HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 576_;, RESOLLTTI^_? 07 Ti m-T—T0-F NO. v l0 1 -W!, TICY of ITT;"'','TT . ^Q STR77T r I ST.RT..T 1110 S TP. T' OF rt,r TJ::J ITS -'-,, 0� .j !Y n_ii ii:_^?:TT mT7-[JO 7TI0n n BE TT RESOL V7,T) BY _',MTI.CTT. OF TH, T :i ().P �:.L_T'7 S T L as follows: -'':aof n 1rc n -1ty �_=e .n.+ i tt% t _t _.a __iE-i!t:.'•11t1^:+ a,.,�'u7it',:_1 cf of n"r•:er sf!_--, to or!,nr t.._c. fCllo%vi j ,iCI' to ;G- d.one a na �r✓T OiT 1. (24TIT S 1 E 'mil ) s. That yt i :7tPc., " fl'.^.i:C the'ieS• -',r �y 11i2e C_ _T Str:ivL to t .c .:es erly ___e of I e w'ar S Free.., iY,vludi-_g all inLersac.._ors of s bre � is and alleys ;•:'ith' n the o v - __mits be gr- ded that cement conc-' to 3llrhs 2r14,_ bitters : onstruc,ed 6r --it-her side of sal-ral 22_ }-I vherc- shQ-`:rr,' --Z; the. plan fC= Sai-1 -.-ork and ..1_2.t tTic road- ^y of said st_ and said lntars,:3tions be pa-vad lNit'_7 a three and -T1 Zf ;�2} Inch 'as-ph:lt 3oncrete base and C ^ and one- ._alf �_1.1 irc ''Grrnfi�i�e-�Lti:u �.i �--c ..aa-=11, surfa_c-e. i ? e /; li rT'i-T J".' L T .3TRTD ) i T'_-_at a st_-ii 24 feet in _dth and. 12 feet. on ait'?er side CI ne cct_­_-'I In: of 2 t,.'I Street and exte-ndl i -:J'- ,"e vr'asterly 1,.__ ^" ,.a.._. Street to :. 1 inc ., feet _. s'L-1e' y f"cm and _ ._ all. l t.._r cent— ice_ -e �_ `)a!- 2treet hi, g'_'?.dCu. and pTr,ors -.,i t}? _. 1'ni7 aS;•?l+ concrete D.^:,SF' it";.a a one aiC? - -cl_ e__r. '_':i =u1Lt .'_ ri..g surfa an? -'_. gr^r'ea shoulder fQiii' f } fFret --r if�LL:.l �,:= C'%.]st'. e— s_ce C_" s�:._, Pave_ Me, e inc_u__?g s .. " extra i or ;:�r__s s _ s _ 7 i±. t ._ t'_'l.e of 24th ,SG_'8^t' .ii '? ,CGar Street and Oak Strer't• and eicIuding su 3l_ _c rt_ons as a r•e. s,_.^ , _,_elkded at the =_terse - -0,1 _ �, ,: ti i_ __ _a t; all s' Of `i"_ ,itr: =L iil: �� 1c: _G� _•c_"', as ,r`xi_•; Cn tho plan n ; l rl- -1- --it con--etecalve--ts 2cve-red -,..`th o'_­_ruga-':'­_d L_cm annst-U-ted :Thar shown. cr,e an f orsaii �vcrl. atthe Ln 1�' o 2 ' a 3-' th G' Street, 7 Street, I Street, Uers-actirns --l- tl Ureat �71 D Street, " Street, A Street, Cedar Street, Spruce Street, '.'yrtle Street, an- 7-le-ec"n Street. STT-' _K) t cement conc-r-a'- sIde,:.alir bG const--.ucte" -,'vhare s'--;07,vrj or-, —L��e plan f--r Saild -,.vork at- t'l-le in'tersec -",.ion of 2z_lth Street -,'vit_Il 'edar. O'treet. SECTION 5. flrzFl_":D7E"3'j (a) All of the on 24th _-reef bet',veen thc --.vasterly line of Iledar Street and tlae easterly li-_ne. of ()a',-, Street shall be ,-,one to such- lm7rades as are shoviin on t_ac plan "Cr said. ar.1 desi'gn9t-.-.d curb, g-1--ades and are hereby established as th_a officlal grades for the d3oin6p of Said­,'orl: andthe mal�im- -of saiO, imlprov- t (b) 1,21 of the above vvork or,, 2/=t' 3`L-.ree`- betvieen the l.ves-terly " line of IT Street. the sterly ll-'ric off 'edar sha---7 be done to suc-1gradess as established, by ordinance 7lo. 175 of the "'_,ty passsd 'Drl the 'Oth r7ay C-P F." e c� 0 _`'earl-1 a 11 of said -,,,,ork andI:-prove-ent -s to 'cc C=Ie `n accord- ance th-e pla--n and s-ocificatinns •hcre�ofore and on tLe 19th day of 1908P adopted by t-he Council of the ^ity of, Bakers- f4-eid, said plan beinl- eni�'_Je� 117T.-'J� IFOR TITE P -ill 71 7 _T L_L,_ -L z __­. . __ - __ _ , .. , � 0 1�1 7 STR i C T NO 5 7 6 " and Said s e c I f i c a t i o i i s being e r - It. i t 1- e d 1' S'_P7_ rl*, TIF 'J"-TCI•?S FOR TT?7 76" and wh-ich TW ?C-TV'7T"7NT UF STR7,7T DISTRTIT WO. 5 r.larl. --nd S pe.3 4 fioatlons are on ",le in the -office of the ,:it7T ClerT7 of the City of Balv_-ersfield, and are hereby referred to .1 and by such -rezerence made a part Und. P,ort� on hereof - L7'EYSE Attention is called to the 7'arenite-3-itul i thi­-_ License iXttire Agree;nentu of 7'arren 3rothers cloaipany of E;oston, �,-.ass., -2- of date Yar ch 16 t'h I 1228 , and on f !.le in tjac, o ff C -1 -, r 'k . T AND 117F - 1 e r. - i c -e- P" D-tc-I -NOr" eL!3 L-:,prov �--jt n sal L 3 cn t j- th-3 s.a--*;f lily "OU1-c'! is cf ,iic-fc 4---a17 loca7 or orn a j u,cI-Lc ben-fl t, ...::id Coun3ll the. costs n ex]:-:nses of said .vork and c;1cmr-geaF)Ie upon which distrIc-t, s-aif ,,,y Council he: Eby decia-res to be the district c n c-., by said and to be assessed to pay tl----., 3osts an,� --Tpenses the-reo", and ahich this-1-i3t is bounded, and d(:-;scrIbed as follo-rs! egi-nning at S- Point in "-,e -xesterly line of III, Strcelu 132 feet -ortherly --from, -*uh,,, northerly l-Ln-e of 2-12th 3treet, and running t1nence %esterly and Parallel :a-Titla the northerly l io of 24:t'-,a -10 the '.iesterly line of III Street, thence aicng the ae-sterly li-ne of Tj State t 10 feet-,: thence -westerly arid er-1-y, thi —ne of StreetStreetto the centcr t] er -Ie ne of a' Street; 11,el-ice sout'-r-Ler"l-, along the ce-nt of Stpcet 509.75 feet; t7fe-j'cc easte-rly -and parallel -,villzi the southerly line of 2,=11.?, Street to a point. 132 feet eastei,17 from the easterly line of A Street: thence ncrtIae.-7y -,n.:! parallel .ith th-e, east-erly line of " Street to a -Joint-, 122 sou�----��r'ly - .1 U Uk I - from the scut-1-i-erly line of 21-1 -Lh Street; thence easterly and parallel ,wit'n the sou4- e-I ' 24th treet to tl�j w s-, -, South - y line o-T . 5 L I e a -er-y line of D Street: t.'aence scut-Irierl- along the; wrestarly line of D Street 10 feet; thence easterly *aTid peiral7e" with t'--ie southerly line of 24th Street- -!,o the line of Trcet; --,enorthe--rly along t-h.e 1,,v'esterly line of H Street to the point of beginning. City of Sale--sfiald, Courty of Kern, State of California. SFRT-�,�! POi�MIIIS. ITOTTCE TS LMREBY GIVEYT, tea., serial oonds to represent ai unpd assessments and bear interest at the rate of seven (7) per -3- er a %vi l e - � A r�eY i manner pry by .,.,_... r' `'I111'11 i i_ J is5U8G h resin li �_i.9 111a?i. ii:. r:_..,V1 �3ii he Impi'ovo:i1ent Bond _-ctof 191,5, and all a,;;.s aii�e..__.tor thtereof, las., install^'.ent of ruhi Cii bonds shall niati4re r_ ne years from, thr, day f july next _ succeeding ten r;Icl_r.t_2s from: their date. Except as hereinabcv? Otherwl se _provided for the issu- ance of said serer l the sic_ in; k.. i l al bonds, al o' e .roaasa�. istor s__:. be, _._ c _a �ML_rsuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of valiforn ia, designato--: tae tt ;ii:rOVc' CLt Of 1911" atpPOVcC'i April f'G-_, 1�1.1., and all acts anj,3ndato2y -�her e:.^,_ . _'^TEST. nhTu. Notice is hereby -^ i en, t;_at . on. I':e0lidn'y the day of 1y2t., at 2 o'clock . K.. at a regular meeting o_f the Said City Council in 6'.ae �Ouncilof said City Council L__ l! t�i�' City L all Of h ., v_!� ty Of al�=el.'S_1e1'"',., any and .-zi__ ii-")rScliS _..av- 1lib at.y otiJiec tions to the proposed worli. or i::.proVGr'!..2.t 7.ay a; ,pear 2fr:re said City Council and shovel Cause krflay Said i7roy OSed i prOVG- __ent S'_iould not be carried, out in ac3ordance with said Resolution. T n Ti e Cit .er y C oP the City ofBal-ersfi$shall cause this Heso Utior., of intention to 'be publis hed ttvf c iii the li'le Daily - ao•r•t, a daily nea:,spaper printed, published arnd circulated City of nau_G'I.3fiill., and hereby designated for that pur- -cse ;.y said City Ceu_.cil. T!"_., Street Superintendent, cf said City cf iall:or Sf1.c1G Shall cause to be COnS_ 43uously 'posted along, the 11nes of said contel;.y^_latC_d work '.T_.] itnp1ove?:.ent and slono all the open streets thi7_ Said aist"i c u, __OtiCe Oi pass , tilio=IG-Soi lt] On Cf Intention, in the- manner and 'Or1T_ _ e ,Lured by law, and in said, notice he Shall, call attention to he License iXt ,c ...Clef Of trig ;arr �iOti-e-s '7onij anV of '�ostOn, Yass.., -= OF da 3 ?y4arch 16th, 192S, on file in the o fi3e of the Clark. I r ...,?Y __i ri tiZct the ReSCl"_. _"t:.- "b o vn ..as regularly- int oducea, -passed... _n.r.i adoptedtiz; the C..1nc11 Of Clt,-y o 'C"::fi B� ":, c. z a regular imee i,ing Of said 7cunci i on t_ze /9d ay of I arch, 192E, by the folimuing vote —r-- yes: Be son, CarNsk, Car':octr, Corbett, Johr -n, Mv�Hn ,N.E- City* Clergy. and Lx-offi ci o Cl _ of he n Oanci— of th_e City of Bakersfieid. z0� t- is �q aaV of March, 1928. ,t�GYO.i Of t"!rD C1ty of a-ker sf leld• RECEIPT FOR DELIVERY OF IidPROVELENT BONDS YNO"1 ALL MIEN BY THESE PRESENTS - This is to certify that I have this day receiv- ed from Ho Fie SMITH, Treasurer of the City of Bakersfield, "Improvement Bonds", being thirty (30) in number, in the aggregate amount of �6,641.69, and as set out by number, denomination and dates of maturity in the order providing for the issuance of Street Improvement Bonds, passed by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 7th day of January, 1929, which were delivered to me as satisfaction of the balance due me upon the assess- ment and warrant issued to pay the costs of the improve- ments described in Resolution of Intention No. 576 of said "ouncil passed on the 19th day of March, 1928. 1929. Dated- Feb_a ! , IN --THE'. MATTER' OF THE IMP ROVEMENT OF STREET DISTRICT NO. 576 FOR DISTRICT NO._76 CONTRACTOR'S BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That whereas, on the_-14th__day of_______ May, 192_8_, in pursuant to law, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, a Municipal Corporation of the County of Kern, State of California, av UNION PAVING CO., a Corporation contrail,`f'o------------------------------------------- ----- -------- as Contractor__ for doing, tha£ollowing work in the said -City of. Bakersfield,, as provided in Resolution of Intention No. 576 ------ Council of said City of Bakersfield, passed on the _ 19th --_day of ------- Y'rch _— — -- 192_ _, reference Resolution of Intention is hereby made for further particulars. ANDWHEREAS, said --------- UN_1QN__P_VzX1_CO.---------------------------------------------------------- as such contractor____, ------ $------- about to enter into a contract with ---------- ki _—D __ CLARKE------------, as Super of Streets of said City of Bakersfield, for the performance of said work, pursuant to said award, AND WHEREAS, said act above mentioned requires every contractor, person, company or corporation, including contracton to whom is awarded any contract for Street Work under said act, before executing said contract, to file with the Superintendent e a good T .„ c; mt bond 4pprov. by the Mayor of said City, in the sum of not less than one-half of the total amount payab' terms of said contract, and which shall enure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies or corporations who peiiorm labor c materials to be used in said work or improvement. NOW, THESE PRESENTS WITNESSETH: That the said__1M1QK__PA31 N_C__CQ%__________________ as contractor____, and principa ------- Gam. ------------------------------a- ................... as suret------ are held and firmly bound unto any and all persons, companies, or corporations, who perform labor or furnish matE visions, provender or other supplies, or teams used in, upon, for, or about the performance of the work aforementioned in tl TIiIitTY_ 02QE _fiOt7SAIy�_ DOII, RS__�I, 000.00- ------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________Dollars, (being not less tharrone-half-of the total amount I the terms of said contract) for which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administr. cessors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. UNION PATTING CO. The conditions of the above obligation are such that if said ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ the said contractor____, to whom said contract has been awarded as aforesaid, shall fail to pay for any materials so furnishe work or improvement above mentioned, or for any work or labor done thereon, of any kind, the said sureties will pay the same in not exceeding the said sum hereinbefore specified. WITNESSETH, our hands and seals this ________day of____, 192_8 _. --------------------------------------------------------- --- --------------- - -------------� ---- - -- - ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------=------ - ------ ---- ;�---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-�---- -- PAGE-----=------= LABOR AND MATERIALS Li STAle OF CALIFORNIA, 1 ss. County of__S8n Francisco ----------------- f --------------------------E.__Dowling----------------------- and ---------- ------------M. U. Dowling -------------- whose names are subscribed as sureties to the foregoing bond, being severally duly sworn, each for himself, deposes and says that hi worth double the sum mentioned therein, to -wit: is worth the sum o£�[`j*`�__S�.-_T�N•___o__Tr,. 0USA1`ID DOLLARS (*02 , 000 . ( ______ Dollars, in fixed property and real estate, situated in said State of California, over and above his just debts and liabilities, exchisive property exempt from execution and over and above all sums for which he is already liable or in any manner bound, whether as princil endorser or surety, or whether such obligation or liability be conditioned or absolute, liquidated or unliquidated, certain or contingent, or to become due. - ----------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- �-�---------- Subscribed and sworn to before me this__ 2IIa ________day of --- _____j_uye __�-__t_�_,______________, 192__$_. ✓. �/l ______ San Francisco Notary Public in and for the Coun of__________� State of California. The sum mentioned in the above bond is by me deemed adequate and is the sum fixed for that purpose, and said bond is hereby proved by me this --------- day of ------------------------- 192_8_. L/(CCL///lam Mayor of the City of Bakersfieh FOR DISTRICT. No:________________ CONTRACTOR'S BOND P SNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, --_UNION Pl+_VIY:G _CO.. a-Corporetion- ----- _ r ------- - -------------------as principal, ----------------------- and____. 0_�LXLJ_�✓��-----------------------------------------------as sureties, are jointly and severally bound uni City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, in the sum ofFIF^l ,� 1- 1HOUSA ]D -FIVE_i=UNDRID _D()LLAR.�. ------------------------ ---- Dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, to be paid to the City of Bakersfield, for which payment, well and truly to be i we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, jointly and severally by these presents. UlVIO I�:dI�iG Co. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that if the above bounden _____________________________________________. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ Principal____, ------kt -____successors or assigns shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and faithfully form, all the covenants, conditions and agreements in the contract about to be made between said principal___-___, as contractor--___- J. CLA_KS ° ---------------- ____ ______________ __________________ ___ ____ , as Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, Couni Kern, State of California, for furnishing materials in compliance with specifications and performing the work in the said city which is igur ticularly described in Resolution of Intention No�z------- of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, passed the-- ------ -------da Y2arlC11_______________, 192_8_, reference to which Resolution of Intention is hereby made for further particulars, then the above ob tion to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Witness our hands and seals this ---fVA `�-- ----may °f------ �'----------------- 192C_. PAGE ___--_:_____ FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, City & San r'rancisco ss. County of----------------------------------- -------------- -------------- E._ Dowling -------------------- and ------------Ni. II_: Dowling--- ----------------------- whose names are subscribed as sureties to the foregoing bond, being severally duly sworn, each for himself, deposes and says that he is worth double the sum mentioned therein, to -wit: is worth the sum oi_THIRTY_0103-_T-TiOUS IIID DOLL-ARS � l laOOOsOO� Dollars, in fixed property and real estate, situated in said State of California, over and above his just debts and liabilities, exclusive of property exempt from execution and over and above all sums for which he is already liable or in any manner bound, whether as principal, endorser or surety, or whether such obligation or liability be conditioned or absolute, liquidated or unliquidated, certain or contingent, due or to become due. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =- �'------ ------- ------------------------------------------ Subscribed ------------- and sworn to before me this __2nd_____day of192__8. / San _ rancisco Notary Public in and for th ounty of__-______ _______________ State of California. Approved this --- day of____----- -- 192q-- -------------------;- - - ---- ------ ---- -- - ---------------- Superintendent of Streets of the ity of Bakersfield. =--------- cc r THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this___day of_______ _ _________`_'______________, 192_$ _, by and _u-N I Ci i---------- ------------------------- ------------------------------------ ----- � T. D ('�''���'' __________________as,$u erintendent of.Streets of the City part__ of the first part, �and----__"_-- ---------------- p of Bak County of Kern, State of California, under and by virtue of the authority granted to. him as such by law, party of the second part, wits The arT _of the first part further agree-- that ------- __________will do and perform said work according to specifications S_ r C-- --------- S --I-- ---- : -- -i:vr: : in the office of the City Clerk of the City 57�kersfield which are designated______________________________ _______________________. .________________________________________________________________.____________-_____________________________________________. and made a part of this contract, and that___ Lt---- will at_____--t'"_c'__own cost and expense furnish all necessary materials and lab said work and that the materials used therein shall comply with the said specifications and be to the satisfaction of the said Superint of Streets and that______ It _____will within the time hereinafter fixed, turn the said work over to the Superintendent of Street; street plete and ready for use as a public_____________________________________ f--- "^^��=mad nf_aH_cIaims and demands whatsoever And the said party of the second part acting in his mM mama m W official capacity as such Superintendent of Streets, and not individually, ..... U hereby fixes the time for the commencement of o �u �z a Tm 3�e as v: d id Z' " O a ca,caa a ° said work to be within fifteen (15) days from the date hereof, .., ohm .o m dm mmm ' d ° 145 c� * ,^emwo two hundred and and for its completion to be within_________________________ ' c; �� ¢ tc>en (r220 _ `_ -____days from date hereof, and promises k 0 7o�wbby° bs°m :.>O4F -90'..^oN^me3��m" ' : m and'agrees that upon the performance of the covenants afore- w Uw^ ° �� H W ° ° ° m me ° m m o e «^ T ' said, by the said part____of the first part, he will duly make ~p 0U%°y^��oy°O��mF mew°��o j :' j rjV� and issue an assessment, and attach a warrant thereto as Z X provided for in the aforementioned act for the expenses of the °U °� ° "5 y`c�ai �� m� �^ �aod Om^ c a °> m � work aforesaid, at the following prices, to -wit: ° 2 Fv o ac.xzbTmmc.S� a, P .. ,X,cW •cam%a>^m m d �Jv.UGv� O FOR DISTRICT NO.__ 576 =__9 RRA:CT THAT WHEREAS, the said part.! -of the first part, as will appear by reference to the proceedings of the Council of the City ( . .5 13 . Bakersfield on the_ } � ____day of__-"_2•-______________________192____, ha_____ been awarded the -contract for the work hereinafte mentioned, NOW, THEREFORE, these presents witnesseth that the part__ _____ of -the,,first part for the consideration hereinafter mentione D. CIS promisg ___and agrees t• __ with said -_ __ __ __________________—______________as Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfieh and not otherwise, that __- zt____-___will do and perform or cause to be done'andperformed in a good and workmanlike manner, imde the direction and to the satisfaction of said Superintendent of Streets, all the following work in the City of Bakersfield, to -wit: RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 576 improvement chargeable upon a district, 2ESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO IM- which district said City Council hereby - PROVE STREET DISTRICT NO. 576 declares to be the district benefited by d work and improvement and to be saiessed IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, AND TO ISSUE BONDS to pay the costs and expenses as - ... ....- _ IN PAYMENT THEREFOR. thereof• and which district Is bounded BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUN-- and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the westerly - ML OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, line of H Street 132 feet northerly from 3s follows: - That it is the intention of the City the northerly line of 24th Street, and running thence westerly and parallel Council of the City of Bakersfield• to with the northerly line of 24th Street "-----•" order the following work to be done and to the westerly line of D Street; thence .. Improvement to be made in said City, southerly along the westerly line of D to -wit: Street 10 feet; thence westerly and SECTION 1. (24TH STREET.) That parallel with the northerly line of 24th 24t.. from the westerly line of H Street to the center line of Oak Street; .,meet Sti....t to the westerly line of Cedar thence southerly along the center line Street, including all intersections of of Oak Street 509.75 feet; thence east - streets and a leys within the above Iim- erly and parallel with the southerly line - -- its be graded; that cement concrete of 24th Street to a point 132 feet east curbs and gutters be constructed on erly from the easterly line of A Street; either side )of said 24th Street where thence northerly and parallel with the ' shown on the plan for said work and easterly line of A Street to a point 122 - - that the roadway of said street and said feet southerly from the southerly line of intersections be paved with a three and 24th Street; thence easterly and parallel one-half (3%) inch asphalt concrete base with the southerly line of 24th Street and a one and one-half (I%) inch War- to the westerly line of D Street; thence -' - renite-Bithulithic wearing surface. southerly along the westerly line of D SECTION 2. (24TH STREET STRIP.) Street 10 feet; thence easterly and That a strip 24 feet in width and 12 parallel with the southerly line of 24th - - :eet on either side of the center line of Street to the westerly line of H Street; !4th Street and extending from the west- thence northerly along the westerly line • ?rly- line of Cedar Street to a line 9 of H Street to the point of beginning. - eet easterly from and parallel with the All in the City of Bakersfield, County :enter line of Oak Street be graded and of Kern. State of California. )aved with a four (4) inch asphalt con- SERIAL BONDS. NOTICE IS HERE- :rete base and a one and one-half (1%) BY GIVEN that serial bonds to repre- nch Warrenite-Bithulithic wearing sur- sent unpaid assessments and bear inter - 'ace and that a graded shoulder four est at the rate of seven (7) per cent .. :4) feet in width be constructed on per annum will be issued hereunder in tither side of said pavement. the manner provided by the Improve - Including such extra portions as are ment Bond Act of 1915, and all acts . shown included at the intersection of :4th-Street with Cedar Street and Oak amendatory thereof. the last installment of which bonds shall mature nine years Street and excluding such portions as from the 2nd day of July next suc- -i.re show_ n excluded at the intersection ceeding ten months from their date. A -24th. Street and the Stine Canal Ex- IMPROVEMENT ACT. Except as . tension,. -all as shown on the plan for hereinabove otherwise provided for the said work. issuance of said serial bonds. all of the SECTION 3. (CULVERTS.) That ce- herein proposed work shall be done in ment concrete culverts covered with cor- pursuance of an act of the Legislature rugated iron be constructed where shown of the State of California, designated on the plan for said work at the Inter- the "Improvement Act of 1911" ap- sections of 24th Street with G Street, F proved April 7th. 1911, and all acts Street• E Street. -D Street, C Street, A Cedar Street, Spruce Street, Myr- amendatory thereof. PROTEST DATE. Notice is hereby Street, Ile Street, and Beech Street. given that on Monday. the 9th day of SECTION 4. (SIDEWALK.) That ce- April, 1928, at 8 o'clock P. M.. at a ment concrete sidewalk be constructed regular meeting of the said City Coun- where shown on the plan for said work cil in the Council Chamber of said City at the intersection of 24th Street with C Council in the City Hall of the City of Street and Cedar Street. Bakersfield• any and all persons having SECTION 5. (GRADES.) (a) All any objections to the proposed work or of the above work on 24th Street be- improvement may appear before said tween the westerly. line of Cedar Street City Council and show cause why said and the easterly line of Oak Street shall proposed improvement should not be car - be done to such grades as are shown on ried out in accordance with said Res - the plan for said work and designated olution. curb grades and are hereby established PUBLISHING. The City Clerk of the as the official grades for the doing of City of Bakersfield shall cause this said work and the making of said im- Resolution of Intention to be published provement. twice in The Daily Report, a daily (b) All of the above work on 24th newspaper printed. published and circu- Bakersfield, and the City of Bakersfield, or any ofcE And it is agreed :Street between the westerly line of H lated in said City of b1Sns thereof, be liable for an,street and the westerly line of Cedar hereby designated for that purpose or property assessed. 'Street shall be done to such grades as And it i6 furtherestablished by Ordinance No. 175 of the said City Council. POSTING. The Street Superintend -ours of labor shall constitute a legi da 'S work, and the SaidCity of Bakersfield. passed on the 20th ent of said City of Bakersfield shaa day from an person employed b to be conspicuously posted alongy P Y day of February. 1911. in SPECIFICATIONS. All cause the lines of said contemplated work andre, flood or danger to life or property said first party the PE PLAN AND and it is further agreed of said work and improvement is to be improvement and along all the operifield, the sum of ten (10) dollars fC each laborer, workman [done in accordance with the plan ana Specifications heretofore and on the 19th streets within said district, notice '�ntractor under him, for each calenda the passage of this Resolution of In• hours in violation of the provision day during which such day of March.. 1928, adopted by the tention, in the manner and form re;ht 'by law, and- in said notice hof Bakersfield. of Section 653-C of the ICouncil of the City of Bakersfield, said plan being entitled 'PLAN FOR THE quired shall call attention to the WarrenIte And it is further IMPROVEMENT OF STREET DIS- Bithulithic License Mixture Agreemenion all work performed under this cor tract shall be three (3) TRICT NO. 576" and said specifications being entitled. "SPECIFICATIONS FOR of the Warren Brothers Company o Boston. Mass., of date March, 16th, 192E THE IMPROVEMENT OF STREET D1`S- IN WITNESS WTRICT NO. 576•" and which said plan on file in the office of the City Clerk. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foreis the day and year first above written and specifications are on file In the of- going Resolution of Intention was reg fice of the City Clerk of the City of ---- --------------- Bakersfield, and are hereby referred to and by such reference made a part and portion hereof. ularly introduced, passed and adopte : by the Council of the City of Baker ___________ - ___________ field. at a regular meeting of said Cou cil held on the 19th day of March, 192* / ----------------------- LICENSE AGREEMENT. Attention is called to the Warenite-Bithulithic Li- by the following vote: -_ .. _!/____ __ - --- - ------ Ayes: Benson. Carlisle, Carlock, Coi .. cease Mixture Agreement of Warren belt. Johnson, Martin. Brothers Company of Boston, Mass., of Noes: Stoner. ----___-_-_____________-______----- - - date March 16th. 1928, and on file in the Absent: None. office of the City Clerk. V. VAN RIPER, DISTRICT. AND WHEREAS, said City Clerk and ex-Officio Clerk of tl ------------------------------ -- ---------------------- contemplated work and improvement in the opinion of the said City Council is than local ordinary Counc;l of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this 19th day of Marc 1928. L. K. STONER. _-_- of more or public ------------------ benefit, said Council hereby makes the of said work and .Mayor of the City of Bakersfield -------------------------_-_- ----- (March 26 and 2'7) of Streets of the City of Bakers eld. r ats 4"d,.n Countersigned res ---------- -11----------------- --------------------- tor of the City of Bakersfield. AN ORDER PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF STREET I?V,PROVEA-7U NT BONDS, PRESCRIBING THE DENOIACINATION OF SUCH BONDS AND OF THE INTEREST COUPONS ATT,CHED THERETO. °:'HEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did, on the 19th day of T,arch, 1928, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 576 for the construction of cement concrete culverts, curbs, gutters, sidewalk and pavement and otherwise improving Street District No. 576 under and pursuant to the provisions of the "Improvement Act of 191111, and amendments thereto and to the resolutions, notices and other proceedings of said Council, duly adopted and taken, ref- erence to said resolution of intention being hereby expressly made for further particulars; and 71HEREAS, the contract for said work and improvement was duly awarded and thereafter duly completed to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent, and Cit,T Engineer of said City and this Council, whereupon an assessment, diagram and warrant were made, recorded and delivered to the contractor in time, form and manner as required by said act, and the contractor having made due return thereon and the same having been dizl;y recorded; and 7.=H REAS, on November 28, 1928, the Street Superintendent of said City made and Filed with the Clerk of this City a complete list of all assessments unpaid thereunder upon the respective assess- ment or diagram numbers thereon; whereupon said Clerk gave notice of the filing of said list, and fixed in said notice, t,;onday, the loth day of December, 1928, at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M. as the time when interested persons might appear before the City Council and show cause why bonds should not be issued upon the security of the un- paid assessments shown on said list, said time being that of this reg- ular meeting of said board; and said board 'having heard all objections and having passed upon the same, it is hereby determined that the as- sessments unpaid thereunder and the aggregate amounts of the same are as follo?ass: DIAGR:`1I PAND AS- SESSAdENT NMIBER Lot Block Subdivision AMOUNT Or UNPAID ASSESSMENT 239 10 1 Cedar Park $1051.23 245 11 2 " it 1070.85 248 14 2 " if 143.03 251 The Sly. 61' of Lot 1 467A City of Bakersfield 108.00 253 The Sly. 61' of Lot 2 467A '' " it 15.42 255 The Sly. 611 of Lot 3 467A " " " 15.42 257 The Sly. 61' of Lot 4 467A " " " 15.42 259 The Sly. 61' of Lot 5. 467A " " " 15.42 260 The Nly. 61' of Lot 6 467A " " " 231.00 262 The Nly. 61' of Lot 7 467A " " " 231.00 -1- AMOUNT OF DIAGRA6 AMID AS- UNPAID SESS!,IENT NUMBER Lot Block Subdivision ASSESSIVIER'I'. 264 `1'he Nly. 61' of Lot 8 467A City of Bakersfield " 231.00 266 The Nly. 61' of Lot 9 467A " if " 231.00 268 The Nly. 61' of Lot 10 467A " It " 384.67 300 16 470C " ". " 233.39 301 17 4700 " " " 233.39 302 18 470C " " " 233.39 303 19 470C " " " 233.39 304 20 470C " " " 475.86 310 16 470C " " " 247.37 311 17 47OD r' " " 247.37 312 18 470D " " " 247.37 313 19 470D " " " 247.37 314 20 470D " " " 499.33 THE TOTAL OR AGGREG TE AI:IOUNT OF S_= ASSuSS1liFNT UNPAID IS THE SUM OF $6,641.69. N07`:' THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, the City Council of the City of Bakersfield do order as follows: SECTION 1. That bonds shall be issued upon the security of the un- paid assessments to said amount of :d>6,641.69, in accordance with the provisions of said improvement act and the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915", under and pursuant to the resolutions, notices and pro- ceedings of said board duly adopted and taken; said bonds shall be called "Improvement Bonds", shall be thirty (30) in number, shall be dated November 28, 1928, and bear interest at the rate of seven per cent (70) per annum from November 28, 1928; and the denomina- tion of said bonds and the interest coupons required to be attached thereto, with their respective numbers and dates of maturity, are as f of lows : -2- SERIES NUMBER NUIVIBER OF BOND 466 1 466 2 466 3 467 1 467 2 467 3 468 1 468 2 468 3 469 1 469 2 469 3 470 1 470 2 470 3 471 1 471 2 471 3 472 1 472 2 472 3 473 1 473 2 473 3 474 1 474 2 474 3 475 1 475 2 475 3 DENOMINATION DATE PAYABLE $400.00 July 2, 1930 200.00 July 2, 1930 64.17 July 2, 1930 400.00 July 2, 1931 200.00 July 2, 1931 64.17 July 2, 1931 400.00 July 2, 1932 200.00 July 2, 1932 64.17 July 2, 1932 400.00 July 2, 1933 200.00 July 2, 1933 64.17 July 2, 1933 400.00 July 2, 1934 200.00 July 2, 1934 64.17 July 2, 1934 400.00 July 2, 1935 200.00 July 2, 1935 64.17 July 2, 1935 400.00 July 2, 1936 200.00 July 2, 1936 64.17 July 2, 1936 400.00 July 2, 1937 200.00 July 2, 1937 64.17 July 2, 1937 400.00 July 2, 1938 200.00 July 2, 1938 64.17 July 2, 1938 400.00 July 2, 1939 200.00 July 2, 1939 64.16 July 2, 1939 AND IT IS FURTHER ORDER7D: That -with respect to bonds having denominations of $400.00 That the first coupon to become payable on each of said bonds shall be of the denomination of °'30.64; That each of the other• coupons attached thereto wrhich will become payable thereafter, shall be of the denomination of 914.00. That with respect to bonds having denominations of .':n200.00 That the first coupon to become payable on each of said bonds shall be of the denomination of $15.32; That each of the other coupons attached thereto which will become payable thereafter, shall be of the denomination of 07.00. That with respect to bonds having denominations of $64.17 and =64.16 That the first coupon to become payable on each of said bonds shall be of the denomination of $4.91 That each of the other coupons attached thereto which will become payable thereafter, shall be of the denomination of $2.24. -3- .SEC,-r'IOYi 2. Said bonds shall be issued in series, and the unpaid assess- ments as shown on said list filed by the Superintendent of Streets and determined by the Council together with interest thereon, shall re- main and constitute a trust fund for the redemption and payme nt of said bonds and of the interest which may be due thereon, which unpaid assessments shall be payable in annual series corresponding in number to the number of series of bonds issued, and an even annual propor- tion of each assessment shall be payable in each ,year preceding the date of the maturity for each of the several series of bonds issued., and such proportion of each assessment coming due in any year, to- gether with the annual interest thereon, shall in turn be payable in in- stallments as the general municipal taxes of said City on real property are payable, and shall become delinquent at the same times and in the same proportionate amounts and bear the same proportionate penalties for delinquency. Said bonds shall be signed by the Treasurer of said City and countersigned by the Clerk who shall affix thereto the official seal of said City*; the interest coupons affixed thereto shall be sign- ed by the Treasurer or bear his engraved, printed or lithographed signature; and such signing and sealing of said bonds by said officers and signing of said coupons by said Treasurer shall constitute and be a sufficient and binding execution of each and every one of said bonds and all of the coupons thereof respectively. Said bonds shall be sub- stantially in the form set forth in said Improvement Bond Act. The interest coupons attached to each of said bonds and evidencing the interest to accrue thereon shall be numbered consecu- tively- and be substantially in the following form, to -wit: Coupon No. The City of Bakersfield, California, will pay to the bearer hereof on the second day of , 19 , A at the office of the Citv Treasurer, said sum being the semi-annuai interest due on Improvement Bond Aio. of Series No. Dated: November 28, 1928. Treasurer. Said bonds and all of the interest coupons shall be dated November 28, 1928. SECTION. 3. Said bonds shall be forthwith delivered to the contractor in satisfaction of the balance due him upon his assessment and warrant. -4- I HENIRBV CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 7,t7k day of , 1927, by the following vote: ^^cor, City �� erx an �x-Of icio C er : of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. fIFFROVr;D this day of , 1929. MAYOR o t .e City of Bake-r sf ield. AN ORDER PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF STREET 1UPROWMM'"T BONDS, PRESCRIBING THE DENOMINATION OF SUCH BONDS AND OF THE INTEREST COUPONS ATT kCHED THER9,,TO. UEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did, on the 19th day of March,. 1928, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 576 for the construction of cement concrete culverts, curbs, gutters, sidewalk and pavement and otherwise improving Street District No. 576 under and pursuant to the provisions of the "Improvement Act of 1911", and amendments thereto and to the resolutions, notices and other proceedings of said Council, duly adopted and taken, ref- erence to said resolution of intention being hereby expressly made for further particulars; and rHEREAS, the contract for said work and improvement was duly awarded and thereafter duly completed to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent, and City- Engineer of said City and this Council, whereupon an assessment, diagram and warrant were made, recorded and delivered to the contractor in time, form and manner as required by said acc, and the contractor having made due return thereon and the same having been duly recorded; and WHEREAS, on November 28, 1928, the Street Superintendent of said City made and filed with the Clerk of this City a complete list of all assessments unpaid thereunder upon the respective assess- ment or diagram numbers thereon; whereupon said Clerk gave notice of the filing of said list, and fixed in said notice., 110onday, the loth day of December, 1928, at the hour of 8 o'clock P. W. as the time when interested persons might appear before the City Council and show cause why bonds should not be issued upon the security of the un- paid assessments shlown on said list, said time being that of this reg- ular meeting of said board; and said board having heard all objections and having passed upon the same, it is hereby determined that the as- sessments unpaid thereunder and the aggregate amounts of the sn-ne are as follows; AMOUNT OF DIAGRAM AND AS- UNPAID SESShiE.A7T WMER Lot Block Subdivision ASSESSMENT 239 10 1 Cedar Park $1051.23 245 11 2 " " 1070.85 248 14 2 " " 143.03 251 The Sly. 61' of Lot 1 467A City of Bakersfield 108.00 253 The Sly. 61' of Lot 2 467A sr n n 15.42 255 The Sly. 61' of Lot 3 467A ° " " 15.42 257 The Sly. 61, of Lot 4 467A " " n 15.42 259 The Sly. 611 of Lot 5 467A " " " 15.42 260 The Kly. 61' of Lot 6 467A n " " 231.00 262 The lily. 61' of Lot 7 467A n n 231.00 -1- AMOUNT OF MAGRAM AUD AS- UNPAID SESSIFINT WHBER Lot Bloek Subdivision ASSESBMM. 264 The Nly. 611 of Lot 8 467A City of Bakersfield 231.00 266 the Nly. 61f of Lot 9 467A " ° " 231.00 268 The Nly. 61t of Lot 10 467A " ° ° 384.67 300 16 4700 " " n 233.39 301 17 4700 " " " 253.39 302 18 470C " ': " 253.39 303 19 470C " " " 233.39 304 20 4700 " " " 475.86 310 16 470C " " " 247.37 311 17 470D` " „ " 247.37 312 18 470D " " " 247.37 313 19 470D " i' " 247.37 314 20 470D, " " 499.33 THE TOTAL OR AGMEGATE AMOUNT OF SAID ASSESSUENT UNPAID IS THE SUM OF $6,641.69. WO ' THER�70RE, in consideration of the premises, the City ^ouncil of the City of Bakersfield do order as follows: SECTION I, That bonds shall be issued upon the security of the un- paid assessments to said amount of $6,641.69, in accordance with the provisions of said improvement act and the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915", under and pursuant to the resolutions, notices and pro- ceedings of said board duly adopted and taken; said bonds sell be called "Improvement Bonds", shall be thirty (30) in number, shall be dated November 28, 1928, and bear interest at the rate of seven per Bent (7%) per nnnum from November 28, 1928; and the denomina- tion of said bonds and the interest coupons required to be attached thereto, with their respective numbers and dates of maturity, are as follows: -2- SERIES NUMBFR NUMBER OF BOND DENOMINATION DATE PAYABLE 466 1 $400.00 July 2, 1930 466 2 200.00 July 2, 1930 466 3 64.17 Juicy 2, 1930 484 1 400.00 July 2, 1931 467 2 200.00 July 2, 1931 467 3 64.17 July 2, 1931 468 1 400.00 July 2, 1932 468 2 200.00 July 2, 1932 468 3 64.117 July 2, 1932 469 1 400.00 July 2, 1933 469 2 200.00 July 2, 1933 469 3 64.17 July 2, 1933 470 1 400.00 July 2, 1934 470 2 200.00 July 2, 1934 470 3 64.17 July 2, 1934 471 1 400.00 July 2., 1935 471 2 200.00 July 2, 1935 471 3 64.17 July 2, 1935 472 1 400.00 July 2, 1936 472 2 200.00 July 2, 1936 472 3 64.17 July 2, 1936 473 1 400.00 July 2, 1937 473 2 200.00 July 2, 1937 473 3 64.17 July 2, 1957 474 1 400.00 July 2, 1938 4+74 2 200.00 July 2, 1938 474 3 64.17 July 2, 1938 475 1 400.00 July 2, 1939 475 2 200.00 July 2, 1939 475 3 64.16 July 2, 1939 AWD IT IS FURTHER ORDEMM: That with respect to bonds having denominations of 940.0.00 That the first coupon to become payable on each of said bonds shall be of the denomination of $30.64; That each of the other coupons attached thereto which will bee.ome payable thereafter, shall be of the.denomination of 814.00.. That with respect to bonds having denominations of �200.00 That the first coupon to become payable on each of said bonds shall be of the denomination of -115.32; That each of the other coupons attached thereto which will become payable thereafter, shall be of the denomination of $7.00. That with respect to bonds having denominations of $64.17 and §64.16 That the first coupon to become payable on each of said bonds shall be of the denomination of A4.91 That each of the other coupons attached thereto which will become payable thereafter, shall be of the denomination of $2.24. -3- SECT IC?: 2 Said bonds shall be issued in series, and the unpaid assess- ments as shown on said list filed by the Superintendent of Streets and determined by the Council together with interest.thereon, shall re- main and constitute a.trust rand for the redemption and payme nt of said bonds and of the interest Which may be due thereon, which unpaid assessments shall be payable in annual series corresponding in number to the number of series of bonds issued, and an even annual propor- tion of each assessment shall be payable in each year preceding the date of the maturity for each of the several series of bonds issued, and such proportion of each assessment coming due in any year, to- gether with the annual interest thereon, shall. in turn be payable in in- stallments as the general municipal taxes of said City on real property are payable, and shall become delinquent at the sane times and in the same proportionate amounts and bear the same proportionate penalties for delinquency. Said bonds shall be signed by the Treasurer of said City and countersigned by the Clerk who shall affix thereto the official seal of said City; the interest coupons affixed thereto shall be sign- ed by the Treasurer or bear his engraved, printed or lithographed signature; and such signing and sealing of said bonds by said officers and signing of said eaapons by said 'Treasurer shall constitute and be a sufficient and binding execution of each and every one of said bonds and all of the coupons thereof respectively. Said bonds shall be sub- stantlally in the form set forth in said Improvement Bond Act. The interest coupons attached to each of said bonds and evidencing the interest to accrue thereon shall be numbered consecu- tivel^ and be substantially in the following form, to -exit: Coupon No. . The City of Bakersfield, California, will pay to the bearer hereof on the second day of , 19 ,$ at the office of the City .Treasurer, said sum being the semi-annual interest due on Improvement 13ond 1`;o. of Series No. Dated: November 28., 1926. Treasurer. Said bonds and all of the interest coupons shall be dated November 28, 1928. SECTION 3. Said bonds shall be forthwith delivered to the contractor in satisfaction of the balance due him upon his assessment and warrant. -4- I HMI-TF 3Y CERTIFY' that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the !�" day of by the follo-ing cote: T?c V : rvi =- -, �t4 � � �, City Clerk -and- Clerk -of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APpRCVED this day of , 1929. -'MAYOR or "tfie C,ty -of -. a_ ersf A etc= LIST OF ASSESSMENTS UNPAID WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, under and pursuant to the provisions of the "Improvement Act of 1911," as amended, and also the provisions of the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915," as amended, did on the____19-t1-I------- day of_________ i'<_=a'-'cl ___, 192_ a, pass its Resolution of Intention No.__-L •_, to order certain work to be done and improvement to be made in said City, and did also in due course in relation thereto duly adopt other resolutions and cause subse- quent proceedings to be duly taken, reference to said Resolution of Intention being hereby expressly made for further particulars; AND WHEREAS, said Work and Improvement were duly done and made, and the contract therefor fulfilled and completed to the satisfaction of the Superin- tendent of Streets of said City, whereupon an Assessment and Diagram were made, and filed with the City Clerk, and thereafter confirmed by the Council of said City on the --- 2 r_d.__day of -------- 00 ---------_ 192_a_; a warrant bearing the date of the order of confirmation of said City Council was attached thereto; the Assessment, Diagram and Warrant were recorded in the office of said Superin- tendent of Streets and delivered to the Contractor as required by the provisions of said "Improvement Act of 1911," and thereafter, on the__ 27_t_n __day of__________ over_rer____� 192 0_, the contractor returned said warrant, together with a statement of all payments received, which statement was filed by the Superin- tendent of Streets on the same day by attaching it in the same book with the record of the Assessment and Warrant; NOW, THEREFORE, I,______L- _D-. _C 1_P-='•_'- e_____________, Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, do hereby certify that the list hereinafter set forth is a true, correct and complete list of all assessments unpaid upon said assess- ment, warrant and diagram No._ _�__; that the same is dated___________________ __Y_overii e-1__ 27,---_--__- 192_S, and is hereby made and filed by me with the Clerk of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, according to law, and said list, with the respective assessment and diagram numbers of the lots or parcels of land assessed and the amounts assessed, is as follows: LIST OF ASSESSMENTS UNPAID (Continued) DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT NUMBER LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION AMOUNT OF UNPAID ASSESSMENT 239 1 245 11 " " 94R 14n n l 6 11 1 of T.at 2 4A7A tl 11 it t of T,ot .5 467Att tl n A tl If tfIS 49, 1 Q tt It tt 1T,nt tf if If PS I on rTI Z; FI 1 t 11 tt 11931 no T 1 It 1f Ill T 1 11 I} tt 1 tf tl It rl n tt23 n n n 1 -4 Q it Il n — tt 11 tt it tI Il it If it 1511 q n it I) II ti 11 11 t1 I1 n tl n LIST OF ASSESSMENTS UNPAID (continued) The total or aggregate amount of said assessments unpaid is the sum of $-4' 44/,-6 7------------. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hand this_ — _ — __day (t of---.----- 192_L. --------------- � �'- --- -- Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakers.eld, California I, the undersigned, Clerk of the City Council, hereby certify that the foregoing list of unpaid assessments was filed with me by the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield this-_2UA _day of____, 192_9. �� ----------------------------- ------------------------- Clerk of the City Council of the Cityof Bakersfield, California (SEAL) LIST OF ASSESSMENTS UNPAID WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, under and pursuant to the provisions of the "Improvement Act of 1911," as amended, and also the provisions of the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915," as amended, did on the____ i 9th_______day of ---------- UmmIL------------ 192_ R, pass its Resolution of Intention No.__-57EL, to order certain work to be.done and improvement to be made in said City, and did also in due course in relation thereto duly adopt other resolutions and cause subse- quent proceedings to be duly taken, reference to said Resolution of Intention being hereby expressly made for further particulars; AND WHEREAS, said Work and Improvement were duly done and made, and the contract therefor fulfilled and completed to the satisfaction of the Superin- tendent of Streets of said City, whereupon an Assessment and Diagram were made, and filed with the City Clerk, and thereafter confirmed by the Council of said City on the --- 2Zxct_day of -------- O-0toher_________- 192_-a; a warrant bearing the date of the order of confirmation of said City Council was attached thereto; the Assessment, Diagram and Warrant were recorded in the office of said Superin- tendent of Streets and delivered to the Contractor as required by the provisions of said "Improvement Act of 1911," and thereafter, on the__27th__day of____ 192_a-, the contractor returned said warrant, together with a statement of all payments received, which statement was filed by the Superin- tendent of Streets on the same day by attaching it in the same book with the record of the Assessment and Warrant; NOW, THEREFORE, I,_____4''r_M._r1nri;a ------------ Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, do hereby certify that the list hereinafter set forth is a true, correct and complete list of all assessments unpaid upon said assess- ment, warrant and diagram No.__57Z__; that the same is dated___________________ ___1_T=eza __04_______- 192_$, and is hereby made and filed by me with the Clerk of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, according to law, and said list, with the respective assessment and diagram numbers of the lots or parcels of land assessed and the amounts assessed, is as follows: LIST OF ASSESSMENTS UNPAID (Continued) DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT NUMBER LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION AMOUNT OF UNPAID ASSESSMENT 239 10 1 245 11 2" rt IN n t of Lot 3- 467A City of RqkerRflelA log 00 253 e Sly. 611 of Lot 2 46TIArt ft rt 255 The Sly. 6 t of Lot 3 Slv. 6 1 of Lot 4 467An fl tt 259 The 1. 63.1 o ft ngIS 49 tt tt ftpal 00 n n n t of Loll A 46 tt n q t of T.ot 9n n npal On t of T.nt IC 467At1 R tt moo n tt tt n 1t R ISM is 4synoft n n 303 19 4700n n n n n n Ainn n tt. tt rt n 319 AIMft n flIqvy 313 19tt to n n a tt LIST OF ASSESSMENTS UNPAID (conti.,a) The total or aggregate amount of said assessments unpaid is the sum of $ ----------------------------- IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ---------- day of-------------------------- 192---• Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, California I, the undersigned, Clerk of the City Council, hereby certify that the foregoing list of unpaid assessments was filed with me by the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield this__y K; _day of___________, 192A �� --------------------------------- ---------------------------- Clerk of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, California (SEAL) State of California, S5. County of Kern ------------- v.___TLN_=_R----------------- -------------------------------------------------, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is now and was during all the times herein mentioned, the duly ap- NOTICE OF THE FILING OF UNPAID pointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City ASSESSMENT LIST AND OF TIME FIXED FOR HEARING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on of Bakersfield, aforesaid County and State; November 28th, 1928, W. D. Clarke, Street Superintendent of the City of Bakersfield, filed with the undersigned Clerk a complete list of all assessments unpaid, on account of the work per- formed and improvement made on 24th That pursuant to statute and the order of the Street in Street District No. 576, under and pursuant to the provisions of the Improvement Act of loll, and to other Imps of Intention No. , a and other Council of said City he duly posted conspicuously resolutions, notices and proceedings of said City Council duly adopted and taken under said act; reference to said Reso- 576, March for five days near the Chamber door of the Council lution of Intention No. passed 19th, 1928, being hereby expressly made for further particulars and for a description of the work and the district a Notice of the Filing of Unpaid Assessment List therein mentioned; which Resolution of Intention and the assessment issued by the Superintendent of Streets to the contractors contained a declaration and the time of hearing a copy of which is annexed substantially in the following form: "Notice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments, and bear interest at the rate of seven hereto .and made a part hereof; (7%) per cent per annum will be is- sued hereunder in the manner provided by the Improvement Bond Act of 1915. and all acts amendatory thereof, the last installment of which bonds shall the 2nd day t Thasaid notice was p for the d osterst time, as mature nine years from of July, next succeeding ten months from their date;" NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN. that Monday, the 10th day of December, 1928, At the hour of 8 o'clock P. M- of aforesaid, on theDth______________________________da o said day. Is the time fixed by the un- dersigned Clerk when interested persons (including the owners, contractors or their assigns) may appear before the City Council at its Council Chamber in the City Hall and show cause why bonds - November 192_ e___, and was kept so should not issued upon the security , of the ssnpaid id assessments. Dated: November 2V1928. VAN RIPER. posted continuously thereafter up to and including City Cleric of the City of Bakersfield, California. (Nov. 30 and Dec. 1) the entire day of -------- December:_lOth-------------- 19Z__$__. Subscribed and sworn to before me this -------- 11th ---------------- ____-day December --- -----------------A. D.19,29.. - --- ---------- --------- Notary I NOTICE OF THE FILM OF UNPAID ASSESSMENT LIST AND OF `''IME F= FOR BEARING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on November 28th, 1928, sv. D. Clarke, Street Superintendent of the City of Bakers- field, filed with the undersigned Clerk-e. complete list of all assessments unpaid, on account of the work performed and Improvement made on 24th Street in Street District No.. 576, under and pursuant to the provisions of the Improvement Act of 1911 and to Resolution of Intention No. 576, and other resolutions, notices and proceedings of said City Council, duly adapted and taken under said act; reference to said Resolution of Intention No. 576, passed March l9th, 1928, be- ing hereby expressly made for further particulars and for a description of the work and the district therein mentioned; which Resolution of Intention and the assessment issued by the Superintendent of streets to the contractors contained a declaration substantially in the following form: "'Notice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments, and bear interest at the rate of seven (7 ) per cent per arms , will be issued hereunder In the manner provided by the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, and all acts amendatory thereof, the last installment of which bonds shall mature nine years from the 2nd day of July next succeeding ten months from their date": NOTICE Is ALSO HEREBY GIVEhT, that Monday, the loth day of December, 1928, at the hour of 8 o'clock- P. M. of said day, is the time fixed by the undersigned Clerk when interested persons (including the owners, contractors or their assigns) may appear before the City Council at its Council Chamber in the City Hall and shops cause fty bonds should not be issued upon the security of the unpaid assessments.. Dated: November �o , 1928. vicy Clerk of the 1,1ty o Bakersfield, California. ,Affiha it o NOTICE OF THE FILING OF UNPAID ASSE,SST,EEN`i' LIST AND OF FINED FOR =, ARI14G Re so lut ion of Intention No. 576 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SS: COUNTY OF KERN. � NOTICE OF THE FILING OF'- UNPAID ASSESSMENT- LIST, AND _OF TIME ( FIXED FOR HEARING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on November 28th, 1928, W. D. Clarke, OTIS I3YMER, of said County and State, being Street Superintendent of. the City ( of Bakersfield, filed with the undersigned duly sworn, says: that I am and at all times herein I Clerk a complete list of all assessments mentioned was a citizen of the United States, over unpaid, on account of the work per - formed and improvement made on 24th eighteen ears of age, and not a art to nor in- g y g party Street r Street District vis ns under and to the of the � terested in the above entitled Inatter • that I am pursuant provisions Improvement Act' of 1911, and to Reso- the publisher and proprietor of the Daily Report, a lution of Intention No. 576, and other resolutions, notices and proceedings of newspaper printed and published daily, except said City Council duly adopted and taken Sunday, in the said County; that the Reso- under said act; reference to said Reso- lution of Intention No. 576, passed 2/farch 19th, 1928, being hereby expressly Notice of the f it ins of Unpaid made for further particulars and for a description of the work and the district Assessment List e t e 'therein mentioned; %which Resolution of Intention and,:the assessment issued by the Superintendent of Streets to the contractors contained a declaration substantially in the following form: in the above entitled matter, of which the annexed "Notice -is hereby given that serial is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper p py pand bonds to represent unpaid assessments, bear interest at the rate of seven 1 (7%) per cent per annum will be is- Daily for two insertions sued hereunder in the manner provided I by the Improvement Bond Act -of 1915, , asnd all acts amendatory thereof, the last installment of which bonds shall and 'on the following days, to -wit: mature nine years from the 2nd day_of July, next succeeding ten months from their date;" NOTICE IS ALSO -HEREBY GIVEN, Nov�mbe r 30. that Monday, the loth day of December, 1928, at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M., of said day. is the time fixed by the •un- dersigned Clerk when interested persons December 1, 1928 (including- the owners, contractors or their assigns) may appear before the City Council at its Council Chamber in the City Hall and show cause why bonds should not be issued upon the security of the unpaid assessments. Dated: November 28, 1928. V. VAN RIPER, City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, California. (Nov. 30 and Dec. 1) Subscribed and -sworn to before me, ti]is '"r day of'D.e -e e 1928 in and for said County and State NOTICE OF THE FILING OF UNPAID ASSF;SSiuFNT LIST AND OF TIME FIXED FOR HEARING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on November 28th, 1928, W. D. Clarke, Street Superintendent of the City of Bakers- field, filed with the undersigned Clerk a complete list of all assessments unpaid, on account of the work performed and improvement made on 24th Street in Street District No. 576, under and pursuant to the provisions of the Improvement Act of 1911 and to Resolution of Intention No. 576, and other resolutions, notices and proceedings of said City Council, duly adopted and taken under said act; reference to said Resolution of Intention No. 576, passed starch 19th, 1928, be- ing hereby expressly made for further particulars and for a description of the work and the district therein mentioned; which Resolution of Intention and the assessment issued by the Superintendent of Streets to the contractors contained a declaration substantially in the following form: "Notice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments, and bear interest at the rate of seven (7%) per cent per annum, will be issued hereunder in the manner provided by the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, and all acts amendatory thereof, the last installment of which bonds shall mature nine ,years from the 2nd day of July next succeeding ten months from their date": NOTICE IS ALSO HERBBY GIVEN, that Monday, the loth day of December, 1928, at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M. of said day, is the time fixed by the undersigned Clerk when interested persons (including the owners, contractors or their assigns) may appear before the City Council at its Council Chamber in the City Hall and shore cause why bonds should not be issued upon the security of the unpaid assessments. Dated: November �1'9 . 1928. City Clerk of the --ity of Bakersfield, California. State of California,) ss. County of Kern V. VAN RIPER --• -------------------------------- -----, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is now and was during all the times herein mentioned, the du y ap- NOTICE OF THE FILING OF ASSESS. MENT AND THE TIME OF HEARING. pointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Friday,- the 21s[ day of September, 1928, there was filed with the under- 7�7 Of Bakersfield, aforesaid County and State; signed City Cleric an assessment to cover the sum due for the wort: performed and 'improvement made by UNION PAVING CO., contractor, under and in pursuance That pursuant to of the provisions of the "Improvement statute and the order o.f the Act of 1911," reference being: made to City Coon of Intention No. 57e of the City Council of said City passed March Council o said Cityhe f dull conspicuously 19th, 1928, for the description of said posted .' [' p work and improvement; said assess - ent being made conformity with the provisions of Sections 29 and 21 of t for five days near the Chamber door of the Council y .aid.Act, according to the character of the work done; to Said assessment chows the tithe a Notice 0 the Filing 0 f g f Assessment w co paid on said contract for the work contracted for and performed, together and the time of with all incidental expenses, the amount of each assessment against each lot or Portion of a lot, the number of each lot herein g, a copy of which is annexed hereto or bortion or portions of a lot so as- andmade sessed. and .has attached thereto a din - gram exhibiting each street and street a part hereof; crossing. lane, alley, place or court, Atop- erty or rights of way on which any warn has been done, showing the relative lo- cation oC each Iot or portion oflot, to the work done, numbered to correspond with the numbers oY the assessments. That said notice wa s posted for the first time, NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN, that as Monday, the 22nd day of October,. 1928. at the bnur of 8 o'clock P. M.� is the time fixed by the undersigned clerk when all Arsons interested in the work aforesaid, on the_ 2hC3 . done. or in the assessment may alipear ------------------------•_____day of at the City Hall in the Council Chambers __ - and be heard by the City Council, The owners, the contractor, or its as- signs, and all other persons interested in October said work, or in the assessment, feeling aggrieved by any act thereto, or who _________________________________ Zg„r%_8•__t and was kept ------------- t --- p" claim that the work has not been per- formed according to the contract, In a good and substantial manner. or who claim that any portion of the work for so posted continuously thereafter up to and includ- any reason was omitted or illegally in- cluded in the contract for the same, or having or malting any objection to the correctness of the assessment or diagram or other act, determination or proceed- ing the entire day of____Oetober 22 ings of the Superintendent of Streets, or -------•-----__s............... 192$ , Dated: October 2, 1928. V. VAN RIPER, City i Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, California. (October 3 and 4) ________________________ __ _________•__________-________ City Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... 25th ---------- day October Of---------------------------------- A. D.19,2. 8 -- ---------------------- y - - - - - - --- Notar blic in -arid for di-e- County of Kern, ate of California � =1 NOTICE OF THE FILING OF ASSESSMENT AND THE TIME OF HEARING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on Friday, the 21st day of September, 1928, there was filed with the undersigned City Clerk an assessment to cover the sum due -for the work performed and im- provement made by UNION PAVING CO., contractor, under and in pur- suance of the provisions of the "Improvement Act of 1911", ref- erence being made to Resolution of Intention -No. 576 of the City Council of said City passed March 19th, 1928, for the description of said work and improvement; said assessment being made in con- formity with the provisions of Sections 20 and 21 of said Act, according to the character of the work done; Said assessment shows the amount to be paid on said contract for the work contracted for and --performed, together with all incidental expenses; the amount of each assessment against each lot or portion of a lot, the number of each lot or portion or portions of a lot so assessed, and has attached thereto a diagram exhibiting each street and street crossing, lane, alley, place or court, property or rights of way on which any work has been done, showing the relative location of each lot or portion of lot, to the work done, numbered to correspond with the numbers of the assessments. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Monday, the 22nd day of October, 1928, at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M. is the time fixed by the undersigned Clerk when all persons interested in the work done, or in the assessment may appear at the City Hall in the Council Chambers and be heard by the City Council; The owners, the contractor, or its assigns, and all other persons interested in said work, or in the assessment, feeling aggrieved by any act thereto, or who claim that the work has not been performed according to the contract, in a good and substantial manner, or who claim that any portion of the work for any reason was omitted or illegally included in the contract for the same, or having or making any objection to the correctness of the assessment or diagram or other act, determina- tion or proceedings of the Superintendent of Streets, or City Engineer, shall prior to the day fixed for said hearing, appeal to the City Council by briefly stating in ;writing the grounds of appeal. Dated; October Y , 1928. _ffty Cleric or th6 y o Bakersfield, California. Affibautt of ruburation 101ICE OF TII FILING OF ASSESS - IF ENT AIDD TIC TI=1,1 OF' HEARING - NOTICE OF THE FILING OF AS.SESS- MENT AND THE'TIME OF HEARING. NOTICE --IS 'HEREBY GIVEN .that on Resolution of Intention 'Friday, the 21st day of September, 1928, there was filed , with the under - No . 576 signgd _City -Cleric an assessment to;cover the sum due for the work performed and improvement made- by -UNION PAVING CO., contractor, under and in pursuance of the provisions of the "Improvement Act of 1911," reference being made to Resolution of Intention No. 576 of the City Council 'of ' said City passed March 19th, 1928, for the description of said work and improvement; said assess- ment being made in conformity with SS: 'the provisions of Sections 20 and 21 of COUNTY OF KERN. the w ctrk according -to the, character of done - Said assessment shows the amount. to be paid on said contract for the work contracted for and uerformed, together OTIS I3YME13,, of said County and State, being with all incidental expenses, the amount of .:each assessment against each lot or duly sworn, says: that I am and at all times herein portion of a lot, the number of each lot mentioned was a citizen of the United States se over portion or portions of a lot ia- ssedr •and has -attached thereto --a -a dia- eighteen years of age, and not a party to, nor in- gram exhibiting each street and street crossing, lane, alley, place or court, prop- terested in the above entitled matter; that I am erty or rights of way on which any work the publisher and proprietor of the Daily Report cation of a has been done, oorng the relative. portion of --let,, lo- each lot. t. orto newspaper printed and published. daily, except i'the worst done, numbered to correspond wit] h the numbers of the assessments. Sunday, ill the said County; that the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that 'Monday, the 22nd day of October, 1928, Notice of the :Filing of Assessment at the hour of 8 o'clock P. AL. is the time fixed by the undersigned clerk when all Arsons interested in the work done, or in the assessment may appear at the City Halfin the Council Chambers and be heard by the-. City Council. - The owners, the contractor, or its as - in the above entitled matter, of which the annexed Signs, and a1l other persons interested in said work, or in the assessment, feeling is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper aggrieved by any'- act thereto, or who claim that the work -]has_ not.. been 'per - Daily formed according to 'the contract, in a for t �v o insertions good and substantial manner, or who claim that any portion of_ the work for any reason -was omitted or, illegally in- cluded in the contract for the same, of and on the following days, to -wit' having or makinganyobjection to the correctness of the.assessment or diagrain or other act, determination or proceed- ings of the Superintendent of Streets, or City Engineer, - shall; prior to:. the day 0 e t obe r 3 and 4, 152 S fixed for said hearing, appeal to the City Council by briefly stating in writing thq grounds of appeal. Dated: -October 2, 1928:- -•- ^._.. V. VAN RIPER, Citk Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, California. (Octob_e."r-3 and 4) ; Subscribed and sworn to before me, Ahis5 th -� ayof Octob 9 n a y Pub is in an or sad County and Sta e NOTICE OF TEP FILII`•TG OF ASS_3S_'._;"",YT T) TiiT11 s OF HF,_ jT':` G. 1dOTI0F IS iEREBY GIVEN, that on Friday, the 21st day of eptember, 1928, there was filed with the undersigned Cil.. Clerk an assessment to cover the sulm due for the work performed and im- provement :Wade by UNIOT3 PAVIiTG CO., contractor, under and in pur- suance of the provisions of the "Improvement Act of 1911", ref- erence being made to Resolution of Intention Yo. 576 of the City Council o_' said City passed 11arch 19th, 1928, for the description of said work and improvement; said assessment being made in con- formity ,,rith the provisions of sections 20 and 21 of said Act, according to the character of the work done; Said assessment sho-.ws the amount to be paid on said contract for the i?rorlr contracted for and performed, together with all incidental expenses: the amount of each assessment against each lot or rortion of a lot, the number of each lot or portion or por'c,_o__s of a lot so assessed, and has attached thereto a diagram exhibiting each street and street crossing, lane, alley, glace or court, property or rights of way on which any work has been done, showing the relative locati-on of each lot or portion of lot, to the -.cork done, numbered to correspond ,with the numbers of the assessments. tiOTICE IS U7RF.3Y GIVEAT, that T,. on day, the 22nd day of October, 1926, at the hour of 8 otclock P. TM. is the time fixed by the under. s igned Clerk -anen all persons interested in the work done, or in the assessment may appear at the City Fall in the Council 1,hambers and be heard by the City Council; The owners, the contractor, or its assigns, and all other persons interested in said work, or in the assessment, feeling aggrieved by any act thereto, or :who claim that the work has not been performed according to the contract, in a good and substantial manner, or who claim that any portion of the work for any reason was omitted or illegally included in the contract. .for '--he same, or having or making any objection to the correctness of the assessment or dia:_,ran, or other act, determina- tion, or proceedings of the Superintendent of Streets or City ='ngineer•, shall prior to the day% fixed for said hea^3ng, appeal to the ;'its- ^ouncil by briefly stating in ,:,rriting the grounds of appeal. Dated: October / 1928. Ci y (',Iprk of tl City o_ Bakersfield, California. -_ ,��tdttuit �f ��lirttttun NOTION OF AWARD Resolution of Intention 110- 576 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, � SS: COUNTY OF KERN. OTIS I yMER, of said County and State, being duly sworn, says: that I am and at all times herein mentioned was a citizen of the United States, over eighteen years of age, and not a party in- terested in the above entitled matter; that I am the publisher and proprietor of the Daily Report, a newspaper printed and published daily, except Sunday, in the said County; that the Notice of Avvard in the above entitled s atter, of published nIch the annexed said newspaper is a printed copy, Daily for two insertions a,nd on the following days, to -wit: 1,Iay 17 and 18, 1928 Subscrilbed-and sworn to before me, this h--day of may 1928 0 ary Public in and for said County and State NOTICE OF AWARD Pursuant to statute and to the resolu- tion of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, directing this notice — NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the aid Council, in open session, on the 14th d a y of May, 1928, publicly opened, examined and declared all sealed pro- posals or bids for doing the work and improvement- in said City, as described 'n tcesotution of Intention No. 576 of the Council' of- said City, adopted on the 19th day of March, 1928, which Resolution of Intention is hereby expressly referred to for further 'particulars. A & D - NOTICE IS ALSO- HEREBY GIVEN' that said- Council thereafter on c 11 e 14th day of May, 19l8, awarded the contract for said work to the lowest responsible bidder, to -wit: UNION PAV- ING CO., at the prices named for said work . in . its proposal or bid on file, as follows: — a' raving ........... ............. @ $0.198 per sq. ft. ai/y" Paving ..................@, .208 per sq. ft. ,4rading ....._....................@ .038 per sq. ft. Butter ...--- ....... .........@ .27 per sq. ft. Side -walk ......................@ .18 per sq. ft. i Curb • :...__....... ...............() .50 .per lin. ft. Culvert ................. (a) .4.85 per lin.ft.' Shoulders .- (y .03 per sq. ft_ Dated: May 15, 1928. V. VAN RIPER, Clerk of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, (May 17 and 18) NOTICE OF AWARD Pursuant to statute and to the resolution of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, directing this notice - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the said Council in open session on the 14th day of May, 1928, publicly - opened, examined and declared all sealed proposals or bids for doing the work and improvement in said City, as des- cribed in Resolution of Intention No. 576 of the Council of said City adopted on the 19th day of March, 1928, which Resolution of Intention is hereby expressly referred to for further particulars. ANTD NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that said Council thereafter on the 14th day of NIay, 1928, awarded the con- tract for said work to the lowest responsible bidder, to - wit: UNION PAVING CO., at the prices named for said work in its proposal or bid on file, as follows: 5" Paving ................@ $0.198 per sq. f t. 51"Paving.................{ .208 per sq. f t. Grading ...................@ .038 per sq. f t. Gutter.. ..................@ .27 per sq. ft. Sidewalk ..................@ .18 per sq. f t. Curb .. ...................@ .50 per lin.f t. Culvert ...................@ 4.85 per lin.ft. Shoulders .................@ .03 per sq. f t. Dated: May �� , 1928. C er of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, California RESOLUTION OF A'.5'ARD A RESOLUTION AF:'ARDIPIG CONTRACT FOR IMIPROVEMENTS IN STREET DISTRICT NO. 576, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, TO LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: ''HEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, did in open session on the 14th day of May, 1928, publicly open, examine and declare all sealed proposals or bids for doing certain street work in said City under and in pursuance of the "Improvement Act of 1911" and all acts amendatory thereof, the names of the streets proposed to be improved and the location and character of said pro- posed work being described in Resolution of Intention No. 576, of said Council adopted on the 19th day of March, 1928, which Resolu- tion is hereby expressly referred to for further particulars: NOW THEE FORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the said City Council hereby rejects all of said proposals or bids except the next herein mentioned and hereby awards the contract for doing said work and im rovement to the lowest responsible bidder, to -wit: � at the prices named in _,v bid. The City Clerk is hereby directed to publish notice of this award twice in the The Daily Report, a daily newspaper, published and circulated in said City and hereby designated by the Council for that purpose. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed/ and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the 19:.c k day of May, 1928, by the following vote: .-.£S�", • GREY APPROVED this l day of City Clerk and ,F.x-0 _icio Clerk_ of the P.I�;�928•�;: ,.? Council of the City of Bakersfield. ' l o e City o_ Ba ers ie CITY OF B A K E R S F l E L D BIDS RECEIVED FOR, IMPROVEMENT OF DISTRICT NO. S763 BAKERSFIELD, CALIF., �. • bvll'ilc.c_Q/ �L /Q.(f-4Y ,�VI � .A.� F , ITEMS QUANTITIES UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT ,` TOTAL UNIT TOTAL i Jam, Paving _ i ��/ 25� Sq. Ft. ��} 1 10 i 1cl.S� '50 6 30 'l7 a y'3 7Z 53 \C�:`,�{ d,,.1 80Sq Z (s4a T? 6 )-Ud ^.tiAAiJ 3 I U � I ..•5'1 oS' 5 i 2 C •. 3 f o J 2.51 O S 2 ,'y l-0 1 3 Sub Grade /� Sq. Ft. U J ��bC )°t `0��}ir 6) dui 7r6 i �Ga l 2`+; •5122� y Gutter o Sq. Ft. 0✓� �.� n D '2 lv "I .5� �y S b { .Vj ZI i I 6 � ,'j1, 30 � c l< I•�_ � c� Z$�s st '2N 2Co I Sidewalk 2.520o Sq. Ft. (f q a 3t� () L �' zb `'� 4z.. Q- A, 1 4- 36 l -3 80 ,1"I q Z 9 4-- Curb 3 Lin. Ft. C74 3c r t a 24 2 t -a r Z. IS" Culvert, 18 in. G" �5"Oa Lin. Ft. t � , f � ZZ �b n� L 7��$ 1J� qJ 1�8(0 i za a10 5 szz so Culvert, Double Lin. Ft. Culvert Lin. Ft. Headers Lin. Ft. Catch Basins Ea. Shoulders Sq. Ft. sJ Cut Cu. Yds. Fill Cu. Yds. f Comb. Curb & Walk Lin. Ft. i i 6 in. Sewer Pipe Lin. Ft. I 8 in. Sewer Pipe Lin. Ft. ^. �l i 10 in. Sewer Pipe Lin. Ft. 12 in. Sewer Pipe Lin. Ft. I Man Holes Ea. Lamp Holes Ea. TOTALS 6-1 l314 ,, 630'S4 4p (r��3p'Ic? IU ` NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS Calif.,__ c-____'� - 192s_ _____ Bakersfield, Pursuant to a Resolution of the Coun- ell of the City of Bakersfield, adopted the 30th day of April, 1928, directing is notice and to statute in such case made and provided, said Council hereby m TY invites sealed proposals or bids for do- ing the work described in Resolution of Intention No. 576, passed and adopted by ,field County Of Kern the said City Council on the 19th day of March, 1928, which said Resolution of f intention is on file with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. For full and complete particulars re- ing street work proposals, I hereby promise and agree to perform the work garding said work and improvement to herefor and execute the contract specified therein to the satisfaction and be made and the district to be assessed Streets of the City of Bakersfield, at the following prices, payable in U. S. therefor, reference is hereby made to said Resolution of Intention No. 576, "Plan for the Improvement of Street District No. 576" and "Specifications for �' the Improvement of Street District No. -------------Sq. Ft. @®.RI _�__ _______________________Sq. P, ✓ Ft. 57"' adopted by the Council of the City Bakersfield on the 19th day of 2-08 Ft. @��._O a_____y Ft. of March, 1928, and are on file in the of- fice of the City Clerk. _--_---_-_--Sq. ________________________Sq. y x All Proposals or bids shall be accom- --------------Sq. Ft. ________✓----------.--------------Sq. Ft. panied by a check payable to the City by a responsible le Sq. Ft. of Bakersfield, certified if bank for an amount which shall not be less than ten per cent of the aggregate-��0 ------------- Sq. Ft. _______________________ of the proposal, or else by a bond for the said amount, payable as aforesaid. signed by the bidder and two sureties. --------------Lin. Ft. _________----------------------- --------------- Lin. Ft @ _________ % Lin. Ft. Lin. Ft. who shall justify before any officer com- petent to administer an oath. in double LiFt@----------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. the said amount and over and above all -- ----__-- n. . =tatutory exemptions. All sealed proposals or bids shall be ,____________,_Lin. Ft @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. delivered to the Clerk of said Council on or before 5 o'clock P. M., Monday, the @- -------Ea. 14th day of May, 1928, said time be- ---------_-------- ------------------ i7 ing not less than ten days from the first publication and posting of this no- _----- _----Sq. Ft. @---------- r-- _____________________ Sq. Ft. Lice. All bids so received shall be opened by the said Council in open session at o'clock P. M., of the said day. _ _---_ - Lin. Ft @ ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. All bids must be submitted on blanks to be .furnished by the City Clerk. ,-------_---_,-Lin. Ft. @_ Lin. Ft. Bidders will state in their proposal the price of each item separately as set forth therein, by which the bids will be _---- Lin. Ft @ ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. compared. Dated: May 2, 1928. V. VAN RIPER. .----------_-._Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. City Clerk and ex-Officio Clerk of the @ Ea. Council of the City of Bakersfield, Cali- ----------------- ------------------------------------------ — — fornia. (May3 and 4) -------------------- @------------------------------------------ Ea. .____________._____________________________________________________ ____ ____ -------------------'---- .G7it�______— _____ ______ Total Cost of Work_G�rL-�B p______________ Know All Men by These Presents: That we__________________________________________________ ________________as principal, and -------------------------------------- and --------------------------------- as sureties, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Bakersfield, in the just and full sum of___________________________________________________________ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dollars, for the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, execntgrs and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Given tinder our hands and sealed with our seals this__________ day of ---------------------- A. D. 192____ Now, the condition of the foregoing is such that. Whereas the above mentioned principal____________________________ _________________________ ________________is about to hand in and submit to the Council of the City of Bakersfield, the foregoing bid or proposal for the performance of the work therein mentioned, together with the furnishing of all neces- sary and proper materials therefor, under and in pursuance of the annexed advertisement or notice inviting street work proposals,a copy of which is annexed to said bid or proposal: Now, therefore, if the accompanying bid or proposal of the said_________________________________ _____Shall be accepted and the said work awarded to ------------------- thereupon, by the said Council, and________________, the said ____________________________________________________________shall enter into a contract therefor and execute an adequate bond to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets of said City, with two or more good and sufficient sureties, con- ditions for the faithful performance of such contract on -------------------------------------- part, in such case required by an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled an "Act to provide for work in and upon Streets, Avenues, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks within Municipalities, and upon Property and Rights of Way owned by Munici- palities, and for Establishing and Changing the Grades of any such Streets, Avenues, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Places and _ Sidewalks and Providing for the Issuance and Payment of Street Improvement Bonds to Represent Certain Assessments for the cost thereof and Providing a Method for the Payment of such Bonds;' and all acts amendatory thereof or supple- mentary thereto, then and in that case, the above obligation shall become void and of no further force or effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue; and the said sum of___________________________________________________________________ _ Dollars shall be and become as liquidated damages for such failure and neglect. WITNESS: ----------------------------------------------[SEAL] ----------------------------------------------[SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 Ss. ---------------------------------- ----------[SEAL] County of Kern - ------------------------------------------------------and--------- ---------------------------------------- being severally duly sworn, each for himself, and not one for the other, deposes and says, that he is one of the suroties named in the foregoing bond, and that he executed the same; that he is a resident and freeholder of the City of Bakersfield, and is worth the sum mentioned in said bond, in said City of Bakersfield, over and above all his debts and liabiiities. Subscribed and sworn to before me on this____________ ------------------------------------------------------- dayof------------------------------' A. D. 192---- ---------------------------------------- Clerk. ------ ------------------- -------- ---------------------- NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS Bakersfield, Calif. -------- Yay__14r-___, 192_8_- Pursuant to a Resolution of the Coun- cil of the City of Bakersfield, adopted the 30th day of April, 1928. directing this notice andto statute in such case made and provided, said Council hereby �4i�`�� invites sealed proposals or bids for do- ing the work described in Resolution of Intention No. 576, passed and adopted by pp ileld, County of Kern: the said City Council on the 19th day of March, 1928. which said Resolution of Intention is on file with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. Ing street work proposals, I hereby promise and agree to perform the work For full and complete particulars re- garding said work and improvement to herefor and execute the contract specified therein to the satisfaction and be made and the district to be assessed Streets of the City of Bakersfield, at the following prices, payable in U. S. therefor, reference is hereby made to said Resolution of Intention No. 576, •'Plan for the Improvement of Street "Specifications for ��11 1 District No. 576" and the Improvement of Street District No. 576." adopted by the Council of the ------------- Sq. Ft. @_______________y _ — --------------- Ft. , I '3_'7____ City of Bakersfield on the 19th day of --------------Sq. Ft. @---------------------------- ----Sq. Ft. March, 1928, and are on file in the of- -D fice of the City Clerk. All proposals or bids shall be accom- panied by a check payable to the City .-------------Sq. Ft. @--------------- _____--------_Sq. Ft. Ft. % ____________ Sq. Ft. q• @ of Bakersfield, certified by a responsible for an amount which shall not be - -----------_S ----------------- / D less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal, or else by a bond for as aforesaid, -------------- Lin. Ft. @ ---------------- __ ------------- Lin. Ft. the said amount, payable two sureties.--------- n. �o---------------------------- -----Lin. _--._LiFt Ft. signed by the bidder and mho shall justify before any officer com- petent to administer an oath. in double -------------- Lin. Ft. @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. the said amount and over and above all statutory exemptions. Lin. Ft @ --------------------------------- Lin. Ft. All sealed proposals or bids shall be delivered to the Clerk of said Council on -------------- or before 5 o'clock P. M., Monday, the -------------------- ________________________________________ __Ea. 19th day of May, 1928, said time be- ing less than ten days from the not of this no- -_-_-_-- S q• Ft. @---------------- t -_C ------------------Sq. Ft. first publication and posting tice. All bids so received shall) be opened by the said Council in open session at ------------- Lin. Ft. @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. 3 o'clock P. M.. of the said day. All bids must be submitted on blanks Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------Lin. Ft. to be furnished by the City Clerk. Bidders will state in their proposal the -------------- price of each item separately as set -------------- Lin. Ft. @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. forth therein. by which the bids will be compared. Dated: May 2, 1928. -------------- Lin. Ft. @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. V. VAN RIPER. City- Clerk and ex-Officio Clerk of the ____________________@ ------------------------------------------ Ea. Council of the City of Bakersfield, Cali- fornia. (MaY3and 4) .___________________ @_____________ ------------------------------------------ Ea. CALIFORN C QSTRUCTION COMPANY ----------------------------------- --�r�o-v/X✓� �1 (,a2 Total Cost of Work___'__' 4 �s_________________ Know All Men by These Presents: That we --- CAIiIFORNIA_CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Galves£orly- _Texas -----as principal, and__ A"R T f;AN - T EMNITY---GOaadA_-G-GRPQMLQ. __OF______as suretieq, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Bakersfield, in the just and full sum of ________________ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dollars, for the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Given under our hands and sealed with our seals this --- 14 hday of ---- MaY------------- . D. 192 8__ Now, the condition of the foregoing is such that. Whereas the above mentioned principal-- CALIFORNIA ---------------- _.QQONaTR 10_TIQ1T _ GOMP_ANY _____________is about to hand in and submit to the Council of the City of Bakersfield, the foregoing bid or proposal for the performance of the work therein mentioned, together with the furnishing of all neces- sary and proper materials therefor, under and in pursuance of the annexed advertisement or notice inviting street work proposals, a copy of which is annexed to said bid or proposal: CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTION CO. Now, therefore, if the accompanying bid or proposal of the said ------------------------------------------------ Shall be accepted and the said work awarded to__________IT _-___thereupon, by the said Council, and ____IF--------- the said CALIFORNIA _CONSTRUCTI ON COMPANY_ ---__-_shall enter into a contract therefor and execute an adequate bond to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets of said City, with two or more good and sufficient sureties, con- ditions for the faithful performance of such contract on ----------- ITS -------------------- —part, in such case required by an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled an "Act to provide for work in and upon Streets, Avbnues, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks within Municipalities, and upon Property and Rights of -Way owned by Munici- _.a.... and for _.stahlishine and Chnneine the wades of any such Streets Avenues Lanes Alleys, Courts, Places and STATE OF CALIFORNIA City and County of San Francisco � Ss. On this ...........14th ........... day of ............ 9,4L_.....................in the year one thousand nine hundred and ................. 8.............. before me, JOHN McCALLAN, a Notary Public in and for the said City and County. of San Francisco, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared .................. ...... V.-.YAURQ!Ai� .............. known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as the Attorney in fact of the AMERICAN INDEMNITY COMPANY, the corporation described in the within instrument, and also blown to me to be the person who executed it on behalf of the corporation therein YAHBHOUCill acknowledged to me that named and the said .................... ........... he subscribed the name of the AMERICAN INDEMNITY COMPANY thereto as principal and his own name as Attorney in fact. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at my office in the City and Cou0V of San Francisco, State of Califo •a, the y and y pr v rtifica t above written. / NOTARY PUBLIC In and for the Cttr and llouaty of Sin Ftanei�eo. Stau of Callfornl. C � -------- Calif.,---------- -�'�� 192- -- In and for the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern: GENTLEMEN: In compliance with the annexed notice inviting street work proposals, I hereby promise and agree to perform the work and furnish all necessary and proper materials therefor and execute the contract specified therein to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, at the following prices, payable in U. S. gold coin, viz.: e SIPavin9----------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft. @-------------------------------- -205-Sq.Ft. SubGrade -------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft. @-------------------------------4 _q4___-_Sq. Ft. Gutter------------------------------------------------------ Sq. Ft. @ -------------------------------- ®'e2S--- Sq. Ft. Sidewalk--------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft. @--------------------------------OdCCP--- Sq.Ft. Curb-------------------------------------------------------Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------------- AVi_S_X__Lin. Ft. Culvert--(GfflJt.r_UJate--)------------------------------ Lin. Ft. @ --------------------------------- :9 -62-P---Lin. Ft. Culvert------------------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. @-------------------------------- u __Lin. Ft. Headers----------------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @ --------------------------------- _^ ----Lin. Ft. CatchBasins------------------------------------------------------ @o--------------------------------�----Ea. Shoulders--------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft. @ ------------------------------- V_•Q3S -Sq. Ft. Com. Curb & Walk ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. @ --------------------------------- --------Lin. Ft. 6 in. Sewer Pipe -----------------------------------------.-Lin. Ft. rLil . ---------------------------------- ------Lin. Ft. 8 in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @------ ----------------- ------Lin. Ft. -- in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @ ----------- -----Lin. Ft. ManHoles--------------------------------------------------------- co ------------------------------------- ---Ea. LampHoles------------------------------------------------------- eo-------------------------------------- --Ea. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------- - ----- --- --'------------------------ --------------------- *9 J �----------- -- ------- Total Cost of Work _____ a_ _ t-- ------------ K now All Men by These Presents: That e____________________ principal, and_ ----------------- and____ --------------------- as sureties, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Bakersfield, in the just and full sum of___________________________________________________________ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dollars, for the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Given under our hands and sealed with our seals this ---------- day of ---------------------- A. D. 192__-_ Now, the condition of the foregoing is such that. Whereas the above mentioned principal____________________________ _________________________________________________is about to hand in and submit to the Council of the City of Bakersfield, the foregoing bid or proposal for the performance of the work therein mentioned, together with the furnishing of all neces- sary and proper materials therefor, under and in pursuance of the annexed advertisement or notice inviting street work proposals,a copy of which is annexed to said bid or proposal: - Now, therefore, if the accompanying bid or proposal of the said ------------------------------------------------ shall be accepted and the said work awarded to ------------------- thereupon, by the said Council, and ---------- 4_____- the said ____________________________________________________________shall enter into a contract therefor and execute an adequate bond to thesatisfactionof the Superintendent of Streets of said City, with two or more good and sufficient sureties, con- ditions for the faithful performance of such contract on -------------------------------------- part, in such case required by an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled an "Act to provide for work in and upon Streets, Avenues, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks within Municipalities, and upon Property and Rights of Way owned by Munici- palities, and for Establishing and Changing the Grades of any such Streets, Avenues, Lanes. Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks and Providing for the Issuance and Payment of Street Improvement Bonds to Represent Certain Assessments for the cost thereof and Providing a Method for the Payment of such Bonds," and all acts amendatory thereof or supple- mentary thereto, then and in that case, the above obligation shall become void and of no further force or effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue; and the said sum of___________________________________________________________________ Dollars shall be and become as liquidated damages for such failure and neglect. WITNESS: -----------[SEAL] ----------------------------------------------[SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 ss. ----------------------------------------------[SEAL] County of Kern - Subscribed and sworn to before me on this ------------ '1 ------------------------------------------------------- day of------------------------------• A. D.192---- --- Clerk. ------------------------------------------------------- --------=------------- Ff. G. B. A LEX AN DER PRESIDENT GENERAL OFFICES: CHICAGO B 0 N D XNOY1 ALL T�MN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, IRVING L. RYDER as principal, and CONTINENTAL CASUALTY C012ANY as surety, are held and firmly -bound unto the City of Bakersfield aforesaid, in the just and full sum of SIXTY FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS ($6400.00) for the payment whereof we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Given under our hands and sealed with our seals on the 12th day of May, A.D. 1928. Now the condition of the foregoing obligation is such that, whereas the above bounden principal is about to hand in and submit to the said City Council of said City of Bakersfield, the foregoing bid or proposal, for the performance of the work therein mentioned, under an invitation of said City Council, contained in the notice or advertisement attached to said bid or proposal. Now if the bid or proposal of said principal shall be accepted, and the said work awarded to said principal thereupon, by said Council, and if the said principal shall fail or neglect to enter into a contract therefor, and to execute an adequate bond to the satisfaction of the Council of said City, with two or more good and sufficient sureties conditioned for the faithful performance of such contract on its part, in such case required by Statute, then and in that case the above named obligators will pay to the said City of Bakersfield the full sum of Sixty-four Hundred Dollars ($6400.00) as liquidated damages for such failure or neglect. r K �,j Principal ALTY COMPANY By . At orney-in-fact By ounoersigner ------------------------------------------ Bakersfield, Calif.,--ag_14;_ 192$- 192---- Tor t4r i4vitorabIr ( outtrt1 In and for the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern: GENTLEMEN: In compliance with the annexed notice inviting street work proposals, I hereby promise and agree to perform the work and furnish all necessary and proper materials therefor and execute the contract specified therein to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, at the following prices, payable in U. S. gold coin, viz.: Paving --- �'S'�'"�5'•'24---------------------- Sq. Ft. @ -------------------------------0.199-Sq. Ft. Pa4pn _ 1tt —�Finb.�rede 56 s.2vr2�� 2�-- -�2-----------------------Sq. Ft@-------------------------------D..P-0'X- Sq. Ft. Gra---,11y521.aB----------------------------------Sq. Ft. @ ------------------------------- -O_OZ2-=Sq. Ft. Sidewalk --- 2B2------------------------------------------Sq. Ft. @ -------------------------------- O_L7---Sq. Ft. Concrettairb------- 4Lf135-•sZ6---------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @ -------------------------------- Ft. tt _bkJVF--- S_,627--------------------------------------._PA.-Ft. @-------------------------------SL_29—_-Lin. Ft. Culvert__ jQ9SiCr_eta------------------------------------._Lin. Ft. @------------------------------- Jra-9.0—Lin. Ft. Gradil:Aa&Ru.lders18,570 R-9A. 0.023- ---- -------------------------- Ft. @ ............................... Lin. Ft. CatchBasins------------------------------------------------------ @------------------------------------------ Ea. Shoulders--------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft. @------------------------------------------Sq. Ft. Com. Curb & Walk ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------Lin. Ft. 6 in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. 8 in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft @ ------------------------------------------Lin. Ft. -- in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. ManHoles--------------------------------------------------------- @ ------------------------------------------Ea. LampHoles------------------------------------------------------- @��-------�}--ii--------------------Ea. Total Cost of Work_________________________________ YreSlQenL. Know All Men by These Presents: That we --------------------------------------------------- ------------------ as principal, and -------------------------------------- and --------------------------------- as sureties, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Bakersfield, in the just and full sum of___________________________________________________________ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dollars, for the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Given under our hands and sealed with our seals this__________ day of ---------------------- A. D. 192_-__ Now, the condition of the foregoing is such that. Whereas the above mentioned principal____________________________ _________________________________________________is about to hand in and submit to the Council of the City of Bakersfield, the foregoing bid or proposal for the performance of the work therein mentioned, together with the furnishing of all neces- sary and proper materials therefor, under and in pursuance of the annexed advertisement or notice inviting street work proposals, a copy of which is annexed to said bid or proposal: Now, therefore, if the accompanying bid or proposal of the said ------------------------------------------------ shall be accepted and the said work awarded to ------------------- thereupon, by the said Council, and ----------------- the said ____________________________________________________________shall enter into a contract therefor and execute an adequate bond to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets of said City, with two or more good and sufficient sureties, con- ditions for the faithful performance of such contract on -------------------------------------- part, in such case required by an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled an "Act to provide for work in and upon Streets, Avenues, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks within Municipalities, and upon Property and Rights of Way owned by Munici- palities, and for Establishing and Changing the Grades of any such Streets, Avenues, Lanes. Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks and Providing for the Issuance and Payment of Street Improvement Bonds to Represent Certain Assessments for the cost thereof and Providing a Method for the Payment of such Bonds," and all acts amendatory thereof or supple- mentary thereto, then and'in that case, the above obligation shall become void and of no further force or effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue; and the said sum of___________________________________________________________________ Dollars shall be and become as liquidated damages for such failure and neglect. WITNESS: STATE OF CALIFORNIA l S. County of Kern f ----------------[SEAL] ----------------------------------------------[SEAL] [SEAL] - ------------------------------------------------------and----------------------------------------------------------- being severally duly sworn, each for himself, and not one for the other, deposes and says, that he is one of the sureties named in the foregoing bond, and that he executed the same; that he is a resident and freeholder of the City of Bakersfield, and is worth the sum mentioned in said bond, in said City of Bakersfield, over and above all his debts and liabilities. Subscribed and sworn to before me on this _____--_____ 1 ------------------------------------------------------- day of----------------------------- A. D. 192---- ----------------------------------- ----- Clerk.------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Bakersfield, Calif.,- /1/-1 ?`' -- 192Z - In and for the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern: GENTLEMEN: In compliance with the annexed notice inviting street work proposals, I hereby promise and agree to perform the work and furnish all necessary and proper materials therefor and execute the contract specified therein to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, at the following prices, payable in U. S. gold coin, viz.: Paving-_ J .J % Sq. Ft. @--- )� # 2 Ft. --------------- ---�-lo ---------- G_-5�=--?-��-------------Sq. Ft - --------------------------Sq. Suh G—ra�G � /t�// di=/ gGp @ ---- -20--------------------------Sq. Ft. Gutter -----------------------Y--�-ZY-7--------------------SqS/. Ft. @ ----- -_4_,✓� —-------------------------Sq. Ft. -- /O o Sidewalk------------------------- ---------------Sq. Ft. @---- - . ---------------------------Sq. Ft. L E3 4 O, G, --- ---------Lin. Ft. @ ---------------------------- Lin. Ft. Culvert ---------------------- / ry f,7� -------------------._Lin. Ft. @-------�v ' yJ------------------------Lin. Ft. Culvert------------------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. Headers----------------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------Lin. Ft. Catch Basins____________________________ -------------------------- _ ____Ea. -------- ----------------------------- � Shoulders---------------------- 2 7-0 ------------------- Ft. @ ---------- e O ----------------------Sq. Ft. Com. Curb & Walk ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. 6 in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @ --------------------------------------Lin. Ft. 8 in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------Lin. Ft. -- in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------Lin. Ft. ManHoles--------------------------------------------------------- @ ------------------------------------------Ea. Lamp Holes ----------- -------------------------------- ----------------------- -- _ /� Total Cost of Work_-___�5c_�ac_ / Know All Men by These Presents: That we______________ ec--- -------------------------------Ea. -------as principal, and -------------------------------------- and --------------------------------- as sureties, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Bakersfield, in the just and full sum of___________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------Dollars, for the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Given under our hands and sealed with our seals this ---------- day of ---------------------- A. D. 192____ Now, the condition of the foregoing is such that. INhereas the above mentioned principal____________________________ _________________________________________________ is about to hand in and submit to the Council of the City of Bakersfield, the foregoing bid or proposal for the performance of the work therein mentioned, together with the furnishing of all neces- sary and proper materials therefor, under and in pursuance of the annexed advertisement or notice inviting street work proposals,a copy of which is annexed to said bid or proposal: Now, therefore, if the accompanying bid or proposal of the said ------------------------------------------------ shall be accepted and the said work awarded to ------------------- thereupon, by the said Council, and ----------------- the said ____________________________________________________________shall enter into a contract therefor and execute an adequate bond to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets of said City, with two or more good and sufficient sureties, con- ditions for the faithful performance of such contract on -------------------------------------- part, in such case required by an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled an "Act to provide for work in and upon Streets, Avenues, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks within Municipalities, and upon Property and Rights of Way owned by Munici- palities, and for Establishing and Changing the Grades of any such Streets, Avenues, Lanes. Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks and Providing for the Issuance and Payment of Street Improvement Bonds to Represent Certain Assessments for the cost thereof and Providing a Method for the Payment of such Bonds," and all acts amendatory thereof or supple- mentary thereto, then and in that case, the above obligation shall become void and of no further force or effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue; and the said sum of___________________________________________________________________ Dollars shall be and become as liquidated damages for such failure and neglect. WITNESS: �alle� �a�in� � €floc►inn Go. -------------------------- SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1l1 ' County of Kern I SS' -----------CSEAL] -------------------------- - Subscribed and sworn to before me on this _--_________ --------------------------- day of----------------------------- A. D. 192 ---- --------------------- Clerk.--------------------------- American Indemnity Company GALVESTON, TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Valley Paving & Construction Company (hereinafter called the "Principal") and the AMERICAN INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas, and licensed to transact a surety business in the State of California (herein— after called the "Surety"); are held and firmly bound unto City of Bakersfield (hereinafter called the "Obligee") in the full and just sum of Seven Thousand, Five Hundred---------------------------------- Dollars, good and lawful money of the United States of America, to the payment of which sum of money well and truly to be made and done, the said Principal binds himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, and the said Surety binds itself, its successors and assigns, jointly and sev— erally, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated this llth day of May A. D., 192 8 THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION is such that if any award made by said Obligee to the above bounden Principal under public invitation for Street work shall be accepted by said Principal and said Principal shall enter into a contract for the completion of said work, and give bond with the AMERICAN INDEMNITY COMPANY, as surety or with other surety or sureties, to be ap— proved by the Obligee, for the faithful performance thereof, then this obli— p_ation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. STATE OF CALIFORNIA •••••- --- - City and County of San Francisco SS. on this .f•'..leV.eTlj',h..........day of ........... ,lady ..:................... one thousand nine hundred an&VP.?..mtijT-e.jght..... before me, JOHN McCALLAN, a Notary Public in and for the said City and County of San Francisco, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared VERNON T . STRONG. known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as the Attorney in fact of the AMERICAN INDEMNITY COMPANY, the corporation described in the within instrument, and also known to me to be the person who executed it on behalf of the corporation therein named and the said VERNON T. S T R O N G, acknowledged to me that he subscribed the name of the AMERICAN INDEMNITY COMPANY thereto as principal and his own name as Attorney in fact. 6 Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at my office in the City and Coun an Francisco, State of Calif 'a, the and fic rst above written. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the city and Comtr of San Francism sat' of Caarornls _ .Bakersfield ,- _ f--____, 192?-- -------------------------------------------------- , Calif. -- � ---- - In and for the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern: GENTLEMEN: In compliance with the annexed notice inviting street work proposals, I hereby promise and agree to perform the work and furnish all necessary and proper materials therefor and execute the contract specified therein to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, at the following prices, payable in U. S. gold coin, viz,: 11 .22 S q . f . Paving 52 $--. 212 @tigt-45--3-n:---------------------------------------- Sq. Ft. @------------------------ -------Sq. Ft. $--• 028 SubGrade -------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft. @------------------------ -------Sq. Ft. $__• 2 8---------Sq. Gutter------------------------------------------------------ Sq. Ft. @------------------------ Ft. I-'i7---------Sq. Sidewalk--------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft. @------------------------ Ft. Curb-------------------------------------------------------Lin. Ft. @-------------------------$ „57---------Lin. Ft. Culvert------------------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------- --------- Lin. Ft. Culvert------------------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. Headers----------------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. CatchBasins------------------------------------------------------ @ ------------------------------------------ Ea. Shoulders --------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft. @-----------------------SF'--.Q.c�1---------- Sq. Ft. Com. Curb & Walk ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. @--------__ ----Lin. ---------------------------- Ft. 6 in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. 8 in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. -- in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. ManHoles--------------------------------------------------------- @ ------------------------------------------Ea. LampHoles------------------------------------------------------- @------------------------------------------ Ea. ------------------------------------------- Total Cost of Work ------- $6-4,-Q7-s52 Know All Men by These Presents: That we--------------------------------------------------------------------- as principal, and -------------------------------------- and --------------------------------- as sureties, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Bakersfield, in the just and full sum of___________________________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _Dollars, for the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Given under our hands and sealed with our seals this ---------- day of----------------- ---------------------- A. D. 192____ New, the condition of the foregoing is such that. Whereas the above mentioned principal____________________________ _________________________________________________is about to hand in and submit to the Council of the City of Bakersfield, the foregoing bid or proposal for the performance of the work therein mentioned, together with the furnishing of all neces- sary and proper materials therefor, under and in pursuance of the annexed advertisement or notice inviting street work proposals, a copy of which is annexed to said bid or proposal: Now, therefore, if the accompanying bid or proposal of the said ------------------------------------------------ Shall be accepted and the said work awarded to ------------------- thereupon, by the said Council, and ----------------- the said ---------------------------------------------------- ______.._shall enter into a contract therefor and execute an adequate bond to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets of said City, with two or more good and sufficient sureties, con- ditions for the faithful performance of such contract on -------------------------------------- part, in such case required by an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled an "Act to provide for work in and upon Streets, Avenues, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks within Municipalities, and upon Property and Rights of Way owned by Munici- palities, and for Establishing and Changing the Grades of any such Streets, Avenues, Lanes. Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks and Providing for the Issuance and Payment of Street Improvement Bonds to Represent Certain Assessments for the cost thereof and Providing a Method for the Payment of such Bonds," and all acts amendatory thereof or supple- mentary thereto, then and in that case, the above obligation shall become void and of no further force or effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue; and the said sum of___________________________________________________________________ Dollars shall be and become as liquidated damages for such failure and neglect. WITNE -- ----------- ------------ --- ----- ---------------------------------------[SEAL] STATE OF CALIFOIdNIA 1 ss yyr 'D Kern --- -G` ------ ---- - ---- C ^----p-----[SEAL] County of -------------------------------------------------------and----------------------------------------------------------- being severally duly sworn, each for himself, and not one for the other, deposes and says, that he is one of the sureties named in the foregoing bond, and that he executed the same; that he is a resident and freeholder of the City of Bakersfield, and is worth the sum mentioned in said bond, in said City of Bakersfield, over and above all his debts and liabilities. Subscribed and sworn to before me on this __--_____--_ ------------------------------------------------------- dayof--------------------------- A. D. 192 ---- ------------------------------------------- Clerk. ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ .$5.OQ and —�,a �' QI II IO a � • Gibbons & Reed Compamy, Burbank, California. BID BOND ISNOB ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, the undersigned Principal and Surety, acknowledge our- selves jointly severally bound unto City of Bakersfield, Bakersfield, California, in the sum of Fifteen Thousand & N0/100 Dollars, to be paid to said City of Bakersfield, Bakersfield, California, if the attached proposal for street inprovement Resolution of Intention No. 576 shall be accepted and the proposed contract awarded to said bidder and said bidder shall fail to execute the contract and bond or bonds for the faithful performance of such contract and the payment of all labor and material bills as specified in the notice inviting proposals and/or the plans specifications thereof, other -rise this obligation to be void and of no force and effect. Sealed with our seals and dated this 12th day* of lbq 19 28. Principal THE FIDELITY AND CASUALTY=---- EW YORE. By---- =— j -- A torney Bakersfield Calif.`,I f �_____ 192,�-__ Tit t4r T, vttvrahlr Teat trit In and for the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern: GENTLEMEN: In compliance with the annexed notice inviting street work proposals, I hereby promise and agree to perform the work and furnish all necessary and proper materials therefor and execute the contract specified therein to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, at the following prices, payable in U. S. gold coin, viz:,: $ •22 sq. ft. Paving 52tt 1 Y1i4..43g---3-Yi—---------------------------------------- Sq. Ft. 12 ---------------------------.21.2-------Sq. Ft. . 028 SubGrada-------------------------------------------------- Sq.Ft. @------------------------------------------ Sq. Ft. $_-• 28---------Sq. Gutter------------------------------------------------------ Sq. Ft. @------------------------ Ft. t--•-17---------Sq. Sidewalk --------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft. @------------------------ Ft. Curb-------------------------------------------------------Lin. Ft. @------------------------ J�_-._57----------Lin. Ft. Culvert ------------------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft @------------------------- �rJ .-�i---------Lin. Ft. Culvert------------------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft @ ------------------------------------------Lin. Ft. Headers----------------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft @ ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. CatchBasins----------------------------------------------------- eo------------------------------------------ Ea. Shoulders --------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft. @----------------------- Q----------Sq. Ft Corn. Curb & Walk ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft @ ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. 6 in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft @ ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. 8 in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft @ ------------------------------------------Lin. Ft. -- in. Sewer Pipe --------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. ManHoles--------------------------------------------------------- co------------------------------------------ Ea. LampHoles------------------------------------------------------- co ------------------------------------------Ea. ---------------------------------------------------- Total Cost of Work ------- $64_.p_0 R- 32_____--__ Know All Men by These Presents: That we--------------------------------------------------------------------- as principal, and -------------------------------------- and --------------------------------- as sureties, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Bakersfield, in the just and full sum of___________________________________________________________ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dollars, for the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Given under our hands and sealed with our seals this ---------- day of ---------------------- A. D. 192-___ Now, the condition of the foregoing is such that. Whereas the above mentioned principal____________________________ _________________________________________________ is about to hand in and submit to the Council of the City of Bakersfield, the foregoing bid or proposal for the performance of the work therein mentioned, together with the furnishing of all neces- sary and proper materials therefor, under and in pursuance of the annexed advertisement or notice inviting street work proposals,a copy of which is annexed to said bid or proposal: Now, therefore, if the accompanying bid or proposal of the said ------------------------------------------------ shall be accepted and the said work awarded to ------------------- thereupon, by the said Council, and ----------------- the said ____________________________________________________________shall enter into a contract therefor and execute an adequate bond to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets of said City, with two or more good and sufficient sureties, con- ditions for the faithful performance of such contract on -------------------------------------- part, in such case required by an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled an "Act to provide for work in and upon Streets, Avenues, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks within Municipalities, and upon Property and Rights of Way owned by Munici- palities, and for Establishing and Changing the Grades of any such Streets, Avenues, Lanes. Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks and Providing for the Issuance and Payment of Street Improvement Bonds to Represent Certain Assessments for the cost thereof and Providing a Method for the Payment of such Bonds," and all acts amendatory thereof or supple- mentary thereto, then and in that case, the above obligation shall become void and of no further force or effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.; and'the said sum of___________________________________________________________________ Dollars shall be and become as liquidated damages for such failure and neglect. WITNE ---- ----------- ------------ --- ---------------------------------------------[SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 County of Kern j SS. 7� ---- �4`-------- -- - -- — - - --------[SEAL] cow , - Subscribed and sworn to before me on this ------------ ----------------------------------------- day of------------------------------• A. D.192---- ----------------------------------------- Clerk.----------------------------------------- State of California, � SS. County of Kern ------------------------------------------- g. -PAN-IPER---------------------------------------being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is now and was during all the times herein mentioned the duly ap- pointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California; that as such City Clerk he posted NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS a Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals, a printed copy of Pursuant to a Resolution of the Coun- oil of the City of Bakersfield• adopted the 30th day of April, 1928, directing this notice and to statute in such case which is hereto attached, in a conspicuazzs place near made and provided, said Council hereby Invites sealed proposals or bids for do- ing the work described in Resolution of by v the chamber door of the Council of said city, to -wit: Intention No. 576, passed and adopted the said City Council on the 19th day of March, 1928, which said Resolution of Intention is on file with the city Clerk ront On the bulletin board located immediately front of the City of Bakersfield. For full and complete particulars re- garding sadd work and improvement to be made and the district to be assessed of the chamber of said Board; that said posting was therefor, reference is hereby made to said Resolution of Intention No. 576, "Plan for the Improvement of Street District No. 576" and "Specifications for done on the ------------- 3r-d--------------------------------------- day of the Improvement of Street District No. 576." adopted by the Council. of the City of Bakersfield on the 19th day of March, 1928, and are on file in the of- City Clerk. �Y-------------.-------, 1 92-- and remained fice of the All proposals or bids shall be accom- --------------------- _ panied by a check payable to the City ,f Bakersfield, certified bya responsible so for more than five days thereafter; that bank for an amount which shall not be posted less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal, or else by a bond for the said amount. payable as aforesaid, 7.. 77� he also posted at tfGG same time and place, a true signed by the bidder and two sureties, who shall justify before any officer com- petent to administer an oath. in double the said amount and over and above all and correct copy of the specifications referred to statutory exemptions. All sealed proposals or bids shall be delivered to the Clerk of said Council on or before 5 o'clock P. M.. Monday, the therein; that he also caused said Notice Inviting 14th day of May, 1928, said time be- ing not less than ten days from the first publication and posting of this no- tice. All bids so received opened en sion at by the Council in open session the Sealed Proposals to be, published for �.- said 3 P. M., of the said day. ----. _ All bids must be submitted on blanks to be furnished by the City Cleric Bidders will state in their proposal the days in the- Dail Report y price of each item separately as set forth therein, by which the bids will be ------------------ ------------------------------------------------- compared. Dated: May 2. 1928. a daily newspaper and in. sai. V. VAN RIPER. printed published City Clerk and ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, Cali- fornia. (May 3 and 4) city; that said notice was published on..--- MaY------------ ------------------ 3rd. & 4th. 1928. ------------- City lerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this ------------ 15th------------- day of------------------------ - �§Y------------A. D.192- __ � 1 � Notary Public in and for the County of to, State of California .Z 1�1�1F[Ut� of �ltjtjil`FltiDlt NOTICE Uni IT Ii•i G SEALED . PROPOSALS Resolution Of Intention i1IO . 576 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, - COUNTY OF KERN. ss: OTIS I3YMER, of said County and State, being duly sworn, says: that I am and at all times herein mentioned wa.s a citizen of the United States, over eighteen years of age, and not a party to, nor in- terested in the above entitled matter; that I .am the publisher and proprietor of the Daily Report, a newspaper printed and published daily, except Sunday, in the said County; that the itT. ti ce Inviting Sealed 'Proposals in the above entitled matter, of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper Daily for tkva successive times and on the following days, to -wit: Elay 3-and 4, 1.928 Subscribed and sworn to before me, tb_ig __ -5 thday of j°� 928 — Notary Public in an -said County and St e �.Jr NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS Pursuant to a Resolution of- the Coun- cil of the. City of 'Bakersfield, adopted the 30th day of April, .1928, directing this notice and to statute in such case made -and provided, Said Council hereby invites seaied proposals or bids ,for do- ing the work described in Resolution of Intention No: 576, passed and adopted by'. the said City Council on the 19th day of March, 1928, which said Resolution .of lntenuon is on file with the laity Cleric of the City of Bakersfield. For full and complete particulars re- garding said -work and improvement- to be made and the district to be assessed therefor, reference is hereby made to ! said Resolution of Intention No. 576, "Plan for the Improvement of Street District No. 576" and "Specifications for the Improvement of Street District No. 576," adopted by the Council of the City of - Bakersfield on the 19th day of' -March, 1928, -and :are on file in the of flee of the City Clerk. All proposals or bids shall be accom- c panied by a check payable to the City. of Bakersfield, certified by a responsible bank for an amount which, shall not be less than ten per cent of, the aggregate of the proposal, or else by a bond for the said amount, payable as aforesaid, signed by the bidder and two sureties, who shall justify before any officer com- petent to administer an oath, in double the said amount and over and above all statutory, exemptions. All sealed proposals or bids shall be delivered to the Clerk of said Council on or before 5 o'clock P. M., Monday, the 14th day of May, 1928, said time be- ing. not less than ten days from the first publication and posting of this no---' Lice,A,1.1 Bids so received shall be opened by ibe said Council in open session at 3 o'clock P: M., of the said day. .All 'bids must b0 submitted on blanks to be furnished by the City Clerk. Bidders will state in their proposal the price of each item separately as set forth therein, by which the bids will be compared. Dated: May2,-1928. - V. VAN RIPER, City Clerk and ex-Officio Clerk of the I Council of the City of Bakersfield, Cali- fornia. I- (May 3 and, 4) NOTICE INVI TING SEAL'D PROPOSLLS Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, adopted the 30th day of April, 1928, directing this notice and to statute in such case made and provided, said Council hereby invites sealed proposals or bids for doing the work described in Resolution of Intention No. 576, passed and adopted by the said City Council on the 19th day of March, 1928, which said Resolution of Intention is on file -with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. For full and complete particulars regarding said work and improvement to be made and the district to be assessed therefor, reference is hereby made to said Resolu- tion of Intention No. 576, 'Plan for the Improvement of Street District No. 576" and "Specifications for the Im- provement of Street District No. 576", adopted by the Coun- cil of the City of Bakersfield on the 19th day of March, 1928, and are on file in the office of the City Clerk. All proposals or bids shall be accompanied by a deck payable to the City of Bakersfield., certified by a responsible bank for an amount which shall not be less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal, or else by a bond for the said amount, payable as aforesaid, signed by the bidder and two sureties, who shall justify before any officer competent to administer an oath, in double the said amount and over and above all statutory exemptions. All sealed proposals or bids shall be delivered to the Clerk of said Council on or before 5 o1clock P. M. Monday, the 14th day of May, 1928, said time being not less than ten days from the first publication and posting of this notice; all bids so received shall be opened by the said Council in open session at 8 o'clock P. M. of the said day. All bids must be submitted on blanks to be furnished by the City Clerk. Bidders will state in their proposal the price of each item separately as set forth therein, by which the bids will be compared. Dated: �� y , 1928. r City Clerk and Ex Officio C er of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California. RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE WORK IN STREET DISTRICT NO. 576, IN THE CITY OF BAKER SFIELD. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did on the 19th day of March, 1928, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 576, to order the work described therein to be done and improvement to be made in said City; and WHEREAS, said Resolution of Intention was duly and legally published twice immediately after the passage of said Reso- lution, as required by law, in the The Daily Report, a daily news- paper published and circulated in said City and designated by said Council for that purpose, as appears from the affidavit of Otis Hymer, Publisher of said The Daily Report, now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the said City; and WHEREAS, notices of the passage of said Resolution of Intention No. 576, headed "NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT" were duly and legally posted along the lines of said contemplated work and improve- ment and in front of the property liable to be assessed, and along all the open streets within such district, at not more than 300 feet apart and not less than three in all in each street, in time, form and manner as required by law, as appears from the affidavit of David Jones, who upon the completion of the posting of said notices forthwith filed said affidavit in the office of the City Clerk of said City, making oath that he completed the posting of said notices on the 28th day of March, 1928; and INHEREAS, said posting was fully completed more than ten days before the date set for hearing protests and objections; and WH..M, EAS, the time set for hearing said protests and objections in said Resolution of Intention was more than fifteen days and less than forty days from the date of the passage and adoption of said Resolution: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the public interest and convenience require the work described in Resolutionof Intention No. 576 to be done, the Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby orders the work to be done as is described in said Resolution of In- tention No. 576 and for further particulars.reference is hereby made to said Resolution of Intention on file with the City Clerk, and said work shall be done in accordance with the plan and specifi- cations on file with the City Clerk, reference to which is hereby made for further particulars. The City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield is hereby direct- ed to post a notice together with the specificatiams therefor, con- spicuously for five days, on or near the door of the Council Chambers of the Council of the City of Bakersfield inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work herein ordered. He is also directed to publish a notice inviting such proposals and referring to the spec- ifications so posted or on file, twice in the The Daily Report, a daily newspaper published and circulated in said City and hereby des- ignated for that purpose. M The . dap of , 1928, is hereby designated and fixed as the day on which up to the hour of 5 o'clock P. M. the said pro- posals or bids shall be received and all bids so received shall be opened by the said Council in open session at 8 o'clock P. M. of the said day, and the said notices shall so specify. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the day of April, 1928, by the following vote: Ayes: B•s rso�, sa7ioek, Corbett, 3041-71son, 1. Vic -_coo-.--•--. .... __ i My Clerk and Ex-o icio Clerk of the a Council of the City of Bakersfield. PPROV_ED thi °� day of April, 1928. J/ A1GrY0R o the City of Bakersfield. RESOLUTION. A RESOLUTION OVERRULING PROTESTS TO PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS IN STREET DIS= TRICT NO. 576, IN THE CITY OF BAKERS - FIELD, CALIFORNIA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUN(I L OF THE CITY OF BAKER.aFIELD, as follows: WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakers- fleld did on the 19th day of March, 1928, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 576, to order certain street work to be done and improvements to be made in said City, under and in pursuance of the "Improvement Act of 1911", and all acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, the names of the streets and highways proposed to be im- proved and the location and character of said proposed work being described in said Resolution of Intention, which is hereby expressly referred to for further par- ticulars. AND WHEREAS, certain owners of property liable to be assessed for said work made written protest or ob- jections in writing and delivered the same to the Clerk not later than the hour set for hearing said objections; AND ''.IHEREAS, at the time set for hearing pro- tests or objections the City Council proceeded to hear the same, and all of said protests or objections having been heard and duly considered, and said Council being re- quired to pass upon the same; IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITv OF BAKERSFIELD: That all of the protests and objections against said proposed work and improvement, be and the same are hereby overruled and denied. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 3p:�4,4_day of April, 1928, by the following vote: Ayes: Bensm, Carlisle, Carlock., Corbett, Tahrsor., - . C 1 ty 4C'er�:aa �x- i c i o C er 7of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this ©da y of April, 1928. AYOR of the City of_Biers -67 Sail Francisco, Calif. March 31, 1928. To the Clerk of the City Council, City of Bakersfield, Bakersfield, California. Dear Sir: Owing to sickness in my family and unavoidable circumstances, it will be impossible for me to be present with your body at the hear- ing on April 9th relative to the proposed street improvement under Resolution No. 576 affecting 24th Street from f H" Street to Oak Street in the City of Bakersfield. I therefore Trish to file with you this, my protest and objection to the proposed improve- ment under the above numbered Resolution of Inten- tion insofar as it affects property belonging to me in Block 470C and consisting of Lots 16 to 20 inclusive in said block. There are several reasons as to why I am not in favor of this work at this time, particularly,) as it will be an expense hard for me to bear and the necessary costs attached to said improvement are such that I do not feel they are warranted at the present. Will you please place this letter on file at the proper time of hearing, and oblige, r Yours truly,��,F F 1 I A R PROTEST AGAINST STREZ?T IP;TPROVEi,'-FNT 1 To the Honorable City Council of the City of I 2 �� Bakersfield, California: 3 i It appearing that at a session of the City Counci 4 i of the City of Bakersfield, California, held on the 19th day of I 5 i mlarch, 1928, there was adopted a resolution 6f inter,tiom bearing 6 No. 576, and declaring it to be the intention of the City Council 7 I of the City of Bakersfield to order the paving of 24th street 8 I in said City of Bakersfield, from the westerly line of H Street i 9 i to the westerly line of Cedar Street including all intersections 10 i of streets and alleys; and the paving of a 24 foot strip on and 11 along said 24th street from the westerly line of Cedar to the 12 ++ center line of Oak Street in said City of Bakersfield, a copy of 13 I which said resolution of intention is attached to this protest 14 i and made a part hereof. 15 And it appearing that thereafter, the street 16 I superintendent of said City of Bakersfield, caused to be publishe, 17 I and posted on and alone, said portions of said 24th °•greet, a 18 notice of said resolution of intention No. 576, and that in said 19 resolution and in said notice, Monday, the 9th day of April 1928, 20 i at the hour of 8 P. M. is set for the appearance of any and all i 21 i+ persons objecting to said street irnproverients. 22 NO77, TPEREFORE, the undersigned owners of real 23 + property fronting upon said street within the limit set forth in +i 24 itsaid notice and resolution to be paved, and which said lands will I 25 !� be chargeable with the costs of said paving and improvements, do i 26 I� hereby protest to your honorable body against the said improve- ii 27 ments and against each and every of them for the reasons `sereir- j 28 after set out: 29 1. That in said resolution of intention the said; � I 30 City Council has declared the said improvements to be more than, 31 i+ � of local or ordinary public benefit, and has created a district j 32 I to be charged with said improvements, but in such district has I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 included only the lands fronting directly upon said streets to be paved, and which said lands without creation of a district would otherwise have been directly chargeable with such costs of improvements. 2. That your pr•otestants agree with your honor- able body that said work and improvement is of more than local or ordinary public benefit and therefore, protest against the whole charge of said work and improvement being assessed upon and against the local real estate fronting immediately upon said porticn of said street so to be improved; and do respectfully refer your honorable body to Section 40 of the improvement act of 1911, under which act it appears your honorable body is proceeding in this matter, and which said section provides that where any street paved or improved is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, a portion of its cost may be paid out of the public treasury of the municipality. It appearing herein that the said 24th Street is about to become a through traffic artery into and out of and through the said City of Bakebsfield for state wide freight and passenger traffic, and that for said reason, the wear and tear an( depreciation of said pavement will be unduly heavy and out of proportion to the wear and tear and depreciation of paving on residence streets in the section of said City along and surround- ing said 24th Street, and that the cost of said improvement will be out of proportion to the benefit accruing to said property owners proposed by your honorable body to be charged with said pavement, it appears to the undersigned pr•otestants that said improvements should be carried forward under the provision of said Section 40 of said act of 1911, and that at least one third of the cost of said improvements should be borne by the City at large. -2- I i i I I 1 i 3. That the undersigned protestants believe that 2 the present is an inopportune time to pave the said street:, or 3 i any of them; that the frontage upon, said street is sparsely 4 I settled; that the traffic upon said street:, does not warrant 5 the present expenditure of the large sum necessary for permanent 6 pavement, and that the present financial condition of the City 7 of pakersfield and of the undersigned orotestants render it 8 undesireable and unsuitable for the City to saddle upon them the 9 costs of said improvements. i 10 I 4. That said resolution of intention and said 11 notice provide for pavement composed of a three and one-half inch 12 I asphalt concrete base and a one and one-half inch warranite top; 13 I and that this specification depriTes the undersigned Protestants 14 of the right of choosing the pavement most suitable to their need 15 and most desireable for use upon the street to be improved, and 16 i said protestants emphatically protest against closed specificatio 17 and demand that any resolution of intention to improve any of sai 18 streets shall provide open specifications so that the undersigned 19 Ii protestants will be left free to decide by majority thereof what I. 20 i pavements shall be used thereon. 21 I 5. That the proposed pavement will not be of l 22 �� sufficient depth and strength to withstand the raeight of heavy 23 I traffic over and along 24th street; that said street is now I 24 I used for heavy trucking purposes, for the hauling of wet sand I II 25 from the river bed, and for the hauling of gravel from the i 26 I gravel pits, and for the hauling of pipe and cement and lumber in 27 and out of the City of Bakersfield, and that after the paving of 2° �I said street such heavy traffic will increase to a very great 29 extent, and that the proposed pavement will not withstand said 30 i heavy traffic for any considerable length of time, and that the 31 II money expended upon said pavement will be a total loss and waste i 32 jl to the persons charged ther•ewitki. -3- y, qs, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 That the proposed opening: of the so called. Pierce Road from the Beardsley School Eouse to the Rosedale highway west of 24th street will open through tourist traffic and through freight traffic from the northwest into the City of Bakersfield over and upon said 24th street, and will add a further heavy burden to its proposed pavement, and that in order to withstand said heavy burden it will be necessary to pave said street with a much stronger and deeper pavement that will be necessary either upon said A street or said 22nd street. vHEREFORE, the undersigned respectfully pray the said City Council to abandon said resolution of intention to pave said portion of said 24th street, and that no further action for the present be taken toward the paving thereof, and that should it be deemed advisable at any future time to pave said portion of said street, that the specifications for said improve- ment be left open to selection by a majority of the front footage along said portion of said street: to be improved; and that a reasonable proportion of the cost of said improvement be borne by the City at large. And the undersigned will ever pray. SIGi TURE 'v Qom' 'a OWNERSHIP //-/ 2.-/ s- / Q t- 7.c - Cd' V %4.b /$4ft4' 97G E 3EFO_. T1E -OIT, IL Or t_Iv '.,I'''T O1 0T= i ..iil `:8' , i : J OTjlJC`= IG= 0F 1`P•TT CGL' i-i 1. AL—D COi;�Al7 , li CG?PO ii'i IOII , 4- I '� s ISLY . TO ry;.:': i'-'T• 02 S'_P- : i DIST-RICT =70. 576, L.- <, Cliff 0 BAK ;S2I-ID, CO I Y GP Y_ L_, S v_ 0- S I pl77 i. _ FOP S TC'-I =P1:?O-TS1 7'T , C0 '. -'L �1 7 3 C I T _T 0' AFfir:0`r-� DI 19, 1928. To the. Cow-jr- 1. of the City of La _ers_'iei(I: 1'_^_e Lmder igned, Kern County L2'1G Co_1_c^6ny, an: Kern Island. Canal Cern.-ai'_7 ..-0_ert.y -.._i L1 ,iri2.t _S _CiZ0i;t1 and rlC'Si"5"1c;.i.0.. c^.S ::�t__Ot Di str IO.t ITO. 5-76, Of 'c!le City of a—!-eri�=ie-36; County Of v - e Oi Cullfor_ is do w each 0= .,'s1e:_1 COe-s by f—s.-oact ull, "cotest_ a^,--J qSt. ar. _ object to he .2r0"';0 eC' L_ ro-iTO_I,cnt Of Said St. ?_eaIl Liutriat _io. 576, as Conte l" lat-o b- _.'�`esoLution of intention Ho. 576, d0 t.vQ and _prOt%'Ci --,T r' Of tI-6' City r :ial � � iC��' On :.l.e _Lt=_"1 da':T Of S�.id vOL1nC.l1 . O: _ _c1F_. .,. to the _ r000seC, ,,'ue Off i3Oi1 CcS iP i�,V.'r nt i0r is i^_1'="0'tTe_1e1?t COi1t.Eli_J-a,e6. n-- said aeSOlution, an,71 as. ;�rOt?" CS Off 'G1::1r oroteEt e.,nd o 4; ctio , Cto aver calf'allege az follO,TS, to —wit: 1.. That PrOu.est-arts are, and each of t_ieE 1S, _:2Q c6S at u,11 Of u!1e ties jereill ?:' iit_i O'P_eCl, ? Corrorat.i.0 , Organized and e.`=iSti11--�: L:ider y..'1C'. Oy 71ru_ue Of t%lc !ax9S Of ti13. State OI California, ila': Li. �; all Gif ZCt in t_:, City Of of Kszr, in tip_.. -PLC-ta, cmG. trµ110act-inE, us:Ln ss in v.rr.,'_d Ccu-auy o2 t_':rn.. _. t on tha 19t11 dc.y of parch, 1)28, the. Council r the i r� _� i -"� a?;i..ir i OUaC__ Oi 1 C_tti' C1 jc.i:B r 121 ', aC;OaEC:, _ ovea a P :301 'I01? C� TO_. _T0. 576, to rov Sts&et ) st i t- it ry i�!-Jl'��. ,, T'� i'C'.'1 E i r C i o. 576, in said City of �c.::Z'_•_`_^i"-._C;:, _-i1-L to iSsue bonds for. L.'.-e ]ay 1LYlt 0_" the COSt of sai_ Gl? a:: i i 11=i •_C•vE- anent-- _r0'�:Osed by said "Lesolut._'On COnsi=.t.s_ L_ ..!ie _0110ti•i'_^.„ said Dist.r-Ct. anC. said City of F.._:e.rs_ ice...! , to-i•_L l 241 !1 :STP ) T'1at 2 4-': 1 .7 i i•. 47t= Street. to 1E t=resteriy Iron of ��:c r St=�eet, incl air-3 c,1.1 i}7 Er - sections Of streets and alleys �Flit iin the aoclie liElits be graded; that ce _a-nt. concrete Cu:ob---- and_yut ers i;c cor_st_uct.e,., . on __t•he_ e s_e of s' 24t.I :S 1 EEt .._ ire _lOSin or, t tE_ ;^l a_ for said i`iorh and t2aat the roaCi,,.wY Oi sa iC_ at e.0;; an:. said, interse ct.ions be ---, xed B':it.h a t_-e and one.-1-al_ (3 ) SIC_""= aSV alt. concrete base and a one and Lit_1L'lit.-h C. .._ rl =o surfaae.. il. :,id.t:n_ and 12 feet_ on either siC_e of t"ae ce—anter line of r _th at e ' a1_'d .._:tend inz __•ol n tehe 1ir:e of Ce=ia= Street t0 a line ..f�.et. east �` fro_;i an-- t:'ara11e1 ,itL he Center line of Dal: St- e;.t. be Lzraded e d _a—ved t.i2 a f oar (u) inc.a asp --It concr,.t.e b7 se and 2, one and on _ialf (1� ; i11cL c .rl'Eni �e-wit =uL _ilic :,'ac^rin� surface and tilc^.t. Lr !:C Ci ti 10UlQer i0L'r (4) feet i12 ? idt'_1 -- cons__uct-etz on eit_`le.r side o: -Da-werlent- rnC1u i -r zuc�l2 e? t_a _C1ti101eS sus. are . ao-om ' ^ i1!C1LtCL'�C; at_ t_E int_E.=SeCti011 Of ... $.il [:,�_-^E:,'t. "d;ith Ce_ r Street et arw Oa_ S'. EEt and Lcl Ort_e1CJCd off1-0nS aS Zr„rE Of 4-t.'1 :StreE.:t anCi t.ile Stine Canal -i:.tension, 2-11_ ar , _wun on file nlan for saiC: {CLTT�T _iS.) That CE lEut COi1C1 CU1'V rts. covered vita cc=- .late,. iron be COi1s wL.CteC_ .._Er shO -nn Oil tiiE --8.n i0_ said �:;01'I: at ___^_e 7__lte.r-sect-L na. of G'':ti1 St_'eet. 1:'1C_'il G F Surs et 3 3t -r'e0 u-, J � l• �'eG l., Ct Stree � t,., ti Str:..vt_, �" c..7St-reel .Strect iflyrt1E Street, _.__.3s---c 2 Streect. T ro vto ra, I n- —Lq '0 Z) LC L @ 7,.[13 T Z) G c IL G a -- 7. -i U^2 T 7 U. 0 0 T 0 _0 a 3 0 - U T 0 G T T 1 ?0U. 0 0 G;�. 10 2�1-. n n7^::S -rO TTO`. '-"aOO 'IT S -CL 7 PTT ':t 0 ':D -j 2 (DT J7• G 1-j c 0 f7. 0 0 f� L: - li3l U 700 Sa!,7;-, 0.. ;0 T 7 0 li G �T L i�c T a a 0 L rlCM 0 zq, 0 277,� L7C G T j: 0 GFO U 0 -L a 72 0 -1 T 7: r ut z M. -L -p T -t3 -0 -E7L u !3 D U� .0 1, 01 is 7 ST C.. �- 1 1:1 T-Ao- 7�-- I 7* - _.��7S �Eo L- 'clz. 11 T :0:3'TfL-' 2U,Pl-I �:;,q S -T 0 T;-a -D 7 J GC T"_ -T-L _7 S 0 �7 -LT un 9q -L "'n z3 T -0 71" 'lets T 21 L -r a 9�-3.2: SO 0 9TI7 -rD -L-I.-ou-noo evi (Z -p 0 D'8 G j o I -C- -10 ��-,7 1 T 1' 07 _3 L 10 G a S T T 0 -L -a 0 -L -L o G (Hs u j COO�C- L:7 SZ:O-p GQ 0; ST Y.- : P-'3-7 -T -o -.OTL -,0 -Z33 -[.;OZ,' 9J^ 110 '32s.26 �' - T1I - 711 7C) Ci/,7 '0'71 '9j7tO-7-p .o a-20c;D 10 GUT-- @172 -p-LT s TT -To avn- 9 '41 rC. T LIO �nOVE 2. 1 G 7!, -IC L _0 -L; s af u 9 7-,L7-2 -7-,o Oj j: uc ul-.Cr-::Ls 'E'e s3--j3jf P1 7lmn2 oz S-Crci� GOG =.T-72,0 -,c) UT -s q, -pure'. S, T L - - I t� , nl:�iz u, 'x 0 a 01.j -e -o -L:7 jo T a-3 j :L E- -U, L7 -0 C;.,, G ao av UO -LT:107:21 P-T- G in a a ''o I - e s, t. Y _Lilie Of IE street 132 feet nort-1-11-3-21Y f__('O_M' n o r tu'--e --,- ly lisle Of -t 11 3 t r a z; t 2M r -In L; --e 12 c r Of t_0 4--le y!62-_eywi�jr I L,-2 e of D Street-; thanae -1-Ija v7est--erly Line D 3t_,eet_ 10 feet.; thenc-e west_er!-Y and parall.e.L t.,ie ncrti,_erly line Of 2,,L I ':.-L 4-_:,­,�:;�, to e C:: I I e o f C­___-I- st-re, -_.t.; Cal- -f! C S 0 U r E3, -Io ng. -,e Center Of t to 509.75 f e e t- -a c. e eastcr yr and lei ' h 'ic "I, r` -,,, ' '-h tr at J_ t - s oc u - e - line of 2�_� 3, e. + e f3 073 e I -i- e of A Stre�t; t-h,cnce -a_-F_lleL i t I -le t --:: 17 line o f A 5 t 2 e � t 0 a 0 1 r "' 122- feet fror.-, the soot-herly line of L_e line of 2Ltla Streeto liza3 ofD Street; tlae.nce sou-t':nerly alo--aa westlerI7,,r line of D Street LCI f e _- t- a&sterl-y E'.nd ­a:cSilLel -..-..-ith -L-1--le sou.theTI-, line of 24-1-16a Street to .`la rest.erl-r line of V Stre---t; "Ghence nor-,-.nerly aLor-O lire of H Street to t-,,ie -point of be -inning. -y in t1le C--,"U-y Of Ea-Lel-sp-I L of _y14 lCer--n, State Of Cal-,fornia. 4. T'hat in sa_j,_I -Pesolution. of Int en-' ion a'-;ove -refer-T-ed tuo, it i.ms declared' loy saia� Coanciii of 'he Cit-Y, of Ea -leers' I"field 'u-'a-at, ths aa-la -Pro_.Dose_. bet.o:-le &-n," 'Lunc-er and in -pursuanae of L'ie -.I.c.t. of A-ril 7, 19111, and all. Acts azierdazory t"_-ereof. That; said. of Intontion Yo. O576, as ante-_,,elof record in 'u'-.I.e 1-_:inutes of of the -,ou-cii cr saiA, City of 3a1e-Is­Jeld, is e c i c 31 ___re�_Jr S_ 11y 10 .-e-, e7red to, and jna,-., de a, art hereof , as thou�_-:'­ sat f Ort"I In 5. 1-at K;--rn Cotmty Land one of t-e 'IC LS a- YT-, L re-J! f�; a a herei-r-, O-m--ler, sjoyj of, and entit_ied to n o o n -p a r c e 1 s Of la' -_;Os =e z 3 on of t L ` To. 576, to -Wit.: e—i-L,erior boundaries of said Street !IjS�riCt. Lc) ts 6 t0 15; inc us1Ve, ii1 i1ocj= i.o. 1JS- it it It a it It It. It 157; it cc. ti. 15.8; t: tt. It ;1 it tt. Lt. ii 159; 10 a It. a it ' 4.68-A; i' 4 8 5 in Bloc_: 'o. a67-B; it 1 t0 L5, ii'1C1usil:e, i_? 3loc.r 1{o. L66-B; L_ of niOC-_ 17o. 63-B, vJ li, o_ 3; _6_ r„ 4­65-u, 4=65-A, t0%.Et11er .fit^ a s4 11D Of land 4�1 .25 felt. alor_ the SOUt`:i6rly like of said 3!oci.s, ._.chiding froze{ said str.i- and s.aic 10C!:s , . ,1e of way Of i, Ae :3'. ine lrr'; -.t L'"1 Canal; Lots "1-1 to 20, inclusive, in Bloc'L 1F, 1F, a 4L -C; u 1 1 15 ti it o 11 4- 74 -D; tt 2 n 20 tt. it it it. i 73-C; ti 11 tF 20 n u :l u. 473-D; it 11 t: 20 Si It it ti G72w; it 1!, it 20 It. it II. i1 A-?72 _ D ; U_ 11 :I 20 It It tt it. 4 _ 7_1C; It 11 it 20 u. it 11 11 a71 -1); u 11 cl 15 tr ar at a 170-J. 'ihat the total aCt_ual 'front.,._e on 24t-h 3t-reetin said J_st-rift. of t_1e -P 1"Oi,ert:y so O;A1 d' Karr! county _ e� v; Sai:: i.._f OU__t LF_: d CO;:_2: T, one Of i1e Protestants herein, 1s a898 'Lineal feet, ai1G_ tle total area. Of said _rG'i7erty O'.l`:EC, by said Kern Cotzituy hand CO_? anj'; amoLnt.s t0 876,24.3 square feet. 6. T mat Kern I-sland Canal Co;",_iDany, one Of the Protest.arit.s Dlerein, is and ;f as at all t'1e tLi?eS ae.rein iz,ntio eii, the Ouner, in i)i:ss ssion Of, and e-t_Jt1'ed 0 nG e LOi� 0= the Oi lan,,the E - �,�z,erior :OU17d2,r1eS Of r.;',1^ J4 �'t. L'iStrlC.t 1`10. 576, t0-Gv_t.:. Lots 1 to 52 L1c.l site, a_1c? 16. to 20, inclusive, in Block T?o. 120; Lots 1 'Co 5-, inclu.sive, an,' l6 t0 20, incl-.sine, in Bloch <O. 121; !,ots 1. to 5, inclusive, Zn,_' 16 t0 2,0, inn usive, in 10ck 1i0. 122. _slat � �e total actual f_onta.- on -t'1 StrE t in SaZQ isv.'riat of ti-e jroper ,,- so owne':� by $'.1Q Ker. !Sland Canal CG"t_7L.-"„ , one Of the T_Otetit.ants ':12rein, is- 7;;2 lL1eal. fe0t , and the total area of said -pr o'.'erty O ,meL Oy Baia Kern _Zlard Canal to 96,62a square 'feet. -5 7. Ti-at the total actual Lrontaje on said 24 t11 Street , ithin said Street _Uistric.t. ii0. 575 of -O--O ;e"rty Or.':c^ by al_ 7-arsons oL:1er t'lan these- P_--o astc.nts, 81-10L1'ts t0 1616 line.2 feet—, and t -e total 2._;;a Of - r o'.,erty Oi'.118... —.,-, all in s.-id District other than t.has.e Protest -ants, Z3rc_atcs 2_,7,832 square feet. � al a er - i Kern ni'-- c3. T._at 1 Of t�_E _ _ O_ t.. f OZ sa �C. E- OL__ 4;;i Land 0O_.'1_Ja__7, O_1e Of t11a Pro test=.._-w iere__7, __tuat--- d .:it11i_n said 3treet Pist.ri.at 170. 576, and fronting; On -`1E idOrt_l side of said 2 -LIa __-reet., consists of-Cro'.ierTy 110u , anG TOr O er 20 -•.r a, and useful only for -, ^a�-e end cars last. a s>�, use,;. � ast � ricu-I tur.al :,ur i.Oses, t..hi-o L2h ..1ic.f1 n0 s t.ree s int:er.sectinc sa4- 2-th Street on the North side of said 2Ct-11 Street, _iave a-ver bean 011E _ed, and said "_'r0oerty last above d-_Zc_"iOc' _ , a'IlC: for a long time _li nerto, ilas Leen Linder fence for purpose. of a=i cultural use, ror paatu_ -•e. i:lat all of .'le land i11 ai 'stri0�. Ol'r C-C V saiU. ;fern County Lind. �'O oa y r an a'' here-inliefore d .sc.rilJed, lyin17 Vest of cedar St.reat. and on t.''1e SoutI? side Of said .:-tn Strut., is an6 'or u__':ard-s of 20 years last past, has lii.et.ise %peen used and us ;I.L_l. only for a2 icuitural _OL'!r_ioses, or for p.,_tura. , an:. is and .1as w..en duri3l said time wider fence 1,'1 one oarce.l, and su Ijectea' t0 such LLses, and no st_^-ets are, or ever 'P_azle ..ean opened through said land last acove referrer: to, intersecting said 24t.h Street. islat n0 L!l-,D-r c��E17ts a-=e, Or e.Ver 2azie bee'1 ';71aae'a` U_aDon slid Jc_^eels of land lying on the Elorth and South side Of said 24 th St.rae, „'est Of said Cedar Street, and _leieinbefore de.sar_iJe&. 9. That none of the said 31ocics oarned by Kern County Land Co"_^n=1 , one of the Protestants herein, lying uyDon the 771 O:�t_7 or South side Of 24., th Street riit=lin said St1e`�t !:/istriCt O. 576, and, SO under fe-r.ce -for 2._r1CultUral c.;1C _Dastura-e uses. as a Cres'aiC!, have ever been supr,i"vided for -purpose of sale for building lOu.S, and Sa1C ro-perty is si+uated '7itlhLa a portion of t..e C_ty of 3::,'Er.:i_iEd ti,.T-,era very l it.t-le imiquiry i Or resiC'Ease is receive., and in the pre3�-nt condition of &11 of the p"^opert_y of t1his Prot est-E,.._t.S, sltua__ect :'lt!1_11 swig. Stre--t. )ist,ict. 17o. 576, and the lar e el_,7EY1s.e i_C._ 'Froul 'be e1=tailev. in the. -olac111g of said property in _J o"-Der con- �., C`.1=i011 i0"l. sale 8,11d use for a11;;r -,L, i Beo., 1Rw'-,e the e-: ense Of the roilosed Zrw::i _S candl _ avL10 Or SGi(t ^-L_Z '7ti"6E't., within said 'District_, uhic:n would be allotted to t:ze _,ro_)e.rt.y of t11ese Protestants, a 'aO'Vt inequitable k:L1rrden at the _resent =Ze1e, and udder the _?,... '^en Condition and ttatIon of real et -ate. mar Let in Lhe City of :—E_R OR , these Protestants res-pectfully re _nest. consideration Of this Prot-est, and Heir oojections t._IErEL1 set Porth, arlia tha,.t- uuOri such COnsir1eration the Council of the City of BalCersfiel( _1;OC E.C? no farther F.Titla the L1i iOVE- .)ro-posers by said '_e2olu ion of Inte-n-tioy No. 576, aforesaid . J✓� esoect-ull7r sulmiiitt.e COUA—f r W'.`;�, C011k1:-Y, a. Corporation) Ls General .tom taxer 1�.��:f. ISlAtp CrZAr, /_ Corporation, Its P-res Dat2Ct.. �a1'erSl'ielnn, Ca.11�or111a, ram'"_!_ [- , 1928. S_� a� v� o F. J. 1,�-D-IT �w te- z 24Lr &t duly & — , aeyeses an & a s= ' is Officer, ±t,=e: 2 s� 02 t,--erngounty z =E oo i) , 6 also an Officer, s=esi6est of Lern la & Canal 110---manjr, ot=ot to named. in t: z;=e2oi z F ;test E om ectto,e; tit 1 s 2e t --Forejoing r ores± E o m e:tleas, a z I oC e :,=tests !' reo£. 2 t e e e u, e= e t as to t =e t ,e m e ter to »e v i 1: =tics or G t5at =: to :: se . t ,e, h-e azliev es it to be u-e. Talat, he— e tais Vexrificltion for an« or, w « of each- 0 tile rmasa tleat insofar as tl £a:te c= let sz ;test and. om eeti s e 20 tee, e =£ the . o ±e«3z of s Prot sty , t= are of Kern, State of c If o— ia. Affidavit. idavit Posting Notices o f Improvement STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Kern ss. ------------- Az✓iAlr _______ __________being duly sworn deposes and says: That he is now, and was during all the times herein mentioned, a citizen of the United States over the age of eighteen years; That after the adoption of Resolution of Intention No.-_-sZ_6_ of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, pursuant to orders and instructions of the street su- perintendent of said City, he personally posted conspicuously along the line of said con- templated work and improvement and upon all the streets, alleys, and other public thor- oughfares within the district described in said Resolution of Intention and proposed to be assessed, notices of the passage of said Resolution headed "Notice of Improvement," a copy of said notice being annexed hereto and made a part hereof; That he personally posted said notices by fastening them with metal tacks to stakes, poles, fences, walls or trees, at such an elevation above the ground that they would attract attention and be easily readable; That all of said notices were posted less than 300 feet in distance apart, and that Qj:l___notices in all were posted. That he completed the work of posting all of said notices on the__ 2B_ _____day of ----------J_V__----------- 192_$_, whereupon he made this affidavit and filed it with the clerk of the City of Bakersfield, California. 1� --------- Subpscrib and sworn tobeforeme this '0-__day of192* . City C rk of the City of Baker�elrnia. (Seal) Note. Attach this to a copy of one of the notices and file with the clerk. Notice of Improvement I I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on March 19th, 1928, passed a Resolution of Intention No. 576, to order the following work to be done and im- provement to be made in said City, to -wit: SECTION 1. (24TH STREET) That 24th Street from the westerly line of H Street to the westerly line of Cedar Street, including all inter- sections of streets and alleys within the above limits be graded; that ce- m6nt concrete curbs and gutters be constructed on either side of said 24th Street where shown on the plan for said work and that the roadway of said street and said intersections be paved with a three and one-half 0%) inch asphalt concrete base and a one and one-half (1%) inch Warrenite- Bitulithic wearing surface. SECTION 2. (24TH STREET STRIP) That a strip 24 feet in width and 12 feet on either side of the center line of 24th Street and extending from the westerly line of Cedar Street to a line 9 feet easterly from and parallel with the center line of Oak Street be graded and paved with a four (4) inch asphalt concrete base and a one and one-half (11A) inch Warrenite- Bitulithic wearing surface, and that a graded shoulder four (4) feet in width be constructed on either side of said pavement. Including such extra portions as are shown included at the intersection of 24th Street with Cedar Street and Oak Street, and excluding such por- tions as are shown excluded at the intersection of 24th Street and the Stine Canal Extension, all as shown on the plan for said work. SECTION 3. (CULVERTS) That cement concrete culverts cov- ered with corrugated iron be con- structed where shown on the plan for said work at the intersections of 24th Street with G Street, F Street, E Street, D Street, C Street, A Street, Cedar Street, Spruce Street, Myrtle Street, and Beech Street. SECTION 4. (SIDEWALK) That cement concrete sidewalk be constructed where shown on the plan for said work at the intersection of 24th Street with C Street and Cedar Street. SECTION 5. (GRADES) (a) All of the above work on 24th Street between the westerly Iine of Cedar Street and the easterly line of Oak Street shall be done to such grades as are shown on the plan for said work and designated curb grades and are hereby established as the of- ficial grades for the doing of said work and the making of said improve- ment. (b) All of the above work on 24th Street between the westerly line of H Street and the westerly line of Cedar Street shall be done to such grades as established by Ordinance No. 175 of the City of Bakersfield, passed on the 20th day of February, 1911. All in the City of Bakersfield, Coun- ty of Kern, State of California. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS All of said work and improvement is to be done in accordance with the plans and specifications heretofore and on the 19th day of March, 1928, adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, said plan being entitled "PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STREET DISTRICT NO. 576;" and said specifications being entitled "SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE IM- PROVEMENT OF STREET DIS- TRICT NO. 576," and which said plan and specifications are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, and are hereby referred to and by such reference made a part and portion hereof, and in this con- nection the said plans and specifica- tions also show the exact location of the aforesaid work and. improvement. DISTRICT AND WHEREAS, said contemplat- ed work and improvement in the opinion of the said City Council is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, said Council hereby makes the costs and expenses of said work and improvement chargeable upon a dis- trict, which district said City Council hereby declares to be the district benefited by said work and improve- ment and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof, and which said district is bounded and described in Resolution of Intention No. 576, passed and adopted by said City Coun- cil on the 19th day of March, 1928, and on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. IMPROVEMENT ACT All of the herein proposed work shall be done. in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of California, designated the "Improve- ment Act of 1911," approved April 7th, 1911, and all acts amendatory thereof. PROTEST DATE Notice is hereby given that on Mon- day, the 9th day of April, 1928, at 8 o'clock P. M. at a regular meeting of the said City Council in the Council Chamber of said City Council in the City Hall of the City of Bakersfield, any and all persons having any objec- tions to the proposed work or im- provement may appear before said City Council and show cause why said proposed improvement should not be carried out in accordance with said Resolution. For further particulars reference is hereby made to said Resolution of Intention No. 576 on file with the City Clerk. Dated: March 21, 1928. W. D. CLARKE, Street Superintendent. Aribauit of 11uhliratipu PZA,SOLUTIO1N OF INUITTION No. 576 :resolution of Intention to Improve Street Disrict 1\70 .576 it the City of Bakersfield, California, and to Issue Bonds in Payment Therefor. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF KERN. ss: OTIS HYMER, of said County and State, being duly sworn, says: that I am and at all times herein mentioned was a citizen of the United States, over eighteen years of age, and not a party to, nor in- terested in the above entitled matter; that I am the publisher and proprietor of the Daily Report, a newspaper printed and published daily, except Sunday, in the said County; that the _:solution of Intention in the above entitled matter,,,,of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper Two successive insertions and on the following days, to -wit: 1,1arch 26 and 27, 1928 lY "� Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 28thda - 1928 i Nc•i3ry-P lic f and for skid ountand State. ' RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 5i6 RESOLUTION OF NTENTION TO IM- PROVE STREET DISTRICT NO. 576 IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELU, CALIFORNIA, AND TO ISSUE BONDS IN PAYMENT THEREFOR. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF BAK.E:RSFIELD. as follows: That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, to order the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said city, to -wit: SECTION 1. (24TH STREET.) That 24th Street from the westerly line of H Street to the westerly line of Cedar Street, including all intersections of streets and alleys within the above lim- its be graded; that cement concrete curbs. and gutters be constructed on either side 'of said 24th Street where shown on the plan for said work and that the roadway of said street and said intersections be paved with a three and one-half 0h) inch asphalt coneretebase and a one and one-half (1%) inch War- renite-Bithulithic wearing surface. SECTION 2. (24TH STREET STRIP.) That a strip 24 feet in width and 12 feet on either side of the center line of 24tli Street and extending from the west- erly line of Cedar Street to a line 9 feet easterly from and parallel with the center line of Oak Street be graded and paved with a four (4) inch asphalt con- crete base and a one and one-half (1%) inch Warrenite-Bithulithic wearing sur- face and that a graded shoulder four (4) feet in width be constructed on either side of said pavement. Including such extra portions as are shown included at the intersection of 24th Street with Cedar Street and Oak Street and excluding such portions as are shown excluded at the intersection of 24th Street and the Stine Canal Ex- tension, all as shown on the plan for said work. SECTION 3. (CULVERTS.) That ce-: ment concrete culverts covered with car rugated iron be constructed where shown. on the plan for said work at the inter- sections of 24th Street with G Street, F Street, E Street, D Street, C .Street. A Street, Cedar Street, Spruce Street, Myr- tle Street, and Beech Street. SECTION C (SIDEWALK,) That ce- ment concrete sidewalk be constructed where shown on the plan for said work at the intersection of 24th Street with C Street and Cedar Street. SECTION 5. (GRADES.) (a) All of the above work on 24th street be- tween the westerly line of Cedar Street and the easterly line of Oak Street shall be done to such grades as are shown on the plan for said work and designated curb grades and are hereby established as the official grades for the doing of said work and the making of said im- provement. (b) All of the above work on 24th Street between the westerly line of H ..street and the westerly line of Cedar Street shall be done to such grades as established by Ordinance No. 175 of the City of Bakersfield. passed on the 20th day of February. 1911. PLAN AND SPECIFICATIONS. All of Said work and improvement is to be done in accordance with the plan ano specifications heretofore and on the 19th day of March. 1928. adopted by the Council of the Citv of Bakersfield. slid plan being entitled "PLAN FOR THE TMPR.OVEMENT OF STREET DIS- TRICT NOi571" and .said snecifica.tiors brine ^rtitad. "SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STREETD!S- TRICT NO. 576," and which said plan and specifications are on file in the of- fice of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, and are hereby referred to and by such reference made a part and i portion hereof. LICENSE AGREEMENT. Attention ' is called to the Warenite-Bithulithic Li- cense Mixture Agreement of Warren Brothers Company of Boston, Mass., of 1 date March 16th. 1928. and on file in the I office rf the City Clerk. DISTRICT. AND WHEREAS, said 1 contemplated work and improvement in 1 the opinion of the said City Council is Jof more than local or ordinary public • benefit. said .Council hereby makes the costs and expenses of said work and t improvement chargeable unon a district, i which district said City Council hereby declares to be the district benefited by s said wnrk and improvement and to be t assessad to pay the costs and expenses therenf. and which district is bounded sand described as follows: Beginning at a noint in the westerly line of H Street 132 feet northerly from o the northerly Iine of 24th Street. and E n7emne thence westerly and parallel of with the northerly line of 24th Street . to the westerly line of D Street: thrnco I g anvtherly along -tha westerly line of 7) r Street 10 feet: thence westerly and b ^�rnPrl ,.,;.r, the northerly lira of 24th fi Ftrrat to the center line of Oak Streit; °3 th eree southerly alone 'the center line h of Oak Street 509.75 faet; the-ca east - be eery and parallel with the southerly line Noes: Stoner. Absent: None, City Clerk and ex-OfVfi-cioACIRl of, the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this 19th dof March, 1028. L. K. ay STONER, Mayor of the City of Bakersfield. (March 26 and 27, WARREN BROTHERS COMPANY WARRENITE-BITULITHIC LICENSE MIXTURE AGREEMENT FOR CALIFORNIA BOSTON, Mess.,?U__.az_.1.6.,..—._19.1aL To the Honorable_ q:U7 _GORY C_ l_— California .GENTLEMEN: Whereas, it is deemed advisable liytheproper authoritiesof state,of'Califomia„hereinafter designated "party of the first part" that.. 24t:n—eet iron_ to 0�'� Street__ - _._...----....-------- —_—_-- ----__ ---be paved with the WARRENITE-B=rrEIC pavement, under and in accordance with specifications of the said'party of the fast part a copy of which is hereto attached and is hereby made a part hereof, and Whereas, the said improvement requires the use of certain patents, and Whereas, the undersigned WARREN BROTHERS COMPANY is the owner of all such patents: Therefore, for .the consideration hereinafter named, and in and for the consideration of the adoption by the party of the first part of Resolutions or Ordinances of Intention and such other proceedings as may be necessary to provide for the improvement of the above named roadways in accordance with the above named specifications; WARREN BROTHERS COMPANY hereby proposes and agrees to furnish to the party of the first part and to any bidder to whom a contract may be.awarded and who shall entet into a contract with said party of the first part to pave said roadways with the WARRENITE-BITtLITHICpavement, .and to owners of lots and lands proposed to be assessed for the improvement of -said roadways insaid:.—Citom( o; BaXei'^oiield hereinafter designated as property owners; who may elect to take the work and enter into a contract to pave said roadwayswith the said WARRENTTE-BITULITHIC pavement, at any time within four (I) months from this date, or at any time thereafter until this offer is withdrawn, or an•amended proposition is filed with the proper authorities, the following material ready for use, as specified and required under and by said specifications, and service, with the right to useany or all of the patents, trade marks, Or trade names now owned or which may hereafter be owned by WARREN BROTHERS COMPANY,. necessary to, lay said pavement. 1. The necessary mixture for the wearing surface prepared under the, patents of WARREN BROTHERS COMPANY, and in accordance with the said specifications of the party of the. first part, delivered hot in wagons of the contractor at the WARRENITE-BITUI=C'mixing plant located.within— (_=! ...) miles of the work to be performed. 2. An expert, who will give advice as to the building of such pavement; will be furnished to the City or Contractor at the expense of Warren Brothers Company. . 3. Daily examinations of the mixture as delivered on the street will be made at the Laboratory of Warren Brothers Company; said samples to be sent, prepaid, to the Laboratory. of Warren Brothers Company, 38 Charles River Road, Cambridge, Mass. The price at which said material and service are offered to the party of the first part and to all contractors who make a bid on WARRENITE-BITULTIHIC pavement for said roadways; and to any and all property owners who may elect to do the work and enter into a contract to pave said,roadways with said WARRENITE-BITU- LITHICpavement_�00_100 dQ1ISP- ' per --t071_.---of surface mixture furnished, as provided by the specifications for the construction of said work. It is understood that Warren Brothers Company reserves the right at its option to employ the facilities of the successful bidder or of others to produce such mixtures under tife supervision of Warren- Brothers Company. It is further understood that if on account'of war conditions or by reason of fire, flood, the common enemy or for any other cause beyond the control of Warren Brothers Company, it is unable, after the exercise, of reasonable lahnr-fnr dni— the work:. that a leneth of time WARREN BROTHERS COMPANY hereby proposes and -agrees to furnish to the -party of the first part .arid to any bidder to whom a contract may be awarded and who;shall enter into a contract with said party of the first part to pave said roadways with the WARRENITE-BITULITHIC pavement, and to owners of lots and lands proposed to be assessed for the improvement of said roadways in said,..._...._....+„T 0_f 0 Sfisld hereinafter designated as property owners, who may elect to take the work and enter into a contract to pave said roadways with the said WARRENITE-BITULITHIC pavement, at any time within four (4) months from this date, or at any time thereafter until this offer is withdrawn, or an amended proposition is filed with the proper authorities, the following material ready for use, as specified and required under and by said specifications, and service, with the right to use any or all of the patents, trade marks, or trade names now owned or which may hereafter be owned by WARREN BROTHERS COMPANY, necessary to lay said pavement. 1. The necessary mixture for the wearing surface prepared under the patents of WARREN BROTHERS COMPANY, and in accordance with the said specifications of the party of the first part, delivered hot in wagons of the contractor at the WARRENITE-BITULITHIC mixing plant located mithin___ miles of the work to be performed. 2. An expert, who will give advice as to the building of such pavement, will be furnished to the City or Contractor at the expense of Warren Brothers Company. 3. Daily examinations of the mixture as delivered on the street will be made at the Laboratory of Warren Brothers Company; said samples to be sent, prepaid, to the Laboratory of Warren Brothers Company, 38 Charles River Road, Cambridge, Mass. The price at which said material and service are offered to the party of the first part and to all contractors who make a bid on WARRENITE-BITULITHIC pavement for said roadways', and to any and all property owners who may elect to do the work and enter into a contract to pave said roadways with said WARRENITE-BITU- LITHIC avement is. ? ' ; r, _ �._.__ �_-�. ....._. -'. (S '.�.:: .) per.__._!��� .of surface p mixture furnished, as provided by the specifications for the construction of said work. It is understood that Warren Brothers Company reserves the right at its option to employ the facilities of the successful bidder or of others to produce such mixtures under the supervision of Warren Brothers Company. It is further understood that if on account of war conditions or by reason of fire, flood, the common enemy or for any other cause beyond the control of Warren Brothers Company, it is unable, after the exercise of reasonable diligence to secure the shipment of materials or procure the necessary labor for doing the work, that a length of time will be granted to Warren Brothers Company in which to comply with this offer, corresponding to the length of time during which it was unable, for any of the above causes, to proceed with its undertaking. The execution of the contract for the said work on the said roadways by and between the party of the first part and the successful bidder, shall be deemed by WARREN BROTHERS COMPANY to be an acceptance of the proposal by the party of the first part and by the contractor and shall bind the undersigned WARREN BROTH- ERS COMPANY to this agreement. The word "Contractor" as used herein shall be deemed to include not only such successful bidder with whom such a contract may be made and entered into, but also property owners who may elect to take any work and to enter into a contract therefor. Respectfully sub . ted, WA RRE B OLT C PANY, And.__.it.u_:_....;,._......._........_.s.... I .......... RESOLUTIOX RFSOTj TT()F yrD(IPT17TC FT.''dIT : i@L SFE'CI- F ICl�tr'TONS FOR PRGf�15� I114F//yyR__ OV�'IRT�RTTS T?•T S1RF'.��T .il Un.DI I.�i l I?O o IN THE CITY OF BAKE RSFI`T_•D, C TU ^ I_ T^ TT R".:IOLv=D BY THE CL:UIvCIT OF THE CI i OF LT'=' tiTF y as rol_ows; S?CTIOC' 1. (2^t1-1-1 STRF T) Thai 24t1_n Street f'_'oiu t_ne -westerly i ine of F, S t"_'Ee - to the .:est,rly line of Cedar St_'eet, Including all intersections of streets and alleys witYiiln the above iilli`1tS be gr-adeU' ; thatcamenn t O Concrete curbs and gutters be constructed. on either side Of sai''_ 24th S feet ','.;1? r shoi%1 on ''the Plan for sa "Ld i,- or'221^, '- at the road..'iay cf said street and said intersections bC- paved wit, a three and cnC-ha_f (31 i cn as ialco;ree, = ;'t one __alf kly?) inch ';'ars'o-a:ite-Bitulithic wearing surface. :5`sCTT_':1iT 2. t24th STRE 'i' ST1P/ i'tlata strip 2= feet in Wi`. 's1 a.n'i "_2 fees ol'; ?7.t11Pr Slde of tine ce, t-er line of 24 Street t'fi Str 3"tip'frOl': the .ev'Ste?^ly line of Cedar St"_'eet tC E 1 if16 C fee ante:,: j! from and parall l .,nth the center line of Oa. :Street be graded and p-sve7J/„f.th a four (4; inch as -ha_., ConC1'ete base and a one and one-half arrer, L -Bi tul- thi swearing surface, and that a graded Slzou!d_0r ,; four � =, feet in be CCnS t'1'i,i.0 tG .,... e? L:2E' SiCiE- of said pave- 1 _rie n t . including such extra portions as are s ovwn included at _1e Lntersectior, of 24th Street vdith Cedar `i1-Tee , and. Oa'-' Street ani^'. Sac_i poi tic.ns as are S__oan excluded at the iinterSeC- ticni _i 24t'_l Strc.; t and ;hc Stine ^aliai .,,.tenticn, all as sinown on the ;,la.?2 for said SF'CT10?7 d.. CT7,V7RT—Sj That anent concrete culverts covered -:iit'"h Corrug ted c� it cn Ce Corns11ruc "P3d .d_n_c_re sho"inn on the - a n nor Sa-i? k �:'I^iTT _ - G t lili il"itz:_ SvCtion of 24th Street with Cs Street " Street, F' StraGt, n ti tYee .2 Street, -- �tre ..� �'ad r, .itr'eet, 6pruce .���: `� !',:yrtle Street a- l 'Seecla Street. l_ d--. oT �T�' iT T.at ce'ST!C-n t eOl1Greto Si 3i4a1>> be constructed '.d c'_ v s"ov..r i on L_ G_ Stii _ v3r Secti ._ .._ G' O t�-i_ ;1'Oi;^ .'..�.i'h_: �.Lt_, :iLrr:e,. ,,.,,...,�r the:'f8S%3r'- _Zr line ^..'c' ."ic;Qc� Street and ..il GuSj:c,_ _y 1ine of gaii J-:'-ee`. ., e L,. such grades as are shO',Tn Oil ti",e plan f c! �,;..id mor`k and desisnaILa d curb o-a."z,. s and _._ he-,-eJy eStcC.__Si:2.3,d s ie off 1 _al b+:,".dES for .:S2c and the :12'-11•L' of SQ�.. _.'tl'.!I'oi'E,- 0 m ,Lj _>11 Oi aiw''ve FtiC___ ort GLLia Jai=GT, ,.:,,,'i8e i._!B JVCStF„r_y iire O H Stre231-j 0--- Westerly if-3 of �e'Ci�;' JG_eet shai! be ao=r_ suel"_ grades as es'.,ariished by ^rd.ii.anc., '17o. 175 of the =ty of al_el''sfield, passed or; t le Gv::x_ "way of U_'Uar'N, lal1. =--_1 of sai; :dOr an? . i.TaproVO _8ilt is to Je uon in cOCQr(f,- ance :;ith the plan and spec f'=c'ati cns ;:r :y aT' 3!1 -y :,h^ City En-,ineer -- Saty a12.. Submi t d .,__,3 z3.y Of _,_crch,y 1` 9-8, said. plan. ::erz: g tit1�d _T'I T•^.•,R:�7JEl,P?5i'f r'' JT%T'^m 7' T.+L'n7 _'(�. and said_ sp'o.i.f _c ati ons be iiio en ui tIad "61P �CT7IC � -'TC'-S ii!U)-- 0 9,� Oy TF � . m DI-S'TR nm �..�/ h it V i7! 1_ - v u::• �'',�, J_A�=s 1:,1 '11i _. 1.. i he S2_lile are .:,G anCt. he -re- adop'ted'as and ^? he -la:i an sNecifis ns fc- ?oir_g said-, ---o0o--- T "rT'RMY CRTIF' that the foregoing Resolution :^:us passodd//�/1 •/�1:�di adopted by the Council of the City Of Bakersf ie_.d on thrj Bar -am, Csrjjsk, (�Jcdt, Corrbet�, J'ArSO", .......................... / 2;�' , T ,Iit,y Cleryl. anal ';-Ler—v cl! EhF 'ty of ��a!Kersfiol:a- APB "J this ay of 1'�arcln' 1928. o aloe_ s e C:ur4S PETITION To the Honorable City Council of the City of Bakersfield; We, the undersigned property owners on 24th Street respect- fully petition your honorable body to take the necessary proceedings for paving 24th Street from H Street to Oak Street. From H Street to Cedar Street paving to be full width three and one-half inch asphalt concrete base with one and one-half inch Yarrenite wearing surface. From Cedar Street to Oak Street pavement to be twenty- four feet in width with four inch asphalt concrete base, and one and one-half inch Warrenite wearing surface. Name Address Frontage I 3.S7(- �'L �aa ��.v e - ) '® The roil 100, OTT OtGA601% "Wit 1� 7 tift- 'J�tf RY!"s -,W V94*1f, And onto** tUrAto tell low, or 14 MCI Monto to In 4,kW?W1k1MQr VdAP 00, or GO It , ear A thi Pjans no 2' MX.AMTVATPW OF MAN., fvr lbowopu V,- Cho aXpavety, t, as to"thi`,,166,0kith be-Molay"and the "Towaye vor' too' work rill SOCT roWtIono tv exAt not Irtanded or to 1,� Inferred A t A Ave -614y) - 0i th a t sv� "h 40 exlytert, nor-4"11 I SAM of tv Of "ek nim, the "V11tro - ayid': citem44 CHASn M Tr�Q& shall neat les In writing fh"n he 0XIMMITre. t An o 0 ., 'AftikTdiv 77, WbAr &0*1 VA.- 4 tv,- nn=4 ry vnryxpengo 'Itoestad in ravlaoin said stakes WhIA the lontr4ate'r rn ate-Qiled to prowl y 'r t 74 %hvkAjb0 1�OMO-,b. be IMMORS, Th yobri - II' Oi of WwORT60tl-M01W", th and rA*j�* e wIll sub$ot t too raj&t*on.,, WHO QlAntlor his SMOV101 3A., reqnired on Me wory The contrmctor *hall rNTSIVA We engia re ate. fill, Informajisn,r6spern, Ing, tho- All "OrJOIS must be Of specifind Tmally P-rd fully Wal to M000, w QM Samples are r"R ix&d,,, 11ho, VnIO-A fumtsh to tit fy-Mlkv tya of chargal yampno of potprills propoJod 04 bt- need, 11 th,Vork. "00 "OffPs Of f NASA rlbrTQ Ontraoter shAll PUrnah comrst5wt, lab6vt, V*W^ of 071" , -'—',It ving plenty to Qroen. xAtirmrial- *amp s vived b7 tbj 00hotor, 're nf Ala ce WIthin the Wr Of BalIrsfield dasQnatod bf vy CIty.,nineev. �e,1146ted -M0kt6VW1 Qnst bt toTMUtely rlmOT14,:roar t14 ycrk b7. the W Well not QW04 You" upou'luu4,fpvt, 5- SAJOK jabostp they. Pwr son umpxm- Eaton** to Ptiterm" iK" WoSe on in the tv&W"r 1 hurAn xhall bf dISOWInd immediately vro OnVa a-r4on shall n nt 0M tone, X�trlw chirmotaq, either nju POP T40 Contr*Wrthe s r per' ... N` a Are ..ar. rrciv "-= AU 08084 .-. STNot - ern M e grossstream y one *4,31 . Deb a .n of the My ;zaglasq, sa �, ` `,E•.�.`,��. o 'r �nd, prW0 .. ` , .�#.n� coy . = , r*p 3,- off.off.py pyner or {q `$"5 yam , ' i. the `Contra `..M+or $.. .. � otifle,a° :.:-r . e - c - S �� r wad- .« to mom# sued, �:� *�; p o ., a are, i 106 rvRrop . Oontraotor zhalkpat Wyerfore with Palor ! x Y_,71 are r W f; A ° � r z. k dirt . ' art', u ' � A t ofVelp 4 the O . & � � the City or, plc°w :M rimt to on .,., aShe CoMoptor shall r£° + ;�� ... .. ,. o i appisphan rev , ISO. r ,; a AL Ott t OW, avr AT 'Stions W =1wor 6 t Uq meet, or WA mil 21 IN, 0004 ok praWrIbed thn QlAhm In Met AxWwovklng Wer. `',� .>�'x.P:k+ta��i�4?'�4,.i=."�g�"}>'� ,r*p.�"n�.t,.A"+ `. d.e F'k' s�.4.�, '.RS�.B f.>,R_. �•^.ai air x'�. a, ;. , y.t& wx— " n f in x nsv.tuyr the work.' hr of yretty l to loon, nbernsf W us pNnyll1 p a the Spid 3uppri"teadent or streets VIIJ VOW- ft #(tor `" tom a prti f u to to that arfeut. work an th, surfawt A thi grolud WAnil vorfvrm • oaf Sho Tiond., theref o^ ot to took grades o on ih p; sno War ash MOW or nhvr�,d fin- fovmpr pea v ;r mart Aes; o 1A Mnd 400CMUd to the Revolution f Intention i o .; stAb ;od or to nUnFed . .may �"` alva ant maroon � the ., loth,fp p` acid inua asp ens obvi l huva, - ,3;` on" 1/4 Int,0� rm,td oTieu,s , 0 1S60, WE 40,090 e , 304 onreans Batt � 0�,-r.;. atherWo S , `� � . 'z , o ' a. ; h s , 1 3 `1 p x* ;Mates Mean of Itandardip in Who . � t 'l MiQ7 To n*el% " . apeoifiatv Kens:. to , t:of SAW - ,& ' . „ l - We work,hereln armalf ledo Want, a fib, , 'A th e .. . w�s r4-n to the J `, �. _ w , VIA "47 . '£T_*A"!in �� ? � a«« v.w �r:aw�� »2�� , � \\� : � � \y \ /� \ y � :: w y= -� �� my«?wZd= Act .M, Wy but p=Aft th pamper a NOW a ,r.w ry <"`• Thal y :m ink is not , , ��:,Mg1tbv* ys utzmvpn � + k dd b 'C'lil �zvn' 3p A � V I " ir-,, W1 ws i °.* F '1u�vi.:Af r ::� x P' coiled with :� f r f'` cs t •Y„ 'a - �Af:.`� the l w f n "J a , >� _. 6� 31 � V Y v MOT~- w � � `,„ fir"-si'�.r.� � iw�.a*"�.� w 'i ..� aw.dr3.�. 1 ?: -'� +✓�;i ,� -ffi. a h». �„�.�A iwu a R"- aa�'s� � v Inn, : r . g q*0no a --:ear Ourb A to he NO!, i! n ! 01 1,007 d on_ cr aido1,rAp _ Mob. to i-ridoo d 'ttu�pav, Vto be at M4 In the 3x0autips <g, F: i d 04 1 �, to >9 th til Sit, tn feet of Mich SADVQ44 a : e ,:' zan ax ah tooth Oball be not last ,P , th x ..CrAT A i ago Mast' b 1 r-W, t u si p. .Ya, .;.,:ai'_ Too a Yi-�� �&�o %�✓o1r arid k� �$�o-a��$-fa - ...a A." ton ,All k1 8 W iyyix k �"y"� MY - cis Y'� K ... try OO �.Moog :t .. iF:• �? d): a"�,S"F'+'i�K3.,.. .. ta: G�'?. 1'. is"�^r 1,. f �'�_ 1. M M-10- yy(gffi FZ requirements pep �p i P... .i. Cei§�yy7e the y:f ,ny Ef }w�.�i�.i�gi'ug.Jll9@`3�F"C,� ��{L{'.g�� �y �'�` opt& :Mtho n w" $r�:"ol e t ,� for Totting op to $i ob aw §wo y 0a T r 7 711F, 9� �ITIR6pr '�'.'y,.,�a gn�dz``, �N t �nwDA m4�.:4�ji v1�" .� gp �fpn dv.�d�','... 3 .i.,�na) �l.�y 5 yr" ,✓ w :±�, n l i matter 2 �. l w l l . J'�.ti L -- n t n x for z .. N ��i`: } n i� S. 1 q! irtmetrIe test as °Mt rialand Ahit not e ytain wori than. five ..y of al, or Sail t must ' �l� :�; n $�:W four i mashes 1 .+���3�'3r '�.Ylah j least fit . ! rlant b5znot more tian Mhty- a , . :per 0ant to w0ght I hill be nottine,d on g thirtyh o1h°",s to the, lypeav land;sit m than iven ` . or uant h;`. Yetg ,. mA01 ;sass thraulh t soroor having"Oe hundred NO i;°;MI"` IS to the € .:or yortar mall with tie nq"A �C � gave taroA14,401 - Pl1 to t .fir,'.?W "_'!ot _ ,? q "? if stj*,5r;th of is g'+kjit aottir "ramp 'e, - ?ng itynJord Ottawa Testlatmortar uzod fop tbQ tint skull be n r�r f. yen to pat ire Q of ran& teat aptol onz thall 40' Ma4e, stareii liioated for ybrengt molar 7shretv, conditiourIn Mirdenos with V"*Ognitod standordso :'able!, clean water *earn pabbleo, orushed rook or boulders or boe free from low 1070 ana eul t' o organQ zatter. It k ova ago ,WO gravity Mn S +d Shallif Ouch ae�3 utoad t.,.;•=:�41 Wh t it n thaw a "r tkr oo- i otont of %Y r' of not lease n lot aftor being tested in a Deval Abrasion Vaohln4o s g n the standards of r an Soot of n U-a e alav It ,, ate well dr°a ed In Are f m n m to t meter 4eminatons to oro- na 'ter spiciflo4 so as to rvdae a eietae conarmto when mixed wIt 00ment and zMMA WATIN later shall be Wan, free Prom oil* aoidp Mal% O IN AT�iA S- Ar madYne mixing, tbo fine Aggrtr= 00-arelo # e manoared in boxes a ba,y r °x r: ; t & streIgh e4go resting on the West Va l have a ea eo ty neweseAr v to MAN the proportlons herstraftni eni erl 1 mat a? shall be a surAt I . measured lapse e ,1 sat shakjur, o 0 etir ,. lement In s s; s shall be duml,od WrootlyMW the mixer or =p an other materials Previously measuredupon 4 plAngplatform, 410 W naterials, TnuIndingthey wtievip 3e,31.1, and li" wrt 3. an# thoroughly mixed* After l at a,i a ors onah tl. z n in the mixer, the maximum speed of the drnm o a l be sixteen (16) rovolutions per minute, the min!mum napbor of turns ten (l znd the n1rimsm oonttnual mixing time one C1) rtnate. Mond mixing i.l .riot f e tte te y' q "q"Ya g' 'j R eremixing +��s' r{ . g o mortar r .a i t tioto ' In water, shall n*t be rmi t s<, m BEL», *49 A,w WSW VASHOWi LAWWWA, Won' 400000 j1hignated OVA* plan shall WAISt SU "Ok VOY&W Want (VY oubi* fe"t fine Aggregat"'s ( CAI A11 u, v- po' to OFF Q Not, ae0i'llit'01ii fill tae ir 0 Ali remedled ITy reftcltg the af wravol or Arok on Stono uji AjAbo VI*W4 and not V7 Win action of *and cartoni 5oreopin 0' A YjR COLVIRT3" HIADWAVIa, chra San", Balpous, SYPICYSI. rAWas, otiorlKso, d4oignatod ou the plan dhall oonoUt of, one ft-I -A QMent saok Fovt (2) cubie That floe Aggragats Wand) Four (4) Vabic fast ooar3e kAgrejAte (Rout) RA ' V70"Ir 44), f)cAindiv net of PqrWand 6ametat shai! to noniinrn', I* Ono (WASS root:- M�axly there oot be anaagn mortawi4t'SIT fill oLly the 00ne I to. the syncions, Y shall he P"modsed 147 radu, of gravel or bYjkqn 4tone used za Ao oxxtyin and not ;Aoin7 portile .5. PON ORKIN? 00460pre PXVVUZNTS U01"So plan IWI zonsyst of'.. one (1) aatk Portland lomant TWO (2) oubic refit V'jLn*-. free and ane-halt (SA/2) 4,ubii, foat aosr Aggrayto Wnn_, Minot Awar (24) ponn4a not pry Portlwad WW shall to monoW,,, (I ouble fuotz Waald thave not bo m4mh Mortar to completely fIjI the voxdyv !it ionavoto, the Of loWnhy shill to rem le b,-7- -.6,41ulng, the 'T.c a! vravol or broken stone wood in the mixturexW nit !)V, -'adding poriOn or exad at � , v� � .. x r� � � r. .� ,� ,� �. �� ,t .. ; . g. ,. a=. ,, � _ � �� �.. k � .F a w �� w -� � �. ` � �, `' as fd. ww. �li, m, F � � r.,�: a '� � M C S1 .. �.. '.:94i a �,"^, F a e A P C f sor the d1mana term - n M 6 ,;5t day Opt ier loss and an file in ow A rthal C1 ,.y,. - . +tr, '+ _ p all he f, tW equal to '4Y b:. <." ' +�l. `ems+ sharl 01 -biviNe, radii as qq .gig , !t �°9 i riq bo r1kidly !geld Sh p1ple q,. . tl Y a in proportjons,, sod r"08 shall be freely used Where required, ed env plank provided Shall be o e t �=a� q j the curb cans t c ted In one (1) wy * Qu a V. ote in le*a than one + , Po to .pl..s e, and, the .bock roM,^� o re ...tie Me of they eturb has bown plastered. CONGRET . Concrete. mixed Rs hareinbefore de oribed, A& t to MOM iu.M AM M-layori not *are thin sJX ) AM! in UPS a h 'layer shall be tmmped Ynt l the worenote is entirely nompanted. PLA3T?RTNG AND PTNTSRTNG "'he W of the Garb P&' he Plan ervel et t . air soon as Kho concrete bai j,"r t orp"ghlf tamped. Th n v the " s#za1 eeae e._,i ;1 Qh'at of far, as seof as the TOMS are r0mvvsd, to a depth of not j a os than i,n ho bel the gutterline, bit in no ase lose than tweTv, 1 .. n ee 'exee; t Where 05dWation uurb and "tter in hero ec etruetwK e plastered, st y of a curb ahal..3 be well. `l ate knit tr . l s 104 of M On& bofore the Goy;ore ;e `sae eat; It a.: 11 be snopthl,, 0110$4With M* it right angles to the orb grade, Ink,, Roes of i t' of ft7te, felt.- The front edge of tb.e t6p of cart shall; be to a Pa{ "�, of ayprortmatel � � � inch A Rw 000 edge to n ridius of not mart than ofe-b t (1 /0 ) garb Kal 1, chow a iruf s tra i M Nee and top of uoif orm E ,� i-� t "net f T ms , aa, a � fie 11tie 'y a tra . t e $ �e feet Ion In u the top of t� rb it ahAl l not a o than � � 0 � . t k i ch from the r _ t edge y .X ep't a;t: elirv6s or ,g° ode chants# Mov,alks steall b` set In the rad i a~ the li_ a s ear Q- 0� 3 ter aa�l u �.+ aotherwise shown on . they Plana Where oombAwation "rb and gutter is being cons tr,ted, qart� M, ttkcn to make CIO joint U bogs Mb and gutter eontinnvaN, .> ONTRA 0R I S 0 B� The Co tra ter Mall s tPMp 1�2 � . curb at intervals of not 10tt~� r * i�tzn4 fi `fe�jt* fte shall not be smaller than th -f orths () *sob in, height, 'fit AR?NG, MAP the onuont has safficjently soto tha curb shall be Mar '!. with earth or sand and watOod Mae e ai ter: flCf a*t REPAIRS. The Oontractor li rorair all. o rb Una• ut r! dAva,�:�ed 'k h the onz t untio, of Mors, � ream V M—A IM 00 Valk Ps one WhX51 NOW met mu; 010 to) xv-40 m* in, Onto NOW V mIxtare and not 97 iddlm grosomm #,t*r MKOUX& CATCH BA IT T I Sp, TDI Sn' --' 7,07!rS W tho !a" shall .004M of: Ona (1) OUS portluAd campat Two (2) WS foot VIZO AWNS= WOO *our W vabio foot coaran Aggriguto -1�y:lNov Q4)rq!n4j � , 0 ' as one W cubic foot feit fine Aq9kOgUW Thr,4 wad am*mhal.r (W 11/01) oubko. A 0 t A RK4 " foot 1. pounds Unt of Portland CameAt siall A *OUQd&K* WT )I thore Aot bo sOmmmilly -03s rill mv"'rtav- :'Q **Rpio% the a0uOrAy" - It defl-mian*1 WAN be rinflAnd Ir po-VtO , of grtvol or NOSM, Atoss MY in W3 mint"Aro ail out by iAO4pK*Nf4 portfam A aand or stoma sovaeninav- After the pavertont subgraide has been completed any not .,jeluxe., thlah aI"! constructed. Their loctLticu ulsi e uuvartu -4-be inan--ions uxe ahown a*-- tEeCk �kllhe $Ut�V440 OLall be prepared b;r excavatlag a trenah 3UBGa I L of -rl-rope4 and doirth bo'ttmr, MUde 00114 bhand 't ampine, "t " 47, " 1 1 Tilees otherwi -p Lf, rt P �ia 1 MP.1 44;'�'r' as noted on C.O'nsiut of SUQL for oulvextlz in cement conerete 1tro'r-oxtioris of this epoci1'icatlon. I'lar*13 used for forma stall br., of u widti. to t"141'x-ain full dimeAsiona of the zulvertee ,, shall not bo thn one 4"Ifive-eighths (I-blb) Anchou In thickness and utey- stakes auea ix-- saprorling forms ahall be t#iken out before the con firs, 4 "e 'Sal 1 t;0,* iiaxped- pluW: ehall not be "sad. b. 'TuACING CONCESTL. Conoiete mixea as hexelubefore desoxibec., be placed in the formu in la; -ere not more than six f6j inches in as layer shall bib tizped until the concrete is thorough4 OoMpactad. 6. PINISHING. aoon 4s the conexete has safficiantIj set, the La - side forms shall be removed and the bottsm and interior walis Plastelr,ed with a one -quarter 41/4) Inch *out of finish mortar, ef the 'proportio-le heroin specified, and troweled smooth. The graA* line &iall be teate6 by pourtog water itito the culvert. which shall not hold the wator toa greater 440h Uian aw,juartarInch, 7* C"MiINGo AfterN m rtho concrete aball be covered with WU or sand and watered tw1ce daily for seTen lajs, after, *iah the covering material may be removed, the corrugated irou pl"ed and pavement laid thex-ion. ,'iny Umags,�l portion of the pavemr!nt subgrade shall be repaired b.,,, hand t­�vping#' 6. 11RON. All shaets shall be prim stock, thoroaghsl:' j,mlyanized with zinc spelter i7h1ch shall average not leac thain V-Vo LA=Os per square foot of eurfaee* The gnIvanIzIng shall, be free from imperfections of ang kind, area shall ehow no IndicatioDs ol. cracking. cxx agat i ons in sheets shall be riot more than two and tee.qaaxter (L-3/4) inches in width and riot loas than o-ae-balf (11k.) in In depth . Gauge of sheets shall be of U. 6. .4widard ehown on plana, The metul composing all ehiiets una x1vots useU abal contain ut por cent puxe i'roD, copyer not conaidere" an Impurity. a the metal portion C-0 the aulvart ahall bo iappwa ut All �*Into i. A. V I.L laet two and ons-quarter -1/41 inehes. S:h4 ends of culverts be protected 48 shown oil plans. ,-- n I A 1! x 1•-1/40 x 1.11/41' ungle iron boarlzr* plate mtast 'be vet '111v­�f) t)--,e Comrete to support the corraist4ted ax"03* `�1e metal portions of all culvuxtr, shull. ba.400liv6rad Ut pro:PCX loostion tCLrt.*CU dUYS pXi-014- to ir4ZU'.l1UtIOnV in ox(*r to give Sufficient 44-LMO 'A"Cr ChOmi"I an6,1715's of QaV)Q- NAAM"S. -'A"4o aust ixon fx=* mast be of tougho Trow vo-a suuzs or piew 0040n, to 01 WormaKalixe x1masa Unu 00noulm to tb*,dfmeuaiaas_ shown oL the Plans. Tho ttaol cover ahull he bolltz plate stakdod Whh"breto to 011mitate 6 smooth surface. AIDS. Qe wing wall and that Poxtion of gutter LOW= wlq­ wall W UK Bull be poared tyrtler and at the swe time as the o4l ' art* tea gutt ;jo be Aarpay to fit the bottom of the, oulTert. Tao WIAZ walls Wli jkpleaterud with a one -quarter (1/4) inch coat of, Wish Morttw ard the tagen xoundea to a radiuv of approximately one. huif (1/L) inch. It Ma agglegate does not jont*jv fnoggh tin I dM40d PaXtICISO Ox iaTalpablo powder to PjPdUoe the szreaZ toot Wolraftef specitled, the 4011MAno; shall Ae made up by the Millom ot 11mestote dust, Partluz,& Went, or othOr'bult6blo One alfaral matter+ In S4410100 to tba'aboU AS minexal agcxogale ahhll come WAtOn the talowing atsen tout: 1SWrg 4 W screen unA retaitt;4 an a 1/0 screen AU to tc kaqviug a soreon and retained on a *4 boys We"We is to K yaAsing � end rotained on a SO G to H Mooing a 110 Cie � 0 . 0 * I . %0 to ob TU t' *�1Q*XW aloye I doz od portion qIWAY001:4 j P40alasag" Oqua SepuraUll A= tyriMijaii7jot the Ug i't AW *40t tie Soreen Uot:- Eat C*At FaSSAS U 250-Mesh 0570 4 a . . , . � . , . . . F - 10 to A Paesing art Q*Meek ale7s . 0 . 0 . 0 0 . . . * 0 . ® 30 to K YaZaing a 400000h NeVe . . . 0 * * 0 0 . . . 4 . . W 60 to 610 j. Fim ounns fina too 14os mixture still Q numqued of mineral aggragote herainaft ux Olve Mes, Much cull mixed with auffioiant Pitulijbic Cement to 00104VO!i Cost all of tA particles na-Ld pzoduce a-UnKarm Aytvre OPUSIMUF Or"MMY tight Q) to twelve (151 ,or cent of bitmmen scluble in asyntu ��Wphlne, but ans at"! A A t W 11 nounrAnry tv make Ma VOY06a Cox. .1 Ut 7 Atjm7ta 111C .11,144040.L CbkK -- — — -- - ---- — - -- t-A %I r A# ., = V Tr � � %' � - W - � ' - - - - - - and oxua4aa acreezings, un(i ahall ' iurfor %ban cue-quur"*wr (1/4j inch in diameter, except on grades where P- coe-zaer aggrag4Ao may be uvad. :hat portion of the aggrei:'—e rueeinp- a ten 11meeh cieve whon considered 50paratelfrom tne re ricer of 'the t,,Rgreg4te. shall Meet j!fj-� fQT tj'Q fine ftggj7ef;'��jt* Of tj-4e Ue ,3oreen tact herein jrQa i�efors a. CC';I,'r2* Wearing SUZI-Ca ZLt Au"S" orusU64 toviderr. or Cousiet of c ua':OL� rCC . a both, free -from oil =tter and "Y dcPGaitf% OT ccti O4 or lire. It sit "'.11 -a uniloxrf:i in qjj}-,I'll ty and, CLull -oho Un eZa?,Ifs specific 04'vity Of rLot Chap. two e..nd ejxI,.;-fjve buzidrtdths (2-W. &4-pXj'_ gl aa -Hill $koW a coefficient of %V$j!�r rhall "-�e such hard tcugb r. .. -.L of not letza than ten 110,1 after tested in tjio new..or herainefte.- -1,0 -Oval t le az t thirty of th,* 00atsell broker -stcris FhL'll 1-0 ae ItLble for the tSVtZ. the piece z to be testes eh all be se'.Iecled j)ot.rj,,, uniforr- jr, size us possible, and a toot sample Sha,31-1 cOnSlut Of act J,ese than forty-nine (49) nor more than -fifty-one 161) rle,061- The touj weieht of broken stone to be pluced in such oylindtr stall be five Qij k1logZatt (eleven POundt)- '�11 toot Jocee Shull be Washed U114 thoroughly dried 't,010r* '48ifhing- Ten thous " flo.000) zovolutione, , at. the ratt of between thirty M) jjrty-thyee 633) to the minute ah4',! constitute U teat. UDIJ tk.e T"excentap Of the mister-A,al worn cff which Will pass thxough a orte- (1/16; inch Mean 14;x6ert, shall be oonaidere�ci ,j in et*rmInInf,'- 01 W*Ur. The woaX Shall be axpre346C b.V U c0effident X40vrn 48 the of weaz, which coafficiert shall be nbtuin*4 by the furmula I'V Gqua)e four hundrod, (400) divided by "W", where "CO Is the 006fficlont and *V, tr-e weight in grama of the uetritus under one-aixteenth (1/1C inch it size per kilog-tam of broksn stone used. The broken StOUG U84d in th* tee hull be furni"-�`d 14 Ue *A -and shall be aolivexed bw him at the te"3"Ing V�Uckiub r*,,4*lre-q by the ]A inner. i�. SaD. The sand Shull " Clean, hara grozed "d shall Wt Cont"t, w"o than live (tj par oant, by weight of M1,64 L42d AOt than four (41 pe.y coot by w*i&t ot loam or otter eartb$ izyuriti*s, and shall all russ a slave huviAg one-quaYter 4) InO 0q"re openings. the brokon stone and, *&44 do not contrain enough finsIg ded particles, or impalPablo yowdar to PrOAU08 the 'PrCP*rt4QV6 of mineral aggregate specified, the W101640Y ehsAl be ra4e 11T, 'by tht addition of atone dust. nereinarver xreelly; mono to; unq 0*,& #XIT; MV ""W "%Vj 1,00iet t, 44, ii ", � : -, -I "the AZ0.159—D j fox t 6. .Awnnk& penetration shall bq in the Vanxel LjOnMeel by Q0 'Morican joclety Tcr To$t5n" ""t-ZVIO, Ae 1916 Unnual ln? m6otand, ahall be W1 laze than torij kc� rot nVit Urain s a No* 2 Ujd`0'a,rA- ander selZbt i nao hundred R001 grume :ter a of 1110 A) ;*VqWsv� lot a ol thu WAXIMS Cement VhQZ MOW for pj,, jb; hauls t ynif,jo toupcz t�yc of throe handrel twenty - live WLj dere eH Wreebalt in u adl!WTUA Deb, UIX 161 00MILMatera Af In-31,14 diwnetar, in u dr"ueh% free oven, W11 M4 MAt MCIS tKu Moo per cent, loss in malAt. The Vejj4UO Whbn penettatOu at VnVOLQ- Mven (77; ter retie TaVenhelt Wooll show not WO Aut MAY QQ Jer giant c! the pentuntion of, the orijinul awyle. 10. KAMM J4 MAP SUM"Alls, Aot let, than Msty-nlne W I pal "b"S"i h abbil be splatle in cold c-Irbcn biliulPhidc- 0ort of thev llo IN 0ALSOR 140 MWOUM of the Bit'llthit; Cemejat 4scluble In carbon tetrauhiclide oral. l A hot 1W than Mnctf- nine ftS) per cent 01 the UMG"nt thich is solos in carbot blealplide. 12. MAVAT? IN PAPTHi. The =04M of W Bitulithic ;wnt Whicb is lown ir oalit ornia Vaptun twolne) of WAY -two (60 Sayoza Boakwe grayitj ShUll bo not leSS than seventy-eight Qb) pot Cant* R * I � - � �rl � I* Vitulithio COMM at forty 140 ! de 0*i s POPMUNio" shall atom it We 4 Ught (60) Centimeters 00011at sovontly-ttWu 77 , j degrees Vuhr i 10101t, A& tested V the A style% Of 001UMIJU WhOd - on irwroaze of two Qj cenlizatera ductility will be requited Ar o4ah tive (6) dograec penetration of the cement uboie filty MW dleyate. ' 14, MIAZAT1011 AM V41XING- The BItulithis: cement stall Q ea to Us 4 tnzjaxvjUjo bet eon the HOW of LOS UnO �?C 4egreae Mronhelt arA tbt mjneraj aggregate aball be heated to a QmWoture not exceediue Syj degrees 2abrantAit so Q&t 4hoa tha winiurez are dellver& am tho *irk. thaj- shall Qu in u vollinjontli plastic conAition fox qyeaUng una jojiirg Whioh will vwy 0114 Ka tevporn =6 Of the UiTj unu An soull not bbe Le.-tva to a nufficidst,11 high tWOMU"t tu inluxO We Walilhic Comint. The Moral QZregate all bO hOutcl W a rOtulY 6yitr, and while AS 11 hot 00PSM04 into at le of soul sizes bi Moans 01 C rotux i sox eel, haVIng U minimum ecleen o1o4ing of about Q0 of an Inch 4va a U;7AMUr. opening of about are and one-torth U-1/41 inch. The 01,,011inFu 1,4 t;io supoessive sorean jace Kolib 4',, to wric-1141X (1,A) WA size Uaall no� VAXy moya QWn 0,e-,urth (1/4; Q an inch, "W not more that thxee 44arters (5/4) of an inch for the sizes largOr than 0110-halt U/21 Irch- The ottocave screonin; area q each size noreen veetiot shvil na at IOUA twenty-elaht (A) sqaule tout, W tho sureont youll. Ve 00 mramted thqt the emalle6t meth atyeOn sectiun shall not recelve any portion of the aggregate except that which wa ! rues throwoh either th,� jullestimeah screen or tit next larger moah ecreen. The ogErcZate thuo aefaxoted shut pass 1010 a OiL haVW, ScOticv.7- to the screen sections. The tomiblved Ara* A, %hof x tip. yy bq -ale raa*the ,Juvewoh4iAc;t:ur,* ij Win CA end oh d r 0), e "1 1 n -t r" a 41 at 0a, t uhf�-J! 1"C aomminwlf� :4 A! 4 es'r'�' I ne .1 A_"' thic `er'ant + C tAll part Clee, Cj! thr, ­'�xh hat.h kehall bt� cw:��Ivc,e C zk�xe o47n tn4Jh 4lnw,1 k1h"Abf� e t L a r r ro t 'n , r n i, i f 1, f r I -i- a; - lfo r F; t e P. at t 1 1 e. nc +'r�a '1tulithic C-01root aftor 4,Ach to ba "aed V, h.jl C" 4.110 i.�_ira co.Minued 4or 4t lsai't T"-.o remairilawr ox' the 4B'&'tulitbAo rld the remainder of the ;`l ope-rij T•'ro!"'Orticred . hnll then be Mod- t"ilt" the e I I t 1 Z7 a m 1, x t a 0 a I i r; m di. 1 t I o na I ;a z�nd lon;mr ITO zeco,"�ai' *40 ca�;:t A_1 ti'me 8"11 be all ") ved Alax Chal tx and in no oTent lees tohan tors (M) ;econdol. The toixor not le4z th" vor rj-:,ra th4n eighty 160's '".z.,tions per r1nate. Ar accurate tJ­'­ 0 �'-71uo Shall he rrovLlod for 1.1-0 preper regul,!Alor of the Vur'lx1rg. A0 T. "';' 01,1 "AYING. The course n.1rtule all be hauled to the etree t in earivaii covero;l wagorin or tr,VvT'-7#j -and shall have a tennperatwrf; i',`Lon It Z the ctxc,3t of botwo ,an Vrn hand.ral (rC,'C) an�l th tic hundred 7ahzenheit. The. i x e 7r­.111 be clean and dr-,r %z!ben they is luld. ".11, aort"Ct stix400e of r�,r'bs, manholo'-'. ar,.' p a -79neiit JoInts Shall be p4ln.telanti: hot 2,Itu11it..1(. 1L( tho turf-,Ce Is Ifild. A least one-third (1/3) of each loa4 el*411 ("Utaldre ef V'e S: race uron which Jt Is to be spre ;.d, and every +!;7 to.,4 Cha)Ll +1 cted an'-1 "Je u road wl th hct chore In. or for!., z f that alter 1.1-*e din _d c-crto,'IT and 'to xze� t,, do T t h zt.,.�tAnz mix4tMi,3 has "}cen ey, prarid and rolled. tho aompleted wearing., aurfuce the th1e)rM--z'F- hefcro z­eolfled.. vil e the above coax mixture .13 etill In a malleuble cooditAon ,1 11 iAl ,.nd 11 --,fore A t haj l000n cnmsetred in ar4 yriamer hi - w '11 rovert the zt,,.,,ential ble-ndirkg url of the 'finer nl­tuxe With V1,0 '00SX-­1 ri-ture at tht, tor of the ir.aac, It ehr_l]k `w cxveraa With tie -'Ri= z oinkMixture", at the rt.tfl of thirty (,30i pounds per squuro jard, and r-c-Are sh:M be added to &r.,,, :-Irwn,4 �hcre reqalrec to of',.inse the 1�Uztrace to Am-Ll or 01180 up* 16. 1.0=, Inmedi:.1-cIj after th o ?17,o ­fn(*Jn& Vixture the yr,vament das­"_l `�o tho.routrytolled wit-h a atew, or e.,,arc3ine r:)llax rt cwni­�­.Ir o' three hraWrt-', f00) to thx,�c hun,,Irod fifty MCI) pounaw Ter �Iirie.x inch cl k;,n*%'i1 the suyft�ce is unijoldirg, true to tir44 ta,ce,,_ re(Alon. The wearinp surface w3hon om,,j;)L-_'tee s4­11 )�vwo a a t T cc! 'X*1 0 f� r! ! � V 0 not w gee thus e1ght,7,_eigbt ttb) Tcr cent 010 ti"o sirific rxf 441.4"�V cortired co me or.nd r,.rd stone t, uz foun� in Ut-0 -w"' T�`a rolllrcourt 1-,e continunt,3r ­rf,. one : cllsy rut;t lie rruvlded h;irlred Of turf co MAA7tuse laik-1 in day. at craa_4 ti-e rsurf,,oe at -ter rolling shall ia no Place varl more than one-ct axtor (1,4) iDuh, lircri a five (C�) foct otraight tYe ra'."emew4 hac rece"I'Vel-4 co-tirreastOw as above provlle 14�:t!Ya tth"Il be rifrqt-4 o-Var the OV7ilvleal# Ual one C=ke 1.1040 r nod me,3,h soreon,, sand or stone ivat, to emalyr corer the ssty,:bncue. pot �Oava wi o-_�-,eus '�lelng lifOilly 1-oll,"-'.0 a aafficient sci a chirs not i�qysr t vi e l ra .3t r, ar ! .' inch e crec ,, cap n €a ir, � ey(° my the a act: leave ,n axoeis site tj%q IixhfI,y, rclt , all y- k. ydx �yg q pand onewhalt 11-1 • ; W FVK. ,F r _ y t gxavwl jut Orunhea gravel of the iW uOi0ospre Mpolp, died* fro* from oil Or 'It oball be of r, ...; . zZah hard ant towak Mori 1 shut it will she o, off' no less to shin Oub jet d I i ' ids apeottled. por cent of wear of root, stands, ; ""at oi-cc Awarlaun hooietj lox Arven toot of,curce aggregath, otandard VejUpA-i , Americalft ,"Oolety for TestingUateriale. JOVO test it WO aggX09atO, AAZdMrd 90,th,04 tow I t r Outing M ta,k. - j 1a_:� - �,11 be ocnettucWed. on a dar-poried oubgXado gauged azflerOnbefert-., ;_,reciflod, bo Wit; akall bo e ompolied 7 (L) i=h bate and one, " (,I)' 1roh "4rirl auxtape 01 Iflortaxmaking a, 'total of 'firli'sh"ta, thicy-nese o six (,6) inore e, ,�therwiae notod on the pi it for thle jm3rovorer4t 4utter a"Jl be nqt lose 'than cue ,,*,ad a thloknezt &nd shall *xtend to ths tall-dopth ­f in ,,,attar Tian;;, ahall jouxid 1;anibor -,.LkrfaQod on one giO! havit'le U st"Ight smooth or PLAZI-ING CONS Concrete shall %Licknese -411at when t=pod and, llrklshe,�, he thickLaklo 1 Af- be lose 'than give (6) inches unites otherwise specified on p l 4�k ;a lRoodiutolv after the Concrato U&C OX the sha Tj#jSkjA;6i% 11 be 4�ppljod ansi iu, But'Mient mortar oull be u,404 to produce a wearing ourfaca having a thio-kness In no p1Ao# lo" than one (1) inch Tite, surf"o then shall be finished with wooden floaq trf�t� �Amp a az4 ^ depressions &04 shall be edged and Marked into aectitLal ClonforAM4 to those oil the tuxt, 6, GAUGING GUTTZB3 01 YLAT QUIZ&- O-U flat geTados of f 4ve tonthe peg cant cr les##; & SU&ILght flow 'line a, ,tailled by sottlat t"X'Ld* stakOS at &ppTOximatol,7 eight !-J' foo'* inter ale and g,,%iagjng tra 81trface of the finish coat with a long straight edge resting upon a,; leat tbxeo (S) of those stakse, 6, CONTRACTOfit' S RAJ& 0,V GLITISho Tho Cout,,;Actor shall alamp ills 'Lor on the gutter at intervals of zot Mari_tbaz one h"vsd j100, fsot4 The letterB 4hail not be lope than thrvie-fo"the (3,44) iroh n ' axd Impr6seed to i� depth Of Cro-4ourth (1/4) inch,. I�Olght FIRM2D Wes. OU all gutters oonetructed in any Ono daiythe wf,tsXing zurrace chall be tfinished before the wcirkmon letive or the z,,Ajt,rIt. /T&k - "''. . of � �sl`(�a s iF ire "�ti-�`+i!��• ME�14:r.. romo Boisey,. .';. .4idowuu Owl C, i�4isl, of'i Nibtw llxtv- izi iuct t1AA, 24fing 4 ixt" ot Of If p�. 44vW44 WWII' U4 In a alop P*: tr W. '410-0, (Vet, ki ti A'.14LO rut# 1."izoorz aw a pov vovvr, Tltte ot, Sp*11 rv#0, YQ- a used &,a 1-io taxwA 64all be w�r, ips.-Usalz thia-nbj3Fj A01- A 0 .41 ln do-pid"I" ttad 'hwe 't, I XU 00=4%424. MU a verelhwlll V d tw00A :GxMa tho "W64 Ott. 6PT-a-afd4o Quo y ,The s"f4-;4,U of. t,40 oonazet* zu C t *Uq Shall balb'*104 as U, $4440 wl" a "A "m O'xt4jAUrAS *A*-h0,w-U, (1 =- 1 0 j ,h 54 1 w 1440 01 the tl" ur vlooaA uts o %ba Ual-sh mortar abAll bo avvllea' wid th.`- ins =11101*vt vvrbwa,004 to PrOdvqle"Al' ,41UztA** kloving 4 Ulcknevv In Uo -F1446 1",e''thso ouo-4saf -1,1'a-* sari abalf Uiva bu tioweladt ratxoiMjet4 iind UsL own or, V-4 Pf-UM, I ? , AXPAN3109 JOINT5* i*t raturne an r *Zpansionliciat WWII b4 Ovued 4t* M foot on Vh* proper ol;ll Q! )Produawi� nos at Ott et 1; 1 -� 't 31 - soollona and tout wnd oue-liA-14 (4 ., 2J feet on to propaty 4iti* ol -pxoduae,,,1, proportg lira �t iriver reati ciao ant therf.,aftox a-jczl ,+ 'y (30) toot* The iolvt shull concirt ot three-ei-btha (Z/6-4 'Iret, Ohl x 1, t or, p tarooslilor board made of two N) layers of fe'. upor aa4 a tillex ot aep"Itt anol At ahull lit of Poma roputolie, brt%nd mmunuUetuxe4 for %fie eonti-*.ructlon off' e.-xpanelon .4rint-as It 14a rpot a� right tnFlen to the 11no of the -ialk- It ;,:-. 11 t*- -Ilaoed �Tov one qu*rte:r 610W SUbgTpde to oneqj�art,4&r 11 14.) inob tbove thq ,iuy** as 04 the wulk. The auxtac:o of t' a walk e4all loo f1aiuLe.; with an a wj4q� M *-L I On 011WViz P7148 q;t t", joint. !�t wmp U -3i461,RALYs T46 Contxucl, or W, I mar -a ea tilt 111tervuls 0,! not w.".ye ttau UU* .fund rz-4 be 1,040 U�*Au 4610A 4" impX66,08'a to iA doptk of on*-fouxth Anch A 17* liVIMOTION -�JM,MUG* �Adevalk protected ty b44'rlol*� arki 1.11ortent h&--a bad itz lultlia ;;f4o bO COVA xe(- Alth auxltlb 'to it depth of two ();i in"ev UM"''tratere4 tw'-�.e 6,431Y lor JI av4 a-idew alk damarped b-1 hlz dutive, U -4) 0, Astruc ail oz t subar,"4e prept�oed aa tereinbefore 11)Pe--1Tj4,4 ShL%13 1�0 PA CPUzi V1101 �g of ttroe and ona. 23-1 )i� Inch if" 0 Vallee$ otherwise r-to gnuted Pn Ian for 71T71:14inVUS BABY.. Mtunlnous base gh-ill )ie, cwpoe p I - ej$ ed ! t, as ha t met- !5a4 and rook In Uo follovvlrw, ;.,,,ro 40 1), I-er GeLI, AMPha.".". 4 to 7 Yutsiu!; a B i=h ai;xeazi and r-ituined on 1 aersen t 0 �-azaUg, a 1 Inot Uorson, and rat"airted on a 1A 1z0h Screen lh to 4b a Inch screen and retained oz a 1 screen 10 to 0 a 4=11 screen and rc:tainad an "4,1pok fib screen to 10 kazaing a 30-Mesh screen and rattili'ads on & 40-o*#h sorter 0 t c 30 FaspIrS a 40,-meel-. srreea'and re,*Luired on an 60-Mgh screen 31 to 46 .tasslne an 60,zesih screen and retalved on a SM-mest screen I(I t r, 40 ITUS01ne- a 200-mor& Screen - - - - 0 0 0 0 0 * * * * 0 0 a 0 0. to - 1 V 7•A -T ULT 04, 2 WT The aspbalt cement shall be petrolova asphalt$ f1hell bo hoaWneous, free troom vater tand &s.11 not foam' when heat6d to III �L dogrjov'C. VM7 legTeoa V.). It shall meet the ,f*r -Pbysical and chomidal properties: - ?last point, not la4z vnin . . . . . . . . 17 Q Q. (547o p; Aetratior at Efo C. 117V 60 - 60 j**tilit., at 'EEO C. t, net lose Oar - des at 1630 C. f3LVD b hours. not more than Z per o(ont ta4etx4tion of ra��Iduq (770 P.J., 1008., f, see. as �aVr ert#t of original -,perzo Ar,-,4tior4 no,% loss tbon - 10, per cort Per cout ot toUl b1%j*sz soluble in cwrbon toUachloxide, not lose than . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . d, 0 . 9 . �,V per cont. WN 3and tot act in SIUMilious bua* aball b* free from oil &V4 oxgLaic matter, and shall not contain more t4an four (4) per cent by Wals4t of silt. olj�j 0,1 ot"r oth IMFuritive. It aball all screen having o UsIxter t-1/4) irto square openinge &Wt shall 00" not more than t:nlO) per cent by weight of material V&sai4g a 200�"Uh eartolao ba. 40M E00k tot USe itl bit=41ircuS bf--oae $bull be craehed rick, greV 61 ' r Orasb*4j 4W&VOI (,t Z.-4)$ bi-O h4Fk-l"VI-Of�YC' 4eCifi6d. free JW4 *jj 0 W �C 'Or or" to M*Us, WK aner dopooits ar cout'rzo of clay or loaft.3t si�-o 'I $bow an apecl-rio grarit",or of iu-,t lefie than 2.6b. It ohall be Qt 640h jasXd art" tC- -'i� rtorlul that it will ahow a coefficient of --vaux o- Dct lean than ten (lQJ wh&A Mkbl"t*d tc the too$ heroin epaciti,ed. ti- VBMW Cl? T43T113-G¢ ods of testing shoal be as follows: �4 ,sr pent of ivoar of rook, UW%dW Tact 3 Scieen test of coarso aftregato, -;*tandard Lothod D16.1,69 Amexicox oc,(;Iety for Testing Uatorlals. *Jove test of use aggregate. 6t&ndard Uotbod D7-16, Amexioam -9oc1vTy for 'voting raterials'o �h,ysloul and chealoal pro,--5rties -vt us It oem-ant, VIM X.40a rVIOU, !"�ON maul V.j*KVPh* VZ AV516" &llTU t 6iIT"1111 U.TW atondaed lost A-21. DuctilitI, O.S.T.r. Volstilizatica Not, S­vept. of Agricaltars, Bulletin 3169 T"F, using tO_rram sample. Di -wron sal uble in carbon ajxWltura 3allotin 514*P.30. ?. 11AING. The differ ent Si4es of rock sball be kept In at .least two A) sepaiats bits, and 10-mosh material in a third bin. The pro- TortionA8 of We varicuz aizc* ehQ1 to done by means of maltta iple be" -onion. The rock and vanA shall be Wated to a temppruture betweep tvc� 04urtt twenty-five I'M; and W hundred moventl-fIve f27b) deVress Yuhrentait and shall be placed in a mixvr, and to required asphalt cement aided. The asphalt comant 4011 have been prepared for use by pravioaall AM, to a tumpexaWt at ant tore than three bandred OWMI-five, WD1 tagzaas ralizenhalt Pac* .rhea, used the asphalt camont Aall have a temperature riot jeso than Wo hundred seventy-five K 55) deFraos Fahrenheit. Each batch at&! be mixed at least aixtg z000nds with the paddles of the mixa± rarmIng at a speed of not less than eevcntj 170) nGr more than eighty fb*j revolutions per minui e. in addition at least ton (10) Oesonde shall be allowel on each batch for charging and. emptlIng the mixer. h, LAAM Its mixture shall be hauled to the street In la I guns Or trucks, W in cold weather shall be covered with canvag sr4 shall have a temperatare Men It reaches the street of not less than two hundred tiftv 1260) degrees Fahrenheit. The area on mKoh. eavok 1oa4 ie to he spread shall be laid out by marks on the nutgrade. It shall then be uniforrO spread with hot shovels or forks upon a iubgrade pxeparol or herein specified, to each depth that after tolling to its ultimate compression it will have the thickness shown upon the cross foctiat. Toy the purpose of three specifications a ton (excluaive; of the slight of Asphalt Cement) of Asphalt Concrete tompoeltion tot bave coarse shall be oonsidered us sufficient to cover forty-eight (46) 'square 104t. I, a thickness of Wee and one-half MY inches* V. i0oblNl" after the b8ce hae been spread it shull be immediately upl, thorouqhly rolled with a steam or 6asolino roller welphIng not less than three handred W&W pounds per Anaar inch width of tire. pertit.jn of the bone not absolutoll urVieldiuq under the roliez man be twnor,-.,I and replaced. The specific eravitj of the base when tin zoi;iIng has beon completed shall bo not Ions then night,-vlz QQ pay cent of! the arecific gTavitj of the wambinac zock and send cou=*& thervit. iti. J�,M, VVTGN. The base shall bc ta bafriva4ed until t#ie wou'rjt; sayfuct Q laid.