HomeMy WebLinkAboutERIC ARIAS 01/27/22000 # No345454 22 JAN 27 AM 8- 20 BAKERSF lLLD Ci i Y CLERK t�udlic S:Qrvice Cttaic� t=ducat�cz Online Proof of Participatemn Certificate fiats of Compialion= Jan 27, 2022 Training Tima-: 2 hr_ 2 min_ Ibis courses is an overview course on all public service ethics Issues nocessary to satisfy tFl� requirr=rnants of ArtiGe 2-4 of Chapter 2 of Part 1 of Division 2 of "1-itle 5 of the Government Code, including the following: Laws relating to personal ftnanciai gain by public servants, including, but ncit ii. nitca3 tu, I— prohibiting bribery and conflict -of -interest laws. _ __ _ __. _. _ _. _ .-s �:.»:, ..-. ,.`... .. {cll..�� f^r.e f4c^♦ r+f e'+ffi�P .r'.+-.b r`i:r+r-+ i�+a r+ni 7irr.a.-..i Fri e�ir"Y ar+ri trav+?i i ' restrictions, prohibitions against the use of public resources for personal or political purposes, prohibitions against gifts of pubdm lic funs, ass mailing restrictions, and prohibitions against ;-.tangy? �+f fr»- r.r :iicrn unted tra+�t+'�++rt aiiun by tra------ tin- �c7m r>anies tGovernment transparency laws, including. but not limited to, financial interest disclosure requirements f■1 and open government laws. Laws relating to fair p tom.-, induding, but not limited to, common law bias prohibitions, due ' process requirements, incompatible offices, competitive bidding requirements for pubfic contracts, �...� r+:cr�++�I-F+rali r+r? 4rr.m r+�.Y: r:r.atir�r+ in riAreicir.r.c �ffar-tirfr+ family Cameral ethical prinGples relating to public service_ Ttte Fair Political Practices Commission and Attorney General have reviewed this course for course suirnctertcy ana accuracy_ ­11011110- ey signing below, i certify that 1 fully reviewed the content of the entire online AS 1234 course approved by ttte Attorney General and Fair Political f .-actives am �nz U; C. L_ two hours of_jwjJtilic service ethics law and principles credit_ Signature City of Bakersfield Eric Arias Participant Hearne Agency Name NOTE TO PART/C/PANT_- P/easa provide a copy of this ps•aof of paRicipation to the custodian for such BcorOs at your agency. /n adddgn, wre recommend you ma/<B a copy of this praof of participation fkor your own recorrts to rBtain for at /Bast fry years- To preserve the intBgnty of the o HN certification process; rheas cartffrcara are only avallab/B upon corrrple.t/ng rfh onf/nB sasslon_ To satisfy AH 1234 rBqu laments this cerYiFcatB must ref7Bcr that U.- ou6/ic official spent nvo hours or more rtsvt Ww 7 the materfa/s pre"enL.ed in the online course. /f the cert/Ticata