HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/25/22CC OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Feb. 25, 2022 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Christian Clegg, City Manager SUBJECT: General Information Notable Items  Progress continues to be made in the City’s Playground Rehab Project with demolition getting underway at the Quailwood Park playground this week (below). The playground is expected to be closed for the next six to eight weeks as the $345,000 upgrade there is completed. The entire more than $4 million project includes updates at 12 City-owned parks in all seven Wards. Among the improvements planned at these parks are new poured-in-place rubber surfacing that provides accessibility in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), shade canopies and new equipment that meet safety standards from several different agencies. This project is only possible thanks to funding from the Public Safety & Vital Services (PSVS) Measure, also known as Measure N. General Information Feb. 25, 2022 Page 2  The California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) state high school boys and girls wrestling championships have returned to Mechanics Bank Arena this weekend (right and below). This is one of the largest events held in Bakersfield, attracting student athletes, their families and coaches from throughout California. Those visitors fill up hotel rooms and restaurants, generating significant tax revenue for local government. In 2019, the CIF expanded the traditional two-day boys wrestling championships into a three-day event when the girls wrestling championships were added; the girls championships had previously been held in Visalia. Bakersfield has hosted CIF wresting every year since 2003, with the exception of 2021 when no championships were held due to the pandemic. You can even check out a great video of some of the action from the first day of tournament on the City’s official Instagram account.  The City of Bakersfield’s Animal Care Center got some great news this week, learning they were one of three organizations to receive a $1,500 grant from the Best Friends Animal Society for the Live Large Campaign (Pacific Region). The campaign’s goal was to help larger dogs get adopted out. The CBACC received the highest grant award for its social media content hits during the campaign. The CBACC will also be featured on a future episode of Lucky Dog, showing Wings of Rescue flying 24 dogs to a rescue in Canada, helping find those pups new homes. General Information Feb. 25, 2022 Page 3 The show’s crew was out at the center on Friday, February 25 shooting staff preparing the dogs and crates for the flight on Saturday.  Adult softball registration for Recreation & Parks’ spring season has closed and teams took the field last week for evaluation games. Recreation & Parks reports 91 teams registered with the department for this season: 54 men’s teams and 37 co-ed squads. League play is set to start in March on weekday evenings, weather permitting.  The popularity of pickleball continues its rise in Bakersfield. The Recreation & Parks Department is offering pickleball clinics, leagues, tournaments and other special events to meet the demand, mainly at Jastro Park (2900 Truxtun Ave.). • One Day Beginner’s Pickleball Clinic: Saturday, February 26, from 10 a.m. to noon and 1 to 3 p.m. at Jastro Park • Beginner’s Clinic: March 7, 14, 21, 28, from 6 to 9 p.m. at Jastro Park • Pickleball League: March 2, 9, 16, 23, from 9 a.m. to noon at Jastro Park • Free Pickleball class: o March 12, from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at Jastro Park o March 13, from noon to 1:30 p.m. at Haggin Oaks Park (9100 McInnes Blvd.) o March 19, from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at Campus Park North (3700 Park View Dr.) For more information, the public is encouraged to call 661-322-9874.  The Recreation & Parks Department has had some very successful tournaments held at the Mesa Marin Sports Complex this month. Bakersfield High School held a fastpitch softball tournament from February 16 through 18 with 15 total teams competing. The National Softball Association held a 10-team fastpitch tournament February 19 and 20. And Mira Monte High School plans to host a fastpitch tournament March 17 through 19 at Mesa Marin as well.  The Clerk’s Office is accepting applications for three future vacancies on the City Planning Commission. Terms are expiring on April 30 for the Commissioners from Wards 2 and 4, with a third seat opening up for Ward 1 in the near future. Applications are available at the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall North (1600 Truxtun Avenue) and online. They must be returned to the Clerk’s Office by 5 p.m. on Friday, April 8.  The City Clerk’s Office is accepting applications to fill vacancies on the Bakersfield Youth Commission: • Ward 1: regular and alternate appointments • Ward 6: regular and alternate appointments • Ward 7: regular and alternate appointments Applicants must be City residents, current high school students at the time of appointment, and maintain as close to a 3.0 grade point average as possible. General Information Feb. 25, 2022 Page 4 Anyone interested in applying for these openings can do so at the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall North (1600 Truxtun Avenue) or by downloading an application from the City’s website here. All applications must be returned to the Clerk’s Office. Reports  City Council Agenda Highlights, March 2, 2022.  Recreation & Parks Department Rapid Response Team weekly report, February 13 – 19. Events  2022 CIF State High School Wrestling Tournament, 9 a.m. February 25 – 26 at Mechanics Bank Arena.  One Day Beginner’s Pickleball Clinic, 10 a.m. to noon and 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, February 26, at Jastro Park (2900 Truxtun Ave.).  28th Annual Bakersfield Black American History Parade, 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, February 26. Parade will begin westbound on 21st Street from V Street to P Street.  Event Calendar for the Mechanics Bank Arena, Theater & Convention Center. ONE DAY BEGINNER’S PICKLEBALL CLINIC 26th FEBRUARY 10am-12pm /1pm-3pm JASTRO PARK 2900 TRUXTUN AVENUE BE A PART OF OUR COMMUNITY REGISTER ONLINE YOU WILL LEARN THE FUNDAMENTALS OF THE GAME AND HAVE FUN TOO! DINKS, DROPS, THIRD SHOTS, GROUND STROKES, SERVES, RETURNS, OVERHEADS BLOCKS, MOVEMENT, STRATEGY AND MUCH MORE…. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 661-322-9874 OR VISIT US AT WWW.BAKERSFIELDPARKS.US FEE: $78 PER PERSON _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ INSTRUCTOR: MADDIE JAYNE AGENDA HIGHLIGHTS MARCH 2, 2022 COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR MEETING – 3:30 p.m. REPORTS Item 3a. Affordable Housing Strategy (All Wards) The City’s Economic and Community Development Department’s Affordable Housing and Neighborhood Vitality Unit has developed an Affordable Housing Strategy to assist in the City in evaluating future policy changes to spur housing development, identify additional funding opportunities streamline the research of existing sources to increase unit production, and provide tools to help spur growth and deliver development information to housing developers. As developed, these tools will serve as foundational components of the City’s future efforts to increase financing mechanisms for housing development and pursue policies and programs to spur new growth. Item 3b. Proposed Charter amendments for the November 2022 General Election (All Wards) The Stipulated Judgment entered into between the City of Bakersfield and the California Department of Justice (DOJ) in August 2021 requires the Bakersfield City Council to prepare a proposed charter amendment for the November 2022 General Election “which will seek to permit the appointment of a person from an external agency to the position of Chief of Police.” At the February 2, 2022 City Council meeting, the City Attorney’s Office indicated that a proposed amendment to the Charter concerning the Fire Chief would also be prepared for consideration, in the event Council desires both Charter amendments (Fire and Police) to go before the voters at the same time. The City Attorney will provide a PowerPoint presentation to the City Council that outlines the current language of the City Charter regarding the selection of the Police and Fire Chiefs, as well as proposed amendment options for Council consideration. CLOSED SESSION Items 4. Various Items (All Wards) REGULAR MEETING – 5:15 p.m. CONSENT CALENDAR - RESOLUTIONS Item 8f. Section 115 Trust for Pension and Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) (All Wards) The current combined unfunded liability as reported by the most recent actuarial report from CalPERS is over $503 million with a current funded percentage of 66%. A separate irrevocable trust account called the Pension Rate Stabilization Program, could be used to both address the current unfunded liability and also adds budgetary flexibility. This flexibility allows the City to draw from accumulated trust funds to offset pension expenses if required pension contributions spike unexpectedly or if serious budgetary shortfalls occur in subsequent years. Investment options also add flexibility where the City will have complete local control over assets, including contributions, disbursements and the timing, amount, and risk tolerance level of investments. The only restriction is these monies must be used for pension related expenses. In 2007 the City selected the firm Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS) to join and administer an Internal Revenue Code Section 115 Irrevocable Trust Account in an effort to comply with accounting standards. Since it’s inception, this trust has accumulated annual actuarial determined contributions and related investment income resulting in a balance, as of December 31, 2021, of $95 million. Based on the most recent actuarial report, the OPEB liability is just over $116 million, which means that the plan is over 75% funded in comparison to being just over 4% funded when the Section 115 Trust was established. City staff is pleased with the service and administration of the current OPEB Trust by PARS over the past fifteen years. The fee schedule has a tier structure based on the current portfolio balance we estimate that annual administration costs will be in the range of $123,000 per year. Staff are recommending formation of the Plan and Trust for the City so that deposits into the Fund can begin and approves the updated investment guidelines for the Trust. In addition, the Adoption Agreement designates the City Manager (or his designee) as the Plan Administrator. HEARINGS Item 10a. Fourth Public Hearing Regarding Redistricting Ward Boundaries (All Wards) Under the Bakersfield City Charter Chapter 11.1 and pursuant to the California Elections Code, following each decennial federal census, and using that census as a basis, the City Council is required to adjust the City Council ward boundaries so that the council wards are nearly equal in population. The Bakersfield City Council will be hosting its fourth public hearing on the Ward Redistricting process as an item on the City Council’s regular meeting agenda. This hearing has been noticed to begin at 5:30 p.m. The presentation will be given by City staff and includes an overview of the City’s ward redistricting process to date. Staff recommends Council comment and to provide staff direction. The public hearing is an opportunity to receive comments from the City Council and the public regarding the ward redistricting process and draft map. Public comments regarding the ward redistricting process can be submitted at any time outside of a public hearing setting by any of the means available on the City’s redistricting website: https://www.bakersfieldcity.us/819/Ward-Redistricting including by e-mail, online survey, mail, phone, or appointment. NEW BUSINESS Item 13a. Fiscal Year 2021-22 Mid-Year Budget Recommendations (All Wards) Each year the City Council adopts a budget, which commits finite resources to accomplish goals and objectives. The purpose of the City's Mid-Year Budget Report is to compare revenues received and expenditures made to budgeted amounts approximately 50 percent through the fiscal year, review available one-time funds, and consider budget adjustments and appropriations consistent with City Council Goals. Although the general outlook related to City finances is better than expected, staff is recommending limited adjustments to the budget that are dependent on ongoing revenues. However, staff is proposing several larger appropriations to projects and reserves from available one-time revenues derived from Fiscal Year 2020-21 general fund balance, Public Safety and Vital City Services Measure fund balance, and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Staff from the City Manager’s Office and Finance Department will provide a mid-year budget presentation as part of this report. During the first quarter budget update provided to the City Council, staff noted available General Fund balance, PSVS fund balance, and ARPA fund balances for the most recently completed fiscal year ending June 30, 2021. These balances are comprised of revenues that exceeded revised projection, savings from positions that were vacant for any part of the fiscal year, and appropriations within operating budgets that were not encumbered or expended by the end of the fiscal year. The available General Fund balance is $29 million, the available PSVS fund balance is $20 million, and the available ARPA fund balance is $47.2 million for the first phase of funding. The proposed Fiscal Year 2021-22 Mid- Year Budget Adjustments and Appropriations are as follows: GENERAL FUND: Total $36,365,000 Staff will be recommending the use of these one-time general funds to allocate to several major City Strategic Programs and Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) being proposed - $29,365,000. Strategic Programs - $22,965,000: • $3 million for the next phase of Regional Public Safety Radio System Project • $250,000 allocation for Public Safety Camera Equipment • $250,000 allocation for Public Safety Drones Program • $2.2 million allocation for Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) • $140,000 allocation for Fire Department Safety Equipment • $75,000 allocation for Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) Update • $6 million for partial funding toward upgrading the City’s 25 year-old Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software. • $2 million allocation to the Section 115 Pension Trust Fund • $4 million allocation for the COLA Market Compensation Adjustment Set-Aside • $3 million allocation to cover FY 2022-23 Carryovers • $500,000 allocation to the City Facilities Reserve Fund to remain on track to reach 60 days general fund reserve status per adopted City reserve policy • $1 million allocation for Facility Conditions Assessment/City Facility Needs • $75,000 allocation for Grant Writing Assistance • $250,000 allocation for a Classification & Compensation Study • $75,000 allocation for Traffic Calming Study • $150,000 allocation for Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) Plan Grant Application & Project Management Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) - $6,400,000: • $1.4 million allocation for the Bakersfield Police Department Priority Facility Needs • $2 million allocation for the Mesa Marin Sports Complex Project • $500,000 allocation for the Convention Center Lobby Project • $250,000 allocation for the Bicycle/Pedestrian Feasibility Study • $250,000 allocation for the 28th Street Sidewalk Project • $1 million allocation for the Downtown Infrastructure Planning Project • $1 million allocation for the Downtown Streetscape Spruce-Up Project Conservative projections have identified an additional $7,000,000 in ongoing revenues that we anticipate receiving for this fiscal year. Staff recommends appropriating these revenues to fund balance, as opposed to allocating the funds to any programs at this time, as contingency for developing the annual budget for next fiscal year. PUBLIC SAFETY / VITAL CITY SERVICES: Total $23,580,653 Staff will be recommending the use of these one-time funds to allocate to several major City Strategic Programs being proposed - $20 Million. Strategic Programs - $20 Million: • $5 million for the next phase of Regional Public Safety Radio System Project • $10 million for partial funding toward upgrading the City’s 25 year-old Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software project. • $2 million allocation to the Section 115 Pension Trust Fund • $1 million allocation to the City Facilities Reserve Fund to remain on track to reach 60 days general fund reserve status per adopted City reserve policy • $2 million towards Economic Development Strategic Plan (EDSP) Implementation Based on revenue trends, staff is conservatively estimating PSVS revenues will exceed current year projections by $22 million. Staff will be recommending the partial use of these funds to allocate to a limited number of strategic ongoing positions, programs and services that directly correlate with City Council goals and PSVS Measure priorities, as outlined below: Strategic Programs - $2,000,000: • $2 million to fund the Downtown Redevelopment Plan Strategic Positions - $1,580,653: • Park Ranger Program (18 Park Ranger I, 1 Park Ranger III, 1 Administrative Analyst I): $2,399,650 annual cost/ $1,281,912 three-months cost including one-time start-up costs and purchasing 10 new PST trucks & equipment • Police Financial Services (Accounting Supervisor): $135,000 annual cost/ $48,750 three-months cost including one-time start-up costs • Technology Services (Division Manager X2): $296,424 annual cost/ $85,706 three-months cost including one-time start-up costs • Clean City & Homeless Clean-up (Field Supervisor II): $123,500 annual cost/ $70,225 three-months cost including one-time start-up costs and a new truck & equipment • General Services Division (Administrative Analyst I/II): $92,700 annual cost/ $27,175 three-months cost including one-time start-up costs • Economic Development (Economic Development Manager): $147,351 annual cost/ $38,838 three- months cost including one-time start-up costs • Economic Development (Administrative Analyst I/II): $104,187 annual cost/ $28,047 three-months cost including one-time start-up costs *All the positions listed above will be funded for the remaining 3 months of FY 2021-22. The FY 2021-22 annual cost for the strategic positions outlined above is $1,580,653. Ongoing annual salary/benefits costs for the above positions will be $3,298,812. ARPA FUNDS: Total $36,700,000 Staff will be recommending the partial use of these one-time funds to allocate to several major City Strategic Programs and Projects being proposed - $36.7 Million (Additional detail in Exhibit “A”). • $2 million allocation for California Violence Intervention & Prevention (CalVIP) Program • $5 million allocation for Affordable Housing • $5 million allocation to the Brundage Lange Navigation Center (BLNC) Expansion Project • $7 million allocation for Direct Staffing Costs • $2.5 million allocation to Purchase Blighted Properties • $500,000 allocation for Home Access Program • $4 million allocation for Tourism Industry Program • $1.2 million allocation to the Food Bank Project • $4 million allocation to the Blue Zones Wellness Initiative • $500,000 allocation for Health Care Industry Funding Program • $2 million allocation for Workforce Development & Job Training • $1 million allocation for Façade Improvements Program • $1 million allocation for Economic Opportunity Area (EOA) Funding • $1 million allocation for Business District Revitalization Public Works Department Mid-Year Adjustments and Appropriations: Public Works Department requests the following new positions and appropriations for consideration at FY 2021- 22 Mid-Year budget. REFUSE & SEWER ENTERPRISE FUNDS: Grand Total $233,500 Staff will be recommending the use of these funds to allocate to several ongoing positions and services that directly correlate with City Council goals, as outlined below, but covered in more detail in Exhibit “A”.: Strategic Positions - $233,500: • Solid Waste Division (Compliance Inspector): Refuse Enterprise Funds $101,600 annual cost/ $64,400 three-months cost including one-time start-up costs and purchasing a new van & equipment • General Services Division (Electrical Technician I (X2)): Sewer Enterprise Funs $183,000 annual cost/ $169,100 three-months cost including one-time start-up costs and purchasing two (2) new trucks & equipment *All the positions listed above will be funded for the remaining 3 months of FY 2021-22. The FY 2021-22 annual cost for the strategic positions outlined above is $233,500. Prepared by: Anthony Valdez, Assistant to the City Manager cc: Department Heads City Manager’s File City Clerk’s File News Media File Recreation & Parks - RRT Weekly Report For the week of 2/13/2022 - 2/19/2022 City Council and/or Public Requests • None City Source Requests • None Projects Completed by RRT 1. Wible Road (Truck Art Installation) • The RRT re-installed the Truck Art in the Wible Rd. medians at different locations, north of Harris Rd. 2. Wayside Park (New Parking Lot Gate Fabrication & Installation) • 2/14/2022- The RRT continued gate fabrication. • 2/15/2022- The RRT continued gate fabrication. • 2/16/2022- The RRT continued gate fabrication. • 2/17/2022- The RRT continued gate fabrication. 3. San Miguel Grove (Bike Trail Re-Paving Project) • The RRT temporarily removed safety bollard posts at various locations along the bike trail as part of the re-paving project. • The RRT also made repairs to service road access gates due to vandalism by homeless. 4. Beale Park (Playground Equipment) • The RRT secured and temporarily closed of a slide due to vandalism, until a replacement slide is ordered and delivered. 5. Saunders Park (Encampment Clean-Up) • The RRT assisted Code Enforcement with trash removal from homeless encampments set up on the north and west sides of the park. • 3 sites were addressed. • Trash loads were placed inside the rear loader truck for disposal, provided by Code Enforcement. 6. Silver Creek Park (Men’s Restroom Drywall Repair – Vandalism) • The RRT completed the ceiling drywall repair inside the men’s restroom. 7. H Street & 19th Street (Raised Planter Removal) • The RRT remove the existing raised block wall planter at the south east corner, due to a vehicular accident. Miscellaneous: 1. Wible Road (Concrete Removal) • The RRT removed two 3’ x 3’ concrete slabs located in the medians between Harris Rd. and Panama Ln. 2. Saunders Park Pavilion (Perimeter Chain Link Fence Repair – Vandalism) • The RRT re-installed a missing glass panel on the indoor hockey rink. • The RRT re-secured the existing chain link fence twice at the north west corner due to ongoing vandalism. 3. Yokuts Park (New BPD Obstacle Training Course) • The RRT reviewed layout of new BPD obstacle training course on-site with BPD officers. Ongoing Projects 1. Greystone Park (Trash Enclosure Modification) • The RRT will schedule fabrication and installation of a new cover on the existing trash enclosure. 2.Yokuts Park (BPD Training Course Project) • The RRT will continue work on the new BPD obstacle training course project on the week of 2/28/2022. Weekly Data: Assignment Locations Job Description Date Man Hours Equip/Hours Misc. Cost Weight Approx. lbs. Wible Rd. & Harris Rd. Truck Art Installation 2/13/2022 9 11 $107.31 0 San Miguel Grove Bike Trail Re-Paving Project 2/14/2022 4 2 0 0 Beale Park Play Equipment 2/15/2022 6 3 $214.39 0 Wayside Park New Parking Lot Gate Installation 2/14/2022 2/15/2022 2/16/2022 2/17/2022 26 21 30 20 18 14 20 10 0 0 $165.73 0 0 0 0 0 Saunders Park Encampment Clean-Up 2/16/2022 16 12 0 0 Saunders Park Pavilion Perimeter Fence Repair 2/16/2022 6 3 0 0 Silver Creek Park Men’s Restroom Dry Wall Repair 2/16/2022 2/17/2022 20 16 10 8 $168.86 $103.58 0 0 H St. & 19th St. Raised Planter Removal 2/18/2022 2/19/2022 10.5 58 7 68 0 0 0 0 Wible Rd. Median Concrete Removal 2/16/2022 24 12 0 0 Saunders Park Pavilion Perimeter Fence Repair 2/17/2022 4 2 0 0 Yokuts Park New BPD Obstacle Training Course 2/18/2022 10 10 $42.22 0 Totals: Projects Completed: 10 280.5 hrs. 210 hrs. $802.09 0 lbs. Next Week City Source Request • None City Council and/or Public Request • None Priority Projects • RRT will continue to work with Code Enforcement regarding any illegal homeless encampment sites within City Parks, Streetscapes, and/or City buildings. • BPD Obstacle Training Course Project. Training • None See Attached Photos Wible Road (Truck Art Re-Installation) San Miguel Grove (Access Gate Repair) Saunders Park (Encampment Clean-Up) Saunders Pavilion (Indoor Hocky Rink Repair) Silver Creek Park (Men’s Restroom Drywall Repair) Wayside Park (New Parking Lot Gate) 19th St. & H St. (Raised Planter Removal) SEASON TICKET INFORMATION Bakersfield Condors 661-324-PUCK (7825) www.bakersfieldcondors.com Bakersfield Symphony 661-323-7928 www.BSOnow.org UPCOMING EVENTS March 11 – Condors vs San Diego 7:00 PM $40, $30, $25, $20, $19, $12 On Sale Now March 12 – Banda MS 8:00 PM March 5 – Condors vs Tucson 7:00 PM $40, $30, $25, $20, $19, $12 On Sale Now $156, $116, $86, $66, $46 On Sale Now $40, $30, $25, $20, $19, $12 On Sale Now February 4&5 – Condors vs Colorado 7:00 PM $40, $30, $25, $20, $19, $12 On Sale Now February 11&12 – Condors vs Henderson 7:00 PM $40, $30, $25, $20, $19, $12 On Sale Now February 14 – Condors vs Ontario 6:30 PM $113.75 to $43.75 On Sale Now $179.50 to $39.50 On Sale Now June 18 – La Adictiva/La Septima Banda 8:00 PM $50-$175 On Sale Now March 19 – Condors vs Abbotsford 7:00 PM $40, $30, $25, $20, $19, $12 On Sale Now June 16 – Chris Stapleton 7:00 PM May 25 – Matchbox Twenty 7:00 PM April 9 – Jo Koy 8:00 PM $66.50, $52.50, $42.50 On Sale Now $20 to $100 On Sale Now February 18 – Harlem Globetrotters 7:00 PM February 16 – Condors vs Abbotsford 6:30 PM February 19 – Condors vs Stockton 7:00 PM $40, $30, $25, $20, $19, $12 On Sale Now $40, $30, $25, $20, $19, $12 On Sale Now Buy tickets at www.mechanicsbankarena.com or AXS.com May 14 – Daniel Habif 7:00 PM August 21 – Frankie Valli 7:00 PM $145, $125, $95, $55, $35 On Sale Now $36 On Sale Now May 7 – BSO: Navarro & Maher 1 6:00 PM$45, $35, $30, $20 On Sale Now $225, $189, $125, $95, $70, $65, $45 On Sale NowApril 3 – Los Tigres Del Norte 8:00 PM April 22 – Rise Against w Pennywise 7:30 PM $125, $95, $75, $35 On Sale Now $225, $189, $125, $95, $70, $65, $45 On Sale NowTBD – Los Temerarios 8:00 PM $45, $35, $30, $20 On Sale Now $45, $35, $30, $20 On Sale Now March 19 – George Lopez 8:00 PM March 5 – BSO: Dvorak & Beethoven 6:00 PM $64.50, $54.50, $44.50 On Sale Now April 2 – BSO: Peter and the Wolf 2:00 PM February 19 – Baby Shark Live! 2:00 PM$55, $45, $35 On Sale Now February 15 – Disney Princess The Concert 7:00 PM $20-$78 On Sale Now May 8. 2022 – Celtic Woman 3:00 PM$150, $59, $39 On Sale Now Free AdmissionMarch 19 – Raise Bakersfield w Will Graham 10:30 AM April 9 – Midland 7:30 PM$69.50, $49.50, $32.50 On Sale Now