HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 596RESOLJTION OF INTENTION RESOLUTION OF INTENT;q 0�: TO I10,11OVE Si TR DISTRICT NO. = IN THE, CITY OF BAKUERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. BE IT RESOLITrD BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAI RSFIELD, as follows: That it is the in_.ention of the City Council of. the City of Bakersfield, to order the following work to be done and improve- ment to be made in said. City, to -wit: SECTION 1. To construct a sanitary sewer of six (6) inch vitrified salt glazed sewer pipe along the center line of the alley running easterly and westerly through Block 401A_ and 401B, City of Bakers- field, and the extension easterly of said center line from a point 20 feet easterly from the easterly lire of A Street to the easterly line of C Street. SECTION 2. To construct manholes and lamphole as shown on the plan . for said work and to place "Y" branches for house connections at each and every lot, piece, or parcel of land in the district, the exact location of said"Y" branches to be designated by the City Engineer. All of said work and improvement is to be done in accord- ance withh%%% the plan and specifications heretofore and on the day of , 1929, adopted by the Council of the City of Bak- ersfiel , s pia plan being entitled "PLAN FOR THE IhPROVEPlFNT OF STWER DISTRICT WO. S� IN THE CITY OF BAKE'RSFIELD, C_,LIFORNIA" and said specifications being entitled "SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE 11-:PROVE- 14ENT OF SE41,rER DISTRICT NO. Si � IF THE CITY OF BAd RS a IELD, CALIFORNIA" and which said plan and specifications are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, and are hereby referred to and by such reference made a part and portion hereof, and in this connection the said plan and. specifications also show the exact lo- cation of the aforesaid work and improvement. AND ti ITIEREAS, said contemplated work and improvement in the opinion_ of said City Council is of more .than local or ordinary public benefit, said Council hereby makes the costs and expenses of said work_ and improvement chargeable upon_ a district, which district said City Council hereby declares to be the district benefited by said work and improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof, and which said district is bounded and described as follows: Beginning at.a point in the southerly line of 13th Street 207 feet westerly from the westerly line of B Street; thence east- erly along the southerly line of 13th Street to the easterly line of C Street; thence southerly along the easterly line of C Street to the northerly line of California Avenue; thence westerly along the northerly line of California Avenue to the easterly line of A Street; thence northerly along the easterly line of A Street 229.12 feet; thence northeasterly along a straight line to the point of beginning. All of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursu- ance of an act of the Legislature of the State of California, des- ignated the "Improvement Act of 1911" approved April 7th, 1911, and all acts amendatory thereof. Notice is hereby given that on Monday the I� y of 1929, at 8 o'clock P. MI. at a regular meeting of e said City Council in the Council Chamber of said City Council in the City Hall of the City of Bakersfield, any and all persor_s having any objections to the proposed work or improvement may appear before said City Council and show cause why said proposed improvement should not be carried out in accordance with said Resolution. The City Clerk of said City shall cause this Resolution of Inter_tion to be published twice in the The Daily Report, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in said City of Bakers- field, and hereby'designated for that purpose by said City Council. The Street Superintendent of said City of Bakersfield shall cause to be conspicuously posted along the lines of said contemplated work and improvement and along all the open streets within said dis- trict, notice of the passage of this Resolution of Intention_ in the manner and form required by lava. -----000----- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution of In- tention was regularly introduced, passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting of said Council held on the /1 Iday of , 1929, by the following vote: Ayes: Benson, Carlack, Corbett Heaaen, Johnson, M2rUl% G'd'ers City Ulerk and Er 'Officio Clerk of the ityy of Bakersfield. 1929. I I IN THE MATTER OF THE IMPROVEMENT OF 51:67Syli: liISTRIQT NOSS6 ---------------------------------- i FOR DISTRICT NO.____ 596___ PAGE ----------------- CONTRACTOR'S BOND FOR LABOR AND MATERIALS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That whereas, on the --- �9� _day of_____ J�y_____________- 192---- under and STATE OF CALIFORNIA, l pursuant to law, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, a Municipal Corporation of the County of Kern, State of California, awarded a y as. DBAN & STROBL'1,', a Co-partnereklip ooi:eietingr of F. T. Dean and S. V. itroble an Y___ t o lieTn_ contract�s-----------------------------------------------------'-------------- ' ------------------------------------------ / ..--------`--------L�Cr___-�1�_.Cs34__.,! ---and---�C_- --_ _ - whose names are subscribed as sureties to the foregoing bond, being severally duly sworn, each for himself, deposes and says that he is , 59 S] VL<1 HUNDRED AVD N0 100 a r�00.00 as Contractor__ for doing, the,following, work. in the. said City of Bakersfield, as provided in Resolution of Intention No.______6_______of the worth double the cum mentioned therein, to -wit: .is worth the sum oY.__________ Council of said City of Bakersfield, passed om the, —?4th___ day f__---- ?!Te_----- 192--- 9 reference to which Resolution of Intention is hereby made for further particulars.— AND WHEREAS. eaid---------DNAN ---------&---STROBL------- .---------------------------------------------------------------- as such contractor___ __,__ ! 'FQ _____about to enter into a contract with ---------- J--- . 1• OLF1'I D:yPfjti_ ............. as Superintendent --------------- of Streets of said City of Bakersfield, for the performance of said work, pursuant to said award, AND WHEREAS, said act above mentioned reg.res every contractor, person, company or corporation, including contracting owners, to whom is awarded any contract for Street Work under said act, before executing said contract, to file with the Superintendent of Streets, a good.saulaufHcient bond approved by the Mayor of said City, in the sum of not less than one-half of the total amount payable by the terms of said contract, and which shall enure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies or corporations *Koperform labor or furnish materials to be used in said work or improvement. NOW, THESE PRESENTS WITNE99ETH: That the said___DLAN & STROBLH _.______________________________ '--------------------------------------------------------- as contractor----, and principal----, and as curet_____, are held and firmly bound unto any and all persons, companies, or corporations, who perform labor or furnish materials, pro. visions, provender or other supplies, or teams used in, upon, for, or about the performance of the work aforementioned in the sum of THREE HUNDRE? AND FIFTY AND 110/100 (0350.00) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .----------------------------------------------------------------Dollars, (being not less than one-half of the total amount payable by the terms of said contract) for which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, suc- cessors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. URAi The conditions of the above obligation are each that if said ____.________________&___STROBLE, the said contractor_ t 8_, to whom said contract has been awarded as aforesaid, shall fail to pay for any materials so furnished for said work or improvemenabove mentioned, or for any work or labor done thereon, of any kind, the said sureties will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the said sum hereinbefore specified. / WITNESSETH, our hands and seals this_____( �_______da of __ _____ ___ __________, 192__ y ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dollars, in fixed property and real estate, situated in said State of California, over and above his just debts and liabilities, exelfisive of property exempt from execution and over and above all sums for which he is already liable or in any manner bound, whether as principal, endorser or surety, or whether such obligation or liability be conditioned or absolute, liquidated or unliquidated, certain or contingent, due; or to become due. ----- ------ - ------------------------ '-------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ---------------------------------- Subscribed and sworn to before me this--- / _ ' __day of------- - ------------- 192 f- -----'----------- --------------- Notary Public in and for the County of --- /-------- _______ State of California. The sum mentioned n the above bond is by in d e ed adequate and is the sum fixed for that purpose, and said bond is hereby ap.' proved by me this_ U___-_day of_ j------ 7 , 192_-q_. . Sup erintendez3t f street eyor of the City of Bakersfield CONTRACT No..-596---_----' THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this_/ff —day of ---- -------- - 192_ by and between THAT, WHEREAS, 1 D2A_7 & STROME. a Co�artnesship _consisting_ of ------------- Bakersfield Bakersfield on the___�9t'} ----------------- ---- ... -_ J. HOLF I,n Eli - - - mentioned, part____ of the first part, and ----------------------------------------------=----as Superintendent of.Streets of the City of Bakersfield, - - NOW, THEREFORE, County of Kern,State of California, under and by virtue of the authority granted to him as such by law, party of the second part, witnesseth: - - Promises __and agrees_ � and -not otherwise, that._ tq the direction and to the sate Y it The part_ --- of the first part further agree --- that ___—lt_________will do and perform said work according to specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield which are designated Specifications- for, the Improvement of Sewer District No. and made a part of this contract, and that_it------- will at_ it5_____own cost and expense furnish all necessary materials and labor foz said work and that the materials used therein shall comply with the said specifications and be to the satisfaction of the said Superintendent it of Streets and that______ _____will within the time hereinafter fixed, turn the said work over to the Superintendent of Streets com- plete and ready for use as a public__sewer _ system _______— ------ free and discharged of all claims and demands whatsoever. And the said party of the second part acting in his official capacity as such Superintendent of Streets, and not .�� as Ba `a d = a individually, hereby fixes the time for the commencement of ox e o m o me m grAroa ° said work to be within fifteen (15) days from the date hereof, Se d mN m m o 5 m> M5m . o c �« ninety (90) c V m Ana Q «Om--<m Imo a m�"x�eo `�tm and for its completion to be within_________________________ ti 6 m°oW X=G ___days from date hereof, and promises p °�m�r�mcl q ��m,�mom« uyro. a ®o m>or°. mro m�.".>MQ and agrees that upon the performance of the covenants afore- w e x c a,roS ° e o - .°o_-'roq_-° maw-` kl i; r.• m mt°, • ° 1-a said, by the said part ---- of the fast part, be will duly make ua.w_ ° J °-'° F m and issue an assessment, and attach a warrant thereto as o mac__ Z mw �o y rro `m °a"°' . O«soc'7 s 2 ,8. provided.for in the aforementioned act for the expenses of the o work aforesaid, at the following prices, to -wit: KemFOU�E-: And it is agreed and e: thereof, be liable for any port And it is further stipr day's work, and the said part said first party in the perforn and it is further agreed that t each laborer, workman or me. day during which such labor of Section 653-C of the Penal And it is further stipu tract shall be three (3) dollar IN WITNESS WHERI Countersigned by: n -- FOR -DISTRIGT`NO--------. NO6------- ___, 192 by -and between' THAT*HEREAS, thesaid partZ__of the first part, as will appear`by reference to the proceedings. of the Council of the City of Bakersfield on -the__ _-_day of_____-- J97__ _____U921 hag ___ been awarded the contract for the work hereinafter mentioned, Beets of the City o£:Bakersfield,5 - NOW, THEREFORE, these presents witnesseth that theypart_-7' ___ _, of the first part for the -consideration hereinafter -mentioned - of the second•,par•t,-wrtnesseth, _ -- .. - - - .. - promise$ __and'agree_8_ with said--_--�__H07'�'�'��:: -------_------ _ as Snperintendent:of Streets of'the City o£ Bakersfield, and•not otherwise, that:__t_'_h_�--_______will do-aud-:perform or" ase'to be done and-p"inied;in=a good and workmanlike"maser',' under the direction and to the satisfaction of .said Snperintendenlof:Streets; all the following wofk in the City of Bakersfield; to-wlt NOTICE: OF jPliEN7TON NO 596 B ginning t yo t lbe --ntherly by . of Uth' Street 377 feel esterly f the,- t 19 lia f B Sheet, tb t 7y 1 g to pr Sew th -cirth Iy I[ne P 63 ,Str [Lash t ly ' +' tIfCty f Bak field, Ga "E C Str t th vih I9 along th ;,I - - Caiu teilr by C C Str t to th mrthe7y I H I[ R Iv d I- Cbvval f th �Crty F Calif A tli ""terly al vg _ . .l .. That t fis th mt Ht o[ -the Gty Couveil 'het lyl b of .AE Str et thAeaee� orth flyof of th GtY.af Bak field; :to d ib SoH g th sterlY line o. A Street 72912 3 et, - { k to'b d d:'imp t to b thence' t-dimsterlr: along g a straight Ln tor. .. _ —de­tlie P t f begmm g i. - S m I .T trn t ' terry sew AH f the h pt- p ed k shall b dove, ,,. zf (6) ek tnfied salt �Iar il-epip P f ct of the Legtslatvr f - ._.- ._- 1 g th to Ln f ehe aLey r�mng eat th Stat [ Cak.n�a, desgnated th Im erly d i ly thr gh' B1ock 401A d t A t f'19ll pproved APn1 7tb,- 4]1H GtY [r Bak field;'' -a the eatenn 1911 ;and H t mendatou tliereof _ i t 7y f d t , line f - Point 20 Notice h e-by ei that. av Menday the feet 1y fr th terly h [. A Set 15th day f JvIY -3929 a[ 8- clock P M. e to th telly !m [.C.Str t rcguLr Ling- F th d city eppneR - S t 2. T ev true,, 1 sad I., P .tie Carnal Chamb' f d. City Co ul m b h the pLm f d- rk .and the City Hall f the Gty E Bakersfield " to p 1 ':b ch far I ticas at d all p h v:"vg y ljecto t the ehh d every lot, p t. or p .of of ]sad in propmed L p t _ y pp be dz rt, th t l cotton f 'd 'Y" fore sad Gty Couoeil d show::- by •b ches to;o dessnaced' br the City En- s, d prof ed mp _v t sh vid"-not- cted ovt dance ib sazd: Res 7utov- -eAll E d k d pi t io ti The C ty CI k of d Gty'stiaH Lim d order th he plan d sp Resalut [Inc do t b p bhshed tin fia h ret f d -oa- th 24th day f the Tk D ly -Rep rt daily sp per'., J :adopted by th -C ed f the;.Cty. -printed p bhshed 'and culat d m d Gty- Bakecsfidd; d plan being Battled .'PLAN of Bak field, 'd h by destghated % - I'OR THE .,IMPROVESMENT OF-SEwER yncposniby:and CEty'Couv'I -' - ,:• ` - DISTRICT ENO:-i96 IN'THE CITYOF�:BA 'The treee Superintendeot of said Gty, o[- - ' .. %LRSFTDLD;-CALIFORA7A, d said.sp 'Ba&ersfield shall tame to be ecaspteubusly - -fi t - being ertined=-aSPECIFICATIONS- pasted;. al g the lives of said' templated. FOR THE;.`:IMPROVEMENT OESEWER work` and - p ovemen! d almn� all thn -i an DIS R CT NO".596-IN THE CTTY OF.:IIAE pen. str t thin.. said district,' t of th .: - ERS IELD'aCALiFORAZI,' d wbich 'd passaga E this Resolution of Intent the- - n d Peofi t r o file ' the f- d iorsavequiied by law. fi f th Gty.-Cl -k - theaCity E IIak - I HEREBY CERTIFY that th f ego g, I field d ach eby referred to sad by such Resdnt f Tatenrion regularly tro - _ p t sad Po: ton hereof, d duced, p d d„adopted by the Counvl f t irn xba miev the.said plzn avd speafirma- the City pf Bakers5vld,- a gNar tnq, t lso show th cruet location of the afore- a`. d Comd be1d- -the 24th day of JrmS d t d' p t- 1929, by tli followiv8 te: ' n AND wB:EREAS td coot plater; wink AYr-s: B n, Oarlock, Corbett, Htadee, `. d-mt the [said. Gty I-hvspa, Martin, waiters. - Coovai oaf mor ..than-:lo�tal orLiaary-Pb Noes: \one: b St;' sazd Coffid he by took :the -Absent: No - tic V. VAN RIPER m t etia gb po �dutnct dlvchr d,s City:G k d- -O&'o Gerk of the Couvril . tic, a.d,Gty Co 1. ketebr d-dares to hoftlte Gtyo['Baker field-- rli dt tot benefit d br: sa,d k"avd. - Appro d tk:s 24lh day of_Itrve, 1929. ' p eatand to b- sed t p y-the:,_cests ELMFR MARTIN;. Mayor of the City of Rik- _ and , os .h r ssed wh,ch 'd :district —field. - is bounded avd "drsaihed as f u.o (Jn1y 6 and S) :ording to specifications =on•fjle , And it is agreed -and expressly understood by the parties to this agreement, that in no rase will the City of Bakersfield, or any officer - thereof, be liable,for'any portion of the expense of the work aforesaid nor for any delinquency of persons or property assessed. :he Improvement -------- '----- - -� � And it is: farther stipulated and agreed by the psi ties to this agreement als �reemeat that under it eight hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work, and.th'e said party of the first part shall not require more than eight (9) heof-'labor in a day.from any person employed by __________ said first party in the performance of said work, except incaseof extraordinary emergency caused by fire, flood or danger to life or property; "-----------`--- and it is further agreed that the party of the first part shall forfeit, as a penalty, to the City of Bakersfield,the: sum of ten (10) dollars for each hlborer, workman or mechtl.Cr mployed in the execution of this contract by him, or by any -sub -contractor under him, for each calendar ssary materials and labor ,for day during which such laborer, workman_ or,mechanic is required or permitted to labor more than eight hours in violation of the provisions ion of the said Superintendent: of Section 653-C of the Penal Code of the State of California or Section 143 of the Charter of the City of Bakersfield. And it is further stipulated and agreed that the minimum compensation to be paid for labor upon all work performed under this con- . Iperintendent of Streets com- tract shall be three (3) dollars pier day. - . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands -and seals the day and year first above written. and demands whatsoever. -. . ----- ' o -------------------------- ----- — ------ --------------------------------------------------- m ____________ Ivi;w?o^-__________________________________________________________________________ _ __ _Pe] iq= 'U m ? Canntersigned by:endent of f the City of Bakersfield. oy m _____________________________ x lmmm mp Auditor of the Cityof Bakersfield. . d ?P, U° DISTRICT No:____-596 . _ ---- . PAGE----`------- CONTRACTOR'S BOND FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, DEAN--- & STRO13LL. a Co —partnership consisting of STATE OF CALIFORNIA, 1 Dean and S. V. Stroble Kern 1 , -------------------------------as principal, and--------- -- -- --- .County of----------`---' ------------------ ---------------- --------- ------- ------- --------------- , -----------------------------as sureties, are jointly and severally bound unto the ------------------ — -- ----- --------------------and---- ---�-- — whose names are subscribed as sureties -to the foregoing bond, being severally duly sworn, each for himself, deposes and says that he 1s if Bakersfield, County of -Kern; State of California, in the sum of._-U _ ���u' � AiR_1'.Z�_:'s '.u�'.jJ �Iy �D._]:w_.Lu J qg .7 t-- -- - ----------------- ------------- ------------------- rs, lawful money of the United States of America, to be paid to the City of Bakersfield, for which payment, well and truly tobe made, ad ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, jointly and severally by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that if the above bounden_DFAN & STRO33I� ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- their ipal----- _____ __________successors or assigns shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and faithfully per - all the covenants, conditions and agreements in the contract about to be made between said principal_______, as contractor______, and J. HOLFLLDER .___________________________________________________________, as Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, County of State of California, for furnishing materials in compliance with specifications and performing the work in the said city which is par - Fly described in Resolution of Intention No.____5.96---- of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, passed the__ 2hth _______day of _�e ------------ 1929__, reference to which Resolution of Intention is hereby made for further particulars, then the above obllga- a be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. 'worth double the sum mentioned therein, to -wit: 1s worth the sum of.__ RRliIt - 14T Hi;1i_J_rLD--- 31FMY- .-A]]i__UG/1Q0------ ---- Dollars, in fixed property and real estate, situated in said State of California, over and above his just debts and liabilities, exclusive of property exempt from execution and over and above all sums for which he is already liable or in any manner bound, whether as principal, endorser or surety, or whether such obligation or liability be conditioned or absolute, liquidated or unliquidated, certain or contingent, due or to become due. -------------------------------------------------- 1 '------------------------------------------------------,-�-r------------/---------�--- - ---------- — ----------------------------- Subscribed and sworn to before me this_,/— =_day of_____________ _______________- 192__yl. •---------(// C-r-l------ r-"--'t�------------------------- Notary Public in and for the County of --- 1/ ---------- State of California. Approved this till -------day of_ 191_. •--------------- �--�.�i ------------- tof the City oY Bakersfield. NOTICE OF AWARD Pursuant to statute and to the Reso- lution of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, directing this notice: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that said Council, In open session, on the 29th day of July, 1929, publicly opened, examined and declared all sealed pro- improvembids twin sad City, doing as described �.. Vesolution of Intention No. 696, of COcil oP sai ' City, adopted on ,the 3tli+&t2 une, 1929, which Resolution o.: n:::is hereby .ex- pressly referred.to`Tw �Iher..,partic- ulars. AND NOTICE IS ALSO HE1fiL .� GIVEN, that said Council thereafter > on the 29th day of July, 3929., awarded the contract for said work to the low- est responsible bidder, to -wit: DEAN & STROBLE, .at the prices named for said work in their proposal or bid on file, as follows: 6-inch sewer, pipe @ $ sZ6 per lin. ft. Manholes @ '$60.00 each. Lampholes '@,,$10.00 each. Date: July '31,` 1929. V: VAN RIPER, Clerk of the 'City 'Council .of the City of Bakersfield, California. State of California, i SS: - County of Bern ` r. VAN RIPER ----------------------------------- -------------- ---------- ----------------- being:duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is now and was during all the times herein mentioned, the duly op -- pointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of the -City NOTICE OF THEFILING OF AS- . I - - SESSMENT AND OF THE -TIME .' OF HEARING, i o{ Bakersfield, aforesaid County and State; NOTI m➢ IS. H1 REBY OLpD[I.that J +"' _ 4,. W d'n da9 the. 4th day oL.SeDD-- tembex':1929 there was Ya d'wlfh the d mgned City- Cl rlc, a ± a- t to the 'aam dne'for the That pursuant to statute and the order of- the p work performed: d Hmprovement - mad by'Deaa &5t-U ontracto- d "'aid in pnrstian of;tbe p as a 1 thep a ement,Aat Pf ! Council of said City he duly posted conspicuously 1911 1er E being made to :R o 1 tioa�of Intention No. 596, of- tka City 4 C it f the City of Bakersfield, ,, n a. J 24th, 1929 for the a for five days -near the Chamber door of the Councn� n tion of, said'-w: k d ;im➢roves meat, :said a ent le-, .made conformity ih.the-p ffi s.of SB bons zo a 21 of,m Ant, aearamg a Notice of the Filing of Assessment::dnd the time of to tbe,cha ter,of'the work done; -. - Said': as sment eho the amo t ''- to,be pad said co ta-e t for the "' work <aatra lea for and Peclormea hearing, a copy of which is annexed hereto andmade t geth- wick .all ins de tal .e�Denae ` the amount of each' assessmentagamst ch loY portion of lOt, tlti ➢m - - b r of .Each 1 t'or pow ar Portions apart hereof; .,of a'lot co. assemed� d has attached -thereto a 'diagram eahibiting ' each - - street Cro i-g"',lane alley pht➢e court, ..pFOD rty'ar nghts of way on which -any work has b as a show- That .said notice was :posted for. the -'-first time as _ p rrt o :.' I , let, -to th tion Of 11 ldt . " amb it to eotrespo d tb thenum n ere bets of the assessmenta., N017CD IS 19EHERY- rS7. t6 that "-� Monday; h he= day 0, Sentember; ` aforesaid, On the ------- _ _ d(61/ Of 1929,. at the hatn-.of 8,o'clock P, ___________�_______ _ __ _ ... -. in Clerks when 8i11 Personae tereatmediil a `•,� . the work do or'1n the assessment may aDDeaz at_the' Clty Hall Sn the . .,..,}} Connell :ehambexs..:ana be heetd by :,. X�_—_ _____ ______ _________ 19,2 __-__; _and was - 'kept —Se ember 9 the -C ty-C011acll: - -. - Th own r the Contractors nrthelr 83sigae, d all other Dor90ne at a.m aaia wk"a in me asseaa so posted continuously thereafter :zip to and iclzrd ent'fe Ling, eel by any, act thereto, o who'claim that,the"work hie. not+b perf rm d aC rdfag to the 'rnatra t good and.,snbsta ner'o ho lotto that ypertio - -� of the k f any r o 2Yz - 9 - a ma o m golly taclnaea m the g the entire day of__Septambsr 2rd_--_---,.192 tract for th or haul g along any object2 n t the one t n s f. ass sSment diagram o other t d et tin oreed - ipgs of the Snp tend t f Stteets �- - or City. Engineer shall Dnor to the day, Tined for sa�d`hearmg a➢peal to , the City: Cp ml by:.bnefly stating 1n f venting.the grounds "of M35). eal Bated S Ptember'4, _ - Y:' VAN RR'I48: _ _ _____- _ ----------- city Clerk of thfl Ciiybf 13akers[leld .. i City Clerk Calliornfa _ `' "` Subscribed and sworn to before me this ---------- 24th_ y of September A. D.192.9- --- ------------------- - -- - --- - --- - Notary Pu lie in and for the.Coanty of Bern, St a of Californi71. 77 .. I, IJOTICE OF s'E FTLI G DF ASSs3cMTT AND OF TM TIME OF Eutr2:90. NOT IGE IS MRLSY CIVEM that on Wednesday, the 4th day of September, 1929„ there was filed with the romdersigned Witt' Clerk, an, assessment to Veer 12,e s = due for the work performed and improvement made by .neon to Stroble contractors under and in pursuance of the provisions of the fiMnprovement let of 29111, reference being made to resolution of Intention No. 598, of the "ity jouneil-of the City of BsJ--rsfield, passed Zane 24th, 1929, for the description of said work and improvement, said assessment being made in conforaity with the provisions of Sections 20 and 21 of said Let, according to the character of the. zrork done; Said assessment shows the mount to be paid on said con- tract for the ejork contracted for and performed, together with all Incidental e7--p+enses, the smomt of each assesment against each lot or portion of a lot, the amber of each lot or portion or por- tions of a lot so assessed, and has attached thereto a diagram exhibiting each street cros_an.g, lane, alley, place or court, property, or ,:inhts of way on k;hicih any work has been done, show- ing the relative location of each lot or portion of a lot, to the work done, numbered to correspond with the numbers of the assess- ments. i,L,3 IS HEM? Gl--� that MMdag, the 23rd dap of September, 1929, at ti-m hour of 8 cfclock ?.. K. is the time fixed by the undersigned wlerk VIum all persons interested in the work done, or in the assessment may appear at the City Fall in the oanall Ch..amber i and be heard by the City Gouneil. Me owners, the contractors, or their assigns, and all other persons int^rested in said work, or in the_ essessment feeling agL-a-ieved by any act thereto, or v&o claim that the work has not been performed aaaording to the contract in a good and substantial Manner or who claim that ant portion of the work for any reason was emitted or illegally included in the contract for the same, or having or making any objection to the correctness of the assessment or diagram or other act, determination or -pro- ceedings of the Superintender_t of Streets, or City Magineer, rhall prior to the day fixed for said rearing appeal to the w�ity :ouncil by briefly stating in writing the grounds of appeal. Dated: September, 1929. aerlr or tue MY or 30mrs- field, CalifoMia. Wfibabit of Aubiication 11 COPY OF NOTICE STATE OF CALIFORNIA) i ss. County of Bern In the matter of ENTS. J,_. iF_SERVEY I> -- -=----- --- ---- --- of said County and State, do solemnly swear that I am over the age of 21 years; the ---------------------------- principal clerk of THE BAKERSFIELD CALI- FORNIAN, a newspaper printed, published and circulated daily (Sundays excepted) in said Coun- ty, and as such have personal knowledge of all advertisements published therein; that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, was pub- lished in said newspaper as follows: ------CEP T E M B E R__S TH-_-AN D__6T H-_-19-9-------- inclusive; in the regular and entire issues of every number of said paper during the period and time of publication, and that the notice was published in the newspaper proper, and not in a supple t =�-------------- Subs ed and sworn to before me day of--- 'EPTEMISER 1929 ---------------- - ----------- - -------------------------- No Public in and for ern County, California NOTICE OF TIE FILING OF ASSESSMENT AND OF THE TIP,' OF HEARING. NOTICE IS IIERI= GIVEN that on Iffednesday, the 4th day of September, 1929, there was filed with the undersigned City Clerk, an assessment to cover the sum due for the work performed and improvement made by Dean & Stroble contractors, under and in pursuance of the provisions of the 'Improvement Act of 191111, reference be in made to Resolution of Intention No. 596, of the Cit,✓ Council of the City of Bak.rsfield, passed June 24th, 1929, for the description of said work and improvement, said assessment being made in: conformity with the provisions of Sections 20 and 21 of said Act, according to the character of the vrork done; Said assessment shows the amount to be paid on said con- tract for the work contracted for and performed, together with all incidental exnenses, the amount of each assessment against each lot or portion of a lot, the number of each lot or portion or por- tions of a lot so assessed, and has attached thereto a diagram exhibiting each street crossing, lane, alley, place or court, property, or rights of way on which any work has been done, show- ing the relative location of each lot or portion of a lot, to the work done, numbered to correspond with the numbers of the assess- ments. NOTICE IS HEP.EBY GIVEN that Isionday, the 23rd day of September, 1929, at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M. is the time -fixed by t`re undersigned Clerk when all persons interested in, the e✓ork done, or ir_ the assessment may appear at the City Hall in the "o,ncil "hamber:l and be heard by the City Council. The owners, the contractors, or their assigns, and all other persons interested in said work, or in the assessment feeling aggrieved by any act thereto, or who claim that the work has not been performed according to the contract in a good and substantial manner or who claim that any portion of the work for any reason was omitted or illegally included in the contract for the same, or havinS or making_ any objection to the correctness of the assessment or diagram or other act, determination or,pro- ceedings of tine Superintendent of Streets, or City Engineer, shall prior to the day fixed for said hearing appeal to the City Oouncil by briefly stating in writinS the grounds of appeal. Dated.: September %�, 1929. City Clerk of the Ci y of Bakers- field, California. Wfibabit of jubiication II COPY OF NOTICE \ STATE - OF CALIFORNIA 1 County of Kern ) ss. In the matter of -------------.0T1LE Or AWARD--------------------------------- RESOLUTION OF INTENTION itl0 SQE 1, -.i . l -- IhE S -- R-[ EY-------- ---------------------- of said County and State, do solemnly swear that I am over the age of 21 years; the ------------------- -------. principal clerk of THE BAKERSFIRI CALI- FORNIAN, a newspaper printed, published and circulated daily (Sundays excepted) in said Coun- ty, and as such have personal knowledge of all advertisements published therein; that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, was pub- lished in said newspaper as follows: --------------------- ALLGLLST -2= .3 1129 ......................... inclusive; in the regular and entire issues of every number of said paper during the period and time of publication, and that the notice was published in the newspaper proper, and not in a sup 1 me scribed and sworn to before a this..-._3RD day of ----------- --AWGUST 1929 Notary Public in and for Bern Cauntp, California NOTICE OF AWARD. Pursuant to statute and to the Resolution of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, directing this notes: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that said Council, in open session, on the 29th day of July, 1929, publicly opened, examined and declared all sealed proposals or bids for doing the work and improvement in said City, as described in Resolution of Intention No. 596, of the Council of said City, adopted on the 24th day of June, 1929, which Resolution of Intention is hereby expressly referred to for further particulars. AND NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN, that said Council thereafter on the 29th day of Jul;, 1929, awarded the contract for said work to the lowest responsible bidder, to -wit: DEAN & STROBLE, at the prices named for said work in their proposal or bid on file, as follows: 6 inch sewer pipe @....... Q .75 per lin. ft. Manholes @....... 60:00 each: Lampholes @....... 10:00 each. Dated: , 1929. r Clerk of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, California. RESOLUTION . A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR IIAPROVE- b1ENTS IN SENDER DISTRICT NO. 5965 IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, TO THE LOWTST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, did in open session on the 29th day of July, 1929, publicly open, examine and declare all sealed proposals or bids for doing certain street work in said City under and in pursuance of the Improvement Act of 1911 and all acts amendatory thereof, the names of the streets pro- posed to be improved and the location and character of said proposed work being described in Resolution of Intention No. 596 of said Council adopted on the 24th day of June, 1929, which Resolution of Intention is hereby expressly referred to for further particulars: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the said City Council hereby rejects all of said proposals or bids except the next herein mentioned and hereby awards the contract for doing said work and im- provement to the lowest responsible bidder, to -wit: at the prices named in bid. The City Clerk is hereby directed to publish notice of this award twice in the The Bakersfield Californian, a daily news- paper, published and circulated in said City, and hereby designated by the Council for that purpose. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the day of July, 1929, by the following vote: Ayes: T Carlock, Corbett, Headen, Johnson, Martin, Waiters Noes:.. __.-..-- _--' City Clerk and Ex-0 icio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. wy- f J-, 1929. �` c CITY OF B A K E R S F l E L D ` BIDS RECEIVED FOR IMPROVEMENT OF DISTRICT NO. -r96 BAKERSFIELD, CALIF., n P `Ti-e �. ITEMS QUANTITIES UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL Paving Sq. Ft. Sub Grade Sq. Ft. Gutter Sq. Ft. Sidewalk Sq. Ft. Curb Lin. Ft. Culvert, 18 in. Lin. Ft. Culvert, Double Lin. Ft. Culvert Lin. Ft. Headers Lin. Ft. Catch Basins Ea. Shoulders Sq. Ft. Cut Cu. Yds. Fill Cu. Yds. Comb. Curb & Walk Lin. Ft. 6 in. Sewer Pipe Lin. Ft. �O ji (O ( l 8 in. Sewer Pipe Lin. Ft. 10 in. Sewer Pipe Lin. Ft. 12 in. Sewer Pipe - Lin. Ft. dF Matt Holes Ea. / (p j�l �' O O QLamp O Holes Ea. - � O O TO TAL.S 3 0// I. NOTICE INVITING SEALED .PRO- POSALS Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, adopted the 15th day of July, 1929, directing this notice and to statute in such case made and provided, said Council hereby invites sealed proposals or bids for doing the work described in Resolution of Intention No. 696, passed and adopted by the said City Council on the 24th day of June, 1929,' which Resolution of Intention is on file with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. For full and complete particulars regarding said work and improvement to be made and the district to be assessed therefor,Resolution is here- by made to said of Inten- tion No. 696, "Plan for the Improve- ment of Sewet .District No. 696," and "Specifications for the Improvement of Sewer District No. 696," adopted by the Council of -the City of Bakers- field on the 24th day of June, 1929, and are on file in the office of the City Clerk. All proposals, or bids shall be ac- companied by a check payable to the City of Bakersfield, certified by a re- sponsible bank for an amount which shall not be less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposals, or else by a bond for the said amount, pay- able as aforesaid, signed by the bid- der and two sureties, who shall justify before any officer competent to ad- minister an oath, in double the said amount and over and above all statu- tory exemptions. All sealed proposals or bids shall be delivered to the Clerk of said Council on or before 6 o'clock P. M. Monday, the 29th day of July, 1929, said time being not less than ten days from the first publication and posting of this notice. All bids so received shall be opened by the said Council in open session at 8 o'clock P. M. of the said day. All bids must be submitted on blanks to be furnished by the City Clerk. Bidders will state in their proposal the price of each, item separately as set forth therein, by which. the bids will be compared. Dated: July 16, 1929. V. VAN RIPER, City Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California. July 17-18, '29 --------------- Bakersfield, Calif_-, 192_7 - In and for the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern: GENTLEMEN: In compliance with the annexed notice inviting street work proposals, I hereby promise and agree to perform the work and furnish all necessary and proper materials therefor and execute the contract specified therein to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, at the following prices, payable in U. S. gold coin, via.: Paving_______--------------------------------------------Sq. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------ Sq. Ft SubGrade -------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft @ ------------------------------------------ Sq. Ft. Gutter------------------------------------------------------ Sq. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------ Sq. Ft Sidewalk--------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------ Sq. Ft Curb------------------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft @------------------------- __--------------- Lin. Ft Culvert------------------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft Culvert------------------------------------------------------ Lin. FL @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft Headers----------------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft CatchBasins ----------------------------- ------------------------ @------------------------------------------ Ea. Shoulders--------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft @ ------------------------------------------ Sq. Ft. Coin. Curb & Walk ------------------------------------------ Lim Ft @_____ L _____ ________Lin. Ft ___r___/�_�__ ______________ x_1ST______________________________Lim 6 in. Sewer Pipe__________________________________________._Lin. Ft. @ Ft 8 in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @ -- ---------------------------- Lin. Ft -- ' X @_ ManHoles_________________________________________________________ _______ P__________________________Ea. LampHoles ------------------------------------------------------- @ y_�_IL_I _________________________ Ea. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _______ Total Cost of Work_________________________________ Know All Men by These Presents: That we__________________________ - ----------------as principal, and -------------------------------------- and --------------------------------- as sureties, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Bakersfield, in the just and full sum of'___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Dollars, for the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Given under our hands and sealed with our seals this__________ day of ---------------------- A. D. 192____ Now, the condition of the foregoing is such that. Whereas the above mentioned principal____________________________ _________________________________________________I. about to hand in and submit to the Council of the City of Bakersfield, the foregoing bid or proposal for the performance of the work therein mentioned, together with the furnishing of all neces- sary and proper materials therefor, under and in pursuance of the annexed advertisement or notice inviting street work proposals, a copy of which is annexed to said bid or proposal: Now, therefore, if the accompanying bid or proposal of the said __________________________________shall be accepted and the said work awarded to ------------------- thereupon, by the said Council, and________________, the said ____________________________________________________________shall enter into a'contract therefor and execute an adequate bond to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets of said City, with two or more good and sufficient sureties, con- ditions for the faithful performance of such contract on -------------------------------------- part, in such case required by an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled an "Act to provide for work in and upon Streets, Avenues, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks within Municipalities, and upon Property and Rights of Way owned by Munici- palities, and for Establishing and Changing the Grades of any such Streets, Avenues, Lanes. Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks and Providing for the Issuance and Payment of Street Improvement Bonds to Represent Certain Assessments for the cost thereof and Providing a Method for the Payment of such Bonds," and all acts amendatory thereof or supple- mentary thereto, then and in that case, the above obligation shall become void and of no further force or effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue; and the said sum of ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dollars shall be and become as liquidated damages for such failure and neglect WITNESS: STATE OF CALIFORNIA l Ss. County of Kern f and___________________________________________________________ being severally duly sworn, each for himself, and not one for the other, deposes and says, that he is one of the sureties named in the foregoing bond, and that he executed the same; that he is a resident and freeholder of the City of Bakersfield, and is worth the sum mentioned in said bond, in said City of Bakersfield, over and above all his debts and liabflities. Subscribed and sworn to before me on this____________ dayof ------------------------------- A. D. Clerk. Bakersfield ___ ___, 192_7__ L.a' Or 2"4m mbIr Tmmri1 In and for the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern: GENTLEMEN: In compliance with the annexed notice inviting street work proposals, I hereby promise and agree to perform the work and furnish all necessary and proper materials therefor and execute the contract specified therein to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, at the following prices, payable in U. S. gold coin, viz.: Paving_____________________________________________________Sq. Ft @ ------------------------------------------ Sq. Ft SubGrade -------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft @ ------------------------------------------ Sq. Ft. Gutter------------------------------------------------------ Sq. FL @ ----------------- ------------------------ Sq. Ft. Sidewalk______________________________________ ___Sq. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------ Sq. Ft Curb-------------------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft Culvert------------------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft @------------------------------------------ Lin. FL Culvert------------------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft- Headers___________________________________________________._Lin. Ft @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft CatchBasins______________________________________________________@------------------------------------------ Ea. Shoulders--------------------------------------------------- Sq. FL @ ------------------------------------------ Sq. Ft Com. Curb & Walk ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft 6 in. Sewer Pipe_______b _7_3____________________________._Lin. Ft @_____ —? ----------------------------- Lin. Ft. 8 in. Sewer pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. __ in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. __________________________________ Man Holes______________ _ ------ Ft @______p.S ____________________________________Lin. Ft @_____ 8ee______________________________Ea. LampHoles _____________f---------------------------------------- ea @----- � ---------------------------- Ea. �6 Total Cost of Work_______ _________________ Know All Men by These Presents: That we____________ principal, and -------------------------------------- and ---- bound unto the City of Bakersfield, in the just and full sum of sureties, are held and firmly ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Dollars, for the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Given under our hands and sealed with our seals this__________ day of ---------------------- A. D. 192____ Now, the condition of the foregoing is such that. Whereas the above mentioned principal____________________________ _______________________________________________is about to hand in and submit to the Council of the City of Bakersfield, the foregoing bid or proposal for the performance of the work therein mentioned, together with the furnishing of all neces- sary and proper materials therefor, under and in pursuance of the annexed advertisement or notice inviting street work proposals, a copy of which is annexed to said bid or proposal: Now, therefore, if the accompanying bid or proposal of the said ------------------------------------------------ shall be accepted and the said work awarded to ------------------- thereupon, by the said Council, and ----------------- the said ____________________________________________________________shall enter into a contract therefor and execute an adequate bond to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets of said City, with two or more good and sufficient sureties, con- ditions for the faithful performance of such contract on -------------------------------------- part, in such case required by an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled an "Act to provide for work in and upon Streets, Avenues, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks within Municipalities, and upon Property and Rights of Way owned by Munici. palities, and for Establishing and Changing the Grades of any such Streets, Avenues, Lanes. Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks and Providing for the Issuance and Payment of Street Improvement Bonds to Represent Certain Assessments for the cost thereof and Providing a Method for the Payment of such Bonds," and all acts amendatory thereof or supple- mentary thereto, then and in that case, the above obligation shall be --come void and of no further force or effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue; and the said sum of ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dollars shall be and become as liquidated damages for such failure and neglect. WITNESS: STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 �s County of Kern j [SEAL] [SEAL] [SEAL] being severally duly sworn, each for himself, and not one for the other, deposes and says, that he is one of the sureties named in the foregoing bond, and that he executed the same; that he is a resident and freeholder of the City of Bakersfield, and is worth the sum mentioned in said bond, in said City of Bakersfield, over and above all his debts and liabilities. Subscribed and sworn to before me on this____________ day of ------------------------------- A. D. 192____ _________________________________________, Clerk. State of California, SS. County of Kern ` V. VAN RIPER ------------------------------being duly sworn, deposes ---------------------- - -------------------------------------------- and says that he is now and was during all the times herein mentioned the duly ap- pointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, NOTICE INVITING SEALED PRO- State of California; that as such City Clerk he posted POSALS a Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals, .a printed copy of Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council f the City of Bakersfield, dopted the 15th da n of July. 1929, dd'pt'd " notice a d =° s atuts .n which is hereto attached in a conspicuous place near cn a ode na provided, a d s invites sealed oroposals r Council hereby or bids for doing the work described n Resolution of Intention No. 596, the chamber door of the Council of said city, to -wit: f passed and adopted by the d City Council on the 24th day of June, 1929p, which Resolution f Intention is file$withtheCity °Clerk of the City On the bulletin board located immediately in front e For full and c plete particulars regarding said work and provement =o be de a the district =o be of the chamber of said Board; that said posting was assessed therefor, reference here- as s by made to said Resolution of Intep- tion No. 596, "Plan for the ImDrove- ment of sewer District o. 596em�a 6 h of done on the_ .._._ day o1 teem on ra - w, d e n file in the office oY the City Clerk. All pied by a check s shallble be o the myon a er[iL'd by a City f Bakersfield, c - sponsible bank for an amount which shall not be less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal.. or else by a bond for the 'd ou t, Day - We a aforesaid, signed by the bid- der and two sureties, who shall justify before any officer o petent to ad- nister an oath, in double the s id tint and over and above all statu- tory exeroydtions. All se proposals or bids hall be delivered to the Clerk f said Council an or before 5 o'clock P. M. Monday, the 29th day of July, 1929, aid time being not less than ten day, turn th first publication and posting te his notice. All bids so received shall be opened by the said Council in open session at 8 o'clock P. M. of the said day. All bids must be submitted'on blanks to be furnished by the City Clerk. Bidders will state in their proposal I he price of each item separately as set forth therein, by which the bids 'III be camyared. Dated: July 16, 1929. V. VAN RIPER, City Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California- July 17-19,'29 ---------------------------- J`-'ly---- -------t 192-9. and remained so posted for more than five days thereafter; that he also posted, at the same time and place, a true and correct copy of the specifications referred to therein; that he also caused said Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals to be published for ------ trio days in the___ ja,kersfield Californian -------------------------------------------------------- a daily newspaper printed and published in sail city; that said notice was published on..____�"—7 — 3nly_ 17t1�--- 18ths_1929------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ------- -----------------------�_ /-- City Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this _____________3�h.___...__.day of-------------- Julq--------------------A. D.192-- .- Not Pub lc is and for the own of Kern, State of California 2-Urs"Umt to & Resolution of the Jouncill of t1ne �.ity of adopted t-be 15th- day of July, 19,29 dire —ins tbiB notice and to statute lza ca7ue mczle and provided, ided, said Go-,m- ner&m, �Imvitcs sealed Propos-n-Is or bids for dolznnr the rork dBsaribed 4, F..ol-,tion- Of Intention No. 596, passed P-Cl adopted b-Y tIzIe sa:',d pity -`Oimall an the 24th day of Juae, lezq, v!jiob ncco2--tior- of :ntontlon is om file vith tim ,,amity of �jie Uty "T Sailers fie id. :Por fU2 and oW:P10te T=-timulca-r regardinit said work MCI 1=1-Over-jent to be mi-Y-16 =a the distri<t'. to be for, refo;mCmas is here -by, to z,,-Ad Resoluti= CX intrfation U0. 5969 :Lan "-" for V�O I=rovezvnt. of Sever District -Ijo. 59611, ad I pe-31 �a t f- ions for the froerrantof Se-wer District 14a. 59611 adopted by 1,1he flounzil of t, .:�,e :,,ity or on t& 24-th da-, of J,mev 1929, and vxc on file im tle office of the amity 2-3 pxopjsals or bids shal-I be aaam-panied by a chock P-V,-,bl<: to the of 50,0r.-TIe2d, cert'VI.ed by aresponsible bar-1- for L-m an-mmt vl-Ach shall -,-iot be less rf&-'I'ten Per- cent of ze �-991--C-Ote Of the PTO-002alz, t�r- else Zs-r- - bctr4 for or t:, 26ld arco,=t, payoblo as sfGveiaid, sigaed by the bidder and two zurritice-, Kzh-- shn].-', justify befoxe --my officer corpetent to r--d- rainister ---- o*th, in dcabla 'Ine, said', a-,.v=t md over anu nbove P-13, stat-Ltary emenptioas. - All sealed propozaz; or- b:Ids z1hall be delivezvd to the Zerk of said jamncil on or bofor-e 5 otolock --. _. gonday, the 29th day of Jii!7, 2929, saj�+ tim being not less th-an ton days from t-,c first DOE:tiz2Z of V_U nodes. A bids so received shail be nva�d b3 the sE:1C, �omc:jl in open 51t C, 01:100k, P. 1" of tj�.& saj�. ji-Cy. bids rmst ba s-,Zz�iit-bcd ann blm"A to bcr fL--nizj--,ed bry BlddeP,- 11 11 stage in pro pose -I tine prico of esc3z Cept-trotel:T ao ret fOrVI---' tip MITI, r--y WI-n-Joh tme bids u-M be Morr ew EX-OrTIETO uler-7-077re- 'C'mail of t',-e '.--,ty of B,--kemfIC-34, -P J allrbr'.-I a. Z.ffibabit of Publication 11 COPY OF NOTICE STATE OF CALIFORNIA } ss. County of Kern } In the matter of i3OTICE f14VITING SEALED NROPOS -----------------------------------------------------------------------. RES. INTENTION 596 l -J_. t .PJIESERVEY -- - - -- - -- -- - -- - ------------------------- of said County and State, do solemnly swear that I am over the age of 21 years; the ---------------------------- principal clerk of THE BAKERSFIELD CALI- FORNIAN, a newspaper printed, published and circulated daily (Sundays excepted) in said Coun- ty, and as such have personal knowledge of all advertisements published therein; that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, was pub- lished in said newspaper as follows: JuLY 17- 18 1929 inclusive; in the regular and entire issues of every number of said paper during the period and time of publication, and that the notice was published in the newspaper proper, and not in a �eribed and sworn to before me t�ifis.l8TH of -- -J - -- i 929, 192--------- - L oeary rnnue In and for Kern County, oaufornia ALS NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS. Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, adopted the 15th day of July, 1929, directing this notice and to statute in such case made and provided, said Coun- cil hereby invites sealed proposals or bids for doing the work described in Resolution of Intention No. 596, passed and adopted by the said City Council on the 24th day of June, 1929„ which Resolution of Intention is on file with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. For full and complete particulars regarding said work and improvement to be made and the district to be assessed there- for, reference is hereby made to said Resolution of Intention No. 596, "Plan for the Improvement of Sewer District No. 596", and "Specifications for. the Improvement of Sewer District No. 596", adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 24th day of June, 1929, and are on file in the office of the City Clerk. All proposals or bids shall be accompanied by a check payable to the City of Bakersfield, certified by a responsible bank for an amount which shall not be less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposals, or else by a bond for the said amount, payable as aforesaid, signed by the bidder and two sureties, who shall justify before any officer competent to ad- minister an oath, in double the said amount and over and above all statutory exemptions. All sealed proposals or bids shall be delivered to the Clerk of said Council on or before 5 o'clock P. M. Monday, the 29th day of July, 1929, said time being not less than ten days from the first publication and posting of this notice. All bids so received shall be opened by the said Council in open session at 8 o'clock P. M. of the said day. All bids must be submitted on blanks to be furnished by the City Clerk. Bidders will state in their proposal the price of each item separately as set forth therein, by which the bids will be compared. Dated: July b , 1929. _/ City Ulerk and Ex-OPfi�S.erk OF the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California. RESOLUTION RESOLUTION ORDERING THE t'i(RK IN SEWER DISTRICT NO. 596, IN THE CITY OF BAK- ERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did on the 24th day of June, 1929, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 596, to order the work described therein to be done and improvement to be made in said City; and WHEREAS, said Resolution of Intention was duly and legally published twice immediately after the passage of said Resolution as required by law, in the The Daily Report, a daily newspaper published and circulated in said City, and designated by said Council for that purpose as appears from the affidavit of Otis Hymer, Publisher of said The Daily Report, now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City; and I'MEREAS, notices of the passage of said Resolution of In- tention No. 596, headed "NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT" were duly and leg- ally posted along the lines of said contemplated work and improve- ment and in front of the property liable to be assessed, and along all the open streets within such district, at not more than 300 feet apart and not less than three in all in each street in form and manner as required by law as appears from the affidavit of Walter Parent, who upon the completion of the posting of said notices forth- with filed said affidavit in the office of the City Clerk of said City making oath that he completed the posting of said notices on the lst day of July, 1929; and wHEREAS, said posting was fully completed more than ten days before the date set for hearing protests and objections; and WE[EREAS, the time set for hearing of said objections in said Resolution of Intention was more than fifteen and less than forty days from the date of the passage and adoption of said Resolu- tion; NOIN TBEREFOn-E BE IT RESOLVED, that the public interest and convenience require the work described in Resolution of Intention No.. 596 to be done, the Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby orders the work to be done as is described in said Resolution of Intention No. 596 and for further particulars reference is hereby made to said Resolution of Intention on file with the City Clerk, and said work shall be done in accordance with the plan and specifications on file with the City Clerk, reference to which is hereby made for further particulars; The City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield is hereby direct- ed to post a notice together with the specifications therefor, con- spicuously for five days, on or near the door of the Council Chambers of the Council of the City of Bakersfield inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work herein ordered. He is also directed to publish a notice inviting such proposals and referring to the spec- ifications so posted or on file, twice in the The Daily Report, a daily newspaper published and circulated in said City and hereby designated for that purpose. The day of , 1929, is hereby designated and fixed as the day on which to the hour of 8 o'clock P. M. the said proposals or bids shall be received, and all bids so received shall be opened by the said Council in open session at 8 o1clock P. M. of the said day, and the said notices shall so specify. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the day of , 1929, by the following vote: Ayes: RMZWCarlock Corbett, Headen, Johnson, Martin, W21ters Noes:._._ --_..... ...- .. ..--- - - - --...... _ Absent:._- -------- Ui y Clerk and x-Officio Clerk of EFe Council of the City of Bakersfield. PP s / of , 1929. n / 4 e City f Bakersfield. Affidavit j Posting Notices j Improvement STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Kern }ss. i -being duly sworn deposes and says: That he is now, and was during all the times herein mentioned, a citizen of the United States over the age of eighteen years; That after the adoption of Resolution of Intention No.55_.9h of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, pursuant to orders and instructions of the street su- perintendent of said City, he personally posted conspicuously along the line of said con- templated work and improvement and upon all the streets, alleys, and other public thor- oughfares within the district described in said Resolution of Intention and proposed to be assessed, notices of the passage of said Resolution headed "Notice of Improvement," a copy of said notice being annexed hereto and made a part hereof; That he personally posted said notices by fastening them with metal tacks to stakes, poles, fences, walls or trees, at such an elevation above the ground that they would attract attention and be easily readable; That all of said notices were posted less than 300 feet in distance apart, and that _notices in all were posted. IF That he completed the work of posting all of said notices on the --- l' day of ______�1�/ _____________- 192--_, whereupon he made this affidavit and filed it with the clerk of the City of Bakersfield, California. Subscribed and sworn to before me this [,0_,4_—__day of___J _____, 192-K. City Clerk of a City ]3akersfield, California. (Seal) Note. Attach this to a copy of one of the notices and file with the cler]L Notice of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on June 24th, 19299 passed a Resolution of Intention 596, to order the following work to be done and improvement to he made in said City, to -wit: SECTION.1. To construct a sanitary sewer of six (6) inch vitrified salt glazed sewer pipe along the center line of the alley run- ning easterly and westerly through Block 401A and Block 401B, City of Bakersfield, and the extension easterly of said center line from a point 20 feet easterly from the easterly line of A Street to the easterly line of G Street. SECTION 2. To construct manholes and lamphole as shown on the plats for said work and to place "Y" branches for house con- nections at each and every lot, piece, or parcel of land in the district, the exact location of said "Y" branches to be designated by the City Engineer. All of said work and improvement is to be done in accordance with the plan and specifications heretofore and on the 24th day of June, 1929, adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, said plan being entitled "PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF SEWER DIS- TRICT NO. 596," and said specifica- tions being entitled "SPECIFICA- TIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF SEWER DISTRICT NO. 596," and which said plats and specifications are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, and are hereby referred to and by such reference made a part and portion hereof, and in this connection the said plan and specifim- tions also show the exact location of the aforesaid work and improvement. AND WHEkk:AS, said contemplated worn and improvement to the opinion of said City Council is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, said Council hereby makes the costs and expenses of said work and improve- ment cbargmble upon a district, which district said City Council hereby de- clares to be the district benefited by said work and improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof, and which said district is bounded and described in Resolution of Intention No. 596, passed and adopted by said City Council on the 24th day of June, 1929, and on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. r All of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of Cali- fornia, designated the "Improvement Act of 1911" approved April 7th, 1911, and all acts amendatory thereof. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Monday, the 15th day of July, 1929, at 8 o'clock P. M., at a regular meet- ing of the said City Council in the Council Chamber of said City Council in the City Hall of the City of Bakers- field, any and all persons having any objections to the proposed work or im- provement may appear before the said City Council and show muse why said proposed improvement should not be carried out in accordance with said Resolution. For further particulars reference is hereby made to said Resolution of In- tention No. 596 on file with the City Clerk. Dated: June 27, 1929. J.HOLFELDER Street Superintendent Affibaud of rnhliratiOn NOTICE OF INTENTION NO. 06 Notice of Intention No. 596 Resolution f Intention to improve sewer Di—ior No. 596, in the City of Bakersfield, California. Be Ix Resolved by the Council of the City of Bakesfield as follows: That it is 1c intention of the City Coavc9 of the Ctty of Hakesfied, to order the follmv- ing work to be done aad impm—cat to be made in said City, to lt Section 1. To construct a sanitary s < (6) iueh vitu6ed Galt glazed se v pipe al cog th er gae f the alley rvg vast- ly aud westerly tb.ough Block 461A and 40iII, Cixy of Bakersfield, d the extension asterly a( said center line from paint 20 fee .stvly i[om the stcrly Gae of A Street to the .sterly live of Cs street Section 2. To construct manholes and Iamp- hole as shown on -he tilan for said work and ea pvelaced Ybrancot.hes for house .t at STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss: COUNTY - KERN. OTIS IiY11IER, of said County and State, being duly sworn, says: that I am and at all times herein mentioned was a citizen of the United States, over eighteen years of age, and not a party to, nor in- terested in the, above entitled matter; that I am the publisher and proprietor of the Daily Report, a newspaper printed and published daily, except Sunday, in the said County; that the Notice of Intention No. 596 in the above entitled matter, of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper Daily for 2 days and on the following. days, to -wit: July 6 and 8, 1929 Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 17th of 1929 otarY Public fn and for Bern County. Ca..-ia said work and impm-m.t is to p:aa spcun.nons -e o me pi - 6cof h Gb C;crk f the City f Hakvs- ld, and �aad adehereby reteved 1. on n P. such re:e--�sI.c connection the said plan and X= ca. tuns a otsh— the —I, lontion of the afore. said work and imp:oyen:ert. AlD WHERU S, id contemplated k .. id f p:ovoement i the opinion of said City Covaui is [more than local o u s ry pub- - beae11% said Co Heil by byao aL-es t case ad -p.ses f said work nd impm'vZ' - ou,oz I,a:gmblc upon a district, which dis- 1,ki said City Council hereby declares to be the district b.efited by said work d im- p: ;.i.: and to be a sed to pay, the costs aad E:P.ses thveof, ssed whim s d district is b9.unded and da orfbed as lollnws: __.__......, he souehvb fine "•""° ..._ - a straight line to thence vorbegvly .amalong the punt off e'.g. All of the herein proposed work ,e t done pursuance f a. apt f the l.egislatme aE the S.I. f California, designated the Im- Prmem.t Act of 1911," approved Aprtl 7th, 1911, and all acts am.datmy thveof. Notice is hereby given that Monday, tie 15th day of July, 1929, ate 'clock P. M. at regular meeting f the sa'd City Coundl in the Counvl Chamber f said City Council in Ithe City Ball of the City of Bakersfield, y and ali persons having any obleetioas to the d work o- - • prole May appear be- roposefore said City- Covnul and how why said proposed i pproovement should not be car Tied o• n e 1. d Resolutiva. aCity Clerk of said Cfty shall cans tbu sofatioa at Intention to he published twfa fa the The Daily Repot ted i aaid City dpapv prated, pubiisbedd hvebye designated fen that o[ Haucrsfiel�,'d Gty Counul. ese by f Street iSuPerintepd.t of said city Bakersfield shall c of be covsPievlously d aloug the lines f said contemplated ...I HEREBY CERTIFY that be foregoing R... 11tiov . Intention r gdarly - dumd, passed and adopted aby the Coundl of the City f Bakersfield, t a regular meeting said Cauneil held on the 24th day of Jane, 192, 'py ge"fo ` Co r1�, Corbett, Head., Johnson, Mar:ionn, Walters. Noe Non Abs.t: W... V. VAN RIPER City Gvk and -OfBuo Clvk !the CM., t the City of Baker chl_ APy d this 24th day of j e, 19I9. EL PFR MAIYIIN, Mayor of the City of Bak- -field (July 6 avd e) __ �� RESOLUTION RESOLUTION ADOPTI;:G PLAN AND SPECIFI- CATIONS FOR PROPOSED I. ROVEIWENTS IN SEi.T.'ER DISTRICT 1110. 1& IN THE CITY OF B_*MRSF IELD, MULIFORNIA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CODNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAXLRSFIELD, as follows: That the plan and specifications for the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City*, to -grit: SECTION 1. To construct a sanitary sewer of six (6) inch vitrified salt glazed serer pipe along the center line of the alley running easterly and westerly through Block 401A and 401B, City of Bakers- field, and the extension easterly of said center line from a point 20 feet easterly from the easterly line of A Street to the easterly line of C Street. SECTION 2. To construct manholes and lamphole as shown on the plan for said work and to place "Y" branches for house connections at each and every lot, piece or parcel of land in the district, the exact location_ of said. "Y" branches to be designated by the City Engineer. All of said work and improvement is to be done in accord - ante with the plat: and specifications prepared by the City Engineer of said City and submitted this av of , 1929, said plan being entitled "PLAN FOR TNT IIl4PROVEI:4 0_ SE'+M DISTRICT NO. ^7 - IN TIC CITY OF B-T�ER-,SFIELD, CALIFORNIA", and said specifications being entitled "SPECIFICATIONS FOR TPI' IIttPROVEI_..ENT OF SE�: R DISTRICT NO.J%`� IN THE CITY OF BA RSFIELD, CALIFORNIA", be and the same are hereby adopted as and for the plan and specifications for the doing of said work. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted at a relp eeting of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the day of , 1929, by the follow- ing vote: Ayes: Benson, Carlock, Corbett, Headen, Johnson, Martin, Walters Boes: _..----..__.._..................._......---..........._......._...-._......— City Clerk and Es- i'£icio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield.. day of , 1929. r aq OR of the C' of Bakersfield. RESOLUTION RESOLUTION ADOPTING PLAN AND SPECIFI- CATIONS FOR PROPOSED ROVEMENTS IN SE7M DISTRICT NO. S�I�IN THE CITY OF BABERSFIELD,=1 ORNIA.. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF TF0, CITY OF BARERSFIELD, as follows: That the plan and specifications for the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City, to -wits SECTION 1. To construct a sanitary sewer of six (6) inch vitrified salt glazed sewer pipe along the center line of the alley running easterly and westerly through Block 401A and 401B-, City of Bakers- field, and the extension easterly of said center line from a point 20 feet easterly from the easterly line of A Street to the easterly line of C Street. SECTION 2. To construct manholes and lamphole as shown on the plan for said work and to place "Y" branches for house connections at each and every lot, piece or parcel of land in the district.,the exact location of said "Y" branches to be designated by the City Engineer. All of said work and improvement is to be done in accord- ance with the plan and specifications prepared by the City Engineer of said City and submitted thisday of �, 1929, said 1 being entitled "PLAN FOR THE 111PROT3E D. OTT r SEV, Pan g R DISTRICT NO. S� IN THE CITY OF Bh1EPSFIELD, CF.LIFORHTA", and said specifications being entitled °SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE INPROVETMENT OF SEWER DISTRICT NO.�� IN THE CITY OF B10MRSFIEID, CALIFORNIA", be and the same are hereby adopted as and for the plan and specifications for the doing of said work. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the day of , 1929, by the follow- ing vote: _ .......... .... .------- -}usaO S sia}jem 'URieW `uosugo f 'uapeag '}}agio0 'Sj30jxe0 'uosua�[ :sally City Clerk and - ficio lerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this day of , 1929. • Ci of Bakersfield. --) , 'N".,. /1 + -i _ r ;� � r -�. _�_ �. �:_ '" _ u i —. - ____ _.�--_ __�-_ Fe � S'.`/ter '../.-.' _.f.4 _ ~ _—�___ __. i �.1 Thm �"Tork e"")-ne un,,5i5t�,, 4", -,1 f.1 4w, the ftirmshing of- 11 or avnurten-ant to the tonstrv-stion ar,Z Nnee wtth "'Ite vlans ta am crou at Proft.l. on fl,,Ia in +,t,, the k^.IW ''Mgtnt-or., and '-24trelt, wrj�rk **111 . during its pryeastmln4 on t4',v" C41- ;-,C, plul,3 -r 16A -- la o1ey-,tions smel grades do�-sie ymtL%d on sold 6 The work shall be done In i thcrou,, worii;amrlillfe" rMI'Aner and anti sf a^t! on of the Super intend en t nf tl— Ar", speoif Itat'lons furnished by the " 1T 7.-ngineer shall. be kept ,�per and access thereto shall at ill time -be 0 tt- f!.k OF* G. 'iOUAJ, Id61P.rS =13t 0,,,xmvr1r.0 'AMd iuckp.") va to t location of the pr- roeod vorko the naturq of" be mad4, send the work, to T)e doni* Tht plans for th-X,'lk will 'ahow -,:n 411t t,*qx-, nl,*` believeci by the City to �xist-v but It Is not or tc, ,Tylf srred that the aondltlorml x 8,)h"y;m by the tt"�W. Or itil Aff*tcarsr tl-z-", -omiltlons nor ahal" "Aty 0-1, -rncl,�' t--o 11-,ble 11the f,-,*ntv-Aotor as a w).t on the p aul, �� Umns trid the at1 t l or or, cs-',t-lvrviso* rictice in WrIting when 116 m fc,r layliout any, portlan Wf lGhm vor'gy- or 'Stakca work theIr proper plairm untll AM expowle, In rv'�r,-Ianln- �"l Mall free on this, 1, n ftll *' U11's I M -nd! nt, rzl 0,Ppv:l lfd bv th !trir-tc at f said -A U lot ,rtotor Mies for: 01h A 1� of thel be 1, t '44 woYv �i?xo *I* 0"I lab Oak �must, � wr4 th"I not agpkin be brol"'la I IV work bT, the lontr*01--or't -f4 ,'I thic"norro all of a With not lesa i4an the 'thickness of the "vn , %e hop edge of the plank shall nonfarm with the street arose sv� when finished, Said headern shall be considered a neeessary *art o, Me povement, unless otherwise noted an the plans for the Impravo—. P AV . MATRVATTON OF YOMMMSo The Contra ctor Shall act alsturb only ronavento or staken found on the line of improvements without per x i scion fromAhe My Ingineer, and shall bear the espen ze of reaettlnG any norurea ts or states which may be disturbed w1thout suab permisvtow7te lontraqtor shall reset all street name signs disturbed by hit Mring lhi� Progr6ss of tho work, go MOVING 035TRUOTIM: The Contractor shall rovcv, ovs Icl required jr the plans or Where the proper completion or IS :an their ,ramoval s The Contractor shall also remove all stone, tabria other obstructions of Whatever kind or character, either Mur"! trtifInialf encountered in nakIng tht inprovementa, 10, OBIMING CITY OaDIMM5, The Cantreator shall observO4 ordinances or the city or Bukerartaid in relation to the obstructior or streets, keeping open Pascagewals and protecting the sano :Vry are exrosed or dangerous to travel. 11" 3�;`R&75* Vat more them one cross strent shall snd ono time except by pormlasion of the lity ingineez, 12, SAMERSP LIGIT38 C. The Contractor shall take all nelsoarr", measures to protect the varia~ and rrevent accidents during construction* le shall provide and maintain all necessary barriers, quarls, tan7"ryr bridges, watchmen and ltjhts,, 13o PUBLU, TITILITTE3* In case It should bo necessary to m=4 We propert7 of any owner of a public Utility Or 1'ranhh1set auOh Owner 1111,� neon proper appliantlon b7 the Contractor, be notified by the fupvyz� intendant or QtrAets to move such properwithin, a specified reason.. able times and the Contractor sliall not interfere w1th said propwrQ;- until after the expiration of the time specified* The rQht Is reser7ad to the City and to owners Of PUSIC UKIKIIS and franchises to enter upon the street for the purpoie of nnAlng nnewary repairs, or for making changes In their pro rort"y r�:aie bT the work* On work including improvement of the roadwayo the Oontraito7 w-1, notify the City Engineer In Wtinqv when the rough grading bev--, com-ple,tei- During the ten (10) days after the f 11 I In4g' of t! z with the lity Engineer, the city or any owner of a publio uWAty novil have the right to enter upon the street for the purVose of >71ne relaying pipes, conduitz and appurtarancese 14, PROTATTION OF 10RX VVD MhUM UP0 The Contractor 60r" all work until final completion and acoeptanco. All Wag& done wz:� Mating improvements #7 the Contrtactor shell be repaired uy hKI Ar, shall remove all surplus material and rubbish from the work after At - completion, and before he makes applieAtion for tlle c>f work, 15* DEFECTWE 70M No work which in defective Wits In any of the requirnments of thinn sycMicnions will to nowo"p,-- as accepted in consequence of tho failure of any OMP107eO or Inspector connected with the woNo to point vat suld defsaln or 77 '"awkd z% } `T covertfor Spa ,..,e - .c:3.»for "" g•.,tS ,�- ., w '' venom k I. p unt Ti T "solo * 50a 6s '^ • ��x. t p Monte tg� " ry+r� Ind p# r ;rev,, -.e ...�,fj:�qne-(I) to ZIP 4 ?PTA =11 pyovltl` 05060- it SAW% of ar'y Pry,= s a� „� �, ^ - , ," . � "; ards of the �: In i size ` donne1. he 01"I I ,, ;_ , t- 0 w �. 01*0WOr nn as 4� the `, 'lgt ,fit is, shiWth moatwind In bores V., . . Clia Ya"f FA CJ. �,M +�, Rs #. ^;.' S°Irg o 5: L> A�..A St u�i "� oball Me MP M �� 1 :.~,* .. ,� i8�.2'1�8°I.i1, o pronortiona hyiae inaft";P&Wrl r 1 v;Qr1x1* 11 be aomw 07 zensr ed 10=0 wAVOrt 0 v. NAVOW16unly i1*1trad upon q m other matftl MIXING *h1ml 'rho yr a s - KA ;: the voter onn he 7r*W07 cod i 0100 If te; P 1 . p in . Q asS OF Leh loom �y wj .w,ax. y� �y '"y� y� �y3. yak � �^sp .�, � ,# Y�& .y will n+ 4""y ,{ '�.r 8. ^a�fi C �:�..«t.A�..7,:ug `,,.°,+.irr pin* - t F'k" 7'�".ik k u'�1 :. 4' - T %3` s. .�• J l C MW I- I V not&6 bermittad, t*6 t t,,, 1ftaJ I to removed by 00 lontriHor- 0A r"- 10 W"m*l"lt7-Whleh TY! rAnh ihn" mointo rni ynj twed until Z011d, Zz�MatioY n Sh7 to P51 supported with shoot king or Relly traced Whonevot t e 1VOUnd *!1VbQ,VQhd A all - oaNn --..a, 40tt Phit nktkbers hill b* 6r."W" As the in vuoh mnnnoo 0, to p;rlavant the Covi nq in of the 414*0 Of the tren&eam, So SPOIL BANKS* The imabWA-Al laid compactly *Ion the side or the q tho andik OAArlmued up so an to cause an -little'' Convorterje to �-10 travel, Me aciess must be I&-, to An pre byamentoo4io Voy"emr,940*4 a Q o the ar tjalUM GRADUU, tnw"M % d0 is P ln11bbe it X8hov", zhx,!!rie4 tho pips conforming to the Befdre any QP0,10 put Into PlanOo a Small exec vAtion shail be moat in the projIVU411 rad, bed to reaelyn the hub4o 00 that onah Piro K4111. have a firm and uniform bearing giver its entire langtas 0 AIVIVJuWants to line 'und grade must be Made ty seraping we 0�,. fill i I An tartth under the,,bo# Qf the Pipkonnd not by wedging or blawkIng the 5, PIPE JOINTS* All P008, PPOvious to their bet WIW�34`1:nt* the shall be fitted together and mat4bod oo that woen oined in the tronih there shall be no shoulder or uneVvy"hosa; Qppg, the over balf of the pjp6, After fittIngr the PIP00 Shall bO Milk mtrh& with shall or Ist oc that the PY4 Previously Wd in the Vnnk vAll to mat0hed Q the trrnyy i All ipipos and specials In which the spigots and son"ita ninnot to --je to It t getbor while on the surfeat nn,t be rejeoted, All e of all OPQ00ends and all shoulders in the Uubz oust hv true and brought Into Mir anivont, &M all lumns or txarnaoenons nf vant Was fhall be carefully 0 nw%y before:tQ pipes art 10yorld Into th-, trenohv The jo*nts between all pipes ablij be Maio 'a for t1ght 17 filling We entire Innalar space betw6an the eytorior of too jz�� the interior of tho socket with innont mortqr,or & qonnonition sp-3ulflodt rniv mortar shall be ntaQ7 ttv&ld Off rrON ht ter 'tuadq:n 4 t1he hub to the elaes of the Dir, pt an alp 9 of aPproxImVell dogre*s, spenial cari being taken to work at the 100mr rnn­ of the joint, i UT AM 5- "Us- Von water ie 6nco=exe, in the trench a fluin be 004stive-tea at I � - .�-k I ,one nue, 14,60WI u Inanuer that i; Wiii thorOU0010i dy�ltoir: 0,0 -subarade into Is sump Where tohe'w4ter Can be dioc'haroo"fl_ �rio ,t the Ua4ch. War shall Lot be allowodVI-Ocklea Ur 10 or Ar6Qf't;­X tiyo hue Uet hid, &M TORN30TIONa. The ContyqCtor Wall Pl4ct foux f4j Wh Autebes for house a% *&on 1p% py parool.of land fnoi�- the stwen at a Point desIgn"Al by Us Citj Eneineur. sach ff Z° �jApz,,j shvillbo closed at the cuter *, 41 a vitrilltd atoLewbX1 cover 0"le jar AKprim sa* The QW0, 40 the evolet Oboil the cover Bull be A!:v,,4 4th wet 4W, 0over ed with a thin coptIng of nant COMM Mortur, Q NIHOLEA The " an Outtter At shall ootxalTht concrete manholej oull, fir a the P'sn" and tit th" with cast"IJOU Names and covers, ulto galvanized iron steps, full details for .03 of which are Kowa. Ae inside of the manholes shall he plastered with a one -quarto; f1j"q inch plaster coat composed Of One part rortland Cement to one crd half Was olo so sharp sand. CONVITU concrete shall be , camood or I Pat oement. and1parts ornshea rook by volume. 01''yorortione sh4ll be o4falM by Ual Mausurementa In bwaiov. al mixing shall b4 &One with Qna stand rd tyro batch mixe01 r run at I speed alptoximutely t4elve revolltl= pet minute, and the minim am eOntitual mixlue time one wlv,to 10, SOM The SIOUS OKI! WnWhWof au,table, clean, Wuter worn pebtlea, cruebed rook or boulders, or both, Free AOM IQUM, clay Wro vrguviv aw th I Und ehall "90 it size 000 QW-half 11 1 of aitch n ih w1no;vt,,, to oto and one half 11-1/0 ina euee mximum A in the gTonteut dlyinzions. 11. MOT, The cement uhull Q k0riland Lament, and Ghall conform the'Siantard spocificatious and Tests for joxtlaua Lament adcrted Sekwokbor Ist, 1016, by the 4morjoaa ajejety for Asti vg Mater1gle, lLo WD. Too and sAall be clesh, uhsxp, siliceous sand, free from MAU, My, vegetable ma,ttor, ej;t at, 6irt. HM LUMM W. LAMMLES. The Contractor ahuij 00,4xuot the lawyholas oulled jar on tho plans and lit ttem wIty,04MI d" butt iron frumes aM ewer s, M. detalle tot all of Nblob we sholn*' 14. CASTI&S. All easlinge for mathole and lamphvle heads and cove s m4s, be of loug , gra,y Iron, free from cold shuts or blclv holes, 'i* WOO lie finleh ynd Met co ors to tit Ifuns. 1Z. VAhlyin l a. ill pipe shall. be Of first quullty, stardW, 'vitrified, salt glazed eawer Pipe. nound W well burned throvehcul hej�- Out1re thlcktese, impervions to nointure, ar4 murt give , clear ringing sound when ntrunk. I rolullief Ql rir* Shall be lnnpecto4 V" the 11ne of tho trench. to pie suet be smooth and ISO jpjqrjpr�and exterior be thorough Y kl4zed# OU06ce ;n n %with aRkA6 She.40410 %ro offimpow-UN M, ul Vooketz Mu8t be of ha 1 Aturd#q depth and of halficient diameter to receive to the All auo'4' & ft" �­ 11 IaT M. Ptigot ends of tollowing pipe or apeeial #ii%hout arm a44 also 14Avk an annular space of not lose that thihe Q 4t Insh In width tot cement mortar joints. bore of the pipe shall not vaxy more than four per can A. spvtihod diameter. bf Pipe Or SP0010 designed to be 90alght 90111 exhibit a day intior trom 4 strulght line of more than of un inch. All pipes and specials must be trsae lram injul-ic.,us crackp,, hKators or broken rims. The MOMS irrarfeetions in u pipe st alocls: will be considered injurious and ouuRe Or rejullon. single fire craokin the Wy of the pine, to in, throe "KIN MAWS, repurdibse of the orient A much exact. Y% Cladke which extend through. the t)=Itje thickness of a pi I a speoldl must not be crer two WOO long at "he spigot SnQ 0: "j; one I dah at the hub and. A single tire crack ablqh vztence thtoyh carat -half tat thielpt"A _&d over threw Inches long. Lumps, broken blinors ow the Intoer surface Ut Qr special, Caps shall be furnlebad with anch bramch.pipa i"lle. ccnulLt !-,f i, Of bitxitied olay three -eighth e of aD inch thick, fitting stugly tac bell end of the pipe. 16. WkWT LOST . Aal mortar used or making pipe jointe, unIzos 4t_6r. Wise efecified, Shall be eamposed of. 1 Wart fortlame nA Cent, Q mealuzo. P 10/2 parts aund, by aeasure OU sAck of awmant of ninety-tpur pound not voight'wil! to cCrT rvc, 00 AWKS a volume of one cubic foot, Tho cemont W gand MUK W thOroughly Mixed WON dry 4=1 the Mac* Loswnez a uniform Wor, than =ter PL411 be 4cide4 to gj,"V* t1je MLLe-3 a T z over -coati stency. Peftar shall be man fresh for immediate use. No mortar V011 ;6 zand xhich hue begun to eet, ttd no r%vterperity thereof will be Pormittes, Mottax 3h&11 be mixed in wnt*r tint box and in no case on tit pqvtotht or ground. 17- PICY Milk- Imme4latelY after laying the pipa tit trench backf illed to the tap Ot the pipe and tamp,ad with .gredt care so as Lo, gain the greatest campactnese of the nPil, mithout 41sturblag the live uof" grado of the 'pipe. It shall than stand until_.such tire AnAhe Street the Contractor Varmiazion to fill the Irench Q thcrougA tUMPAffin the 11 Y earth In la ere rot exceouing six inchev obeh in Wicknecal with AW'n fiviiit scusittoncv, 10 91vo the M. , whi crtax shall tbe nse #ssh :faxWe Wun o nvcq &AA Do ;P ivi be wj,,d U?ht bOx and In no y.00 or "ground. IMF FILLING. Immedlate ly the p1pe.the tr"t*,- bacifilled to the tOP Of the Pipe and tbpa­1" Paid the greatest compactness of the d With ,great care so, A the'pipe. withOut-disturbiny tie 11 It ahall then stanA tj the Contractor permission to Qtne SUPOrImUndent 0Mth It layoxs not excaeuing Pix tre neh, b�r, too -roughly � t amp We 1 U t inoM Wh'iu U-1010te"Be tamAre or puddlingtc Via'eat iajact ion of the Areef u1 Qqn the t Was do not ou"y1j, la zutfient Mutexiul of the prop"';-Z' qalyi; 101 MUM the fill, thi Con'tActox shull eypply the dvtjcj,P "Jew x0paxe or rM! with the some k1rd of Mt r" 1 °' 4-4-v�org IV lac s, ho iork bagan, all roaaa; wvtn4ov, etreeti or sllnje broko uV-1 U0111 0 big for each W6 of sewer MUZA in01uQv the co:. tin r °°d addhimayl 'G rim. for r pshug th to A caxztw a�t � % othe then as InAuded In the price nit, ano ail o "rep W6WjqVra0t1uS wk t be done w1thlbthnot f Otter t trenches Qve been KIM led, lot tit twola tine as :thy Saterin aunt Sit st ecto may diTact, ans he dent to his 40 yfatti n" "d un#s t Me direction. • -l-herQ7 etrtit7jbat tho a oje sWiticatians weir they City EngIneer, and lv Rd On 0 Wed bY th "Ounell or of Pm _.; rsfie ld, the of 6 * of the 11, wr s off` >" I