HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/19/22 CC MINUTESBAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MEETING OF JANUARY 19, 2022 Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue Regular Meetings - 3:30 p.m. and 5:15 p.m. REGULAR MEETING 3:30 P.M. 1. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Goh, Councilmembers Arias,Gonzales, Smith, Gray Absent: Vice -Mayor Weir, Councilmembers Freeman and Parlier 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 3. REPORTS None 4. CLOSED SESSION a. Conference with Legal Counsel — Existing Litigation; Closed Session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d) (1) regarding the following: 1. Donald Whatley v. City of Bakersfield, et al. Kern County Superior Court Case No. BCV-1 9-103470 2. Jane Doe v. City of Bakersfield, et al. Kern County Superior Court Case No. BCV-1 9-100312 b. Conference with Legal Counsel — Potential Litigation; Closed Session pursuant to Government Code sectio54956.9(cl)(2),(e)(1) (One matter). Motioned by Councilmember Smith to move to closed session. Motion passes with Vice Mayor Weir, Councilmember Freeman and Councilmember Parlier absent. Bakersfield, California, January 19, 2022 - Page 2 5. CLOSED SESSION ACTION a. Conference with Legal Counsel — Existing Litigation; Closed Session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d) (1) regarding the following: 1. Donald Whatley v. City of Bakersfield, et al. Kern County Superior Court Case No. BCV- 19-103470 Item 4.a. 11. Donald Whatley, city attorney was given direction by a vote of 4-0 with Vice Mayor Weir, Councillmember Freeman and Councillmember Parlier absent. 2. Jane Doe v. City of Bakersfield, et al. Kern County Superior Court Case No. BCV-1 9-100312 Item 4.a.2. Jane Doe v. City of Bakersfield, no recordable action was taken. b. Conference with Legal Counsel — Potential Litigation; Closed Session pursuant to Government Code sectio54956.9(d) (2),(e) (1) (One matter). Item 4.b. Potential Litigation; Closed Session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9 (d) (2), (e) (1) (One matter). No recordable action was taken. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Bakersfield, California, January 19, 2022 - Page 3 REGULAR MEETING 5:15 P.M. k[�:10]RRLOU, 41 Present: Mayor Goh, Vice -Mayor Weir, Councilmembers Arias, Gonzales, Smith, Gray Absent: Councilmember Freeman and Councilmember Parlier 2. INVOCATION by Tom Touchstone from Valley Bible Church. 3. PLEDGE OFALLEGIANCE Chris Bell, Senior at Bakersfield High School and Mayors appointee for the Youth Commission. 4. PRESENTATIONS a. Proclamation to the Ford Dream Builders - Team Hope for Our Heroes, declaring Hope for Our Heroes Week in Bakersfield during the week of January 24, 2022. b. Proclamation to Dustin Contreras and Sandy Woo, Co -Directors of declaring Human Trafficking Awareness Month in Bakersfield during January 2022. 5. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Agenda Item Public Statements 1. Gari Simmons is part of the Stockdale Action Committee and expressed their support for item 8.a. 2. Nick Hill, spoke in support of Michael Bowers. Mayor Goh announced pursuant to California Election Code Section 21628, item 9.a. Hearings must be heard at the noticed time of 6:00 p.m. Therefore, Public Statements will be continued at the conclusion of the hearing. 9. HEARINGS a. Public Hearing regarding Redistricting Ward Boundaries. Will beheard at 6:00 p.m. pursuant to California Elections Code Section 21628(c) No formal action Is recommended at this time. A staff memorandum was received transmitting correspondence, written materials and draft maps. Mayor Goh addressed the Council regarding redistricting procedures. City Manager Clegg briefly addressed the council. Brianna Carrier, Assistant City Manager gave a brief presentation. Hearing item 9.a. opened at 6:00 p.m. Bakersfield, California, January 19, 2022 - Page 4 9. HEARINGS continued The following individuals spoke: Eliana Honeycutt (submitted draft maps), Lori Pesante, Director of Civic Engagement and Government Relations for the Delores Huerta Foundation (submitted draft maps). Hearing item 9.a. closed at 6:20 p.m. Councilmember Gonzales asked if population counts were included with the maps. City Manager Clegg stated he would get back to Councilmember Gonzales on that. Mayor Goh returned to S.a. Public Statements 3. Patrick Jackson, President of the N.A.A.C.P. in Bakersfield, spoke in support of Michael Bowers. 4. Dee Slade, spoke in support of Michael Bowers. 5. Theresa Goldner, Attorney for Michael Bowers, spoke in support of Michael Bowers. 6. Traco Matthews, spoke in support of Michael Bowers. 7. Sammy Wells, President of Kern County's Turning Point U.S.A., spoke in support of Michael Bowers. 8. Kevin Oliver, County Commissioner, Vice President of the County Civil Service, spoke in support of Michael Bowers. b. Non -Agenda Item Public Statements None. 6. APPOINTMENTS None. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR Staff recommends adoption of Consent Calendar Items. Minutes: a. Approval of minutes of the January 5, 2022, Regular City Council Meeting. Payments: b. Receive and file department payments from December 24,2021, to January 6, 2022, in the amount of $15,364,633.29, Self -Insurance payments from December 24, 2021, to January 6, 2022, in the amount of $387,888.86, totaling $15,752,522.15. # , 0 NONE Bakersfield, California, January 19, 2022 - Page 5 7. CONSENT CALENDAR continued Ordinances c. First reading of ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map in Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code by changing the zone district from C-0 (Professional and Administrative Office) to C-2 (Regional Commercial) on 6.5 acres located at the northeast corner of Stockdale Highway and Coffee Road. Addendum to a Mitigated Negative Declaration on file. (ZC No. 20-0055). Item pulled for separate consideration d. First reading of ordinance amending Chapter 8.32 of Title 8 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Solid Waste/ Recyclable Materials/Organic Waste. Item pulled for separate consideration Resolutions: e. Resolution of the Bakersfield City Council Removing Michael Bowers as a Planning Commissioner and Directing the Clerk's Office to Open Recruitment for a Replacement Planning Commissioner. Item pulled for separate consideration. f. Resolution approving participation in National Opioid Settlement Agreement and authorizing the City Attorney and/or City Manager to execute the related participation agreements. RES 003-2022 g. Resolution determining that a Pierce Freightliner Air and Light fire truck can most efficiently be obtained through cooperative procurement bidding Manufacturing, Inc. and authorizing the Finance Director to dispense with bidding thereof, not to exceed $570,000. RES 004-2022 h. Resolutions to add the following territories to the Consolidated Maintenance District and approving, confirming, and adopting the Public Works Director's Report for each: 1. Area 1-133 (1650 Pepita Way) - Ward 4 RES 005-2022 2. Area 4-256 (1500 Pacific Street) - Ward 2 RES 006-2022 3. Area 5-112 (2305, 2321 Berkshire Road, 7405, 7615, 7803 S H Street) - Ward 7 RES 007-2022 Bakersfield, California, January 19, 2022 - Page 6 7. CONSENT CALENDAR continued i. Sewer connection fee assessment for 431 Real Road: Resolution confirming assessments for sewer connection fee and authorizing the collection of assessment by the Kern County Tax Collector. RES 008-2022 2. Agreement with Smith Roy & Katherine Family Trust, 431 Real Road, to pay the sewer connection fee through the Kern County Tax Collector. AGR 2022-004 j. Amendment No. I to Resolution No. 009-19 establishing the Citizens Oversight Committee for the Bakersfield Public Safety/Vital City Services Measure. RES 009-19(1) Agreements k. Approval of an agreement with Tempest Interactive Media LLC. (not to exceed $122,000), for subscriptions of IDSS and Tempest Destination Suite for Craft, and hosting Visitbakersfield.com. AGR 2022-005 I. Agreement with SC Communications ($66,481.44) for the repair of portable Public Safety radios. AGR 2022-006 m. Agreement with Marderosian & Cohen (not to exceed $100,000) to provide outside legal services for Douglas Greener in the matter of Jane Doe v. City of Bakersfield; Douglas Greener; Does 1 -100 Inclusive. AGR 2022-007 n. Agreement with Hinderlifer De Llamas and Associates (HDQ authorizing tax and fee administration services for business license tax and fees and transient occupancy tax. AGR 2022-008 o. Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for Site Plan Review No. 21-0184 (Majestic Gateway Project) 1. Agreement with Majestic Realty Co. ($268,752) for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). AGR 2022-009 2. Agreement with T&B Planning, Inc. ($223,960) to prepare EIR. AGR2022-010 Bakersfield, California, January 19, 2022 - Page 7 7. CONSENT CALENDAR continued p. Agreement with Summit Capital Ventures, Inc., a California Corporation ($124,000) for the purchase of real property located south of Stockdale Ranch and east of Wegis Avenue for a domestic water well and treatment tank site. AGR 2022-011 q. Agreement with Woodside 06N, LP a California Limited Partnership ($150,000) for the purchase of real property located north of Stockdale Ranch and east of the future Westside Parkway alignment for a domestic water well site. AGR 2022-012 r. Final Map, Improvement Agreement, and Landscape Improvement Agreement with Woodside 06N, LP (Developer) for Tract 7317, Phase 5 Located at the west Corner of Stockdale Highway and Future West Beltway Alignment. AGR 2022-013, AGR 2022-014 s. Economic Opportunity Area Incentive Program ($151,300) Grant Agreement with Jin Sushi Corporation. AGR 2022-015 t. Economic opportunity area Incentive Program - Grant Agreements with n Your Wildest Dreams. 1. Amendment No. I to Agreement No. 2021-248 to reduce EOA grant funding amount to $24,892.60. AGR 2021-248(1) 2. Approve Grant Agreement ($55,000) with In Your Wildest Dreams for business expansion and new jobs created. AGR 2022-016 u. Emergency Rental Assistance Amendment 1. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 2020-041 with Housing Authority of the County of Kern ($10,607,086.65); revised not to exceed $44,346,192.28) for the addition of State Emergency Rental Assistance Round 2 (SRA-2) grant funds to Emergency Rental Assistance Program Services. AGR 2020-041(2) 2. Appropriate $10,714,229 in State Emergency Rental Assistance Round 2(SRA-2) grant funds to the Economic and Community Development Department Operating Budget Bakersfield, California, January 19, 2022 - Page 8 7. CONSENT CALENDAR continued v. Emergency Solutions Grant Amendment Amendment No. I to Agreement No. 2021-018 with Kern County Network for Children - Dream Center ($25,000; revised not to exceed $83,400 and extend term to July 31, 2022) for youth specific short term rental assistance. AGR 2021-018(1) 2. Appropriate $25,000 in Federal Emergency Solutions Grant, Coronavirus2 (ESG-CV2) grant funds to the HUD CDBG Entitlements Economic and Community Development Department Operating Budget. w. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. CAI 9-004 with Clifford & Brown ($100,000; revised not to exceed $140,000) to provide outs ide legal services in the matter of Jane Doe v. City of Bakersfield; Douglas Greener; Does 1 -100 Inclusive. AGR 2022-017 x. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 2021-036 with Pavement Recycling Systems, Inc. ($747,350; revised not to exceed $1,494,700 and extend term one year) to continue the supply of cold planning services. AGR 2021-036(2) y. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 2021-217 with BC Laboratories, Inc. to acknowledge acquisition of BC Laboratories, Inc. by Pace Analytical Services, LLC. AGR 2021-217(1) z. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 19-124 with Zim Industries, Inc. dba Bakersfield Well and Pump Company ($5000,000; revised not to exceed $2,000,000), for on -call services for maintenance and repair of the City's agricultural and domestic water wells. AGR 19-124(1) aa. Amendment No. I to Agreement No. 2021-210 with Aqueous Vets, ($1,000,000; revised not to exceed $2,000,000) to provide granular activated carbon (GAC) media for 5 water treatment vessels. AGR 2021-2 10(1) Bakersfield, California, January 19, 2022 - Page 9 1-1 7. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ab. Amendments with DR Horton CA3, Inc., for Tract 7342 Phase I Located North of McCutchen Road and West of Mountain Ridge Drive. 1. Amendment No. I to Improvement Agreement No. 2021-194 AGR 2021-194(l) 2. Amendment No. I to Landscape Improvement Agreement No. 2021-195 AGR 2021-195(1) ac. Contract Change Order No. 13 to Agreement No. 18-200 with Griffith Company ($61,735. revised not to exceed $6,838,787.72) for the Stockdale Hwy and Enos Lane/SR-43 Roundabout Project. AGR 18-200 CCO13 ad. Contract Change Order No. 100 to Agreement No. 18-154 with Griffith Company ($11,527.50; revised not to exceed $31,195,810.65), for the 24th Street Operational Improvement Project. AGR 18-154 CCO 100 ae. Contract Change Order No. 2 to Agreement No. 20-221 with Pipe and Plant Solutions, Inc. ($58,334.20; revised not to exceed $806,074.20), for the Sewer Cleaning Along Buena Vista Road and McCutchen Road Project. AGR 20-221 CCO 2 af. Contract Change Order No. 19 to Agreement No. 18-176 with Security Paving Company ($112,193.99; revised (not to exceed $50,489,131.73) for the Bakersfield Freeway Connector Project. AGR 18-176 CCO 19 ag. Contract Change Orders No. 23, 35, 42 and 52 to Agreement No. 19-069 with Security Paving Company ($349,809.59 revised not to exceed $148,237,885.74) for the Centennial Corridor Mainline Project. AGR 19-069 CCO23, CC035, CC042, CCO52 I--- BIDS ah. Accept bid and approve contract with Burtch Construction ($519,858.73) for Street Improvements: Calloway Drive, Between Olive Drive and Norris Road. AGR 2022-018 # %' Bakersfield, California, January 19, 2022 - Page 10 7. CONSENT CALENDAR continued Miscellaneous: ai. Appropriate $26,775 from Kaiser Permanente Southern California Fund grant revenues to the Recreation and Parks Operating Budget within the General Fund to provide swim lessons and passes to children and adults (Operation Splash). aj. Response to Grand Jury Findings and Recommendations regarding the City's erroneous IRS filing for 2019. Successor Agency Business: Public Safety/Vital Services Measure: ak. Lease agreement with DP Cal Corporate Plaza LP (not to exceed $1,542,674.76) for the City of Bakersfield to enter into a 3-year lease agreement for 39,087 total rentable square feet of space at 4550 California Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93309. ARG 2022-019 al. Approval of Public Safety and Vital Services Agreement with the Housing Authority of the County of Kern ($ 1,000,000) too assist in the acquisition and development of 40 affordable housing units located at 1201 6th Street and 507 N Street (APN 009-440-18, 009- 440-21, and 009-440-24) in Bakersfield. AGR 2022-020 am. Agreement with Trans -West Security Services, Inc. (not to exceed $403,953), to provide annual park security service. AGR 2022-021 an. Extend bid from Lehr Auto Electric, Sacramento, California ($79,191.45) for Panasonic Laptop computers. Deputy City Clerk Reza announced staff memos were received asking to remove item 7.c. to discuss separately, item 7.d. to be removed from agenda, item 7.e., transmitting corrections to the title and item 7.o. transmitting signed copies. Vice Mayor Weir moved to approve consent items 7.c. through 7.an. except for items 7.c., 7.d., 7.e., Motion passed with Councilmembers Freeman and Councilmember Parlier absent. Bakersfield, California, January 19, 2022 - Page 11 7. CONSENT CALENDAR continued 7.c. First reading of ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map in Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code by changing the zone district from C-0 (Professional and Administrative Office) to C-2 (Regional Commercial) on 6.5 acres located at the northeast corner of Stockdale Highway and Coffee Road. Addendum to a Mitigated Negative Declaration on file. (ZC No. 20-0055) First Reading Only. Councilmember Gonzales spoke on the need for having a sub -acute care facility in Bakersfield. Motion by Councilmember Gonzalez to approve item 7.c. First Reading Ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map in Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code by changing the zone district from C-0 (Professional and Administrative Office) to C-2 (Regional Commercial) on 6.5 acres located at the northeast corner of Stockdale Highway and Coffee Road. Addendum to a Mitigated Negative Declaration on file (ZC No. 20-0055). Motion passed with Councilmember Freeman and Councilmember Parlier absent. Te. Resolution of the Bakersfield City Council Removing Michael Bowers as a Planning Commissioner effective April 8, 2022, and directing the Clerk's Office to open recruitment for a replacement Planning Commissioner. Vice Mayor Weir acknowledged receiving Mr. Bowen's letter of resignation and request the following changes to the resolution: "Whereas" number 3 should read: WHEREAS, Councilmember Arias (Ward 1) would like to appoint a Planning Commissioner of his choice, and "Whereas" number 5 should read, "WHEREAS, given Councilmember Arias' desire to appoint a Planning Commissioner of his choice, it is appropriate for the City Council to accept Mr. Bowers' resignation, effective April 8, 2022 from the Planning Commission, and direct the clerk's office to open recruitment for a replacement Planning Commissioner" "Now therefore" item 2 should read, "For the reasons stated above, the Bakersfield City Council accepts Michael Bowers resignation from the Planning Commission effective, April 8, 2022. Motion by Vice Mayor Weir to approve Item 7.e. Resolution, with amendments, of the Bakersfield City Council Removing Michael Bowers as a Planning Commissioner and Directing the Clerk's Office to Open Recruitment for a Replacement Planning Commissioner and approve changes to the Resolution. Motion Failed. Bakersfield, California, January 19, 2022 - Page 12 7. CONSENT CALENDAR continued Councilmember Gonzales stated he received only Ms. Goldner's letter and asked for a copy of Mr. Bower's letter. City Attorney Genaro informed the councilmember Gonzales that Ms. Goldners letter was serving as Mr. Bower's letter of resignation. Mr. Gonzales asked Ms. Goldner if that was the intent of her letter. Ms. Goldner stated her letter was not intended to be used as Mr. Bowers letter of resignation. Mr. Bowers would submit a letter of resignation on April 7 and asked the council to amend the motion. Motion by Councilmember Gray, accept a letter of resignation from Mr. Bowers effective April 8, 2022 and have the clerk's office open the application process immediately. Motion passes with Councilmember Freeman and Councilmember Parlier absent. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARINGS Staff recommends conducting Consent Calendar Public Hearing and approval of items. a. Public Hearing to consider General Plan Amendment/Zone Change No.-0284 on 79.84 acres generally located at the southeast corner of Hageman Road and Landco Drive. Addendum to a Mitigated Negative Declaration on file. Applicant is McIntosh & Associates representing Hageman Properties, LLC (property owner). 1. Resolution approving an amendment of the land use map of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan land use designation from HI (Heavy Industrial) to Sl (Service Industrial). 2. First reading of ordinance amending Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 17.06.020 by changing the official zoning map from M-3 (Heavy Industrial) to M-2 (General Manufacturing). First reading only Item removed for separate consideration see 9.b. b. Public Hearing to consider General Plan Amendment/Zone Change No. 21-0383 on approximately 65 acres generally located north of Taft Highway between Gosford Road and Ashe Road. Addendum to a Mitigated Negative Declaration on file. Applicant is the City of Bakersfield. Resolution approving an amendment of the land use map of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan land use designation from GC (General Commercial) to OS- P (Parks and Recreation) on 25 acres and from OS-P to GC on 28 acres. RES 009-2022 M Bakersfield, California, January 19, 2022 - Page 13 8. CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARINGS continued 2. First reading of ordinance amending Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 17.06.020 by changing the official zoning Map from C-2/PCD (RegionalCommercial/Planned Commercial Development) to RE (Recreation) on 25 acres, from RE to C-2 (Regional Commercial) on 28 acres, and from C-2/PCD to C-2 on 12 acres. First reading only c. Public Hearing to consider General Plan Amendment/Zone Change No. 21-0280 and Specific Plan Amendment 21-0396 on 40.18 acres generally located on the west side of Renfro Road at Brimhall Road. Applicant is Cornerstone Engineering representing Lone Palm Farms (property owner). 1. Resolution adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration. 2. Resolution approving an amendment of the land use map of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan land use designation from SR (Suburban Residential) to LR (Low Density Residential) on 14.05 acres, from SR to LMR (Low Medium Density Residential) on 13.92 acres, and from SR and GC (General Commercial) to HMR (High Medium Density) on 12.21 acres. 3. First reading of ordinance amending Municipal Code Section 17.06.020 by changing the official zone map from E (Estate) to R-1 4.5/PUD (Small Lot One Family Dwelling/ Planned Unit Development Combining) on 14.05 acres and from E and C- I /PCD (Neighborhood commercial/Planned Commercial Development Combining) to R-2/PUD (Limited Multiple Family' Dwelling/ Planned Unit Development Combining) on 26.13 acres. 4. Resolution approving an amendment to the trail plan of the Western Rosedale Specific Plan by removing a portion of the trail alignment located south of Palm Avenue to Brimhall Road, then west to Rudd Avenue. Blue Memo transmitting correspondence received from Carl and Vickey Rockberg in opposition. Jordan Sisson is requesting item 8.a. be removed for separate consideration. Councilmember Smith requested item 8.c. be removed for separate consideration. Consent Calendar Public Hearing item 8.b. opened at 6:24 p.m. Consent Calendar Public Hearing item 8.b. closed at 6:26 p.m. Motion by Vice -Mayor Weir to adopt Consent Calendar Public Hearing item 8.b. Motion passed with Councillmember Freeman and Councillmember Parlier absent. 0 ' 405 1 Bakersfield, California, January 19, 2022 - Page 14 9. HEARINGS a. Public Hearing regarding Redistricting Ward Boundaries. Will be heard at 6:00 p.m. pursuant to California Elections Code Section 21628(c) No formal action is recommended at this time. Moved forward on agenda see page I b. Public Hearing to consider General Plan Amendment/Zone Change No. 21-0284 on 79.84 acres generally located at the southeast corner of Hageman Road and Landco Drive. Addendum to a Mitigated Negative Declaration on file. Applicant is McIntosh & Associates representing Hageman Properties, LLC (property owner). 1. Resolution approving an amendment of the land use map of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan land use designation from HI (Heavy Industrial) to Sl (Service Industrial). 2. First reading of ordinance amending Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 17.06.020 by changing the official zoning map from M-3 (Heavy Industrial) to M-2 (General Manufacturing). First Reading Only Hearing item 9.b. opened at 6:30 p.m. The following individuals spoke in opposition to staff recommendations: Jordan Sisson, Lozeau Drury, LLP (submitted materials). The following individual spoke in support of staff recommendation: Barry Goldner, Applicant is McIntosh & Associates representing Hageman Properties, LLC (property owner). City Manager Clegg made staff comments Development Services Director, Christopher Boyle made staff comments. City Attorney Genaro made staff comments. Hearing item 9.b. closed at 6:45 p.m. Motion from Vice Mayor Weir to table item 9.b. until the next council meeting on February 2, 2022. Motion passed with Councilmembers Freeman and Councilmember Parlier absent. um Bakersfield, California, January 19, 2022 - Page 15 9. HEARINGS continued c. Public Hearing to consider General Plan Amendment/Zone Change No. 21-0280 and Specific Plan Amendment 21-0396 on 40.18 acres generally located on the west side of Renfro Road at Brimhall Road. Applicant is Cornerstone Engineering representing Lone Palm Farms (property owner). 1. Resolution adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration. RES 0 10-2022 2. Resolution approving an amendment of the land use map of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan land use designation from SR (Suburban Residential) to LR (Low Density Residential) on 14.05 acres, from SIR to LMR (Low Medium Density Residential) on 13.92 acres, and from SR and GC (General Commercial) to HMR (High Medium Density) on 12.21 acres. RES 0 11-2022 3. First reading of ordinance amending Municipal Code Section 17.06.020 by changing the official zone map from E (Estate) to R-1 4.5/PUD (Small Lot One Family Dwelling/ Planned Unit Development Combining) on 14.05 acres and from E and C-1 /PCD (Neighborhood Commercial/Planned Commercial Development Combining) to R-2/PUD (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling/ Planned Unit Development Combining) on 26.13 acres. First Reading Only 4. Resolution approving an amendment to the trail plan of the Western Rosedale Specific Plan by removing a portion of the trail alignment located south of Palm Avenue to Brimhall Road, then west to Rudd Avenue. RES 012-2022 Hearing item 9c was opened at 7 p.m. No one spoke in opposition to the staff recommendation. The following individual spoke in favor of staff recommendations: Mr. Darrel Whitten, Cornerstone Engineering submitted presentation materials. Hearing item 9.c. was closed at 7:05 p.m. Councillmember Smith motioned item 8.c. be approved as recommended by staff with the stipulation that bike lanes and wider sidewalks are added in lieu of the trail plan. Motion passed with Counclimember Freeman and Council Parker absent. Bakersfield, California, January 19, 2022 - Page 16 10. REPORTS a. FY 2022 City Council Goals Midyear Progress Report. Staff recommends the City Council receive and file the mid -year report. Deputy City Clerk Reza announced a staff memorandum was received transmitting revised goals. City Manager Clegg gave a presentation highlighting the city's completed and in progress projects. Vice Mayor Weir motioned to receive file. Motion passed with Councilmember Freeman and Councilmember Parlier absent. 11. DEFFERED BUSINESS None 12. NEW BUSINESS None 13. COUNCIL AND MAYOR STATEMENTS Councilmember Gonzales stated he had been thinking about homelessness and was proud of how far the city had come in addressing this issue. However, he realizes there is more to do. He specifically addressed the issue of conservatorship of the mentally disabled who are not able to care for themselves, and the laws associated with this issue. He Believes as the nineth largest city in the state, we should be having these conversations in Sacramento and weighing in on this topic, utilizing our newly appointed lobbyist. Councilmember Gonzales made a referral for the City Council Ad Hoc Committee on Homelessness to explore along with the Kern Behavioral Health and Recovery Agency and consider opportunities for legislation and advocacy at the state level. Mayor Goh informed the council that the topic of conservancy comes up in meetings with the governor all the time. It is recognized that something needs to be done with mental health and substance abuse and there is a group working on it. Bakersfield, California, January 19, 2022 - Page 17 14. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. KAREN GOH MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield ATTEST JdLIE DRIMAKIS, MMC CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield a Bakersfield, California, January 19, 2022 - Page 18 ***THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK***