HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 584RESOLUTION OF INTENTION N0. l '- RESOLUTION OF INTENTTION TO OPEN 21ST STREET TO A '',IDTH OF 82.5 FEET, FROT+'_ THE EASTERLY LINE OF N STREET TO THE `."IESTERL•Y LINE OF P STREET, IN THE CITY OF BAKERS- FFIELD, CALIFORNIA. BE IT R'�SOLVLD BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ByKERSFIPLD, as follows: That it is the intention of the 1,ouncil of the City of Bakersfield to order the following street rrorl:: to be done and im- provement to be made, to -wit: That 21st Street, in the C .t- of Balr.er•sfi eld, be opened to a width of 82.5 feet, from the easterly line of N Street to the westerly line of P Street. The lands necessary and convenient to be taken for said purpose are described as follows, to -wit: (1) Beginning at a point in the easterly line of N Street where the sane is intersected by the extension easterly of the soia.t herly line of 21st Street, if the same were so extended and running thence northerly along the easterly line of N Street 82.5 feet: thence easterly and parallel the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet; thence southerl-N- and parallel with the easterly line of N Street 82.5 feet: thence westerly and. parallel oath the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet to t'ie point of beginning. (2) Beginning at a point, in the westerly line of 0 Street where the same is intersected by tine extens on easterly of the south- erly line of-21st Street, if the same were so extended, and running thence northerl-v along the westerly line of 0 Street 82.5 feet; thence :westerl- and parallel •"vith the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet; thence souther lz7 and parallel with the westerly line of 0 Street 82.5 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet to the point of beginning. (3) Beginning at a point in the easterly line of 0 Street where the same is intersected by the extension easterly"of the south- erly line of 21st Street, if the same were so extended and running thence --iortherly along the easterly line of 0 Street 82.5 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th :Street 122 feet: thence southerly and parallel with the easterly line of 0 Street 82.5 feet; t';i.ence westerl7T and. parallel th the nort'erly line of 20th Street 12, feet to the :;oint of beginning. (4) Beginning at a point in the ;ttesterly line of r Street where the sage is intersected by the extension easterly of the south- erly line of 21st Street, if the same were so extended and running thence northerly along the westerly line of P Street 82.5 feet; thence westerly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet: thence southerly and parallel with the westerly line of p Street 82.5 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet to the point of beginning. And said Council does hereby determine and declare that said proposed wore and improvement is of more than local or ordin- ary public benefit, and.-:ri11 affect and benefit the lands and dis- trict hereinafter described and. wliicn sai_d district is hereby de- clared to be tine district affected and bene-"'i.ted by sa.i.d .work and improvement, and t'aat therefor, the entire cl^me ^s, costs and ex- penses of sa`.d worV and improvement shall be and are hereby made chargeal,le against and shall he assessah:e upon said lands and dis- trict, which district is within the city of Bakers£ field, County of Kern, State of California, and the exterior boundaries of the lands affected and benefited by said work and improvement are particularly described as follows, to -Wit: Beginning at a point in the easterly line of H Street 132 feet southerly from the sout'erly line of 21st Street: thence easter- ly and parallel rit.h the southerly line of 21st Street to the west- erly lire of Union, avenue; thence northeasterly along a straight line to a point in the easterly line of Union Avenue, said point being 150 feet southerly fro_, measured at right angles, to the southerly line of Humboldt Street; thence easterly and para'.lel with the south- erly line of Humboldt Street to the westerly line of King Street; thence northerly along the wester17 line of King Street to a point 150 feet norther17 from the nort'.'erly line of Humboldt Street; thence westerly and parallel -ith the north.e.r.lr 1ir,e of Humboldt Street to the eastf-�rly line ^f Union Avenue: thence south.,esterly along a straight line to a point in the :vester17 line of Union avenue, said point being 132 feet northerly from and measured at right angles to the northerly line of 21st Street; thence westerly and parallel with the northerly- line of 21st Street to the easterly line of H Street; thence southerly along the easterly line of H Street to the southerly line of 21st Street and the point of beginning. All of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of California entitled "AN ACT TO PROVIDE, FOR LAYING OUT, OPENING, E XT :'NDIidG, ",'IDT]NIP G, S'PRAIGHT- O " CLOSING UP IN =`HOLE OR IN PART ANY RF�T, S UARE, iaPTF, t=_LLFT, COURT OR PLACE ?'iTT?iIA! 1 UP?ICIPi=TTES, _IND TO COiDE1rIN AND AC- QUIR^ "idY AI\I`) ALL LAND AYD PROPF'RTY P7,C79SARY OR 10`'W', TIENT FOR THAT ?URPOSE", approved N!arch 6th, 1889, and the several acts amendatory thereof or sup;,lemental thereto. The The Daily Report is hereby designated as the daily news- paper, published and circulated in said Citzr, in which the Street Superintendent's notice of the passage of this Resolution shall be published. -----000----- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the day of September, 1928, by the following vote: £derma ---•------ APPROVED this //-Aday of r ✓ — gettp Ci v Clerk and Px-Offic o Clerk of the ouncil of the City of Bakersfield. WAYOR of the City of Bakersfield. OFFICE OF Uiz Crlx,,�xfxrx� ��rr az` CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA V. VAN RIPER CLERK,AUDITOR AND ASSESSOR BAKE RSFFI ELD, CALI E, Report of Damages and Benefits as submitted by Commissioners in the matter of the opening of 21st Street, befteen N & P Streets' under Resolution of Intention No. 584. (Confirmed and approved by the Council July 2Z. 1929) (Damages and Costs) Printing Notice Public Works $ 6.50 Publish Notice Public Works 35.00 Posting Notice Public Tilorks 5.02 Engineering and Assessment 121.51 Total Incidentals --------------------------- $168.03 Damages Lot. Block k George Hay $1050.00 N 23.751 of 27 0V v\,/ PIlikiye Yura 3375.00 26 & S 2375'. of 25 "if" Clotilda Leiva 2834.00 N 2.3.751. of 8 "Y" v �( Julia Sadocchi Crease 875.00 N 23.75' of 27 ftztt Kern County Children's Shelter 2625.00 N 23.75:' of 8j9:, S 23.75-' - of 10 Emilio Toti 3550.00 26 A S.23,75' of 25 "Z" I& kartinez 4033.00 9 8c S- 2.3.75' of 10 Total Damages -------------------------- $18,,342.00 Connnissioners.Fees---------------- 600.00 19,110.03 .1 OFFICE OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA V. VAN RIPER CLERK, AUDITOR AND ASSESSOR BAKE RS F1 E LD, CALIF., Report of Dam,.geq. and Benefits as submitted, 17 Commimionem in t.he- miter -of' th6 openng' of 219t Street q. 'botwesa.U. P Stv ev'z; under Resolution 69 Intention 110. 584. (Cm -firmed; end ar U1 over?-_ Uy -the Counctl j -v 1929) -.(Damagers, and Gqaft) Printing Notice pul�lic 1ork.s. v t"zo- Putli sh -Not ice- Public -.7or.1m, Pobtlug Notice, rublUc Works 5 . w. Ene_maerimg and Assessme-witc 12141 Total ---------- M75-.,�.00- 2:64. S2;E6.751 of 25 /J Glotilda leiva 2.834*00. M 0.3*76k of B -Julia Sadoc4hi -10reawa 8754D 52&1-V -o:V V7- Korn Gouftt, 611U.1-dren-1-a shelltor 262` 5,.00- 21 23.15:k-og 8-p.9' *7 'G of- I E.111-OL' TOU, 3550a. 26, -9 25 j M.; - 1hrkiU0z'_ 4�0133iou 5� S' - P, 3-.75* of 10- Total -------- 0034&M M0*00 UZ 0 . to �Z" RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OPENING 21ST STREET FROM THE EASTERLY LINE OF N STREET TO .THE WESTERLY LINE OF P STREET, TO A UNIFORM WIDTH OF 82.5 FEET, AND DECLARING SAME A PUBLIC STREET. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did on the llth day of September, 1928, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 584 to open 21st Street from the easterly line of N Street to the wester- ly line of P Street to a uniform width of 82.5 feet; and WHEREAS, said Resolution of Intention No. 584 was duly and regularly published and posted in the manner as required by law; and WHEREAS, the said Council did on the 29th day of October, 1928, pass a Resolution ordering the said work to be done as proposed in said Resolution of Intention No.-584, and did thereupon appoint three commissioners, to -wit: Charles B. Webster, Thomas W. McManus and Charles A. Griffith, to assess the benefits and damages and to have general supervision of the proposed work and improvement; and WHEREAS, the said Commissioners duly filed their report on the 17th day of June, 1929, which report, after due notice to the public, was adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 22nd day of July, 1929; and WHEREAS, the records on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City of Bakersfield show that all proceedings as required by law have been duly followed; and WHEREAS, the lands necessary to be taken for said work and improvement have been deeded to the City Qf Bakersfield by the respect- ive owners thereof; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: That 21st Street from the easterly line of N Street to the westerly line of P Street be opened to a uniform width of 82.5 feet, and that same be, and is hereby declared a public street. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the day of , 1930, by the following vote: Aves: Benson, Carlock, Corbett, Headen, Johnson, Njartin, Walters Paate^ •--- ------------------------------------------------ _------------- -------- --------- ----- _ City Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. 1930. RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OPENING 21ST STREET FROM THE EASTERLY LINE OF N STREET TO THE Y,'ESTERLY LINE OF P STREET, TO A UNIFORM" fiIDTH OF 82.5 FEET, AID DECLA£iIPdG SAME A PUBLIC STREET. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did on the llth day of September, 1928, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 584 to oAen 21st Street from the easterly line of N Street to the wester- ly line of P Street to a uniform width of 82.5 feet; and ZTsHEFLEAS, said Resolution of Intention Ro. 584 was duly and regularly published and posted in the manner as required by law; and "i'HEREAS, the said Council did on the 29th day of October, 1928, pass a Resolution ordering the said work to be done as proposed i_2 said Resolution of Intention No. 584, and did thereupon appoint three comrf1ssior_ers, to -wit; Charles B. ?i ebster, Thomas V . McManus and Charles A. Griffith, to assess the benefits and damages and to have general supervision of the proposed work and irprovement; and .IJ1EREA , the said Commissioners duly filed their report on the 17th day of June, 1929, which report, after due notice to the public, was adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 22nd day of July, 1929; and VdHEHEAS, the records on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City of Bakersfield show that all proceedings as required by law have been duly followed; and tnEREAS, the lands necessary to be taken for said work and improvement have been deeded to the City of Bakersfield by the respect- ive owners thereof; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVM BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAX,_EP:SFI'ELD, as follows: That 21st Street from the easterly line of N Street to the westerly line of P Street be opened to a uniform width of 82.5 feet, and that same be, and is hereby declared a public street. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the ;ity of Bakersfield on the h=i day of , 1930, by the following vote: Ayes: Be , Ca lock Corbett, Headen, Johnson, Martin, Walters Citv Clerk and Ex- ficio Clerk of the ie City of Bakersfield, 1930. Offfibabit of Publication COPY OF NOTICE STATE OF CALIFORNIA) County of Kern i ss. In the matter of i;r,TJ_rE__tLr__t------------ - I J L _'.ESERbEY ---- -------- ------------------------------------- of said County and State, do solemnly swear that I am over the age of 21 years; the ---------------------------- principal clerk of THE BAKERSFIELD CALI- FORNLAN, a newspaper printed, published and circulated daily (Sundays excepted) in said Coun- ty, and as such have personal knowledge of all advertisements published therein; that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, was pub- lished in said newspaper as follows: --- - - - 7-T: E?=------------------------------- inclusive; in the regular and entire issues of every number of said paper during the period and time of publication, and that the notice was published in the newspaper proper, and not in a supple ent. I -------------------- ---• J S} b'scribed and sworn to before me this---------------- day27_ daY of --=-'----F;U!_Rt----'_--`-------- 192--•------ --------- -------------- y Public Public in and for Kern County, California NOTICE OF THE SALE OF CERTAIN HOUSES IN THE MATTER OF THE OPENING OF 21ST STREET, FROM THE, EASTERLY LINE OF N STnIET TO Teti t°iESTERLY LINE OF P STR FT, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSF IELD. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Commissioners will sell at private sale, at the office of T. 'N. McManus, in the Haberfelde Building, Bakersfield, California, to the highest bidder for cash in lawful money of the United States, on or after 10 o'clock A. M., Tuesday, the 18th day of February, 1930, the follow- ing described houses: A Brick House, approximately 24 feet by 34 feet, situated and.loeated at 2019 0 Street, in the City of Bakersfield; The first house in the rear of 2019 0 Street, being a'frame building approx- imately 12 feet by 24 feet; The second house in the rear of 2019 0 Street, being a frame building approx- imately 33 feet by 24 feet; A frame house approximately 24 feet by 36 feet, situated and located at 2018 0 Street; A frame garage approximately 12 feet by 15 feet, situated in tr..e rear of 2018 0 Street. All bids must be sealed bids, accompanied by a certified check for ten percent of the bid, or cash to that amount, balance payable upon confirmation of the sale. Dated: February 7 , 1930. T . W . MckTANUS Commissioner CHARL S B. t+'iEBSTER Commissioner —` CHARLES A. GRIFFITH Cor=issioner State of California, � ss. County of Kern V' YAK _RTPFR---------- ------------------------------------------being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is now and was during all the times herein mentioned the duly ap- pointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, NOTICE OF FILING REPORT OF COM- MISSIONERS FOR THE OPENING State of California; that as such CityClerk he posted OF TWENTY-FIRST STREET TO A WIDTH OF MS FEET, FROM THE of Filing Report of Commstioners LINETHE EASTERLY WESTERLY F LINER EET OF TP a Notie�lrata..,�e�lad-l�x�lpclsa a printed copy of STREET, IN THE CITY OF BAKERS - FIELD, CALIFORNIA. Notice Is Hereby Given: which is hereto attached, in a conspicuous place near That whereas, in pursuance of a Res- olution of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, passed and adopted by said Council on t e 29th_ Lay of Ordering 19�e the chamber door of the Council of said city, to -wit: Opening of 21st Street to a Width of Street Feet, From the Easterly Line r t, On the bulletin board located immediate) in front Street C the Westerly Line of P Street, in th Three of Bakersfield, and )Appoint- !' BeThree Commissioners to Assess Benefits and Damages and to Have Gen- eral Supervision of the Proposed Work,•' of the chamber of said Board; that said posting was Charles B. Webster, Thomas W. Mc- Manus and Charles A, Griffith were ap- pointed commissioners to assess benefits and damages and to have appointed done on the_ ___________ commissioners to assess benefits and"-"`"""_""""""-"------------•"-�Q'y of and damages and to have general super- vision of the proposed work and im- provements in compliance with law and statute in such cases made and provided; --------------- _---------- •__J --__._______, 192__9__, and remained And Whereas, said commissioners have made their assessment of benefits and damages and have made a written re - City hereof tofieldthe Citand Councilhave of the so posted for more than five days thereafter; that hed to said report a plat of the assessment district showing the lands to be taken tfor he lands d work and improvement, showing the and he also posted, at the same time and place, a true rel- ative location of each lot, subdivision, or piece of property, and its dimensions so far as the commissioners can reason- and correct copy of the specifications referred to ably ascertain the same, and that said commissioners have done all things by of Filing law required of them to be done, and g that said report and plat contain all therein; that he also caused said Notice#nuiti2W matters req,fo therein s st done e- Report of Commissioners the manner, form and substance re- quired by law; Now, Therefore, Notice Is Hereby C+,,,.7 _.,7 n_� ,�7� Given, that said report and plat were Stied-Ar,9"ems- to be published for_-"_ 10 filed in the office of the City Clerk of '-------------"------- the City Council of the City of Bakers- field, on the 17th day of June, 1929; Notice Is Also Hereby Given, that any and all persons interested shall show days in the______ Dea1sy__Report_________________ cause, if any, why said report should ___________"____"_______ notnfirmed by the Council of the be co City of Bakersfield. All objections shall a daily newspaper printed and published in sai_;; be in writing and filed with the City i Clerk at the office of said clerk, in the City Hall, in the City of Bakersfield, California, on or before Monday, Ithe '+ 22nd day of July, 1929, up to the hour of 5 o'clock p. m. of said day. city; that said notice was published on•.__ -------- Reference is he made to Resolution of Intention No. 584, passed, by the Council of the C' of Bakersfield, on the loth day of September, 1928, Resolu- tion ordering the work, passed bye said Council on the 22nd day of October, j 1928, and Report of said Commissioners, filed June 17, 1929, all of which are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. fbr further Paz-_________________________________________________-______-__.____ oculars- ___________"____""______ Dated: June 17, 1929. " IPE, City Clerk and ex-VOty VAN ClRerk oRf the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California. (Daily to June 28) t ________________________________ _ ___________ _____________ City Clerk Subseribedand sworn to before me this, --------- 24th-___- - --day of------------ July -•---------------------A. D.19,2.9--- ---------�, Notarq Pudic in and for the �ounty of K n, State of California NOTICE OF MLING ,EFO:'T OF OX- MISSIORDI iS FOP OPENING OF 21ST STREET TT,�O� Ai *' iDTH OF 82.5 FLE"L;r OK ME; :'C-'A : TE LY LIND, OF R STREET TO TH f R T.i'li Y LINE 02 i ST^RE-T, IF, TEE CITY OF Bl�w- T a -I , CALIFORNIA. N0�77111 117 1ERFBY GIVEN: TIi ',.T ';sue_ , in pursuance of a Resolution of the Council of the City of B-kersfield., passed and: adopted by said Ocancil on the 294th day of October, 1928B, entitled "A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE OPENING OF 21ST S'i'H—T TO P 6'IDTH Or 82.5 FEET, FROM Tat, EASTEUY LINE OF W S T RE'ET TO THE s �-,E«-ST:-:RLY L1117M Or P STYE.ET, Iq T3-?E CITY OF BAKE'EI 4'ZF,UDJ -AM AP'P OIi 1'I3 : `i'F'MM COYMMaSE;1011, Fes;. TO BENEFITS AILM DAIVAG AY,-rj TO H113VIE GMERIL. F"UP1"RVISiOYe Or THE PIROPO .i ',ORK% Charles B. Sebster, Thous y . EeMemus end.-]`herles ,:- Griffith were appointed co=issioners to assess benefits and da ^ages and to have general supervision of the proposed work and improve-men:ts- in com- pliance -with 1--v and statute in such eases made and provided; AND :MRF,AS, said co=i.ssioners have made their assessor -tent of benefits and damages a:3d have made a written report thereof to the 'itv Council of the J-ty of Bal;ez afield and have attached to said report a plat of the assessment district shouin;g the lands to be taken for the said work and imvrovement, and the lards assessed, and shog the relative, location of each lot, subdivision, or piece of property., nandits dimensions so far as the commissioners can reasor_abl ascertain the sam, and that said com-Assloners have done all t-nings b7 lm-ur regLz red. of them to be clone, and that said report and ^l contair- Ell matters required therein to be done in the saanvc�r, for . and substmee required b7 lass; NOW, 1NOTIC.E iS 14-41--REBY GIv EW, that said report and plat were filed in the office of the City Clerk of the Gity Council of the °Jity of Bakersfield, on the l7th day of TEMe, 1929; NOTICE is ALSO iiE,cJ�Y GITEM, that any and all persons in- terested shall show cause, if any, why aid report should not be con- firmed by the Corr-acil of the City of Bakersfield. A:Ll objections shall be In writing and filed with the City Clerk at the office of said eler]k, in the City Hall, in the 3it7 of Bakersfield, California, on or before Ponday, the 22nd day of July, 1929, up to the hour of 5 o'clock P. U. of said day. Reference is hereby made to Resolution of Intention No. 584, passed by the Govneil of the City of Bakersfield, on the "th day of September, 1928, Resolution ordering the work, passed by said Council on the 21--m-cl. day of October, 1928, and Report of said Com- missioners, filed June 17, 1929, all of Which are on file in the office of t?ae City Clerk of the City of Ba"llersfield, for further particulars. Dated: 7 1 % y7 Glty Ulerk amd Ex-OffkaiJo t erk o? the Covneil of the City of Bakers- field, Cali-fornia. Affiballit of PuburatiOn Notice NOTICE OF FILING REPORT OF COM- MISSIONERSFOR THE OPENING . OF TWENTY-FIRST STREET TO A' WIDTH- OF 52.5 FEET, FROM THE EASTERLY LINE OF N STREET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF Pi STREET. IN THE CITY OF BAKERS_. FIELD, CALIFORNIA. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ' Notice Is Hereby Given: SS: That whereas, in pursuance of a Res - COUNTY OF KERN. olution of the Council of the 'City of Bakersfield, passed and adopted by said 'ouncil on- the 29th day of October, 1928, ntitled "A Resolution Ordering the Opening of 21st Street to a Width of OTIS HYMER, of said .County and State, being 92.5 Feet. From the Easterly Line of N Street to the 11, esterly Line of P Street. duly sworn, says: that I am and at all times herein in the City of Bakersfield, and Apuoint- mentioned was a citizen of the United States over Be its an Commissioners an rs H Assess � Benefits and Damages and to Have Gen - eighteen years of age and not a party to nor in- eral Supervision of the Proposed Work." Charles B. Webster. Thomas W. Mc- terested in the above entitled matter; that I 'am _11lanns and Charles A. Griffith were 9n- the publisher and proprietor of the Daily Report � la pointed commissioners to -assess benefits' and damages and to have appointed newspaper printed and published daily, except commissioners to assess benefits and and damages and to have general super- Snliday, in the said County; that the vision of the proposed work and im- T proven ents in compliance with law. and Notice of Filing ling Report of lC omm i S:S 1 one 1; S 1i statute in such cases made and provided:' i And Whereas. said commissioners have for l l,ne Olpen�_ ing of 21St Street a' a made their assessment of benefits and I 7a7 �i �� damages and have made a written re- i idt11 of 82 a 5 f t c from u- 2e y line, of port thereof to the City -Council of the lC`'ity of Bakersfield- and- have attached I .i Ste 9 in the Cit of Eakersf geld to said report a plat of the assessmen__t_ in the above entitled ma ter, of which the annexed , district Shoving the lands to be taken is a rin'ted co , was ublished in said newspaper loll the Said ` orl` and in7prov_ement, and p py pthe lands assessed, and snowing the rel- a ative location of each lot• suba=vision, or Daily T or ten days piece of property and. its dimensions so i,,r as the commiss loners can reason- ably ascertain the same, and that said commissioners have done all things by law required of them to be done, and and on the following days, to -wit: that said report and plat contain all matters required therein to be done in the manner, form and - substance re - June 18, 19:9 209 219 22, 24, 2.5, 269 quired by law; Notice Now, Therefore, e Is Hereby canes 28, 1929 Given, that said report and plat were filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Bakers- field, on the 17th day of June, 1929; Notice Is Also Hereby Given, that any and all persons viinteresteddreport show should cause, if any, not be confirmed by the Council of the City of Bakersfield. All objections shall be in writing and filed with the City Cleric at the office of said cleric, in the City Hall, in the City of Bakersfield. California. on or before Monday, the 22nd day of July, 1929, up to the hour of 5 o'clock p. m. of said day. Reference is hereby made to Resolution Council Intenof the CityB of 1Bakersf ell, o tion No. assethe the llth day of September, 1928, Resolu- tion ordering the work, Passed pY said Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Council on the 22nd day of October, j 1928. and Report of said Commissioners. Piled June 17, 1n. 929. all of which. are o file in the office of the City Clerk of 29t h y - da -? � une 1929 the City of Bakersfield, for further par- ticulars. - Dated: June 17, 1929. r IPER V . \ A-, R City Clerk and es-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California. Nota P lit i and for Kern County, California (Daily to June 28) NOTICE OF FILING REPORT OF COM- MISSIONERS FOR THE OPENING OF 21ST STREET TO A VrIDTH OF 82.5 FEET, FROIe"_ THE EASTERLY LINE OF N STREET TO THE EESTERLY LINE OF P STREET, IN THE CITY OF BAKERS - FIELD, CALIFORNIA. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: THAT 1'diEREAS, in pursuance of a Resolution of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, passed and adopted by said Council on the 29th day of October, 1928, entitled "A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE OPENING OF 21ST STREET TO A 71dIDTH OF 82.5 FEET, FROI4'I THE EASTERLY LINE OF N STREET TO THE WEST-= LINE OF P STREET, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, AND APPOINTIivG THREE COP•IMMSIOI3ERS TO ASSESS BENEFITS AND DPI11AGES AND TO HAVE GENERAL SUPERVISION OF THE PROPOSED l`JORK".. Charles B. 1Jebster, Thomas V. lAcIJanuS and Charles A. Griffith were appointed commissioners to assess benefits and da-.:ages and to have general supervision of the proposed work and improvements in com- pliance with lace and statute in such cases made and provided; AND 'w`=REAS, said commissioners have made their assessment of benefits and damages and have made a written report thereof to the City Council of the City of Bakersfield and have attached to said report a plat of the assessment district showing the lands to be taken for the said work and improvement, and the lards assessed, and shoeing the relative location of each lot, subdivision, or piece of property, and its dimensions so far as the commissioners can reasonably ascertain the same, and that said commissioners have done all things by lac, required of them to be done, and that said report and plat contain all matters required therein_ to be done in the manner, form and substance required by law; NO',,';, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that said report and plat i,,ere filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City* Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the 17th day of June, 1929; NOTICE IS ALSO PREBY GIVEN, that any and all persons in- terested shall shone cause, if any, why said report should not be con- firmed by the Council of the City of Bakersfield. All objections shall be in writing and filed with the City Clerk at the office of said clerk, in the City Hall, in the City of Bakersfield, California, on or before Monday, the 22nd day of July, 1929, up to the hour of 5 o'clock F. M. of said day. Reference is hereby made to Resolution_ of Intention Wo. 584, passed by the Council•.of the City of Bakersfield, on the llth day of September, 1928, Resolution ordering the work, passed by said Council on the 22nd- day of October, 1928, and Report of said Com- missioners, filed June 17, 1929, all of which are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, for further particulars. Dated: / Z City Clerk and Ex-Offreio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakers- field, California. RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION APPROVING BONDS OF COMITISSI0ITERS APPOINTED IN THE MATTER 6F OPENING 21S^l STREET TO A 'vIDTH OF 82.5 FEET, FROM THE EASTERLY LINE OF N STREET TO THE WESTERLY LID7r, OF P STREET,IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERS - FIELD, as follows: WHER.,AS, in accordance with the resolution passed by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on October 22nd, 1928, and approved by the Mayor of said City on the same date, Charles B.-lebster, Thomas N. McManus and Charles A. Griffith were appoint- ed commissioners in the matter of the opening of 21st Street to a width of 82.5 feet from the easterly line of N Street to the west- erly line of P Street, in the City of Bakersfield; and '"dHEREAS, said commissioners have and each of them has filed with the City Clerk, their respective bonds as such commissioners in the form and of sufficient surety as.required by law; NO'i!! THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that said bonds be and each of them is hereby approved. ----- 000----- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the CitT of Bakersfield, on the /~'t day of ,1928, by the following vote: %:;�'�: L.^•.c'aSatTE� tyLx{'??.it:, �v'r'"�?CFi,"�.., .S.Si:W�LCS', �"_�' cjT., c:,3 ?S City Cierk and Ex-o f cio ulerx of the /q¢/ Council of the City of Bakersfieldy APPROVED this day of California. 1928. MAYOR`" of the City of Bakersfiela. RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION APPROVING BONDS OF COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED IN THE MATTER OF OPENING 21ST STREET TO A AIDTH OF 82.5 FEET, FROM THE EASTERLY LINE OF N STREET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF P STREET,IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERS - FIELD, as follows: WHEREAS, in accordance with the resolution passed by the .Council of the City of Bakersfield on October 22nd, 1928, and approved by the Mayor of said City on the same date, Charles .B. Webster, Thomas W. McManus and Charles A. Griffith were appoint- ed commissioners in the matter of the opening of 21st Street to a width of 82.5 feet from the easterly line of N Street to the west- erly line of P Street, in the City of Bakersfield; and 14THEREAS39 said commissioners have and each of them has filed with the City Clerk, their respective bonds as such eommissioners.in the form and of sufficient surety as required by law; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that said bonds be and each of them is hereby approved. --__000----- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the Aw day of ,1928, by the following vote: C �yer, an Ea-o c o er o e ��� Council of the City of Bakersfield# APPUVED thig day of California. 1928. MAYOR or the urty of Ba' ers. e. MRnI�n �1-IC.1{ _ _ 0:7, ILY;?OTKTi" _'T OF CO?;:i':'I::S L;?-ER. 'T.",,T7 nI- ;LIFO,^ ,-T ) ss. .L, V. an Riper, it? Cinrt of the ';it- of Ba'cersfiel.d, do h.ereb7 certify that in accordance ivitl .',.e provisions of Section 3 Of. the Resolution entitled, "A resolution ordering the opening of 21st Street to a ,idth of F�2.5 feet, from the easterl-; line of IT Street to the tvesterly line of F Street, in the City of Bahers"ield, and app^intin,7 three co.n: issioners to assess benefits and damages and to have .general supervisich of the proposed -a;or•Il", that Thomas '... ...cu: anus is named and appointed. as one of said commissioners to assess benefits and day. a es, and to have n•ereral supervision of said v ork and i--provement until the completion thereof, in compliance with the law. Said ?esolution cvas di;lzr passed b7 the Council of the City, of Bak:ers`'' eld on 1928, and ;:gas on sai'� date approved b?; the bla-nor of the ^.itv of 771Y'3 hand a_,t�il Seal Of the i tir of Balkersfieid, this my day of 1928. C—it ti Clsr-r an . "Y oClerk-icio Clerk of the Counci 1 of the Ci t- of Bakersfield. ss. ^CCU''. , n- ) I do solemnly smear th^ t T °jill support the Constitution of file 'l _li' ed �t^a �eS, 217d file OnSt=tL?tiOn Of file to Of 'alifornia, and t'_a_ I :°i_1 faithfully dischargze the duties of the office of commssioner to assess benefits and dark^-.ges and to '_'lave' general super- visior Of the proposed work and imprr:ve^gents of .,'__e opening of 21st Street to a width of 82.5 feet from the easteri-7 line of N Street to the >jesterly line of F Street, in the Citv of 3a'•rers"ield., according to the best of my ab i.lity. Subscribed and svrorr to before me thi s 19t1..{iaz- of November , 191-8. ?ot.r.=ub__ic arid. for the ''ou-.t r of V'-=rn, S,-..to of Caifor ia. ?1`I't7 07 CO}!`_l:!IS T01}PR. KNO71 aLL i, ?T? BY THP Sl n j- y .??T�. T,�iat we, Thomas "I. I cicianus, as prii-icipal, and James Egan and T;j.g. Steele as sureties, are held and firmly bound into the ,Mate of California, x- i_n the SUnl ^f five t''•10US2'.'?d !lol.l2rS (.?h,000), la'zf'•J.l m01'lE;" Of the United- ^,fates of p^erica, to be paid to said State of California, for '"'_iC}7 payt?'eni,, 'hell al'.C_ trt7l- f0 be '.".'-d.e, '-'•'e l7l";__ ourselves. Our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and sever'allv, fir^21y by these presents: ST<AL-,D with our seals and dated t}lis l9th day of TOycyber Y ig2e The conditio�l of the above obligation is such that rhereas, the ^n -rove bounded principal, Thomas c1:=gnus, (together .,i th Clhaarrlle_s, B. "ebster and 'harles ",riffith), 1Jas on the day of 1928, b-; virtue of t' e provisi of-^ of a Resolution passed by the Council of the ••City of Bakersfield, on the 'Yi'II�day of , 1°28, and approved by the ::ayor Of said "it7r On the same date, appoint- ed com-missioner to ass:.-,.ss benefits and damn es, and to have - eneral supervision of the prorosed :!or!,- ai0j. imr.,_rov:�ments of the o;,e„in,g of 21st Street to a ,ii dth of 82.5 feet fro . the easterly line of ?'' tr•ee to the :yesterlr +ine of . Street, I'a the ni ,7 of 3!7: r :r'sfield, C,elif- Orni2, and until the cOmpletior, Of s"irl pr0"Ose'7!-i:r0"lZ .^.n!9. improve- -ice tints in com};li: nce with `he la�.� ,TO _ IT' '-'R� PT}�.-.;, if the said Thomas ...c. anus, shall ur,lly and fai }1fu11�;- perfor_,_ the, duties Of Such COmmiSSi O. er - the ,7iapnC?l' ^.nn f<?r..^, .r, e, red_ b'�: la'•ar, ,1E`l the a''iO ;n Ob1i.�.^tion shall be boid, Other':1'i-Se, shall remai:n in full force and effect. ITT 7I� i'r'SS 701 .:._ TO-F, 1.:e have hereunto set our hands and seals fae day and j'ear first (SEAL) ,yl r =zn _ and izi.H. Steele being ,?uly, sworn, .,ac'•'1 for himself, deoses and s9.-.s: That he is a °esident aid freeholder 'within the state of California, and is worth the sure of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) in lavful money of t -e Ttnited :3tates. over° and above all just debts and liabilities, exclusive f l,)ropert_,- pt from execution. " xf t�we qu'scr:ibed and s-tiorn to before me this 19th da7,% of Nioverfoer , 1928. do ar? PuL l.c in ar for• tie ;ount-- of y ern, :Mate of Ca Ti f orr ia. C PTIF IC A T irh T!;'='IFT OF ^CIeiIt ISSIi)P' KR. t�_ 3P'='JIi ,t ST__TE' OF Cf+LIFORXI_'1) ) SS. I, V. Van Riper, Cit7 Clerk of the `:it- oI' Bakersfield, do hereby certify that in accordance vxith the provisions of Section 3 of the -esolu.tion entitled, "A resol-tion ordering the opening of 21st Street to a wid.th of 82.5 feet, from the easterl-; line of P? Street to the -.,esterl-- line of Street, it the City of Bakersfield, and anpoir_ting three cor.,missioners to assess benef i is and damages and to have general supervision of the proposed ✓ork," that Charles B. ?.'ebster is na-.ed and appointed as one of said commissioners to assess benefits and da_ea�.es, anr7. to have general supervision of said work and improve_°!ent until the completion thereof, in compliance - ith the la:'i. Sai-?=?esolutior_ -ryas dul-7 passed by the Oounc_il of the lity of Bakersfield on _ 4� �y , 1926, and was on said date approved by the Ma -,Tor of the City of Bakersfield. :ITTNMES3 my 'nand and seal of the 'J. It- of Bakersfield, this q da > of 1928. C1 e4 Cler!,7 an_.-offici.o Clerk o the Co z ?c- 1 of the "ity of ?a«-e:rsi field. I do sclemral-v s;"ear that I r i7.1 support the Constituti on of the ignited :,;,ales, rd the Constitution of the State of Cal fornia, :and that i 'Vill f ��ithfully discharge the duties of the office of co:n}nissioner to assess benefits and da-m—es and to have general super- vision of the rronosed ;'orl, ^nd improvements of the opening of 21st Street to a-:ridtn of 82.5 feet from the easteri-.- Vline of b? ^•treet to the :° es':erl-T line of P S::reet, in the Ci tt of Bal ersf'ield, according to the best of - a?ailitr. Subscribed _an, sworn to b"More me ,i s// day of 1928. Yo t �r- 'u i_ and for the ., oun ter of Kerr, S` to of ,alifornia. BOYD OF COMMISS10i' L3. T id ALL TJE— Bv T_ 7 —ITT' That-ae, Charles B. "eeb— ster, as principal, and , and 0��JN3�V_j as sureties, are h ld and firmly bound unto the State ^f California, in the sum of five thousand dollars (?�5;000) la;^rful money of the United "fates of merica, to be paid to said State of California, for -:-k,?Zich payment, %'Vell and trul- to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, oxe.,cutors and adrii_ristrators, jointly and sev- eral7--, firmly by these presents: Sr;L _'I with our sealsan.d. dated u'�_i s da:* o?bQ J 1928. The condition of the above obligation is such that �•^hereas, the above bounden principal, Charles B. "ebster, (together ­,!ith Charles ^riff i th and Thomas T: ci',Zanu s) , was on the Zi'�dav of 1928, by virtue of the provisions of a Resolution passed by the Coun- cil of the 'ity of Bak,ers.field, on the �'%�datT of ,1928, and approved by the 114a7or of said City on the same date, appointed commissioner to assess benefits and dama-es, and to have general super- vision of the proposed. !.•ork and improvements of the opening of 21st Street to a -t,�,ridth of 82.5 feet from the easterly line of N Street to the westerly line of P Street, in the City of Bakersfield, California, and until the completion of said proposed .ror'.r and improvements in compliance a.ith the la-9;; nj ;: ^R R r; if the said 'Ihiarle s ??•. - ebster, shall sell, truly and faithfully perform the di,t� es OF. such commissioner in the manner- and form, required by lal=r, then the -.hove obligation shall be void, otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect. 1'1:-.."iTT•-`1131' : FE I ='OF, 1rTe_ have hereunto set our :lands and seals the dar and year first - A.. rei. o-ie mentiored. (SEAL) (SEAL) (SE aL•) } ss. ^OUFT1.7 n7 x7RN } oe' g dull sworn, each for himself, deposes and sa?,s: That he is a resident and freeholder within the State of n ifornia, and is worth the sum of five thousand dollars (' 5,000), in lawful money of the Urited States. over ar.•d above all lust debts and liabilities, ex- clusive of )roiDert,' exempt from execl2tior. A �G - c Subscribed ar_ s,.Fgorn t^ before me tl,i s/ av of/ , 1928. NOTARY FUB, •IC In and for the Count= of K rn, State cf California. T----RTIRIC=:I'r OF !iPPOIN1;;:-i•i^_ OF, sS. court- of Kern ) T, IT. SJ...n r1per, 'iit?T "leek of the Ol tY of Baliers?ield, do hereby certif,r that in accordance .rith the provisions of "ection 3 of t__e asohztion entitled ";a. resolution ord9rin.7 the oTner_in_- of 21st "'-reet to a °width of R2.5 feet, from t7ne-=aste.rl - line of A; Street to the uesterl;.- line of P .Itr•eet, in the City of Bakersfield, and anpointing three comr:.issioners to assess benefits and damages and. to have general supervision? of the proposed i.iork", that Charles A. Griffith is named. and appointed as one of said co=issioners to assess benefits and damages, sand to have general supervision of said work and improvement until the completion thereof, in compliance with the '•aid Resolution was duly passed by the, 'Co 7.ncil of the City- of 3akersCi eld on Yy, 1928, and was on said date approved by the lda?-or of the itZT of Baker sf'ie,ld. 7'I1_-147SS my hand and sea'_ of th•e ';it- of Bakersfield, this 9JZ7�- dais of Cit;�r lor:- and—x- fficio-ler7 of the Council of the City of B-kersfield. Count-v of Kern I. do solemnl-,v swear that I will support the Constitution of the United states, and the Constitution of the State of California, and tha`• I -:rill faithfully discharge the duties of the office of commissioner to assess b-nnefits and damages and. to have general super- vision of the proposed work and. improvements of the opening of 21st Street to a -�ridth of 82.5 feet from the easterly line of I? Street to the --rester•ly line of P• Street, in the Si ty of Bakersfield, according to t'-le best of m•-. ability. ,a pn N J SubscQri�b'ed and s�-,rorn to before me this u d.a-- of 1928. ,o .ar- tu0�1 117-: _ : o Fe ^o zntT o Kern, :Mate of ;alifornia. BY ^R,"-;TTS Tr�.t ;;e, Ci2a.rl-s Gr. i ff- i th, __s principa.l, atnd (�� ��V and'/cf/'�'�✓, as sureties, aI°e held and bound unto the -fate of Cal_for-ia, in the sum of five thousa-nd dollars ('155,000) la,aful money of the United St=tes of America, to be paid to said `_'.fate of C'�.l1.fOr1113, for %rlich palnnert, '4%e7.1 an,:) _ truly to be made, Ole bind ourselves, our 1eirs, eye - tutors and a(5 inistrator s, iointl? and severally, firr: lc b� these pres- ents- QQ'' S aL7D ..-,ith our seals and dated t'iis 8.-k day of .926. The condition of the a'.nove obli,?ation is mica that v�h>reas, the above bounded principal, Charles Griffith (togettler •,.-ith Thom- as :Ucl,'arius and Charles B. -"--bster), was on th.e 22' day of 1928, b? virtue of the provisions of a ::-solution passed b the Council of 'he t7. of Ba'r�- °s:"field, on t'1e ��'*tav of 1928, and anproved bT the ilia,; -or of said on t1ae same date, arpointed conmissioner to assess benefits and damages. and to have ;general sup`.'.rvis'ion of the iroposed 'xork and improve-ments of the opening of 21st Str^et to a ;5_d_tn. of 62.5 feet from the easterl;T line or '_'d Strut to the ?:Tester17 line of P Street, .in the City; of Bakers- field, ^,-aliforrin, and until the completion of said proposed .Tork and i`m,rovernen' s in compliance with the la:`; 70_ -�H OR, if the said "harle s -Griffith,l riffith, sall we !I, trul,- and f£+_ithf—lly perfor ; he duties `?f such co'-Missioner in the manner• and form rea lived b- la--,,, t'ien the above obli--^_tion s'lall be void, ot'__er,rtise, it shall rer:•ain in full force and effect. PIT ..Tml„ =r have l,ereumito set cur hands and seals the day o.nrl Tear first hej-^inabove mentioned. (=' A L ) r ;`,.�;i" o-�;{"�%�.P./✓ and �:�i .�✓,�,i%"�L �",� "�,- — being dr.l sworn, each for 'Amself, deposes and sags: That he is a resident and freeholder v.Tithin the State of California, and is :North the smm, of five thousand dollars (`5,000) in la>:rful money of the TT77iterd sates,, over and above all ,lust Ciebts any,. liabilities, .,- elusive of property- exempt from execution. Subscribed .and sv,orn�to before me dal- of � J L6y-P�u.u�t�1928. ifot-r.T 'ub i c in and for he 0our_T of '.-erns = tat,,e of .'al`.-fornia. lUir. Charles B. ?°lebster, Hopkins Bldg., - Bakersfield, Ca] Mr. Thomas '7. McManus, Haberfelde Bldg., Bakersfield, Calif. October--30, 1928. Mr. -Charles A, Griffith„ 924 Kentucky Street,, Bakersfield, Calif. Dear Sir:— : 'his is to advise that the Council of the. City of Bakersfield. on October 22, 1928 appointed you as a commissioner to assess bensfits.and damages in the matter -of the proposed opening of 21.st Street# from N to R Streets, as outlined in Resolution of Intention No.-584. The other commissioners who are to act with you are Thomas wo McManus and Charles B. Webster, I am inclosing herewith a band which should be executed by yourself and two bondsmen. I am also inc2asing a certificate of appointment which should be executed by yourself before a Notary Public. After these instruments have been executed kindly.return same to me for file. I ,-would appreciate your handling this matter as :quickly as possible so that the work maybe proceeded with. Yours very truly, City Clerk. VVR:LF. '1-^i1LTT T1 OF i i�TT^HE O�.21ST''30I,UTT(iT O?I),;,•,G T( • H7 'T TO :IDTH OF 82.5 F s?T, FPOE THL '1fi'Tl';RLY LI1,-,E OF TT STUE.':T TO THE ...,.3T RLY T-IYE OF P IY TTIT CITY OF BJ1KERS- J, A_.D P1 iI'`'TING THR � COT':"_:'ISSTOYMS GL._'`m :'iL "LT R'IISlO,,, lj s r 0:7: 71D ;0 M,'.. BE IT T]OLVED BY -M- "C lT ?CIL OF TH-E CITY OF BA -?S— ^hLD, as foliov.'s: :" j� 53, the Council of the Citv of Ba-_ersfl_el, did on the llth day of September, 1928, pass its Tlesolutior of Intention -o. 584, declaring its intpntior, to order the folio"ving work to be done and improverle-int to be ?'.lade, to -wit: That 213t Street, in the Ci ty of Bakersfield, be opened to a .:id-1111 O" 82.5 feet, fro?i t1ie easterly line Of n? Street to the r:*esterl-- line of P Street, and more partiCUlar-17 J escribed as follows: (1) Beginning at a point in the easterly- line of N Street 'mere the samle is intersected by the extension easterly of the sou tnerlT. line of 21st Street, if the same were so extended, and rurrinS thence nor'aer-17 along the easterly line of FT, Street 82.5 feet: thence easterly and rarallel :F'ltih 'one nortinner11r line of 20tih Street 122 feet: thence sout1ler117 and rar.'allel -,':pith the easterly- line of T' Street 92.5 feet: thence 1.vesterly and paralllel with the norther•- l�r line of 2Gtn ::-.treet i22 feet to the no5_nt of beiinni lg- (2) Beginning at a point in the iwesterl-t line of 0 Street •.,'here the same is intersected b- the e:',tension easterly of the soutl er1lr line of 21st .:street, if tihn sane '.were so ext aidedI, and running thence nor the -l-, along the westerly line of 0 Street 82.5 feet: thence wester11- and Tx r^.11el ,Tith the northerly line of 20th street: 122 feet: thence southerly and parallel with the westerly line of 0 .,.;reef 82.5 feet: thence easterly and parallel ••r:ith the northeriv line of 20th Street 122 feet to the point of beginning. (3) Beginning at a ;-,oint in the easterly line of 0 Street --%here the s-»-ne is intersected by the extension easterly. of the sou',herl-y line of 21st Street, if the same :.ere so extended, and running thence northerly along the easterly line of 0 Street 82.5 feet: thence easterly and parallel ;with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet: thence southerly and parallel 0:Tith the easterly line of 0 'street 82.5 feet: thence :.resteriz; and parallel ::it'-i the nortnerh line of 20th Street 122 feet to the mint of beginning. (a) Be'•inning at a point in the .;est.erly line of p Street ::here the same is intersected by the extens4_on eas -3r!tT of the southerly line of 21st Street, if the same :were so extended, and running thence norther"l,, along the ,,esterl7 line of P Street 82.5 feet: thence ^:rester•ly and rarallel --:Tith the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet; thence southerly and parallel with the :;esterly line of P Street 82.5 feet; thence easterly and par"a'lel .with the port'-lerl-T Jive of 20th Street 122 feet to the point of beginning. T?R7�S, the Street Superintendent of the City of Bakers- field did thereupon:,) cause notice of the assa e of said Resolution to _' be -oos ted and published for ten d,.ys in the manner and form as required b�- la_-,1T; and IHEER A ,, no objections have been _filed nst said pro - ;posed �:orl] and improvement and :_ore .,'Clan ten da-s have elapsed: after the ex iration of the time of the publication of said notice of the passa^e of said resolution, the Council of the Cit- of Bakers"ield has aceuir"ed 'urisdicti_on to order sail ;work as proposed in said - resolution to be done; and it appears to the Council of the City of Bakers- field that an asses3ment is necessar- for the doing of said -,Tork and the making of said improvement: BB IT R7SOLVED BY THE COUPTCIL OF THE CITY OF BAK7 'T=I LD, that the following work and improvement be made, to--%7ait: That 21st Street, in the Ci tv of Bak.rsfield, be opened to a width of 82.5 feet from the easterly line of N Street to the west- erl?r line of P Street, and more rar•ticularly described as follows: -2- (1) Beginning at a point in the easterly. line of N Street where the same is intersected by the extension easterly of the southerly line of 21st Street, if the same were so extended, and running:thence northerly along the easterly line of N Street 82.5 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet; thence southerly and parallel with the easterly line of N Street 82.5 feet; thence westerly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet to the point of beginning. (2) Beginning at a point in the westerly line of O Street where the same is intersected by the extension easterly of the southerly line of 21st Street, if the same were so extended, and running thence northerly along the westerly line of O Street 82.5 feet; thence westerly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet; thence southerly and parallel with the westerly line of 0 Street 82.5 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet to the point of beginning. (3) Beginning at a point in the easterly line of 0 Street where the same is intersected by the extension easterly of the southerly line of 21st Street, if the same were so extended, and running thence northerly along the easterly line of O Street 82.5 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet; thence southerly and parallel with the easterly" line of O Street 82.5 feet; thence westerly and parallel with the' northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet to the point of beginning. (4) Beginning at a point in the westerly line of P Street where the same is intersected by the extension easterly of the southerly line of 21st Street, if the same were so extended, and running thence northerly along the westerly line of P Street 82.5 feet; thence westerly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet; thence southerly and parallel with the westerly line of P Street 82.5 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet to the point of beginning. That the property and lands affected and benefited by said -.-,ork and J.repro„ement are particularly described as folloats, to -_^it: Beginning at a n:oint in the easterl-- line of H Street 132 feet southerly from the southerl;- line of 21st Street; thence easter- 17 ,=-nd parallel ,ith the southerly line of 21st Street to the wester- 1- line of Union venue; thence northeasterly along a straight line to a point `.n_ the easterly line of Union tivenue, said point being 150 feet southerly from, measured at right angles, to the southerly line of numboldt Street; thence easterly and parallel pith the southerly line of iiumboldt Street to the LesterizT line of ring Street: thence north- erl- ._lon_ the -;esteriz- line of Kin(,- street to a T)oint 150 feet norther17 from the northerly line of Humlholdt Street; thence ,westerly and -aarrtlel 'xith the nort+-ier1-7 line of iILInboldt ^treet to the east- erly lire of Union Avenue: thence south,°resterly along a straight line to a point in the westerly line of Union =venue, said point being 132 feet northerly from and. measured at right angles to the nort_aerly line of 21st Street; thence westerly and parallel :.,,iith the northerly line of 211st Street to the easterl-,r line of H street; thence southerly aaom� the easter•l-.T line of H Street to the southerly line of 21st Street and the point of beginning. SCTION 3. _hat Charles B. `ebster, Thomas P,-Iciianus and Charles _u_. Griffith, are hereby appointed cor_urissioners to assess benefits and damages .and to have general supervision of said pronosed ;fork and im- Drovements until the completion thereof' in compliance -xith lain. SECITTON 4. !?eference is herebT- r..-ode for further :-:articulars to Resol-n- ti on of Intention PTO. -584, passed by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the llth day of September, 1928, no;r on file with the Ci tv Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. I H IR ;BY I RTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the da-T of October, 1928, by the following vote: Ayoo. Dozoom, CarIi0c, Ci:'. Icc!" Corbett, .Jolnmsofl, City Cl-:�r'_, and Clerk of the Council of t1le C1t7 of B-kersfield. �PF:?OV I) this day of (.1� 1928. OR o C the s.ty of Baiersfie . RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION ORDERING THr.' OPs'NING OF 21ST STREi3,T TO A WIDTH OF 82.5 FEET, FROM THE EA^T"RLY LIKE OF N STREI!.T TO THE WESTERLY LI14E OF P STREW1, IN THE CITY OF BAKERS - FIELD, AND APPOINTING THREE COMMISSIONERS TO ASSESS BENEFITS AND DAMAGES AND TO HAVE GENERAL SUPERVISION OF THE PROPOSED ":ORK. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERS - FIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did on the llth day of September, 1928, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 584, declaring its intention to order the following work to be done and improvement to be made, to -grit: That 21st Street, in the City of Bakersfield, be opened to a width of 82.5 feet, from the, easterly line of N Street to the masterly line of P Street, and more particularly described as follows: (1) Beginning at a point in the easterly line of K Street where the acme is intersected by the extension easterly of the southerly line of 21st Street, if the same were so extended, and running thence northerly along the easterly line of N Street 82.5 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet; thence southerly and parallel with the easterly line of N Street 82.5 feet; thence westerly and parallel with the norther- ly line of 20th Street 122 feet to the point of beginning. (2) Beginning at a point in the westerly line of 0 Street where the same is intersected by the extension easterly of the southerly line of 21st Street, if the same were so extended, and running thence northerly along the westerly line of 0 Street 82.5 feet; thence westerly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet; thence southerly and parallel with the westerly line of 0 Street 62.5 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet to the point of beginning. (3) Beginning at a point in the easterly line of 0 Street where the same is intersected by the extension easterly of the southerly line of 21st Street, if the same rsere so extended, and running thence northerly along the easterly lire of 0 Street 82.5 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet; thence southerly and parallel with the easterly line of 0 Street 82.5 feet; thence westerly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet to the point of beginning. (4) Beginning at a point in the westerly line of P Street where the same is intersected by the extension easterly of the southerly line of 21st Street,, if the same were so extended, and running thence northerly along the westerly line of P Street 82.5 feet; thence westerly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet; thence southerly and parallel with the westerly line of P Street 82.5 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet to the point of beginning. WHEREAS, the Street Superintendent of the. City of Bakers- field did thereupon cause notice of the .passage of said Resolution to be posted and published for ten days in the manner and form as required by law; and 'fHZREAS, no objections have been filed against said pro- posed work and improvement and more than ten days have elapsed after the expiration of the time of the publication of said notice of the passage of said -resolution, the Council of the City of Bakersfield has acquired urisdietion to order said work as proposed in said resolution to be done; and WHER'BkS, it appears to the Council of the City of Bakers- field that an assessment is necessary for the doing of said work and the making of said improvement: F071 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CI`t'Y OF BAKERSFIELD, that the following work and improvement be made, to -wit; That 21st Street, in the City of Bakersfield, be opened to a width of 82.5 feet from the easterly line of N Street to the west- erly line of P Street, and more particularly described as follows: -2- I i 1 (1) Beginning at a point in the easterly, line of N StreeCwhere the same is intersected by the extension easterly of the southerly line of 21st Street, if the same were so extended, and running!thence northerly along the easterly line of N Street 82.5 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet; thence southerly and parallel with the easterly line of N Street 82.5 feet; thence westerly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet to the point of beginning. (2) Beginning at a point in the westerly line of O Street where the same is intersected by the extension easterly of the southerly line of 21st Street, if the same were so extended, and running thence northerly along the westerly line of O Street 82.5 feet; thence westerly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet; thence southerly and parallel with the westerly line of O Street 82.5 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet to the point of beginning. (3) Beginning at a point in the easterly line of O Street where the same is intersected by the extension easterly of the southerly line of 21st Street, if the same were so extended, and running thence northerly along the easterly line of O Street 82.5 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet; thence southerly and parallel with the easterly line of O Street 82.5 feet; thence westerly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet to the point of beginning. (4) Beginning at a point in the westerly line of P Street where the same is intersected by the extension easterly of the southerly line of 21st Street, if the same were so extended, and running thence northerly along the westerly line of P Street 82.5 feet; thence westerly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet; thence southerly and parallel with the westerly line of P Street 82.5 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet to the point of beginning. That the property and lands affected and benefited by said work and improvement are particularly described as follows, to -wait: Beginning at a point in the easterlv line of H Street 132 feet southerly from the southerly line of 21st Street; thence easter- ly and.parallel with the southerly line of 21st Street to the wester- ly line of Union Avenue; thence northeasterly along a straight line to a point in the easterly line of Union Avenue, said point being 150 feet southerly from, measured at right angles, to the southerly line of Humboldt street; thence easterly and parallel with the southerly line of Humboldt Street to the westerly line of King Street; thence north- erly along the westerly line of King Street to a point 150 feet northerly from the northerly line of Humboldt Street; thence westerly and par&llel with the northerly line of Humboldt Street to the east- erly line of Union. Avenue; thence southwesterly along a straight line to s point in the westerly line of Union Avenue, said point being 132 feet northerly from and measured at right angles to the northerly line of 21st Street; thence westerly and parallel with the northerly line of 21st Street to the easterly line of H Street; thence southerly along the easterly line of H Street to the southerly line of 21st Street and the point of beginning. SECTION 3. That Charles B. "Webster, Thomas 7. McManus and Charles 1,.. .riffith, are hereby appointed commissioners to assess benefits and damages and to have general supervision of said proposed work and im- provements until the completion thereof in compliance with late. SBCTTON 4. Rsference is hereby mRde for further particulars to Resolu- tion of Intention No. -584, passed by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 11th day of September, 1928, nort on file with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. I HFRFBY c^ , TIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the day of October, 1928, by the following votes -- City lerk an S- C o Clerk o e Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this %� day of , 1928. H o e or Bailers a .!. Affidavit oj Posting Notices , Improvement STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Kern �ss. �! 1 T ✓E.-- __ _being duly sworn deposes and says: That he is now, and was during all the times herein mentioned, a citizen of the United States over the age of eighteen years; That after the adoption of Resolution of Intention No-- ��Y_4—_of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, pursuant to orders and instructions of the street su- perintendent of said City, he personally posted conspicuously along the line of said con- templated work and improvement and upon all the streets, alleys, and other public thor- oughfares within the district described in said Resolution of Intention and proposed to be assessed, notices of the passage of said Resolution headed "Notice of Improvement," a copy of said notice being annexed hereto and made a part hereof; That he personally posted said notices by fastening them with metal tacks to stakes, poles, fences, walls or trees, at such an elevation above the ground that they would attract attention and be easily readable; That all of said notices were posted less than 300 feet in distance apart, and that ------ notices in all were posted. That he completed e work of posting all of said notices on the ice. 'day of � ------- 192_3_, whereupon he made this affidavit and filed it with the clerk of the City of Bakersfield, California. Subbed and sworn to before me this 22---day of--- ---- 192 d-. Ci Clerk of the City of Ba rsfield, California. (Seal) Note. —Attach this to a copy of one of the notices and file with the clerk. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on the 11th day of September, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, passed its Resolution of Intention No. 584, to order the following work to be'done and improvement to be made, to -wit: That 21st Street, in the City of Bak- ersfield, be opened to a width of 82.5 feet, from the easterly line of •N Street to the westerly line of P Street. The lands necessary and convenient to be taken for said purpose are de- scribed as follows, to -wit: (1) Beginning at a point in the easterly, line of N Street where the same is intersected by the extension" easterly of the southerly line of 21st Street, ' if the same were so extended, and runningthence northerly along the easterly line of N Street 82.5 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet; thence southerly and parallel with the easterly line of N Street 82.5 feet; thence westerly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet to the point of beginning. (2) Beginning at a point in .the westerly line of O Street where the same is intersected by the extension easterly of the southerly line of 21st Street, if the same were so extended, and running thence northerly along the westerly line of O Street 82.5 feet; thence westerly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet; thence southerly and parallel with the westerly line of O Street 82.5 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet to the point of beginning. (3) Beginning at a point in the easterly line of O Street where the same is intersected by the extension easterly of the southerly line of 21st Street, if the same were so extended, and running thence northerly along the easterly line of O Street 82.5 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet; thence southerly and parallel with the easterly line of O Street 82.5 feet; thence westerly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet to the point of beginning. (4) Beginning at. a point in the westerly line of P Street where the same is intersected by the extension easterly of the southerly line of 21st Street, if the same were so extended, and running thence, northerly along the westerly line of P Street 82.5 feet; thence westerly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet; .thence southerly and parallel with the westerly line of P Street. 82.5 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the northerly line of 20th Street 122 feet tothe point of beginning. All of the herein proposed work and improvement shall be done in pursu- ance of an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled "AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE LAYING OUT, OPENING, EXTENDING, WID- ENING, STRAIGHTENING OR CLOS- ING UP, IN WHOLE OR IN PART ANY STREET, SQUARE, LANE, AL- LEY, COURT OR PLACE WITHIN MUNICIPALITIES AND TO CON- DEMN AND ACQUIRE ANY AND ALL LAND NECESSARY OR CON- VENIENT FOR THAT PURPOSE," approved March 6th, 1889, and -the several acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. For further particulars reference is hereby made to Resolution of Inten- tion No. 58*on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. This notice shall be published for ten (10) days ink .The Daily Report, being the newspaper designated by said City Council for such publication. Dated: September 20th, 1928, at Bakersfield, California. W. D. CI.ARKE, Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, California.