HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 594RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. RESOLUTION OF INTENTIOT;} TO IMPROVE SEWER DISTRICT NO. IN THE CITY OF BAKES-IELD, CALIFORNIA. BE IT R73OLVTD BY TH7 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERS-IELD, as follows; That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, to order the following work to be done and improve- ment to be made in said City, to -wit; SECTION 1. To construct six (6) inch sewer of vitrified salt glazed sewer pipe along the following described lines: (a) Along the center line of the alley running easterly and westerly through Block 130 and Block 131, and extending from a point 20 feet easterly from the easterly line of Robinson Street to a point 46.14 feet easterly from the easterly line of Miller Street. (b) Along the center line of the alley running easterly and westerly through Block 203 and Block 204 and extending from a point 20 feet easterly from the easterly line of Robinson Street to a aoint 28.15 feet easterly from the easterly line of Miller Street. SECTION 2. To construct manholes and lampholes where shown on the plan for said work and to place "Y" branches in said sewer for . house connections at each lot, piece or parcel of land in the dis- trict, the exact location of said "Y" branches to be designated by the City Engineer. All of said work and improvement is to be done in accord- ance with the plan and specifications heretofore and on the /_� day of April, 1929, adopted by the Council of the City of,Bakers- field, said plan being entitled "PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF SY-NER DISTRICT NO. 17 IN THE CITY OF BAKERS7,IELD, CALIFORNIA" and said specifications being entitled "SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE IMPROVE- KENT OF SEWER DISTRICT NO.s/ IN TITy� CITY OF BAI RSFIELD, CALIF- ORNIA", and which said plan and specifications are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, and are hereby referred to anri by such reference made a part and portion hereof, and in this connection the said plan and specifications also show the exact location of the aforesaid work and. improvement. AND WTHER A3, said contemplated work and improvement in the opinion of said City Council is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, said Council hereby makes the costs and expenses of said work and improvement chargeable upon a district, which district said City Council hereby declares to be the district bene- fited by said •work and improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof, and which said district is bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of Dolores Street 75 feet easterly from the easterly line of Miller Street; thence northerly and parallel with the easterly line of N'ller Street to the southerly line of East 19th Street; thence westerly along the southerly line of East 19th Street to the easterly line of Rob- inson Street; thence southerly along the easterly lire of Robinson Street to the northerly line of Fremont Street; thence easterly along the northerly line of Fremont Street to the westerly line of Miller Str^et; thence southerly along the westerly line of Miller Street to the southerly line of _ireka Street; thence westerly along the southerly line of Eureka Street to the easterly line of Robinson Street; thence southerly along the easterly line of Robinson..S'treet to the northerly lire of Dolores Street; thence easterly along the northerly line of Dolores Street to the point of beginning. All of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of California, designated the "Improvement Act of 1911" approved April 7th, 1911, and all acts amendatory thereof. �,.� � Notice is hereby given that on Yond.ay the 6_; "day of �xz>F 1929, at 8 oyclock P. M. at a regular mretirg of the said City Counc'.l in the Council Chamber of said City Council in the City Hall of the City of Bakersfield, any and all persons having any obieetions to the proposed work or improve:!:ent may appear before said City Council and show cause why said proposed improvement should not be carried out in accordance with said Resolution. The City Clerk of said City shall muse this Resolution of Intention to be published twice in the The Daily Report, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in said City of Bakersfield, ar_d hereby designated for that purpose by said City Council. The Street Superintendent of said Cit-- of Bakersfield shall cause to be conspicuously posted along the lines ofsaid con- templated work and improvement and along all the open streets within said district, notice of the passage of this Resolution of Intention, in the manner and form required by law. -------- 000-------- I HEdEBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution of Intention was regularly introduced, passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting of said council held on the day of _ ��� , 1929, by the following vote: Aye- B-1s, C-B le. Cm:ock. Corbett, °k---, Sto= r City filerk and - f�ficioCler of t e Council of the Citr of Bakersfield. APPROVED this I dais of April, 1929. MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield. IN THE MATTER OF THE IMPROVEMENT OF SEWER DISTRICT N0: 594- ------------------------------------------------- FOR DISTRICT NO__-59-4------ CONTRACTOR'S BOND FOR LABOR ANI KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That whereas, on the__20th__day of ------ P_3! _____________, 192_9-, under and pursuant to law, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, a Municipal Corporation of the County of Kern, State of California, awarded a contract to_ STROUD BROS :,_a co-�artnerst,ip consisting of- Lloyd_ S^ Stroud, John A. - - - - - ------- ---------- Stroud, Jr., and R. S. Seabrook as Contractor__ for doingthe..following,workin the said City of Bakersfield, as.provided in.Resolution.of Intention No.___59?------- of the Council of said City of'Bakersfield, passed on:the:_1�Lth_—___day 192_9--, reference to which. Resolution of Intention is hereby made for further particulars. STROUD BROS. ANDWHEREAS, said ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- as such contractor-___, ___ are ........ about w enter into a contract. with_-_--- J. HOLFELDER-------------- as Superintendent' of Streets of said City of Bakersfield, for the performance of said work, pursuant to said award, AND WHEREAS, said act above mentioned requires every contractor, person, company or corporation, including contracting own";. to whom is awarded any contract for Street Work under said act, before executing said contract, to file with the Superintendent of ffiStreets, a good and sufficient bond.approved um pproved by the Mayor of said City, in the sof not less than one-half of the total amount payable by the! terms of said contract, and which shall enure to the ben-efit of any and all persbiss, companies oi' corporatibn9 Vho perform brbor or furnish. materials to be used in said work or improvement NOW, THESE PRESENTS WITNESSETH: That the said ---- .STROUD __________BROS. ______ ------------------------, as contractor-___, and principal____, and` as curet_____, are held and firmly bound unto any and all persons, companies, or corporations, who perform labor or furnish materials, pro- visions, provender or other supplies, or teams used in, upon, for, or about the performance of the work aforementioned in the sum of, FIVE HUNDRED ($500.00) ---------- -- --` -- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-- - -----_-=- -----=- - ---- - - -- --- _ -__ --Dollars, (being not less than one-half of the total amount payable by the terms of said contract) for which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, suc- cessors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The conditions of the above obligation are such that if said___ 8 _T_R_OUD BROS. the said contractor____, to whom said contract has been awarded as aforesaid, shall fail to pay for any materials so furnished for said work or improvement above mentioned, or for any work or labor done thereon, of any kind the said sureties will pay the same in as amount not exceeding the said soonhereinbefore specified. / .¢ WITNESSETH, oar hands and seals this__-_`��!�-----day of------ _-_- ---------- 192. STATE OF County _ -------- ---- whose names are subscribed as sur( worth double the sum mentioned th Dollars, in fixed property and real property exempt from execution an. endorser or surety, or whether suck or to become due. Subscribed and sworn to befc The sum mentioned +,ad in the abc s__lP proved by me thi_i'__day of_. PAGE---=--=-=-=----` K LABOR AND MATERIALS STATE OF C-�-Y""' r . County- ------ ------ ------------ J a. /A/j •----- = y-� ----------------mod---------- ------------------------------------- whose mimes are subscribed as sureties to the foregoing bond, being severally duly sworn, each for himself, deposes- and says that he is worth double the sum mentioned therein, to -wit: is worth the sum of. �_TFAUSAM ($1000. 00) - - - - - - ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dollars, in fixed property and real estate, situated in said State of California, over and above his just debts and liabilities; exclusive of property exempt from execution and over and above all sums for which he is already liable or in any manner bound, whether as principal, endorser or surety, or whether such obligation or liability•be conditioned or absolute, liquidated or unliqaidated, certain or cdntingent,'due or to become due. -----------------------------v" ----- ---------v-------------- ---' ------------= -------- - --- �- ------ - -------------- --------------------------------------------- ' Subscribed and sworn to. before me this ----day of--------- - ---- - - -- - - --- -' A, 792_ : Notary Public in and for the County..of__= �_`-"__`_v - ------------ State of California - The sum mentioned in the above bond is by me deemed adequate and is the sum fixed for that purpose, and said bond- js bereby ap- proved. proved by me this-le-4--day �l.ZC1.G�-----------, 194._. >--- ---------- -w - of the City _Bakersfield PAGE ---------------- CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of____________ ________ _ _ _____, 192 7_, by and between THAT WHEREAS, STROUD BROS. , a co -partnership consisting of I,loyS. Stroud, _John A._ Stroud,_ Jr., 13.&rsfield on the ___2SZt: --------------------------------------------- and R: S: Seabrook - " mentioned, part____ of the fast part, and--____-- J_—AOLF�,DER____—_________________yq Superintendent Streets of the City of Bakersfield, NOW, THEREFORE County of Kern, State of California, under and by of the authority granted to him as such by law, party of the second part, witnesseth: _ y vpromise ---- and agree---- ' - - - and not otherwise; that____ - - the direction and to the sati The pAesof the first part further agree ---- that ___they _______will do and perform said work according to specifications on file I And it is agreed i in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield which are designated -Specifications for the improvement -- --- thereof, be liable for and And it is further; ' o --------------------------------------------------=-------------------- day's work, and the said said fast party in the p --- - and it is further agreed and made a part of this contract, and that__1b tY__will at__thelr_own cost and ense furnish all necess exp ary materials and labor for each laborer, workman day daring said work and that the materials used therein shall comply with the said specifications and be to the satisfaction of the said Superintendent which such of Section 653-C of the I And it is further of Streets and that -------- they -win within the time hereinafter fixed, tom the said work over to the Superintendent of Streets com- tract shall be three (3) 11 S elder plete and ready for use as a public ----- ________--------------- —_----- free and discharged of all claims and demands whatsoever. IN WITNESS WHERI And the said party of the second part acting in his 3 ---------------------------. official capacity as such Superintendent of Streets, and not 06 E c o a oc •. - m d am individually, hereby fixes the time for the commencement of ="o =zL m$m`oE�o..n.'. c«mm5 w« ---------------------------- said work to be within fifteen (15) days from the date hereof, and for its completion to be within- nl ne t�i - ( 4 _ -_- i '° > o m E co •-" m m m' mo x� e+ e^m_ oc _ «° �o«gym« «�^ ��_N o ---------------------------' __days from date hereof, and promises a m_Ro� •oo m _ o I3 o mT rm m m mm` au o,c�o ---------------------------- andp grees that oa the p u erformance of the covenants afore- ea d'mm-o«24 _mil . 8dH w «���' ma m � E; - o m m^ a o_�®^ � v o cm�cm mm3 ____________________________ said, by the said part ---- of the fast part, he will duly make and issue an assessment, and attach a warrant thereto as o m_mm t- otx �Sm _a, Z �Y9w mm m ,x Countersigned by. provided for in the aforementioned act for the expenses of the m$�zSovO__�3o,�.mm^ - .. °m '� work aforesaid, at the following prices, -to -wit: r ? o� �= a; ° ° _'m? m m.t c T _ __ _m L°mycm9LUy a° a'_=Zoaa o�Lrymma9a�ti Ea��`Q Uo aOv...S°°maFm . FOR DISTRICT' N4VJ5L4—'--- TZACT 4 THAT WHEREAS, the said part ----of the first part, as will appear by reference to the proceedings of the Council of the City of _ ha_ S__ been awarded the contract for the work hereinafter mentioned, NOW, THEREFORE; these -presents witnesseth.ttiat'the Part__1QS---= of:the fast part for the consideration hereinafter mentioned - promise ---and agree_--wathsard—. .. -L. . • �'. HO ,' __—was-Superintendent of-Streets+of ihe:City of Rakersfeld j and not otherwise; that- th=Z----do and perform or cause,to-tie done and performed in a "good andm 'workmanlHce anner`under the direction and to the satisfaction of said Supermtendent of Streets; all the following work in the City. of: Bakersfield, to -wit( i tp: RESOLUTION OF INTENTION. NO. 594line of Dolores.: Street 75 feet "easterly. ,from the --easterly:dine'of.'Miller,Street; f RESOLUTION OF 11NTENTION:TO;IM- thence 7 northerly and parallel with'the PROVE SEWER.- DISTRICT NO:- 594. easterly : Rne � t Miller" -Street' .to ,:the" -: so theily ne f .:East- 19tn Street; C IFOR CITY OF,_ BAKERSFIEI.D,' thence esterly along the southerly BE CALIFORNIA.- BY THE- COUN- line of Fast 19th. Street to the easterly CM OF THE.CITY-_OF' BARERSFD LD, line" -of Robinson. Street; -thence south - as _ . follows: - erly along. the ' easterly line of Robin- " - That' it is the intention of the -'City son Streetto the northerly line of F­ Council of,the City of Bakersfield;: to mot Stre t;-the ce "easterly along the _ -order the fofl 1 g'.work to-be'doneand northerly line: hYemont.Street,.to the I improvement t be-oad I aatd City,' westerly line. Of Miller ^Street; thence to -wit: - southerly' along the westerly.' line of q, •1 SECTION 1 Ttr istru.v sib: _ (6) Miller Street to, th "southerly line. of - 'inch - wer-f-yltr'ified', salt -glazed: server Eureka Street; then.::owe5tetly along I " pipe along the followingAaacribed'lines: the southerly line of.Eureka` Street. to (a) Along: the „cent—,, ")ins of'the al-' the easterly ,.11se cf :.RobCnson- Street;. ley runon g I easterly- d: - we, thence thence southerly al ng±the-easterly "Itae I _ through Block 130 - d Block'131; ""=and of Robinson Street to -the -northerly line ' -' - - t adong. f 0 p91nt 20 Meet .east- of Dolores Street;" thence easterly along. ly .from th t rly:,a a oC Robinson . the northerly line Of Dolores StreWto Sir, t to a Domt 46:14 feet easterly the ➢ - t'ot beginnlag. --- f the easterly tin of Miller -Street- Al]' ["the herein Proposed w rk boil (b) Along th ter. line. of the al- be done a Pursuance of -an act of:the -, ley ing easterly d' - Ste ly IRgislature of the State f Calif la, - ---- ' - - tbrougk Blo k 203 d Block 204 and' designated''the Tmproveme t A t"Igf eztending fr no n[ 20 feet caste ly,.: 1911." approved AyrR 7, 1911 rid all" from the from hn - oC Robinson Street acts amendatory thereof. .. ..:.. - __ . "-"a on Domt i815 f [..easterly from the Non _ - . is hereby given- that on easterlylme o[ MnerStreet. Mo day _the 6th. day of May, 1029. j SECTION, 2 T ..con tract manholes at 8 m ek'D. at a regu]ar meeting ad ]amDhol s h e 'sh a the plan o[ said -City• Council m t he Coua-. " for Said- work and ,to:-= "Y'.' branches eil Chamber. f . said City Council in ' in said sew r fo ,house c ections' at the City Hall of the CitY-of Bakersfield, h lot, pie. a parcel f land in the any and .all persons having any objec- district, the:.eza.[ location of said- "Y" tions to the proposed 'work or improve- b nh to be des gnat d by the City t y appear before said City C pa- I Engineer. cil d ho Cause by said proposed' 1 All f said work, and i p vement Imp m t'sh uld t be carried t i t b d p m a d e- [th Inaccordance ,with, said Re ludo the plans a d s➢e firan h retotore The City 'Clark f said City shall Fl and -the 15th day of Aprfl,; 1929, cause this Resolution.. of Intention dopted by the- Centel, [ the -City to be published -twtca In The of Bakersfield, .said. plan being entitled Daily Report; ba daily newspaper printed, "PLAN ..FOR THE.IMPROVEMGNT OF Published and Clrculafed in said City of_ SEWER -DISTRICT NO. 694, IN - THE Bakersfield- and hereby designated for . CITY OF.BAF33':RSFIELD, CALIFOR- that Durpgse. Dy satd City Councii ' NIA• sad s ai-d-''speetfiratiops being. The Street go r, ndent Of said City -' tiled'.."SPECIFICATIONS 'FOR .THE of Bakersfield .hall barn s e to be i IMPROVEMENT OF.SEWER DISTRICT conspicuously . posted along the lines of i NO 594;'IN THE CITY OF BAKERS- said ..temDlated' ork " and improve- {{ FIELD.: 'CALIFORNIA", as d''which at :and alo g all the open streets J'� d .plan d'.-"specifications are w1th1 -said" district, nonce o[ the Dass- '" .'_file In the .omCe' f=the City Clerk age of this Resolution of Intention in -f tha. City. t " Bakersfield.' d the manner and form required by ]awe _ h-.% .]erred to' "and by sucha refer¢ n made- a" Dart sad portton'lereo[, - I HEREBY CERTIFY that the tore- and:=in-this o®ect[on -the said plan going Resolution of Intention was reg- d•-peai8rations'also: show the enact lady i tinduced. ➢as-1 d adopted " 1 urn. f-..the aforesaid k and i by the ..Council [ the:City of 'Barters i n eat. - m field t a'regainr meeting of said Co..- .. 1 A N D WFIDREA$,. sad contemplated cfl held'- tha - 15th-'day o[ April, k d imp me t i the pi ion of 1929. by the following vote; I { said C tyCou fl u [ . than 1 cal Ayes: Benson; Carlisle, Garlock. Cor- Binary pubfl be-111 said Council b¢[t St acre I 1 eby akes th c sts"and zne es of Noes None, And it is a said work -a d f p ems t chargeable, Plse t: Johns. Marto. any officer greedy upon d-stri t. hiok - distri t said City - V. VAN RTPER,. $ thereof, be liable Poi an; Council' -hereby declares to be the- dis City Clerk. and' a Off cio Clerk f the i [ ict be fited by d k and: im- Council of the City .'nf'Bakemfield. ate a: legal Andit u further v ement a d t b s ss d to paythe APPROVED this 15th' day. of, AP[ll, nployed-by da s work, and the said costs a. expenses trier f a d. which " 3929: APPROVED , y� k, id -. -district Is bounded and. described L. K. STONER: ' r proPert9 r, said first party m the P.- "aa follows-. Mayor of the City o[ Bakersfeld. ,dollars for and it i5 further agreeda - Beginning at a mint in the northerly (A➢r[117 and18) Ch" calendar each laborer; wore day -during which -such:;'. ' - - _ . i Provisions Of Sectioa653-Cof the7: And: it is further - -:er this Comm tract shall be three. (3);., - - _ IN WITNESS. WHEREOF, the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals e y an_ .year --ab"ove written. - ,i --- --- ------- -- --- Sn tend7,7 entof� the' Cl ersfield: Countersigned by An " r of the Clty .£.Bakersfield.:; - _ ' 7t FOR DISTRICF.Ne—_59&_—____ CONTRACTOR'S BOND FOR S KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, _TROUD BROS. a co -partnership consisting of L3,oyd S. Stroud', Tohn A. Stroud, Tr.' 44d R. S. Seabrook -----------------------------------------------------as pifincip and---------------------------------------------------------- and______________________________________________________________________________as sureties, are Jointly and severally bound unto the . - - - - Cciy of Bakersfield, County of kern, State of California, in the sum of. -- TWO HUNDRED AND F.IFTY_J6250.00) ------------------------------------__----_-__--__-----__-_- Dollars, LicrEul,mouey of the United States of America, to be.paid to the City, of.Bakesfield, for.which payment, well and truly to be made, we'bind onrseldes, our heirs, executors. administrators or assigns, jointly and severally by these presents. . THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that if the above bounden_—STROUD ----BROS--. ---------------------------------- 1, Principal____, ________________successors or assigns shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and faithfully per- '! .y form, all the covenants, conditions and agreements in the contract about to be made between said �, gcee principal -------- as contractor-____-• and _---_------------------------ as Superintendent of Streets of the City'of Bakersfield, County of %ern, State of California; for furnishing materials in compliance with specifications and performing the work in the said city which is par- 1 -' . i ticalarly described in Resointioa of Intention No the Council of the City of Bakersfield, passed the 5t� cribe_________day of April 9 192____, reference to which Resolution of Iniention is hereby made for further particulars, than the above obliga- tion to, be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. i Witness our hands and seals this --------------- day af______------ _ _ __-• 192_—_ -- - - V----------------- ------ --PAGIa'_--_ FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE STATE OF CA OEN ss.-- .. _ .. . .. __. ..__ :. .. County of -------------- - ------ ---- -- ---��------------ -- ---and— -- ---------------- whose names are subscribed as sureties to -the foregoing bond, being severally duly sworn;- each for himself, deposes and says -that he is --Ei-_-. IIUNI�I_Up (0560.00) worth double the suer mentioned tfierein,'to-wits is worth the so. _---_--'--=----------------=------------------------- Dollars, in fixed property and real estate,situated in said State of California, over and above his just debts and liabilities, exclusive of property exempt from execution and over and above all sums for which he is already liable or in any manner bound, whether as principal, endorser or surety, or whether such obligation or liability be conditioned or'absolute„liquidated or unliquidated, certain or contingent, due or to become due. -------------------------------------- =---------------------- ---------------------- --------- ------------ ---------------- -- =-JJJ------------- -- =----- - -- ----------- ----- Snbsmbe and orn to a me this --- day of__—_____—--------------------- 192__. - F - Notary Public is and for the County of ---------------------------- State of California . / - n Approved this__1 _lC_day °Y--.�_ry�-------, 192 ---------------- -- ---------- Sup tendeA�Str the City of Bakersfield. 1 State of California, SS. County of Kern ------------------ ___ --------- •----------P'-VAtd RER--------- •------------•---t being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is now and was during all the times herein mentioned, the duly ap- N T CE OF ESSMENTS HAND ILINO THE Pointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City TIME OF HEARING. NOTICE is HEREBY GIVFSi that, of Bakersfield, aforesaid County and State; n Saturday, the 29th day of June, 1929. there was filed with the under- signed City Clerk, an assessment to er the m doe for the work per- formed and improvement made by SLroud Bros„ 'f'%T tors underand , C"" ty- That pursuant to statute and the order of 'in pursuance o[ the provisions of the tLG Improvement Act of 2911,o' reference being made to Res➢'y 1 Intentionfhe No, f the [ the City Ced !r Council 0 said Cif f y he duly posted conspicuously of April city of Bakersfield. passed April 1c:k 1s29, for the description of said work and I provement, said assess.aent➢bo_ ,rn, ode Inc with th for five days near the Chamber door of the Counci.i conformity f tons or Sections 20 and 21 of said work ddeordiag CD the character of the ¢ Notice of the F27in o Assessment g f d a�'o�n asala' co I � amounto tit and the time o f co" p workcontracted for Dd peerformed, together with all incidental x➢ensea, hearing, a copy of which is annexed hereto the amount f each assessment against each lot or portion of a lot, andmade the number of each lot or ➢ortion at off " Is' nd hoe ¢part hereof a dassessed, at shed Ingram exhibiting sti"t crossing, lane, alley, place , each or court, property, or rights of way o which any work has been aeac, howhic tho elwork location of each lot or Dortton f a lot, to the work - xd notice That said was posted or the first time, P f as the donenumbe se of the assessmment.. with NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Monday, the 22ml day of July. 1929, at hour ¢{�y,e said, on the tad, the of 8 Weoetsigned is the time fixed by the when l _ """"""""'-............... day 0 f all persons interested in the work don , or In the assessment may 8p- e pear at the City Hall in the Council Any Chambers and be heard by the City Co➢nc 1. The owners he contractors, or their ------ --------- •-----------------------1 192A f and was kept 3gns. and all tiler persons inter- ested In said work, or in the az - elingwh gEla�medih y theietoe SO Posted p° d continuously thereafter up to and includ- or theywork has not been ➢erfcrmed ' ec ding o Gla contract in a good and substantial manner or who claim that any portion le the work for any reason was omll- red or Illegally included in the con- 9 0 xy� the entire day f- tract for the same. or bevin ,__ ., .. _ _. gar oink_ ,� -___ � �" - 192w__-__• ---------------- ...� o..y.........um. - Engineer. shall Dior to the day fixed I said hearing aDDeal to the City Council by briefly stating in writing I the grounds of aDDeal, Dated: July 1. 1929. V. VAN RI]?ER, ___ ________________________ _ _ _ City Clerk of the City or Bakersfield, - - - Callfornia, City Clerk Subscribedand sworn to before me this ........ ?4th .d,¢y of --------- a°iy-------------------------- A. D.2192- __ 1 . ��' Notary Public in t" iIf or the County o ern, State of Caltfornia - j NOTICE OF THE FILING OF _:SfiF'SSNNEWT 1AIM OF THE TnM, OF HEARING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Saturday, the 29th day of fume, 1929, there was filed with the ffidersigaed City Clerk, an assessment to cover the sums due for the Bork performed and improve- ment made by Stroud Bros., contractors, under and in pursuance of the provisions of the °Improvement Act of 1971°, reference being made to Resolution of intention No. 594, of the City Colmcil of the City of Bakersfield, passed April 15th, 1929, for the description of said imrk a;zd improvement, said assessment being made in conformity with the provisions of Sections 20 and 21 of said Act, according to the character of the work done; Said assessment shows the amount to be paid on said con- tract for the work contracted for and performed, together with ail. incidental expenses, the amount of each assessment against each lot or portion of a lot, the -nnmber of each lot or portion or port aeas of a lot so assessed, and has attached thereto a diagram exhibiting each street crossing, lane, alley, place or court, property, or rights of wag on which any work has been dons, shoving the relati" location of eac:i lot or portion of a lot, to the work done;, numbered to correspond with the numibers of thy. assessments. NOTICE IS xrr= GIVEN that. Monday, the 22nd day of duty, 1929, at the hour of 8 occloek P. 1j. zis tba time fined .by the —diersigaed Clerk uhan all persons interested in the work dams or in the assessment may appear at the City Ha31 in the Council Chambers and be heard 1:3' the City Courted.. The owners, the contractors, or their assigns, end ail other persons interested in said work, or in the'as�SsLasjt feeling aggrieved by any act theretoor eho alajm that the. 'work has not been performred scoordIng to. the contract in a good and substantial manner or the claim that any portion of the rlork .for any reason was omitted or illegally included is the contract for< the same, or having or making any objection to the correctness of the assessment or diagram or other act, determination or procseedings of the Superintendent of Streets, or City Engineer, shell priar to the day fixed for said heariva appeal to the City Council by briefly stating in writing the grounds of appeal.. Dated: duly 1929. Ult U10rXOr f Bakersfield, California: Wfibabit of 3pubiicatfon STATE OF CALIFORNIAI County of Kern as. In the matter of --- I I, M E BEARING NESOLUTION OF INTENTIO 594 I•----------------J'r ,.!1wFSYY.---------------------------------- of said County and State, do solemnly swear that I am over the age of 21 years; the --- _---------------__--- principal clerk of THE BAKERSFIELD CALI- FORNIAN, a newspaper printed, published and circulated daily (Sundays excepted) in said Coun- ty, and as such have personal knowledge of all advertisements published therein; that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, was pub- lished in said newspaper as follows: .JULY 2ND AND 3RD 1929 inclusive; in the regular and entire issues of every number of said paper during the period and time of publication, and that the notice was publish in the newspaper proper, and not in a suppl t. - - — ------�-•--------- s ribed and sworn to before me Yhis---_4TH .JULY Q29 yof -- -- - — —-•----------• otary Public In and for Kern County, California [raja COPY OF NOTICE NOTICE OF THE FILING OF ASSESSPSSNT AND OF TIE TIME OF HEARING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Saturday, the 29th day of June, 1929, there was filed with the undersigned City Clerk, an assessment to cover the sum due for the viork performed and improve- ment made by Stroud Bros., contractors, under and in pursuance of the provisions of the "Improvement act of 1911", reference being made to Resolution of Intention No. 594, of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, passed April 15th, 1929, for the description of said work and improvement, said assessment being made in conformity with the provisions of Sections 20 and 21 of said act, according to the character of the work done; Said assessment shows the amount to be paid on said con- tract for the work contracted for and performed, together with all incidental expenses, the amount of each assessment against each lot or portion_ of a lot, the number of each lot or portion or portions of a lot so assessed, and has attached thereto a diagram e,d.ibiting each street crossing, lane, alley, place or com?t, property, or riEbts of way on which any work has been done, showing the relative location of each lot or portion. of ^ lot, to the work done, nunbered to correspond with the numbers of the assessments. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Monday, the 22nd day of July., 1929, at the hour of 8 o'clock P. 14. is the time fixed by the undersigned. Clerk when all persons interested in the work done, or in the assessment may appear at the City Hall in the Council Chamfoers and. be heard by the City Council. The owners, the contractors, or their assigns, and all other persons interested in said work, or in the assessment feeling aggrieved by any act thereto, or who claim that the work has not been performed according to the contract in a good and substantial manner or who claim that any .portion of the work for any reason was omitted or illegally included in the contract for the same, or having or making any objection to the correctness of the assessment or diagram or other act, determination or proceedings of the Superintendent of Streets, or Ci n,, Engineer, shall prior to the day fixed for said hearing appeal to the City. Cou;-icil by briefly stating in writing the grounds of appeal. Dated: July , 1929. City Clerk of the MT of ake�ld, California. ,"Atbautt of rubtirattlin Notice of Award Resolution of Intention. '_Nro. 594 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, - OF ss: NOTICE AWARD COUNTY OF KERN. Pursuant to statute and to the Reso- lution of the City Council of the City of ]3altersfield, diretcing this notice: -- Notice Is --Hereby Given - -that--said OTIS I3YMER, of said County and State, being Council, in open session, on the 20th day duly sworn, says: that I am and at all times herein of May, 1929, publicly opened, examined and declared all sealed proposals or bids mentioned was a citizen of the United States, over for doing the work and improvement in said City, as described in Resolution of eighteen years of age, and not a party to, nor in- intention No. 594, of the Council of said terested in the above entitled matter • that I am � City,29adopted on the day of April, 1929, , which Resolutionn of Intention is the publisher and proprietor of the Daily Report, a hereby expressly referred to for further newspaper printed and published daily, except' particulars. And Notice Is also Hereby Given, that Sunday, in the said ' County; that the said Council thereafter on the 20th clay of 'May, 1929, awarded the contract for said wor1t to the lowest responsible bid- NOt 1 C e Of AZ'Tci1 d der. fr Stroud Bros.. at the prices namedd for said work in their proposal or laid on file, as follows: ' 6-in. sewer pipe (a...._.. ---- $ 0.70 per lin. ft. Janholes a ............. 65.00 each. -La.mpholes @............ 12.50 each. in the above entitled matter, of which the annexed Dated: May 22, 1929. V. VAN RIPER, is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper � the city clerk of the City C California. of Bakersfield. California. Daily for tWo days (i•fay 23 and 24) and on the following days, to -wit: hiay 23 and 24, 1929 Subscribed and'sworn to before me, this 't}1 day of- —i N 1929 Public in and for Bern County, California NOTICE OF AWARD Pursuant to statute and to the Resolution of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, directing this notice: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that said Council, in open session, on the 20th day of May, 1929, publicly opened, examined and declared all sealed proposals or bids for doing the work and improvement in said City, as described in Resolution of Intention No. 594, of the Council of said City, adopted on the 15th day of April, 1929, which Resolution of Intention is hereby expressly referred to for further particulars. AND NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN, that said Council thereafter on the 20th day of May, 1929, awarded the contract for said work to the lowest responsible bidder, to -wit: STROUD BROS. at the prices named for said work in their proposal or bid on file, as follows: 6 in. sewer pipe @,......... $ .70 per lin. ft. Manholes @......... 65.00 each. Lampholes @......... 12.50 each. Dated: yy , 1929. -4 Clerk of the City -Council of the City of Bakersfield, California. RESOLUTION. A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR IM- PROVEIVENTS IN SEWER DISTRICT NO. 594 IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, did in open session on the 20th day of May, 1929, publicly open, examine and declare all sealed proposals or bids for doing certain street work in said City under and in pursuance of the Improvement Act of 1911 and all acts amendatory thereof, the names of the streets pro- posed to be improved and the location and character of said proposed work being described in Resolution of Intention No. 594 of said Coun- cil adopted on the 15th day of April, 1929, which Resolution of Inten- tion is hereby expressly referred to for further particulars: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the said City Council hereby rejects all of said proposals or bids except the next herein mentioned and hereby awards the contract for doing said work and improvement to the lowest responsible bidder, to -wit: at the prices named in bid. The City Clerk is hereby directed to publish notice of this award twice in the The Daily Report, a daily newspaper, published and circulated in said City, and hereby designated by the Council for that purpose. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the ?'0 -day of 1929, by the following vote: Ages: . Carlock, Corbett, Headen, Johnson, Martin, Noes: Absent:_ City Clerk and Ex- fficio Clerk of the -�l Council of the City of Bakersfield. t day of May, 1929. o the Cit of Bakersfield. BIDS RECEIVED FOR IMPROVEM, ITEMS QUANTITIES UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOT UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL Paving Sq. Ft. Sub Grade Sq. Ft. Gutter Sq. Ft. Sidewalk Sq. Ft. Curb Lin. Ft. Culvert, 18 in. Lin. Ft. Culvert, Double Lin. Ft. Culvert Lin. Ft. Headers Lin. Ft. Catch Basins Ea. ' Shoulders Sq. Ft. Cut Cu. Yds. Fill Cu. Yds. Comb. Curb & Walk Lin. Ft. 6 in. Sewer Pipe,1�e�cVLin. Ft. I °° R 7 I 0 (. aO 91 1 80 ✓ 8 in. Sewer Pipe Lin. Ft. 10 in. Sewer Pipe Lin. Ft. 12 in. Sewer Pipe Lin. Ft. Man Holes 2 Ea. 0� Z� S� So' 3 Q tl 0 00 Letup Holes 2 Ea. 01 ",0 DO d✓ 20 CO Z -Z L roracs L II i S � NOTICE INVITING SEALED PRQPOSALS- Pursuant to a Resolution of the Coun- cil of the City of Bakersfield, adopted the 6th day of May, 1929, directing this notice and to. statute in such case made and provided,, said Council .here- by invites sealed proposals or. bids for doing the work described in Resolution of Intention No. 594, passed ana adopted by the said, City Council on the 15th day of April,, 1929, which Resolution or o Intention is n file with the City Clerk of the City of . Bakersfield. For full and complete particulars re- gardink said, work and: improvement to be made and the district to be assessed therefor, reference is hereby made to said Resolution of Intention" No. 594, "Plan for the:. Imnrovement of , Sewer District - No; 594," and "Specifications for the Improvement of Sewer District No. 594,:' adopted by the Council of tits City of Bakersfield on the 15.th day' of April; 1929;' and are on file in the office of the City • Clerk. All proposals or bids _shall be accom- panied by a check payable to the City of. Bakersfield, certified by a responsible bank for an', amount which shall not be less' than ten 'per cent of the aggre- gate of the proposals; or else by a bold for the said "amount, payable as afore- said, signed by, the bidder and .two sureties, who shall justify before any officer competent to administer an oath. in double the said amount and over and, j above all statutory exemptions. All sealed proposals or bids shall be delivered to the Clerk of said Council " on or before 5 o'clock P. M.. Monday. the 20th day of May, 1929, said time being , not less than ten days from the first publication and posting of this no- tice; all bids so received shall be opened by the said Council in open session at 8 o'clock P. M. of the said day. All bids must be submitted on blanIts to be furnished by the City Clerk. Bidders will state in their proposal the price of each item separately as set forththerein, by which the bids will be compared. ' Dated; May 8, :1929. V. VAN RIPER, City Clerk and ex-Offieio Cleric of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California. (May 9 and 10) 3 �er�-fir ms �Y-f------------- Bakersfield, Calif, v --- 192_9 lull t4p 1,�M=bte (f iiril In and for the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern: GENTLEMEN: in compliance with the annexed notice inviting street work proposals, I hereby promise and agree to perform the work and furnish all necessary and proper materials therefor and execute the contract specified therein to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, at the following prices, payable in D. S. gold coin, via.: Paving----------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------ Sq. Ft SubGrad c__________________________________________________Sq. Ft @ ------------------------------------------ Sq.,Ft. Gutter_ --------------------- ------------------------------- Sq. Ft @ ----------------- _-------- — ------------- Sq. Ft Sidewalk--------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft @ ------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft Curb------------------------------------------------------ Lim Ft @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft Culvert----------------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft - Culvert------------------------------------------------------ Lin. FL @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. u_.,•..� _ __ _ ----------------- Lin. Ft ®------------------------------------------ Lim Ft CatchBasins ------------------------------------------------------ f!L------------------------------------------ tea. Shoulders--------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft @ ------------------------------------------ Sq. Ft Com. Curb & Walk ___________________________________p_______Lin. FL @------------------------------------------ Lim Ft 6 in. Sewer Pipe677�_9_ FL @__ /O __________________________________Lin. FL 8 in. Sewer pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. FL @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft -_ in. Sewer Pip e__________________________________________._Lin. FL @---------------------------- _------------- Lin. Ft o0 ManHoles ------------------------------------------ 2___________ @__ szs_-------------------------------- Ea. LampHoles________________________________________ Z___________ @_------------------------------- Ea. Total Cost of Work -----------------------�y Know All Men by These Presents: That we ---- ---- ----- ---- 7/'-]----- - j� principal, and --------------------------------------and----------- ---__ -- ems snretiea. are held and Srmly bound unto the City of Bakersfield, in the just and full sum of___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Dollars, for the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Given under our hands and sealed with our seals this ---------- day of ---------------------- A. D. 192____ Now, the condition of the foregoing is such that, Whereas the above mentioned principal____________________________ ________________________________________________is about to band in and submit to the Council of the City of Bakersfield, the foregoing bid or proposal for the performance of the work therein mentioned, together with. the furnishing of all neces- sary and proper materials therefor, under and in pursuance of the annexed advertisement or notice inviting street work proposals, a copy of which is annexed to said bid or proposal: Now, therefore, if the accompanying bid or proposal of the said ------------------------------------------------ shall be accepted and the said work awarded to ------------------- thereupon, by the said Council, and________________, the said ____________________________________________________________shall enter into a contract therefor and execute an adequate bond to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets of said City, with two or more good and sufficient sureties, con- ditions for the faithful performance of such contract on -------------------------------------- Part, in such case required by an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled an "Act to provide for work in and upon Streets, Avenues, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks within Municipalities, and upon Property and Rights of Way owned by Munici- palities, and for Establishing and Changing the Grades of any such Streets, Avenues, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks and Providing for the Issuance and Payment of Street Improvement Bonds to Represent Certain Assessments for the cost thereof and Providing a Method for the Payment of such Bonds," and all acts amendatory thereof or supple- mentary thereto, then and in that rase, the above obligation shall become void and of no further force or effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue; and the said sum of___________________________________________________________________ Dollars shall be and become as liquidated damages for such failure and neglect_ WITNESS: ______________________________________________[SEALI STATE OF CALIFORNIA ` �s County of Bern - -- - - - - - -- -- [SEAL] -------------------------------------------------------and ----------------------------------------------------------- being severally duly sworn, each for himself, and not one for the other, deposes and says, that he is one of the sureties named in the foregoing bond, and that he executed the same; that he Is a resident and freeholder of the City of Bakersfield, and is worth the sum mentioned in said bond, in said City of Bakersfield, over and above all his debts and liabilities. Subscribed and sworn to before me on this____________ day of ------------------------------- A. D. 192____ __________________________________________, Clerk. Bakersfield, Calif., ;-�-�- - --- 7--- Z5 __, 192_7-_ In and for the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern: GENTLEMEN: In compliance with the annexed notice inviting street work proposals, I hereby promise and agree to perform the work and furnish all necessary and proper materials therefor and execute the contract specified therein to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, at the following prices, payable in U. S. gold coin, via.: Sub FL FL Ft Sidewalk--------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft Curb------------------------------------------------------- Lin. FL Catch Ft FL Ft. Lin. Ft @------------------------------------------ Lin. FL Lin. Ft. @------------------------------------------ Lin. FL Lin. Ft. @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. ------- @------------------------------------------ Ea. Ft FL Cam. Curb & Walk_______________________________ o _________Lin. 6 in. Sewer Pipe_______________________ __�_ ---------- Ft @ Ft @ ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft ----------------------------- Lin. Ft S i r ------------------ Lin. FL @ in. Sewer Pipe_ ________________________________________._Lin. Ft @ ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft ManHoles________________________________________________________ @ --------------------- __ _QS1____ -- Ea \g . Lamp Holes_______________________________________________________ @ --------------------- ____�__ Ea. - Total Cost of Wo Know All Men by principal, � bound unto the City(o1 That in the just and full sum are held and firmly ___ ___________Dollars, for the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and admristrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Given under our hands and sealed with our seals this_J��__day ^^y�,,�______�_!-A. D. 192�_ Now, the condition of the foregoing is such that. Whereas the above mentioned principal ___�C_L�l`_'�___________ -� �__________________________________is about to hand in and submit to the Council of the City of Bakersfield, the to egoing bid or proposal for the performance of the work therein mentioned, together with the furnishing of all neces- sary and proper materials therefor, under and in pursuance of the annexed advertisement or notice inviting street work proposals, a copy of which is annexed to said bid or proposal: Now, therefore, if the accompanying bid or oposaI of the said_Lftz G___ ___ _ shall _ _ ____________________ be accepted and t e said work awarded to__ ________________thereupon, by the said Council, and____ _ __ \the said � _ � t ______ shall eater into a contract therefor and execute an adequate bond to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets of [y, with two or more good and sufficient sureties, con- ditions for the faithful performance of such contract on_____ _____ ___________________________part, in such case required by an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled an "Act to provide for work in and upon Streets, Avenues, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks within Municipalities, and upon Property and Rights of Way owned by Munici- palities, and for Establishing and Changing the Grades of any such Streets, Avenues, Lanes. Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks and Providing for the Issuance and Payment of Street Improvement Bonds to Represent Certain Assessments for the cost thereof and Providing a Method for the Payment of such Bonds," and all acts amendatory thereof or supple- mentary thereto, then and in that case, the above obligation shall becolne void and of no further force or effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue; and the said sum of �e'tu_______ ________ Dollars shall be and become as liquidated damages for such failure and neglect WITNES4—iEq ____________[SEAL] __________[SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 ss. County of Kerner �jf"/ -----[SEAL] """------------------and-----� '/ �✓--'_Y_-_-__ —--------------- - being seve y my sworn, each for himself, and not one for the other, deposes and says, that he is one of the sureties named in t e f egoing bond, and that he executed the same; that he is a resident and freeholder of the City of Bakersfield, and is worth —the sum mentioned in said bonrrd��, in said City of Bakersfield, over and above all his debts and liabilities. Subscribed and sworn to before me on this �3�___ day of_____ _ _ ________________- A. D. 192'�_ _ ____-____ — c ________ ____ _______ _______ _____ _________ ----------------- Bakersfield, Calif.,_ ��� 1'v _, 192_1� U71 T, m aahtr Tmtnrtl In and for the City'of Bakersfield, County of Kern: GENTLEMEN: In compliance with the annexed notice inviting street work proposals, I hereby promise and agree to perform the work and furnish all necessary and proper materials therefor and execute the contract specified therein to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, at the following prices, payable in U. S. gold coin, viz.: Paving----------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft. @------------------------------------------ Sq. Ft. SubGrade -------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft. @------------------------------------------ Sq. Ft Gutter_ ----------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft. @--------------------------- _------------- Sq. Ft. Sidewalk--------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft. @---------------------------- _------------- Sq. Ft. Curb------------------------------------------------------- Lin. FL @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. Culvert------------------------------------------------------ Lin. FL @--------------------- — ------------------- Lin. Ft - Culvert------------------------------------------------------ Lin. FL @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft, ---------------------------- Lin. Ft. 6D ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. CatchBasins ------------------------------------------------------ tm__________________________________________-a. Shoulders___________________________________________________Sq. Ft. @------------------------------------------ Sq. Ft. Com. Curb & Walk ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. @___ .� 6 in. Sewer Pipe _________________________________________._Lin. Ft. @---- �Y-__-------------------------- Lin. FL Lin. I 8 in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @------------ —---------------------------- Lin. Ft. __ in. Sewer pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. FL @____________f_____ ManHoles_________________________________________________________ @_ C—v___________ Lin. Ft. LampHoles_______________________________________________________ @-1'__�Y _ a 10_________________-------- E.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- K/ __ _ _ ____________ ___________________________________________________________._______r____= G ---------- Total Cost of Work_________________________________ Know All Men by These Presents: That we--------------------------------------------------------------------- as principal. and -------------------------------------- and --------------------------------- as sureties, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Bakersfield, in the just and full aura of___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Dollars, for the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Given under our hands and sealed with our seals this__________ day of ---------------------- A. D. 192____ Now, the condition of the foregoing is such that. Whereas the above mentioned' principal____________________________ _________________________________________________is about to hand in and submit to the Council of the City of Bakersfield, the foregoing bid or proposal for the performance of the work therein mesponed, together with the furnishing of all neces- sary and proper materials therefor, under and in pursuance of the annexed advertisement or notice inviting street work proposals, a copy of which is annexed to said bid or proposal: L Now, therefore, if the accompanying bid or proposal of the said ------------------------------------------------ shall be accepted and the said work awarded to ------------------- thereupon, by the said Council, and________________, the said ____________________________________________________________shall enter into a contract therefor and execute an adequate bond to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets of said City, with two or more good and sufficient sureties, con- ditions for the faithful performance of such contract on -------------------------------------- part, in such case required by as act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled an "Act to provide for work in and upon Streets, Avenues, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks within Municipalities, and upon Property and Rights of Way owned by Munici- palities, and for Establishing and Changing the Grades of any such Streets, Avenues, Lanes. Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks and Providing for the Issuance and Payment of Street Improvement Bonds to Represent Certain Assessments for the cost thereof and Providing a Method for the Payment of such Bonds;' and all acts amendatory thereof or supple- mentary thereto, then and in that case, the above obligation shall become void and of no further force or effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue; and the said sum of___________________________________________________________________ Dollars shall be and become as liquidated damages for such failure and neglect WITNESS: STATE OF CALIFORNIA l Gs County of %ern j -------------------------------------------------------and ----------------------------------------------------------- being severally duly sworn, each for himself, and not one for the other, deposes and says, that he is one of the sureties named in the foregoing bond, and that he executed the same; that he is a resident and freeholder of the City of Bakersfield, and is worth the sum mentioned in said bond, in said City of Bakersfield, over and above all his debts and liabilities. Subscribed and sworn to before me on this____________ day of______________________________- A. D. 192____ Clerk- ----Bakersfield, Bakersfield, Cali UD 14P lW.QiUTMh1F TIi1tU& In and for the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern: GENTLEMEN: In compliance with the annexed notice inviting street work proposals, I hereby promise and agree to perform the work and furnish all necessary and proper materials therefor and execute the contract specified therein to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, at the following prices, payable in U. S. gold coin, viz.: Paving----------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft @ ------------------------------------------ Sq. Ft Sub Grade ------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft @ ------------------------------------------ Sq. Ft. Gutter------------------------------------------------------ Sq. FL @ ----------------- — --------- ------------- Sq. Ft Sidewalk ------ _-------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft @ ------------------------------------------ Sq. Ft Curb------------------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft Catch FL@------------------------------------------ Lin. FL Ft@------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. Ft. @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. FtCd------------------------------------------ So. Ft. Com. Curb & Walk__________________ _ __][XT ________ Lin. FL @ ------------------------- --------------- Lin. Ft 6 in. Sewer Pipe ------------------ -i�_U-----------Lin. Ft. @ _ _ ----------- Lin- Ft- 8 in. Sewer pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. FL @_______________________________----------- Lin. Ft in. Sewer Pipe_______________ --------------------------- Lin. Ft. @__ Lin. Ft __ _________ ManHoles__________________ _ ________________ _ _ _______ @______ S _____________________Ea. -- =-oo- ________________________________ ________/�a_ ________________________Ea. Lamp Holes___________________ @- ------------------------ Total Cost of Work__ ?_2 _____________________ Know All Men by These Presents: That we-------------------------------------------------------------------- _as principal, and -------------------------------------- and --------------------------------- as sureties, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Bakersfield, In the just and full sum of___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Dollars, for the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Given under our hands and sealed with our seals this__________ day of ---------------------- D. 192____ Now, the condition of the foregoing is such that. Whereas the above mentioned principal____________________________ _________________________________________________is about to hand in and submit to the Council of the City of Bakersfield, the foregoing bid or proposal for the performance of the work therein mentioned, together with the furnishing of all neces- sary and proper materials therefor, under and in pursuance of the annexed advertisement or notice inviting street work proposals, a copy of which is annexed to said bid or proposal: Now, therefore, if the accompanying bid or proposal of the said ------------------------------------------------- Shall be accepted and the said work awarded to ------------------- thereupon, by the said Council, and ----------------- the said ____________________________________________________________shall enter into a contract therefor and execute an adequate bond to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets of said City, with two or more good and sufficient sureties, con- ditions for the faithful performance of such contract on -------------------------------------- part, in such case requiredby an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled an "Act to provide for work in and upon Streets, Avenues, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks within Municipalities, and upon Property and Rights of Way owned by Munici- palities, and for Establishing and Changing the Grades of any such Streets, Avenues, Lanes. Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks and Providing for the Issuance and Payment of Street Improvement Bonds to Represent Certain Assessments for the cost thereof and Providing a Method for the Payment of such Bonds, • and all acts amendatory thereof or supple- mentary thereto, then and in that ease, the above obligation shall become void and of no further force or effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue; and the said sum of___________________________________________________________________ Dollars shall be and become as liquidated damages for such failure and neglect _ ---_---- _� _____ ______ _____f'SLxAL7 �-D - ---- --- -- --[SE:kL7 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 } ss. ___ --- --------- [sEAL7 County of Kern and___________________________________________________________ being severally duly sworn, each for himself, and not one for the other• deposes and says, that he is one of the sureties named in the foregoing bond, and that he executed the same; that he is a resident and freeholder of the City of Bakersfield, and is worth the sum mentioned in said bond, in said City of Bakersfield, over and above all his debts and liabilities. Subscribed and sworn to before me on this____________ day of ------------------------------- A. D. 192____ ------------ Clerk. - - -- - `� �----- �r�',�� _.,✓-�•�--�--_----- ! � L Lam'- /.�.=��'_�=z��.-%;,� r``��.—.__/� ••'`���c R° � M ..^.3" .T. _ B �=•.^' _C.�-�"r i�ra+".,.•''�°{:r•_� —__ _� � -F�� V! �..-�-"...-�•'.-�l' —�-�i i�:oP - C'"""�' - - - - - �-1...."' (Y ,�� Mdf k.._.) p� �� �,C.f �)_- ' �� _ - _ .�N� .may - i //•� � � �[//N�`+� � /}� � / !• e ------ --- - '�`-M --- :4�- —� f r- r - ta�1 �, f � �, _' s - _• ° `?_ FJf .�L 'A -RIFE - �ZL __zr State of California, `Ss. County of Kern ----------------------------••------------------v. vatr xz - ------------------------------------------------------- being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is now and was during all the times herein mentioned the duly ap- pointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, -- -- State of California; that ¢s such City Clerk he posted NOTICE SEALED PROPOSAL a Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals, a printed copy of Pmenaat ro a R�olnnon et the Coun- it of the City. of Bakersfield, adopted the sth dag [ May. 1929, directing it a notice ndo to lninte In eneh which is hereto attached, in ¢ conspicuous place near ado d provided$ said Councfi here- by invites sealed proposals or bids for doing the work described inBespint" of Intention No. 594. passed ana aaoDtea the chamber door of the Council of said city, to -wit: by the said City Council on the 15th day of April. 1929. which Resolution a- Intention ofnBakeraE the city clerk On the bulletin board located immediately in front For fail d complete particulars re - garding said orit and improvement it t efo a rem nee `is' herebye ad to of the chamber of said Board; that said posting was e id Resolution f Intention No. 691. said for the Ien- vement of sewer District No. 594:' and _'Speelfications Tor 9th r7_' rvn /hn ..nn. n. the 5 being first rice; by tl 8 y All . to b Bid h l by the Council of Me red d on the 15th daY of ad are on file In the office MB r 192__s__, and remained a bids shall be accom- check payable to the City ---------------------r----------------------------r certified by a ' ponosible amount which shall t b:: so posted for more than five days thereafter; that PD I y ! i per cent f the aggre- roposals, or else b� bond aafcre- amount. Payable the bidder and tnv he also at the same time and lace true 9 ent to justify to ¢lane oath. posted, a P place, acid amount and over and .tutorr exemption . and correct co o the specifications referred to copy f P •!° f ➢h pow rkoof bids Council of May, P. M.. Monday. therein that he also caused said Notice Inviting on and posting of this no - so received shall l�oenna` Council In open M. of the said day. .at be submitted on blanlca Sealed Proposals to be published for ____-TK " """--"--^•- I. forth therein. by which the bids will be ompared. i nated: May S. 1929. V. VAN irk Of ' City C Clerk d ex-ity -o Clerk of the Council of and City •o[ Bake -field. California. ' (May 9 and 19) days in the---------- Daily zRe.p_oz-t------------------------------------ a daily newspaper printed and published in saiw city; that said notice was published on ---------------------- May 9th. & 10th, 1929. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- — %` -------------------------------------- ------------------------- city Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this -------- ?_________________day of -------------- WLR-----------------------A. D.1929.--- --------------------- - - -- - - ------------------- ------- Pub fc in for the County of , State of rallfornia f NOTICE IMTING 93ALED PROPOSALS Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the C'ty of Bakersfield, adopted the 6th day of May, 1929, directing this notice and to statute in such case made and provided, said Coun- cil hereby invites sealed proposals or bids for doing the work described in Resolution of Intention No. 594, passed and adopted by the said City Council on the 15th day of April, 1929, which Resolution of Intention is on file rith the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. For full and complete particulars regarding said work and improvement to be made and the district to be assessed therefor, rsference is hereby made to said Resolution of Intention No. 594, "Plan for the Improvement of Sewer District No. 5940, and "Specifi- cations for the improvement of Sewer District to. 594", adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 15th day of April, 1929, and are on file in the office of the City Clerk. All proposals or bids shall be accompanied by a deck payable to the City of Bakersfield, certified by a responsible bank for an awocnt which shall not be less than ten per cent of the ag- gregate of the proposals, or else by a bond for the said amount, payable as aforesaid, signed by the bidder and two sureties, who shall justify before any officer competent to administer an oath, in double the said amount and over and above all statutory exemp- tions. All sealed proposals or bids shall be delivered to the Clerk of said Council on or before 5 o*clock P. M. Monday, the 20th day of May, 1929, said time being not less than ten days from the first publication and posting of this notice. All bids so re- ceived shall be opened by the said Council in open session at 8 O'clock P . M .. of the said .day. All bids must be submitted on blanks to be furnished by the City Clerk. Bidders t1ill state in their proposal the price of each item separately as set forth therein, by which the bids will be compared. Dated- May � , 1929. City Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk or the oun- cil of the City of Bakersfield, California. Ateauit Lit publiration Notice Inrit.m� Sealed proposals resolution Oi 1,,7te.:tic:; i?o. 594 NOTICE INVITINGSFALED PROPOSALS Pors"nt to a Resolution of the Coal- 1 OF CALIFORNIA, th of the y o of Bakersfield, adopted the 6 o day f May. a I2 dire ctlnk S6: this notice and to statute In such rax COUNTY OF KERN. mace ana ;ro.-laea, aaia conncu here- by invites 'ealed proposals o bids for 'doing the work described In Resolution Hazel -? ee of Intention No. 594, passed and adopted of said County and State, being by the la city counon n the .15th U ty by, of Aprii, 1929, which 'Resolution - duly sworn, says: that I am and at all times herein Intent City ofnBfile akers with the City Clerk mentioned was a citizen of the United States, Over For full and complete particulars re - eighteen years of age, and not a party to, nor in- gurding said work a improvement to be made and the district to be assessed terested il> ctvg�ed matter; that I am tneremr, reference s hereby ape -to said Resolution f is No. 594. of the Daily Report, a Plan for the of of sewer e�1 newspaper printed and published daily, except District No, 594:' and "Spec(ficattans for the Improvement of Sever District No. Sunday, In the said County; that the City Bakersfidopted eld on theuncil Isth day`nof _ 3eale� iZ'OUOS315 of Aprn. 1929, d e on file In the office the Clfy Clerk, i•!0t 1Ca 1i7:1t 1:)-,: 0[ All proposals or bids shall be accom- panied by a check payable to the City ,of Bakersfleld, certified by a ponsible bank for an amount which shall not be the annexed less than ten per cent f the aggre- of �idpamosals Joe by . in the above entitled platter, of which is copy, was published in said newspaper gat, Payable boons said, algnea by ne maser na two a printed eties, who hall justify before any officer competent to administer an oath. Dail," i Or two -Col: secu'U1ve insertions In double the mid amount a d over and above all tatutory ezemptlons. . All sealed proposals or Uids shall he days, to -wit delivered to the Cleric of said Council the or'beforeday 5f o'clock and on the following 11129hf•aldp [mye being t leas than ten day. f the l i ay 9 and 10, 929 first oo this p11 tire; bids receh ed shall be opened' by the' said Council In open session at 8 'lock P. M. of the said day, Ali bide must be submitted on blanks to be furnished by the City- Clerl;. Bidders will Late In their proposal the "rice of each item separately' [ forth therein, by which gamnail be compared, Dated: May 9. 8. 192 V. VAN RIPER. City Clerk and ea-ORicio Cleric of the Council of tits City of .Bakersfield. Call [ornla. (Mal' 9 and 10) Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 11t I day of =U 1929 Nu is In ern County. Calif la , NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, adopted the 6th day of May, 1929, directing.this notice and to statute in such case made and provided, said Coun- cil hereby invites sealed proposals or bids for doing the work described in Resolution of Intention No. 594, passed and adopted by the said City Council on the 15th day of April, 1929, which Resolution of Intention is on file with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. For full and complete particulars regarding said work and improvement to be made and the district to be assessed therefor, reference is hereby made to said Resolution of Intention No. 594, "Plan for the Improvement of Sewer District No. 5940, and "Specifi- cations for the Improvement of Sewer District No. 594", adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 15th day of April, 1929, and are on file in the office of the City Clerk. All proposals or bids shall be accompanied by a check payable to the City of Bakersfield, certified by a responsible bank for an amount which shall not be less than ten per cent of the ag- gregate of the proposals, or else by a bond for the said amount, payable as aforesaid, signed by the bidder and two sureties, who shall justify before any officer competent to administer an oath, in double the said amount and over and above all statutory exemp- tions. All sealed proposals or bids shall be delivered to the Clerk of said Council on or before 5 otclock P. M. Monday the 20th day of May, 19292 said time being not less than ten days from the first publication and posting of this notice. All bids so re- ceived shall be opened by the said Council in open session at 8 o1clock P. M. of the said day. All bids must be submitted on blanks to be furnished by the City Clerk. Bidders will state in their proposal the price of each item separately as set forth therein, by which the bids will be compared. Q Dated: May 1929. al-ty ulerjran - c o Clerk ofCoun- cil of the City of Bakersfield, California. R F. SOLUTI OW RESOLUTIOI! ORDERING TH ' ORK IN SE;;CR DISTRICT NO. 594, IF 71HEE CITY OF B.'IKERS- FIELD, CA1,IFORNIil. BE IT RESOL`iED BY ME COJIdCIL OF THE CITY OF BAIL RSFIELD, as follows: '..;'HEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did on the 15th day of April, 1929, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 594. to order the work described therein to be done and improvement to be made in said City; and YM EREAS, said. Resolution of Intention -.,Ias dull* and legal- ly published trice immediately after t.,ne passage of said Resolution, as required by law, in the The Daily Report, a daily newspaper published and c'rculated in said City, and designated by said Coun- cil for that purpose as appears from the affidavit of Otis Hymer, Publisher of said The Daily Report, now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City; and 'MEREAS, notice of the 'passa e of said Resolution of In- tention No. 594, headed "NOTICE OF iiMPROVEDIENT" were duly and legally posted along the lines of said contemplated work and improve- ment and in front of the ororerty liable to b- assessed, and along all the open streets within such district, at not more than 300 feet a.art and not less than three in all in each street in form and manner as regair-:d by law as appears from the affidavit of Barney H. Gray, who upon the comr_letior, of the posting of said notices forth- with filed said affidavit in the office of the City making oath that he completed the posting of said notices on the 23rd day of April, 1929; and. . UITHEREAS, said posting was fully completed more than ten days before the date set for hearing protests and objections; and ,;=EAS, the time set for hearing of said objections in said Resolution of Intention was more than fifteen and less than forty days from the date of the passage and adoption of said Resolution; NO -,IF,,' THERRFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the public interest and convenience require the work described in Resolution of Intention No. 594 to be done, the Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby orders the work to be done as is described in said Resolution of Intention Yo. 594 and for further particulars reference.is hereby made to .said Resolution of Intention or file with the City Clerk, and said work shall be done in accordance with the plan and spec- ifications on file with the City Clerk, reference to which is hereby made for further particulars; The City Clerk of the City of Bs.kersfi_eld is hereby direct- ed to post a notice together with the specifications therefor, con- spicuously for five days, on or near the door of the ^,ouncil Cham- bers of the Council of the City of Bakersfield inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work, herein ordered. He is also directed to publish a notice inviting such proposals and referring to the specifications so posted or on file, truce in the The Daily Report, a daily newspaper published and circulated in said .City and hereby designated for that purpose. The %_;tA$ay of , 1929, is hereby des- ignated and fixed as the day on which up to the hour of 5 o'clock P. M. the said proposals or bids shall be received, and all bids so received shall be opened by said Council in open session at 8 o'clock P. M. of the said da7.*. and the said notices shall so specify. I HEREBY CERTIFv that the foregoing Resolution •f;as passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the day of T.Aay, 1929, by the following vote: Ayes: Benson Carlock, Corbett, Hea&n, Johnson, Marlin, Waiters Noes: ---- ------ - — [�[�_, Tity Clerk and Ex- zfici.o Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. r^ i. ar f y, 1929. f -1e C'y of Bakersfield.. RESOLUTION RESOLUTION ORDERING THE LcORK IN SEWER DISTRICT NO. 594, IN THE CITY OF BAKERS. FIELD, CALIFORNIA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAMSFIELD, as follows: MIEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did on the 15th day of April,. 1929, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 594, to order the work described therein to be done and improvement to be made in said City; and WHEREAS, said Resolution of Intention :ras duly and legal- ly published twice immediately after the passage of said Resolution, as required by law,. in the The Daily Report; a daily newspaper published and circulated in said City, and designated by said Coun- cil for that purpose as appears from the affidavit of Otis Hymer, Publisher of said The Daily Report, now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City; and 1.9SEBEAS, notice of the passage of said Resolution of In- tention No. 594, headed "NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT" were duly and legally posted along the lines of said contemplated work and improve- ment and in front of the property liable to be assessed, and along all the open streets within such district, at not more than 300 feet apart and not less than three in all in each street in form and manner as required by law as appears from the affidavit of Barney H. Gray, who upon the completion of the posting of said notices forth- with filed said affidavit in the office of the City making oath that he completed the posting of said notices on the 23rd day of April, 1029; and 7.10 EAS, said posting was fully completed more than ten days before the date set for hearing protests and objections; and MMEAS, the time set for hearing of said objections in said Resolution of Intention was more than fifteen and less than forty days from the date of the passage and adoption of said Resolution; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the public interest and convenience require the work described in Resolution of Intention No. 594.to be done, the Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby orders the work to be done as is described in said Resolution of Intention No. 594 and for further particulars reference is hereby made to said Resolution of Intention on file with the City Clerk, and said work shall be done in accordance with the plan and spec- ifications on file with the City Clerk, reference to which is hereby made for further particulars; The City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield is hereby direct- ed to post a notice together with the specifications therefor, con- spicuously for five days, on or near the door of the Council Cham- bers of the. Council of the City of Bakersfield inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work herein ordered. He is also directed to publish a notice inviting such proposals and referring to the specifications so posted or on file, twice in the The Daily Report, a daily newspaper published ar_d circulated in said City and hereby designated for that purpose. The ! -day of , 1929, is hereby des- ignated and fixed as the day on which up to the hour of 5 o1clock P. M. the said proposals or bids shall be received, and all bids so received shall be opened by said Council in open session at 8 ovelock P. M. of the said day, and the said notices shall so specify. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the 6--at day of May, 1929, by the following vote: Ayes: Denson, Carlock, Corbett, Headen, Jchnson, Martin, Falters T'CeE;. Cry Clear and Ex-Officlo Clerk of he Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED thisj� dal of May, 1929.� o e City of Bakersfield. Affidavit j Posting Notices j Improvement STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Kern }ss' ------------ GRP.Y _____________________being duly sworn deposes and says: That he is now, and was during all the times herein mentioned, a citizen of the United States over the age of eighteen years; That after the adoption of Resolution of Intention No._-_ 594___ of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, pursuant to orders and instructions of the street su- perintendent of said City, he personally posted conspicuously along the line of said con- templated work and improvement and upon all the streets, alleys, and other public thor- oughfares within the district described in said Resolution of Intention and proposed to be assessed, notices of the passage of said Resolution headed "Notice of Improvement," a copy of said notice being annexed hereto and made a part hereof; That he personally posted said notices by fastening them with metal tacks to stakes, poles, fences, walls or trees, at such an elevation above the ground that they would attract attention and be easily readable; That all of said notices were posted less than 300 feet in distance apart, and that __15------- in all were posted. That he completed the work of posting all of said notices on the___? Ed ___day of April --------- - __- 192_9, whereupon he made this affidavit and filed it with the clerk of the City of Bakersfield, California. ----�-------- Subscribed and sworn to before me this ?3 -day of___v`_r ____, 192_ft. --�-- -- G------------ City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, California. (Seal) Note. Attach this to a copy of one of the notices and file with the clerk. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on Aprii 15th, 1929, passed a Resolution of Intention No. 594, to order the following work to be done and im- provement to be made in said City, to -wit: SECTION 1. To construct six (6) inch sewer of vitrif'ed salt glazed sewer pipe along the following described lines: (a) . Along the center line of the al- ley running easterly and westerly through Block 130 and Block 131, and extending from a. point 20 feet easterly from the easterly line of Robinson Street to a .point 46.14 feet easterly from the easterly line of Miller Street. (b) Along the center line of the .al- ley running easterly and westerly through Block 203 and Block 204 and extending from a point 20 feet easter- ly. from the easterly line of Robinson Street to a point 28.15 feet easterly from the easterly line of Miller Street. • SECTION 2. To construct manholes and lamp - holes where shown on the plan for said work and to place "Y" branches ins said sewer for house connections at each lot, piece or parcel of land in the district, the exact location of said "Y" branches to be designated by the City Engineer. All of said work and improvement is to be done in accordance with the plan and specifications heretofore and on the 15th day of April, 1929, adopted by the Council of the City of Bakers- field, said plan being entitled "PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF SEW- ER DISTRICT NO. 594," and said spe- cifications being entitled "SPECIFI- CATIONS FOR THE, IMPROVEMENT OF SEWER DISTRICT NO. 594," and which said plan and specifications are on, file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, and are hereby referred to and by such refer- ence made a part and portion hereof, and in this connection the said plan and specifications also, show the exact location of the aforesaid work and im- provement. AND WHEREAS, said contemplated work and improvement in the opinion of said City Council is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, said Council hereby makes the costs and expenses of said work and improve- ment chargeable upon a district, which district said City Council hereby de- clares to be the district benefited by said work and improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs and ex- penses thereof, and which said dis- trict is bounded and described in Reso- lution of Intention No. 594, passed and adopted by said City Council on the 15th day of April, 1929, and on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. All of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of Cali- fornia, designated the "Improvement Act of 1911" approved April 7th, 1911, and all acts amendatory thereof. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Monday, the 6th day of May, 1929, at 8 o'clock P. M. at a regular meeting of the said City Council in the Coun- cil Chamber of said City Council in the City Hall of the City of Bakers- field, any and all persons having any objections to the proposed work or improvement may appear before the said City Council and show cause why said proposed improvement should not be carried out in accordance with said Resolution. For further particulars reference is hereby made to said Resolution of In- tention No. 594, on file with the City .. Clerk. Dated: April 19, 1929. W. D. CLARKE, Street Superintendent. - ;�tttxi� of ��tbrlirtt�tvtt Resolution of Intention No. 594. Resolution of Intention to Improve Sewer District No. 594 in the City of Bakersfield, California. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION N9.594 _ I RESOLUTON` OF INTENTION TO ldf: i PROVE SEWER DISTRICT NO. 594, IN THE CITY OF BMIMSFIELD, � r.: CALIFORNIA. I BE IT RESOLVL`D 8Y"THID .COUN• j CIL OF THE CITY OF RAKERSFIELD, as follows: STATE OF CALIFORNIA That it Is the Intention o! the. cur SS. Council bI the City of 13akersEeld, to COUNTY OF KERN. improvement oto be —do J. .aidn city to -wit: OTIS HYMM' of said County and State, being duly sworn, says: that I am and at all times herein mentioned was a citizen of the United States, over eighteen years of age, and not a party to, nor in- terested in the above entitled matter; that I am the publisher and proprietor of the. Daily Report, a newspaper printed ;and published daily, except Sunday, in. the said County; that the Resolution of Intention to Improve Sewer District, No. 594, in the above entitled matter, of which the annexed is a printed copy; was published in said newspaper Daily for two consecutive insertions, and on the following days, to -wit: April, 17, and 18, 1929. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 19 th day of 1929 t No a in and for Kern County. California In s¢wEr Ior' Moose pidee or pazcel the swot Iooatio� to he designatei said 'work. and �e ,d:o n e ,n as costs. Aed or toe; the .of`; ong to line Inc. Cof Intention Wa [off- d� passed' and do - of the City'of. -d Cous- r meth of of Aln" - ,owing vote Carlisle. Cazloc'r.. Cor- Mo. Martin: V..VAN RIPER. -0tf1`to :'C� : 8�pf the is 2 ef: Bakersfteld. [hhis 5th day, o[ APrII, RESOLUTION RESOLiTTION ADOPTING. PLAN AND SPECIFI- CATIOTJS FOR PROPOSED 111PROVEMENITS IN Sr--,9ER DISTRICT N0. Ste- IN THE CITY OF Bi+KERSFIELD, CALIFCRNIA. BE IT RESOLVEID BY T1TE COTJNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIE'LD, as follows: That the plan and specifications for the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said Cif, to -wit: SECTION 1. To construct six (6) inch sewer of vitrified salt glazed sewer pipe on the following described lines: (a) Along the center line of the alley running easterly and westerly through Block 130 and Block 131 and extending from a point 20 feet easterly from the easterly line of Robinson Street to a point 46.14 feet easterly from the easterly lire of .Miller Street (b) Along the center lire of the alley running easterly and westerly through Block 203 and Block 204 and extending from a point 20 feet easterly from the easterly line of Robinson Street to a point 28.15. feet easterly from the easterly line of Miller Street. SECTION 2. To construct manholes and lampholes where shown on the plan for said work and to place "Y" brarches in said sewer for house connections at each lot, piece, or parcel of land in the district, the exact location of said "Y" branches to be designated by the City Engineer. All of said work and improvement is to be done in accord - ante with the plan and specifications prepared by the City Engineer of said City and submitted this /aay of April, 1929, said plan..// being entitled "PLAN FOR THEITPROVEfr1-,NT OF SE?.TR DISTRICT NO. S17— IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA", and said specifications being entitled "SPECIFICATIOYS FOR THE IMPROVI-11M OF SET"iER DISTRICT NO.91�— IN THE ^,ITV OF BAK?RS''IRLD, CALIFO.';IA", be and the same are hereby adopted as and for the plan and specifications for the doing of said work. I HUREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council of the City ei Bakersfield, on the �� day of , 1929, by the following vote: Ayes: Be -is C rIWe, Carleek, Corbett,, Stoner I�cW• City C er_, and 4xOtiic .o rler _ of `he Council of the Citv of Bakersfield. APPROVED this I� day Of April, 1929. P_AYO:, of the City �f Ba ers ld. Z hereby certify that the above specifications were present- ed by the City Engineer, and approved and adop d by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, the /3f�-,k day of 191 - /v' City Cleric an Ex- e o Clark Council of the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California. Any C b�, wo r',c In the, manner -apfi e ti_' ria- in uha 11 ina an'l i-not, a- In J, is Cr or, D I i7 I)EIP', 3 1104- or (,,,Vncr on-ra-Act, 'i t IT 11mD of 3,-0, t in. t N k 8 0 c to 11, o ii N h t,,n f 1,1 -1 dil e -I ri T"; a r to o f t h e a 7 'Y lun,_"' r,oveTnent,, he Monuments r 3`­alros folind 0 thr', of lmprovom�TA3, m4ission Oran the �Iltv s,:6_1 zhal'l 'bear lniF �Vl, Ing any or stalrr­�', whl�nh, may be dlistlarb :1 I. F3 i('Phe Curt r�,:,�or "k ­:3#,,t all il:r— J 37 T require ,,,� by tht <3 0T, Ni 1, p., v i,�) i 'r O.C,1, I etion Q f the WC�TIYI quires their rpmoval, 'th r, t r n, t 0 r s A o rf,=o vi- j a to d ebr I a o o ther oba ru,! t 4 one 1k­�vt,� ehAr.4,-, ter ra*tural Or artif"Irtialls lz-n'-,­Yun��,­, ln t;,ho imp�r��veizentr­, 10, CBSTF,W1Pr CTTY C'­71,T­�111F, 33 ue ordinanee.s of tiffs City -f' I,, o �1 t re, izu of Streets, kenrdnz open they ar-"� qxAiose�l Or, 'Not MCre 1­,�,,a;l any On:-, except by permriz;�Ann of the 'BARRT'SR3P LIGH,1111* #- L meaaures lto, tho ;;Ork -,1n,6YES t1or, Ho all prid u an"41. In tain a 11 11c terp,dry rary bridges,, wat11=eir-i an,-!t -tig t,3 e 13., PUBLD, UTTLITIMS. 1D 0av;�� �t sblo,IIJI "be n. f, ,ProV_,-,rtv of any owne-.- ,)t' a p*ubll..,� IL � A- " . U t t-y o r W 1311, upon "roper applination by the Sun��rintendent of Stvef,114ts 'to n-ove zut , 1, reasonable time, and the Clortrs,'!tor Thp-,17 tioi, jr., propert-y until. after tho ex-4ratlon clf 1'11h,_, lh,417­ The right14 resetv,,-,-e to tlNc 'A t-y U t" i I I t i e, -t-r and fr�,nalvlses to eiitf,,r uppi-or I °aa M,king chang�_,s ir ,naking noviessary repatri, or foA ma�,Ile nncensary by t#,o wa,-kz On work Includ'Ing ixprovont of this .,on ,,Et or shall notify the CALl", Rnglnaer In v;rltlng.. wl-i-r. :ram �.j has beon ic,,01npleted. Du.- 1. rig tho -Ien (Icl) zjay3 af+--­ ij the or zn 0 a thia notice with the Cit-7 ngin Re6r, Y utilid*v shall have the rig1t to enter upon tht.) str(->et f,.-r ,,-,f i8ying 0-1 re'la-.,ing -4"PrIlsf" con-lultr! tinQ-11 ap- 14# AIM CLEANTN(l TUP, jT%o i o t ,or All 1>rO, 4Zt LF J use to t,,xist,!ng s, - tvder �.&ia. .*u, "',. �e *f p� a '•m��""'�sa. '�„3t'�� '"..� ,fin �:; +�",� ,°� �rm�x �, k� CBS A f x z xJ t . .- a with one x t x._ n d Y'.. s ,$.✓<^ta*'i`'*§'�. *,. �`9.K. vyt.ym P wp a d$. v $r * or t rb . , . a' s' s z .... 'Tya M ii n Meg 317 !"arc r 3"4 �� �A��'ii h 4..k�r- e .Y .tj 1dy 9 +' 3"', e^� t*sy.P,3. � ... ¢ `, �. fib; . � > _ tR .. ..,� y r34°' �'" a e-*�` d�i"�f" J` < a yy _. �k S. W ` k"A k`i ., kR ° }o�qg �k '" rye. i �:. `�' Fw$ ' n6 u l ,." T� V.„P l a t "i 4" 1,,a Y^ Molina r r' oval! dl # #�qe �y'v (� i i 'i'�4 fi $a° Y r i 15 k'"4or 4.Y AI X+._ ,. � M"��. 6 a .� �•TM R 'E _ d ; T Mira S ..:%d g ie M d• �k time �gyy� "'�. %"� "$>lt .� a. . t..I .Sa . k: "kfG, £.� L i A� '" ^ rey--^1✓.!"?�.$& �n1... d ,d,.';rk 4 F& ¢4 0 out ^Y '•"g.'° f t ,I I,l�"i� %; OR. nuvtGUIS, Upleas otherwIre, designate! on M plan QW! vons!A in, nPA OrWand lament -V_rdu (0) auble feet fine Xggrugute (Sand) y1vo 151 wyVin foot ooarso AggrtgAto (Rodk) Qnuly-f our (24) rownis net of Vortland iament inall 'be eorstdoy al VS 1-0 10M feet. AAA JAWY, �A 4 to 00600Aug the poicion 4011 W by adding t 6rentar U2 nz-vw or bAkehAtene used in V116 rid i I 1 105 OAI .: : OVD0 0 ;zoo 001, Men s otherwise desIgnated on tho plan shall Qo"alat M one 11) aaak fortland Carent Two Q aubie foot Me FQ1;r (4) W.rent coarse AggregatICHook) Nlnetv_,.94) pounds not of Portland OVMWit Shal.11. be 0OWdOVA., _hi-kll Mary not be 40agh Montar to Camplatal fill We valao A tho acanretno the WHOWIF shall be remodled lt(!r rat"MOL-ag i_.z of vnvrl or broken stone used in tho AMAra aad io,'; In' -- portion of send Pr atone uqVnnnWjz. to «Ta. Unless otherolas daulg=wod plan 1"all nonalst of: Gnu auble feet Fit", :,""'grei tc Nand) Throu and one-half (3-1/9) z1bid fact icarao QjreNars nos of - MON. *noun, 1 n �I J n-t�­y-:rcur (';�NI* p luble foot. 00:101 10:1110 not be enrujj mortar to vanplansin I!.. �n n,n agnareLc, the WIMenany ralt,413 of travel or 4�, an WOO n lod In. and' Pat 07 a" 1�,, zorkon or sand or onno so--oningm. all lops ht ?"ion = n , �t ' i� � ��'� � � � � � aWnttgrn ��' 714 Sall Wallv� E a MIND. The Myam, rtsp Mclrlad for COnor6ta or yn a 17-.. fir* Mixing box a gauas * vol e t �� M `.s ul X Aq , °` K din �y - Rand ��. r� *. b�, ,fir Umber Or"anoksi b YF� d a �„ a p, a old* b6z ": need M >� � �� aT - j Inq it least three (3) Was Man to mixing „�{y9 gy` q t 3„ pig'" }ma y + € ` jyE.' #d� ' �; ,y , � ' s `ort4rTan wMp i ":{',y{�. ; onto n t , 71 9� M m yr...3'i. +A �A�. no ?M ,a# .a�� sR3 r�7iR � ot ^.�; ,.., "W .� Ing Imo' s Lit WO eNepnd 9 , AGPLA Of two foot, MH to rescved by thn "notVitpy YJ TOM with grnvej &C v Qzllty Mph Y111 pnek when Whtch ShOl be Mntstenyd and UMMOO The KUM Shinh Planklow tides of the exopavation thall I., metal ing xhd thovoughly braced ground Vn orted a 04 All Ow0a, tbo sheet -pil tliiiitersi shell be in-= 4, In, ia�ft nor a S ta ri��*Kt OW01 In 01 U4 slde* It WIL RANKSo TO mmartal exonv4IM A'Al,be IoLd eanpg*07 alow: 4a UM of thl trondho W Kn4v tri, A � OP 30 a* to 0=5 Ytilq COMOMMO ot PuSSIble Ln On PoWe MV01, Pres swnn7 molt hP !W,, to oil fW"." llylrants n,13el TVASY U, UNK AND IRAD44 Aftor tn� lynnih not frought to Ohs YVOO-.,. WK SWIM cyntwrl its P", the spealf-leatIOUS as WaInafter Welfled, Q laid thay min K. the Jolloolng M*nnorz Before any p1pe to put into vWn, P all eXeOVatlan shall be thv. two OrWously nrepar;,7d t,_; the hAbm* so thqt 000 n2 -I W Cl Neve a firs and unlform beiriny ovor its WIre length, ,11 S"JAStments to 11ne and grode Mult be Maje,uy rapkPIPU nqQ W, f i uing in earth namop* the IT of tht olpe and not by weagira ;r Wn tho habo All P Pq*, PrAVOUS to tbol 1110rod Oto W PIPS JOT"S# be ond watobod a* tbit 14101001n in the tr6nN $bell to fitted t if Of ttlt, thm" 0011 it n6' sh—MMOr or vit-00,V'. M IfOr fittl the-tipot Wall h* Qlainlv., that thl Plit PrOVIOUSly I&I on the hank *0111 b* M=A;dlv!�d in the tynaL�,, AMPIPSO and Sma a1.x in Wah M RMANP a Stand SoOsts nonnnt i- tA -o to f1t tagethor WAS an W surfrae must WV61AMA", All SCAS of ill'o t f1*W,:M 003 all ShGaIdere in Ohe tots �rvi OTtruo W Qvmqht J, r sontnot a d all, lvmq�#,Vr x0l Wts shall b* ear4ftlly Out lowered Wto J. Th IOUs betwown all pijbq,11 t4 QJOL **fer tight f7 filling tho entire gnmUr sere betwomn the axtorlor of the ;nly, the interior of the *octet vivo nmort -mortar of a coanonstinq �-Twnr olol- ap*alftedv Ike mortar Abel l be nenS, bevtled off rvam tha ontar novps V f tb� hin to the sides Pf the r0w, et A angli!y of r,�rlmntely Ycrwy-t dogr.6 00001*1 bare beInd tape, W SWUre g*ad WVP% at ja IV' OT n' or tht 'IdInQ The JOI to of all pipes ar toe WIN A°ill be o4refUlly Apt, brush cr swab und all vxQeoe mortar pint Q xemovad from the j six , t the pipe end the joint i t POT 00 m f;t . No joust AM he nAM on the o t; lde until tie next throe = as advarno are laid. is � ES.. when water Is OMM'04nt rad SK She Much, a druin ditch sh-.y_- o CONSUR014d at cane SUN in Ouq unn r that if will t o Gugh Win, the subInto a h ro tex - c.. 1 dia'chulrgcr the traich. water Bias i ARROW to in .. to or alnun:� s . . ti w ii o Way, o a t. one at W o Y P.^m"+c+F P o d + hc "1 he sewer, at a point designated b.: "t , Qt, ;.a " *,' b4nw" shall be olosed at the outor e itri teOeta � Coley rune jo that purpose he space in the roiket bt0v 4cver sh ll be 141 Via: `Vita wet nand, cover*4 with a thin aotir �rf � e t Morthr. .. �':�.d� " i� . :.`cn �«":�Q;�'° al' 1 ;� w n i L the i�t�har a no �i for n the lava a fit them with cost t* S and co r , .� t galvanized iron steps, tui,,l dotalls for all of Web, are sbown. 140 Inside of the MaMoles shall b I it>ka a of;U-kir to i I '14 ir4h plaster coat eamposea of ine jayt ; 0-Ma Ceat to obe und —Q- half panto clean„ abar be a OMPOW paTtt vond W -A ISO Wlatnad tun ar tie be.lph mixer x4n 4Vu,vpve& V apt ely twelve, x0voiutio s per Widate, ar Lh. T OM= WOWW"exing tint ODVMILIv' * o0f& The stove shall conAnt of OvAble, Ween, water woxn pe ,l os' ruehet, rook or boulAxa, or a tL' y of from lout, lay and V , ` aric s�aia.t to r . aaud Shull, rax.aaea, i also.� �: � one. i� It . / 1 as iy % win ,r ail, to OWand. one-half i,_i, 4 ; i e= 1.# .x� that jgrtatast ti .nen j aatn 1. WANS The Cement sholl be, fort eat,, all wonTorm to thde Standard 1pecificatiousnand AM for ; IW4 COMM .:Fnote? Zo temb& Ist, 1VI6* of the Americo OMAY tax YOVIng t."wW 1Ks'' * WS The said shad be club, Aps ii.i. eous asuvA", flat trom W, mica, , l vegetable wa tt °, ziitW .. rt.' 140 LEA. can ra for shall conayu ; t WAUM.U.10a call*" tax e Land t #►agar past itr c± a a.4" a a, a.,' details for a1.i ash: AU& _ .O shown. 14. CAST7033.1 o6stippe for heads, ant nover r4ss be of tough, grhj iron, Ove from Cl sshu-40or flow holes, be of WorkmaWto AnAch and nuej O rr r t t� ^ a .t ., 0 .ea 0 1.t M .. -m l l p i a `, A . �. t Vitrified, yalt gjaZCA OWWar PAI04 UaaUM &OW011 tUrPtd t I .OrO t VVVAX " d a e ,p.. O k ,a C. �° c antile ckne a j.'.,:i i.> i.� �, :. t °c' ...."-' , ..*k %;.' ."•` "1 F,a.:....� a .. b :. ,''.. m �. ringing 'O'ov'na IX P41 . The pipe 'must be Mmo6th and Ito int erfer hit NOW vas"'j ce m phies abull be Socket nlee 'All, !O-kets Ix h the bore o OtP.P444d deptb and of uutficiort, ditumetor to reeeive tc 'rho tu"Ll4. the OtLmot ands of the lmtxt 14F011owing pipo or zP00iii'l '-itho,Ut un, of sither, and also' l4e." ", annular upace of not lane than three-0 of ut 'inch iu width for ep,"rt mort,�r 4ointe. bore CIf the Pi-I"e zh,01-1 nut vii.,."'i P<qe 1141-1 f CI'T w,peeitiod diameter. no , ip,!R or upeoiul designsd to be atzaig Jt, O'n P ,h*t ehall exhibit "0 of an irich- live of more than three-eighthe �kll Pipes sva,�Xpoajajfs must be fx..es from inllu�r Jous 41-ac;y-s. 'nli,ater s or bfi6�k,*A , rims. I 'rhe !"ClIow1wr lAi. Ior f Cott On"o i. i er.-. 6 for r �j 0, + -111 *he corsidorea in urlou S and C 1.1, jBinele fire cir-ok Ir the, b04,,i oyApIwI'tM-mil la:_ - entire thic.kness, of rx't"013 ;,)hcrack* "ire oraoks which extea th,�,, x 11 th thi-ekneas s or pecial nust n-,t be ,ver two 1 r, t one Iriet at the t.,ub �--rvd. sin fle -fire 7.v%ck axton'J'O ovey Whres inches Ion-,F. Lumpe, broken b1frtai's vr on tic itte.'r-lior Cup a Mal 1 b 41 U h -tpo arm t I'v,hIck, flttini7 r: z P 0 1,6. 'CLUSHM All morux �zr I np )-e t�;Iatcm A cl Speoi f isa Owl' be C Crupoe'vil off. j I IWI/E parts sand,, 1)y ne*--Mfe, CIL# Luck, C""'! et 1 gh t 11 "--ij �avin; 3 VC1,=4 of Cyle c'u"4", C, Tho camant uZ4 u-'md muct, a8m;4t,408rXI f or'n 001-Or" "'than Vo r tar 9h4ll be made tsaes nd n -;hIch hiis begun to set 'a Idort, sh11 be mixed I r a r a i--IvAM" �nt Or gToudid . rh4ll, be p4ded to -1,7e V,,t, c r en) e r. vo t he r e oA0 i 112 t*, e i: rn 1 tiiiht bo x 4n In to v:vmto on ? t bzr,,.Ckfilled to t10 to o-p th- r,]I-v -11,4 tavi'C"'d th ;,n:�,A C u-, e a C, tk r, the F.reatost -.0at 'grade of the PI-rie. m, Iaj p-.Y t - nd, #d "sk i p. #q, n k pf of nlat't m-tou " '� .. �.. , 0 cc- g' �y9y�l�iV ""'0`w%t sJ t.. ydt..�a*4 )iM. S. 41s%�!n L.t, i.&t d. { �`• i1 'L. n'2 i •n1 W xA' Q 14 � yet , end o r t � r '. mortar sball be a ll lxx s • L !. art box, and n n x 7. '.A'c la t * plp� tr e f h .:., a amp - gain the tasto t {J,. _.' actil ct of Vhc, soil witheut 4} urk 6t ll""'- t iZk ')AA ' a4w. ' ad the t 1 t a h a11..+. the ,a 'u,4,4 �v1:s s.�j ,.a�?�•:�. � ��fi.�� ���.�C, P .�R*� k ,�+x��Y.�f{�: giti.}^.1��. �+ y �aat,pylf, �q�t ll 4Fd a. l+ a& fi: i.+ if �tR SWd # Y'�0 F.i .r�+ #e6 id V�r 3, �..`: "N a .;i i �#. c ± ,�a� dt -° bc� k/ ➢" ..i a �., ��` 9 ., h:: .�' ,:. 0.. fir ' *✓ r th in, layez s rot exoeow i ng eix_- ta-m.purs or pud ln�z to t 1 it 71z;11. ,4 ,-C; -� ���•fgq.` hen tho t 140hos do .{ t ��u", :��. 1g'+'` y� �4 y�� AfA lilta O' &i'�Y� �� u � �'I�Kd id F.a-. � �y Mt d+ �y r '. "e* cSNPas Mructlo. ' •Lr