HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/19/22 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AGENDAPOSTED ON Q� by City Clerk's Office City of Bakersfield CITY OF BAKERSFIELD - 22 APR 13 PSI 2: 02 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION �It�" itLiJ LI i �' ct.ERK MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2022 AGENDA MEETING 4:00 P.M City Hall North 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield California First Floor Conference Room B A. ROLL CALL B. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Agenda Item Public Statements b. Non -Agenda Public Statements C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Minutes of the March 15, 2022 meeting for approval. D. CLOSED SESSION None E. CORRESPONDENCE None F. PUBLIC HEARINGS None G. REPORTS None H. OLD BUSINESS 1. Review of HPC Goals & Action Items: Staff recommends discussion. I. NEW BUSINESS None J. COMMISSIONER STATEMENTS K. ADJOURNMENT Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Saldana, Economic and Community Development Director If anyone wants more information on any of these agenda items, call Cecelia Griego, Economic Development Principal Planner; Economic & Community Development Department at (661) 326-3788. SAMCD_SharedlED Projects\ED HPC\HPC Meetings\2022\HPC 4.19.22\4.19.22 HPC Agenda.docx CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 15, 2022 MINUTES Chair Stussy called the regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to order on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. at Conference Room B of City Hall North. Roll call was as follows: MEMBERS PRESENT: Cathy Butler Mike McCoy Stephen Montgomery Susan Stussy Stephen Humphreys STAFF PRESENT: Cecelia Griego Paige McCollister Joshua Rudnick PUBLIC STATEMENTS: a. Agenda Item Public Statements b. Non -Agenda Item Public Statements APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 1. Motion to approve minutes from the January 18, 2022 meeting with corrections emailed to staff by Commissioner Montgomery on Tuesday, March 15, 2022. Minutes approved: Motion made by Commissioner McCoy; Second by Commissioner Butler. APPROVED: All Ayes CLOSED SESSION: None CORRESPONDENCE: None PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Public Hearing before the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Bakersfield to consider the Woolworth's Building, located at 1400 19th Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301, as a Cultural Resource in Accordance with Bakersfield Municipal Code 15.72. Public Statements: Sherod Waite, one of the subject property owners and applicant, presented their plans for restoring the Woolworth's Building. Daniel Cater, the architect on the project, supported the presentation. Both expressed their support for the resolution. David Anderson, another property owner of the Woolworth's Building, spoke in support of the resolution. Questions by the Commission: Commissioner Humphreys asked if the owner's plans to restore the fagade of the building included the full glass panes rather than the cheaper half panes used in past decades. Daniel Cater responded that the current plans are under the assumption that full vertical panes will be used, pending stress tests on the glass for stability. Commissioner Montgomery inquired about the black terracotta panels, Daniel Cater responded that the vertical panels between the second and third floor are corrugated cement. Commissioner Humphreys asked if there were plans to keep the wood paneled walls in the basement of the building. Daniel Cater responded in the affirmative. Commissioner Humphreys asked if the property owners had considered the parking situation. Sherod Waite responded that they are looking into vacating K Street for designated parking. Comments by the Commission: Commissioner McCoy mentioned that the plans for the first -floor market sound like a wonderful idea. Commissioner McCoy commends the property owners for thinking about the building as a public good. Commissioner Butler requested that the Woolworth's Building property owners write a letter to City Council in support of a Mills Act ordinance. Resolution Approved: Motion made by Commissioner Montgomery to designate the Woolworth's Building as a Cultural Resource. Commissioner Butler seconded the motion. APPROVED: All Ayes. Absent: None. REPORTS: None OLD BUSINESS: Community Outreach Efforts: Staff requested feedback on the first working draft of the brochure. Feedback can be submitted to staff by email. The commission discussed having a digital companion to the brochure utilizing a QR code. NEW BUSINESS None COMMISSION STATEMENTS: Commissioner Butler discussed the response to the Mills Act from historical property owners. Five known letters of support had been sent into City Council. Staff will check with the City Clerk for letters that had been sent into the City Council and Mayor. Staff relayed that the Mills Act is a priority of the Economic and Community Development Department. Commissioner Stussy reminded the Council that May is Historic Preservation Month and requested a draft certificate review in the April meeting. A walking tour was proposed by Commissioner McCoy as a Historic Preservation Month activity. Commissioner Stussy stated that the Women's Club has their 120'h anniversary meeting this month. Commissioner Stussy thanked Commissioner Humphreys for his time on the commission and requested that the commissioners look for someone to fill the vacancy. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 5:03 p.m. by Commissioner Stussy. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Meeting Date: April 19, 2022 Agenda Section: Old Business Agenda Item: H - 1 TO: Historic Preservation Commission FROM: Economic and Community Development Department DATE: April 4, 2022 SUBJECT: Review of HPC Goals & Action Items RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation: Discuss goal related action items. BACKGROUND: Goal 1: Establish a Mills Act Program Items to Discuss - Outreach update Goal 2: Preserve Historic Neon Signs Items to Discuss - Updates from commissioners Goal 3: Conduct New and Update Neighborhood Surveys Items to Discuss - RFP status Goal 4: Public Education and Encourage Historic Pride in Bakersfield Items to Discuss - Website update - Brochure: feedback needed - Certificate for designated properties - draft review - Historic Preservation Month activities - China Alley plaque update Goal 5: Identify Potential Grants and Partnerships with Non -profits to fund Historic Preservation Projects Items to Discuss Updates from commissioners Goal 6: Establish Historic Districts/Neighborhoods Items to Discuss Updates from commissioners S:\EDCD_Shared\ED Projects\ED HPC\HPC Meetings\2022\HPC 3419.22\Goals Admin 4.19.22.docx