HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 3232ORDINANCE NO. 3232 , NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING SECTIONS 15.64.010, 15.64.020, 15.64.030, SUBSECTION (d) OF SECTIONS 15.64.140, 15.64.150, 15.64.230, 15.64.320, 15.64.330 AND 15.64.340; DELETING SECTIONS 15.64.050 AND 15.64.250 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADDING SECTIONS 15.64.025, 15.64.035, 15.64.342, 15.64.345 AND 15.64.347 TO THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO UNIFORM FIRE CODE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Section 15.64.010 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 15.64.010 Adoption of Uniform Fire Code, 1988 Edition, Appendices and the Uniform Fire Code Standards. Except as hereinafter modified, that certain Fire Code known as the "Uniform Fire Code, 1988 Edition (U.F.C.)," appendices thereto, and the Uniform Fire Code Standards sponsored and copy- righted by the Western Fire Chiefs Association and the International Conference of Building Officials, three copies of which are filed in the office of the city clerk for use and examination by the public, and each portion and provision thereof, are adopted by reference as modified and amended in this title and are declared to be the fire prevention code of the city for the purpose of prescribing regula- tions governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire and explosion within the incorporated limits of the city. SECTION 2. Section 15.64.020 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 15.64.020 Appendix Chapters I-A, II-E, VI-A and VI-C deleted. Appendix Chapters I-A, II-E, VI-A and VI-C of the Uniform Fire Code, 1988 Edition, is deleted from said Code as adopted by this Chapter. SECTION 3. Section 15.64.025 is hereby added to the Bakersfield Municipal Code to read as follows: 15.64.025 Appendix Chapter III-A (5) added. In setting the requirements for Department may also be guided by provisions Office (I.S.O.) or by approval of the Chief. fire flow, the Fire in Insurance Services SECTION 4. Section 15.64.030 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended read as follows: 15.64.030 Appendix Chapter III-B (4) added. All fire hydrant locations and distribution shall also comply with Insurance Services Office (I.S.O.) or by approval of the Chief. SECTION 5. Section 15.64.035 is hereby added to the Bakersfield Municipal Code to read as follows: 15.64.035 Section 2.303 - Board of Appeals. Section 2.303, Board of Appeals, of the Uniform Fire Code is amended to read: In order to determine the suitability of alternative materials and types of construction and to provide for reasonable interpretations of the provisions of this Code, the Board of Building Appeals, created by Section 15.04.140 A. of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, consisting of seven (7) members who are qualified by experience and training to pass upon perti- nent matters, are hereby designated as he Board Appeals. Section Municipal Code. 15.64.050 SECTION 6. is hereby deleted from the Bakersfield - 2 - SECTION 7. Subsection (d) of Section 15.64.140 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 15.64.140 Section 10.210 added - Fire lanes. (d) Fire lanes shall be identified in such manner so as to leave no doubt as to their existence and intended purpose. Identification shall be by means of signs being located along the entir,? length of the fire lane and shall be placed not more than one hundred (100) feet apart. Where deemed necessary by the Chief, the signs shall be supplemented by diagonal yellow stripes being painted on the required width of the fire lane. Stripes shall be a minimum of four (4) inches in width, and curb shall be paint~gd red. SECTION 8. Section 15.64.150 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended read as follows: 15.64.150 Section 10.301 (g) added - Installation. Section 10.301 (g), Installation, is amended by adding paragraph (g) as follows: (g) In areas within the City of Bakersfield designated by the Fire Chief as having an insufficient water supply system for the purposes of fire protection, the following regulations shall apply, notwithstanding any other provision of the Municipal Code. 1. These regulations shall apply only to single-family residential development (detached, individual dwellings) in such designated areas, whether as a subdivision as defined in Title 16 of the Municipal Code, or construction on one of more lots, of singl.~-family residential structures and accessory structures thereto. 2. Developers shall submit a site development and building plan, showing exact proposed location of structures on each lot, materials and elevations, together with a diagram show- ing all structures on all adjoining lots as to location, materials and elevations. Such plans and diagrams shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Chief prior to the issuance by the Building Official of any building permit. - 3 - 3. Roofs of all structures with one hundred (100) to two hundred (200) feet separation from any other structure shall be of materials listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. as Class A, B or C - Prepared Roof Coverings. A minimum separation of one hundred (100) feet shall be maintained between the exterior walls of all structures so constructed. The exterior walls of all such residential and accessory structures shall be located no closer than fifty (50) feet from property lines; provided, however, if accessory buildings are constructed with noncombustible exterior covering materials for walls and roof, they shall be located no closer than fifty (50) feet from any other structure on the same lot, measured from the exterior walls of the accessory building. 4. Structures of any approved type construction materials may be permitted, provided such structures are separated at least two hundred (200) feet from any other structure, such distance to be measured from the exterior walls. The exterior walls of all such residential and accessory structures shall be located no closer than one hundred fifty (150) feet from property lines, except where such property lines are adjacent to streets or alleys, and in any event, no closer than fifty (50) feet. 5. All separations required in paragraph (g) shall be maintained until such time as a sufficient water supply for fire protection is on site, and approved by the Fire Chief. 6. All combustibles located outside of buildings, including fencing, palm trees, wood, weeds, brush, hay, and simi- lar improvements and materials, shall at all times be kept clear of all buildings and structures at a distance of one hundred (100) feet. 7. The Fire Chief may also approve plans and diagrams requi~ed by paragraph 2., showing separations of structures and required setbacks from property lines which vary from the require- ments set forth in paragraph 3. and 4., if the owner of the land adjoining the applicant's land has executed and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Kern County, in accordance with all of the provisions of Section 1468 of the California Civil Code, a written instrument containing a covenant or covenants with the applicant to refrain from constructing any building or structure on his lot closer than a stated distance from his property line adjoining that of the applicant. Thereupon, the applicant may build in accordance with and up to the setbacks established for an R-1 Zone if the distance or distances stated in such covenant would otherwise permit, in accordance with and subject to the required separations established in this Section. - 4 - 8. Building permits may be denied any applicant whose construction on his own lot would prevent construction of any residential dwelling or accessory structure by an adjacent prop- erty owner due to inadequate separation of structures. In cases where these alternatives to sufficient water supply are properly utilized and when maps pertaining thereto are recorded, these requirements shall accompany and be recorded contemporaneously therewith. SECTION 9. Section 15.64.230 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended read as follows: 15.64.230 Section 25.118 added - Fire drills. Section 25.118, Fire Drills, is added to the Uniform Fire Code as follows: It shall be the duty of administrators and teachers and educational institutions to have one (1) fire drill each month and to keep all doors and exits unlocked during school hours. SECTION 10. Section 15.64.250 is hereby deleted from the Bakersfield Municipal Code. SECTION 11. Section 15.64.320 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 15.64.320 Section 10.207 (m) added and vehicle access gates. Security, private street Section 10.207 (m), Security, Private Street and Vehicle Access Gates, is added to the Uniform Fire Code as follows: The following regulations and specifications shall apply to Security, Private Street and Vehicle Access Gates: 1. Sliding or swinging gates shall provide a minimum horizontal clearance of 15' - 0" and a minimum vertical clearance of 14' 0" when gate is at the full open position. Horizontal distance shall be measured perpendicular to the direction of travel on the driveway. Vertical distance shall be measured from the highest elevation of the driveway to the lowest overhead obstruction. - 5 - 2. A firebox enclosure with an override switch to open the gate shall be installed at each gate control box location. The firebox shall be installed on the gate control pedestal or on the gate control box. The firebox shall be a N.E.~.A. type 3R raintight cabinet with a standard key lock. Standard key lock shall be approved by the City of Bakersfield Fire Department prior to installation. The override switch shall be mounted on a dead- front switchboard. 3. All electrical equipment for use in a firebox shall conform to Section 86-1.02, "Regulations and Code," of the stan- dard specifications, State of California, Business and transporta- tion Agency, Department of Transportation, current edition. 4. The gate operating device shall have a disconnect feature for manual operation of the gate when the power fails. 5. A minimum driveway length to the gate from the flow line of the public street shall be fifty (50) feet for development of twenty (20) units or less. For each increment of twenty (20) units thereafter, an additional twenty (20) feet of storage length for waiting vehicles shall be added to the driveway length. SECTION 12. Section 15.64.330 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended read as follows: 15.64.330 Section 79.1206(a)(2) amended - Parking and garaging (tank vehicles). Section 79.1206(a)(2), Parking and Garaging (Tank Vehicles), of the Uniform Fire Code is amended to read: 2. Stops for meals during the day or night for no longer than one (1) hour, if the street is well lighted at the point of parking. SECTION 13. Section 15.64.340 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended read as follows: 15.64.340 Section 79.115(f) amended - Abandonment of tanks. Section 79.115(f) of the Uniform Fire Code is amended to read: (f) Any underground tank which has been abandone~ for a period of one year shall be removed from the ground and the hole - 6 - properly filled. If circumstances warrant, however, such tank may be abandoned in place and safeguarded in a manner appro'ved by the Chief. SECTION 14. Section 15.64.342 is hereby added to the Bakersfield Municipal Code to read as follows: 15.64.342 Section 80.103(c) amended - Hazardous Materials Management Plan. Section 80.103(c) of the Uniform Fire Code is amended to read: (c) Hazardous Materials Management Plan. No person, firm or corporation shall store, dispense, use or handle hazardous materials in excess of the quantities specified in Sections 25503.5 and 25503.8 of the Health and Safety Code, prior to the submittal and subsequent approval of a Hazardous Materials Management Plan. The Hazardous Materials Management Plan shall be submitted to the Hazardous Material Section. The Hazardous Materials Management Plan shall be in a format approved by the Chief. SECTION 15. Section 15.64.345 is hereby added to the Bakersfield Municipal Code to read as follows: 15.64.345 Section 80.301(d) amended - Signage. Section 80.301(d) of the Uniform Fire Code is amended to read: (d) Signage. In addition to the hazardous identifica- tion signs required by Section 80.104(e), stationary aboveground tanks shall be placarded with hazard identification signs as spec- ified in U.F.C. Standard No. 79-3 or with other labels or signs approved by the Chief, for the specific material contained. Signs prohibiting smoking shall be provided in storage areas and within 25 feet of outdoor storage areas. Signs shall not be obscured or removed. Signs shall be in English as a primary language or in symbols allowed by this Code. Signs shall be durable. The size, color and lettering shall be in conformance with nationally recog- nized standards. - 7 - SECTION 16. Section 15.64.347 is hereby added to the Bakersfield Municipal Code to read as follows: 15.64.347 Article 82 Table No. 82.104 - amended. Article 82 Table No. 82.104 is amended to read as follows: The "5" in the third column (aboveground container) that is in the first row (less than 125) is changed to a "10". SECTION 17. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with City charter provisions and shall become effective thirty days from and after the date of its passage. the (30) .......... o0o .......... - 8 - I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on June 14, 1989 , by the following vote: A, YE S: COUNCILMEMBERS; ANTHONY, D~/~ON D, SMITH, RATTY, PETERSON, McDERMOTT, SALVAGGIO NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: i'~ O n e ASSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS None None ABSTAIN: COUNCILME~ERS: Assistant CITY CLERK and E 'bff :e? Clerk of the Council of the City bf Bakersfield APPROVED June 14, 1989 CLARENCE E. MEDDERS MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: CITY AT~OR LCM/meg ~._ 00RD 4 UC.FIRE1 2/22/89 AFP±DAVIT OF POSTING DOCUMENTS , , , , , , * * * * * * * * * * * * * STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) ss. County of Kern) CAROL WILLIAMS, Being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on the 21th day of June , 1989 she posted on the Bulletin Board at City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of the following: Ordinance No. 3232 , passed by the Bakersfield City Council at a meeting held on the 14th day of June , 1989 , and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING SECTIONS 15.64.010, 15.64.020, 15.64.030, SUBSECTION (d) OF SECTIONS 15.64.140, 15.64.150, 15.64.230, 15.64.320, 15.64.330 AND 15.64.340; DELETING SECTIONS 15.64.050 AND 15.64.250 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADDING SECTIONS 15.64.025, 14.64.035, 15.64.342, 15.64.345 AND 15.64.347 TO THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO UNIFORM FIRE CODE. NSAOPD /s/ CAROL WILLIAMS CITY CLERK of the City of Bakersfield