HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/11/2021 Special Meeting of the Citizens Oversight Committee for Bakersfield Public Safety and Vital Services Measure (PSVS) Of the City Council – City of Bakersfield Thursday, February 11, 2021 12:00 p.m. City Hall South 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA 93301 City Council Chambers A G E N D A SPECIAL NOTICE Public Participation and Accessibility February 11, 2021 Bakersfield PSVS Committee Meeting On March 18, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom issued Executive Order N‐29‐20, which includes a waiver of Brown Act  provisions requiring physical presence of the Committee members or the public in light of the COVID‐19 pandemic.    Based on guidance from the California Governor’s Office and Department of Public Health, as well as the County Health  Officer, in order to minimize the potential spread of the COVID‐19 virus, the City of Bakersfield hereby provides notice  that as a result of the declared federal, state, and local health emergencies, and in light of the Governor’s order, the  following adjustments have been made:  1. The meeting scheduled for February 11, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. will have limited public access.  2. Consistent with the Executive Order, Committee members may elect to attend the meeting telephonically  and to participate in the meeting to the same extent as if they were physically present.  3. The public may participate in each meeting and address the PSVS Committee as follows:   If you wish to comment on a specific agenda item, submit your comment via email to the City Clerk  at City_Clerk@bakersfieldcity.us no later than 5:00 p.m. the Wednesday prior to the Committee  meeting. Please clearly indicate which agenda item number your comment pertains to.    If you wish to make a general public comment not related to a specific agenda item, submit your  comment via email to the City Clerk at City_Clerk@bakersfieldcity.us no later than 5:00 p.m. the  Wednesday prior to the Committee meeting.   Alternatively, you may comment by calling (661) 326‐3100 and leaving a voicemail of no more than 3  minutes no later than 5:00 p.m. the Wednesday prior to the Committee meeting. Your message must  clearly indicate whether your comment relates to a particular agenda item, or is a general public  comment. If your comment meets the foregoing criteria, it will be transcribed as accurately as  possible.   If you wish to make a comment on a specific agenda item as it is being heard, please email your  written comment to the City Clerk at City_Clerk@bakersfieldcity.us. All comments received during  the meeting may not be read, but will be provided to the Committee and included as part of the  permanent public record of the meeting.  1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES FROM THE FEBRUARY 4, 2021 OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETING 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Fiscal Year 2020-21 Mid-Year Measure Budget Update Staff recommends the Committee find the proposed mid-year PSVS allocations consistent with the projects, programs and services described within the Measure. 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 6. ADJOURNMENT Special Meeting of the Citizens Oversight Committee for Bakersfield Public Safety and Vital Services Measure (PSVS) Of the City Council – City of Bakersfield Thursday, February 4, 2021 11:00 a.m. City Hall South 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA 93301 City Council Chambers MINUTES 1. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Sanders, Vice Chair Hibbard, Committee Members Perez- Andreesen (Participating by phone), Holt, Keller (Participating by phone) Louie, Prince (Participating by phone), Rowland, Tobias Absent: None 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 1, 2020, OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETING Motion by Committee Member Louie second by Committee Member Rowland to adopt minutes from the December 1, 2020, Oversight Committee Meeting. Motion was unanimously approved. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS A. Eddy Lane, Sierra Club Kern Kaweah Chapter, expressed concern regarding financial transparency. B. Mike Turnipseed, Kern Tax Association, displeased that the lack of notice given to the public to review the financial documents. C. Riddhi Patel made comments regarding funding to the Bakersfield Police Department from the PSVS funds. D. Dalton Jones, made comments regarding the meetings accessibility. 4. NEW BUSINESS A. General PSVS Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget Update Assistant City Manager Chris Huot provided PowerPoint presentations and made comments. Chair Sanders announced she recommends the committee not vote on anything until they have had an appropriate amount of time to review the budget documents. Motion by Vice Chair Hibbard second by Committee Member Rowland to continue the Oversight Committee Meeting of February 04, 2021. Motion was unanimously approved. 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS Chair Sanders requested the Committee to be flexible in regards to the meeting schedule for the following week. 6. ADJOURNMENT Meeting is adjourned at 1:01 pm ATTEST JULIE DRIMAKIS, CMC CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield February 5, 2020 TO: Citizens Oversight Committee FROM: Christian Clegg, City Manager CC SUBJECT: Meeting Responses from Oversight Committee Member Inquiries on February 4, 2021 During the February 4th Citizens Oversight Committee meeting, several Committee members requested additional information on several topics. This memo is intended to provide comprehensive, combined responses to those inquiries. Police Staffing Details The hiring goal for police sworn staffing was to hire 100 officers over a three-year period. The City has approached this goal with the starting point as the sworn complement as of July 2018, which was 407 officers. The goal has been to increase the sworn compliment by roughly one-third of the 100 officers each year. The budgeted compliment has been increased by 72 positions over the past two fiscal years, for a total compliment of 479. The tables below outline where the City is at with hiring toward filling the 479 positions. In July 2018, prior to the approval and implementation of the Measure, the Bakersfield Police Department had an authorized sworn complement of 407 positions. This included all City Council authorized positions across all sworn ranks of the department. Of the 407 approved positions, 400 were filled at that time. As of February 4, 2021, the Department has an authorized sworn complement of 479 positions, with 436 filled. All PSVS-funded positions contained within the complement are filled at this time. The hiring of new academy recruits and the separation of existing employees are on distinct cycles. City Staff are developing a process to routinely review sworn officer positions that can be reallocated from PSVS-funded to general funded positions as staffing changes occur. It is also worth noting that the filled positions do not yet include several lateral applicants currently in the hiring process. July 2018 Police Officer* Sr. PO Detective Training Officer Sgt LT Captain Asst Chief Chief Total Sworn Filled 244 31 56 6 43 13 4 2 1 400 Vacant 502 0000007 Total 249 31 58 6 43 13 4 2 1 407 Unfilled % 2.0% 0.0% 3.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%1.8% Page | 2 Police Housing Incentive Update As part of the FY 2020-21 PSVS budget, $500,000 was allocated to develop programs to enhance and improve the recruitment process for police officers. One element discussed as part of this program was the concept of housing assistance incentive to encourage and promote community investment. In follow up to Committee Member comments made on February 4th, the following is an update of the analysis pertaining to the home purchase program. The City of Bakersfield has established residency requirements, which require employees must reside within 45 minutes normal driving time from City Hall within 6 months completion of the probationary period. Sworn personnel in the Bakersfield Police Department have the opportunity to request a waiver from the Police Chief to extend that time to a 60-minute commute. Currently 98 percent of staff reside in the metro Bakersfield area with the remaining 2 percent residing within Kern County. In assessing incentive programs, staff has a current focus on adding or amending programs to attract the largest pool of qualified applicants. Those applying to test for police officer openings do not typically represent the demographics of a qualified homebuyer (e.g., age, work history, salary, etc.). In researching and obtaining feedback from staff the primary needs related to housing are the ability to identify cost-effective housing options that are available at the time of hire, and funding relocation efforts for those who reside outside of Kern County. Staff has been working with local hotels and rental property agencies to explore temporary housing for those starting an academy or relocating to Bakersfield. A proposal to provide a relocation stipend for moving expenses, along with housing resources, continues to be the preferred, recommended option. Staff will be providing additional details on this program, including implementation recommendations with the City Council in the near future. List of Proposed Parks Projects and Project Details to be funded by $3 million one‐time allocation Please see attached exhibit from Recreation and Parks with the specific list of local park enhancements that are recommended through the allocation of the additional $3 million. February 4, 2021 Police Officer* Sr. PO Detective Training Officer Sgt LT Captain Asst Chief Chief Total Sworn Filled 259 35 59 6 50 19 5 2 1 436 Vacant 31 1 9 0 3 0 0 0 0 44 Total 289 36 68 6 53 19 5 2 1 479 Unfilled % 12.0% 2.9% 15.3% 0.0% 6.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%10.1% Page | 3 General Reserves Comparison Staff updated its database of large city reserve funding status and reserve targets based on the most recent available financial reports for each jurisdiction. In addition, per the request of the Committee, staff included three cities within Kern County as part of the research. The following table provides this data for each City and includes the target percentage, the current reserve balance and the actual percentage of funded status. In comparison to other large cities within California, Bakersfield is among three cities with the highest target and ranks third as it relates to funded status. If current year reserve allocations are met at the end of this fiscal year, the City’s general reserves will increase to nearly $44 million. As it relates to other cities within Kern County, it is noted these cities have significantly smaller operations than the City of Bakersfield. Additional Security Scope An additional $100,000 investment into the downtown security patrol agreement is the equivalent of adding one additional uniformed security patrol officer for one calendar year. The City Council approved an agreement with Trans-West Security in 2020 for the purposes of providing private security patrols within the downtown commercial area of the City. The agreement requires the firm to provide up to four uniformed officers up to eight hours per day, seven days per week. The security patrols provide both general GENERAL FUND RESERVE LEVELS - Based on 2018/19 or 2019/20 Annual Reports Target % ** Balance Per Financial Reports Actual % Comparable Cities Anaheim 7%-10% 43,954,000 11.4% Fresno 10.00% 34,300,000 8.9% Los Angeles 7.75% 378,400,000 6.1% Oakland 7.50% 40,100,000 4.9% Sacramento 10.00% 55,200,000 11.3% San Diego 16.67% 205,600,000 15.2% San Jose 10.00% 87,540,000 6.9% Stockton 16.67% 41,300,000 16.4% County Cities Delano 50.00% 5,536,000 25.3% Ridgecrest N/A 3,203,000 30.4% Shafter N/A 17,809,000 76.0% BAKERSFIELD 16.67% 34,269,000 13.21% ** - Note- Target percentage is based on either budgeted expenditures or revenues depending on the entity. Page | 4 patrols and specific patrols as directed by the Bakersfield Police Department. The patrols monitor and report any type of illegal activity to the appropriate authority. In addition, the security provides daily reports to the Police Department and reports any matter of urgency directly to the Police Department Communications Center as soon as possible. The security patrols provide extra sets of eyes to deter and report undesired activity. The additional data reported to the Police Department by the security patrols assists the Police Department in deployment of resources to address issues within the downtown area. Affordable Housing Property Managers The following table represents a list of property managers for local affordable housing projects the City has been involved in previously. This includes projects funded outside of the Public Safety Vital Services Measure. Company Name Managed Properties Housing Authority of the County of Kern Residences at Old Town Kern, Park 20th, Village Park, Residence at West Columbus, Park Place, Green Gardens ConAm Group (Manages Chelsea’s properties) Mill Creek Village, CityPlace Apartments, Mill Creek Senior Housing FPI Management Santa Fe Apartments CFY Development King Square Family Apartments, Tegeler Hotel Mercy Housing Haven House, Madison Place Retirement Housing Foundation (RHF) Lowell Place (Bakersfield Senior Housing) Canyon Hills (Note: Exclusive to the property adjacent to the church) Canyon Hills Senior Housing Re c r e a t i o n a n d P a r k s D e f e r r e d C I P P r o j e c t s P r o j e c t s W a r d C o s t Wi n d s o r P a r k P l a y g ro u n d 4 3 3 0 , 0 0 0 Un i v e r s i t y P a r k P l a y g ro u n d 3 4 1 2 , 5 0 0 ML K P a r k P l a y g ro u n d 1 3 0 2 , 5 0 0 Si l v e r C r e e k P a r k P o o l I m p r o v e m e n t s & F i t n e s s E q u i p m e n t 6 4 0 3 , 4 8 0 Wi l s o n P a r k P l a y g ro u n d 7 3 0 2 , 5 0 0 Ja s t r o P a r k P l a y g ro u n d 2 3 0 2 , 5 0 0 Mc M u r t r e y P o o l S h a d e S t r u c t u r e 2 7 7 , 0 0 0 Gr i s s o m P a r k P l a y g ro u n d 6 3 0 2 , 5 0 0 Pl a n z P a r k P l a y g ro u n d 1 3 0 2 , 5 0 0 Ha gg in O a k s P a r k T e n n i s C o u r t 5 1 9 8 , 0 0 0 (A b o v e L i s t i s i n o r d e r o f i m p o r t a n c e ) To t a l s 10 2,933,480 $ P: \ R  & P\ P a r k s  Co u n c i l  Wo r k s h o p _ D e f e r r e d  Pr o j e c t s \ P a r k s  Co u n c i l  Re f e r r a l RMistry 2/5/2021