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California. Property Owner: Aldar Mini Storage L.P., a California limited partnership Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 435-010-25 and 435-010-27 This Certificate of Compliance is being issued and recorded for 2 parcels. This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcels described and shown on Exhibits "A" & "B" herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcels may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. Dated DecembeA 2019 NICOLAS FIDLER RCE No. C-61069 Expiration December 31, 2020 City Engineer City of Bakersfield SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZED Page 1 of 14 S:\Land Division\Minor Land Div\LLA\2018\18-0376 coc.doc CALIFORNIA ALL- PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California } County of 4c— PQ } On 14q I l �3 before me, ES i 9,9,4, Y &4fC� , ere msennam Rie of me a cer personally appeared Al t0p4.r9-,,- 06/,a -g , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personksl whose name s/afe subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to that he/she/they executed the same In his/Aw/th rrauthodzed capacity4W, and that by his/tier lr signatureW on the instrument the person(o, or the entity upon behalf of which the personksl'kted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS m hand and official seal. ESTHER L. PARRA Y � ' "` a comm. #2263122 NOTARY PUBLIC - CAUFOR14A KERN COUNTY MyComm. Exp. OCL 18. 2022 µ Notary Public Signature (Notary Public Seal) OPTIONAL INFORNIATI G,�5 nV 4F 6AIAZ-14u (Title or description of attached document) t:vT LINE ACJ USr7�1�11 /S-d�-7� (Title or description of attached document continued) Number of Pages / 3 Document Date /A 0 CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER ❑ Individual (s) 0—Corporate Officer 2K ��. (TMe) ❑ Partner(s) ❑ Attomey-in-Fact ❑ Trustee(s) ❑ Other Lr 51/ciay:^!:w ?d:?"1t!.I�?wi r'•ivl 300- a. 15 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM ON This form complies with current California statutes regarding notary wording and, if needed, should be completed and attached to the document. Acknowledgments from other states may be completed for documents being sent to that state so long as the wording does not require the California notary to violate California notary law. • State and County information must be the State and County where the document signer(s) personally appeared before the notary public for acknowledgment. • Date of notarization must be the date that the signer(s) personally appeared which must also be the same date the acknowledgment is completed. • The notary public must print his or her name as it appears within his or her commission followed by a comma and then your title (notary public). • Print the name(s) of document signer(s) who personally appear at the time of notarization. • Indicate the correct singular or plural forms by crossing off incorrect forms (i.e. Wshe/they— is /are ) or circling the correct fors. Failure to correctly indicate this information may lead to rejection of document recording. • The notary seal impression must be clear and photographically reproducible. Impression must not cover text or lines. If seal impression smudges, re -seal if a sufficient area permits, otherwise complete a different acknowledgment form. • Signature of the notary public must match the signature on file with the office of the county clerk Additional information is not required but could help to ensure this acknowledgment is not misused or attached to a different document. Indicate title or type of attached document, number of pages and date. Indicate the capacity claimed by the signer. If the claimed capacity is a corporate officer, indicate the title (i.e. CEO, CFO, Secretary). • Securely attach this document to the signed document with a staple. EXHIBIT "A" Lot Line Adjustment No. 18-0376 Being an Adjustment of Parcel 2 of Parcel Map Waiver No. 14-91 per Certificate of Compliance recorded September 11, 1991 in Book 6567 at Page 2081 and Parcel 3 of Parcel Map Waiver No 22-86 per Certificate of Compliance recorded March 26, 1987 in Book 5985 at Page 193, filed in the Kern County Recorder's Office also lying in a portion of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section24, T.29S., R.28E., M.D.M., in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Parcel "A" Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence N89'41'08"E along the South line of said Southwest Quarter a distance of 1017.06 feet to a point at the Southeast corner of the Parcel granted to the City of Bakersfield in Book 5478 at Page 834, of Official Records in the Office of the County Recorder of said county; thence N00`18'52"W along the East line of said Parcel a distance of 400.00 feet to the Northeast corner thereof; thence 589`41'08"W along the North line of said Parcel a distance of 134.13 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence N00'18'52"W a distance of 57.40 feet; thence N89041'08"E a distance of 18.00 feet; thence N00'18'52"W a distance of 75.00 feet; thence N89'41'08"E a distance of 24.30 feet; thence N00`18'52"W a distance of 75.16 feet to the beginning point of a 51.50 foot radius non -tangent curve, from which point the center of said curve bears N27'34'40"W; thence Northeast along said curve through a central angle of 44042'11" a distance of 417.18 feet; thence N17'43'09"E a distance of 190.95 feet; thence N19048'09"E a distance of 95.31 feet; thence N17043'09"E a distance of 73.40 feet; thence N7201651"W a distance of 364.96 feet to a point on the centerline of Fairfax Road as described in the Street Right of Way deed to the City of Bakersfield in Book 5487 at Page291, of Official Records; thence S17'43'09"W along said East line a distance of 359.17 feet to the beginning of a 1500.00 foot radius tangent curve concave to the East; thence South along said curve through a central angle of 13039'01" a distance of 357.36 feet to a point on the North line of said Parcel; thence N89041'08"E along said North line a distance of 345.23 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 5.419 acres more or less. Parcel "B" Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence N89'41'08"E along the South line of said Southwest Quarter a distance of 1017.06 feet to a point at the Southeast corner of the Parcel granted to the City of Bakersfield in Book 5478 at Page 834, of Official Records in the Office of the County Recorder of said county, said point being the true point of beginning; thence N00`18'52"W along the East line of said Parcel a distance of 400.00 feet to Page 3 of 14 EXHIBIT "A" (Continued) Lot Line Adjustment No. 18-0376 the Northeast corner thereof; thence 589*41'08"W along the North line of said Parcel a distance of 134.13 feet; thence N00018'52"W a distance of 57.40 feet; thence N89041'08"E a distance of 18.00 feet; thence N00'18'52"W a distance of 75.00 feet; thence N89`41'08"E a distance of 24.30 feet; thence N00'18'52"W a distance of 75.16 feet to the beginning point of a 51.50 foot radius non -tangent curve, from which point the center of said curve bears N27034'40"W; thence Northeast along said curve through a central angle of 44042'11" a distance of 40.18 feet; thence N17043'09"E a distance of 190.95 feet; thence N19'48'09"E a distance of 95.31 feet; thence N17'43'09"E a distance of 73.40 feet; thence N72*16'51"W a distance of 364.96 feet to a point on the Centerline of Fairfax Road as described in the Street Right of Way deed to the City of Bakersfield in Book 5487 at Page291, of Official Records; thence N17043'09"E along said center line a distance of 250.09 feet to the North line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence N89045'15"E along said North line a distance of 535.32 feet to the Northeast corner thereof; thence N80049'38"E leaving said North line and along the South line of Tract Map No. 6463 recorded in Map Book 56, at Page 83 in said Recorder's Office, a distance of 129.21 feet; thence N89*44'03"E continuing along said South line a distance of 680.11 feet to a point on the West line of the easement granted to P.G.&E. Co. in Book 3184, at Pages 56-57 and in Book 3272, at Page 838, of Official Records; thence 500045'39"E along said West line a distance of 285.533 feet to the Northeast corner of Parcel 2 of Parcel Map Waiver No. 22-86 recorded in Book 5985, at Page 193 of Official Records; thence along the North line of said Parcel 2 of Parcel Map Waiver No. 22-86 the following thirteen courses; 1) Thence N89011'10"W a distance of 34.63 feet; 2) Thence N00'48'50"E a distance of 1.59 feet; 3) Thence N89011'10"W a distance of 135.505 feet to the beginning point of a 42.00 foot Radius non -tangent curve from which point the center of said curve bears N78'24'40"W; 4) Thence Southwest along said curve through a central angle of 18023'43" a distance of 13.48 feet; 5) Thence S29059'03"W a distance of 61.33 feet to the beginning of a 113.00 foot radius tangent curve concave to the Southeast; 6) Thence Southwest along said curve through a central angle of 22`59'19" a distance of 45.34 feet; 7) Thence N60000'57"W a distance of 92.97 feet to the beginning point of a 68.00 foot radius non -tangent curve from which point the center of said curve bears N60000'57"W; 8) Thence Southwest along said curve through a central angle of 60'00'00" a distance of 71.21 feet; 9) Thence S89'59'03"W a distance of 96.38 feet to the beginning of a 68.00 foot radius tangent curve concave to the Northeast; 10) Thence along said curve through a central angle of 60000'00" a distance of 71.21 feet; Page 4 of 14 EXHIBIT "A" (Continued) Lot Line Adjustment No. 18-0376 11) Thence 559'59'03"W a distance of 92.97 feet to the beginning of a 113.00 foot radius non -tangent curve from which point the center of said curve bears S82`58'22"W; 12) Thence Northwest along said curve through a central angle of 18'32'16" a distance of 36.56 feet; 13) Thence 589'59'03"W a distance of 206.96 feet to a point on the West line of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section, said point being the Northwest corner of said Parcel 2; thence 500007'17"W along said West line a distance of 997.09 feet to the Southwest Corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section; thence 589041'08"W along the South line of said Section a distance of 303.76 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 18.187 acres more or less. 9 Wiley D. H V, /A V L.S. 377 Page 5 of 14 LAND S�\ R \�F "'/0 SOP EXP. F 6-30-2020 No. 3779 \ OF CAL\F 9- - 44 —2_0 Date LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 18-0376 BEING AN ADJUSTMENT OF PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 14-91 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED SEPTEMBER 11, 1991 IN BOOK 6567 AT PAGE 2081 AND PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO 22-86 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED MARCH 26. 1987 IN BOOK 5985 AT PAGE 193, FILED IN THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE ALSO LYING IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION24, T.29S., R.28E., M.D.M., IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. GENERAL NOTES 22.39 ACRES GROSS TOTAL PROPOSED PARCEL A: 5.419 ACRES GROSS 4.525 ACRES NET PROPOSED PARCEL B:18-187 ACRES GROSS 17.873 ACRES NET 1. A.P.N. 435-010-25 & 435-010-27 2. EXISTING ZONING: P.D.U. & R-1 3. PR❑PSED ZONING: R-1 & C-2 PCD 4. EXISTING GENERAL PLAN: LR & HMR 5. PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN: GC 8. EXISTING USE: CHURCH AND VACANT LAND 9. PROPOSED USE: CHURCH AND VACANT LAND 10. WATER: EAST NILES COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT 11. SEWER: EAST NILES COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT 12. ELECTRIC: PG&E 13. GAS: PG&E 14. SCHOOL DISTRICT K-8: BAKERSFIELD CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 9-12: KERN COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 15. TYPE OF IMPROVEMENTS: TYPE 'C' IF REQUIRED 16. THIS MAP WILL NOT BE PHASED, ANORAMA D EXHIBIT TITLES w 0 z z Of O m STATE ROUTE 178 OJECT (SITE VICINITY MAP: NOT TO SCALE NOTE: BASIS OF BEARING C ) INDICATES A RECORD BEARING AND/OR DISTANCE THE BEARING OF N89.41'08'E FOR THE CENTERLINE OF PER PARCEL MAP WAIVER 14-91 RECORDED IN BK. 6567, AT PAGE 2083 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS COLLEGE AVENUE WAS USED AS THE BASIS OF BEARING FOR THIS MAP. NON-PLOTTARLE & BLANKET EASEMENTS: I. AN EASEMENT FOR A SEWER LINE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED JUNE 9, 1978 IN BOOK 5116, PAGE 2281 O.R. IN FAVOR OF STEPHEN HAIR 2. COVENANTS, CONDITI❑NS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS IN THE DOCUMENT RECORDED MARCH 16, 1984 IN B❑❑K5640, PAGE 1796 O.R. 3. AN EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND PIPES FOR GAS AND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSI❑N, WITH ACCESS THERETO AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED JUNE 15, 1987 IN BOOK 6015, PAGE 2104, O.R. IN FAVOR OF PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. 4. AN EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATION FACILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED AUGUST 6, 1987 IN BOOK 6034, PAGE 2376, O.R. IN FAVOR OF PACIFIC BELL 5. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTI❑NS AND EASEMENTS IN THE DOCUMENT RECORDED MARCH 14, 1988 IN BOOK 6102, PAGE 990 O.R. 6. THE TERMS, PROVISIONS AND EASEMENT(S) CONTAINED IN THE DOCUMENT ENTITLED 'RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT' RECORDED JANUARY 13, 1989 IN BOOK 6200, PAGE 189, O.R. 7. A NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT RECORDED APRIL 17, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 0196049557, O.R. IN FAVOR OF KERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 8. RIGHTS, RIGHTS OF WAY, RESERVATI❑NS AND EXCEPTIONS IN THE PATENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 11, 1910 IN BOOK 16 OF PATENTS, PAGE 64 OWNER: SURVEYOR SUR ALDAR MINI STORAGE L.P. WILEY D. HUGHES SURVEYING �,� asp LAND L 3265 W. ASHLAN AVE 218 S. 'H' ST., SUITE 203 �oD• HUc �0 FRESNO, CA 93722 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 3�IV ap 'St.tp ATTN: DERREL RIDENOUR PH. (661)834-1492 6-30-2020 559-269-515 No. 3779 WILEY . HUGHES DATE OF CAL%f L.S. 37 EXPI ES 6 0-2020 "EOR ILL US TRA TI VE PURPOSES ONL Y" SHEET 6 OF 14 AKER FFIELD v) COUNTRY CLUB y w v - U) COL GF AVF J J � Z N J � O w N.T.S. U) NILES STf EXHIBIT TITLES w 0 z z Of O m STATE ROUTE 178 OJECT (SITE VICINITY MAP: NOT TO SCALE NOTE: BASIS OF BEARING C ) INDICATES A RECORD BEARING AND/OR DISTANCE THE BEARING OF N89.41'08'E FOR THE CENTERLINE OF PER PARCEL MAP WAIVER 14-91 RECORDED IN BK. 6567, AT PAGE 2083 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS COLLEGE AVENUE WAS USED AS THE BASIS OF BEARING FOR THIS MAP. NON-PLOTTARLE & BLANKET EASEMENTS: I. AN EASEMENT FOR A SEWER LINE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED JUNE 9, 1978 IN BOOK 5116, PAGE 2281 O.R. IN FAVOR OF STEPHEN HAIR 2. COVENANTS, CONDITI❑NS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS IN THE DOCUMENT RECORDED MARCH 16, 1984 IN B❑❑K5640, PAGE 1796 O.R. 3. AN EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND PIPES FOR GAS AND ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSI❑N, WITH ACCESS THERETO AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED JUNE 15, 1987 IN BOOK 6015, PAGE 2104, O.R. IN FAVOR OF PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. 4. AN EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATION FACILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED AUGUST 6, 1987 IN BOOK 6034, PAGE 2376, O.R. IN FAVOR OF PACIFIC BELL 5. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTI❑NS AND EASEMENTS IN THE DOCUMENT RECORDED MARCH 14, 1988 IN BOOK 6102, PAGE 990 O.R. 6. THE TERMS, PROVISIONS AND EASEMENT(S) CONTAINED IN THE DOCUMENT ENTITLED 'RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT' RECORDED JANUARY 13, 1989 IN BOOK 6200, PAGE 189, O.R. 7. A NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT RECORDED APRIL 17, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 0196049557, O.R. IN FAVOR OF KERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 8. RIGHTS, RIGHTS OF WAY, RESERVATI❑NS AND EXCEPTIONS IN THE PATENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 11, 1910 IN BOOK 16 OF PATENTS, PAGE 64 OWNER: SURVEYOR SUR ALDAR MINI STORAGE L.P. WILEY D. HUGHES SURVEYING �,� asp LAND L 3265 W. ASHLAN AVE 218 S. 'H' ST., SUITE 203 �oD• HUc �0 FRESNO, CA 93722 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 3�IV ap 'St.tp ATTN: DERREL RIDENOUR PH. (661)834-1492 6-30-2020 559-269-515 No. 3779 WILEY . HUGHES DATE OF CAL%f L.S. 37 EXPI ES 6 0-2020 "EOR ILL US TRA TI VE PURPOSES ONL Y" SHEET 6 OF 14 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 18-0376 EXHIBIT "B" BEING AN ADJUSTMENT OF PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 14-91 PER CERTIFICATE AS EXISTING OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED SEPTEMBER 11, 1991 IN BOOK 6567 AT PAGE 2081 AND PARCEL APN•435-010-27 3 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO 22-86 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED MARCH 26. 1987 IN BOOK 5985 AT PAGE 193, FILED IN THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE ALSO LYING IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION24, T.29S., R.28E., M.D.M., IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. N. LINE OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF S.W. 1/4 SEC 24, 29/28. 55' WIDE STREET O RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED TO THE CITY OF Sg BAKERSFIELD PER I BK. 5487, PG. 291, O.R. ry o O 0i ^. LAND SU (o co G�aS�p D. y�c 0�, � EXP. 6-32020 � '� O N 3 9 517.06' I - ----- Z Vc—COLLEGE 500.00' L=357.36 22� R=1500.00 Rq� D=13-39'01" T=179.53 TRACT MAP BOOK (N89'45'1 YE N 89'45' 15"E 477.50' 57.82' N.E. COR. OF THE _N_ NO. 6463 S.W. 1/4 OF S.W. 56 PAGE 82 1/4 SEC 24, 29/28. 535.38') 535.32' PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER 14-91, BOOK 6567 �n PAGE 2081 06 16.03 ACRES SCALE: 1"= PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 22-86 AS PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE LO RECORDED MARCH 26, 1987 IN BK. 5985, PG. 193, FILE NO. CO 36672, O.R. �— APN 435-010-25 W W APPROX. PG&E EASEMENT LOCATION PER o DOC. NO. 020606162 4 APPROX. UNISON n EASEMENT LOCATION PER DOC. NO. 000214001962 !�I XPANDED STREETP5551 L=340.04 IGHT OF WAY PER=1445.00 -- OC. NO.22001154D=13'28'59" T=170.81 cS85°55'52`L '41T08 E 483.75 R - - 30' WIDE SEWER EASEMENT PER Di 01199105493 O.R. ADIALT - 479.36 4.39' 55.17' I LN85'45'50"W RADIAL- _ O SEE SHEET 12 »D» 0 0 I 0 Lo NLo 55' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD c I PARCEL PER BOOK 5478 PAGE 834 0 517.06' I - ----- Z Vc—COLLEGE 500.00' _ AVE. N89'41'08"E 1017.06' S W COR OF THE ww"v� LLr I— U N� Li- w rn � ON0600 Ld 0) z z z .-�04 J Li§":� 3E vi vi N -304.10' 303.76' 1+ S89°41'08' (303.81') T.P.O. B. EXPANDED STREET RIGHT OF WAY S.W. 1/4 OF S.W. PER DOC. NO. 220011543 1/4 SEC 24, 29/28. PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP W WAIVER NO. 22-86 AS PER LU CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 03 RECORDED MARCH 26, 1987 IN BK. 5985, PG. 193, FILE NO. 36672, O.R. APN x435-010-24 J ' PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO, 22-86 AS PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 't RECORDED MARCH 26, 1987 IN 00 BK, 5985, PG. 193, FILE NO. M 36672, O.R. -APN 435-010-23 00O 00 ' C° PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 65-86 AS PER i� CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED AUGUST 1, 1986 IN BOOK 5900, PAGE 1994 AND RE-RECORDED AUGUST 14, 1986 ON BOOK 5905, PAGE 357 O.R. APN 435-010-17 S.E. COR. OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF S.W. 1/4 SEC 24, 29/28. SHEET 7 OF 14 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 18-0376 BEING AN ADJUSTMENT OF PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 14-91 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED SEPTEMBER 11, 1991 IN BOOK 6567 AT PAGE 2081 AND PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO 22-86 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED MARCH 26. 1987 IN BOOK 5985 AT PAGE 193, FILED IN THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE ALSO LYING IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION24, T.29S., R.28E., M.D.M., IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. F_ W W uj (1324.38') 1324.27' rn Go C14 �o N obi N Q n war ' << L0:2 0505 JYN w0 M - m of m o I, wW a Z of" 00 00 z v LL_ 00 O N O N C��d" 0 U) 04 V) 0 V) (1320.88' 1320.8' N.E. COR. OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF S.W. 1/4 OF SEC 24, 29/28. N80'49'38'E TRACT NO, 6463 129.21' M.B. 56, PG. 81 89"44'03'W L4�j = PL APN: 435-010-24 EXHIBIT "B" AS EXISTING APN:435-010-25 1/16 C❑R, SEC, 24, 29/2 M� �c u�u n` 00 c N PL11 P L11 i PL12 m N PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 22-86 o AS PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED MARCH 26, 1987 IN BK.985 PGS 193, FILE rNq._366, 2, O.R. i N00 45'39' !� i APN: 435-010-h- 112.77 PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 22-86 AS PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED MARCH 26, 1987 IN BK. 5985, PG. 193, FILE NO, 36672, OR. X co --� L--- C) r - i OD PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. -�---J 65-86 AS PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED AUGUST 1, 1986 IN BOOK 5900, PAGE 1994 AND Y) RE-RECORDED AUGUST 14, 1986 ON BOOK q 5905, PAGE 357 O.R. APN: 435-010-23 W. LINE OF THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE S.W. 1/4 SEC. 24, 29/28. S89'41'08'W S.W. COR. OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF S.W. 1/4 OF SEC 24, 29/28. N co 0 M 0 M v 0 M 0 0 0 0 N00°45'39'W 20.288' S89°45'15'W .---WEST LINE OF THE L) S89°45'15'W . 807.93' TO P.G.&E. COMPANY m PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP 56-57 AND BK, 3272, WAIVER NO, 22-86 AS PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE �3 M o� RECORDED MARCH 26, 1987 M in IN BK. 5985 PG. 193, FILE 0 0 NO. 36672, O.R. z M _N_ SCALE: 1 "=200' APN: 435-010-25 6.36 ACRES ` PL9 / L4�j = PL APN: 435-010-24 EXHIBIT "B" AS EXISTING APN:435-010-25 1/16 C❑R, SEC, 24, 29/2 M� �c u�u n` 00 c N PL11 P L11 i PL12 m N PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 22-86 o AS PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED MARCH 26, 1987 IN BK.985 PGS 193, FILE rNq._366, 2, O.R. i N00 45'39' !� i APN: 435-010-h- 112.77 PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 22-86 AS PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED MARCH 26, 1987 IN BK. 5985, PG. 193, FILE NO, 36672, OR. X co --� L--- C) r - i OD PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. -�---J 65-86 AS PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED AUGUST 1, 1986 IN BOOK 5900, PAGE 1994 AND Y) RE-RECORDED AUGUST 14, 1986 ON BOOK q 5905, PAGE 357 O.R. APN: 435-010-23 W. LINE OF THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE S.W. 1/4 SEC. 24, 29/28. S89'41'08'W S.W. COR. OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF S.W. 1/4 OF SEC 24, 29/28. N co 0 M 0 M v 0 M 0 0 0 0 N00°45'39'W 20.288' S89°45'15'W .---WEST LINE OF THE L) EASEMENT GRANTED TO P.G.&E. COMPANY m IN BK. 3184, PG. 56-57 AND BK, 3272, PG. 838, O.R. cy) �3 o� in 0 0 z dj _N_ SCALE: 1 "=200' 1320.86' COLLEGE AVENUE w m SHEET 8 OF 1 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 18-0376 EXHIBIT "B" AS ADJUSTED BEING AN ADJUSTMENT OF PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 14-91 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED SEPTEMBER 11, 1991 IN BOOK 6567 AT PAGE 2081 AND PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO 22-86 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED MARCH o 26. 1987 IN BOOK 5985 AT PAGE 193, FILED IN THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE ALSO `i LYING IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND _N THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION24, T.29S., R.28E., M.D.M., IN THE LU CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. 55' WIDE STREET— RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PER BK. 5487, PG. 291, O.R. APPROX. PG&E EASEMENT LOCATION PER DOC. NO. 020606162 APPROX. UNISON ASEMENT LOCATION 'ER DOC. NO. 900214001962 L=357.36' R=1500.00' D=13°39'01" T=179.53 XPANDED STREET-) RIGHT OF WAY PER DOC. NO. 220011542' _ SKf 55'52"E RADIA4.39' 55.17' 7 SEE DETAIL "D" SHEET 12 30' WIDE SEWER - EASEMENT PER Di 01199105493 O.R. 517.08' I S.W. COR. /OF S.W. 1/4 OF 1/4 SEC 24, 29/28. 43 TR. 6463 MW i 57.82' M.B. 56, PG. 82 O (N89"45'13"E 535.38') _ N89'45'15"E 535.32 477.50' 55, N. LINE OF THE S.W. 1/4 N o OF S.W. 1/4 SEC 24, 29/28. o- /,,-W. LINE co N N OF THE Q, 29/28. N,21651 "w OF THE S.E. S.W. 1/4 SE 6 N89°41'08"E 18.00' I No0°18'52" 57.40 479 36' ry PARCEL "B" 18.187 AC. GR. 17.873 NET q00°18'52"W 75.16' " N89'41'08"E 24.30' 00'18'52"W L_L3�, 75.00' - 89`41'08"E 483.75'" I N85°45'50"o o RADIAL LW o Ln K) `No I CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 00 PARCEL PER X55' BOOK 5478 PAGE 8340 ' 304.10 I - 500.00' _ Z 303.76' COLLEGE AVE. S89`4108 U N N.E. COR. OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF S.W. 1 4 SEC 24,29/28. '80*49'38"E 129.21' C . I— LU Lu M L PQ SU c° PARCEL 2X -OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0, 22-86 N AS PER CERTIFICATE OF o COMPLIANCE RECORDED MARCH 26, 1987 IN BK, 5985, PG. 193, FILE NO. 36672, O.R. r APN 435-010-24 -IAPN 435-010-23 PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO, 22-86 AS PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED o) MARCH 26, 1987 IN BK. 0 5985, PG, 193, FILE NO. 00 - 36672, O.R. 0) n00 a r- - i PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO, 65-86 AS PER ww CERTIFICATE OF r"o COMPLIANCE RECORDED i, r AUGUST 1, 1986 IN ' BO❑K oar 5900, PAGE 1994 AND 0o RE-RECORDED AUGUST 14, Z z 1986 ON BOOK 5905, PAGE 357 O.R. APN 435-010-17 N89°41'08"E (303.81') 1017.06' EXPANDED STREET RIGHT THE PER DOC. NO. 220011543 S W CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS DELTA I LENGTH ITANGENT C11445.00' 13'28'59" 340.04' 170.81' C2 51.50' 44'42' 11 " 40.18' 21.18' ___—S.E. COR. OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF S.W. 1/4 OF WAY SEC 24, 29/28. SHEET 9 OF 1 PARCEL "A" 5.419 AC. GR. 4.525 AC. NET 216 Sl \moo. ^ c gDJI � �Z 6 N89°41'08"E 18.00' I No0°18'52" 57.40 479 36' ry PARCEL "B" 18.187 AC. GR. 17.873 NET q00°18'52"W 75.16' " N89'41'08"E 24.30' 00'18'52"W L_L3�, 75.00' - 89`41'08"E 483.75'" I N85°45'50"o o RADIAL LW o Ln K) `No I CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 00 PARCEL PER X55' BOOK 5478 PAGE 8340 ' 304.10 I - 500.00' _ Z 303.76' COLLEGE AVE. S89`4108 U N N.E. COR. OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF S.W. 1 4 SEC 24,29/28. '80*49'38"E 129.21' C . I— LU Lu M L PQ SU c° PARCEL 2X -OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0, 22-86 N AS PER CERTIFICATE OF o COMPLIANCE RECORDED MARCH 26, 1987 IN BK, 5985, PG. 193, FILE NO. 36672, O.R. r APN 435-010-24 -IAPN 435-010-23 PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO, 22-86 AS PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED o) MARCH 26, 1987 IN BK. 0 5985, PG, 193, FILE NO. 00 - 36672, O.R. 0) n00 a r- - i PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO, 65-86 AS PER ww CERTIFICATE OF r"o COMPLIANCE RECORDED i, r AUGUST 1, 1986 IN ' BO❑K oar 5900, PAGE 1994 AND 0o RE-RECORDED AUGUST 14, Z z 1986 ON BOOK 5905, PAGE 357 O.R. APN 435-010-17 N89°41'08"E (303.81') 1017.06' EXPANDED STREET RIGHT THE PER DOC. NO. 220011543 S W CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS DELTA I LENGTH ITANGENT C11445.00' 13'28'59" 340.04' 170.81' C2 51.50' 44'42' 11 " 40.18' 21.18' ___—S.E. COR. OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF S.W. 1/4 OF WAY SEC 24, 29/28. SHEET 9 OF 1 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 18-0376 BEING AN ADJUSTMENT OF PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 14-91 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED SEPTEMBER 11, 1991 IN BOOK 6567 AT PAGE 2081 AND PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO 22-86 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED MARCH 26. 1987 IN BOOK 5985 AT PAGE 193, FILED IN THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE ALSO LYING IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION24, T.29S., R.28E., M.D.M., IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. 5z W W UI W (1324.38') 1324.27' 100 � O N oLio U0-(0 Ln a�(D c6 Y of w0 Of o Q r-: m ww a a CD cu --4 00 00 00 ZZ ., N.E. COR. OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF S.W. 1/4 OF SEC 24, 29/28. N80°49'38'E TRACT NO. 6463 • \129.21' M.B. 56, PG. 81 oA Alf)nm (►, S89°45'15'W 807.93' �W. LINE OF THE S.E. I 1 /4 OF THE S.W. 1/4 7ij IM SEC. 24, 29/28. \�2R, PARCEL B I �4,, ,Q9\RO M 18.187 AC. GR. \ 0 O 17.873 NET 1<0 PL10 P `D �q0\PL9 ! P 3 L4 PL5 PL PL PL8 L-c6O N wo O N ui N uj V)F=-0V (1320.88') ! 132Q.84' EXHIBIT "B" AS ADJUSTED 1/16 CDR. SEC. 24, 29/2 APN: 435-010-24 N PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 22-86 `r• AS PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE o .� RECORDED MARCH 26, 1987 M IN BK.PARC985 PG. 193, FILE NO. 36672, O.R. N00'45'39' !� APN: 435 ,v\ PARCEL 112.77 EL 1 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 22-86 AS PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED MARCH 26, 1987 IN in BK. 5985, PG. -193, FILE NO, 36672, O.R. 0u N 0 000 PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. � 65-86 AS PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED AUGUST 1, 1986 IN BOOK 5900, PAGE 1994 AND RE-RECORDED AUGUST 14, 1986 ON BOOK 3 5905, PAGE 357 O.R. a APN: 435-010-23 d 0 cy) 0 0 0 814.14' S89°41'08"W S.W. COR. OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF 00°45'39'W 0.288' S89°45'15"W ..----WEST LINE OF THE �o EASEMENT GRANTED C) TO P.G.&E. COMPANY v IN BK. 3184, PG. �� 56-57 AND BK. 3272, .-, PG. 838, O.R. m o� ('7 rz d - C) 0 FA SEE DETAIL "C" SHEET 12 -N SCALE 1 "=200' Lo 'J 506.72' 1320.86' COLLEGE AVENUE m m SHEET 10 OF 14 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 18-0376 EXHIBIT "B" BEING A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 14-91 PER LINE TABLE ! CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED SEPTEMBER 11, 1991 IN BOOK 6567 AT PAGE 2081 AND -86 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIDETAIL PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO 22ANCE RECORDED MARCH 26. 1987 IN BOOK 5985 AT PAGE 193, FILED IN THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE ALSO LYING IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION24, T.29S., R.28E., M.D.M., IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PROPERTY LINE TABLE PER PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO, 22-86 AS PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED MARCH 26, 1987 IN BK, 5985, P n 1 Q'Z n o PL1 206.96' N89°59'03'E PL2 L=36.56' R=113.00' T=1844 D=18°32'16' PL3 92.97' N59°59'03'E PL4 L=71.21' R=68.00' T=39.26 D=60°00'00' PL5 96.375' N89°59'03'E PL6 L=71.21' R=68.00' T=39.26 D=60°00'00' PL7 92.97' S60°00'57'E PL8 L=45.34' R=113.00' T=22.98 D=22°59'19' PL9 61.325' N29°59'03'E PL10 L=13.48' R=42.00' T=6.80 D=18°23'43' PL11 135.505' S89°11'10'E PL12 1.59' S00°48'50'W PL13 34.63' S89°11'10'E N89°45'15'E / / R=38.69' L=9.98' Tan=5.02 D=14°47'02' DETAIL "A" N.T.S. Ngp° 49 N89°45'15'E r. N8p°49'38"E 129.21 4 N15°05'59'W 20.71--v N12°41'51'W 25.60'---/ S14°021541E 27.84' S75°57'05'W 13.3T— POINT 'A' 4$ co o no ° i' 1,0 N a m PARCEL "B" 18.187 AC. GR I � I I I 129.21, 40.00 S89°44'03W S89°45'15'W A 20' WIDE SEWER, WATER AND, PIPELINE EASEMENT TO EAST NILES COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT PER BK, 5877, PG. 643, O.R. S89°44'03'W DETAIL " B " 10.39' c S80°49'38'W N • T. S 10.39' PARCEL "B" 18.187 AC. GR. A ROAD EASEMENT (PARCEL 'C') TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD IN BK. 5922, PG. 484, O.R. S75°57'05'W ? 13.33' NA 26.66' WIDE ROAD EASEMENT . N (PARCEL 'B') TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD IN BK, 5922, PG. 483,❑.R. SHEET 11 OF 14 �v • 0-40.m .--............ ...`1. . I.v. I v -vv I v BEING AN ADJUSTMENT OF PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 14-91 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED SEPTEMBER 11, 1991 IN BOOK 6567 AT PAGE 2081 AND PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO 22-86 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED MARCH 26. 1987 IN BOOK 5985 AT PAGE 193, FILED IN THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE ALSO LYING IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION24, T.29S., R.28E., M.D.M., IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. DETAIL "C" N.T.S. PARCEL "B" N89°11'10"W 34.63' 135.505'N89"11'10"W N00'48'S0"E 1.59' N.W. COR. OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SUMP PER BK. 5478 , PG. 834, O.R. CENTERLINE OF THE 110' WIDE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD STREET EASEMENT PER BK. 5487, PG. 291, O.R. W. LINE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SUMP PER BK. 5478 , PG. 834, O.R. EXHIBIT "B" DETAIL "A" WEST LINE OF THE EASEMENT GRANTED TO P.G. AND E. CO. IN BK. 3184, PG. 56-57 AND IN BK. 3272, PG. 838, O.R. PARCEL "A" PROPERTY LINE N89°41'08"E 483.75' TO N.E. COR. OF SUMP / - N 89`41'08" E 4.3 9' DETAIL "D" N.T.S. SHEET 12 OF 1 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 18-0376 BEING AN ADJUSTMENT OF PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 14-91 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED SEPTEMBER 11, 1991 IN BOOK 6567 AT PAGE 2081 AND PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO 22-86 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED MARCH 26. 1987 IN BOOK 5985 AT PAGE 193, FILED IN THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE ALSO LYING IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION24, T.29S., R.28E., M.D.M., IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. NEWQUIST DRIVE I ` N80°50'57'E--� 89.07' (1324.38') -- 1324.27' I vi u- 0 w� P\c6 Lj O N dN UO O N Z\(v%) EE DETAIL "A' SHEET 11 TRACT N❑. 6463 M.B. 56, PG. 81 *A w 807.93' c6 cmo Im ' '��: ���� PARCEL "B" \ \ -� 18.187 AC. GROSS ,-PL2 PL10 - P 11 �� // PL 9 PL12.' II �PL4-PL6�P1 All PL1` I W - W ww a a O � Nti r -r - Woo. W ooC co zzr v 0' SCALE 1 "= 200' L-c6O N o��d= U (n V) N Lj W U Wui O(n (1320.88') 13 S. W. S. W. PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO, 22-86 li I i II I II III I ISI I' I III PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 22-86 II 0°45'39'W .29' EXHIBIT "B" E.N.C.S.D. AND ROAD EASEMENT N WEST LINE OF THE EASEMENT GRANTED TO � ZD P.G.&E. COMPANY IN BK. No jt 3184, PG. 56-57 AND m BK. 3272, PG. 838, D.R. _ In cu CD 00'45'39"WI z 12.90' II1� J�C.L. 60' wk�ll PER Ld LL. Ld w O N c6 ISEWER WATER AND \�� ! PIPELINE EASEMENT PER _z N j BK. 5877, PG. 679, O.R. _I W 3:: 'jr I I �ViUiN I I�I 1 S89°41'08'W COR. OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF 1/4 OF SEC 24, 29/28. 814.14' EWER WATER AND N i PIPELINE EASEMENT PER - I BK. 5877, PG. 679, O.R. I "oI PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT BK. 5923 PG. 1542 O.R. I I I 3 i PARCEL Mi MAP o I C) (' I I 2 OF PARCEL WAIVER NO. 65-86 COLLEGE AVENUE SHEET 13 OF 1 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N O. 18-0376 EXHIBIT "B" BEING AN ADJUSTMENT OF PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 14-91 PER CERTIFICATE COB. ROAD OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED SEPTEMBER 11, 1991 IN BOOK 6567 AT PAGE 2081 AND PARCEL EASEMENT 3 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO 22-86 PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED MARCH 26. 1987 IN BOOK 5985 AT PAGE 193, FILED IN THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE ALSO LYING IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION24, T.29S., R.28E., M.D.M., IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. NEWQUIST DRIVE SEE DETAIL "B" 1/16 COR, SEC, 24, N80°49'38'E SHEET 11 29/28 129.21' TRACT N0, 6463 N00°45'39'W (1324.38') M.B. 56, PG. 81 20.288' 1324.27' S89°44'03'W 680.11 S89°45'15'W r` I S89'45'15"W 807.93' \IN\ 516.36' WEST LINE OF THE ❑INT "A' o�in EASEMENT GRANTED TO SOUTH LINE ❑F M d- L- � O �� 1 TRACT N❑. 6463 Lo 01 oi0 P.G.&E. COMPANY IN BK. I'd- \ c) r- � � L6 L6 o 3184, PG. 56-57 AND Of N M M , PARCEL 3 ❑F PARCEL MAP NN m BK. 3272, PG. 838, O.R. O ` WAIVER N❑. 22-86 �� � U vi PL10 PL11 �i = vi U �\ PL2 PL PL12 1 3 Z wo N ;� L4 PL6 PL13 N �, L3 PL5 PL L8 v M i� A 26.66' WIDE ROAD oo n EASEMENT (PARCEL B) T❑ C) :r o �o I i ! THE CITY ❑F BAKERSFIELD o CDM z IN BK, 5922, PG.479, O.R. z o N ft PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP o i! WAIVER NO, 22-86 N w v� � c) c �o Z z a b-c6 O N M O —ern 1,0 N O UU)NN (NI= — OLj U -1N (1320.88') 1320 8-4-'— S.W. S.W. I I N00°45'39W ! I ! 112.77' I SOUTH LINE OF PARCEL 2 ❑F / S89°41'08'W COR. OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF 1/4 OF SEC 24, 29/28. 1320.86' COLLEGE AVENUE SHEET 14 OF 14 ! l PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO, 22-86. 1011 I PARCEL 1 ❑F PARCEL MAP WAIVER N❑. \ 22-86 _N N Oo bi 0No PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL N M N \ MAP WAIVER NO, = N 04 I 65-86 � o N I A 26.66' WIDE ROAD 3 SCALE U EASEMENT (PARCEL B) TO o 1„_ 200, z o uj THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD IN BK. 5922, PG.479, O.R. M ,II c3 � 257.26_ `� _556.88' _ `n 814.14' 506.72' S89°41'08'W COR. OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF 1/4 OF SEC 24, 29/28. 1320.86' COLLEGE AVENUE SHEET 14 OF 14