HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/04/2022CC OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER March 4, 2022 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Christian Clegg, City Manager SUBJECT: General Information Notable Items  This week the City of Bakersfield was awarded a grant of $1,491,250 to complete an enhancement project for the historic Garces Memorial Circle. The grant is through the Clean California Local Grant Program, which awards approximately $296 million in funds to local communities to beautify and improve local streets and roads, tribal lands, parks, pathways, and transit centers to clean and enhance public spaces. As part of this project, the roundabout located at the intersection of Chester Avenue, 30th Street and Golden State Avenue (Highway 204) will include a public art installation, landscaping work, lighting, and addressing bicycle and pedestrian needs by including sidewalks, curb ramps, crosswalks and signage. Timelines for this project are still being finalized, though the grant criteria require that projects which receive funding must be completed by June 30, 2024.  Three Bakersfield programs and projects were recognized for their accomplishments during the annual Kern Council of Governments Regional Awards ceremony on Thursday, March 3: The B-CARES Small Business Assistance Grant program received the Regional Award for local government; the Kentucky Street Urban Greening Project received the Ken Volpe Regional Award for Environmental Resources and Conservation; and the Brundage Lane Navigation Center (BLNC) received the Chairman’s Award. • During the pandemic, the B-CARES program awarded nearly $6 million to more than 900 local small businesses to cover operating costs including payroll, working capital, rent or mortgage payments and more through grants of between $5,000 and $20,000. This program was executed over a very short period, about four months and that accomplishment is a testament to the work of the City’s Finance and Technology Services Departments. General Information March 4, 2022 Page 2 • The City’s Kentucky Street Urban Greening Project brought nearly 34,000 square feet of new and improved sidewalk to the area, as well a Class II bike lane for enhanced green mobility options and a Class IV cycle track. The $890,339 project also included the planting of new drought-tolerant plant life and the installation of 28 solar powered street lights along Kentucky Street between Beale Avenue and the Kern County border. • The BLNC opened in October 2020, in the midst of the pandemic and just 10 months after purchasing the property for the facility. Since it opened, the BLNC has helped more than 100 previously homeless individuals and couples find permanent housing solutions, and is regularly at capacity, providing comprehensive wrap-around services to its clients.  Congratulations are in order for two members of the Bakersfield Fire Department. James Cherry has been promoted from Battalion Chief to Deputy Fire Chief and Paul Briones has been promoted from Captain to Batallion Chief. Chief Cherry (right, top) has spent nearly three decades with the Bakersfield Fire Department, including the last two and a half as a Battalion Chief. He’s also served 16 years as a Union Board Member among other achievements. As a member of the Chief Staff, Chief Cherry will assist in developing next year’s budget and begin addressing the Strategic Initiatives cited in the Strategic Plan. Briones (right, middle) has been a member of the department since 2007 and served as a suppression Captain since 2014. He will fill a vital need within the Battalion Chief rank. Congratulations to both men on their new roles in the department.  The Bakersfield Fire Department welcomed a new 28-person academy class on Monday, February 28. The class was sworn-in by the City Clerk (right, bottom) and will next go through rigorous training over the 24-week academy course. Good luck, Cadets!  The City’s Technology Services Department created a new “How to” video about the award-winning Bakersfield Mobile App that walks General Information March 4, 2022 Page 3 users through the process of reporting service requests to the City quickly and easily. There are English and Spanish versions, which have been posted on the City’s social media accounts, the webpage dedicated to the mobile app and on the City’s YouTube channel.  A new, fully indexed Bakersfield map (right) is now available from Visit Bakersfield. The 38” x 50” fold-out map includes locations of Bakersfield parks, schools, post offices, museums, fire stations, golf courses, and many other amenities. A Bakersfield map is the item most requested at Visit Bakersfield by visitors and residents alike. Until this new map arrived, the only Bakersfield map available was through the Auto Club. Whimsically titled “The Streets of Bakersfield,” this new map also contains sections that promote unique things to see and do in Bakersfield. Those sections contain QR codes that link directly to Visit Bakersfield’s new Official Bakersfield Insiders’ Guide, providing readers with details on our city’s many activities.  Last weekend the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center played host to the San Diego-based performing arts organization Vox Artium as the group prepared for a local competition. Vox Artium – Latin for “Voice of the Arts” – performed in the Winter Guard International Regional Color Guard Championships held at Golden Valley High School over the weekend.  The City of Bakersfield’s Animal Care Center will host its monthly low-cost drive-thru pet vaccine and licensing clinic at University Park (4301 University Ave.) on Saturday, February 5, from 9 a.m. to noon. Pet owners are asked to wear a mask and take their dogs out of the vehicle so staff can safely vaccinate them. Dogs must remain on a leash during the clinic. Dogs can also be microchipped free of charge with the purchase of a license.  As the weather has already been warming up lately, the Recreation & Parks Department is opening recruitment for 60 new lifeguards for the Summer season. Applicants must be at least 16 years old and have to complete a lifeguard pre-assessment at McMurtrey Aquatic Center (1325 Q St.) that includes completing a 300- yard swim test, a 10-pound brick test and to be able to tread water for at least two minutes. The next pre-assessment date is Tuesday, March 29 at 7:15 p.m. with another on General Information March 4, 2022 Page 4 Monday, April 4 at 7:15 p.m. After completing the pre-assessment, anyone interested in being a lifeguard must apply to the City online as well as select and attend a Blended Waterpark Lifeguard Course.  The Clerk’s Office is accepting applications for three future vacancies on the City Planning Commission. Terms are expiring on April 30 for the Commissioners from Wards 2 and 4, with a third seat opening up for Ward 1 in the near future. Applications are available at the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall North (1600 Truxtun Avenue) and online. They must be returned to the Clerk’s Office by 5 p.m. on Friday, April 8.  The City Clerk’s Office is accepting applications to fill vacancies on the Bakersfield Youth Commission: • Ward 1: regular and alternate appointments • Ward 6: regular and alternate appointments • Ward 7: regular and alternate appointments Applicants must be City residents, current high school students at the time of appointment, and maintain as close to a 3.0 grade point average as possible. Anyone interested in applying for these openings can do so at the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall North (1600 Truxtun Avenue) or by downloading an application from the City’s website here. All applications must be returned to the Clerk’s Office.  Spectrum Pacific West has announced that on or around March 31 they will remove RTN Plus Russian on channel 533. To view a current channel lineup, visit www.spectrum.com/channels. Spectrum is also notifying customers of a decrease in price through bill messaging. Effective on or about April 1, pricing will decrease for the following unreturned equipment: • Digital receivers: From $103 to $97 • EPON Optical Network Unit: From $260 to $95 Traffic Advisories  Temporary closures planned for San Miguel Commemorative Grove parking lot The City of Bakersfield will temporarily close the parking lot at San Miguel Commemorative Grove as a Recreation & Parks Department project gets underway. The parking lot, located just off Manor Street near Denise Avenue, will be closed for the day on Monday, March 7 for one to two weeks for construction. Crews are installing a perimeter barrier around the parking lot to prevent unauthorized vehicle access. General Information March 4, 2022 Page 5 The City thanks the public for its patience and understanding during the completion of these improvements. Please Note: Construction work may be postponed and rescheduled without notice due to inclement weather or other unforeseen conditions. Reports  Recreation & Parks Department Rapid Response Team weekly report, February 20 – 26.  McMurtrey Aquatic Center Lap Swim & Water Walking schedule, Effective February 28. Events  March Meet, March 5 – 6, at Famoso Dragstrip.  Low-cost pet vaccination and licensing clinic, 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, March 5, at University Park (4301 University Ave.)  Cults & Classics: “The Big Lebowski,” 6 p.m. Monday, March 7, at The Fox Theater (2001 H Street).  Event Calendar for the Mechanics Bank Arena, Theater & Convention Center. 2022 Lifeguard Academy )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFDOO  - 0F0XUWUH\$TXDWLF&HQWHUƔ46WƔ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—SP $$SULO—0RQ-7KXUVDP—SP $$SULO 0D\6DW 6XQDP—SP 6SULQJ&RXUVH2SWLRQV$YDLODEOH 0XVWEHDWOHDVW\HDUVRIDJH Recreation & Parks - RRT Weekly Report For the week of 2/20/2022-2/26/2022 City Council and/or Public Requests • None City Source Requests • None Projects Completed by RRT 1. Jefferson Park (Shelter Removal) • The RRT removed the old metal shelter adjacent to the concrete amphitheater seating area. 2. Jefferson Park (Horseshoe Pit Repair) • The RRT replaced the existing damaged wood backboards and installed new rubber backing material on the backboards. 3. Mill House @ Mill Creek (Building Repair – Vandalism) • The RRT removed trash from the inside of the building due to vandalism and illegal forced entry by homeless. The RRT secured the building and boarded up the doorways to prevent future forced entry. 4. Jefferson Park (Trash Receptacle Repair) • The RRT re-painted the existing trash can receptacles adjacent to the horseshoe pit. 5. Yokuts Park (New BPD Obstacle Training Course) • The RRT string-lined the layout for the new BPD obstacle training course on-site with BPD officers. Miscellaneous: 1. Saunders Park Pavilion (Perimeter Chain Link Fence Repair – Vandalism) • The RRT repaired the damaged chain link fence at the northwest corner of the pavilion due to vandalism. 2. Quailwood Park (Irrigation Modification) • The RRT temporarily capped off and will relocate existing irrigation lines which were discovered in the playground during the rehabilitation project. 3. Beach Park (Sports Field Prep) • The RRT assisted Area#2 with softball diamond prep work for a scheduled reservation. 4. Planz Park (Sports Field Prep) • The RRT assisted Area#2 with softball diamond prep work for a scheduled reservation. 5. San Miguel Commemorative Grove (Brush Clean-Up) • The RRT removed weeds and debris in preparation for the annual marathon event. Ongoing Projects 1. Greystone Park (Trash Enclosure Modification) • The RRT will schedule fabrication and installation of a new cover on the existing trash enclosure. 2.Yokuts Park (BPD Training Course Project) • The RRT will continue work on the BPD training course project on the work week of 3/2/2020 through 3/5/2022. 3. San Miguel Commemorative Grove (Brush Clean-Up) • The RRT will continue work on the clean-up project the work week of 2/27/2022 through 3/5/2022. Weekly Data: Assignment Locations Job Description Date Man Hours Equip/Hours Misc. Cost Weight Approx. lbs. Jefferson Park Shelter Removal 2/20/2022 67 57 $359.12 21,140 lbs. Jefferson Park Horseshoe Pit Repair 2/22/2022 2/23/2022 2/24/2022 26 49 20 18 31 10 $1,599.64 $14.87 $268.28 0 0 0 Mill House @ Mill Creek Building Repair 2/23/2022 2/24/2022 2 16 2 8 0 $323.69 0 0 Jefferson Park Trash Receptacle Repair 2/25/2022 12 12 $45.00 0 Saunders Park Pavilion Perimeter Fence Repair 2/22/2022 4 2 0 0 Quailwood Park Irrigation Modification 2/24/2022 4 2 $13.95 0 Beach Park Sports Field Prep 2/25/2022 2 6 0 0 Planz Park Sports Field Prep 2/25/2022 2 6 0 0 Yokuts Park New BPD Obstacle Training Course 2/25/2022 2/26/2022 4 20 2 20 0 0 0 0 Next Week City Source Request • None City Council and/or Public Request • None Priority Projects • RRT will continue to work with Code Enforcement regarding any illegal homeless encampment sites within City Parks, Streetscapes, and/or City buildings. • BPD Training Course Project. Training • None See Attached Photos San Miguel Grove Brush Clean-Up 2/24/2022 2/25/2022 2/26/2022 40 40 40 50 40 60 0 $300.19 0 0 0 14,720lbs Totals: Projects Completed: 10 348 hrs. 326 hrs. $2,924.74 35,860 lbs. Jefferson Park (Shelter Removal) Jefferson Park (Horseshoe Pit Repair) Mill House (Building Repair) San Miguel Grove (Brush Clean-Up) SEASON TICKET INFORMATION Bakersfield Condors 661-324-PUCK (7825) www.bakersfieldcondors.com Bakersfield Symphony 661-323-7928 www.BSOnow.org UPCOMING EVENTS May 25, 2023 – Matchbox Twenty 7:00 PM $179.50 to $39.50 On Sale Now June 16 – Chris Stapleton 7:00 PM $113.75 to $43.75 On Sale Now June 18 – La Adictiva/La Septima Banda 8:00 PM $50-$175 On Sale Now May 8 – Disney On Ice 1:00/5:00 PM $85, $50, $30, $25, $20 On Sale 3/8 $40, $30, $25, $20, $19, $12 On Sale Now $40, $30, $25, $20, $19, $12 On Sale Now May 21 – Snoop Dogg 8:00 PM $40, $30, $25, $20, $19, $12 On Sale Now $49 to $299 On Sale Now March 12 – Banda MS 8:00 PM $66.50, $52.50, $42.50 On Sale Now May 6 – Disney On Ice 7:00 PM $156, $116, $86, $66, $46 On Sale Now $85, $50, $30, $25, $20 On Sale 3/8 March 19 – Condors vs Abbotsford 7:00 PM April 9 – Jo Koy 8:00 PM May 7 – Disney On Ice 11A/3P/7P March 11 – Condors vs San Diego 7:00 PM $85, $50, $30, $25, $20 On Sale 3/8 March 5 – Condors vs Tucson 7:00 PM Buy tickets at www.mechanicsbankarena.com or AXS.com April 23 – Blippi The Musical 2:00 PM $36 On Sale Now $65, $45, $35, $25 On Sale Now $45, $35, $30, $20 On Sale Now May 8. 2022 – Celtic Woman 3:00 PM$150, $59, $39 On Sale Now May 7 – BSO: Navarro & Maher 1 6:00 PM April 22 – Rise Against w Pennywise 7:30 PM April 3 – Los Tigres Del Norte 8:00 PM March 5 – BSO: Dvorak & Beethoven 6:00 PM$45, $35, $30, $20 On Sale Now $225, $189, $125, $95, $70, $65, $45 On Sale Now April 2 – BSO: Peter and the Wolf 2:00 PM$45, $35, $30, $20 On Sale Now $64.50, $54.50, $44.50 On Sale NowMarch 19 – George Lopez 8:00 PM August 21 – Frankie Valli 7:00 PM $125, $99, $89, $80, $70, $60, $40 On Sale Now $55, $45, $35 On Sale Now $95, $75, $65, $45, $35 On Sale 3/3August 25 – Lost 80’s Live 7:30 PM June 8 – ChavoRucos: Ramones & Uribe 8:00 PM June 18 – Baby Shark Live! 2:00 PM February 5, 2023 – Los Temerarios 8:00 PM$225, $189, $125, $95, $70, $65, $45 On Sale Now $125, $95, $75, $35 On Sale Now March 19 – Raise Bakersfield w Will Graham 10:30 AMFree Admission April 9 – Midland 7:30 PM$69.50, $49.50, $32.50 On Sale Now