HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/01/21 FIRE CIVIL SERVICE AGENDAP(DSTEE) ON V,N / % . '2_U2.\ by City CIerK's Offioa City of Bakersfield by S XA- Aft GEN mA 21 NOV — 1 PN 4= 04 BAKERSFIELD CITY CLERK BAKERSFIELCl, FIRE DEPARTMENT CIVIL SERVICE BOARI, Fire Station *I November B. 2021 3=00 P_M_ 1 _ Roll Coll 2_ Public Stoterrfanis 3_ Approval of ttla MinLjtes of the Ragulor Meeting of September 13. 2027 of the Bakersfield Fire E>eportment Civil Service Board 4_ New Business A. Certification of Firefighter Trvinee (Open) #O1 SO4 Eligibility List B. Nepotism Waiver Request for Firefighter Troinae Condidate(s) S_ Commissioner Statements 6. Adjournment Respectfully submitted. a \ N k" f- c l�ti Tent vmon Rasour es E>irector Civil Service Board for the Bokersfiaid Fire Oaportment On behalf of the Fre Civil Service Commission. wa wont to thank you for otf—ding this Additi—ily. i" compKonca with the "A marlcons with Oisobilitias I.cf." shovid You n6ad spacial assistance to Participate in this meeting, or Hove questions regarding the the Humors Rasourcas OfTica 24 hours prlor during norrnol buslnass hours of (661) 326-3773 or in writing to mhr _ bok r i POSTED ON Uy City Cleric's Office , _ _ cid' of 21 NOV - 1 PM 4= 04 Bakersfield BAKERSFIELD CITY CLERK Uy Ste, MINUTES BAKERSFIELO FIRE nEPARTMEIVT CIVIL SERVICE BOARD Fire Station #I September 73, 2027 3:00 P.M. The Fire Oepariment Civil Service Meeting commenced on Monday, Saptem ber 13, 2027 of 3:00 p. m., of Fire Station # 1. Commissioners Present: TFiornas Edmonds, Ctiairman Ron Eaves, Com rnissioner Administrative Staff Present: William Ballard, deputy Fire Chief Golsen Blair, Fire E)epartment Secretory Snaylco Woods -Collins, Human Resources Supervisor Tracy S�nkc -s, Hurnan Resources Analyst Asia Wofford, Human Resources Analyst J0s"l C3 H_ Rudnick, C)eputy City Attorney 7 _ RoN Call Present: Commissioners Tlio s Edmonds and Ron Eaves_ Commissioner George was absent. 2. Public Statements: None_ 3. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 9, 2027 of the Bakersfield Fire Department Civil Service Board. Upon o morion by Corrmrrmissloner Ron Eaves_ seconded by Tom Edmonds_ to approve the Mtnutss of the Re0ulor MeetinGp of ^"QQ st 9, 2021 of the Fke popportmsnt Gtvti Service Board was APPROVE, ALL AYES_ 4_ Naw Business A_ Fire Engineer (Promotional) #01554 Recruitment Shoylo Woods -Cottons. Nemon Resources Monoyer_ presented the Fire Engineer (PromoHonol) #01554 Recruttr"mwst to the boortl and o Woivar to allow the IDeportmerrt to odministw the Firs to personnel who will become ellytbie for promotion on JonVory 10, 2022. Upon a motion by Commissioner Tom Edmonds, seconded by Ron Eaves to approve the Fire Engineer (Promotional) 001554 Recruitment and the Waiver was APPROVED, ALL AYES. 5. Commissioner Statements Commissioner Edmonds commended the Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD) for the excellent job on the 20 -Year Anniversary Ceremony of 9/11 and how spectacular It was. Commissioner Eaves agreed and congratulated the BFD and BFD Historical Society for making R such a special event Including the jet fly over. He thanked everyone Involved for the amount of hard work that went Into making N so special. 6. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Edmonds adjourned the meeting at 3.08 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Christi TeQ, Human Resources Director Civil Service Board for the Bakersfield Fire Department