HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/18/22 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AGENDAPOSTED ON �l f ! �7r CITY OF BAKERSFIELC by city c erkoffioe 22 JAN 1 gak stoield HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSIOI�AKEFiSF'/SLID PM 3•- 56 I l y CLERK MEETING OF JANUARY 18, 2022 AGENCA MEETING 4c00 P.M City Hall North 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield California First Floor Conference Room B A_ ROLL CALL B. PUBLIC STATEMENTS C_ APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1 _ Minutes of the November 16, 2021 meeting for approval- U. CLOSED SESSION None E. CORRESPONDENCE None F_ PUBLIC HEARINGS None G. REPORTS None H. OLD BUSINESS 1 _ Historic Preservation Commission Goals for the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year Recommendation: Staff recommends discussion and approval I. NEW BUSINESS None J. COMMISSIONER STATEMENTS K. ADJOURNMENT Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Saldana, Economic and Community Development Director If anyone wants more information on any of these agenda items, call Cecelia Griego, Economic Development Principal Planner; Economic & Community Development Department at (661) 326-3788. SAMCD Shared\ED Projects\ED HPC\HPC Meetings\2022\HPC 1.19.2022\1.19.22 HPC Agenda.docx CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 16, 2021 MINUTES Chair Stussy called the regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to order on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, at 4:00 p.m. at the First Floor Conference Room, 1715 Chester Avenue, Development Services Building. Roll call was as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: Cathy Butler Stephen Montgomery Susan Stussy Stephen Humphreys MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike McCoy STAFF PRESENT: Cecelia Griego Paige McCallister Joshua Rudnik PUBLIC STATEMENTS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 1. Motion to approve minutes from the April 20, 2021 meeting. Minutes approved: Motion made by Commissioner Montgomery; Second by Commissioner Butler. APPROVED: All Ayes Absent: Commissioner McCoy CLOSED SESSION: None CORRESPONDENCE: None PUBLIC HEARINGS: None REPORTS: None OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS 1. Historic Preservation Commission Bylaws Update and Review Motion to Approve made by Commissioner Butler and was seconded by Commissioner Humphrey. APPROVED: All Ayes Absent: Commissioner McCoy 2. Historic Preservation Commission Draft Goals for the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year Goal 1: Commissioner Butler mentioned that more should be done to move forward with a potential Mills Act ordinance in honor of Former Commissioner Fever who has recently passed. The final version of the Mills Act letter is ready to be sent out by commissioners to interested homeowners. A public meeting at the Guild House is being tentatively planned for early 2022. Commissioner Butler announced that the Women's Club applied for the National Register of Historic Places and could be a potential location for the Mills Act mixer, but will know more regarding their application status at the January meeting. Goal 2: Commissioner Montgomery requested a phrasing change for the second goal which now reads "Preserve historic neon signs" for clarity. The commissioners agreed to look into preservation incentives for businesses who have historic neon signs that need significant investment to restore. Deputy Attorney Josh Rednik mentioned that the Economic Opportunity Area funding could be a good option. Goal 3: Cecelia Griego announced that the RFP for the Cultural Resource Survey has been drafted and the goal is to release it at the beginning of 2022. Commissioner Montgomery is planning on submitting the last of the updated surveys that were done in 2016. Goal 4: Commissioner Montgomery requests a way to identify himself and other commissioners in public in order to give legitimacy to themselves in public when asked. Cecelia Griego mentioned that there are existing business cards and brochures and there is funding to update brochures and cards with the new City Hall North address. Goal 5: The Commissioners agreed to speak to Commissioner McCoy about available grants and possible grant writing advice. Goal 6: The Commissioners discussed the difficulty of getting a neighborhood a historical designation under the current municipal code and wanted to look into how to make things easier. Commissioner Stussy mentioned that the Cultural Survey Update could include identifying possible historic neighborhoods. 2020-2021 Accomplishments: Cecelia Griego will have new brochure proofs by the January Meeting and Commissioner Humphrey will follow up with the Jastro Park preservation project. COMMISSION STATEMENTS: Commissioner Montgomery reminded all present to write letters in the active tense rather than passive to create a sense of urgency and personalization. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. by Commissioner Stussy. (M/S/C Montgomery/Butler) ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Meeting Date: January 18, 2022 Agenda Section: New Business Agenda Item: H - 1 11 TO: Historic Preservation Commission FROM: Economic and Community Development Department DATE: January 10, 2022 SUBJECT: Discussing Goals for the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation: Discussion and approval of 2021-2022 Fiscal Year Goals. BACKGROUND: Staff recommends that the Historic Preservation Commission discuss the Goals for the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year and approve them. Included in these goals are accomplishments made in the 2020- 2021 Fiscal Year. S:\EDCD_Shared\ED Projects\ED HPC\HPC Meet1ngs\2022\HPC 1.19.22\1.19.22 Goals.docx CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Final Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Goals Per the City's Municipal Code, the object of this Commission is to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare by providing for the identification, protection, enhancement, perpetuation, and use of improvements of buildings, structures, signs, objects, features, sites, places and areas within Bakersfield that reflect special elements of the City's architectural, artistic, cultural, engineering, aesthetic, historical, political, social and other heritage. Each of the following goals and action items align with Commission purpose and objectives as stated in the Municipal Code. Goal 1: Establish a Mills Act Program Actions: • Develop a Mills act program, per California Government Code, for historically designated properties • Create program materials (application, agreement, guidelines, brochure) about the City's Mills Act program • Recommend to City Council Legislative and Litigation Committee for consideration Goal 2: Preserve Historic Neon Signs Actions: • Consult with City Planning Department regarding sign ordinance • Develop criteria on what is considered a historic neon sign • Develop parameters to create two historic sign districts in the City of Bakersfield - Downtown and Old Town Kern • Promote incentives for the re-creation or preservation of historic neon signs Goal 3: Conduct New and Update Neighborhood Surveys Actions: • Research areas where 70% of homes are over 50 years old • Pursue grant funding for neighborhood surveys • Conduct neighborhood surveys per established guidelines • Partner with BHS Driller Service Academy to assist in the update of neighborhood surveys Page 1 Goal 4: Public Education and Encourage Historic Pride in Bakersfield Actions: • Attend community events to educate the community about the City's historical resources and properties • Partner with Kern Historical Society and Kern County Museum in organizing walking tours of historical sites • Enhance and update website as needed • Conduct outreach presentations to community organizations • Support public art which celebrates our historic character • Encourage the reuse of historic buildings • Partner with Kern Historical Society and DBA to develop an award system to property owners that successfully repurpose historic buildings • Update the Rehabilitate Bakersfield Right guidebook Goal 5: Identify Potential Grants and Partnerships with Non -profits to fund Historic Preservation Projects Actions: • Research grant opportunities and develop a working document of funding sources • Contact non -profits to partner on historic preservation activities Goal 6: Establish Historic Districts/Neighborhoods Actions: • Conduct outreach to gauge residents' support for a historic district • Recruit more property owners to join the Historic Register • Develop recommendations to amend and improve the historic district component of the Bakersfield Municipal Code • Establish new historic districts within the City of Bakersfield Fiscal Year 2020 — 2021 Accomplishments: 1. Update Neighborhood Surveys: The City budgeted FY 21-22 funds to update downtown and east Bakersfield cultural resource surveys. An RFP is in development. 2. Historic Sites: Approved Cross of Palms as an Area of Historic Interest pursuant to Bakersfield Municipal Code which helped secure its preservation from a threat from PG&E powerlines. 3. Mills Act: Drafted template letters for historic property owners to encourage support of a Mills Act program. 4. Historic public education: The City budgeted FY 21-22 funds to update existing brochures for public outreach events. 5. Preservation: Submitted a letter to the Rec and Parks Department to provide guidance for the Jastro Park Stage Restoration Project. Page 2