HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-04/28/89 (3) ·J.. II \)'1, .~ " , 1f~'S',iI5~ ~ ()- L~ ~"cL CO. Il Ii! G~. a.r~ OY\ 5 iU2 ~tLC, f7ðf~ ~ . : C<..y\J..J.J,O"Yl 4«--+ Q. G$"ß1jW>y,¡ ~ k .~iL '. r j} í \.J ::: km>- ~(f' ~~ (,V<~~L2- . I . ~-~. ~~-? ~ i 'rrf?!' i!iAfi,. r~ %~~~ ! ~ ~L k:væ5 1!l1 1-:-'" ~ _ ~ F.-. {l ~ . -J" <A'-kv",,- ~ .JL -I- "JL - lil~' Õ~IM ~l>7\' LJj ~ L... ~I ,-lil-ro~ve.s -~J .-...:..tl.J- lJk~~1 <JL. um_m _II,~ ~ ~.j ~<lð -~ hfld -~ -------- I!!~J~ ~ <W ,~.~L <tLJ ~ Lß;tfr 1 _ ,:~ ~~~~£~ w.cvJ1 htJ. ~ f4- L~ 4-+ ~ Uü- ! ¡ £'-6. / i i I y;?k6.ì ~~J t~: s. Íoms ð l-P fuJ.~ :~ ~LJ d~"~ (hvu?~+ 1 ~J $reI Yþ5/a1 ': ~ t ~~J.i~ ~ J 4hLJ.'j i ¡1Ld. ~ /YIM-jri~ ~. '! "1 ~~ ?~l->Mr ~ 17/0,é /eN"'; -r¿> ßLùs. :,. ~ :. f - 'i I J' aJr;:.¡ ~L7~JH ' @ BB6t l /oJNnOQ N}jJJ( G 0 Nflr $), úTI 0 ~ &J i'iJ:{JJ _ - ffJ Q ... . ~ . ~~ I II 11 I I II WORK PLAN TO ASSESS SOIL.. CONDITIONS AND PROVIDE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SITE REMEDIATION AT WICKES LUMBER, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA May 27, 1988 L-F 1510 . LEVI N E·FRICKE It e , i II LEVI N E·FRICKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~NO HYOROGEOLOGISTS May 27, 1988 L·P 1510 Mr, Joe Canas Kern County Health Department Environmental Health Divis~on 1415 Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 .[ RE: Work Plan to Assess Soil Conditions and Provide Recommendations for Site Remediation at Wickes Lumber, Bakersfield, California Dear Mr, Canas: As we discussed, enclosed is our Work Plan to assess soil conditions and provide recommendations for remedial activities at the Wickes Lumber facility on White Lane in Bakersf~eld. It is our understanding that approval of this Work Plan is required by the Kern County Health Department prior to initi~tion of any further field activities. I If you have any questions concerning the work plan, please call me or Bret Braden at 714/955-1390, or contact. Randy Miller at Wickes Companies (213/452-9593), Sincerely, 4?~:;:?ß'- Project Geologist Registered Geologist #4431 Enclosure cc: Randy Miller Wickes Companies , ! 4019 WESTERLY PLA.CE, SUITE 103 f\JEVVPGRT 2El\CH, C,A, 92660 (;'1/1 \ .;]:;;:::_.: ·~.Gn '. ,~I, ,.)'..1 ''-"l ,\.~ It e LEVINE-FRICKE OS/27/88 L'F 1510 SITE ASSESSMENT WORK PLAN WICKES LUMBER BAKERSFIE~D, CALIFORNIA The following describes the scope of work to be conducted for the assessment of soil conditions at Wickes Lumber, Bakersfield, California. SITE HISTORY The Wickes Lumber facility at 1800 White Lane in Bgkersfield, California operates as a lumber retail store and yard, A 1,000 gallon underground gasoline tank was located in the northeast corner of the property a few feet from the northern property boundary. According to representatives of Wickes Lumber, the tank was removed by McNabb Construction in February, 1988, Leaks were . reportedly detected in the tank and gasoline was detected in the soils beneath the tank during the tank removal, Soils Engineering Inc. subsequently drilled a soil boring (Boring B-1) to 40 feet in the center of the tank area, This soil boring showed that soils as deep as 24 feet had concentrations of gasoline greater than 1,000 parts per million (ppm), and that soils at 26 feet had gasoline concentrations at 100 ppm (total petroleum hydrocarbons). Gasoline was not detected at or below 29 feet below grade, and no ground water was encountered, A copy of the boring log and laboratory results for the soil samples obtained from Boring B-1 are provided in the Appendix. PLUME IDENTIFICATION The objective of this scope of work is to further assess and delineate the extent of affected soils beneath the former underground gasoline tank in order to provide a remedial action plan for the affected soils, -1- i. I I ' I I '\" ¿ '~ ~. ;/ \ ,~ ",1<1 'r'l "iJ IÞ e LEVINE-FRICKE Soil Samplinq Since the soil boring drilled previously by Soils Engineering Inc. delineated the vertical extent of gasoline contamination in soil directly beneath the removed tank, Levine·Fricke recommends drilling four borings a to 1'0 feet from the outside edge of the tank area, as shown on the Plot Plan (Figure 1), These borings will provide information on the lateral extent of contamination in the vicinity of the tank excavation. The four soil borings will be drilled to 40 feet using a-inch diameter hollow stem augers. Undisturbed soil samples will be collect~d at five foot intervals using a California Modified Sampler lined with clean brass tubes. Blow counts at each interval will be recorded for possible geotechnical use, A soil sample from each interval will be placed in a Ziploc plastic bag, broken apart, and analyzed in the field with a Photovac total ionization photometer (TIP). One brass tube from each sampling depth will be retained for possible chemical analysis, The retained tubes will be capped on both ends with aluminum foil and plastic caps, sealed with tape and stored in a ch~lled cooler for transport to the analytical laboratory, One ~rass tube will also be retained for possible geotechnical analysis. . . The augers will be withdrawn from each boring after terminal depth is reached, Each boring will be sealed by filling it to ground surface with a cement/bentonite grout containing no less than 5 per cent bentonite. Drilling equipment and sampling tools will be steam cleaned between boring locations, and all sampling equipment will be washed with a trisodium detergent and double rinsed with deionized water after each use to avoid cross contamination, Waste soils produced from drilling activities will be stockpiled at the site on asphalt surfaces or heavy gauge plastic, Levine·Fricke will assist Wickes in the storage and disposal of waste soils. After receiving analytical results, Levine·Fricke will identify disposal options and interface with the appropriate government agencies to obtain necessary clearances for disposal of the wastes. -( -2- It . ¡' LEVI N E·FRICKE " I I I Ground-Water Samplinq It is not anticipated that ground-water monitoring wells will be required at this site, since the preliminary boring (B-1) did not encounter contamination deeper than 29 feet below grade and ground water was not present at or above 40 feet, ¡ I Laboratory Analvsis Four soil samples from each boring (16 samples) will be chemically analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) concentrations by modified EPA Method 8015, and for benzene, toluene, xylene, and ethyl benzene (BTX&E) concentrations byEPA Method 8020, BC Laboratories of Bakersfield, California will be the analytical laboratory, Health and Safety , Workers at the site will be equipped with hard hats and steel- toed boots. Rubber gloves, air purifying respirators with organic vapor filters, and chemical resistant coverall!;> (level C personal protective equipment) will be available in the event that the recommended time-weighted exposure levels for benzene (carcinogen and primary toxant in gasoline) are exceeded, Data Evaluation and Development of a Remedial Plan After drilling activities are completed and laboratory results are available, Levine'Fricke personnel will evaluate all data, Included in the data review will be lithologic , logs, geologic cross-sections with chemical data plots, geotechnical information and other site conditions, Alternative remedial plans will then be developed, if necessary, Closure Report A report will be provided to the Kern County Health Department that summarizes the data and presents interpretations and assessments from this investigation. The report will include detailed descriptions of the methodologies used to collect the data, data evaluations and interpretations, and the technical rational for all conclusions. Recommendations for the remedial program will be included, -3- -x Project No. 1510 052781BDC/eml LEVINE-FRICKE CONSULl1NO ENGINEERS AND HYDROGEOLOGISTS WICKES LUMBER BUILDING . )C .. \ - - - )C - - - - WHITE LANE - Figure 1 : PLOT-PLAN / WICKES LUMBER COMPANY f-x )C ASPHAL: J LON FeICE )C - BUILDING e APPROXIMATE SCALE l' = 65 . EXPLANf\ TION . PROPOSED BORING LOCATIONS TO DEFINE LATERAL EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION )C L )C x x x UJ ::I Z UJ > < x Z o Z ::I x x x x 6' FENCE x x x i x BUILDING )C '=t x '--LF-2"W; RXMR~fl3 PUtv1P LF-1 :t:.:)t ~ LF-3 ;::::::;:;::::::. I 7 )C . OUlUNE OF FORMER L F.4 TANK EXCAVATION - x - BUILDING - - x- -x- VACANT LOT (WICKES) x x - I.: 05/03/88 1_2. ~21'3 452 <JS<J0· W.ES REAL EST .. SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. , TO: WiokÐBLumber White Lane Bakersfield, CA. 93309 Mr. Randy Miller Copy of boring logs as requeet0d by Hr. Miller ATTN: SUBJEC'l't FROM: SOILS ENGINEERING~ INC~ ON: May 3, 1988 Total numbQr of pages is 3, including this sheet. Telecopy #(213) 452-9590 82 If you do not r~ceive all th~ sheets f¡~a~e call b~ck as soon a~ po~sible (80S) 327-7065. .- Respectfully Submittad, SOILS ~NGINEERING, INC. ~~ L, Thoma. Bayne --- Getechnical Engineer G.E. 00012!5 _,~ ~...___.,.....~~. _ ,.., ,,,,. '~""'~""t~ '\ "~"'''4 ~U""Nf;" r~n~' ~,.,-.,oo~ i. " . 05/03/88 1. z: 213 452 9590 . WeES REAL EST . LOG OF TEST BORING· BORIN; a-s' WHIT!: LN.. 8At<!AS.· 03 PROJECT:. KICKE·S LUMBERVARD. YEST SORINe NO:8-t BORING LOCATIa~ CENTER OF TANK LOCATION DRILL "'ETHOD: 8-15a FLIGHT. POW!!A ÂUB~ CONTRACTO~ PHOENIX DRILLING DEPTH TO - Hater: NlA Caving: H/A DATE: . 2/3/88 £LEV.: 1,,00· 8T ART: .' NI A FINISH: NI A LDSBER: T~ FRANB~E DATE CHECKED: NI A IUTAl1tIC _~ _ ..- IØrTt( 1oMJ~ fbrØATA ,. tiC to 70 lit De.crtpU,on. äU" rl~ÿ·¡.nëJ:"ä¡rk"f.r1öWr.tïör:' fine to IUd. g~.,lmtC1: "o1.t: ~ad. danae: .light Qdor t3t.f" 1'1 tý"äëñ'd: "·H.-ñš- "t'ò"üë:lfúift "¡iff y.l1owl.h brown: .o1at: It~on~ .Qdo~ Q1 gaeo11ne ~f,( u 1"1 t ÿ--.iiñä:--1f:· ,if--ëäñ1iiñul}f--õwõ- ~d, danae: .troop odor tU(". fït)¡·"'äñ-d:"Ÿøi-ÿ'·4enï'!,"éëa-;eHf ~od, to .t~ong odor: tin.: ye11pw1.h bl"QWO ~t:" l'åÿ¡¡ý' '.âiiëf:"'grë.¡'1iifi ·þr·õwr..:..·.. ~e1.t: ~d_ dense: f1n8 tp .ed Ql"81ned: .ad. oða~ ~.. 111:ÿ".r;ñ(F·'~1·ñ·.: "'ýëi'1öw1äfi ..", brown: _oist: ee~, den..: ~d, odo "" 'Uti No. aa-e~eo (1) eyatJOl t.ncUcl!llt.. the d.pth of caving 90I~S ENGIN~ERING. INC. _ Aellark. Mod. OdD" g..oU.n.: lIo1.t ¡tl""ong adt'" g..011n. F10urw Nu_Þ.C' '- ·' .. - . 05/03/88_ 33 411fKES REAL EST ~ 213 ..52 9590 e.. L.a.n"t 1111Þo1: 00" . . A . ~ tzL:J o a{] Q Not..: øelariptton: ayMbøl: o.lIcrtþtton:. 811ty ..nd: fin.: y.~lowl.h brawnt .ot.t.t IMId. ca.ne.: M4. odor Cl.y.~ .end: gr..nl.h bro~ aøi.t: .ed. den..: fln. to ..d oratned: Mad. odor 0.11forn10 ..~l.r ..-0 a(] "eter ~o.ured at tiN 1ndlcsted the boring caVed Depth of "lIter .t the t.i.. of dr' 11 11no Rig ".ru..l end of boring ; ~~ ~. ~plorotQr'Y borings ~ere drilled on ~'Þruar'Y ~. taBS uSing e 9-82 flight power auger. 2. Ho free w.ter ".. .ncountered .t the tt~ of dP1111nQ Or' Wh.n r.-ahockcd the follQw1no day 3, Boring location. ware tap.d fro~ exieting feature. end elev.ttons .xtrapoletsd fro. the f1nal design .Qh~~.t1c pl~n ~, Tn... log. .re .ub).ct to the 1t.itatton_, conclua1ons. and recoftaOndetionm in th1a report. 5. Result. of t..t. conduot.d on ..bpI.. r.covered ar'e reported 1n .ppend1x O. Abbreviations U.'d..are: DC - n.tur~1 dry den.ity ~cfJ we - natural .Q1øtu~. cont.nt ~) UC - Unconfined co~r..s1on ~.f) -200 - percent passing .eoo e1ev8 ~) SA - go11·r..1st1vtty (oh~~ LL - Liquid li_it PI - Plastic1ty 1ndex 'pH - soU pH ~) sa - Soluable aulf.te. P'1gure Hu.oer ~ Pf'o' eat No. 8e-ð-460 SOILS ENGIN~~INS, INC, T' __:. ~. '_J '..'. ,,,) \. \. '.' .,: ,;.; ,..;,: '. ,; ,'. '.\.:.'.\. \~ \oh ,.~~~~,'~'~ ,¡ ""~; ,..,;.; "" '. ". . tit RECEIVED MAR 1 71988 LABORATORIES. Inc. REAl_ESTATE J. J. EGliN, REG. CHEM. ENGI. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 e . 'ETRDlEUM , . 10 AGlflCULTURE CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS Purgeable Aromatics . (SOIL) McNABB CONSTRUCTION 2616 STARK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93305 Attention: BRYAN McNABB Date of Report.: 10-Feb-88 Lab No:: Sample Desc: 901-1 JOBrt 5460 B':"l- @19' DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECI'ED : RECEIVED @ LAB: ca1PLEfED : 03-Feb-88 03-Feb-88 09-Feb-88 MinirruITI Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Resul ts Level Benzene ug/g 141. 29 0.10 Toluene ug/g 245.40 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug,Ig 14.92 0.10 p--Xy lene ug,Ig 16.95 0.10 m-Xylene ùg/g 47.42 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g 30.13 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g 0.67 0.10 Pet. Hydrocaroons ug/g 229.75 5.00 I Total Petroleum Hydrocaroons ug/g 726.54 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Corrrnents : PETROLEUM HYDRC:CARKJNS: Ql.antification of volatile hydrocaroons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O. H. S. These volatile hydrocaroons are in addition the consti tu~nts specifically defined on this report. rorAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [nop-chlorin- atéd] constituents on this report. By (}i: ~~ VJ. J.' in '----ì" ~ /' ' ., ; . :... _ ¿¿,-?-7,~.J <Ao?,¿I<A.-'-- Robert Plaisanœ Chemist'- e . AGII/tUl TUllE LABORATORIES. Inc. . J. J. EGliN, lEG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANAL rSIS 'lTROUUM Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) McNABB (X)NSTRUGrION 2616 STARK STREEI' BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93305 Attention: BRYAN McNABB Date of Report: 10-Feb-88 Lab No.: Sample. Desc: 901-2 JO~ 5460 B"71- @24' DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECI'ED : RECEIVED @ LAB: ca1PLETED : 03-Feb-88 03-Feb-88 09-Feb-88 MiniIIum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level / Benzene ugjg 0.75 0.10 Toluene ugjg 8.32 0.10 Ethy 1 Benzene ugjg 2.36 0.10 p-Xylene ugjg 2.91 0.10 m-Xylene ugjg 8.09 0.10 o-Xylene ugjg 6.06 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 72.61 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 101. 09 0.10 TEST METHOD: CaliforniaD. O. H. S . T . P . H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Comnents : PETROLEUM HYDRCCARB::JNS: Q.1antification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O. H. S. These volatile hydrocaroons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on thi.s report. TarAL PETROLEUM HYDRCCARBJNS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. By M~~~ J. 1m -j.1 -"J - :/ j:/;)l~7 /Jg'v,þ.~~ Robert Plaisance Chemist e e 'c ~ICUI TURl LABORATORIES. Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM: ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 321-4911 CHlMICAIANAI YSIS 'lTROlEUM Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) McNABB æNSTRUGrION 2616 STARK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93305 Attention:BRYAN McNABB Date of Report: 10-Feb-88 Lab No.: 901-3 Sample Desc.: JOB# 5460 B-1 @29' DATE SAMPLE COLLEcrED : 03-Feb-88 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 03-Feb-88 DATE ANALYSIS ca1PLETED : 09-Feb-88 Mi.ni.Iwm Reporting Analysis RepJrting Constituent Units Rèsults Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected Q.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected .0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None. Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g '-, 0.10 None Detected TEST METHOD: California State D.O. H. S. T. P . H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Comœnts: PETROLEUM HYDRCCARBJtiIS: Q.1antification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. A5 outlined by the California D.O. H. S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addi tion to the constituents specifically defined on this report. Tal'AL PETROLEUM HYDRCCARBJtiIS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. By , ~a~ a . . . J. l.n . ..-) / .~~/.: . (.)~ l-~ l~L'¡ /;¿~~ Robert Plaisance Chemist e e . . ", I AGIIICUI TURE 'ETROLEUM LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGlIN, lEG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) McNABB CONSTRUGrION 2616 STARK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93305 Attention:BRYAN McNABB Date of Rep::>rt: 10-Feb-88 Lab No.: 901-4 Sample'Desc.: JOB#5460 B-1 @34' DATE SAMPLE COLLECl'ED : 03-Feb-88 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 03-Feb-88 DATE ANALYSIS CX11PLRI'ED : 09-Feb-88 MiniIwm Rep::>rting Analysis Reporting Constituent Uni ts Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0'.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o":'Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ugjg. None Detected 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Corrroents : PETROLEUM HYDROCAROONS: Q.lantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (Cl to C20)' utilizing a gasoline factor. A5 outlined by the California D.O. H. S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addi tion to the constituents specifically defined on this rep::>rt. TCffAL PETROLEUM HYDROCAROONS: The sum total of all [non-dùorin- ated] constituents on' this report. By ú':i*: ðJ ..1. lin ...----¡ . /œ7 / i/ /'_/. ,.' ( . /Lt.~,t/l .,,¿...,c.-£-<::::-' Robert Plaisance Chemist , ~. . <"" e e I CHEMICAl ANAl rSls LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGliN, lEG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100'PlERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 ACRIClIl TIIRE ji. ,ETROlEIIM Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Date of Report: 10-Feb-88 McNABB CONSTRUGrION 2616 STARK STREEI' BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93305 Attention:BRYAN McNABB Lab No.: 901-5 SarnpleDesc.: JOBtt 5460 B-1@39' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED : 03-Feb-88 Constituent Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o'::Xy lene lsopropy 1 Benzene Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total Pet. HydÌocarbons DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 03-Feb-88 DATE ANALYSIS ro1PLETED : 09-Feb-88 RepJrting Uni ts Minirrum Analysis RepJrting Results Level None Detected 0'.10 None Detected .0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 5.00 None Detected 0.10 ug/g ugjg ug/g ugjg ugjg ug/g ugjg ug/g ug/g TEST METHOD: California State D.O. H. S. T. P . H. for Gasoline Dry Hatter Basis Corm:Jents : PETROLEUM HYDRCCARa:JNS: Q.lantifica.tion of volatile hydrocaroons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDRCCARB)NS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. Æ á4' J.'.f in~ /---;), <» L/¿;·:?'1·7(,/ß:4?µ~. Robert Plaisance Chemist By -" ~--- J . e iii LEVI N E·FRICKE CONSUL TlNG ENGINEERS AND HYDROGEOLOGISTS Letter of Transmittal. Date 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Fro m ......§.!;.~!.~...!!?!.!.~.~.................................................................... Project No. ......__!.~!º....................._......................... Su b J ect ..._..!i.!-£!!l;~...~!Y!.Þ..~!....._...................... ................................................................................................................................ T 0 .............tb;.......J.Qe....CaDa.:i................................................................. Kern County Health Department ................................................................................................................................ .... .BaJrp'tsf; e.ld......._...................... ..........-----..-...---................... . .......................};D.y.i¡:O'mB~».ta.1...He.altl1...D.iy.i;¡ig»............... The following Items are: 0 Requested .....-..-. (i) Enclosed , o Sent separately via Federal ExJ?!ess .-.......... . No.~ Des c rip t Ion Cooles 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 .................f..!':~:?~...!....~.~.!.!...!~!.~.~.!;.!.~~.t!~~...~...!Þ.~...~!~~.~.~....!:~!!Þ.~.!._r.!~.;.!!!Y.......................................... ............!.......... ....................................................................................-.........."............................................-.....------.....---.....-......................... ...................................................................-......-....-..............................................................--.-.---......-...-...........-............................ ......................................................................................-....................................................................----..-..-...-....-............-............................ ---........-..................................................................-.-.................-......................................... ...--...............-........................ These data are transmitted: o At your request Œ) For your approval o For your review o - For your action o For your files o For your information Com men ts ......f.~;¡;....O.1A¡;...s;.gD.y.e.r.:3.atioD...p.le.a.s.e...¡:ey;i.eJf....the...ac:.t:Qmpany.iug...x.epo.x.t..,....¡;emfðði,¡Ù.... ................~.~.~.!.!.!.~!.!::?....~.~E;~~!.!~.!1.....:;;.~~~~~.!.~..J.~.!....!!?!.~~!?~.!....~..t....!~~~.~.......!J...Y.~~...Þ.!:!.~....!.!1.Y....................... . ................g,y.~.§.!;!9.p.§...p..1.~.ª.§.~...!r.iAJ.J......w.t\...a.t....(,7..1.lt.l...2.:1.:i;;.lJ9.~...................................._......................................_.......................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................-.......................................................................................................................................................................................................-.-.......................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .....,................................................................-..........................................-..............................--.......-.....-.......................................-.......................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................-.........................................-.......................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................-.......................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................-....................................--........................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................-..-......................-.......--......................... 4019 'NESTE:?L'I PLAC~, SUITE '103 !\ iE,¡\jPCRT BEACH, Ci::., 92óóO .::~ ~., :',~S-;~ .jÇ'O 7~ (Signed) e ~ '\ iJ iii ø . 8 iii ø . 8 ø PHASE I SOIL INVESTIGATION AT THE WICKES LUMBER FACILITY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA September 23, 1988 L-F 1510 Ii LEVI N E·FRICKE """ii . . '\ Ii LEVI N E·FRICKE :¡j~~SULr;NG E%INEERS ArW HYQROGEOLOGISTS September 23, 1988 L·F 1510 Mr. W. Randall Miller wickes companies, Inc. 3340 Ocean Park Boulevard suite 2000 santa-Monica, California 90405 Subject: Phase I Soil Investigation at Wickes Lumber Bakersfield, California Dear Randy: In accordance with your request, Levine·Fricke has conducted a subsurface investigation to assess soil conditions at the Wickes Lumber facility located at 1800 White Lane in Bakersfield, California. This work is associated with the closure of the 1,000 gallon underground gasoline tank removed from the site in september, 1987. Leaks were reportedly discovered in the tank during the removal procedure. The purpose of this preliminary assessment was to further deli- neate the lateral and vertical extent of gasoline-affected soils associated with the underground fuel tank. The work was per- formed in accordance with Levine·Fricke/s Work Order No. 1 dated May 13, 1988. Based upon the findings of our investigation and previous work, the vertical and lateral extent of gasoline-affected soils is apparently limited to a small area, and totals approximately 15 to 20 cubic yards. Remedial activities proposed by Levine·Fricke include the excavation of affected soils. Confirmatory soil samples would be collected once the affectèd soils have been bounded and removed. We have estimated some of the typical costs associated with the proposed remediation of the Wickes Lumber facility (attached Table 1). These costs do not include excavation shoring or any ground-water remediation activities. For purposes of this report, we have assumed that the Kern County Health Department and/or the California Regional Water QUàlity Control Board will require soil clean-up down to 100 ppm, which implies that approximately 15 to 20 cubic yards (yards) of near surface soil -:CJ ~ ') \:VE~;=~¡_".' ::;¡_.~.(:=. -:.1J!TE ': 03 ~'\l~\'\/;:~~ ~T ~\~:~(~:;-, '=./- G'2,'~)òG .' :- 1 J '; r;: ,5 -"; 39C e . "' , -YJ N E -R1C"<E '! .;- . ....' I' .~.... . ..I 'Ii' ~. may have to be remediated. This volume will be determined by the actual soil clean-up level established by the regulating agencies and the actual lateral and vertical extent of affected soils. Excavation costs will be impacted by a number of factors, including the final soil clean-up levels adopted by the regula- tory agencies. If the entire excavation can be accomplished at one time and no soil shoring is required, excavation costs would be minimized. Backfilling and compaction costs will depend on whether imported fill or non-affected soil from the excavation is used. - To verify that affected soils have been bounded and removed, confirmatory soil samples will be collected from the sidewalls and bottom of the excavation. To provide real-time results, we have assumed that a mobile laboratory will be subcontracted to perform the chemical analyses. For budgeting purposes, we have assumed that eight soil samples will be collected and submitted for chemical analysis by EPA Methods 8015 (modified) and 8020. Once the affected soils have been excavated, they must either be treated or disposed of. The treatment and associated monitoring/ testing of approximately 20 yards of gasoline-affected soil is cost prohibitive. Therefore, disposal of untreated soils in a Class II-1 landfill is proposed. FoJlowing backfilling, it is assumed that approximately 600' square feet of the asphaltic concrete pavement section will be replaced (3 inches asphaltic concrete over 8 inches aggregate base) . Levine·Fricke will provide project management, including coordi- nation of excavation activities with the Kern County Air Pollu- tion Control District and the Kern County Health Department, field activities, construction inspection, sub-contract administration and meetings, and report preparation at the completion of the project. Based upon the cost estimates for the tasks presented above, we estimate the total remedial costs for this project will be approximately This estimated figure covers the cost of permitting, soil excavation and replacement, collection and chemical analysis of confirmatory soil samples, disposal of affected soil, replacement of the asphaltic concrete pavement section, and construction management and report preparation. The accompanying report should be forwarded to the Kern County Health Department and the Kern County Air Pollution Control District for approval of the prqposed remedial plan: -ii- ...~ . . \: LEY) N E·rRICKE If you would like us to proceed with the proposed remedial plan, please sign both copies of the enplosed Approval and Acceptance form and return one copy to us. Following receipt of your written authorization to proceed, we will forward plans to the agencies for their approval. Work will be scheduled following approval of the proposed remedial plan by the Kern County Health Department. If yoù have any questions, please call me or steve Torres at 714/955-1390. Sincerely, Anthony D. paus, R.G., R.E.A. Principal Hydrogeologist Enclosure cc: Mr. Richard Anderson, Wickes Lumber Company -iii-- e -<; TABLE 1 . LE\/J N E·FRJCKE Estimated Budget for the Excavation of Gasoline-Affected Soils Wickes Lumber, Bakersfield, California TASK Excavation of Affected Soils Backfilling and Compaction Chemical Analyses Disposal of Gasoline-Affected Soils (Class II-1 Landfill) Repaving Report Preparation Permitting Project Management TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: ESTIMATED BUDGET $ 4,500 3,500 3,200 6,000 3,300 5,000 2,500 2,000 -------- $ 30,000 -------- -------- , ., e . PHASE I SOIL INVESTIGATION AT THE WICKES LUMBER FACILITY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA September 23, 1988 LoF 1510 ¡ ......VI NJ - -- ·C'(- , .~' . \:' ..- . ."- :.>..... ~"ìi..r:i'\J .'¡,;,; - . " LEVI N E·fRJCKE CON TEN T S Paqe 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.2 Objective ...... ....... I 1 2 . . . . . . . . . .. . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0 PHYSICAL SETTING ................. 2 3.0 FIELD ACTIVITIES ...... 3.1 Drilling Methodology 3.2 Soil Sampling Methodology . . . . . . . 0' . 2 2 3 . . . 4.__0 SITE GEOLOGY AND GROUND-WATER CONDITIONS 4.1 Regional Geology ...... 4.2 site Geology . . . . . . 3 3 4. . . . . 5.0 LABORATORY ANALYSIS . . . . . . . 5.1 soil Analyses Results: EPA Method 8015 5.2 Soil Analyses Results: EPA Method 8020 . . . . . . . . 4 5 5 6.0 CONCLUSIONS ................ 6 7.0 REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . 6 TABLES FIGURES e e <; ; t: '\ Ji 'N E· = --., , C "{;:: ::-....1~¡ ,¡ ~~ .. '- 09/23/88 L·F 1510 PHASE I SOIL INVESTIGATION AT WICKES LUMBER BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA This report describes the results of our subsurface investigation at the Wickes Lumber facility located at 1800 White Lane in Bakersfield, California. This investigation is associated with the closure of an underground gasoline storage tank removed from the property in September, 1987. The investigation included drilling a total of four soil borings to depths ranging from 30 to 40 feet below ground surface to evaluate the vertical and lateral extent of gasoline-affected soil, and chemical analysis of soil samples collected from each boring. / 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background In September, 1987, at the request of Wickes Lumber Company, McNabb Construction removed one 1,000 gallon underground gasoline tank and associated piping from the Bakersfield facility. Leaks were reportedly detected in the tank at that time. Chemical analysis of soil samples collected from approximately 2 and 6 feet below the tank revealed measurable concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and benzene, toluene, xylene and ethyl benzene (BTX&E). The tank excavation was backfilled following completion of soil sampling activities. In February, 1988, Soils Engineering, Inc. of Bakersfield drilled one soil boring to a depth of 40 feet in the center of the back- filled area. Chemical analysis of soil samples collected from that boring reportedly revealed measurable concentrations of TPH and BTX&E to depths of 24 feet. TPH and BTX&E were not detected in soil samples collected at a depth of 29 feet (see Appendix). In May, 1988, Wickes Companies, Inc. (Wickes) requested that Levine·Fricke prepare a work plan to assess soil conditions at the site and provide recommendations for remediation of gasoline- affected soils (hereinafter referred to as affected soils). This work plan was subsequently submitted to the Kern County Health Department for their review and approval. -1- 'j. - . " LE"/I N E·FrtJCKE 1.2 Objective The primary objective of this soils investigation was to further evaluate the vertical and lateral extent of affected soils in the vicinity of the former tank location. Major components of this investigation were organized into spec~fic tasks as follows: Task 1 - Site Characterization Work Plan Preparation Task 2 - Soil Boring Installation Task 3 - Laboratory Analysis Task 4 - Data Evaluation and Development of a Remedial Plan Task 5 - Implementation of a Remedial Program Task 6 - Preparation of a Closure Report Task 7 - Project Management and Meetings 2.0 PHYSICAL SETTING The Wickes Lumber Company operates a retail lumber store and yard located at 1800 White Lane, approximately 1.8 mileS east of state Highway 99 in Bakersfield, California. The generally flat site is developed with a one-story tilt-up structure with slab-on- g~ade floors and asphaltic concrete pavements. The former under- ground fuel storage tank was located in the northwestern corner of the property (Figure 1). 3.0 FIELD ACTIVITIES The subsurface investigation 'conducted by LevineoFricke CL·F) included drilling a total of four exploratory soil borings (LF-1, LF-2, LF-3 and LF-4) on August 2 and 3, 1988. The borings were drilled within 10 feet of the backfilled tank excavation (Figure 2). Soil samples were obtained from each boring for chemical analysis as well as lithologic identification. This investiga- tion was supplemented by data collected by Soils Engineering, Inc. from soil boring B-1. The activities conducted by LoF are discussed below. . 3.1 Drilling Methodology Drilling was performed by Layne-Western, Inc. of Bakersfield, California, under the direction of Levine·Fricke personnel. The borings were drilled using a CME Model 55 drill rig equipped with -2- e e j LE'ý) N E·rRiC:<E an 8-inch diameter hollow-stem auger. The L·F soil borings were logged by.a L·F geologist and were drilled to depths ranging from approximately 30 to 40 feet below ground surface. Following completion of the soil sampling activities, each bore- hole was sealed by filling it to ground surface with a cement/ bentonite grout containing approximately five per cent bentonite. Surplus soil cuttings generated from the borings were stockpiled on a_low permeability fabric located in the northwestern corner of the property. All borings drilled by L·F were performed under the direct supervision of a Levine·Fricke California Registered Geologist (RG). Lithologic logs from the borings may be found in Appendix A. We have also included a lithologic log for the boring drilled by Soils Engineering, Inc. 3.2 Soil Sampling Methodology Soil sampling was performed during drilling to obtain soil samples for chemical analysis and lithologic logging. Soil samples were collected from each boring at five foot intervals, from five feet below ground surface to the terminal depth of each ,borehole. Sampling was performed using a clean, modified Cálifornia sampler fitted with clean 2.5-inch diameter brass liners. Soil sampling tools were' cleaned with a laboratory grade detergent and rinsed with deionized water between sampling points. , Following sample collection, the liners were immediately covered with aluminum foil and polyethylene caps and sealed with electrical tape. Samples were then labeled and placed in a chilled cooler for transport to the analytical laboratory. Strict Chain-of-custody protocol was maintained throughout the sample handling proce~s. 4.0 SITE GEOLOGY AND GROUND-WATER CONDITIONS 4.1 Regional Geology .The site is located approximately 4.7 miles southeast of the Kern River Channel in the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, in the Great Valley Geomorphic Province of California. The Province is composed of a large asymmetric structural trough that has been filled with a thick sequence of marine sediments overlain by continental sedimentary deposits. The sedimentary sequence in the Bakersfield area has been determined to be approximately -3- It . LEYI N E·fRICKE 10,000 feet thick (CDMG Bulletin 190, 1966). In the eastern half of the valley the sedimentary sequence rests on a basement floor of metåmorphic and igneous rocks of the Sierra Nevada Batholith. Although the basement has not been observed on the western half of the Valley, the sediments are likely underlain by basaltic or ultramafic rocks of the Franciscan Formation. 4.2 -site Geology soil borings were drilled near the former tank location to estimate the distribution of affected soils and to better charac- terize the shallow unconsolidated sediments in this area. The exploratory borings drilled by Levine·Fricke (LF-1, LF-2, LF-3 and LF-4) were advanced to depths ranging from 30 to 40 feet below ground surface. The exploratory boring drilled by Soil ~ngineering, Inc. (B-1) was advanced to a depth of 40 feet. The lithologic logs for all soil borings are presented in Appendix B. The near-surface geology presented in the boring logs can be summarized as follows. * The upper 11 to 12 feet of sediments consist of firm to stiff, clayey silt to silty clay (ML-CL) of slight to moderate plasticity. * with depth the sediments grade to medium dense, clayey sand (SC) with low plasticity fines, extending to a depth of approximately 16 to 18 feet. * Underlying the clayey sand, very fine to fine grained, medium dense, silty sand (SM) extends to depths of 22 to 29 feet. * Underlying the silty sand, stiff to very stiff, clayey silt to silty clay (ML-CL) of slight to low plasticity was encountered at depths ranging from 22 to 29 feet to the bottom of each soil boring. Ground water was not encountered in any of the exploratory borings drilled at the site. Based upon information obtained during conversations with Mr. Tom Haflebacher of the Kern County Water Agency on September 12, 1988, the depth to first ground water in the site vicinity is reportedly about 160 feet below ground surface, as measured in October, 1970, in a private well located approximately 2,000 feet west of the site. -4- It . ,- LE'/1 N E·:=R.ICKE 5.0 LABORATORY ANALYSIS Soil samples were chemically analyzed for total petroleum hydro- carbon (TPH) concentrations by modified EPA Method 8015, and for benzene, toluene, xylene and ethyl benzene (BTX&E) concentrations by EPA Method 8020. Analyses of soil samples collected by McNabb Construction, Soils Engineering, Inc. and Levine·Fricke were performed by BC Laboratories, Inc. of Bakersfield, California. The l~boratory is certified by the California Department of Health Services for the test methods applied. Tables 1 and 2 summarize the results of the analyses performed on the soil samples collected by Soils Engineering, Inc. and Levine· Fricke. Laboratory reports and Chain-of-Custody documen- tation are included in Appendix B. . 5.1 soil Analyses Results: EPA Method 8015 Results of the soil samples analyzed by modified EPA Method 8015 are summarized in Table 1. Soil samples collected from each soil boring were analyzed at selected depth intervals, ås shown in the boring logs and presented in Table 1. Analysis of soil samples collected from areas underlying the tank (by McNabb Construction) at an approximate depth of 10 feet below ground surface revealed TPH concentrations ranging to 23,200 parts per million (ppm). Analysis of soil samples collected from boring B-1 (by Soils Engineering, Inc.) revealed TPH at concentrations of 727 and 101 ppm for depths of 19 and 24 feet, respectively. Analysis of soil samples collected from boring B-1 at depths of 29, 34 and 39 feet did not reveal TPH concentrations greater than the laboratory detection limit of 0.01 ppm. Analysis of soil samples collected from borings LF-1, LF-2, LF-3 and LF-4 (by Levine·Fricke) at depths ranging from 10 to 30 feet did not reveal TPH concentrations 'greater than the laboratory detection limit of 0.01 ppm. 5.2 Soil Analyses Results: EPA Method 8020 Results of the soil analyses by EPA Method 8020 are summarized in Table 2. Soil samples collected from each soil boring were analyzed at selected depth intervals, as shown on the boring logs and presented in Table 2. -5- e It LE~l! N E·r:RICXE Analysis of soil samples collected from areas underlying the tank (by McNabb construction) at an approximate depth of 10 feet below ground surface revealed the following purgeable aromatic com- pounds at their respective concentrations: benzene (559 ppm) i toluene (3,429 ppm) i ethyl benzene (1,173 ppm) i p-xylene (1,451 ppm) i m-xylene (3,486 ppm) i o-xylene (2,562 ppm) ¡isopropyl benzene (502 ppm) i and petroleum hydrocarbons (10,054 ppm). Analysis of soil samples collected from boring B-1 (by Soils Engineering, Inc.) at a depth of 19 feet below ground surface revealed the following purgeable aromatic compounds at their respective concentrations: benzene (141 ppm) ¡toluene (245 ppm) i ethyl benzene (15 ppm) i p-xylene (17 ppm) i m-xylene (47 ppm) i o-xylene (30 ppm) i isopropyl benzene (1 ppm) i and petroleum hydrocarbons (230 ppm). Analysis of soil samples collected from boring B-1 at depths of 29, 34 and 39 feet did not reveal purgeable aromatic compounds at concentrations greater than the laboratory detection limit of 0.01 ppm. Analysis of soil samples collected from borings LF-l, LF-2, LF-3 and LF-4 at depths ranging from 10 to 30 feet did not reveal purgeable aromatic compounds at concentrations exceeding the laboratory detection limit of 0.01 ppm. 6:0 CONCLUSIONS Analytical data indicate that the extent of affected soils under the former gasoline tank is limited to a relatively small area less than 29 feet below grade. Depth to first encountered ground water in the site vicinity is reportedly approximately 160 feet belòw grade. Based on this data and the Leaking Underground Fuel Tank (LUFT) guidelines, Lèvine·Fricke proposes that a soil clean-up level of 100 ppm be utilized. ~ 7.0 REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN Excavation and disposal of the gasoline-affected soils beneath the former tank location is recommended. A backhoe can be used to excavate the affected soils. Based upon the consistency and generally fine grained sediments encountered in the upper 22 feet of the exploratory borings, the excavation can be advanced with excavation walls cut at a 1:1 (horizontal to vertical) inçlina- tion. Field observation techniques can be used to estimate the boundary of affected soils, and confirmatory soil samples will be collected from the excavation sidewalls and bottom to verify removal of affected soils. -6- '- e . \' LEVI N E·~rtiC:(E Following removal of the gasoline-affected soils, the excavation will be backfilled with clean, moisture-conditioned fill, placed in 1-foot lifts compacted to a minimum of 90 per cent relative compaction (as determined by ASTM Test Method 1557 D, latest edition) . Excavated soils will be placed either on asphalt or VisBUeen and will be covered with Visqueen until transferred for disposal, in accordance with the Kern County Air Pollution Control District requirements (telephone conversation with T. Paxson, September 23, 1988). The affected soil will be disposed of at a Class II-1 landfill. The recommended remedial plan will be implemented following approval from the Kern County Health Department and the Kern County Air Pollution Control District. -7- e tit LEVI N E·FRICKE Table 1 wickes Lumber Company Soil Analysis Results: Modified EPA Test Method 8015 Concentrations in Parts Per Million L·F 1510 --------------------------------------------------- , , ,. soil Boring Sample Number Depth (Feet) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons B-l* ----------------------------------------------------------------- LF-l LF-2 LF-3 LF-4 B-1 @ 19' 19 726.54 B-1 @ 24' 24 101.09 B-1 @ 29' 29 ND B-1 @ 34' 34 ND B-1 @ 391 39 ND LF-lA 10 ND LF-IC 20 ND LF-ID 25 ND LF-2A 10 ND LF-2C 20 ND LF-2D 25 ND LF-2E 30 ND LF-3A 10 ND LF-3B 15 ND LF-3D 25 ND LF;"'4A 10 ND LF-4C 20 ND LF-4D 25 ND ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- NOTES: B-l* - Soil boring drilled and logged by Soil Engineering, Inc., Bakersfield, California ND = None Detected (concentration less than 0.01 ppm) " e . LEVI N E-FRICKE Table 2 wickes Lumber Company Soil Analysis Results: EPA Method 8020 Concentrations in Parts Per Million L-F 1510 --------------------------------------------------------- soil Boring Sample . Number Depth (Feet) Purgeable Aromatic Compound Concentration ---------------------------------------------------------------- B-1* B-1 @ 19' 19 Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropyl Benzene Petroleum Hydrocarbons Benzene Toluene _Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropyl Benzene Petroleum Hydrocarbons All All All 141.29 245.40 14.92 16.95 47.42 30.13 0.67 229.75 0.75 8.32 2.36 2.91 8.09 6.06 ND 72.61 ND ND ND ================================================== B-1 @ 24' 24 NOTES: B-1* -Soil boring drilled and logged by Soil Engineering, Inc., Bakersfield, California B-1 @ 291 29 B.,...1 @ 341 34 B-1 @ 391 39 ND = None Detected (concentration less than 0.01 ppm) e e '" LEVI N E-fRICKE Table 2 (Continued) Wickes Lumber company soil Analysis Results: EPA Method 8020 Concentrations in Parts Per Million L-F 1510 -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Purgeable Soil Sample Depth Aromatic Boring Number (Feet) Compound Concentration ---------------------------------------------------------------- LF-l LF-lA 10 All ND LF-1C 20 All ND LF-lD 25 All ND LF-2 LF-2A 10 All ND LF-2C 20 All ND LF-2D 25 All NO LF-2E 30 All ND LF-3 LF-3A 10 All ND LF-3B 15 All ND LF-3D 25 All ND LF-4 LF-4A 10 All NO LF-4C 20 All LF-40 25 All ND =====================================--========================== NOTES: ND = None Detected (concentration less than 0.01 ppm) -- e 1· x ------------------------------ METAL SI-ID I ¡ ~lF-2-..r. x x FmÆR_lF-1.._!U1 PUMP ~ . . OUlLlNE OF FORMER l F-4 TANK EXCAVATION )C I , I I I : VACANT LOT _...__.............__...___ )C SEE FIGURE 2 -- -- - - --- -- -- --- --- - - --- - - - -- (WICKES) IF-3 x 6 x x A N x x w ::> z w > « )C L- )C Feet o z o z ::> x x x EXPLANATION PROPOSED BORING LOCATIONS TO DEFINE LATERAL EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION . )C ,J LON FENCE )C ASPHALT e, x WICKES LUMBER BUILDING )C )C LANE LEVINE. FRICKE CONSUll1NG ENGINEERS AND HYDROGEOlOGlSTS 1510-04 WICKES LUMBER COMPANY / SITE PLAN Figure Project No. 081688SGllom ..; . f N 0 20 Feel L ..L .J APPROXIMATE SCALE EX PLANA TION . LEVINE & FRICKE BORING LOCATION . PREVIOUS SOIL BORING BY SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. - - Project No. 1510 09098BSGI/em. :e e x BUILDING x x VACANT LOT (WICKES) x METAL SÆD - x x -x- B-1 LF-1 )C FŒIv'ER · , LF-3 PUIvP ~ I )C OUTUNE OF FœW£R TANK EXCA V A TION . LF-4 )C )C I , . - Figure 2 DETAil FOR WICKES LUMBER COMPANY 6' FEN C E x BUILDING x LEVINE. FRICKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND HYDROGEOLOGISTS 1510-04 "" .j>. e APPENDIX A Lithologic Logs . LEVI N E·FRICKE ~ e e LITHOLOGY SAMPLE DATA Depth . feet Graphic Log j~ :·:·:·:.,.:<-......x·:-:>:o:.....o.,;.:·:·:·:>:·:>:o:o»:>:»>~..~..:>:-...:.~x.:.:>:.:.:-...,.,.:·:·,.,.",.:.x.:-.........'="..-.:o:...........">;o:.....~~.......:o:·:....:....~x.x....:-.......~:o:....x<.;.;.:-...»...,.x<-:.:.:.:.:.:.:o::.:.":..,,,,~:.:.:.,.,.:>:-....:-...,.:..-.:.,.:.'.:.;.:'1ox.;,.:-:....,.:.:-:-:..-.:..-.:.:....:........,.:O"....."..,.:.................;...:.:-.'?...-':O:-:>.........:.......:-.......-.:..-.:........-.:~»......:.......»...x.:.:.,.:.,.:o::.:.:.:.:.,.:-...x.:.:o::.:.:>:':0:- Description Sample No. and inteNOI Penetration Total Rate Hydrocarbons (Blows/ft.) (Gasoline ppm) ........... .. ........ .. 5 ...... .... <:> 10 o ø i . - .- .. .:..: :..:." :. ::= ::.:" ... ...... .. .: "'...:.. ::: ....... 15 .:. ..:...: ":." .. .0' ..... ......::. .. .. .... .. .. ........ .. ...... 0·.. SURi=ACE ASPHALT CLAYEY SILT (ML). firm. slight plasticity. dark grayish brown \2.5Y 4/2). moist. slight petroleum odor. 5 LF-l 5 SILTY CLAY (CL). stiff. low to moderate plasticity. olive gray (5Y 5/2). slightly moist. moderate organic odor. 10 LF-1A 9 ND CLAYEY SAND (SC). medium dense. fine grained. low plasticity fines. light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/4). damp. slight organic odor. 15 LF-1B 11 SILTY SAND (SM). medium dense. very fine grained. light gray (lOYR 7/1). with yellowish brown (lOYR 5/8) staining. damp. slight organic odor. 20 20 LF-1C 24 ND CLAYEY SILT (ML). very stiff. siight to low plasticity. light gray (2.5Y 7/2). slight oiganic odor. damp. trace of root structure. ...:..:~. . .. . . . 25 25 LF-1D 20 ND ...... . ....... . SILTY SAND (SM). dense. fine grained. light brownish gray (2.5Y 6/2). damp. no obvious odor. .30 30 LF-l E 38 SILTY CLAY with a trace of SAND (Cl). stiff. low plasticity. light brownish 0 gray (2.5Y 6/2). moist. no obvious odor. 35 BOTTOM OF BORING 35' 35 LF-1F 10 EXPlANA nON Date boring drilled: 08/02/88 ND - None detected (less than om ppm) Drilled by: ~ 7....~ Approved by: flt~ ~ ~ r-::-l ~ ~ Gravel Cloy S ¡It Sand LITHOLOGY AND SAMPLE DATA FOR SOIL BORING LF-l Project No. 1510 LEVINE-FRICKE CONSQTlNG ENGINEERS IWJ fMJAOGEOlOGISTS Q9Q I BBSG r Isc '¡¡. e e- SAMPLE DATA LITHOLOGY Depth. feet Graphic Lo_g ~ :~"""~-":"""'''''''''X«>.~~''IO(>....,,,:........-.:o:..'''''''''''''«>..~''*-~......"«''»."'«>...."'«..,,~....~...--.:>.~-.:.....-.::«<..,*»:-x.(>>>,-,:o:«..............'<.."....................:-...~......"«.................'<<o.'<.x.x.".................:-:.....~~~~...~..."*'"*"'-......~>.~..."-» Sample No. and InteMJI Penetration Total Rate Hydrocarbon. (Blowslft.) (Gasoline ppm) -........ . -........ .. 5 ........ .. ........ .. 10 .. .... .." .::.. ....... :. ". .eo: ....: 0'· ".... ......:.. "0" ":."::".:.0. 15 20. 25 30 35 Date boring drilled: 08/02/88 Description SURFACE ASPHALT CLAYEY SILT (ML). stiff. slight plaslicify. brown (lOYR 5/3). damp. moderate petroleum odor. SILTY CLAY (Cl). stiff. Jow to moderate plaslicify. oiive gray \5Y 5/2). damp. na obvious odor. CLAYEY SAND (SC). medium dense. very fine to tine grained. low plaslicify fines. light gray (5Y 7/2). with yellow (5Y 7/6) mottling. damp. no obvious odor. SILTY SAND (SM). dense. very fine grained. brownish yeilow (lOYR 6/8). damp, slight petroleum odor. Moderate petroleum odor. SILTY CLAY with a trace of SAND (CL). very stiff. low plaslici!y. fine sardo light olive gray (5Y 6/'ZJ. with strong brown <7.5YR 5/6). staining. slight1y moist. no obvious odor. trace of root structure. No obvious odor. ND - None detected (less than 0.01 ppm) Drilled by: ~ '7.~tv;: Approved by: (Î /-r(}-- LITHOLOGY AND SAMPLE DATA FOR SOIL BORING LF-2 5 LF-2 10 10 LF-2A 13 ND 15 LF-2B 16 20 LF-2C 38 ND 25 LF-2D 24 ND 30 LF- 2E '29 ND 35 LF-2F 13 EXPlANATION § Clay I=-=~ Silt D Sand ~ Gravel Project No. 1510 QQ188SGrlsc LEVI N E-FRICKE CONSLU1NG ENGtEERS IHJ H'YUROGEOLOGISTS PAGE 1 Of 2 e e '" LITHOLOGY SAMPLE DATA '" '.:~"«o.-,:>:..,...,.........,......"«o:>."''''''X'"~"<*''''''''''-':-X>(o.'>.."""~",,,,,,,~,~,,,,,,'''~'<*>.~:>'~''''',,*-'''''''''''''''-':-:..,,-=*-~,,,,,,~<-,,,>:«o:<~~"x-.~~:":"''''~-':':<'''''"*-'''~'*».'''-':''"««~-'':':>'''''''-':''"«>'"«>'''''''''''''''''''''X'''-':'::''''''''''''"*-''-».~''»'">C>X»........-..:-:..-..x.....-.:....................-.:..:.:.:..-..:....:.:«.::-x-...:..-.:.::.::.:--:.;.;<o Sample No. and Interval Penetrction Total Rote Hydrocarbons (Blows/ft.) (Gasoline ppm) Graphic Log Depth. feet Description SILTY CLAY with a trace of SAND (CL), continued... CLAYEY SILT (ML) , very stiff, slight plasticity. pale yellow (SY 7/3), damp, no obvious odor. --- 40 LF-2G 17 40 Bottom of boring at 40' 45 45 50 50 55 55 60 60 65 65 70 70 EXPLANATION ~ Clay § S ¡It D Sand IZ] Gravel Dote boring drilled: 08/02/88 Drilled by: i2ý~ rl.v\..L 'J- Approved by: 0 ~ LITHOLOGY AND SAMPLE DATA FOR SOIL BORING LF-2 LEVI N E·FRICKE CONSU.TING ElGI'EERS NÐ H'lDACGEOLOGISTS PAGE2üf2 Project No. 1510 090188SGT¡,cl · e LITHOLOGY SAMPLE DATA ,;(<<~, :,:(~....",*~-.y..:~""»:ox..~,:,y.,:-,,,,,,:,~,,,,,,~~o(I«Io:-....~..:»>..,,<>;.:o::o:<oc>,,,x..,,-:.:o:o:o:......~».-.:r.."w:>.~"''':-'''¢..~'''''''''''«'.'''"''':'''~~~''''''''''''''''~'''''''''''~''''''''''''''-:''''''''<*.-':O:':>:':O:'~<o»x..-.:- Description Sample No. and InteNOI Penetration Total Rate Hydrocarbons (Blows/ft.) (Gasoline ppm) Depth. feet Graphic Lo_g ...... .. ........ .. ........ .. 5 ...... .. .... ... - 10 .,........ .0 ........ :.::.:·0.:.·:·:" ....:::. '".'" ........ .. ...... .0. .. :. ::: :: ,,:.. 15 .... .0... .. ....... 20 .. .. .. .... :::.. ....... .. ....;.:..:,..... ~t-r.~ .~..:.::.~ ...... :....:.. ··0.. .. .......... .7:-:.....~ :... :: :-+.~: ...:;...:~ ... .... ... -. .." .H";":.~ .... ...... ~ .oo. oo::: : : :..: ....... .. ...... .. 25 ..-.... .. ....... .. ..... .. 30 . . 35 SURFACE ASPHALT CLAYEY SILT (ML). firm. slight plasticity. greyish brown (10YR SrI>. damp. no obvious odor. 5 LF-4 7 SILTY CLAY (Cl). sliff. low to moderate plasticity. yellowish brown (1 OYR 5/4). slightty moist. no obvious odor. . 10 IF-4A 13 r..o CLAYEY SAND (SC). medJum dense. very fine to fine grained. low plastlclly fines, light brownish gra.¡ (2.5Y 6(2). damp, no obvious odor. 15 IF-4B 16 SILTY SAND (SM). medium dense. very fine to fine grained. light gra.¡ r:;..5Y 7/2). with brownish yellow (lOYR 6/6) staining. damp. slight petroleum odor. 20 LF-4C 27 r-D - CLA yP( SILT (ML). very slfft. slight to low plaslicily. yellowish brown (lOYR 5/4), moist. slight petroleum odor. troce of root structure. 25 LF-4D 19 r-D SILTY SAND (SM). dense. fine to medium grained. very pale brown (lOYR 7/3). damp. no obvious odor. 30 LF-4E 33 SILTY CLAY with a trace of SAND eCL). very stiff. low plasticity. light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/4). moist. no obvious odor. trace of root structure. BOTTOM OF BORING 35' 35 IF-4F 17 Date boring drilled: 08/02/88 NO - None detected (less than 0.01 ppm) Drilled by: ~J...-. 7.~· Approved bV:r~) ¡)fr-' EXPlANA TlON g Clay !=-::-j Silt D Sand ~ Gravel LITHOLOGY AND SAMPLE DATA FOR SOIL BORING LF-4 Project No. 1510 LEVINE-FRICKE CONSU-T1 oG ElGINEERS IHJ HVDAOGEOlOGISTS OQO\BBSGI/sCI e LITHOLOGY e SAMPLE DATA ',:~.......~:x ......"<>.....-.:~O(\(.:.:~-.~~;; o:.:::;: ..~">(Io.).~~'>."'*'.............':«a.~'»."'IOo.~_~~~.......-.:.."'»'.:.:..'«o::«O:««<'¢o."«.,. i'" Sample Penetration Total Depth, Graphic Description No. and Rate Hydrocarbons feet Log Interval (BIowslft,) (Gasoline ppm) SURFACE ASPHALT ..... .. CLAYEY SILT (ML). firm. siight p/asticily. brown (lOYR 5/3). damp. slight ........ .. petroleum odor. ...... .. 5 ...... .. 5 LF-3 6 ........ .. ...... .. . SILlY CLA V (CL). stiff. iCI'N plastldty. greyish brown (lOYR 5/2). slightty moist. no obvious odor. 10 10 LF-3A 13 ND .~. CLAYEY SAND ($C). medium dense. fine grained.lCI'N plasticity fines. .... ... .. .. ..: ..::.. very pale brown (10YR 7/3). sJightty moist. no obvious odor. .... .. . :. Sa .os: ..... LF-3B 12 ND 15 .. so, os... 15 ......::. .. .. .... .. .. ........ .. ...... ... .:.:::.::'":'. ..: .. '.. .. . . . . .. . . .. .. ......,. SILlY SAND (SM). medium dense. very fine grained. very paie brown ....... .ÿ.;':'·.H (lOYR 7/3).with yeilow (lOVR 7/8) staining. slightty moist. no obvious odor. .- .... .. .... . .. .....r..:. "'-. -:-.. .. LF-3C 16 20 .:...:;....:.. 20 -..::.::=::.:. j .....~. +:~.,;.;.. .. .. .... ........, . CLAYEY SILT (ML). very stiff. slight to low plastldty. light gray œ!'N 7/2). ...... .. damp. no obvious odor. :.:.....:..:~ 25 ........ .. 25 LF-3D 22 ND ........ .. ...... .. ........ .. ....:..&.~~ SILlY SAND (SM). dense. fine grained. very pale brown (10YR 7/3). ~.:..::.... damp. no obvious odor, ...~.H .so..:.. : ..... 30 -r:-.~.-:'" BOTTOM OF BORING 30' 30 LF-3E 34 35 35 Date boring drilled: 08/03/88 ND - None detected (less than 0.01 ppm) Drilled by: ~~ 7",,\oloo-þ Approved by: (jlJ-~ EXPlANATION ~ Clay t=-=j Silt D Sand ~ Gravel LITHOLOGY AND SAMPLE DATA FOR SOIL BORING LF-3 Project No. 1510 LEVIN E·FRICKE CONSU.~ ENGtEERS NCJ H'lDAOGEOlDGISTS OQOI88SGT/'cl t. " I 1.- '- ~ t. 'I. La -b I. , ~I ~I ~I h L! ~ ~ ~ , I e e LOG OF TEST BORING BORIN; B-1 WHITI!. LN.. 8AKfRS . PA~eCT: WICKE · 8 LUMBER Y ARC. TEST BORING NO:8-t BORING LOCATIO~ CENTER OF TANK LOCAT%ON DRILL METHOD: 8-152 FUGHT POW~R AUBI!A CDNTRACTO~ ÞHOENZX DRILLING DEPTH TO - W8ter: H/A Caving: N/A DATE: ·2/3/ee ELEV.: 100' START: ·N/A FINISH: NI A LOSBER: T ~ FRANG~E DA TE CHECKED: N/ A ,.0 tIC to 70 It AtG~TA ... o.acrtpU,on ~t4" r1~ÿ'¡¡iinä:" ää¡'1ëooý"_ Y1"õ¡¡r.w Dr:" f1na tD med. grained: .oiet: ßad. danae: _light odor tit.<·· 11 tÿ"äëñ·d:"1rõ-ð-"t·ò"ïtiäfú~ ··gr: y.l1ow1.h brown: .o1at: Itron~ odor of ¡!eðoHne 1"1 tor iiiõ'"d:--1:t:- "ii¡'-ëäõ-£äñ-- Ij¡'-õ¡'¡ö' ned. danea: .trong odor tU(- - ìï"tÿ·.äñ-d: - - Ÿ¡¡i-"ÿ-· ~n.·ér··éë~iH· ~od. to~.trong odor: line: yal1ow1.h brown f.ÿ¡¡ ý.. ¡¡ itiiø:··· gr. .ñlafi -t;¡.·õWñ·:·.... MQ1at: ~d_ dense: fin. to .ød Qr-.1nea: _ad. odor ~.- ìTty"¡¡ðÕë:E"·H'õ-.: ..ÿ.nöw1.äfi·..·· brown: .o1øt: eed. den..: eud. odor .I ,..11e No. aa-e.-eo (1) øyah01 lndtcat.. the depth of cav1ng ~,....-, '1 ~'\J,...-,t~~~-..,'r -",...... Aellark. Mod. odor o..oU,n.: .o1at Strong odl"' g.aoline ; ~ F"1Q'\JC". NY_bee" ~ . . '" LEVINE·FRICKE A P PEN D I X B Laboratory Reports and Chain-of-Custody Forms e ~~~ I LABORATORIES, Inc. i J. J. IGtIH. IIG. tHEM. 'NOI. 4100 Plncr .0., IAtcElSflRD. CALtPOINIA 9330. i i e ~,A ACMUl nJAI 'HONE 327.~ CNlMlCA1 ANAIY$/S 1fTIIOtllllJ I Pur,~able Aromatics (SOIL) MoNABB CONSTROCTION 2816 STARK ST!IET BAKERSFIELD. CA. 93305 Attention:BRlAN MoNABB Lab No.: 17772 Sample Deac.: 'WICKS LUMBER ~~'-~Q\Q 1.000 GALLON GASOLINæ TANK @2~ ! Date of Repor~~ 09-Sep-87 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED II LAB: COMPLETED: ·31-Aug-87 31-Au¡~67 09-Sep·78 ~ Minimum ReJ'ortin¡¡ Analysis Report.inlf Constituent Units Results t,evel Benzenð Ug/¡ 38.11 0.10 T-ol\4ene ui/a 219.02 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 256.57 0.10 p-Xylene uø:l¡ 366.47 0.10 m-Xylene u¡/a 839.27 0.10 o-XylenCII u¡/g 1122.63 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene U¡/g NonG Detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocax:-bone Ug/g 5012.78 5.00 Total Pet. Hydr-ocarbonð ug/i 7856.91 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Baal:s Comøtont25: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quant1tication of volatile hydrocarbons présent (Cl to C20) utili~in& a ¡asollne factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to tha con8tituent~ 8peoif1cally defined'on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all (non-chlorin- atedJconstituent~ on this report. By ~< a ~/ cfrJ J ~1 in (J~'~J~:;¡~ Robert Plaisance ,""'I'. '..._ j !t.", . ; LASORf. "Ig.ô.~ê...~ Inc. .100 "11te1.!)" IAKIISPIIU), CAUfOIN'. .3)01 PHON! 327~'11 I ¡ i PurlsablelAromatioa (SOtL) i Date of Rcpor~: 09-Sep-87 ~. ~ e Allflalt "",¡ CIi(IIICÃI AMA4 Y$lS ,., fttþl(llM e McNABB CONSTRUCTION 2816 STAaK STREIT BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93305 Attent1on:BRIAN MoNABS Lab Ho.: 17773 Sample Deso.: WICKS LUMBER . 1,000 GALLON GASOLINE tANK ea' I DATE SAMPLE CQLLECTED: 31-Au¡-87 Con:it1tuent Report1n¡ Units Benz.ne Toluene Kthy 1 Benzene p-Xyl~nc- ø¡-Xylen. o-Xyl.n~ Isopropyl BenJ:ene Petroleum Hydroca.rbons ug/Ii uSI. ug/C u¡t/¡ uSIa u./a ug/¡ ug/g Total Pet. Hydrocarbon5 ua/g TEST METHOD: California State Dry Matter Ba:si& Coœments: DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: :31 ~Au¡-87 DATK ~NALYSIS COMPLETED: 09-Sep-78 , I I Analyeit! ¡Resultß i : 559.42 i3429.41 11172.99 i 1461. 02 [3485 _ 72 ,2582.14 . 502.19 i ~0053.50 i I i ~3216.39 D . 0 . H _ S.1 T. P . H . . Minimum Reporting , Level 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 5.00 0.10 for G~eoline PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification ot volatile hydrocarbons I pre~ðnt(C1 to C20) utilizing a ~4501~ne faotor. As outlined by the California D.O,H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbon. ar~ in addition to the oon2t1tuent5 ep$c1fic~1Iy defined on tnls report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Thð ðum total of all (non-chlorin- ated) oonðtituents on thi8 report. By ~. ~./ . J. glin qækáP~t~ , ob&rt Plaisanoe I Chordst e e :,. ; . ~ AGIIICIII TIIII£ i i' I LABOR~TORIES.lnC. I ! J. J. roLlN. IIG. CHEM, ENOl. 4' 00 PIERCE RO., BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93308 I i I Purgeaì!Ùe Aromatics : (SOIL) CHEMICAl ANAL rSls 'fTItOltUM McNABB OONSTROCI'IOO 2616 STARK STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA. 93305 Attention: BRYAN McNABB Date of Re~rt: lO-Feb-88 .Lab No.: Sample De5C: 901-1 JOB1t 5460 B-l- @lS' DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS I - COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: ro1PLETED : 03-Feb-88 03-Feb-88 09-Feb-88 Mini.mm¡ Reporting Analysis Reporting CoT15tituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 141. ~9 0.10 Toluene ug/g 245.4.0 0.10 EtliY 1 Benzene ug/g 14.92 0.10 p-Xy 1 ene ug/g 16.95 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g 47.42 0.10 0- Xylene ug/g 30.13 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g 0.67 0.10 Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 229.75 5.00 Total Petroleum H,y~>carbons ug/g 726.54 0.10 . TEST ME'THOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Corrrœnts : PETROLEUM HYDRCCARR)NS: Q..lantificatj em of volatile hydrocarbons present (Cl to C20) utiliziJ".g' 8. gasoline factor. A5 outlined by CalifomiaD.O.H.S. These vQlatile hYdrocarboœ:s are in addition the consti tu~t..~ specifically defined' on thi 5 repJrt. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDRCÇARBJNS: Th~ S\)J' '¡ total of all [non-chlorin- athdJ COTl3ti tU.ents on this reporl. By ~~~~ «;. ,.1.' in - - .-) :-)' ). .. _ L '<-·~.r 1::l:i1?I"U("'--- Robert Plai5arl~ Chemist RECEIVED MAR 1 7 ,gSB REAl. ESTATE PHONE 327-4911 e e I~ Lab No.: Sample Desc: 901-2 JOOO 5460 B-l- @24' I I I LABORtATORIES,I:tC. I J. J. rollN. 'fG. tHEM. ENGIt. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327·.91' I ' i Purgeable Aromatics I (SOIL) I I I I I I I i I I Date of Report : lO-Feb-Sa AGltlClJl 'Ultt CH(AtICAI ANAl r$l$ ffTltOUlIAt McNABB CONSTRUCTION 2616 STARK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93305 Attention: BRYAN McNABB DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED : RECEIVED @ LAB: cxt1PLETED : 03-Fee-B8 03-Feb-88 09-Feb-88 Min1m.tm Re~rting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 0.75 0.10 Toluene ug/g 8.32 0.10 Ethy 1 Benzene ,ug/g 2.36 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g 2.91 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g 8.09 0.10 o-Xylene ug!g 6.06 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug./ g None Detêcted 0.10 Pet. Hydrocarb::ms ug/g 72.61 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 101. 09 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P:H. for Gasoline Dry Matter ~is Conments : PETROLEUM HYDR(r~s: QJ.antifiçatiQn of volatile hydrocarbons present (Cl to C20) ~tilizi ng a gasQline factor. As outlined by California D.O. H . S . These valat:i.le hydrocarbons are in addi tion the constituents specifically defined! on thi.s report. i , Tæ'AL PITROLEUM HYDRCCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlarìn- a-W] cansti tU.ent.s on this repQrt. By fJ;f?ir4(~ J. lin 1'--) ... - ---); - ./'. / '/. _ . (I (1...£-<--7 I J.-{ b (.-?I-<-~""'A..-- Robert Plaisance Chemist e - I e Lab No.: 901..3 Sample Desc.: JOB# 5460 B-1 @29' I I . . LAB09A -r.gô.lgM.~~.1 nc. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327·4911 i I Purgeable ¡Aromatics (SO]L) I i I I I I I I ! I " Ii, AUICUI r/JlfE CHI MICA I ANAL YSI$ ,(f QllIJM McNABB CONSTROCfION 2616 STARK STREET BAKERSFIELD I CA. 93305 Att.ention:BRYAN McNABB Date of Report : 10-Feb--88 DATE SAMPLE COUÆCTED : 03-Feb-88 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 03-Feb-88 DATE ANALYSIS <Xt1PLFI'ED : 09-Feb-88 I Mini.1Wrn Re¡:orting Analysis Reporting Constituent I Units : Results Level I Benzene ug/g None DetP-cted. 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethy 1 Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-::Xylene ugjg None Detected 0.10 ro-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 0- X~r1ene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropy 1 ! Benzene ugjg None Detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None I:'€tected 5.00 Total Pet. HyCÌl"CX:'.aroons ug/g' None Detected 0.10 'fEST METHOD: California State D.O. H . S l T. P . H. for Ga50lini;: Dry Hatter Basis Ccmren t.5 : By , PETROLEUM HYDROCARB'JNS: Q.lantification of V()latile hyd.roc.arbons present tC1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlinoo by the California D.O. H . S . These petrol~um hydrocó.rbons are in addition to the oonstivlents specifi~lly defined on this refQrt. . I TerrAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS; The sum wtal of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. ' i I ---, ) J/ /. )/-í!/' _ _ ..-< (. [<-?r. f /. /-t ~ A~'£L~~-- ; Robert Plaisance Chp.mist . ¡i~ e . I I I I I LABOA'ATORIES, Inc. I J. J. rollN. REG. CHEM. ENGI. 4100 PIERCE RD., aAKERSFIElO, CALIFORNIA 93308 I Purgeable ~tics (SOI~) I I i i ! :; ~. AG~lCUl TlJ~t (NUl/CAt AltAI rStS I¥r~DUlJ'" McNABB roNSTRUCTION 2616 STARK STRElIT BAKERSFIELD. CA. 93305 Attention ; BRYAN McNABB Date of Report:' lO-Feb-88 Lab No.: 901-4 Sample Desc.: JOBtt 5460 &-1 @34' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED : 03-Feb--88 DATE SAMPLE : RECEIVED @ LAB: 03-Feb-88 DATE ANALYSIS ca1PLETED : 09-Feb--88 Mininum Reporting Analysis RSpJrting Constituent Units Re:ml t5 Level I I Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None ~teçted 0.10 Ethy 1 Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ugfg None Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detectðd 0.10 I50Propy 1 , Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocaroon.'3 ug/g None Dethcted 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocaroon.s Ilglg Norle [~tected 0.10 I - i TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S.: T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Cömœnts : I I PETROLEUM HYDRCCAROCJN5: QJ.antificatian of volatile hyd~bons present eCl trJ C20) utili zing a gasoLiine factor. As outlined by the Califo:mia D.O. H . S. These petroleum hydrocar'oons are in addition to the co~~tituents specifically defined on this report. i TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCAROONS: TIle sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated) consti tuent5 on thi::ï report.. By -Æ ~:, .J "if. lin , .....---, '-' / ' íl / I~~ 1,( _.../' ,,' I, L" 1~.-/ ,-J //). ,,,,¿,_... t ,,'" ~ ' "{. I'¿' I+"",, f" :Robert Pl8.i8anc~ Chemist PHONE 327-4911 e e ~) ,). . I AGllCl/l rUßf I LABORATORIES, Inc. I I J. J. EGLIN. IIEG. CHEM. ENGI. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIfORNIA 93308 I PurgeablelAromatic5 (SOIL) I I I I ! CN(ItIICAI ANAl rSls "cr~Ol(IJM McNABB CONSTRuqI'ION 2616 STARK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93305. Attention:BRYAN McNABB Daœ of Report: 10-Feb-88 Lab No.: 901-5 Sample Desc.: JOBtt 5460 B-1 @39' DATE SAMPLE o)LLECrEJ) : 03-Feb-88 DATE SAMPLE I RECEIVED @ LAB: 03-Feb-88 DATE ANALYSIS ro1PLETED : 09-Feb-88 i Minirt11Itl Reporting ~alysi5 RepJrting Constituent Units I Results Level I I Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ugjg None Detected 0.10 p""Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl , Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5.00 i I Total Pet. I I Hyctrocarbol15 ug/g None ~tected 0.10 I ! TEST METHOD: California State D.O. H. S. T. P . H. for Ga.solin~ Dry Matter Basis Conroen ts : PETROLEUM HYD~S: QJ.antificatibn of. volatile hyd.rocarOO11.5 present (C1 to C20) utHizir¡g a ga.sold,ne factor. As outlinE:d by the California D.O.H.S. These petrolbum hydrorhrtxX1S are in addi tion 1:0 the corlSti wents specific:ally defined on this report. ! i Tal'AL PETROLEUM HYDRCCARBONS: The.sum tot.:Ü of all (non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. I By -ÆØ á4~~ ~.. in , ~ --;) ,--) . ./-./:.~j~{~~~ 71 ,j~;:f . µ ("~-<- -~-Robert Plaisance Chemist PHONE 321-4911 o' " CHAlK OF CUSTODY C)ient/!Æe.nJ~'C/ Sampler: ~ !::.[ 5aq)1e Type: Ma1ysis Requested: H~rne~ ~ð,.If~/J7k...vJb Name:7õhf' h-ctJ?-//5. \later Other: Address; Address: {}.-'101 H <gt;. ~n~e t/ ' (specify) At tß : I ' on . a.. 0 0 lab I Oescr1~tiþn: ~~~ ~ "6 Other Tests fi ~ ~ 8 ß 3 ~ ~ ! qðl-I A- I {!¡. l'c. ( {1f)(- -n~f-i r'é-- I 4) . . -.1 . ".Jl ( -3 1.~( -If -4 3~~ I -5, 3~1 ,1/ i I. t /~...\ ; ~ OI'~'" .' r I . , J . ! · I i . I \ I ßt) inqL!ished By: Date: Time: Received By: Date: Thae: ta.nents;1 g~ .J7Ú&~ 7I5/~ i/J:/~ c Jn1". ffÝI¿!1. L.p f. 1;7-1-8~ 1.:l:If.- I I· - ""þ , i () J '--.) 1: t. e e AGRICUl TURE J. J_ EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALlFÒRNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS LABORATORIES, 'Inc. PETROLEUM Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) LEVINE FRICKE 4019 WESTERLY PLACE - STE. 103 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Attention:STEVE TORRES Date of Report: 18-Aug-88 Lab No.: 5799-19 Sample_Desc.: PROJ. 1510 WICKES LUMBER CO. LF-4C @ 20' 8/02 9:03 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECfED : RECEIVED @ LAB: ca1PLETED : 02-Aug-88 03-Aug-88 17-Aug-88 Minirrum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected. 0!10 Toluene ug/g None Detected. ,0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected. - 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected. 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected. 0.10 o-XYlene ug/g None Detected. 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected. 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 I . TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Corr.rœnts : PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS:, Q..l.antification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O. H. S . These ~troleum hydrocaroons are in addi tion to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOfAL PETROLEUM HYDROCAROONS: The sum total of all [non-chlÒrin- ated.] constituents on this report. / By ((j /1 r {/ . , l·. /ýC::. <¡-J ClJ. d· Eg1#Í - PJIj , /' , , , .'. , '.:.1U Analyst __:_~::-;-T~T~J ;!I ¡ "....qæ "~I; ~ ,", .0 : . .-----.---- - e e '. AGRICUl TURE LABORATORIES, Inc. .. CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS PETROLEUM J_ J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Arc\ITatics (SOIL) LEVINE FRICKE 4019 WESTERLY PLACE- STE. 103 NE.VœORT BEACH, CA 92660 Attention:STEVE TORRES Date of Report: 18-Aug-88 Lab No.: 5799-20 Sample Desc.: PROJ. 1510 WICKES LUMBER CO. LF-4D @ 25" 8/02 9:22 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLEcrED : RECEIVED @ LAB: Cct1PLETED : 02-Aug-88 03-Aug-88 17-Aug-88 Minirrum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o::-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected. 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O. H. S. T. P . H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Corr.ments : PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile bydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O. H. S. These petrolewo hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDRCX::;ARBONS: The swo total of all atedJ constituents on this report. By ~ rZ- <I :f/ j:¡ (ð. .1/ Egl' " / [non-chlorin- /~\ t{:~~·_:_~~--=~~) j~..~:~ " ; I' ,.,--..-----,' 1) ; J ·1 " ¡ " .,; : ; . : I ::~(f 1tJf~ 'I ;: :\\\ ! ~ ; ~ UL-.-._.____. ~-:- - - } /,,/ .-:' Analyst " e Ie .I , L I;' -:> I '( -I ' ( / "I 1\,' l. - .-1 <7', Project No.: Field Logbook No.: I Date: 812168 Serial No. : 'ì ¡ \_) Ng 1589 Project Name:, Project Locâtion: ßA~f!.)f/6Lj) vI) I ( 1---( S L l.I /"1 (;. E-«;. fÆ I ß" 'f-.f tZ ~ f 1(:0- f) , C.Iì Sampler (S; ,,,'uco) :*'/-L .4 ì,>1A-' / ANAL YSES ~/amPlers: '~SAMPLES /()' ~ (I.' Q '::vQ ~-<- :::> ' l) , 71J;¿KE< NO. OF 'i' <ò 'i' to ~,tv,,,, "..;v -<-0 «;--0 SAMPlf NO. OATE TIME LAB SAMPl' CON- SAMPl' ~~ ~ff / A ·r REMARKS NO. TAINERS TYPE ~:.J L ,: " '-IA ij/1.lee ¿; ) '1 Of'-JL ~-D/l A X LI ~ ~; '"' / \ \ :x: No/!. /ytAL 'IIJ.( (\J ilt,J V('IV 0- ) 0 L 1 'j. i.) > \ >í' X LlC \ I. 1 ' L/ (/ (\ ~ 22 . I ,...\ X- I i (I- '-'12- I -~ l- I - 1-1 S- ! ¡ L f- Y ¡:- ~h 'I, S- ¡ "1 'I -~ )' I " ftf..A )£ fAx r"2! )v¡ L 1 5 LJJ1é;J ,11 VAl t 11dLE - / 1'1 ..) 5- 5- Ct, S' ;; A-rrl'r S' r f 'F '71' /'" £ t I . _ v _ ' /, " ,/ REL I NQU I SHED BY: Jij' Á ·'1 Dt~E 1/ TIME RECEIVED ~-y ~~~(Q, ,Q). DATE TIME / /1 ¡TIle; (Signature' '--- A" \ 'ß- c l¿.,l;; S (Signature) / { , ~Ç¡' /()....LU¿ 6 .z 66 f)'Or 8f') 17 ,'L( '---" RELINQUISHED BY: () DATE TIME RECEIVED BY: J DATE TIME (Signature) (Signature) RELINQUISHED BY: DATE TIME RECEIVED BY: DATE TIME (Signature) (Signature) METHOD OF SHIPMENT: . DATE TIME LAB COMMENTS: , I-\AND 'DHI V(;.s2t-I) Sample Collector: LEVI NE-FRI CKE Analytical Laboratory: .(J1W WUiIEIiL Y f'LACt, sun r 'u:¡ (,23 Odt\ldllJ AVt:::lltie ~ L LJ' ß 0 i~~ rD r\ If.- $ I IN L- 0P0m BéACH, ell )';-, e:'ij OaldtH'\d, CA 94611 4567 L/IOO flEJ'-lL A.p lßo:i) (114) ~t300 (~t5) GS2 4500' í' :\ ~ R. ~ v I r/i, r >.:.p. q )>c b 3.21 - \fj II ShippIng Copy 86/COClARF FORM NO ANAL YSES REQUEST FORM PInk FIeld Copy I CHAIN OF CUSTODY ow Ye 1 e Copy F Green Lab Copy te Wh ¡ e e -. AGRICUl TURE LABORATORIES, Inc. t CHEMICAL ANAL rSls PfTROLEUM J_ J. EGLIN, REG. CHE/,t ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) LEVINE FRICKE 4109 WESTERLY PLACE 5TE. 103 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Attention: STEVE TORRES Date of Report: 25-Aug-88 ., Lab No.: Sample Desc: 5799-2 WICKES LUMBER CO. LF-1A @ 10' 8/02 14:24 DATE SAMPLE . DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLEGrED: RECEIVED @ LAB: ca1PLErED : 02-Aug-88 05-Aug-88 17-Aug-88 Mininurn Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level .- Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethy 1 Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 rn-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Pet. Hydrocaroons ug/g None Detected 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocaroons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis . Corr.rnents : PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a 'gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile r~drocaroons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. By f£.f~' (jf. . Eg 1 I / of all [non-ch ~ rr:' ~ :l ";\/7 R ~ D S \.:::? L_-:' '-- ~ --- -=-=-. .---- - ---- ! , \ I I (I ' I 1(' I :y i f\ I AU\) '_ ' - J~ ,! \ \ \ 1\\1'»\ TarAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total ated] constituents on this report. Analyst e' e :> AGRICUl ruRE LABORATORIES, Inc. \, CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS PETROLEUM J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) LEVINE FRICKE 4109 WESTERLY PLACE STE. 103 NEWPORT' BEACH, CA 92660 Attention: STEVE TORRES Date of Report: 25-Aug-88 Lab No. : Samplè Desc: 5799-4 WICKES LUMBER CO. 1510 LF-1C @ 20' 8/02 14:.48 DAtE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECI'ED: RECEIVED @ LAB: CCt1PLETED : 02-Aug-88 05-Aug-88 17-Aug-88 MinirrJ.lffi Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethy 1 Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 m-=-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O. H. S. . T . P . H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Corrments: . PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocar]xms present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. . As outlined by California D.O. H. S. These volatile hydrocarbons are iTl addition the cor~tituents specifically defined on this report. TCffAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The ated]constituents on trûs report. sum total of all [nOn-Cfrlnrirl , ~ rs ~ ~ O'0.f7R p'.! \Ì\\LS ~ l5 '.::.J LS I'!'" I!\ I¡r- !. ,; L/:.' · Aœ 3 '1988 . '. ./.. / '-' Analyst _, ;-- By A';/ ø.~ e e ~ "'} AGRICUl TURE LABORATORIES, Inc. G' I CHEMICAL ANAL rSls PETROLEUM J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR_ 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 ~lrgeable Aromatics (SOIL) LEVINE FRICKE 4109 WESTERLY PLACE STE. 103 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Attention: STEVE TORRES Date of Report: 25-Aug-88 Lab No. : Sample-Desc: 5199-5 WICKES LUMBER 00. 1510 LF-1D @ 25" 8/02 @ 15:04 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLEGrEJ): RECEIVED @ LAB: CCMPLETED : 02-Aug-88 05-Aug-88 l1-Aug-88 Minirrum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethy 1 Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Corrments : PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Qlantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (Cl to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile r~drocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this rep.')rt. TOfAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin:----'_____ ated] constituents on this report. . ~ (£ Œ (J '\y] [~; By Mør<n' . . Eg 1 !i ,. ALG ~ I J988 : \ ' Analyst e e -". AGRICUl rURE LABORATORIES, Inc. '" CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS PETROLEUM J_ J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM_ ENGR_ 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) LEVINE FRICKE 4109 WESTERLY PLACE STE. 103 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Attention: STEVE TORRES Date of Report: 25-Aug-88 Lab No.: Sample Desc: 5799-9 WICKES LUMBER 00. 1510 LF-2A @ 10' 8/02 @ 11:06 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECI'ED: RECEIVED @ LAB: Cct1PLETED : 02-Aug-88 05-Aug-88 17-Aug-88 MiniITJ.lr!l Reporting Analysis Rep)rting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethy 1 Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 rrr.-Xy lene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O. H. S. T. P . H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Corrments : PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocaroons present (Cl to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor . As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile r~drocarbc\ns are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. -:~~> ;- :-- ---- ~ 0 \y] .~t-~-- '- . , £/Eg~ / f ~. ; \\ :\' . f+_: 1i7\\ III \J t 1988 By / . .' '..' ., Analyst :! i L:/i e e ,i· » -;::0' ./ AGRICUl TURE LABORATORIES, Inc. CHEMICAL ANAL rSls PETROLEUM J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM_ ENGR_ 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFielD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 8xrgeable Arom~tics (SOIL) LEVINE FRICKE 4109 WESTERLY PLACE STE. 103 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Attention: STEVE TORRES Date of Report: 25-Aug-88 Lab No. : Sample Desc: 5799-11 WICKES LUMBER CO. 1510 LF-2C @ 20' 8/02 @ 11:34 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED : 02-Aug-88 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 05-Aug-88 DATE ANALYSIS CCMPLETED : 17-Aug-88 Constitu.ent Reporting Units Analysis Results Minirruro Reporting Level Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethy I Benzene ug/ g p-Xylene ug/g rn-:-Jeylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Isopropyl Benzene ug¡ g Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/ g None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0:10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 :) None Detected 0.10 None Detected 5.00 None Detected 0.10 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/ g TEST METHOD: California D, O. H. S. T , P . H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Corrrnents : PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Q.umtification of volatile hyclrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- atedJ consti tu.ents on this report. ; .-=::-. ~~ Cª ~ 0 0 t~~ " By #.iZ~ . 'Egl' / ,~UG t988 Analyst e e -" AGRICUl TURE LABORATORIES, Inc. CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS PETROLEUM J_ J. EGLIN, REG_ CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Arornatics (SOIL) LEVINE FRICKE 4109 WESTERLY PLACE STE. 103 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Attention: STEVE TORRES Date of Report: 25-Aug-88 Lab No. : Sample- Desc: 5799-12 WICKES LUMBER 00. 1510 LF-2D @ 25' 8/02 @ 11:50 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLEcrED : RECEIVED @ LAB: CCt1PLEI'ED : 02-Aug-88 05-Aug-88 17-Aug-88 Minim..ml Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None r~t~cted 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None ~tected 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Corrments : PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocaroons present (Cl to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. Træse volatile hydroc.~bons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCAR13ONS: The sum total of all [non-chi¿-~l£-=~~ tª'-C¡ ·.~\j~:f:' ated.] constituent.s on this report. By ~. 4.. ~ tßEg'n ~ è: ~:~ r.·~;.· :--.-_~..~ . ~'-""'" '- - ~ /"-;,/" ,.-...,/:_- <.. ( ., ~ " : ; : : L~: Analyst e e ~~, AGR/CUl TURE PETROLEUM LABORATORIES, Inc. .(--" CHiM/CAl. ANAL rSls J. J_ EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR_ 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Bxrgeable Arornatics (SOIL) LEVINE FRICKE 4109 WESTERLY PLACE STE. 103 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Attention: STEVE TORRES Date of Report: 25-Aug-88 Lab No. : Sample Desc: 5799-13 WICKES LUMBER CO. 1510 LF-2E 8/02 @ 12:56 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED : RECEIVED @ LAB: CCMPLETED : 02-Aug-88 05-Aug-88 17-Aug-88 Minirrmfi Re];X)rting Analysis Re};X)rting Constituent Units Results Level ~ Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ugjg None Detected 0.10 Ethy I Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ugjg None Detected 0.10 m-:-)Cy lene ugjg None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ugjg None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ugjg None Detected 0.10 Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST MEI'HOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Corrrnents : PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLE()M HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-d.ù.or~E~-.~--_- ated] constituents on this rep-.>rt. " LÆ (f; ,)~ . .-----'- By IJ·l r ðJ. ,Ég / :: j i 6 ~ ¡S8.ß . '<, . ¡ Analyst ----- e e . -. ,'. ~,-.. -.: ~ AGRICUl TURE LABORATORIES, Inc. CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS PETROLEUM J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR_ 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Arorratics (SOIL) LEVINE FRICKE 4109 WESTERLY PLACE STE. 103 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Attention: STEVE TORRES Date of Re};X)rt: 25-Aug-88 (1 , , ' Lab No.: Sample Desc: 5799-17 WICKES LUMBER CO. 1510 LF-4A @ 10' 8/02 @ 8:37 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED : 02-Aug-88 05-Aug-88 ¡7-Aug-88 Minirwrn Re};X)rting Analysis Re};X)rting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethy 1 Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 ffi""Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Corrrnents : PETROLEUM HYDRCCARBONS: Q.lantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDRCCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin~ .._________ _ atedJ corlsti tuents' Of! this re:port. ;-H .-~ . 1_ª ~_! \.~~_" ~ :_.~ -__···__O.h. _"._." By l,/;,gft! ~~ , '- / t: ' 1\), :' j 'JL-__.n a œa Analyst .'-'--.'---- " ,,.I ;,j -- - - . ." Cl·;.::~t : Sampler: <-~ _ Sample Type: - Analysis Requested: )O¡11 ç Name: L ~~_ , \1 f :, /< I ( k ..:c Name: ¡.Iater Othe r : ~I (: I 'i (,If' ') /e ( ('/ 1'1 LIle -', ì Soil y (specify) Address: ':'-'_'1)"'-+ t},;( h r¡;J_(¡ (; C Address: Sludge . Attn:_ I _ Oil -oe' r t' ~ 'C :' :: , I 'r:'-:- CL 0 0 c::: ::-: .-< N c::: U ...... N <:::t LD 0 0 0 c:c 0 0 N N U Lab # Description: 1 + P- ---' (I Ix ¡ I (( Other Tes ts 1.0 1.0 W 0 CD CD 1.0 1.0 CL ~- "/((1 I ¡:::c 1":;( Ú -- .0 I ( -<'S ''[( ,¡)!-P - D .r r, , _~\.-:1U:OP ì . '1 L V- IH @, /(; I ?; /;¿ IS)) c;i' (I.f, ,l L/ tJl(Jc/( 1\ rc) ~~(~ - &o:J() -, -,: -" \. - / (---' -- I C ("G ~o I { 1-(, 4 3 I , -#' I I , .' L ~-- IC é; :J. -- I ( ':: : (J L/ i - . -- I ! .) L ~~ - ) rl is II I ¡ I: ()v ¡ -, ! .J ! ! L f~ 11 .-: @ , II, .2)__/ I, --; l- ' :lcÎ /.'-1 L I- - í) -ì, iéj n -J I (¡ : :;0 I --- I .::- .-- -~ "" ~ :-) -- I,) I- (~ -- J E @ - /2»6;· r - /'-; Lr: -- 1--( r~ì @ 1(1/ þ crs::3¡ , -- ( ~! L (-=' - L{ C(~ !l{J I c¡ :{ì~j I -.- 'it L (~ J--I ,/,,;.: 7J ,/ I C ' J .-) I - -' -- -- __ I~:I ' '7 I" ,--.. i I , Relinquished By: Date: Time: Received By: Date: Time: Comments: I ,I)) L-/(/C ' ::,-- ) ,\lie '<1-(J t ì L(C' r~f] X' Pes ( f -I c; (I.J 11 ,"11 , . . (f- ~ S')\ _~.. .:;; '-;{':)11, ;-----~ -:¿ c. C '(¡II {-, /./ ( ~ r-" . I cJ J:--- C)LDJì(¡~~{~r Ct~'¡ (\.(ì /)/ ',-'- L i (¡c- . :..-.....- - .....--\ \ <:"- "'J ¿r- ":» C ( .~~ '7 I it . ~I S- _::- -(i{; S ~ ' Î ~. 1-- l: ¡A L{ I, _ ) I ~.¡ L - , I- ~ f1 Tn/.' S ~ -P {, + ì(;(I-(~ I , CHAIN OF CUSTODY , It "':r:::::':"""=~' 'tJ --I ~" ANAL YSES REQUEST FORM / I ~ CHAIN OF CUSTODY ~l l (f Ci <1 b -fi ¡ L~I !) 2081 G>\ No Ng I Serla 8/2/38 : 1 Date Field Logbook No NO. OF CON - TAINERS oNE- o é- KE'? LvMBEJ: g~,-V~___ ¿;! . , AMPLES REMARKS -<0 SAMPLE TYPE SAMPLE NO LAB e ¡ L/ rJ D /~,¡VAl) ·nl 1\Ic)¡(',M.4 L xix L I <;0 x ~ ,\' xix q I Iv £1 ) '--, 2 iB 0' . ME , gnature 8bJ¿~ I t1 I tL T t! T 1'1 I _ T ~ I ,~ I 1 I I :5 I [¡\! ) Name ( No i S Project Sampler Project T DATE NO SAMPLE I L F/ 1,'\ Lf- / / S - l c. I Lr: ~( L- X K _X 35 ':); ') c: I :/£ 5 \ L' to t':} L'í> I 'f ~h 5- fAx (~éS ,1~1,--r/gLt. _ S rf'-V E:- :[J;' i!. t-) I· -¡ r/)LG15 L (,'" ItLN .:y .:y x 'I L'[. 11 )'1 ,;.. s 1 TrN ,y X- X .\ X .\ e T I ME _ !'L '--/S TIME DATE E~'¡ ). 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K f;..j) \ DLEVINE·FRICKE 629 Oakland Avenue Oakland~ CA 94611-4567 (415) 652-4500 Copy Lab Copy ~J\ N ':) te PMENT Wh SM1PLE COLLECTOR: check one ShippIng . . ..J ~,? FILE CONTENTS INVENTORY Facility W i.cJ<~.c::; LrtVY)b~~r DPermit to Operate, DConstruction Permit ~ o Permit to abandon~ ,No. of Tanks OAmerided Permit Conditions DPermit Application Form, Tank Sheets ~Application to Abandon 1168'1-31 tanks(s) / OAnnual Report Forms Date Date Date Da te 8.//~/R7 o Cop y -0 f W r i t ten Con t r act Bet wee nOw n e r & 0 per a tor o Inspection Reports DCorrespondence - Received Date Date Date OCorrespondence - t-1ailed Date Date D~te o Unau tho ri zed Re 1 ea se Repo r ts o Abandonment/Closure Reports OSampling/Lab Reports OMVF Compliance Check (New Constructlon o STD Compl iance Check (New Construction OMVF Plan Check (New Construction) OSTD Plan Check (New Construction) OMVF Plan Check (Existing Facility) DSTD Plan Check (Existing Facility) 0" Incomplete Appl ication" Form OPermit Application Checklist o Permit Instructions ODiscarded o Tightness Test Resul ts Checklist) Checklist) Date Date Date DMonitoring Well Constructlon Data/Permlts -------------------------------------------------------------~---. DEnvironmental Sensitivity Data: OGroundwater Drilling, Boring Logs OLocation of Water Wells OStatement of Underground Conduits OPlot plan Featuring All Environmentally Sensitive Data Dphotos Construction Drawings Location OHalE sheet showing date received and tally of inspection time, etc OMiscellaneous e e PROVID~ ; DRAWING OF PHYS:. _ ..::: LAYOUT OF FACILITY USING SpM'ÆOVIDED BELCW. ÄlliL OF THE FOLlOWING INFORMATION MUST BE INCLUDED IN ORDER FOR APPLICATION 10 BE -- PROCESSED: ~/ TANK(S), PIPING & DISPENSER(S), INCLUDING LENGTHS AND DIMENSIONS ~ PROPOSED SAMPLING UXATIONS DESIGNATED BY nus SYMBOL "®" L NEAREST STREET OR INTERSECTION .¡ ANY WATER WELLS OR SURFACE WATERS WITHIN 100 I RADIUS OF FACILITY ¡ NORTH ARRCW l' ,.J ~)v ~\p/~ ~æ+Ý7~~s v I:ff " , gu. l,~ t-,QìSC q/~. I ;J~: 6.~.'· \)ll u) ~1s Dìè~ C?J~ r ~~ <:f" 1iW.t-. ' ( ¡{)D Cv~ Lt-\ßlS ~ S~E W~ ~<ttl.. ~ /Ò<:/ ¿F. r-A.6L1¡' S~\\E Du:LD;,J? 50t --- \ - KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT e INTERNAL USE ONLY: PTO ~ - ?c.. PTA APPLICATION DATE ð/r r¡ (e1 t OF TANKS TO BE ABANDONED I 1\ í LENGTH OF PIPING TO ABANDON ~ A "J}¡;¿9-3/ OIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ,'0 1~90 FLOWER STREET. BAKERSFIELD. CA (805) 861-3636 93305 Z >-0 ....- -.... ~~ <to "'''' z - OWNER APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY THIS APPLICATION IS FOR ~EMOVAL. OR c=J ABANDONMENT IN P~CE (FILL OUT ONE APPLICATION PER FACILITY) PROJECT CONTAC~ PHONE , SEC/T/R (RURAL LOCATIONS ONLY) .-.->ll"S ' NI~~~~= e· 31-30\ 0 FACILITY NAME . ADDRESS C· ; Q.. Á-.UiUv ' (e·01) lùt-\~ "5Fb<.LË ~AJ. ~<;. NEAREST CROSS STREET ~. ~ S+-. PHONE ~L ( Orp"<-E'- < ADDRESS C:::.A-,. r' Ji~ cc A, PHONE ~ Z 0:0 0_ ........ ~~ ....0 ZtI. OZ u_ LABORATOR ~s. PHONE (&~~'(cJ9¡( CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OP MATERIALS STORED êj TANK . ... - , <t.... ~~- "-10 :C'" uz - I,V~ CHEMI~.(~ON-COMMERCIAL NAME) . GN~; . DATES ST~__. _ " ~TO~ TO TO TO CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STOREI ;AJ~ u z o ...- <t¡.. ~~ (J)O ...", "':;: ~~-e.ì~ WATER TO FACILITY PROVIOBD BY ....¡ .q;z ....0 z- "-I.... ~~ 00: 0:0 -'" >z z- "-I Q U! .L.. '/TUtl.Á~ . <&Ì '-I- ~i1 . . PLEASE ~ INFORMATION REQUESTED ON ~ .§.lQ.g, OF ~ ~ ~ SUBMITTING APPLICATION FOR REVIEW · · ,--..., . THIS FORM HA~..~COMPL;T:DUNDE~/ P("r \' {iZ :010 "" "97 0' 0'::;;. TR:{'~? '"'''CT. ',"NAT"" >1'1 ya.'----/ fAJK l TIm Ltr \1 J: ;IE"l~ "" (Forla IIIMMP-140) 10/81 - ( \ 1700 Flower Street Bakenllleld. California 933Q5 Telephone (805)881-3638 r e KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPA.T HEALTM OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVlRONMEN'mL . HEALTM DIVISION PERMIT POR PBRXANENT CLOSURE OP UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE PACILITY DIRECTOR OF ENVlRONMENDL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard 1"\\..- PERKIT NUMBER A529-31 PACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: OWNER (S ) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: Wickes LUJlber 1800 White Lane Bakersfield. CA Wickes Lumber 1800 White Lane Bakersfield. CA 93304 Phone' (805) 831-3010 McNabb Construction Co. 2616 Stark Street Bakersfield. CA 93305 Phone' (805) 872-4197 License No. 474331 PERMIT POR CLOSURE OP PERMIT EXPIRES November 19. 1987 LOCATION. APPROVED BY August 19. 1987 /ù- Pi"! ;o~êa~ , 1 TANK AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE . e· .. . '" . '" . '" . . '" . '" . . . .POST ON PREMISES. / '" . '" '" . '" '" . .. .. .. . CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. I t 1 s the res p 0 n sib i 1 i t Y 0 f the Per m i t tee too b t a-i n per II its w hi c h . a y b € requi~ßd by other regulatory agencIes prior to beginning work. 2. Per II i t tee II u s t 0 b t a in a C i t Y Fir e De par tile n t per m i t p rIa r to in I t I at i n € closure action. 3. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved beneath the center of the tank at , depths of approxillately two and six feet. 4. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately twc and sIx feet for every 15 linear feet of pIpe run and also near thE dispenser ~rea(s). . 5. All (leaded/unleaded) gasoline samples must be analyzed for benzene. toluene. xylene. and total petroleum hydrocarbons. 6. Copies of transportation manifests must be submitted to the Health Department wIthin fIve days of waste disposal. 7. All applicable state laws for hazardous waste disposal. transportation. or treatllent must be adhered to. The Kern County Health Departllent must be notified before moving and/or disposing of any contaminated soil. u-8. Perraittee is responsible for making sure that "tank dIsposItion trackIng record" issued with this permit is properly filled out and returned withir: ·14 days of tank reraoval. 9. Advise this of e of the time and date of the proposed sampling with 24 hours advance ot ceo ACCEPTED BY· DATE ef1ð(f37 DISTRICT OFFICES npl~""", I ~.............. J ...,," '.........~II.... .......;........ D\A_......_... co......,....... .. - -. ----._....._' ~ - '.Þ~ ..,...-.- -. . ..- _. ~ ... -,~..- -~---._. .. ...-..... ."-. .~. "-:_~'-. ...,...,... .......... W' . "...uu -,ul W.'-..~ I'.....: SulhC.,tCff\ Cufttrol Qlvh'on S..cr..,ucnttj. C.llfor."ld -..---..- -¿;ì!<L-\)"¡ ,-:¡Æ.-i. I), (j/ ., ':(':': ,,;;. - :?' I,':: I . . (~-,C(/'( ~-- US EPA 10 N"mbtt, It t r> £ D c-~. il () t, I US EP,J.. 10 Numb.!' ,,' ( i -I I ; i I ~ : I 10 US EPA 10 Numb.!r Fo'g t3 / .. '~ a_ /-I4z¡;;Rbt}(,(~ ¡[h.s~ L/ù~~/-~) ---A¡-(/ 'J ( It .. b, t -.0 .'- It ·_·_h_"'__. _ ___ H_ acilil'(s , &ls- - 32'7 - 0'1/ . 12.Conla,ners 13 ~ [:' !,~ u_º:~~~c I. Waste No. -,'~ II í J' (J 'i'::: .:. / '7 7 11. US DOT Desc,iplion (Including Proper Shipping Name, H,,~ard Clsss. Ilnd 10 Number Æ/ fi 9/p/ d ;;2. ! ,-' -" :: I c. q -¡ J d~:::'~~j_~::_- I " ! i I ,-",I J. I I, I -I. " I I I I I I I 11 I ' I i I , : I . ___ _____ 4' .----.....-.-.-... -.' - - ----- . .----.- ----.- ...---. ---~.' .",.. ...-- - . M~eciat. Wsted Aboorè- - - -- . -----. K.Handling Codes tOf' Wastes USI ve .- 01 -.- . . 'l/ 71 A / N R FI ATI N; I hereb.ydecla,e Ihal the contenlS of thIs consignmerf.. .re ully and accuratelydescriÞed .bove by prOØðr shipping neme and ere classified. packed. marked. and labeled, and "'.10 .11 respects in proper condItion tor transøon by highway according to applicable international and national governmental regulations. . -._- . - 4---.or _._-~--- , .I'f of Mate,íals -'~----1 S;gna'-~-~~-ï ; ,L : t- 'f\ \:. ' Materoals ------ls¡g~~~--- . I _ __ _.____ ___ _ u I' I I .... \ \'\ / ,---('. " .L _ -- I Monr" OtlY Yellr I LL..LJ I -..- ¡ I ~ D,screpaney In~"::sllon S!;Iaçe \ _. / I aC tz!,-U ? tÜ'1~ <'-' ./!«-¿a«<'" -:::> - 0,.;,-'- v~·~~' Odlð M<JII'" - OilY Yea; ~ I ï .. ¡ 20 FðCiltlv Own.., or Oo..,alo, i Itdm 19 h-P-¡inledlTypà':f Namë-------- ¡~ ~/J',¿/¿:?A/l/" --- -------~-1 Cfirtlfu,;atlon of tttCtUpt of ~"tlafdous m8tU( AIS cuvtJf&d bV this ,nandust Ij.Ct:tDI iiS nol~c1 In ,) ; tI<I;';.' A <'/1141 " ~ 100,22 ... .-., --.-----. - --. ----- -.,. .4_ ~ __-- _.__ ____ _--.- ..i', · COUNTY OF KERI ~ Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (80S) 861·3636 (80S) 861-3429 Fax Number April 28, 1989 W. Randall Miller Wickes Lumber Company Manager, Environmental Affairs Real Estate Division 706 Dearpath Drive Vernon Hills, III 60061 Re: Soil Remediation Results at the Wickes Lumber eompany Facility in Bakersfield, California This is to advise you that this Department has reviewed the project results for the substance contamination investigation conducted at -the Wickes Lumber Company facility located at 1800 White Lane in Bakersfield, California. Based upon the findings described in the soil investigation and remediation study, this Department is satisfied that the assessment is complete and no significant soil contamination exists which could threaten groundwater. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincere1f' A~ l}~ ,Joe Canas ," Environmental Health Specialist II Hazardous Waste Management Program JC:njg xc: fileV e . >~ Wickes Companies, Inc. Corporate Offices '-) i ,>-;^'rn © fÆ 0 WJ @ . '--' I \ \-." :-1 \.J. @ February 1, 1989 FEB n ~ 1989 Mr. Joe Canas Kern County Health. Department Environmental Health Division 1415 Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 ENVIRONMENTAL H¡::<\L T\--' Re: Phase II Soil Investigation and Remediation Wickes Lumber Company Facility Bakersfield, CA Levine*Fricke Report December 15, 1988 Dear Mr. Canas: Enclosed you will find an original copy of the referenced report. This former underground gasoline storage tank site has been fully remediated. The levels of petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil at this site are far.below clean-up level s consi dered acceptabl e pursuant to the Ca 1 iforni a DHS Leaki ng Under- ground Fuel Tank (LUFT) Manual. . During the period between the removal of the underground tank and performance of the Phase II remedial work, Wickes divested its Lumber Division. For your recórds, the company owning the Bakersfield property is: Wickes Lumber Company 706 Deerpath Drive Vernon Hills, III 60061 Attn: Dick Anderson For continuity, Wickes Companies is providing management for this project on behal f of Wi ckes Lumber. The results of the Phase II work show that thi.s project is complete. Should there be any questions feel free to contact me at (213) 452-9593 or Dick Anderson at (312) 367-6540. Sincerely, ¿J ¿tJ,,.-j,,--t( I )Jv[C,- W. Randall Miller Manager, Environmental Affairs Real Estate Division cc: D. Anderson, wlo attach. rm020189:cf ." "':I. -: '..-' ., .'. - -...., . '.: Meals .... ',,' Other Time Drivers Name Gal 0 :'.'~,'::~,: Tune ~::,~"'.~:?;': tTuneOut':\~~!~:::"~ . ~... '~¿'~.~~.'~~'...." J.) 1/~ ,~;.t;;, ::~:ê!fi}~;1:~~..~, .~. , . , . 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'. .. - . ,'~...... . Subsistence . ToitChä..g~·: ~~:'i' ~~<~'~~:~~ß?~:·j;!1~~~: BiRing Address City Job Location Destination Start Miles No. of Loads Gal 0 Authorized and approved by ~ .. ·-.;;f..~.t::· -\ .~ -1"~""~4 ;' , Tune In TimeOut . .p~;t¡¡f!t.~-~_:~..: . ,,~~, ~ ¡~~: ~:' Customers Site. Time In (:) "'" 3"n Time Qut~ 93D ......,~'~~Æ... ;1-" "'¡¡j ti~ "...."';^'" ..";....""'P.I'..~' ~,ir!t<i.i<ikio <::tr" "'1' , "''''Tøne''n'''i! 'Ii 0 ~""'¡"''''U'':-.x ,Timerti,ß~,,~~,'hJl .;:1fi:t,'lf,tj:) ~~fj! ~(-:: ~r;!j;(:!'¡t·nq ~ri! 9'O'(Jt~q:J·~~t:r}f/\' ,~,:-,ytfnneOut..... . '...,,,....,, 't.,..t )1.TØl!eQuti.'~ ....,,'.++.....'" .':.. '. 1 -'!". . . "" . \',~, .~ '"-' ¡, , ....:.., ~ ~- .~:}~-~~~;\~!.~ ..~-.~, - " . ;.~ ~ "Jf~.:..¿;'~ '. ':' .0" :>~ Kf!(Ø12 ~<;GroSs Time 5'~ ..,,,,-.! .. ' "'Less -:~.~::~~-: ~ :~. rs. Start (." (,., r" ('I = SSlöp·=>r';mtt~· "'O·,;'>-if7<n 5 h"~ = To , ., ~ : . oJ; Meals Other Time Drivers Name .frs. Hrs. 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O TANK "'MP TRUCK ~ ~~K o DRUMS 0 CARTONS o OTHER TYPE: WASTE DESCRIPTION 5"ç, I /..v / COMPONENTS OF WASTE ¿.; e, ~ ¿::, 7/,.., f' ' PPM '!II GENERATING PROCESS r~,.. ,ý , COMPONENTS OF WASTE 5e'" I -¡ Icp,' 5. 1. L /OéO ~PN 6, 2, 3, 4. 8. <'·/P /' øW_ a SOLID o LIQUID 0 SLUDGE 0 SLURRY 0 OTHER ,L}?p/,t.t/ej š~- t/1r. PROPERTIES: HANDLING INSTUCTIONS: pw.]"' THE GENERATOR CERTIFIES THAT THE WASTE AS DESCRIBED IS 100% NON-HAZARDOUS. ".1! ( (; i ,; j~ ..... '.j~ , TYPED OR PRINTED FULL NAME & SIGNATURE 0: W ... 0: o 0.. en z c( 0: to- J:. r í"¿;Y''':P(''¡~·./'N7 NAME ADDRESS 7r c: (I ~ ~ t ((' r.... f.Jé'. "'''/ ~rI é", I, .r '1' eo J'¡ c¡š..2?~ CITY. STATE. ZIP PHONE NO. ,/<'() 7t ~ . 9/7/ TRUCK. UNIT, I.D. NO, NAME PETROLEUM WASTE, INC. ~ :i - (J c( IL Q en ... Lokern Road ADDRESS CITY. STATE. ZIP Buttonwillow, CA 93206 PHONE NO. (805) 762-7341 TYPED OR PRINTED FULL NAME & SIGNATURE GEN TRANS ClQ OLQ/NEW L S AT/CD A B TONS HWDF NONE DISCREPANCY 1~ It ¡.4 IC I 0, elt? I (?I?~ ,3 Ii' t? I PHONE NO, kt..,<, I g-;rl - Jo J /:) WEIGHT Q"'...,.......e ".... / Pf'M '!II i _/'''._ :,..!". L I , ¡, .1/, (',ð DATE EPA I ' . ~~. C ¡I'I1.b,G' ,.? ,91 ðl~ 19 1'l"'10 C! 9; () Ò':¿ {", 7 0 SERVICE ORDER NO. PICK UP DATE 1/ - 1/· 'i r EPA I ~~, C tAl DI9 18 10 1617 15,2 ,7 ,6 DISPOSAL METHOD o LANDFILL 0 OTHER DATE . ).' e e ;;. NON-HAZARDOUS. WAS'TE DATA FORMf NAME NI¿ KS' L µ".,&/ t!~.."".., I:::"""" Ý .' 1~ I {'¡AI ¿ I ['I ¿ol ~i ¿'r .E1 :2t 3'L,{ I~ I ADDRESS Ifrt,? l¡/),/'j~ , ¡ðrt¿ CITY. STATE. ZIP !t/~ ¥ ¡Ø, ,~ .J:, /,./, ê&9. ?~3p' PHONE NO, i7{)t(.· 9 '3/- 51"lP a: '7 {; 7 7 ;'Ç7 ý 0 CONTAINERS: No. VOLUME WEIGHT ~ ;' a: w o TANK ~MP o DRUMS o CARTONS o OTHER Z TYPE: mUCK mUCK W 5r,/ wi 6¿.S,hl"7< -:;;.~)c ~...-r? c·ye." / " WASTE DESCRIPTION GENERATING PROCESS I > COMPONENTS OF WASTE I COMPONENTS OF WASTE ID PPM '!It PPt.A ~ I , Q <",'1 /t'~ I w 1. 5. I I- -hS;-/ w ¿/C??/ ..J 2, 6, a.. :e 0 3, 7. CJ W CI1 4. 8. 0 øté.~/r ~LlD I- o LIQUID o SLUDGE o SLURRY o OTHER , PROPERTIES: HANDLING INSTUCTlONS: ;fWf ;!,PP'<'-'V¿:' I .:!!" t,-I/7q : "THE GENERATOR CERTIFIES THA~ I THE WASTE AS DESCRIBED IS 100% ,- NON-HAZARDOUS. -.; ¡trilL ,J L· . 'r;.l(..E <; ?(;./L... .' , -' /J·¡¡'.'~0 , . ."". . ... T'fPED OR PRINTED FULL NAME & SIGNATURE DATE -::r".- "Tv /,,,... ~ ?t: ".¡ b -I ,(,,.., ~:;~ I I' /"; ? ,9 ~ (;7 ,S I a: NAME NO. IP ,7?1 C1¿' rt i w I- -7h....· ( I ".. (c".../~t!"·.. '/ f' '" ~eI Œ: ADDRESS (./~ : SERVICE ORDER NO. 0 a. -r; {'J c: /, .( 77/(~r- 11- /1- n rn CITY, STATE. ZIP PICK UP DATE Z I c( (Ylr; 7C3- a: PHONE NO. (II?I -, -, I- -: /).. I / /// /.- /'. ' , /i .·/t/ /; ./ /(5-; " I // '. I . / mucK. UNIT. I.D. NO. T'fPED OR PRINTED FULL NAME & SIGNATURE DATE PETROLEUM WASTE, INC. EPA I I \ NAME ~~, C,A,D 9,8 O,6 7,5,2 7 6 I OISPOSAL METHOD ~. ADDRESS Lokern Road o LANDFILL o OTHER - ~ Buttonwillow, CA 93206 - CITY, STATE. ZIP I CJ c( I I&. (805) 762·7341 Q PHONE NO. rn I- T'fPED OR PRINTED FULL NAME & SIGNATURE DATE GEN OLD/NEW L A TONS . mANS S B C/Q RT/CD HWOF NONE DISCREPANCY 'I e e \ ,. roo II Ii II II I} Ii I i .\ í Ii Ii . ! . I PHASE II SOIL INVESTIGATION , AND REMEDIATION WICKES LUMBER COMPANY FACILITY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA December 15, 1988 L-F 1510 iii LEVI N E·FRICKE ~u I ( I i I I f í ¡ . ¡ [ i L. ! i.. e \ \\,' e LEVI N E·FRICKE PHASE II SOIL INVESTIGATION AND REMEDIAT~ON WICKES LUMBER COMPANY FACILITY· . . BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ,I ¡ December 15, 1988 L-F 1510 ., ¡ [ . r I I - ::. e e \ LEVI N E·FRICKE CON TEN T S LIST OF TABLES ......... . . . . LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CERTIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.2 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . ...... ... ... . . . . . . . . . . 2.0 PHYSICAL SETTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . , 3.0 FIELD ACTIVITIES ..... ..... .1. 3.1 Excavation of Gasoline-Affected Soils ,'. I 3.2 Soil Sampling ........ . J. . . . . . Paqe ii ii iii' 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4-.0 SITE GEOLOGY AND GROUND-WATER CONDITIONS,' . . . . .. 4 4.1 Regional Geology, ............. 4 4.2 Soil and Ground-Water Conditions ... 4 5.0 LABORATORY ANALYSIS ............ 5.1 Soil Analysis Results: Modified EPA Method 8015 ................ 5.2 Soil Analysis Results: EPA Method 8020 .... r APPENDICES: APPENDIX A: Laboratory Results and Chain-of-Custody Forms APPENDIX B: LUFT Worksheet ,..i- 5 5 5 r' i ¡ ~ I, . l f r I : L e e \ LEVI N e·fRICKE LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Soil Analysis Results: EPA Test Method 8015 (Modified) Table 2: Soil Analysis Results: EPA Test Method 8020 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Site Plan Showing Excavation and Soil Boring Locations for Wickes Lumber Company, Bakersfield, California Figure 2: Soil Excavation Detail for Wickes Lumber Company , Figure 3: Cross-Section of 1,000 Gallon Tank Excavation for Wickes Lumber I , , J , -ii- ¡ f- l ~, ' r - ! (' f' ,r I I - i , \ , I ¡ 'j ! I l [ ¡ , e e 12/15/88 L·F 1510 CERTIFICATION LEVI N E·fRICKE All geologic and hydrogeologic information, conclusions and recommendations presented in this report have been prepared or reviewed by a Levine-Fricke California Registered Geologist. Q Anthony D. Daus, R.G. Principal Hydrogeologist California Registered Geologist #4267 -iii- ,. . ". -~.. . . ~ .. , ) , , i~ ~:,- '\.," ,; "- fi, ~-, j r- , í l r . - LEVI N EoFRICKE 12/15/88 L-F 1510 EXECUT:IVE SUMMARY LevineoFricke has completed Phases I and II of the soils inve~tigation conducted in the vicinity of a former underground gasoline storage tank at the siteo The Phase II activities included remediation of gasoline-affected soils by excavation and , disposal of the excavated soils at a Class II landfill. Chemical analysis of soil samples collect~d from borings drilled in the former tank location revealed concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons in excess of typical regulatory cleanup levels, as calculated using guidelines established by the California Water Resource Control Board in the Leaking Underground Fuel Tank (LUFT) field manual_ , The remedial program consisted of excavating affected soils to a maximum depth of 27 feet below grade. LevineoFrièke personnel collected soil samples from the sidewalls and bottom of the exca- vation to evaluate whether the affected soils hád been bounded and removed. Chemical analysis of these soi~ samples indicated fhat soils with concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons in excess of LUFT clean-up levels had been bounded and removed. Based upon information supplied by the Kern County Water Agency, ground water in the site vicinity reportedly occurs at a depth of about 160 feet below ground surface, as measured in a well located approximately 2,000 feet west of the site. Ground water was not encountered in the excavations or in any of the borings drilled at the site, and ground-water quality was not evaluated during the course of this investigation ° -1- ¡-- \. ~ ~ ¡ : ' ¡- I , ( , ¡ í ¡ - ; i L,. \. . e (,. LEVI N E·FRICKE 12/15/88 L·F 1510 PHASE II SOIL INVESTIGATION AND REMEDIATION WICKES LUMBER COMPANY FACILITY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA This report describes the results of our Phase II soil investi~ gat ion and remediation at the Wickes Lumber Company facility located at 1800 White Lane in Bakersfield, California (the site). Thes.e activities are associated with the closure of a 1,000- gallon underground gasoline storage tank which was removed from the property in September, 1987. 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background , . . McNabb Construction removed one 1,000 gallon und~ground gasoline storage tank from the site in september, 1987. Chemical analysis of soil samples collected by McNabb Construction from areas underlying the tank placement revealed measurable concentrations of benzene, toluene, xylene and ethylbenzene(BTX&E) and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) identified as gasoline. The tank excavation was backfilled following completion of the soil sampling activities. Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEI) of Bakersfield, California drilled one soil boring to a depth of 40 feet, in the center of the backfilled area. Chemical analysis of soil samples collected from that boring reportedly revealed measurable concentrations of TPH and BTX&E to depths of 24 feet below grade, decreasing to concentrations which do not exceed the laboratory detection limit of 0.01 parts per million (ppm) in soil sampled at a depth of 29 feet below grade. To better evaluate the subsurface distribution of gasoline- affected soils, Levine'Fricke drilled a total of four soil borings in the vicinity of the former tank location during a Phase I investigation. The four borings were drilled to depths ranging from 30 to 40 feet below grade. Chemical analysis of soil samples collected from these borings did not detect concentrations of TPH or BTX&E in excess of the laboratory detection limit of 0.01 ppm. -2- r-' ;: ~ i '.~ \ \, I' roO t L e e c·...\ LEVI N E·FRICKE 1.2 Objectives The objectives of the Phase II activities were to delineate and remove gasoline-affected soils associated with the former under- ground fuel tank, and dispose of the excavated soils in a Class II landfill. 2.0 PHYSICAL SETTING The Wickes Lumber Company facility is operated as a retail lumber store and yard located at 1800 White Lane, approximately 1.8 miles east of state Highway 99 in Bakersfield, California..The.. ' generally flat site is developed with a one-story tilt-up ~"";"" :.'," .' . structure with slab-on-grade floors and asphaltic concrete pave- ments. The former underground fuel storage tank was located in the northeastern corner of the property (Figure 1). 3.0 FIELD ACTIVITIES , 3.1 Excavation of Gasoline-Affected Soils' I , , Remedial activities included excavation of affeéted soils on November 9 and 10, 1988, using a Ford model 555B backhoe with an extend-a~hoe attachment. Soils were excavated to a maximum depth of approximately 27 feet below grade. Levine·Fricke personnel collected soil samples from the sidewalls and bottom of the exca- vation to confirm that soils containing gasoline concentrations in excess of typical regulatory action levels (100 ppm) had generally been bounded and removed (see Section 3.2) . A cross- section showing the boundary of excavated soils and chemical data plots is presented in Figure 3. Approximately 160 cubic yards of soil was excavated and trans- ported to Petroleum Waste, Inc., a Class II disposal facility located in Buttonwillow, California. 3.2 Soil sampling Throughout the soil removal activities, soil samples were collected from the excavation sidewalls and bottom to evaluate the e~tent of TPH and BTX&E. Excavation continued until laboratory results confirmed that affected soils had generally been bounded and removed (Figure 3). -3- e e r'- ~_ "^,' ta· I LEVI N E·FRICKE " soils were sampled directly from the bucket of the backhoe, collected in jars provided by the laboratory, and sealed with Teflon-lined lids. The soil samples were immediately labeled and transferred to the on-site mobile laboratory provided by Terra Tech Laboratories of Huntington Beach, California. The test methods applied and analytical results are discussed in Section 5.0. r . \ 4.0 SITE GEOLOGY AND GROUND-WATER CONDITIONS f' ¡ 4.1 Regional Geology \ I \ {, The site is located approximately 4.7 miles southeast of the Kern River Channel in the City of Bakersfield (Kern County), in the Great Valley Geomorphic Province of California. The Province is composed of a large asymmetric structural trough that has been filled with a thick sequence of marine sediments overlain by continental sedimentary deposits. The sedimentary sequence in the Bakersfield area has been determined to be approximately 10,000 feet thick (CDMG Bulletin 190, 1966). In t~e eastern half of the Valley, the sedimentary sequence rests on a-basement floor of metamorphic and igneous rocks of the Sierra Navada Batholith. Although the basement has not been observed on the western half of the Valley, the sediments are likely underl~in by basaltic or ultramafic rocks of the Franciscan Formation.; . , 4.2 soil and Ground-Water Conditions . ! The shallow unconsolidated sediments exposed in the tank excava- tion can be summarized as follows:' * The upper 11 to 12 feet of sediments consist of firm to stiff, clayey silt to silty clay (ML-CL) of slight to moderate plasticity. , \, * With depth, the sediments grade to medium dense, clayey sand (SC) with low plasticity, extending to a depth of approximately 16 to 18 feet. * Underlying the clayey sand, very fine to fine-grained, medium dense, silty sand (SM) extends to the bottom of the excavation (approximately 27 feet below grade) . Ground water was not encountered in the excavation or in any of the borings drilled at the site. Based upon information obtained during conversations with Mr. Tom Haflebacher of the Kern County Water Agency on September 12, 1988, the depth to first ground ¡ -4- ! C G ' ¡ ~ I I I . \ ! I . . (>' LEVI N E·FRICKE water in the site vicinity is reportedly about 160 feet below ground surface, as measured in October, 1970, in a private well located about 2,000 feet west of the site. 5.0 LABORATORY ANALYSIS soil samples were chemically analyzed for TPH concentrations by modified EPA Method 8015, and for BTX&E concentrations by EPA Method 8020. These analyses were performed by a mobile labora- tory supplied by Terra Tech Laboratories of Huntington Beach, California. In addition, chemical analysis of one composite sample collected from the excavated soils was performed by BC Laboratories, Inc. of Bakersfield, California, to determine , whether disposal at a Class II landfill was the appropriate disposal option for the affected soils. Both laboratories are certified by the California Department of Health Services for the test methods applied. ' The sample depths, sample locations and analytical results are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. Copies of laboratory, reports and Chain-of-Custody documentation are included in Appendix A. J I The cleanup level for this site was calculated using guidelines es~ablished by the California Water Resource Control Board in the ~eaking Underground Fuel Tank (LUFT) field manual. A copy of the LUFT worksheet used to calculate the cleanup levels for this site is included in Appendix B. 5.1 Soil Analysis Results: Modified EPA Method 8015 Soil samples analyzed by Modified EPA Method 8015 revealed TPH concentrations of 9,860 ppm in samplecS-1 (east wall), 825 ppm in CS-5 (bottom), 8,590 ppm in CS-6 (south wall), and 583 ppm in CS-7 (west wall). After further excavation, analytical results for soil samples CS-2 (north wall), CS-3 and CS-9 (west wall), CS-4 (east wall), CS-8 (bottom), and CS-10 (south wall) confirmed that gasoline-affected soils which exceeded regulatory action levels (1,000 ppm) had been bounded and removed (Figures 2 and 3 and Table 1). 5.2 Soil Analysis Results: EPA Method 8020 Chemical analysis of soil sample CS-1 (east wall) by EPA Method 8020 detected purgeable aromatic compounds including benzene, toluene, xylenes, and ethylbenzene at concentrations which exceeded regulatory action levels. After further excavation, analytical results for soil samples CS-2 (north wall), CS-3 and -5- r I I ! ~ .' i I I , \ r , i l L ., , . . .. lEVINE·FRICKE CS-g (west wall), CS-4 (east wall), CS-8 (bottom) and CS-IO (south wall) confirmed that soils with concentrations of BTX&E in , excess of regulatory action levels (as calculated using the LUFT guidelines) had been bounded and removed (Figures 2 and 3,and Table 2). -6- , , ,. , I \. r' 1 . t f, ¡- .\ i .1 i - i ¡ L c ,. " e ,. '~ Table 1 Soil'Analysis Results: EPA Test Method 8015 (Modified) (concentrations in Parts Per Million) LeI' 1510 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- sample Number Depth (Feet) Petroleum Hydrocarbons Sample Location ----------------------------------------------------------------- CS-l east wall 14 9,680 CS-2 north wall 14 5.91 CS-3 west wall 15 ND CS-4 east wall 15 ND ~ CS-5 bottom 24 825 CS-6 south wall 24 8,590 - CS-7 west wall 23 583 CS-8 bottom 27 18.8 CS-9 west wall 25 ND CS-10 south wall 23 ND ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: ND = None Detected (concentration less than 1.0 ppm). ~ . . I I ! 1': ~ :;. Table 2 Soil Analysis Results: EPA Test Method 8020 (concentrations in Parts Per Million) LeI' 1510 ,[ ================================================================ Sample Sample Depth Aromatic ¡ . Number Location (Feet) Compounds Concentration ¡ ---------------------------------------------------------------- CS-1 east wall 14 benzene .. 36.5 toluene 134 ethylbenzene 53.5 total xylenes 90.4 CS-2 north wall 14 toluene 0.015 total xylenes 0.096 , CS-3 west wall 15 toluene J 0.017 total xylenes ' , 0.062 , ¡ , , CS-4 east wall 15 toluene 0.047 total xylenés 0.067 CS-8 bottom 27 benzene 0.345 toluene 1. 301 ethylbenzene 0.102 total xylenes 0.119 CS-9 west wall 25 toluene 0.093 CS-10 south wall 23 toluene 0.127 i " ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ¡ ., " --- METAL &ED - W ::J Z W > < z o Z ::J LEVINE-FRICKE COt<SUL'I1NG ENGINEERS AND HYDROGEOLOGlSTS 1510·06 C> - X X . - - - - - Project No. 1510 20888SGT/mmk X X X X BUILDING ......: )(J~ :: .1 ¡¡ ~ ~ .1 VACANT LOT (WICKES) .. - WHITE LANE - Figure 1 : SITE PLAN SHOWING EXCAVATION AND SOIL BORINING LOCATIONS FOR WICKES LUMBER COMPANY, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA X BUILDING X BUILDING :""'.'.'.'....,"""'. r'- L~~.:_3 ¡ APPROXIMATE ¡ AREA OF :: EXCA V A TION ~......................... SEE FIGURE 2 .. L. .. - .. =:J LON F8'CE .. .. r<, X " X ~ ... '" X X f N 0 65 130 FEET L ...l.. ...J APPROXIMATE SCALE EXPLANATION PHASE 1 BORING LOCATIONS APPROXIMATE AREA OF EXCAVATION - WICKES LUMBER BUILDING 6'FENCE X X X X ---.. --1 - - --- METAL SHED A x x x- x ... CS-2 .... Li Å CS-3 .~ . LF-1 CS-5 Å CS-1 CS-4 T )( CS-9 i .... CS-7 CS-8 l~ )( )( - '" '. BUILDING x x x x x . x BUILDING -x )( )( I ,-- LEVINE -FRICKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND HYDROGEOLOGISTS 15 10,06 '" - ... .. - - Rgure 2: SOIL EXCAVATION DETAIL FOR WICKES LUMBER COMPANY - - SCALE 0 5 10 FEET ~ ~ ~ 1 INCH = 10 FEET - - Project No. 1510 21266SGT/mmk. em N EXPLANATION PHASE 1 BORING LOCATIONS SOIL SAMPLE LOCATIONS ACCESS RAMP . Å r::¡¡¡m) ~ ~ . "',', -, EXPLANATION , , , Å SOil SAMPLE LOCATION ï--' FORMER GAS TANK LOCATION ..__.J ND NOT DETECTED (CONCENTRATION < 0.05 PPM) NOTE: ALL VALUES REPORTED IN PARTS PER MlLUON (PPM). SAMPLES ANAL VZED USING EPA METHOD 8015. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL SCALE 5 2.5 0 5 FEET , , 1 INCH = 5 FEET - FIgure 3: CROSS-SECTION OF 1,000 GALLON TANK LOOKING WEST A' GROUND SURFACE NORTH ~ - 0' r----- I :: I J I I FORMER I.COO GAlLON ')d I . GASOUNE TANK I 'p I ,~;: I 5' -- ~'J I, CLAYEY SILT TO SILTY CLAY 10' -------. Å .s- BOUNDARY OF 5.9 CLAYEY SAND EXCAVATION 15' .- -------- \ SILTY SAND 20' Å ND 8.590 Å T i \ 25' ; 8.8 Å 30' A SOUTH ELOW 0' RFACE 5' e 10' 15' __ 20' 25' 30' ¡' ! e .- ~. (' ü.'- i· \ r . ¡ - A P PEN D I X A LEVI N e·FRICKE Laboratory Reports and Chain-of-custody .Forms I , , I I '" --:r-: -r-' RJ-'Tfue, '; , ,.¡ 1~., ,.' "" , f ,,¡, f": .~ -.. ______ -4. . .__J.. "'''~. . t \.i .' : :!;a ~ " ,;':' ,''\ \-/ , . . .;>'" I J ~:.;; j /;" i , -, ¡ I 'Y;£:CH / ¡'I ÁOD' Z'íe ï'7oo"ar~-'~ <"'101"'0¡;'::::- .L y 1 . --...J U ¡ '" V I .... .~ J../ C 'w .. _ ;, __ ;. '-I ,\~. ¡ ¡ ~-. -............- ;" ¡/ .:.... .~' j '..~...;. ~" -I) 1..,¡,/ . LABORATORY RESULTS PREPARED FOR LEVINE-FRICKE WICKES LUMBER 1800 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ANALYSIS OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS MODIFIED EPA METHOD 8015 DATE RECE!VED : NOVEMBER 9-10,1988 DATE ANALYZED : NOVEMBER 9-10,1988 PROJECT NUMBER: 1012-15 CUENT NUMBER : 1510 ~ SAMPLE I D# CONCENTRÂTION (mg/kg) CS-1 CS-2 CS-3 CS-4 CS-5 CS-6 CS-7 CS-8 CS·g CS-10 9,680 5.91 ND,1.0 ND,1.0 825 8,590 583 18.8 ND,1.0 ND,1.0 RECEIVED : IGV 1988 LEViN1=-FRICKE Reviewed & Approved: ,/3u£..' (l,j)J..,..':d:J1Ü:(. ~I)ll.hß Date: i ¡ - ! u .. ~~ Note: Samples were received by the mobile laboratory, intact and with Chain-of-Custody attached. /) (), ijO'(;J[)fj.. !--oL':V:: !!V ;'~!_LEL C.,;L!FCR.'.!...'., ::';-:" 'TTRj." , R· 1 ¡Þ-H. . ,...... .-L..-" " , '....å.. e '\ ~ i "~ . ., ...,. . ;vlOOLfe LGDoratorv SDec:a:is[s ~ . 'T£CH / i J I ,--'" I) ......... . -,,-"- ¡ . .. ....r,.... -!, , . : / :.. Î-f. ~)-+.£. -~)U / .: LABORATORY RESULTS PREPARED FOR LEVINE-FRICKE WICKES LUMBER 1800 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ANALYSIS OF VOLATILE AROMATICS EPA METHOD 8020 DATE RECEIVED : NOVEMBER 9-10,1988 DATE ANALYZED : NOVEMBER 9-10.1988 PROJECT NUMBER: 1012-15 CUENT NUMBER : 1510 / SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYLBENZENE TOTAL XYLENES (mglkg) (mg¡1<g) (mg¡\<g) (mg1<g) CS-1 36.5 134 53.5 90.4 CS-2 ND..01 0.015 ND..OS 0.096 CS-3 ND..01 0.017 ND,.OS 0.062 CS-4 ND,.01 0.047 N D ..05 0.067 CS-8 0.345 1.301 0.102 0.119 CS-9 ND,.01 0.093 ND..OS ND..OS CS-10 ND,.01 0.127 ND..OS ND,.OS Reviewed & Approved: ,;f;;L -(1~ff!¡,f!;f""~'9 Date: 11- i "¡~ NOTE: Samples were received by the mobile laboratory, intact and with Chain-of-Custody attached. i) I). 30,\' ,}..1.1)0 .. ¡../ìC·\T ¡!.\ '; C:"E.':·· ; U.r:(ìR.'-'fA ,j272's .' .-' Irol'" I: /éJ/;L- ¡ç Date: 1/- "-33' r...:..!..,~ CIIAIU-OP-CU STOny nHooun Terra Tech Mobile La~oratory 17421-E Nichola Street . -- ,e (/14) 84z-hll// ~Ic~' tf6JN Ie. Addß't¡ AnaII.d:J Ucquested ·1 L-" V,'l1e - ¡::::-Y I'C k e.. j'V,·C).flS '-un.b~Y" I~OO J''I.o.,·,1' t-~lre ~ B¿/l kt"v~ ~,'t" /~ c.q- ~ (] Remarks "amp.!m..(llr J\4 ture >- ..... i~ "' 0 ÁénL 1/"v ~~ ~. u ~ ~ \\~ .0 a , I ~ð.¡¡ l~ ~ BamnlA . Date 11me Location Z - - - - - - - c. ~~ 1 11- '1 I;l "J' ;;;- ~r/ J1/ A,t ...- V' 01 S'éJlt- -GN~r Jd-r - - - - - - - C. $'-.2. /1-9 . ÆI"rrJ /1/" ,t " " .. )~ '" V' v- Ol - - - - - - - - C S-3 11- f , iV t".rT t-v .,1/ v- ¡./ " " ~" ):Z "I¡. 01 - - - - - - c.5-L+ /1- 9 ItrpQ C¿T~I J1/ ,,// ....... ...... PI .- " (, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - I) ~1b¥¡ubha4 By: (sl¡natun) Oa.: 2) Receive4 By: (,I¡nature) Da.: Of¡- Total II wnber 01 Containlø '" .i. 7¡YV-( If' í·ðb , CompanJ:ttv,~l:... t:R.L'I(£' ~1ma' Company: 11me: §p'ec!!llM!!UCdoN~ $ 4iO{£- 3) RII1N¡ulshe4 By: (alcnature) Da.: 4) Received By: (l6bORÐI}') 11- 9-$g 0# -S','Tf> #J-l"'~r'" SUdét:t' h'-&?r Date: "n MfI~nv~ 11m.: Company: 11me: pç ~ 1 nl-,...,ve --~- -- - ~:~~p ';' r,...., I: IP)~ -/Ç" '", Dúe: /I-/Q-J; r"':L"~ UHCOßU CIIAUI-OP-CtJBTODY Terra Tech Mobile LaDoratory 17421-E Nichols Street r.A 9?óh7 e Remarks ·1 c:: (I ...... o ~ u .0 g Z d ~na~lsbl Ueq !Ie:.', ~ .... t~ '\ ~ \.. l\ :\ \ It\~ h~ ~y ... (;)4'» " .5"¿?It- - I' þ .. " \ " " I' . " I' ,. " ------ ~ p, -------- ~ p~ -------- - p, -------- ~ ~ ~I -------- - ......... 01 -------- .......... ........ () I -------- Location r7rlJn8~~~óRj~~ht I!ml~ç, n~ 3t Mdreu; L II / ,. Ñ 1"- Ft'''~ ¡.,.,;' W,'&, k,~ ¿,,_It,.,;- ,e&'o w¿,;r¡. ¿.....,.- ß- B ç, k ,.,.~ ~,',./ d, Cry lI~nahU!} , .2~_ Sarnote . Date 11me C~-s:- c>- ) 1"..- J-'l/.../,- gøïT;;.. ,Ç'OM ~, 9jp ?~~ - ~~7 II-I" 1/ - I" c>-~ , W,-$/ ~LS-o..T~ t1/#11 A // ;1/ '" If ,;;t.7 vL/ W".~r I/d? LCt"'..-r;" I.JjÇ' II-I' 11-/(1 II-/~ 7 cr- 9 c.s- eS-S> "e .. wnber of ContaJnaø Tot6111 -1-1-1- ~. , l- OUt OtJ "--:'"-E"~' Elj----·-·-·- ---- '0. Oecetved Ðy: (signature) 2) § p'ecIillM!JUC dol\.! ~ (JIJ - >I'¡;; PI1H[J...-$' IS /(,'-¡;',.,( d£'~ ",)-,It c....~j.~. 6 r& S, ,'1/ ~ /tJ r r t' ¿ 11me ¡¡-/P-s4> Data: ltma: p~ ctb¿?ve Company: 4) Oeceived By: (labOPÐI}') &t',£tflt't?' ..#-â¿r , -,- Company: Date: 1/ ,/0 ,N] TIme: ,4 s ~v£ Date: 1~'UJV ub"'. By. ~~ 1~ Company: Uv rJ~ - Mlc :;£.. - 3) Relinquished By: (s..nature) - 11- /(1 CS"- /IJ (illnatun) Time Coml)any: e ~ . 't j" .: ';.: ~~j ··.i1 ,:J~a j ::-;. ,//~ AGR/CUl TURE 'LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR, 4100 PIERCE RO., BAKERSFIELO, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 ~ ,,~,Ji CHEM/CAl ANAL rs/s PETROLEUM Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) LEVINE FRICKE 4019 WESTERLY PLACE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 Attention: S. G. TORRES Date of Re¡x:>rt: 10-Nov-88 Lab No.: Sample Desc: 8410-1 PROJECT #1510 - WICKES LUMBER ES-1 11/9/88 @ 11:15 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED : RECEIVED @ LAB: CaiPLETED : 09-Nov-88 09-Nov-88 10-Nov-88 Mìnìrwm ~e¡x:>rtìng Analysis Re¡x:>rtìng Constituent Units Results Level ; Benzene ug/g 0.86 0.10 Toluene ug/g 2.19 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 3.20 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g 5.40 0.10 -m- Xylene ug/g 11.43 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g 9.33 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g 1.51 0.10 Pet. Hydrocaroons ug/g 240.20 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocaroons ug/g 274.12 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O. H. S. T . P . H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Corrments : PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O. H. S . These volatile hydrocaroons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this re¡x:>rt. TarAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chloJfÌR atedJ constituents on this report. I RECEIVED By-i a. ~~" "1 .J. ~in ') , /- -~ , ./ê-,c:.'(" Analyst ~1t'A1 '.., : ~ t~~. . ~ LEVINE-FRICKE AGRICUL TURE . LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. EN GR. 4100 PIERCE RO., BAKERSFIELO, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 321-4911 CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS .. t .,,; "\ ,p PETROLEUM Purgeable Arom~tìc Arlalysis Levine Fricke 4019 Westerley Place Suite 103 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attention: Steve Torres Sample Description: ES-1 11/09/88 @11:15 Date oÎ Report:l0-Nov-38 Lab #: 8410-1 Project #1510 - Wickes Lumber Test-Method: EPA Method 8020 Dry Matter Basis Date Sample Collected: 09-Nov-88 Type oÎ Sample: Soil Date Sample Received. @ Lab: 09-Nov-ß8 Date Analysis Completed: 09-Nov-88 Constituent Reporting Units Benzene Ghlorobenzene 1,2-Dic~~orobenzene 1.3-Dichlorobenzene 1.4-Dichlorobenzene !!thy 1 Benzene Toluene c.-Xylene p-Xylene m-Xylene ug/g 1115/15 ugjg ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g 1.1.g/g 1.1.g/g Comments: By ¡£~--:, Analysis Results MinimuIn Reporti...'1g Level 12.50 none detected none detected none detected none detected 557.00 1329.00 1313.00 1818.00 433.00 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 .~-A,~ Chemist e . AGR/CUl TURE LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RO., BAKERSFIELO, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Date Reported: 11/11/88 Date Received: 11/09/88 Laboratory No.: 8410-1 -,. :, ¡</or, CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS PETROLEUM Levine-Fricke 4019 Westerly Pl., Suite 103 Newport Beach, CA. 92660 ATTN: Stephen Torres TOTAL CONTAMINANTS (TTLC) TITLE 22, ARTICLE II, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Sample Description: ES-1, 11/9/88, 11:15, Proj. #1510 - Wickes Lumber , ! Consti tuents Sample Results mg/kg Method Ref. Regulatory Criteria STLC TILC Lead 23.8 6010 1 5 , 1000. Comment: All constituents reported above ,are in mg/kg (unless otherwise stated) on an as received (wet) sample basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. TILC = Total Threshold Limit Concentration. (1) "Test Methods for Evaluating Solids Wastes", SW 846, July 1982. (-) refers to "less than". B C LABORATORIES, INC. /1i1ß/, BY Jl Þ )I: - -V.Vv'-7"d VJ. ~. EgJ60ií ANAL YSES REQUEST FORM - Project No.:' 1510 Field Logbook No.: J Date: II, t¡ .. t3ß Serial No.: Project Name: W 1l-1d-"5 Project Location: f,J1 ~ F (t£LD N<} 1501 L V,/II\.6tft.,. Sampler;s;.",,",o) : ff.."J. ç;1 7~ / ANALYSES ,;;' ~samPlers: 'SAMPLES /Ç)' ~ \:f/ ~Q ~~ S. (,. 701?P.£5> NO. OF {ò ~ !o,~ ",0 ~O ~ SA"''' NO. DATE TIME LAB SAMPLE CON- SAMPLE /~ ~ø(~Y A ;./ REMARKS NO. T A I NERS TYPE ý'Q .{1'- [$ ~ I 1 ,tJ·86 II :,> C1 tJ l. >(JIL " '^- "i- 'Ý.. 'Á - " , I " , . ,. , J. RELI~QUISHED BY: ~ 7~ DATE TIME RECEIVED BY: ? ,L^ - DA f;, /: TIME (Signature) Il'C 'ðe II " t(.S"' (Si gnature ) (J.J,..Ø..h1.1 Ç) ðb. to. " I - ~ 1\ ., '~.>r n:"-A RELINQUISHED BY: (/ V . r DATE TIME RECE I VED BY: ~_/' DATE TIME (Signature) (Signature) - RELINQUiSHED BY: DATE TIME RECEIVED BY: DATE TIME (Signature) (Signature) METHOD OF SHIPMENT: DATE TIME LAB COMMENTS: , Sample Collector: LEVINE-FRICKE Analytical Laboratory: 1019 WES I rnLY PLAt;l, ';UII ~.. ; En~ OdkldllJ AVt;:IIUe B C U¡~OIù11TJ/U(.5 If" ( ØPORl 8fACH. CA \ (ütj(j OdkldllJ, CA 9ft611 4S67 L(/Oo fJEAcL r<... ,<i¡, (7H) 11155-1. (ft1S) 652 !t568 8f\KfftS¡; E~~ tAP ¿BsoB 80; 3LÇ-l1qll .' Shipp 86/COC/ARF FORM NO. Pink Field Copy I CHAIN OF CUSTODY ow Ye e Copy Fil Green Lab Copy White .~ Copy J,J,t btf> e r- I I I e ~, ~' ! .¡~ . [ I - ,! t. I I r i A P PEN D I X B LUFT Worksheet . LEVI N E·FRICKE e~ , , I , , r- I 'i '~), f &? l I l I [, , ì - \ ¡ I e . Leaching Potential Analysis for Gasoline Using Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons(TPH) and Benzene, Toluene, Xylene and Ethylbenzene (BTX&E) The following table was designed to permit estimating the concentrations of TPH and BTX&E that can be left in place without threa.tening ground water. Three levels of TPH and BTX&E concentrations were derived (from modeling) for sites which fall into' catagories of low, medium or high leaching potential. To use the table, find the appropriate description for each of the features. . Score each feature using the weighting system shown at the top of each column. Sum the points for each column and total them. Match the total points to the allowable BTX&E and TPH levels. S SCORE S SCORE S SCORE SITE C 10 PTS C 9 PTS C 5 PTS-": 0 IF CON- 0 IF CON- 0 IF CON- FEATURE R DITION R DITION R DITION E IS MET E IS MET E IS MET Minimum Depth to >100 51-100 25-50\1 Ground Water from the 10 Soil Sample (feet) , Fractures in subsurface None UnknowP Present (applies to foothills 10 I or mountain areas) , ! ,- Average Annual <10 10-25 26-40\£ Precipitation (inches) 9 ¡Man-made conduits which None Unknown Present increase vertical 10 migration of leachate " Unique site features: Nòne At least More recharge area, coarse 10 one than one soil, nearby wells, etc I COLUMN TOTALS-TOTAL PTS I 40 + 9 + = IGJ RANGE OF TOTAL POINTS 49pts or more 41 - 48 pts 40pts or less MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE 1/50/50/50 .3/ . 3/1/1 NA\.l B/T/X/E LEVELS (PPM) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE 1000 100 10 : TPH LEVELS (PPM) \1 If depth is greater than Sft. and less than 25 ft., score 0 points. If depth is 5 ft. or 'less, this table should not be used. \£ If precipitation is over 40 inches, score 0 points. \~ Levels for BTX&E are not applicable at a TPH concentration of 10ppm of;. . ' . e UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) I CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT 'FORLOCALAGENCYÜSEONLY"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""."""""""""""","""""""""""""""""""'",, ,',''',''',' ""', 1HEREBYÇ~RT'fYJHÂTIAMAO~~itlt$êÓJ~ÑM~m~MéŒY~~.AA6@Ät¡k¡\W ~~~~E~~~ICjlOCÄLŒF~'~eYB~9&ITrO$ËCTl()ì~~j8MOF' "'.>,'..,...........U.,..,.,.,........,.." .<»i'.',· '...i'.....'"".",..""",.""""",.""""", .iFFFiCj ',.",;.',.,."'.',.,,, ;,', '..~'r 'iY.'",',','",',',',', ,..._......... '.'_',' :,,_:,:_: :,:,'.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: :.:..:: ..::..... ·::':::"::...::>:);~~4~t():::::::::::::::: :-:.'-:.'-:'--:-:"':-:-:-":-":-:-::-'::::::::::::>: ... J: ::l::::~;~{:: "'SIGNED,..',"".""""" . , , "",',",',',','"',',..,'","',>',','.,,,',.,.,,'>,',',', """'.""'.'""'.....'»"',,d>ATE....,,'.,,,,,,"'",,',' I ~H~NE) '-' ',' " ~J SIGNATU,~E, '..,,, ,,_., D REGIONAL BOARD COMPANY OR AGENCY NAME' i<. /' ¡ " P:, ; ,<, I""t,_, ~ OP~~T~\. j ,7,¡:- 'i., .¡ <.' (..';'ÿ< ,:..J..../ h" l"'f!!.' ~·A '.Ll.......~...;;..V"" /1'¡ :',' '(,;,.- ¡ I' t>/.fk~?,p,~ .J,/.ç.? f,' 'I - CITY 1YPE OF AREA EJ COMMERCIAL 0 INDUSTRIAL 0 RURAL D RESIDENTIAL D OTHER AGENCY NAME CONTACT PERSON /' f .,..-<"~ D UNDETERMINED CHECK ONE ONLY rx:J SITE INVESTIGATION IN PROGRESS (DEFINING EXTENT OF PROBLEM) D ClEANUP IN PROGRESS D SIGNED OFF (ClEANUP COMPLETED OR UNNECESSARY) D NO ACTION TAKEN D POST ClEANUP MONITORING IN PROGRESS D' NO FUNDS AVAILABLE TO PROCEED D EVALUATING CLEANUP ALTERNATIVES CHECK APPROPRIATE ACTION(S) (SEE BACK FOR DETAILS) D CAP SITE (CD) D EXCAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) D CONTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) D EXCAVATE & TREAT (ET) D TREATMENT AT HOOKUP (HU) 0 NO ACTION REQUIRED (NA) EMERGENCY HAS STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES O YES n::;;¡. NO REPORT BEEN FILED 1 D rÿ1 ~ YES l£:J NO REPORT DATE I CASE'... ., J MI " MI' 01 f D· vi -, vl·r'i ::"',~ /' -- .:':'! NAME OF INDIVIDUAL FILING REPORT ~..... .. ¡.'~ ~. ~. ,'., ~~À ........,;. .'~- "~' > m o ~ <%: o CI. W <%: REPRESENTING DOWNER/OPERATOR [SJ LOCAL AGENCY D OTHER ADDRESS / ~l()U ~J ,- ~ r:'i..·"...,¿,,'¡, ':;:ï+- STREET ~ ~~ ~~ (/)CI. W <%: NAME . ( it); {.,-, h~.; ;L .~.. ''''''c. L<t.~.;¿~.... 'ADDRESS ' " ,e, " " '! 'í?;; CJ V . ;1.;.1 h...J ,1 < .. o UNKNOWN "1 ' 1"'."""'. STREET FACILl1Y NAME (IF APPLICABLE) , ,..,I, j... ¡" Ài=. .':'1.. ~1;,,).>t~;";~,c/ '..t,,,~ t I,.. I.'" "'" ~'>:: _ .. "^, : ,~:'" '"". ADDRESS " .. j J'ì/ ' ~i~, , '... Á.,... ...... ~ ~ ~ W too ¡¡¡ " Iq,·, I )., ,,;.:" STREET '....". ..' CROSS STREET 1-, -, - LOCAL AGENCY ~(/) ~~ Wz ~W ~~ ~ (/) (1) ~ ~ (; ~,( s ',;> ~,.iÇ g ~ (2) _ ~- (/) j ~< . .:-'-t ,.. REGIONAL BOARD too Z W ~ ~ i ): <%: W > § Õ DATE DISCOVERED I HOW DISCOVERED 'MI .. MI '-::, 01 \ 01 vi .-::f vi D TANK TEST DATE DISCHARGE BEGAN D [;2] MI MI 01 01 v vl HAS DISCHARGE BEEN STOPPED 1 DYES D NO IF YES, DATE D UNKNOWN UNKNOWN I ,," I" I ,- " '"'I¡ <¡...I '.. MI i 01 I 01 ". vi y TANKS ONLYJCAPACI1Y J D:) U W (/) g ~ ~ ~ SOURCE OF DISCHARGE ß TANK LEAK D D PIPING LEAK D OTHER CHECK ONE ONLY UNKNOWN AGE EJ ww ~CI. O~ EJ SOIL ONLY D GROUNDWATER too(/) ffi¡:1 ~~ a(/) ;¡¡!z õQ Wtoo ~~ I!! z W ~ ~ 8 ; k I,' ¿ ,Ld r:..~ ~í ; ,)P' 5- f'?,' ('l l' 'Ii CITY ' CONTACT PERSON .~-J'1. .' ~ STATE PHONE ~?~4» .~ " -..-;-","."..~ ZIP , (' ) , tt6 ~'? . t> > 1 ~. ~':.)I '-" ... ;~:i' ,_ _/~'~' ~~-: ~ /~. "'r'-~J J '" ~.:::7;'~'I, \ ~,/,? -h ,;'} t··.. i . CITY , . ,: .1' /1,' '.. '-, '....:1-. n -. - . 'STATE . .. ..' ,,, -- ZIP PHONE ... '(qþ() -£l~·t;' ;;:(/1 Û .. . " - ,¡.I':.., '..... . ., kp,:.;~'·:: COUNTY 71p 1YPEOFBUSINESS 0 RETAIL FUEL STATION D FARM D OTHER ,- ' ( PHONE - .........¡. ,. ), ( .,'), '~1 PHONE ~{ t.~ í- ~ ,'" 3.~; . l ( ) NAME , QUANTITY LOST (GALLONS) ŒJ UNKNOWN , . INVENTORY CONTROL TANK REMOVAL D D D D UNKNOWN NUISANCE OONDITIONS SUBSURFACE MONITORING OTHER ME'THOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) D REMOVE CONTENTS D REPLACETANK D o REPAIRTANK 0 REPAIR PIPING 0 D OTHER CLOSE TANK CHANGE PROCEDURE GAL. MATERIAL o FIBERGLASS o STEEL D OTHER CAUSE(S) D OVERFILL D CoRROSION D SPILL D D RUPTUREiFAILURE D UNKNOWN OTHER YRS D DRINKING WATER (CHECK ONLY IF WATER WELLS HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN AFFECTED) D D o REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) D PUMP & TREAT GROUNDWATER (GT) D OTHER (01) REPLACE SUPPLY (RS) ENHANCED BIO DEGRADATION (IT) HSC 05 (4187) e e UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) I CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT EMERGENCY . HAS STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES ...FORLOCALAGENCYUSEONLY.'.',·'.····...·.·.'....>.·..........,...,..............,»),...,............"...',..,...«...<.................>.,....,'..,... DYES ~ REPORT BEEN FILED 1 DYES ~ ".. IHEREBYCERTIFJ.THAT·I.'AM· A.. DESIGNATED GOVERNMENT'.EMPlOYEE NJDTHAT'!IíAVE,· NO NO m~.i~~I~~001~pun~t~~]C~~>~O.70p REPORT DATE J CASE# '8 v Î v Ii ~;J. ï - 8/ I "I 0 "I 0 01 , DI ·>SlGNED/?'···.,· ,'.'.....'."...'.".'.-:., ...,'..".. >:, ,/' DATE' " NAME OF INDIVIDUAL FILING REPORT I PHONE t/ .I SIGNtJE (~ >- Soâ. CCt-V'-c<-S (~,) f5~ r -3"-3,- '"7/ ~ CQ COMPANY OR AGENCY NAME ; e REPRESENTING D OWNERlOPERATOR D REGIONAL BOARD w .... 1<:' C ;-) D... a: [K] LOCAL AGENCY 0 OTHER 0 CI. 6ak~~~/c/ tYl w ADDRESS P!o~ fJiÎ a: s+- 9$D5 I 100 smEET STATE ZIP ~ NAME Á~~ CONTACT PERSON PHONE ~~ Lv ì 'c:.-kes o UNKNOWN - (&6) ß3¡ - 30j D za: f« ADDRESS W~' ..{..(.. æak~tdcY ~ /J STATE mCl. I~oo J...V'o.... w a: STREET CITY ZIP FACllIlY NAME (IF APPLICABLE) ~ OPERATOR k Á~~ PHONE z W ì c.k e.s 1. e..-V IJ ,'c./ e.~ (6'~) CJ3 I - 301 0 '0 ¡:: ADDRESS lUL.:-b. ~~>cþ'ê/vl < Á-V'- k~~· 8 1 goo ...J w smEET ZIP .... CROSS STREET [lYPE OF AREA 5{] COMMERCIAL D INDUSTRIAL D RURAL lYPE OF BUSINESS D RETAIL FUEL STATION êñ "H s +- D RESIDENTIAL D OTHER I D FARM n OTHER )-Ia-v&.ud"'J ~m LOCAL AGENCY AGENCY NAME CONTACT PERSON LPCt... ¥LÙ_ 50 PHONE ....w KtH b ~~ ( Bot;) q/L J -'3~þ z- w~ ;:!;w REGIONAL BOARD , PHONE ~~ ;;¡; ! ( ) (1) Gæ,SO~ NAME ; QUANTITY LOST (GAlLONS) m we ŒJ Ow UNKNOWN ::i::: ....0 (2) g ~ .- :)- 0 m UNKNOWN .... DATE DISCOVERED j HOW DISCOVERED 0 INVENTORY CONTROL 0 SUBSURFACE MONITORING 0 NUISANCE CONDITIONS z w OMIt> 3DI \ DI8 vi "( v 0 TANK TEST ~ D ;:!; MI TANK REMOVAL OTHER w .... < DATE DISCHARGE BEGAN METHOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) !ã! >: MI MI DI DI vi vi D UNKNOWN 0 REMOVE CONTENTS 0 REPLACE TANK 0 'CLOSE TANK a: w ì5 HAS DISCHARGE BEEN STOPPED 1 0 REPAIR TANK 0 REPAIR PIPING 0 CHANGE PROCEDURE 1A g] YES 0 ß .:s DI l DI8 vl7 0 ë5 NO IF YES, DATE 0,,1 ..I OTHER v w SOURCE OF DISCHARGE TANKS ONLYICAPACllY MATERIAL CAUSE(S) m :) 51 TANK LEAK 0 UNKNOWN }OOO 0 FIBERGLASS D 0 ~ GAL, OVERFILL RUPTUREifAILURE 0 0 PIPING LEAK AGE YRS 0 STEEL 0 CORROSION ~ UNKNOWN a: :) 0 ,~ 0 [j 0 ~ OTHER UNKNOWN OTHER SPILL OTHER wwl CHECK ONE ONLY ~CI. 0 ~ 0 D O~ UNDETERMINED SOIL ONLY GROUNDWATER DRINKING WATER, (CHECK ONLY IF WATER WELLS HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN AFFECTED) ....m CHECK ONE ONLY æ~ ~ SITE INVESTIGATION IN PROGRESS (DEFINING EXTENT OF PROBLEM) 0 CLEANUP IN PROGRESS D SIGNED OFF (a..EANUP COMPLETED OR UNNECESSARY) a:< a:.... 0 0 0 D Gm NO ACTION TAKEN POST a..EANUP MONITORING IN PROGRESS NO FUNDS AVAILABLE TO PROCEED EVALUATING CLEANUP ALTERNATIVES CHECK APPROPRIATE ACTION(S} (SEE BACK FOR DETAILS) ;;iz 0 CAP SITE (CD) 0 EXCAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) 0 REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) 0 ENHANCED B10 DEGRADATION (1'1) õo ~¡:: D CONTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) 0 EXCAVATE & TREAT (E'I) 0 PUMP & TREAT GROUNDWATER (G1) D REPLACE SUPPLY (RS) ~!;i 0 TREATMENT AT HOOKUP (HU) 0 NO ACTION REQUIRED (NA) 0 OTHER (01) ¡!! z w ;:!; ;:!; 8 ;' HSC 05 (4/87) 2700 M Street Bakersfield, California Mailing Address: 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-3636 e KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTrA!tr ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard November 7, 1988 I I Steve Torres Levine Fricke 4019 Westerly Place, Ste103 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear ~lr. Torres: This department has characterization results Bakersfield, California. completed the at the Wickes review Lumber of the site Facility in Based on the findings described in the report, this department grants approval for implementation of the mitigation action pröposed. Please provide this office with 24 hours advance notice of soil removal. Should you have any questions regarding this notice, please feel free to contact me at (805) 861-3636. Very 1 4"'/.'1.-0/ ,I .., - ./Joe Canas . Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program tru~y yours, /i /" r ( ¿¿._ [_.4,.... ~_-----.. JC:cd DISTRICT OFFICES Delano . Lamont , Lake Isabella . Moi;we ' Ridqecrest ., Shatter ., Taft ~ a .., SJ~ -rocr("e.s l.e:J~-.u.... F... i (.. ke.. ... '1.D 19 LJ e..s+ e..i I..u ?k I sle. 1(:) 3 :~ -r :N~rØ'l'+ ~c.l Ct1- 1;2k{¿O e " ~ Jv!v 1:, ~ýÚ . -¡L". 4fJ~¡ .1..", C-4W·-d- ,~".., </ !!-!l. s.=b. ciQAA..<-k..:~ ,."" .cis .,...--1- ~ W.,j;".<) ¡,!J-"-,,,-~ Fcu.:L:~ ;~ ß~"Q.M ~ (ðvl-L-.w.-. ',\1 . ß~ ~ lJL .Þ.~ ~. ~ 4L- ~ 4:J/n<L<v-l µ ~ ~ "" ~ø~~O-~~ ". ' ~ f!i~ M </L, 1r ,9.4 ho,,»s ..~ ,,)ru f sJ ).LyIt;J -~ò ~I ~t~ J~ ~~ ~ MðJ~ tL' FI r ~ bl ç Iv J~j /J'<-'- ~j (to zs) J~/- 3&'3 ¿, SÅ~~ rsL / . . COUNTY OF KERN Environmental Health Department 2700 II Mil STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 February 6, 1989 Steve Torres Levine Fricke 401~ Westerly Place Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Mr. Torres, This department has completed the review characterization and mitigation action proposed Lumber facility in Bakersfield, California. of the site for the Wickes .Based upon the findings described in the mitigation report and past discussions regarding the mitigation action taken, this department is satisfied that no significant threat to groundwater exists. This department must be provided with the proper disposal documentation of the removed soil prior to the, closure of the subsurface invest1gation. Should you have any questions regarding this notice please feel free to contact me at (805) 861-3636. lSi cer11'- . ()J¿ ( 1-, c- , Joe Canas Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program JC:dr 2-6-89 staff.haz\torres.ltr 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861·3636 . KERN COUNTY HEALTH. DEPARTAT HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard October 15. 1987 Dave Atkins Wicks Lumber 1800 White Lane Bakersfield, CA Dear 1'11', Atkins The laboratory results received from the preliminary site assessment indicate. high levels of soil contamination from beneath the underground tank at the Wicks Lumber Facility. In order to evaluate the extent of contamination present. a site characterization proposal must b prepared in accordance with this department's guidelines. Enclosed you will find this departments preparation of a site characterization proposal. your proposal within 60 days for review, outline for Please submit Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at ( 8 0 5) 8 6 1- 3 6 3 6 . -J Sincerely, (Î ,j ;1 ~...,' '~ :..i.· v\ '<.'-" -Joe Canas Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program JC/gb cc: Brian Mc~abb Enclosure DISTRICT OFFICES n("\I.....'""\ 1,,_....... , ...............1......'"'"11,, A~.....I..,,"n O;~,..n............. C'~........... T...H 1700 Flower Street Bake~'slield. Calilornia 93305-4198 Telephone (805) 861·3621 . . KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT LEON M HEBERTSON, M.D. Director 01 Public Health Air Pollution Control Officer April 5, 1988 Randy Miller Wickes Companies 3340 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite 2000 Santa Monica, California 90405 Dear Mr, Miller, This department has resul ts submi t ted from the tank location. completed the second boring review of performed the analysis at the former The sampling results' indicate high levels of volatile hydrocarbons beginning at nineteen feet, and are not detected in any ßf the samples. after twenty-four feet in depth. In order to fully delineate the extent of contamination, a site characterization addressing the possible lateral migration of the plume must be submitted to this office for approval. As requested, enclosed yqu will find this department's outline for preparation of a site characterization proposal. Please submit your proposal within 45 days for review. Should you have any questions, please feel free to cal me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, I:: c~~ Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program JC/gb Enclosure 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 ~RN COUNTY HEA~TH DEPAFITME' " HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebe'-on. M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION FacUity Name IUì lkf: s Lu ,~p ý , Address I p'íJ() [;)£. 1.7 ,Lvi. !Sð:!r(Jý-j f ~ tJ I (J 1/ I DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard Kern County Permit # * * UNDERGROUND TANK DISPOSITION TRACKING RECORD * * This form is to be returned to the Kern County Health Department within 14 days of acceptance of tank ( s) by disposal or recycling facility. The holder of the permit with number noted above is responsible for insuring that this form is completed and returned. .......... ...... II .......... . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 1 - To be filled out ~ tank removal contractor: 11 (! /11:.: h b f?yyJ~-I , ~ ~ I (ð ~-i-a (k 6·¡y~e...+ ~a k p ýsJ'¡ t? I cJ I (1 II Date Tanks Removed .8/ ,:xD / ~-;, Tank Removal Contractor: Pho ne ,rf¿,t:-$') c;{ 7~1 - .:./ I ì 7 . \" Zip 9~:?~ OS No. of Tanks I Address .' I ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section A - To be filled out ~ contractor "decontaminatin~ tank(s): , Ii ¡'., /J '/ ¿, /'" Tank "Decontaminati~n" Cont~~ctor /-f ¥ J... {,,'Z'C¿/UM ,~7!¡//C~- /., Q , I.'ì~"" ......ð ,/ Address /.'0 Y [G--,..¥/V/I~~'<' ~ ;- , Phone # 6ä ,S- - 3'73 -S'?'7 ù Ø¿d<;P~L:Ò ¡,,"hi Zip c.} :J?o X - /' Authorized representative of contractor certifies by signing below that tank(s) have been decontaminated in accordance with Kèrn County Health Department requirements. , ~' . ~..LL/ ~/,-,qj/?A (-'1 Signáture:1 C;~(I<' Title ~ . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section -ª. - To be filled out and si~ned ~ an authorized representative of the treatment, stora~e, or disposal facility accepting tank(s): Facility Name AMERICAN METAL RECYCLING, INC. Address 2202 S. MILLIKEN AVE. ONTARIO, CA Date Tanks Received AUG. 31, 1987 Signature ¿d;//7 d (¿:¡:;1~f/{/' / ./' . . . . .'. . ~A~i~e~ Representative) Phone #( 714) 947 -2888 9'17 6 1 Zip Ti tle No. of Tanks 1 OFFICE MANAGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * MAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Fold in half and staple. Postage and mailing label have already been affixed to outside for your convenience. (Form #HMMP-150) DISTRICT OFFICES , ~ ~ __ I.,,.!_..I!_ ~.._;.......... ,..,1, .........".......-; .....h..P....~ T_,II I ' - .;. , , F '::) \0 It) ... N It) <X) Ò o '!' ..I ..I « (J « Ž a: o u. ;:j « (J z :f ... ~ N o <X) <X) ~ N '<t Ò o '!' a: w ... Z w (J w If) Z o 0- m w a: ..I « Z o ¡;: « z w J: ... ...I ...I « (J ...I ...I ¡¡: If) a: o ~ (J Z w ~ a: w ~ w z « u. o w If) « (J ~ -~-- Department ot Health Serviceb Toxic Substances Control Division Sacramento. Califomi.. UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 3. Gener..tor's Name and Mailing Addres8 klJ~~It.-~, L.u~at~ -..0' , I'iCe t~jHtil"LJ.' ' .J' M<a...5r,JØ,.·Ôj Cll. "1 J5 ç r 4. Generator's Phone ~;¡-(.,S') ,.::.....:::-/- =01(..'" 5, Tr~n~porter ,1 fompany NamlY , . l.A1l1 //;}," '/(/I..! ·~Er!.'/r If" 7, Transporter 2 Company Name '/ 6. ... 9. ~eSignated Facility Name_a.Qd Site,Addr!,ss &1':;..5c.,;..1 [,-.., L.. ., /..:.:£ ~ I Al tAft.:.., 5'1;; I Sj7fNl)rìi..D,5r:::..t=I£·'- ðÎf"'''~¡::'7¡;'Gt /J. .';¿J 93fc8' 10. US EPA 10 Number F. Transporter's Phone- G. State Faç"ity's 10 C' ".... -'~, -, ;..- -'.,' 14.// 3~" .:::':.:.'~; ':' -...., ð~\}~ ~~: ~ 14. I. Unit Waste No:' NtlVo I State.;¿ ;:../: IL: EPA/Other.--::;.. ':', '{-~ 11. US DOT Description (Including Proper Shipping Name. Hazard Class. and 10 Number) , G E N E R, A T o R a;¡;42 r?/i ~{/'S {,,/ c'·.VII~ ,tf.j~ é. ~ . ,. 1 -, -~'''' h 1'7 7~~' / b. State EPA/ Other" State c. EPA/Other State d. . -._- .--....-.. EP A/ Other J. Additional Descriptions for MalBfials Listed Above 0-/(';0 &Is ~ ,"" 0- /C'C7c IVfiJ íè..~ K.. Handling Codes for Wastes Usted Atlove a. c.ìd' . b. , .., .-:-..~ . ," ." '...~ .. . - . .,-:... ~""~_.''''' , " -.-- ',"'" I, tjO~'''; , /--x.;., ~ -. ...... .::;;:':.'.... d. Co ~'':.. _;:;:, . ~.-- -,--~ .~. -- . :';=::~~',::~ .":"" . ~.:." ::- .::~¡ , ,~"'- . . .... .~... . ". .. -" ~-'~--. , .' 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Intormation -'1 .' --". - '~,.....c-:' /-;...,'....,,¿.,r:' '¡:f/~/-::"/j- ";,,,¡,..:":'j.;': __ ~ ~, ".. ~",-<, Co -/ ' '. "'~ .- ¡;..,. FS '"", , ';'; I. ,. ',;, -'L ,~, /,,' ...1;.. ',l:. '~I'-' . . ' 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and are classified. packed, marked, and labeled, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport by highway according to applicable international and national government regulations. If I am a large quantity generator, certify that I have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree J have determined to be economically practicable and that I have selected the practicable method of treatment, storage, or disposal currently available to me which minimi~es the pre!'ent and future threat to human health and the environm..nt; (I~. öf I ~m a gmall qUl!n.;ty Cer...'~tl'1r. I "~Ve "'ad~ " 'J1'11'1<i faith effort to minimize my waste generation and select the best waste management method that is available to me and that I can afford. T R A N S P o R T E Prinl8d/Typed Name ,I j ) Á :1./'1(/ / é' /-¡, 17. Transporter 1 Acknowledgement ot Receipt ot Materials Printe~lTyped Name Signaturlt, ,:./" .',' ,~<c',_, .",,!,,'::.:../'¿.f'i:~¿,./i / /' ,/~ Year 1 /' /, /..-1' / I (' / ~,.,,-..' ,/'" ,:~ ,/ ~ -¡-:::. Signature 18. Transporter 2 ACknowledgement ot Receipt cf Materials Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 19. Discrepancy Indication Space F A C I L I T y 20. Facility Owner or Operator Certification ot receipt of hazardous materials covered by this manilest except as noted in Item 19. -. ------ Monltt, Day Yesl ¡;:-r< Ij' 1/ I~r INSTRUCTI('INS ON THE BACK . J /./ . /.- r , / _". ... ~.,.., ,.,. ,:.' é ~., /' Printed/Typed N~~e,.- .' i ./ ,_ /,_ / r- ;'" _ '\ ",-:.~';.r,~_' "~",,,,,£ . (._ r- // ..'./" ,IV" ,/ /--- ..../.' ./ I~ .~-f.- _ _ _ . ~..."" ," '.___ I . _ ___,;;.-0:, __- Signature" , ;/ :---' :::;"C::;'¡;~¿lc~'1 V' OHS 8022 A (1187) EPA. 87~22 (Rev. 9·66) Previous editions are obsolete, ~ëT;·, ;,~ e, .' AGRlCUL TURE LABORATORIES. Inc. ,?t ANALYSIS 'ETROLEUM J, J. EGliN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RO., BAKERSFIELO, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aroma:tics (SOIL) McNABB CONSTRUCTION 2616 STARK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93305 Attention: BRYAN McNABB Date of Report: 10-Feb-88 Lab No.: Sample Desc: 901-1 JO&$ 5460 lÔlQ.~ N..{~ B-1- @19' DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED : RECEIVED @ LAB: cct1PLETED : 03-Feb-88 03-Feb-88 09-Feb-88 Minin:um Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level ~ Benzene ugjg 141. 29 0.10 Toluene ugjg 245.40 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 14.92 0.10 P:" Xylene ugJg 16.95 0.10 m-Xy lene ug/g 47.42 0.10 o-Xylene ugJg 30.13 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ugJg 0.67 0.10 Pet. Hydrocarbons ugjg 229.75 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 726.54 0.10 TEST METHOD: .California D.O. H. S. T. P. H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Conments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by Califorru.a D.O.H.S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TarAL PETROLEUM HYDROCAROONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. By i¿·fLk~ . J. J.Il /----/~ /"~". / " '/' <...._ ~ vTC). ?~~ Robert Plaisance Chemist e ie ' =' AsyCUl TURl CN. ANALYSIS I'ETROLEUM LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RO., BAKERSFIELO, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) McNABB CONSTRUCfION 2616 STARK STREEI' BAKERSFIELD I CA. 93305 , Attention: BRYAN McNABB Date of Report: 10-Feb-88 Lab No. : Sample Desc: 901-2 JOB# 5460 W\~ l~ B-l- @24' DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED : RECEIVED @ LAB: ca1PLETED : 03-Feb-88 03-Feb-88 09-Feb-88 Minim.Jro Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 0.75 0.10 Toluene ug/g 8.32 0.10 Et-by 1 Benzene ugjg 2:36 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g 2.91 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g 8.09 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g 6.06 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g ,72.61 5.00 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug¡'g 101.09 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O. H. S. T . P. H. for GaSoline Dry Matter BaSis Conments : PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Qlantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by Califorrtia ,D.O. H. S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TarAL PEI'ROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. By ~~ 4'(/ f'iA. in /~ ~ /J:;j,' / J/£. !,.l.[)~(...7. / . V1.....~ Robert Plaisance Chemist . I'ETRDlEUM e '. LABORATORIES. Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RO., BAKERSFIELO, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 " ~RICUlTURE CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) McNABB CONSTRUCTION 2616 STARK STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA. 93305 Attention:BRYAN McNABB Date of Report: 10-Feb-88 Lab No. : 901-3 Sample Desc.: JOB# 5460 I. \ }~ /.. ~-:-_~ B-1 @29' VU ~~ DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED : RECEIVED @ LAB; CCt1PLETED : 03-Feb-88 03-Feb-88 09-Feb-88 Minim.un Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent om ts Results Level Benzene ugJg None Detected 0.10 Toluene ugJg None Detected 0.10. Ethyl Benzene ugjg None Detected 0.10 p- Xylene ugJg None Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ugjg None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ugJg None Detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ugJg None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: Çalifornia State D.O. H. S. T. P. H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Couments: . PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Qlantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gaSoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O. H. S . These petroleum hydrocar1::xms are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TarAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. By . ii~ /----. æ-- / 1/. //" (,)::'e-r'þt..! ,/- _,ð"'od.-~ Robert Plaisance Chemist ~RICUlTURE e . 'ETRDlEUM LABORATORIES. Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGI. 4100 PIERCE RO., BAKERSFIELO, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) - McNABB CONSTRUGrION 2616 STARK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93305 Attention:BRYAN McNABB Date of Report: 10-Feb-88 Lab No.: 901-4 Sample ·Desc.: JOB# 5460 Lûl~ /.. f~;,n B-1 @34' A.l..W.LV~ DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 03-Feb-88 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 03-Feb-88 DATE ANALYSIS CCt1PLETED : 09-Feb-88 Reporting Constituent Units Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ugJg p-Xyiene ug/g m-Xylene. ugJg o-Xylene ug/g Isopropyl Benzene ug/g Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g Analysis Results MinirrLun Reporting Level None Detected 0:10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 5.00 None Detected 0.10 TEST METIIOD: California State D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline . Dry Matter Basis Cooments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Q..1antification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the Cali1:ornia D.O. H. S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addi tion to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. By -iff.~~ ~ J. 11.n a. //_/:)./J. ~ /LC.,·~.t,/¿~"",.....~~ Robert Plaìsance Chemist ' I I /",.,. . r'~' o AGRICUL TURE e . LABORATORIES, Inc. CHEMICAl. ANAl. YSIS 'ETROLEUM J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELO, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) McNABB CONSTRUGI'ION 2616 STARK STREET BAKERSFIELD CA. 93305 Attention: BRYAN McNABB Date of Report: 10-Feb-88 Lab No. : 901-5 Sample· Desc.: JOB# 5460 ~. 'l (. r,'.q.<:.. /. '. ... L ~ " B-1 @39' l:A) ~^-~ DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLI.ÆcrED : RECEIVED @ LAB: c.:a1PLETED : 03-Feb-88 03-Feb-88 09-Feb-88 Mi.niIIJ.lm Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Uni ts Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0,.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug,Ig None Detected 0.10 p- Xylene ug,Ig None Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ug,Ig None Detected 0.10 o-Xy lene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ugjg None Detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ugjg None Detected 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O. H. S. T. P . H. for Gasoline . Dry Matter Basis CoIllDents : PETROLEUM HYDRCCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O. H. S. These petrolewn hydrocarbons are in addi tion to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOrAL PE'I'ROLEUM HYDRCCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. By ii áf:h:- cu ,¡ /0) k¡)'(<-C--1r7/iu~Jµ'~ Robert Plaisance Chemist e AGRICUl TURf CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS PETROlWM ,C..., I ) C/ .1--' , 0>' McNABB CONSTRUCTION 2616 STARK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93305 Attention:BRIAN McNABB Lab No.:. 1777 Sample Desc . /17rJJ ~ ¿}of- ~~ I Inc. IR. )RNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 09-Sep-87 ~ #:A6~9-~\ LUMBER 8~(-~o\O GALLON GASOLINE TANK @2' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 31-Aug-87 Constituent Reporting Units Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropyl Benzene Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g ug/g ùg/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 31-Aug-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 09-Sep-78 Analysis Results Minimum Reporting, Level 38.17 0.10 219.02 0.10 256.57 0.10 368.47 0.10 839.27 0.10 1122.63 0.10 None Detected 0.10 5012.78 5.00 7856.91 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. By ~. a ~/ ~ J. glin , /--;) ¿ Ill/ (JtJ .L("' ' 7Zd-v.~ ,,~- Robert Plaisance Chemist ... e . ;i AGRICUL TURE LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS PETROLEUM Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) McNABB CONSTRUCTION 2616 STARK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93305 Attention:BRIAN McNABB Date of Report: 09-Sep-87 Lab No.: 17773 Sample Desc.: 'WICKS LUMBER 1,000 GALLON GASOLINE TANK @6' DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: COMPLETED: '31-Aug-87 31-Aug-87 09-Sep-78 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 559.42 0.10 Toluene ug/g 3429.41 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 1172.99 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g 1451.02 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g 3485.72 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g 2562.14 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g 502.19 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 10053.50 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 23216.39 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Gasoiine Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. By ~. f2. 4A./ f.ðJ. glin , O~~~d~Z- Robert Plaisance Chemist e . .. ,¡~ Office Memoranaum · KERN COUNTY TO DATE: FROM Telephone No. SUBJECl': J .--r- ,1 ! II' " . '\ i,l_' U I..' ¡ '-I ,l(' ;:.\, , ¡d',V\.,l,\) c ..- . _......... J, ------ '\l"~I~U~t #- A S ¡t/- 31 !..., I ' , KC 96,5004 {¡ " {[ ~, ŒRL'l~wt 10nví tl CI\'"\i\ I' ['1; l? (j I h.,/) , \, \.... ¡ r¡ 11... ( '1 L(:[J I' Y u ...,. VI ',,-,,''''/ ,¡' r·' . ¡,~-") .- ... ~ AJJìf Yf'- ;, /J ../ '........ tt' . F [U': I..:ONTENTS IN'JENT')KY Fac~ 1 i ty (,A) I e"f{c:~ . ,Lu m her- ~Pernl~ to Operate ~ ,~/OO/q DCon,~tru:;tion Permit It OPermit to abandon~ OAmended Permit Conditions ~permit Application Form, DApplication to Abandon OAnnual Report Forms , No. of Tanks Date Date Date I Tank Sheets tanks(s) "710+ --PJo.'t\s·. r-¡'\-e-s, Date DCopy of· Written -Contract Between Owner & Operator o Inspection Repor'ts .. o Co r respondence - Rece ived Dat::e Date Date DCorrespondence - Mailed Date Date Date o Unauthori zed Release Reports DAbandonment/Closure Reports o Samp ~ i ng/Lab Reports DMVFÇompliance Check (New Construction DSTD Compliance Check (New Construction DMVF ~lan. Check (New,Construction) DSTD 0lan Check (New Construction) OMVF !?lan Check (Existing Facility) o STD pI an Check (Ex ist ing Fac il i ty) O-Incomplete Application- Form OPermit Application Checklist o P¡:'rrnit Instructions ODiscarded Orlghtness Test Results Checklist) Checklist) Date Date Date DMon'lc.oring Well Construction Data/Permlts , . --.-----------------~------------------~-----------------------. DEnvi.ronmental Sensitivity Data: DGroundwater Drilling, Boring Logs CLocation of WaterWelJs DStatement of Undergro>.Jnd Conduits DPlot: plan Featuring All -:::nvironmentall, Sensitive Data OPhotos Construction ra~ings Location 'C]~òlf ,;¡heet showing date rece:.',,~d and tally~~f inspect~''1 flíii:;,,··ti' OM is,:, e ll'aneo us _....__r_ ._.".,,,._ , /' \ ~..¿} ..,;....., ~¡~\~ \ :<.. ." \' "\- íc-. ;'V'<, -.--..-.....-.. --- -.--... ,....;...,' ~ I -;() ~ .~. þ' " ,.) ( \~. (._ ç,l . er::(~ :(-, '.' -'., " / <:;~/,I; -,' ..~:,~ -," "~ :.';..... " _I ·e{·, KEI1N COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTIJlENT· HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. 1700 Flower Street .. Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION INTERIM PERMIT TO OPERATE: DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PERMIT#3:LOO:L9C IS SUED: JULY 1, 1986 EX PI RES: JULY 1, 1989 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY NUMBER OF TANKS= 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FACILITY: WICKES LUMBER 1800 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA I OWNER: I WICKES LUMBER I 1800 WHITE LANE I BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ~. TANK # 1 AGE(IN YRS) 16 SUBSTANCE CODE MVF 3 PRESSURIZED PIPING? UNK NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT , NON-TRANSFERABLE *** POST ON' PREMISES DATE PERMIT MAILED: JUL 1 6 1986 DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: ! ,. . pe nn i t No. 3 J 0 0 ¡ C¡ C TANK ~ -- " ," ~ (~ILL OUT SEPARATE FORM" .:ACH TANK) --'FOR EACHSEcTIõN', CHECK ALL APPRõPRIATE'BõXEŠ-- -- Facil i ty Name H. 1. Tank is: 0 Vaul tedElNan-Vaul ted OJ:buble-Wall lliinqle-Wall 2. Tank Material DCarbon Steel 0 Stainless Steel 0 Polyvinyl ChloridH [1 Fiberglass-Re in forced Plastic, 0 Concrete 0 AlLmim.a1 o Other (describe) Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) /P'(i7 Tank Secondary Containment o Double-Wall t:J Synthetic Liner DOther (descriœ): DMaterial Tank Interior Lining DRubber DAlkyd OEp:>xy DPhenolic DGlass DClay Dlkllined ßlklknown DOther' (describe): Tank Corrosion protection -UGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad DPolyethylene wrap DVinyl Wrappirr:¡ DTar or Asphalt )SJUnknown DNone DOther (describe): ' Cathodic Protection: DNone DImpressed CUrrent System DSacrificial Anode SystEm Describe System & Equipment: 7. Leak Detection, Mani toring" and Interception , . a. Tank: DVisual (vaulted tanks only) L)GrouoowaterMonitorin:.; Well (s) D Vadose Zone Moni toriß3 Well (s) D U-Tube Wi thout Liner DU-Tube with Compatible Liner Directi~ Flow to M~nitorin:.; well(s)· o Vapor Detector· D Liquid Level Sensor 0 Condocti vi t¥ Sensor* D Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall 'lank ' o Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Moni tc rin:.; well or Annular Space o DailY, ~ugiß3 & Inventory Reconciliation 0 PericdicTightness Testirr:J o None p Unknown 0 Other . b. Pipiß3: Flow-Restrictirg Leak Detector (s) for Pre~,suri zed Pipin:.;'II' - D Mani torirr:¡ SlII\p wi th Raceway D Sealed Concrete Raceway o Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway D Synthetic Liner Raceway D None J'SUnknown o Other *Describe Make & Model: Tank Tightness Has ThlS Tank Been Tightness Tested? DYes Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name Tank Repair Tank Repaired? DYes DNa ,ljUnknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs OVerfill Protection v~Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level EPrape Float Gauge DFloat Vent Valves 0 Auto Shut- off Controls DCapacitance Sensor DSealed Fill Box DNone DUnknown DOther: List Make & Model For Above Devices D Fiberglass-<:lad Steel o Bronze ØUnknown / 3. 4. Capaci ty (Gallons: /Ø'ØQ (~/ Manufacturer D Lined Vaul t D Nant~ øUnknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) Thickness (Inches) -- 5. 6. 8. DNa ~Unknown Resul ts of Te·st ~stiß3 Company 9. 10. 11. Piping a. Underground Pipiß3: DYes DNa ßUnknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer DPressure DSuction DGravi ty . Approximate LeN3th of pipe Run b. Underground PipiN3 Corrosion Protection : OGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad Ormpressed CUrrent DSacrificial Anode Dpolyethylene Wrap DElectrical Isolation DVinyl Wrap DTar or Asphalt /Japnknown DNone DOther (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: DDouble-Wall D Synthetic Liner System DNone ÒUhknown [JOthe! (describe): _.__._._~---- e e PERMIT CHECKLIST Facility \/'J\C'~ lumD(':C--- ,? ,(\'-" lyr' Perml t # ,'; \ J\.-', '- This checklist is provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were received and that the Permi ttee has obtained all necessary equipment to implement the first phase of monitoring requirements. Please complete this form and return to .KCHD in the self-addressed envelope provided within 30 days of receipt. Check: Yes No A. The packet I received contained: . ~ 1) Cover Letter, Permit Checklist, Interim Permit. Phase I Interim Permit Monitoring Requirements, Information Sheet (Agreement Between Owner and Operator) . Chapter 15 (KCOC. #G-3941), Explanation of Substance Codes, Equipment Lists and Return Envelope. ~ 2) Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook #UT-10. '~ 3) The Following Forms: ~) Inventory Recording Sheet b' Inventory Recording Sheet with summary on reverse c) Trend Analysis Worksheet ~ 4) An Action Chart (to post at facility) ~ B. I have examined the information on my Interim Permit. Phase I Monitoring Requirements, and Information Sheet (Agreement between'Owner and Operator), and find owner's name and address, facility name and address, operator's name and address, substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no" is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have the following r~~ired equipment (as described on page 6 of Handbook): ~ 1) Acceptable gauging instrument -,( 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) ~ 3) Water-finding paste ,/ D. I have read the information 011 the enclosed "Information Sheet" pertaining to Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that the owner of this facility is the operatol' (if "no" is checked. attach a copy of agreement between owner and opera~or). ~ -.2.. E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks are identical, one chart will suffice; label chart(s) with corresponding tank numbers listed on permit). ì F, As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-10, all meters at this facility have had calibration checks within the last 30 days and were calibrated by a registered device repairman .if out of tolerance (all metér calibrations must be recorded on "Meter Calibration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). \1 -L G. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring was started at this facility in accordance with procedures descr~h-~ in.H~nrlhnok #UT-10. 'Date Started _JO / q /e Co Signature of Person Completing Checkli,t, .~~ M Title: /llÆf.fAJ1rr7~ _ _ -IJ.Q-rj/J- Date: /o/9/~ e e ,> 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENl HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, MoD, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon So Reichard Date: 1/,3 )gí Re: Pel~mi t 'Checkl ist Facility Permit ;; 31CD <i~ Dear Tank Owner or Operator: This department has received the information you were requested to return from your Standard Inventory Control Permit Packet. The following required items were not included: o Lacking notation of having required equipment (see below) o Gauging Instrument o Striker Plate o ~vater-f inding Paste If 0 any of the above are checked an equipment supplier list will be enclosed with this letter Comments: o Agreement between owner and operator (see attached if checked) Comments: !SZI Lacking Tank Calibration Chart (s) Comments: ~'.~JI.e> -h1Ak.. ~"/;brnl't,.)." ro þ,eurt +0 rD....~(v\o'\.. ~..,.,...'ð- OI..'-:-(..","^"-~ o Lacking Meter Calibration Check('s) Comments: Please submit the necessary information checked above within 14 gays. Another permi t checklis t has been included for your convenience. If you have any questions or are having a problem acquiring necessary equipment or services please call me at (805) 861- 3636. Sincerely, t~ ca~ Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program HM~IP - 500 DISTRICT OFFICES '''':_¡",_~~_.., r~,,,, t,,,.. ~ e e . " PERMIT CHECKLIST Facility \f'.l\c ~ lumb(:;r Permit . 3\00 ¡qc. , This checklist is provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were receivec and that the Permittee has obtained all necessary equipment to implemerit, the' first phase of monitoring requirements. ¡ ¡' Please complete this form and return to J{CHD in the self-addressed envelope providec within 30 day~ of receipt. Check: ,~,,,...-' Yes No A. ~he packet I received contained: ~ 1) Cover Letter, .Permit Checklist, Interim Permit, Phase I Interim Permit ~onitnring, RADuirements, Inform~tion SÞ~et (Agreement Between Owner ana Operator), Chapter 15 (KCOC #G-3941), Explanation of Substance Codes. Equipment Lists and Return Envelope. ~ 2) Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook #UT-10. '~ 3) The Following Forms: ~) Inventory Recordinr. Sheet bj Inventory Recording Sheet with summary on reverse c) Trend Analysis Worksheet ~ 4) An Action Chart (to post at facility) ~ B. I have examined the information on my Interim Permit, Phase I Monitorin~ Requirements. and Information Sheet (Agreement between Owner and Operator), am. find owner I s name and address; fac 11 1. ty name and address, operator I s name anc address, substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "lio" is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). ~ --L '\. C. I have the following r~q~~~~d equipment (as 1) Acceptable gauging instrument o\'d.~(" ~(~ 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) ì 3) Water-finding paste described on page C> f", ì I 2"2.18lc - ( ( 6 of Handbook): ..i::... D. I have read the inform"'tion on the enclosed "Information Sheet" pertaining to Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that the owner of this faeU i ty is the opera'col' i II "no" is chec1<ea, attach a CClpy ot agreement between. owner and operator). ~ E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks are identical, one chart will suffice; label chart(s) with corresponding tank numbers listed on permit). .-L F. As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-10, all meters at this facility have hac calibration checks within the last 30 days and were calibrated by a registereè device repairman .if out of tolerance (all meter calibr~tions must be recorded or. "Meter CaU bration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). ~ G. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring was started at this facility in accordancE with procedures described in Handbook #UT-IO. Date Started WI" 'STi'\M- P,''-\-P,t ,~\:.c~c"'.~ Nì~<2.-b(Yj- ;: /i" /' Signature at· Person Completing Checklist: ~2> (,v ;,( } ( '/'¡,-f'~ .-f ,.i~,:/',':,-{II:,,' /'/1 Title: /)('()(/)~ ,),: "", ,c', /) .('.~,~i'~' J," (/(i/-:/' I Date: r;'/ ,.....:ì ...... / e e .. " Permit Questionna.ire Normally, permits are sent to facility Owners but since many Owners live outside Kern County, they may choose to have the permit.s sent to the Operat~rs of th~ facility where they. are to be posted, Please fill in Permit # and check one of the following before returning this form, with payment: For PERMIT # :3 \ ()() \C\ c.. 1. Send all information to Owner at the address listed on invoice (if Owner is different than 'Operator, it will be Owner I s responsibility to provide Operator with pertinent information). 2. Send all information to Owner at the following corrected address: .L 3. Send all informati~n to Operator: Name: \,,}\C.MS 1 i \m \:xL\' Address: \ e-ÜD \1'\.1 h, -t<L l.r1. Dð¥--O \'S.Ç\á-\c\) C~. C\ ~~C0, (operator can make copy of permIt for Owner) . v '\~ ,; 17 e . t./,<-..-<'." ~1, 01 L(/ìYUl"t\.;. /8{)C6.-)¡'~ 4r; ;¡ 4 . ,ß~ /-~() ¡ 0 Mc Ca rthy Tank and Steel Co. 3030 "M" Street Bakersfie!d, Ca 1 i fo rn i a . UNDERGROUND U. l. TANK CAPACITY CHART Tank Size - 45tll Dia. x 144" She1! \ 1013 Gal. Depth of Capac i ty Depth of capacity Li qu j d in· in Liqu i d in in Inches Gallons Inches Gallons 1" 6 24" 548 2" 16 25" 576 311 29 2611 605 411 44 27" 633 511 61 2811 661 6" 80 29" 689 71/ 100 30" 716 81/ 121 31" 743 911 144 3211 770 10" 167 33" 796 1111- 191 34/1 821 121/ 216 35" 847 '13" 241 36" 870 14" 267 37" 892 15" 294 38" 914 16" 321 39" 934 17" 349 40" 954 18" 377 41" 972 191/ 405 42" 988 20" 433 431/ 1002 211/ 462 44" 1014 22" 491 45" 1022 231/ 519 45.511 1024 Note ~ l 1 All meters .cst have cal j brat ion include check9 done by the Department Before starting calibration runs. wet returrt product to storage. Run 5 gallons with ,nozzle wide open into inches drawn. and return product to storage, Run 5 gallons with the nozzle bne-half open into cubic inches drawn. and return product to storage. After all product for one calibration check is returned to record t~e volume returned to storage in column Recording Sheet. If the volu.(: measured in a 5-gallon calibration inches above or below the 5-gallon mark the lIIeter registered device repairman FORM. L:HEl.;K C~.LJ...H.HATJ...UN l~lETE.H Facility: ~: L which may year checks a minhlU. of twice -ª of Weights and Measures the calibration (:an Permit! and remember Inventory than 6 cubic calibration by a a.J1d cubic gallons to storage 9 of the s more res product and gallons Note with No'"e can can j requj can the the 2 3 5 6 4 - ;; J Date/Time Hose or Tank 1/ Fast Flow Slow Flow Volume Returned Calibration Device Repairman Date of I :.:J fJ b", Pump # Product 5-Gallor. Draft 5..,.Gallon Draft toStoraS!e Reaulred? Used for Calibration Gals Cu. Inches Gals Cu. Inches Gallons Yes No Calibration ¡( ¿c:, 5""" 0 ,.~/) " - - I .!) ,-5" N ,}-O(5Di/ . I , 7 G-. e I~ - ~ -0.5'0 R~!gistration I /.: Owner or Operator Signature ' / ," / / ,,", ~i../' ':. ¡ y Calibrator's Signeture ~~ " - <\ 0 SUBMIT A COPY OF 1HIS FORM WITH ANNUAL REPORT. ....~4i...,...... h~,.._' .' ~ ,.\'.,"" '