HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 212-2021RESOLUTION NO.2 1 2 - 2 02 1 RESOLUTION OF THE BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL, APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A HELIPAD INCIDENTAL TO AN EXISTING HOSPITAL IN A C-2 (REGIONAL COMMERCIAL ZONE) DISTRICT, LOCATED AT 551 SHANLEY COURT (CUP NO. 20-0069)_ WHEREAS, McIntosh 8. Associates filed an application with the City of Bakersfield development Services department for a conditional use permit to allow o helipad incidental to an existing hospital in o C-2 (Regional Commercial Zone) district, located at 551 Shanley Court (the "Project"): cAnd WHEREAS, the Board of Zoning Adjustment held a public hearing on June 9, 2020, and approved Resolution No_ 20-06, which approved the Project: and WHEREAS, the helipad is also subject to the requirements outlined in Public Utilities Code 21661-5, which mandates that Caltrans not issue o heliport permit without a City Council resolution approving the plan to build cond operate o helipad: WHEREAS, the Clerk of the City Council set Wednesday. November 17. 2021 at 5:15 p_m_ in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, as the time and place for a public hearing before the City Council to consider the approval of the conditional use permit as required by PUC 21 661 .5: and WHEREAS, during the hearing, the City Council considered all facts, testimony, and evidence concerning the staff report, and the Board of Zoning Adjustment's deliberation, and action_ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bakersfield City Council as follows: 1 _ The above recitals, incorporated herein, are true and correct_ 2_ The Board of Zoning Adjustment's findings as contained in Resolution 20- 06 are hereby adopted_ 3_ Conditional Use Permit No_ 20-0069 as described in this resolution, is hereby approved subject to the conditions of approval incorporated therein. •e• o�PKEgs T r o `-�pP1G\NAL HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting held or November 2021, by the following vote: ✓ 71/ ✓ ✓ ✓ :/ AYES: COUNCILMEMBER: ARIAS, GONZALES, WEIR, SMITH, FREEMAN, GRAY, PARLIER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER: ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER: APPROVED NOV 17 2021 , %00 KAREN GOH MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By• VIRIDIANX GALLARDO-KING Deputy City Attorney adopted by the the 17th day of JLJLIE DRIMAKIS, MMC CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield Exhibits: A. Board of Zoning Adjustment Resolution 20-06 > m 2 `ORIGINAL Exhibit A (Board of Zoning Adjustment Resolution 20-06) RESOLUTION NO. 20-06 RESOLUTION OF THE BAKERSFIELD BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A HELIPAD INCIDENTAL TO AN EXISTING HOSPITAL ( IN A C-2 (REGIONAL COMMERCIAL ZONE) DISTRICT, LOCATED AT 551 SHANLEY COURT (CUP NO. 20-0069). WHEREAS, McIntosh & Associates filed an application with the City of Bakersfield Development Services Department for a conditional use permit to allow a helipad incidental to an existing hospital ( in a C-2 (Regional Commercial Zone) district, located at 551 Shanley Court (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, the Secretary of the Board of Zoning Adjustment set Tuesday, June 9, 2020, at 3:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, City Hall South, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, as the time and place for a public hearing before the Board of Zoning Adjustment to consider the proposed conditional use permit, and notice of the public hearing was given in the manner provided in Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, at the public hearing testimony was received only in support of the Project; and WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City of Bakersfield's CEQA Implementation Procedures have been duly followed by city staff and the Board of Zoning Adjustment; and WHEREAS, the above described project is exempt from the requirements of CEQA in accordance with Section 15301; and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield Development Services Department (1715 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, California) is the custodian of all documents and other materials upon which the environmental determination is based; and WHEREAS, the facts presented in the staff report and evidence received both in writing and by verbal testimony at the above referenced public hearing support the following findings: 1. All required public notices have been given. Hearing notices regarding the Project were mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the Project area and published in The Bakersfield Californian, a local newspaper of general circulation, 10 days prior to the hearing. 2. The provisions of CEQA, the State CEQA Guidelines, and the City of Bakersfield CEQA Implementation Procedures have been followed. Staff determined that the proposal is a project that is exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15301 because the project consists of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of existing or former use. > m OORIGINAL 3. The proposed use is essential and desirable to the public convenience and welfare. 4. The proposed use is in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan. 5. The project would result in a development that is consistent with the intent of both the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan and the Bakersfield Municipal Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE© by the Bakersfield Board of Zoning Adjustment as follows: 1. The above recitals, incorporated herein, are true and correct. 2. This project is exempt from the requirements of CEQA. 3. Conditional Use Permit No. 20-0069 as described in this resolution, is hereby approved subject to the conditions of approval in Exhibit A and as shown in Exhibits B and C. II HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Board of Zoning Adjustment of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting held on the 9th day of June 2020, on a motion by Member Fick by the following vote: AYES: FICK, PATTESON NOES: RECUSE: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: KITCHEN APPROVED STUART PATTESON, CHAIR City of Bakersfield Board of Zoning Adjustment Exhibits: A. Conditions of Approval B. Location Map C. Site Plan 2 Exhibit A (Conditions of Approval) p�PK�9s r v `ORIGINAL EXHIBIT A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Conditional Use Permit No. 20-0069 I. The applicant's rights granted by this approval are subject to the following provisions: • The project shall be in accordance with all approved plans, conditions of approval, and other required permits and approvals. All construction shall comply with applicable building codes. • All conditions imposed shall be diligently complied with at all times and all construction authorized or required shall be diligently prosecuted to completion before the premises shall be used for the purposes applied for under this approval. • This approval will not be effective until ten (10) days after the date upon which it is granted by the BZA to allow for appeal to the City Council. Any permit or license for any approval granted shall not be issued until that effective date. • This approval shall automatically be null and void two (2) years after the effective date unless the applicant or successor has actually commenced the rights granted, or if the rights granted are discontinued for a continuous period of one (1) year or more. This time can be extended for up to one (1) additional year by the approving body. • The BZA may initiate revocation of the rights granted if there is good cause, including but not limited to, failure to comply with conditions of approval, complete construction or exercise the rights granted, or violation by the owner or tenant of any provision of the Bakersfield Municipal Code pertaining to the premises for which the approval was granted. The BZA may also consider adding or modifying conditions to ensure the use complies with the intent of City ordinances. • Unless otherwise conditioned, this approval runs with the land and may continue under successive owners provided all the above mentioned provisions are satisfied. II. The following conditions shall be satisfied as part of the approval of this project: 1. In consideration by the City of Bakersfield for land use entitlements, including but not limited to related environmental approvals related to or arising from this project, the applicant, and/or property owner and/or subdivider ("Applicant" herein) agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its officers, agents, employees, departments, commissioners and boards ("City" herein) against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, in any way arising from, the terms and provisions of this application, including without limitation any CEQA approval or any related development approvals or conditions whether imposed by the City, or not, except for CITY's sole active negligence or willful misconduct. This indemnification condition does not prevent the Applicant from challenging any decision by the City related to this project and the obligations of this condition apply regardless of whether any other permits or entitlements are issued. o``gAKF9� 'ORIGINAL CUP No. 20-0069 Page 12 of 6 The City will promptly notify Applicant of any such claim, action or proceeding, falling under this condition within thirty (30) days of actually receiving such claim. The City, in its sole discretion, shall be allowed to choose the attorney or outside law firm to defend the City at the sole cost and expense of the Applicant and the City is not obligated to use any law firm or attorney chosen by another entity or party. 2. This conditional use permit allows for a helipad incidental to an existing hospital in the C-2 (Regional Commercial Zone) district located at 551 Shanley Court as depicted on attached Exhibits B and C. 3. No vehicle traffic will be allowed over the helipad. 4. The Hospital is responsible for securing the proposed helipad site and adjacent pedestrian sidewalks for a safe distance prior to helicopter landings and take -off. 5. Heliport facilities, may only be used as a take-off/landing pad. No maintenance, other than for emergencies, shall occur on the site. 6. Approach/departure paths shall only be from the south. 7. Existing telephone lines, parking lot light standards, and landscaping which may present a flight hazard shall be removed prior to pad construction, in accordance with appropriate state and federal guidelines. III. The following are specific items that you need to resolve before you can obtain a building permit or be allowed occupancy. These items include conditions and/or mitigation required by previous site entitlement approvals (these will be specifically noted), changes or additions that need to be shown on the final building plans, alert you to specific fees, and other conditions for your project to satisfy the City's development standards. The items listed below will usually need to be shown on the final building plans or completed before a building permit is issued. As part of the building permit submittal, identify the location of your response by using the APPLICANT'S RESPONSE line provided directly below the item (example: sheet number, detail, etc.). A. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - BUILDING (1715 Chester Avenue) (Staff contact - Oscar Fuentes; 661-326-3676 or OFuentes@bakersfieldcity.us) 1. Include with or show on the final building plans information necessary to verify that the project complies with all accessibility requirements of Title 24 of the California Building Code. APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: 2. The Building Division will calculate and collect the appropriate school district impact fee at the time they issue a building permit. APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: } �= v 00RIGINAL CUP No. 20-0069 Page 13 of 6 3. Final Building plans shall show pedestrian access pathways or easements for persons with disabilities from public rights -of -ways that connect to all accessible buildings, facilities, elements, and spaces in accordance with the California Building Code. These pedestrian access ways shall not be parallel to vehicular lanes unless separated by curbs or railings. APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: B. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - PLANNING (1715 Chester Avenue) (Staff contact — Kassandra Gale; 661-326-3411 or kgale@bakersfieldcity.us) 1. All parking lots, driveways, drive aisles, loading areas, and other vehicular access ways, shall be paved with concrete, asphaltic concrete, or other paved street surfacing material in accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Code (Sections 15.76.020 and 17.58.060.A.). APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: 2. The developer shall meet all regulations of the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (Regulation VIII) concerning dust suppression during construction of the project. Methods include, but are not limited to; use of water or chemical stabilizer/suppressants to control dust emission from disturbed area, stock piles, and access ways; covering or wetting materials that are transported off-site; limit construction -related speed to 15 mph on all unpaved areas/washing of construction vehicles before they enter public streets to minimize carryout/track out; and cease grading and earth moving during periods of high winds (20 mph or more). APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: 3. Prior to receiving final building or site occupancy, you must contact the Planning Division (staff contact noted above) for final inspection and approval of related site improvements. Inspections will not be conducted until all required items have been installed. Any deviations from the approved plans without prior approval from the Planning Division may result in reconstruction and delays in obtaining a building or site occupancy. APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: C. FIRE DEPARTMENT (2101 H Street) (Staff contact - Ernie Medina; 661-326-3682 or EMedina@bakersfieldcity.us) 1. Show on the final building plans the following items: a. All fire hvdrants, both offsite (nearest to site) and on-site. Include flow data on all hydrants. Hydrants shall be in good working condition and are subject to testing for verification. Fire flow requirements must be met prior to construction commencing on the project site. Please provide two (2) sets of the water plans stamped by a licensed Registered Civil Engineer to the Fire Department and two (2) sets to the Water Resources Department (1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA. 93311; 661-326-3715). ogPKF,9cP T > m � r `ORIGINAL CUP No. 20-0069 Page 14 of 6 (Note: Show: 1) distance to the nearest hydrant; and 2) distance from that hydrant to the farthest point of the project site.) The minimum gate width shall be 20 feet and a minimum vertical clearance of thirteen (13) feet six (6) inches is required when the gate is at full open position. Where there is more than one gate and two or more driveways separated by islands, a minimum horizontal clearance of fifteen (15) feet for each driveway and a minimum vertical clearance of thirteen (13) feet six (6) inches is required when gates are at full open position. Horizontal distance shall be measured perpendicular to the direction of travel on the driveway. Vertical distance shall be measured from the highest elevation of the driveway to the lowest overhead obstruction. APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: 3. Electric gates shall be equipped with a means of opening the gate by fire department personnel for emergency access. Emergency opening devices shall be approved by the fire code official. All new construction of access gates shall be equipped with an automatic opening device which is activated through the wireless activation system utilized on City of Bakersfield owned vehicles for traffic preemption. Installation and maintenance of the wireless activation system on access gate(s) shall be completed by the gate owner. The gate opening device shall have a disconnect feature for manual operation of the gate when the power fails. APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: 4. All projects must comply with the current California Fire Code and current City of Bakersfield Municipal Code. APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: D. WATER RESOURCES (1000 Buena Vista Road) (Staff contact - Tylor Hester; 661-326-3715 or THester@bakersfieldcity.us) 1. At this time, no applicable conditions for the proposed project. Conditions may be added if the project changes. E. PUBLIC WORKS - ENGINEERING (1501 Truxtun Avenue) (Staff contact - Alerik Hoeh; 661-326-3581 or ahoeh@bakersfieldcity.us) (Staff contact — Susanna Kormendi; 661-326-3997 or SKormendi@bakersfieldcity.us) 1. All on-site areas required to be paved (i.e. parking lots, access drives, loading areas, etc.) shall consist of concrete, asphaltic concrete (Type B. A. C.) or other paved street material approved by the City Engineer. Pavement shall be a minimum thickness of 2 inches over 3 inches of approved base material (i.e. Class 11 A. B.) if concrete is used, it shall be a minimum thickness of 4 inches per Municipal Code Section 17.58.060.A. This paving standard shall be noted on the final building plans submitted to the Building Division before any building permits will be issued. APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: o11�9AK,9q E- m 'ORIGINAL CUP No. 20-0069 Page 15 of 6 2. If a grading plan is required by the Building Division, building permits will not be issued until the grading plan is approved by both the Public Works Department and the Building Division. APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: 3. All storm water generated on the project site, including the street frontage shall be retained onsite unless otherwise allowed by the Public Works Department (please contact the Public Works Department — Subdivisions at 661-326-3576). APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: 4. If the project generates industrial waste, it shall be subject to the requirements of the Industrial Waste Ordinance. An industrial waste permit must be obtained from the Public Works Department before issuance of the building permit. To find out what type of waste is considered industrial, please contact the Wastewater Treatment Superintendent at 661-326- 3249. APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: 5. Before any building or site can be occupied, the developer must reconstruct or repair substandard off-site street improvements that front the site to adopted city standards as directed by the City Engineer. Please call the Construction Superintendent at 661-326-3049 to schedule a site inspection to find out what improvements may be required prior to submitting a grading plan. Any off-site/frontage improvements or repairs required during the site inspection shall be shown on the grading plan. APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: 6. A street permit from the Public Works Department shall be obtained before any work can be done within the public right-of-way (streets, alleys, easements). Please include a copy of this site plan review decision to the department at the time you apply for this permit. APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: 7. If the project is subject to the provisions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), a "Notice of Intent" (NOI) to comply with the terms of the General Permit to Discharge Storm Water Associated with Construction Activity (SWRCB Order No. 2009-009-DWQ as amended by Order No. 2010-0014-DWQ and 2012-0006-DWQ) must be filed with the State Water Resources Control Board in Sacramento before the beginning of any construction activity. Compliance with the general permit required that a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) be prepared, continuously carried out, and always be available for public inspection during normal construction hours. APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: op,Kfgs� y r vORIG�NA� CUP No. 20-0069 Page 16 of 6 8. Prior to the issuance of each building permit, or if no building permit is required, the first required City approval prior to construction, the developer/owner shall pay a Transportation Impact Fee (TIF) for regional facilities. This fee will be based on the rate in effect at the time the applicable approval is issued or in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act, as applicable. The Public Works Department will calculate an estimate of the total fee upon submittal of construction plans for the project. APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: 9. The developer shall form a new Maintenance District. Undeveloped parcels within an existing Maintenance District are required to update Maintenance District documents. Updated documents, including Proposition 218 Ballot and Covenant, shall be signed and notarized. If there are questions, contact Alerik Hoeh at 661-326-3576. (Note: If already within a maintenance district, may need to update the maintenance district form.) APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: 10. This project may be located within a Planned Drainage Area. Please contact the Public Works Department — Subdivisions at 661-326-3576 to determine what fees may apply. APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: 11. This project may be subject to Bridge and Major Thoroughfare fees. Please contact the Public Works Department — Subdivisions at 661-326-3576 to determine what fees may apply. APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: F. PUBLIC WORKS - TRAFFIC (1501 Truxtun Avenue) (Staff contact - Alerik Hoeh; 661-326-3581 or ahoeh@bakersfieldcity.us) (Staff contact — Susanna Kormendi; 661-326-3997 or SKormendi@bakersfieldcity.us) 1. At this time, no applicable conditions for the proposed project. Conditions may be added if the project changes. G. PUBLIC WORKS - SOLID WASTE (4101 Truxtun Avenue) (Staff Contact -Jesus Carrera; 661-326-3114 or jcarrera@bakersfieldcity.us) 1. At this time, no applicable conditions for the proposed project. Conditions may be added if the project changes. s `ORIGINAL!' CUP No. 20-0069 Page 17 of 7 F. PUBLIC WORKS - TRAFFIC (1501 Truxtun Avenue) (Staff contact - Alerik Hoeh; 661-326-3581 or ahoeh@bakersfieldcity.us) (Staff contact — Susanna Kormendi; 661-326-3997 or SKormendi@bakersfieldcity.us) At this time, no applicable conditions for the proposed project. Conditions may be added if the project changes. G. PUBLIC WORKS - SOLID WASTE (4101 Truxtun Avenue) (Staff Contact - Jesus Carrera; 661-326-3114 or jcarrera@bakersfieldcity.us) At this time, no applicable conditions for the proposed project. Conditions may be added if the project changes. o�PKF9s r v vpRIGINAL Exhibit B (Location Map) o��AKF9.� s � r 'ORIGINAP e s o Q .t o 'a E` �' B e ` E � ' W R Z e a ' s g m .n � ` .n � .e .n # m n d E E U. R ,Wn N -_ o S g a a •• `e = s o y e t a - _ _> •'� v E c` e _ a m� E 9 a 4$ E Z U VQ c>e O9—E= s.'. 2_`.g .— p »a a Eo Eo U a o' W 'E t P "' M.; �W/ =�- JW r�us =pr s`vsv�sQ .14 8.E E�vECm c— tr'9Ei�E�:=o Y. Z a x� :'�:Z �� c u e m£ gm m 9 a —,�_ _ O gNS �a9e�.r •t$88�g.mn S v : `$<" i i •m e : e=c• a n e •s "'�— >.= — m �; rL _.••L _••14"L�4Se�'ir <as� z�i ... �-. mom— 6.'„ oee, a� c� O V�� e�ioxa . W <oi�x3 it as l yrl N,10 ` OA18 SMVO vj N199VH 4 a a LL CL U. LL z r D.- 7,7,V, VUn O o Alzo lNv'N V0,7 a O d tZ v - � C w a) r r LLC= 1 LLa. fY o c i2 15 fY o AVM if U. 0.K\NE CIl y o NOlJNIWAIv a r, V 0.A ✓. °p1S' p z � `� K a Of T MOlS_WV�TVM 3 V w ti� 17 10 NOWWO) WVHOVI)LL b11YN)1030 r 1/NA13VMQ 'o AVM ---M fY , 33/!0 SS3N133�� m 1S � !)`^ Cyd �9NIlV3:o: 31/NS a '1V114 AVM c` a v o K 010 J '71. s fe j LL LL ��JD y��dy '�x`�OS MOISNOON 1 4 ✓/ yjy z ti a O soy d p U O O epOPNESl, I o p�Q� CL Az ' 11\\\t���� a gECKENN�9 0 E U d 1�1�` / LL Q N N �d dJa� a V c w yf�b),ONV.B� Ny' IIlAli-1.I I1'1� 6 0 Z s AVM 771tiW l O P LL - LL Q cm J dT W a 'w U p m O a/ cm W V Y - N OAll MVO 1311V)S 6 Y O a alz a LL a LL m m Q o Q? 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W O �> 15 fY o AVM if U. 0.K\NE CIl y o NOlJNIWAIv a r, V 0.A ✓. °p1S' p z � `� K a Of T MOlS_WV�TVM 3 V w ti� 17 10 NOWWO) WVHOVI)LL b11YN)1030 r 1/NA13VMQ 'o AVM ---M fY , 33/!0 SS3N133�� m 1S � !)`^ Cyd �9NIlV3:o: 31/NS a '1V114 AVM c` a v o K 010 J '71. s fe j LL LL ��JD y��dy '�x`�OS MOISNOON 1 4 ✓/ yjy z ti a O soy d p U O O epOPNESl, I o p�Q� CL Az ' 11\\\t���� a gECKENN�9 0 E U d 1�1�` / LL Q N N �d dJa� a V c w yf�b),ONV.B� Ny' IIlAli-1.I I1'1� 6 0 Exhibit C (Site Development Plan) oep,KEgs� r � CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PROPOSED HELIPAD DIGNITY HEALTH -MERCY SOUTHWEST HOSPITAL 551 SHANLEY COURT BAKERSFIELD, CA 93311 42 STOCKDALE hW3hWA 1.`1:1' `1 I J' • - ----------------------- nWAt RN DREl6t>rl Lar 1285 R24E Lla Its fr0ND1 fmwOaL� IFDxIWf! M NI �iq � YAg�S W1M� SCALE: 1 100' SEC. 5 r _— __—_—___—____ od 6 YCIXW & IOWBW JO SWM. RNlff 27 FAST, 17 Y.D.Y., W 1XE Ott OF RA%Of41E1D, COWtt Q IDRI, SGTE DF CIIIFWAA. C — PY�IInXL1i01i----- OWNER/DEVELOPER x WL AREA _ 91M. KEY MAP -'w° TOPOGRAPHY LEGEND: L"' DEVELOPMENT NOTES — 1RU%TUN AVFNUE W5 BAKERSFlFP CA 93301 DWNc WANT aW ___ums r DDDR �.wl Y% w A»a _ YN sHO 91E UOIIMC PRDP03D . xD PlRaxc YWFTUTxWs AIS AxTN1PATm. ENGINEER R aDs nN.wRW � — umrn Y6DD-IIna1 DDNN uc m _—x O a1Ylp Wb[ ___ x—mK ar uY� sso-_ --- DNnN mtoR p msmaeon caTACT: Rams A YmTosH PHONE (SII Nhx61A s, 3 - STE WwnwolT nw NOTES: DIQ1 s•N1Y IDILIY YDDT' RDIIDRYNR NGIIIFAL 1 - .DD GID wYDI RDW •h=O A G NnN CONDITIONAL USE PERMR N• �� w aa. COVER SHEET 1.`1:1' `1 I J' • YW� I I A SEC.31 '4 SEC.32 4 YESI9DE't VI SIC TY MAP NOUN utt KtgL&I SE INFORMATION: T wo usY. D.ao Ac (aossil[,) PNWMAY 1285 R24E MpINAYMpINAY P' ROJECT I SITE SEC. 6 � SEC. 5 3q• ��WENO YE81A 6 YCIXW & IOWBW JO SWM. RNlff 27 FAST, YW� I I A SEC.31 '4 SEC.32 4 YESI9DE't VI SIC TY MAP NOUN utt KtgL&I ( , � zDDI YWmAx DDDRT MCINT \�/ 6AN�,m. C.WFORI.A RSSOD (66Q 6A - N1H SE INFORMATION: T wo usY. D.ao Ac (aossil[,) J5FAt Mlu oaPJw.6P-RII ar/.Yr2 Mwl LEGAL DESCRIPTION: POx1XN DF lxE NORTHEAST WARTFR 6 YCIXW & IOWBW JO SWM. RNlff 27 FAST, Y.D.Y., W 1XE Ott OF RA%Of41E1D, COWtt Q IDRI, SGTE DF CIIIFWAA. OWNER/DEVELOPER HEILTH-YERcr HosPITu souTHYEST DEVELOPMENT NOTES — 1RU%TUN AVFNUE W5 BAKERSFlFP CA 93301 1MFIE APE EDSTWO STiNKRDES OY-SITE 2 NO OELWRW PROPo3D PHx E' T ) 63: BRUOE PETERS PNONE (681) 833-36J1 J M UxDSCAPE REWaFDN)13 ARE AYIYSPAIm.' sHO 91E UOIIMC PRDP03D . xD PlRaxc YWFTUTxWs AIS AxTN1PATm. ENGINEER 6. NO NT1KAl SfRUCII/ES PP11nO5m. YW1Y191 t AS—T6 SHEET INDEX: eWa;RSTon. A� � - WAm sm SN 2 - RWNDAW k EAY T YID caTACT: Rams A YmTosH PHONE (SII Nhx61A s, 3 - STE WwnwolT nw NOTES: WT ALL UDFRgf81xD UR W OR FADUM MERE ( , � zDDI YWmAx DDDRT MCINT \�/ 6AN�,m. C.WFORI.A RSSOD (66Q 6A - N1H CITY OF BAKERSRELD CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PROPOSED HELIPAD DIGNITY HEALTH -MERCY SOUTHWEST HOSPITAL 551 SHANLEY COURT BAKERSFIELD, CA 93311 I STOCKDALE Md WAY- -',1' -------- _ _"-...... _"v-_--- --------------- ------ AL i; Vii----- r� a.— .n"ff` a VLLA N. *0= 1 NOTA PART 3 ND -"�_•� m>: LOT LLA N,"0 ' s "" ---af" pl II I ,.MR -A8/7NLEIBg1I y, 11 '/f, I iz� a LLA IIa. O?00l6 �/ -[ a ammmm _ - am EASEMENT LEGEND: it k AIR XlZEPC87 �T MI HEIMAD Y M [���9T R mC W OT'tlM6L u PAL Na sm SHENr NO. 3)PAw ,m a.rt yxeeea x xe xo... us.xr [. a P)A N. Y E ��'s�c,.w%m�0'oxmsa[noi w[u. ums.[amar,aa PAL KL 4%Rl X UUyy iia .o[ w[[ avp, nx a am x n. a. NOTA PART _______—_________� I4 it .¢xim ..wx mr.x.xwximia ,amarowx ' > as Kam e.ae. x.n, .<enm xmx[at z.e =am W ,� mix= �, Z HowELL� ORNE. g �x� ae� rwx. en a, aax .., ,•. ..va.r .am � ,,-., from xw W.u,Px x.x vawxo w,e m,zx SCALE: , _ 1m. I PARCEL -- [nm °x"aw niw y� wart a rr otaunax xa PHW. Na YYI w,2 ea ias, ax ISI! nn arc w4�'v4iz'aa'n - W arax � BOUNDARY MAP TAM CLRVE TAU IPE TAw.' wax. mer w.rta-e. [a x sw,. am aa' r,am awm El— air iur sm,r mn - w an ..waaaC: �m AA.,JINI r K49s m r GINAL� CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PROPOSED HELIPAD DIGNITY HEALTH -MERCY SOUTHWEST HOSPITAL 551 SHANLEY COURT TOPOGRAPHY LEGEND: yam DEVELOPMENT LEGEND: Qi �aw�rsm Qz �unm tm cn �w c«.auoi cr Qs � uws In Qe .mm �nmo,n saw OO mm.o�to NOTES SCALE: 1' = W' 0AKF9 s� m 0 1RIGINAI. - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - — - --- — - - - JL fi C e ■ ar 3x �� 8: 10 z Asa t k !S a�r h - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - — - --- — - - - JL fi ---------- aQ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - — - --- — - - - ---------- a�r h ---------- ---------- — - — - — - --------- --------- OORIGINAL ---------- ---------- T- ------- T Ui ---------- ------- s :, ® 41 10 cr ID ---------- ---------- T- ------- T Ui ---------- ------- 41 cr 10 pp V5 0 RIM cl 1. ---------- ---------- T- ------- T I R 2 Ui ---------- ------- 41 cr cl I R 2 ❑ El El El El P, KF9 El aq _FF xE3 €z rc i 0 6 8 8 e 8 OOOOO =ZZ - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- ------- ---------- -- T - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N, ------- ----------------- -------------- ----- ----------- --------------------------------- --------- - - - - --------1---- --------- I a '€ � a e 1 I ❑ ❑ El ❑ El El El El P, KF9 El � v........ » - 2 \ � v........ »