HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.10.21 WB Minutes Regular MtgBAKERSFIELD THE SOUND OF 5Mi4jWf Veot MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Wednesday, November 10, 2021 - 12:00 p.m. Water Resources Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Rd., Bakersfield, CA 93311 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Smith called the meeting to order at 12:02 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Smith, Member Freeman, Member Parlier Absent: None 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS - None 4. MINUTES A. Approval of the Minutes of the Special Meeting of June 21, 2021. Motion by Member Freeman to approve the Minutes of June 21, 2021. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT - None 6. REPORTS A. City's response to Governor's Drought Proclamation and Executive Order Daniel Maldonado, Water Resources Planner, presented an overview of the Governor's Proclamation and the City of Bakersfield's Domestic Water Conservation plan. The Governor's Proclamation on October 19, 2021, states: "To preserve the State's surface and groundwater supplies and better prepare for the potential for continued dry conditions next year, local water suppliers are directed to execute their urban Water Shortage Contingency Plans at a level appropriate to local conditions that takes into Bakersfield, California, November 10, 2021 — Page 2 account the possibility of a third consecutive dry year". Current shortage level for City of Bakersfield is Level 2 — multi year drought. The Governor's Executive Order on July 8, 2021, asks all Californians to reduce water usage by 15% from 2020 water usage. Mr. Maldonado provided current water usage and conservation data. The City of Bakersfield (COB) Domestic Water System observed an 8% reduction per capita in July 2021 and a 3% reduction per capita in August 2021. September and October 2021 observed an increase per capita water usage. Mandatory requirements for COB Domestic Water System Service Area include prohibit the use of potable water for washing down hard - surfaced areas such as sidewalks, driveways, buildings, patios, parking lots, etc. Require shut-off nozzles on hoses for vehicle washing with potable water. Limit outdoor landscape and turf water usage to three days per week, during the watering times reflected in the Municipal Code. Odd number addresses water on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, even number addresses water on Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday with no watering on Monday. Prohibit outdoor water usage during and 48 hours after a rain event resulting in measurable precipitation. The COB provided a public information campaign and newsletter/bill insert to notify customers of water shortage level, encourage water conservation and information regarding implementation of water use restrictions. In addition, Mr. Maldonado reminded all that Water Conservation Rebates and Kits are available to the public via Cal Water's Website as well as City of Bakersfield's Website and the City of Bakersfield's Mobile App. Bakersfield Mobile is available to report a Service Request allowing residents to submit Service Request regarding Water Waste. Motion by Member Freeman to Receive and File Report UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED 7. HEARINGS A. Public Hearing to consider adoption of City's 2020 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) Samuel Blue, Engineer 111, presented an overview of the City's 2020 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP). The UWMP was prepared in accordance with the California Urban Water Management Planning Act and the 2020 UWMP Guidebook provided by Department of Water Resources. Each urban water supplier providing over 3,000 acre-feet of water or serving 3,000 customers or more is required to prepare an UWMP. The City's 2020 UWMP combines both retail, which is the City's domestic water system, and wholesale, which is the City's Kern River supplies designated for urban use. A new requirement for the 2020 UWMP is that a Water Shortage Contingency Plan (WSCP) must be prepared as a separate document that can be modified and adopted more frequently than the UWMP. This hearing addresses both the UWMP and the WSCP. Mr. Blue explained the UWMP consists of 10 chapters with Chapter 8 providing a summary of the Water Shortage Contingency Plan, which is included as an appendix to the UWMP which can be updated and adopted more frequently than the UWMP. The City has coordinated with other local water purveyors in preparing this Plan and has also made the final draft Bakersfield, California, November 10, 2021 — Page 3 publicly available for review and comment. Staff recommends the Water Board approve and recommend both the UWMP and the WSCP for formal adoption at the December 15, 2021 City Council meeting via resolution. Upon conclusion of Mr. Blue's report, Kimberly Aleman, Water Board Secretary opened the public hearing. After receiving no person requesting to speak in favor or in opposition of the item. Ms. Aleman closed the public hearing and returned the item to the Water Board for comment and action. Motion by Member Freeman to recommend adoption of the City's 2020 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) to City Council via resolution. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Proposed 2022 Water Board Meeting Calendar Motion by Member Freeman to approve 2022 Water Board Meeting Calendar UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED 9. WATER BOARD STATEMENTS - None 10. CLOSED SESSION - None 11. CLOSED SESSION ACTION - None 12. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Smith adjourned the m eting at 12:27 p.m. �f Bob Smith, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Kimberly Aleman, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board