HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 571RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. J7/ RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE STREET DISTRICT NO. Ste, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERS - FIELD, as follows: That it is I the intention of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield to order the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City, to -wit: SECTION 1. That cement concrete curbs and sidewalks be constructed along the easterly side of Union Avenue from the center line of Kentucky Street to the northerly line of Lincoln Street, -and that por between the curb and the existing pavement brought to official grade, shown. on ,the plan for said work to which reference is hereby made for full and complete particulars. SECTION 2. That all of said work within above described limits on Union Avenue be done to such grades as established by Resolution of Intention No. 555, adopted by the Council of the City of Bakers- field, March 7, 1927. All of said work and improvement is to be done in accord- ance with the plan and specifications heretofore and on the (v1;tk day of February, 1928, adopted by the Council of the City of Bakers- field, said plan being entitled "PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STREET DISTRICT NO.-%/ " and said specifications being entitled "SPECIFICA- TIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENTOF STREET DISTRICT NO.-7/ " and which said plan and specifications are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, and are hereby referred to and by such reference made a part and portion hereof, and in this connection the said plan and specifications also show the exact location of the aforesaid work and improvement. AND WHEREAS, said contemplated work and improvement, in the opinion of the said City Council, is of more than local or -1- ordinary public benefit, said Council hereby makes the costs and expenses o said work and improvement chargeable upon a district, which district, said City Council hereby declares to be the district benefited by said work and improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof, and which said district is bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Section 20, Township 29 South Range 28 East, Al. D. B. & M., running thence easterly along the southerly line of said Section 20, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M. D. B. & M., to its intersection with a line 225 feet westerly from and parallel with tb westerly line of Stockton Street; thence southerly and parallel with the westerly line of Stockton Street to the northerly line of Lake Street; thence easterly along the northerly line of Lake Street 50 feet; thence sou erly and parallel with the westerly line of Stockton Street to the center line of Kentucky Street; thence westerly along the center line of Kentucky Street and the westerly extension thereof to the westerly line of Union Ave +hence northerly along the westerly line of Union Avenue to the southerly !ne of Section 19, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M. D. B. & M.; thence esterly along the southerly line of said section 100 feet; thence northerl ind parallel with the westerly line of Union Avenue 1043.55 feet; thence ea erly and parallel with the southerly line of Section 19, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M. D. B. & M., to the westerly line of Union Avenue; thence northerly along the westerly line of Union Avenue to its intersection with the extension westerly of the northerly line of Lincoln Street; thence easterly along the westerly extension of the northerly line of Lincoln Stre and the northerly line of Lincoln Street to a point 250 feet westerly from the westerly line of Stockton Street; thence southerly and parallel with tb northerly westerly line of Stockton Street to a point 1043.55 feet from the southerly line of Section 20, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M. D. B. & M., thence westerly and parallel with the southerly line of said Section 20, to the center line of Union Avenue; thence southerly along said center line of Union Avenue 417.42 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the southerly line of Section 20, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M. D. B. & M., to ite intersection with a line 250 feet westerly from and parallel with the weste line of Stockton Street; thence southerly and parallel with the westerly 19 -2- of Stockton otreet 208.71 feet; thence westerly and parallel with the southerly line of Section 20, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M. D. B. & M., to the center line of Union Avenue; thence southerly along said center line of Union Avenue to the southwest corner of said Sec- tion 20, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M. D. B. & ld,, and the point of beginning. All in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, otate of California. All of the herein proposed work shall be done -in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the otate of California, designated the°Improvement Act of 1911" approved April 7th, 1911, and all acts amendatory thereof. NOTICE IS HEREBs GIVEN, that on Monday, the 5th day of March, , 1928, at 8 o'clock P. 16. at a regular meeting of said City Council in the Council Chamber of said City Council in the City Hall of the City of Bakersfield, any and all persons having any objections to the proposed work or improvement may appear before said City Coun- cil and show cause why said proposed improvement should not be carried out in accordance with said Resolution. The City Clerk of said City shallcause this Resolution of In tention to be published twice in the The Daily Report, a daily news- paper printed, published and circulated in said City of Bakersfield, and hereby designated for that purpose by said City Council. The Street Superintendent of said City of Bakersfield shall cause to be conspicuously posted along the lines of said contemplated work and improvement and along all the open streets within said distric notice of the passage of this Resolution of Intention in the manner and form required by law. -3- I HEREBY CERTIFx that the foregoing resolution of intention was regularly introduced, passed and adopted by the Council of the City Bakersfield, at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 4zt4 day of February, 19281, by the following vote: CarlccL, Corbett, Jel cn, L': r, <:ierV City Clerk and Ex-OffIcio 0 erk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED thisLY day of February, 1928. v YO 'or the City of BakersfiOld. IN THE MATTER, OF THE IMPROVEMENT OF ------------------------------ ------------------------------- .c 3'emium Gharge(c is u P h i:s PAGE--------------- '+ s T SuLn Of 1145498 CONTRACTOR'S_ BONI KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That whereas, on the__9th------ day of -------- A9_Tl4 ___-__ 192 8_ pursuant to law, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, a Municipal Corporation of the County of Kern, State of California, aw tract to__�F_.6AIiZ_T�3S2BJ�--�o-xtn'sr�hi�--oonsistirlg--of_F�_S�_I2san_�n------ ------------------- =--=------------------------------ =------------------ --------------------- as Contractor for doing the following work in the said City of Bakersfield, as provided in Resolution of Intention No.-___ 571_. Council of said City of Bakersfield, passed on the___ 6t _______day of______ '@12 :Qy ---------------- 192$ ___, refer i, Resolution of Intention is hereby made for further particulars. - AND WHEREAS, said ---A —AND _ STRQDI------------------------------------------ as such contractor_3_, ---- B Ze_____about to enter into a contract with_________ Vll -------------- as Sup of Streets of said City of Bakersfield, for the performance of said work, pursuant to said award,_ - AND WHEREAS, said act above mentioned requires every contractor, person, company or corporation, including contracts to whom is awarded any contract for Street Work under said act, before executing said contract, to -file with the Superintendent a good and sufficient bond approved -by the Mayor of said City, in the sum of not less than. one-half of the total amount paya terms of said contract, and which shall enure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies or corporations who perform labor materials to be used in said work or improvement. NOW, THESE PRESENTS WITNESSETH: That the said___ R _AM_ STR0BI1 __, as contractor Fa__, and princips TY±e _Fidelity_ _Casualty Company of Neal Yank as saret _, are held and firmly bound unto any and all persons,, companies, or corporations, who perform labor or furnish mate visions, Provender or other supplies, or teams used in, upon, for, or about the performance of the work aforementioned in ti ---ZKQ— THQT_J_&W _T Q_1-011OF-a- D-_ anc3-- _ __Dollars, (being not less than one-half of the total amount p the terms of said contract) for which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administra- cessors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The conditions of the above obligation are such that if said__ ZR N_ AIM _ STRQBLE ______________ FOR DISTRICT NO.__511 _- R LABOR. AND MATERIALS STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNTY OF ------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- whose names are subscribed as sureties to the foregoing bond, being severally duly sworn, each for himself, deposes and says that worth double the sum mentioned therein, to -wit: is worth the sum Dollars, in fixed property and real estate, situated in said State of California, over and above his just debts and liabilities, exclusiv property exempt from execution and over and above all sums for which he is already liable or in any manner bound, whether as princ endorser or surety, or whether such obligation or liability be conditioned or absolute, liquidated or unliquidated, certain or contingent, or to become due. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribed and sworn to before me this______________day of ------------------------------ 192_-__. Notary Public in and for the County of_________________________ State of California. The sum mentioned in the above bond is by me deemed adequate and is the sum Qxed for that pu se and said bond is hereby proved by me this ----------- day of ------------------------ 192--__. ------//---- -- ----------------------------- Mayor of the City of Bakersfield PTeMlum chaT- d _foM this bo,Rd FOR DISTRICT Ne­-5-71 -------- J s s n e S UrL, G F ; p.-...._.. - - s..�. ..... 114549& CONTRACTOR'S BOND: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, Aii-+�TRQBSI -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------=------------as principal, and�0_�'1Gte� l fib __ QQ$ 011i _Sc4IIlp8 i1$ -fl�- __HeW_'Qr�--------------- ----------------- ------------------- - --------as snretigs, are jointly and severally bound City ofBakerafield, County of Kern; State of California; in'the"sum of__-OEE _TH-CiSAND--O=---gU4-NQ/lC Dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, to be -paid to the City,of.Bakersfield, for which payment, well and truly to b we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, jointly and severally:by these presents.. ;, .. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that if tie above bounden- DEAX:._&M-SM0BLFL--------------- Principal_g._, ---- thP—ir---- successors or assigns shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and faithfn form, all the covenants, conditions and agreements in the contract about to be made between said principala______, as contractor$___ ________________________________________, as Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, Co- Kern, State of California,. for furnishing materials in compliance with specifications and performing the work in the said city which ticularly described in Resolution of Intention No.-5 _____of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, passed the ---- Alb -____-__- __�^�ygrg______, 192B___, reference to which Resolution of Intention is hereby made for further particulars, then the above tion to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Witness our hands and seals this__.a3xil___day of ---------- p il______________.-------- 192_ 8__... Dean & Stroble ----------- ---------------------- ----------- --------------------------------------------- f.---------------------------------------------�- - -= --------- ------_The_Fidelit�_- Casualty Co. - New York - --------------------------------- - --- - ---=----------------------------------------- By------------- -- -_- - ---------------- ----------------------- — Attorney ..in the dear One. Th'oasand and for ow said ..::.:.:.._..County of did ,commissioned arid. sru_ or'n, ¢ersanany _ knozon to me !o: be the ATT and CASiJALTY _ •COMPANY OF N PAGE------ FAITHFULPERFORMANCE STATE OF CALIFORNL4, - ss. County of ---------------- ------------------ . - ----------------------and-------------------- whose names are subscribed as sureties to the foregoing bond, being severally duly sworn, each for himself, deposes and says that worth double the sum mentioned therein, to -wit: is worth the sum.of--TM--` E UBABn-TVffi- 1• 1MDn and ITO/l0k Dollars, in fixed property and real estate, situated in said State of California, over and above his just debts and liabilities, exclusive of erty exempt from execution and over and above all sums for which he is already liable or in any manner bound, whether as principal, en or surety, or whether such obligation or liability be conditioned or absolute, liquidated or unliquidated, certain or contingent, due or to 1 due. •-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=-------- •---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribed and sworn to before me this ------------ day of--------------------------------------, 192-----. •---------------------------------------------------------------- Notary Public in and for the County of ---------------------------- State of California. Approved this --------- day of----------------------. 192----• Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersi PAGE ---=----------- CO THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this,____day of-----------, 192_R, by and between- ­DEAF, t�_lv_D STRQBLE_.-_a-Cc-��riszershi�consistir�_of F.Tt_�gan__�n_.S�__�.__SLrQbl part_ eSof the fast part, and---------_D. _______as Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bake: ---------i1-t� CLAtRl� ---------__-_ County of Kern, State of California, under and by virtue of the authority granted to him as such by law, party of the second part, witn( The parti B 9f the first part further agree____ that_____ the9______will do and perform said work according to specifications in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield which are designated_ Spq_gif i cations for - the XMX-cLy TIe' of Street District No.�i •-------------------------------- -- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and made a part of this contract, and that___ t q will att�e1P__own cost and expense furnish all necessary materials and labor f work and that the materials used therein shall comply with the said specifications and be to the satisfaction of the said Superinten( Streets and that_—:�4e. ------ will within the time hereinafter fixed, turn the said work over to the Superintendent of Streets comply ready for use as a public_______ Street -- _____free and discharged of all claims and demands_ whatsoever_. And the said party of the second part acting in his,�bm official capacity as such Superintendent of Streets, and not m m m ° ° m ° « m ° «' m� individually, hereby fixes the time for the commencement of FU «"aa'�a ° Wa mdxr�59 o a said work to be within fifteen (15) days from the date hereof, .5-zmz mob '°gymmxm pRaaac°n a. P:" 0 one hundred and for its completion to be within------------------------- oW o m 3 o ax ❑ d 3 mQ dA m a o °o°�vOOmmmzo3p^°O«a« a �NwnmN ¢ v o C- 27 t /ZVQ .0 mp-s „Cm .. - 3 mcyp da�h0«ya�a6c�33mo >c_� _y__L_____)--- days from date hereof, and promises ¢ o um a, m96 d- q ; m o= d °N and agrees that npon.the_performance of the covenants afore- said, by the +m+ULa ds?CU� yU- o Y W a «mv-"°xyZv- said pari9of the first part, he will duly make and issue an assessment, and attach a warrant thereto as o c m m �� W6 mb«� m m m m❑ r; �6 H ca provided for in the aforementioned act for the expenses of the .°b,. aC Gb �,o amd NNd Fc°1. QZ wNNNN s m o m 30 o « • ° 0 z«o`dFi_3xxx o._..ma ��,,. ... om -VOR DISTRICT No._5'Zl------- - RACT THAT WHEREAS, the said partLeaf the first part, as will appear by reference to the proceedings of the Council of the City Bakersfield on the --- 2R-teb__-day of________APX!i1__------------- 192$__, h31 'tom__ been awarded the contract for the work hereinaf mentioned, NOW, THEREFORE, these presents witnesseth that the pardP-8 ------ of the first part for the consideration hereinafter mentioi promise ---- and agree____ with said ------ 7 ----- — ------------- as Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfit and not otherwise, that __�ey-- ----- will do and perform or cause to be done and performed in a good and workmanlike manner, under direction and to the satisfaction of said Superintendent of Streets, all the following work in the City of Bakersfield, to -wit: RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 571 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO IM- PROVE STREET DISTRICT NO. 571, IN THEFICITY OF BAKERSELD, CALIFORNIA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. as follows: That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, to order the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City, to -wit: SECTION 1. That cement concrete curbs and sidewalks be constructed along the easterly side of Union Avenue from the center line of Kentucky Street the existing pavement brought to official grarle, where shown on the plan for said work to which reference is hereby made for fu 1 and complete particulars. SECTION 2. That all of 'said work within above described limits on Union Avenue be done to such grades ns " tablished by Resolution of Intention No. 555, adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, March 7. 1927. All of said work and improvement is to be done in accordance with the plan and specifications heretofore and on the in also show the exact location of the aforesaid work and improvement. AND WHEREAS, said contemnlated work and improvement in the opinion of said City Council is of more than local or ordinary public benefit. said Council hereby makes the costs and ex- penses of said work and Improvement chargeable upon a district, which dis- trict said City Council hereby declares to be the district benefited by said work and improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof, and which said district is bounded and de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Section 20, Township 29 South, Range 28 East. M. D. B. & M.. running thence easterly along the southerly line of said Section 20, Township 29 South, Ran.-e 28 East, M. D. B. & M.. to its intersec- tion with a line 225 feet westerly from, and Parallel with the westerly line of Stockton Street; thence southerly and parallel with the westerly line of Stock- ton Street to t It e northerly line of Lake Street; thence easterly along the northerly line of Lake Street 50 feet; thence southerly and parallel with the westerly line of Stockton Street to the center line of Kentucky Street: thence Range 28 East, M. D. B. & M.. to the westerly Idne of Union Avenue; thence northerly along the westerly line of Union Avenue to its intersection with the extension westerly of the northerly line of Lincoln Street; thence easterly along the westerly extension of t h e northerly line of Lincoln Street and the northerly line of Lincoln Street to a Point 250 feet westerly from the westerly line of Stockton Street; thence south- erly and parallel with the westerly line of Stockton Street to a point 1043.55 feet northerly from the southerly line of Sec- tion 20. Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M. D. B. & M.- thence westerly and parallel with the southerly line of -aid Section 20, to the center line of Union Avenue: thence southerly along said center line of Union Avenue 417.42 westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Stockton Street: thence ^outherly and parallel with the westerly line of Stockton Street 208.71 feet: thence westerly and parallel with the southerly line of Section 20. Township 29 South. Range 28 East. M. D. B. & M.. to the center line of Union Avenue; thence southerly along said center line of Union Avenue to the southwest cor- n-r of said Section 20. Township 29 South Range 28 East. M. D. B. & M.. and the noint of h..g+nnine. All in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern. State of California. All of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of California designated the "Improvement Act of 1911," approved April 7th, 1911, and all acts amendatory thereof. Notice is hereby given that on Mon- day. the 5th day of March. 1928. at 8 o'clock P. M.. at a regular meeting of the said City Council in the Council Chamber of said City Council in the City Hall of the City of Bakersfield, any and all persons having any objections to the proposed work or improvement may ap- pear before said City Council and show cause why said proposed improvement should not be carried out in accordance with said Resolutions. The City Clerk of said City shall cause this Resolution of Intention to be pub- lished twice in the The Daily Report, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in said City of Bakersfield, and hereby designated for that purpose by said City Council. The Street Sunerintendent of said City of Bakersfield shall cause to be conspicuously pasted along the lines of sa'd contemplated work and improve- ment and along all the open streets within said district notice of the passage of this Resolution of Intention in the manner and form renuirsd by law t a on the And it is agreed and tucicy street and the westerly extension A cersfield, or an office gar expressly thereof to the Westerly line of Union bett a Johnson. Martin. Stoner. Cor- y thereof, be liable for any portion of ' Avenue; thence northerly along the west- Noes: None. ' assessed. erlAnd it is further stipulated and erlyline of f Section else Townssouth- 9 Absent: None. work, and the said a p t p South. Range 28 East. M. D. B. & M.: V. VAN RIPER onstitnte a legal day' rs party in the performance of saif the iawor linencof saidsectionalong 200 thf etsoutlhencle City Clerk of the CityyRofioBakersfield. the employed by a or property; said d lit i further agreed that the party of the 1 northerly and parallel with the westerly APPROVED his 6th day of February, 0) dollars for each la borer, workman or mechanic employei easterly and parallel f Union Avenue with5thefeet; sou southerly 1928. Mayor of the City of STONER. for each calendar da; during which such laborer, workman (line of Section 19, Township 29 South. (February 17 and 19) ' the provisions of Sec tion 653-C of the Penal Code of the St And it is further stipulated and agreed that the minimum compensation to be paid for labor upon all work performed under this con tract shall be three (3) dollars per day. - - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to these presents have hereunto set thheir_hands /and seals the day and year first above written ------------------------------------------------------ ----- `' -- -- - ------------------------ 4���-------_ -------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Countersigned by: Auditor of the City of Bakersfield. Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield. State of California, SS. County of Kern ` ---------- v._�nrr_ RIPER____----__ ------------------------ being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is now and was during all the times herein mentioned, the duly ap- NOTICE OF THE FILING OF ASSESS- i pointed qualified and acting City Clerk the City MENT AND THE TIM I-CF I f of HEARING I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on i of Bakersfield, aforesaid County and State; Saturday, the lath day of August, 1928, 1 there was filed with the undersigned city Clerk an assessment to cover the i sum due for the work performed and improvement made by DL•'AN & STRU- That pursuant to statute and the order of the BLE, contractors, under and in pursu- anceof the provisions of the "Improve- ment Act of 1911;' reference being made to Resolution of Intention No. 571, of ' Council of said City he, duly posted conspicuously the City Council of said City passed February 6th, 1928, for the description of said work and improvement, Sala as- for five days near the Chamber door the Council oessment being made in conformity wrtn of the provisions of Sections 29 and 21 of said Act, according to the character of the work done; a Notice of the Filing of Assessment and the time of Said assessment shows the ain... t to be paid on said contract for the work contracted for and performed, together with all incidental expenses, the amount hearing, a copy of which is annexed hereto andmade of each assessment against each lot or Portion of a lot, the number of each lot or portion or portions of a lot so as - apart hereof sessed, and has attached thereto a ; diagram exhibiting each street a n d ,. street crossing, lane, alley, place or court, property or rights of way on which any work has been done. show- lot That said notice was posted for the first time, as ing the relative location of each or F portion of lot, to the work done, num- }bered to correspond with the numbers `af the assessments. .`. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Tuesday, the 4th day of September. 1928. time Ilt-h ------- aforesaid, on the _---__-_----llth day of at the hour of 8 o'clock P. U., is the fixed by the undersigned Clerk when all Persons interested in the work done, or in the assessment may appear at the City Hall in the Council Chambers and be heard by the City Council; A --------------Ll g-US-t ------ _------------------ , ,79%i_a___, and was kept The owners, the contractor, or its as- signs, and all other persons interested in said work. or in the assessment. feel- so ing aggrieved by any act thereto, or who posted continuouslythere. tto and includ - -thereafter u p claim that the work has not been per- the formed to the contract, in a good and substantial manner, or who claim that any portion of the work for any reason was omitted or Illegally in- zng the entire day of--- egtember__4th. 19� ------__•___ 8--• 'luded i^ the contract for the same, .or'-------- ".vine or making any objection to the - correctness of the assessment or diagram or other act. determination or proceed- ings of the Superintendent of Streets. or City Engineer. shall, prior to the day fixed for said hearing. nto the City Council by briefly statingg Inea writing the grounds of appeal, Dated: August 11. 1928. V. VAN RIPER. ------ ________1-------- _---------- •------ ________ __ City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. 1 California. City Clerk (August 17 and 18) Subscribed and sworn to before me this ------------ sty- ------ --------- day September g °f ------------------------A. D.19,2 ----- 1 - - - - ---------------------- Notary P blic in and fort a County of Ker tate of California /0/ NOTICE, OF THE FILING OF ASSESSMENT :FWD s'HE -TIME OIL ZEEARI G. NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN that on Saturday, the Il.th day of 2.ugu,st,. IM,, there was filed %r1th the undersigned Cit7 Clerk an assessment to cover the sum due for the work performed and Improvement made bg BEAN as STROBLE, contractors, under and in pur- suance of the provisions of the "Improvement, Act of 1911"., refer- ence being made to Resolution of Intention Fo. 571 of the City coun- cil of said City passed February Sth, 1928,.for the description of said Work and improvement, said assessment being made in conformity with the provisions of sections 20 and. 21 of said Act, according to the character of the tvo&_ clone; Said assessment sho-rrs the amount to be paid on said con- tract for the work contracted for and performed, together with all incidental expenses, the amount of each assessment against each lot or portion of a lot, the number of each lot or portion or portions of a lot so assessed, and has attached thereto a diagram exhibiting each street and street crossing, lane, alley, place or court, property or rights of way on which any work has been done, showing the relative location of each lot or portion of lot, to the work done, numbered to correspond with the numbers of the assessments. NOSICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that To3sda.4, the 4th day of September,, 1928, at the hour of 8 o'clock P. H. is the time fixed by the under- signed Clerk when all persons interested in the work done, or in the assessment may appear at the City flail in the Council _'chambers and be heard by the City Council; I he amers., the contraetor, or its assigns:, and all other persons interested in said worV, or in the assessment, feeling aggrieved by any act thereto, or who claim. that the work has not been person ad according to the contract, in a good and sub- stantial manner, or v,ho claim that any portion Of the arork for any reason was omitted or illegally included in the contract for the same, or having or making any objection to the correctness of the assessment or diagram or other act, determination or proceedings of the Superintendent of Streets, or City -,?ngineer, s?h.11 prior to the day fixed for said heartw, appeal to the City Council by briefly stating in writing the grounds of appeal. Dated: rluguat v-Terx or tale-Gityo Bakersfield,. California. , vDaud of Publiration ITOTICE OF TI FILING LENT AND THE' `i I'__E ? IN G Feso lution of intention I•io. 571 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss: COUNTY OF KERN. Hazel eTTC YR -e of said County and State, being duly sworn, says: that I am and at all times herein mentioned was a citizen of the United States, over eighteen years of age, and not a, party to, nor in- terete ill tied live entitled matter; that I am the-Proprie.Wr of the Daily Report, a newspaper printed and published daily, except Sunday, in the -said County; that the Notice of t'ne Filing of Assessment etc in the above entitled matter, of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper Daily for t'ao insertions and on the following days, to -wit: August 17 and 18, 1928 Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 10th day of AUUIS t 1928 Notary Public in and for said County and State OF ASSESS - OF NOTICE OF THE. FILING -OF ASSESS- -j MENT AND THE TIME OF HEARING' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on 1 Saturday, the llth day of August, 1928,1 there was filed with the undersigned City Cleric an assessment to cover the I sum due for the work performed and I improvement made by DEAN & STRO- 1 BLE, contractors, under and in pur'u- �. ance of the provisions of the ."Improve- I ment Act of 1911," reference being made j j to Resolution of Intention No. 571. of the City Council of said City passed February Gth, 1928, for the description' of said work and improvement, said as- j sessment being made in conformity with' i the .provisions of Sections 20 and 21 of '; said Act, according to the character of I the work done; , Said assessment shows the amount to i f he -paid on said -contract for the work I contracted for- and performed, together j with all incidental expenses, the amount; of each assessment against each lot or portion of a lot, the number of each lot j or portion or portions of a lot so as- sessed, and has attached thereto a j I diagram exhibiting each street a n d; street crossing, . lane, alley, place or court, property or rights of way on which any work has been done, show- ing the. relative location of each lot or: portion of lot, to the work done, num- 1 bered to correspond with the numbers', Of the assessments. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Tuesday, the 4th day of September, 1928, at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M., is the time i fixed by the undersigned Clerk when all persons interested in the work done, or, j in the assessment may appear at the City Hall in the Council Chambers and be heard by the City Council; The owners, the contractor, or its as- signs. and all other persons interested in said work. or in the assessment, feel- ing aggrieved by any act thereto, or who claim that the work has not been per- formed according to the contract, in a I good and substantial manner, or who claim that any potation of the work for any reason was omitted or illegally in- cluded in the contract for .the same, or having or making any objection to the correctness .of the assessment or diagram . or other act, determination or proceed- ' ings of the Superintendent of Streets, or I City Engineer, shall, prior to the day, fixed for said hearing, appeal to the City �i Council by briefly stating in writing the. grounds of appeal. Dated: August 11, 1928. !: V. VAN RIPER, j City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, California. - i (August 17 and 18) H NOTICE OF THE FILING OF ASSESSMENT AND THE TIME OF HEARING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Saturday, the llth day of August, 1928, there was filed -with the undersigned City Clerk an assessment to cover the sum due -for the work performed and improvement made by DEAN & STROBLE, contractors, under and in pur- suance of the provisions of the "Improvement Act of 1911", refer- ence being made to Resolution of Intention No. 571 of the City Coun- cil of said City passed February 6th, 1928, for the description of said work and improvement, said assessment being made in conformity with the provisions of sections 20 and 21 of said Act, according to the character of the u•!ork done; Said assessment shows the, amount to be paid on said con- tract for the work contracted for and performed, together with all incidental expenses, the amount of each assessment against each lot.or portion of a lot, the number of each lot or portion or portions of a lot so assessed, and has attached thereto a diagram exhibiting each street and street crossing, lane, alley, place or court, property or rights of way on which any work has been done, showing the relative location of each lot or portion of lot, to the work done, numbered to correspond with the numbers of the assessments. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Tuesday, the 4th day of September, 1928, at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M. is the time fixed by the under- signed Clerk when all persons interested in the work done, or in the assessment may appear at.the City Hall in the Council Chambers and be heard by the City Council; The owners, the contractor, or its assigns, and all other persons interested in said work, or in the assessment, feeling aggrieved by any act thereto, or who claim that the work has not been performed according to the contract, in a good and sub- stantial manner, or who claim that any portion of the work for any reason was omitted or illegally included in the contract for the same, or having or making any objection to the correctness of the assessment or diagram or other act, determination or proceedings of the Superintendent of Streets, or City Engineer, shall prior to the day fixed for said hearing, appeal to the City Council by briefly stating in writing the grounds of appeal. Dated: August 1928. City ClerlEof the City o Bakersfield, California, Al fibauit of pubiiration ITOT ICE OF A18ARD Resolution of Intention No. 571 NOTICE OF AWARD I Pursuant to statute and to the reso- 1 Iutinn of the City Council of the City { of Bakersfield, directing this notice: Is HPREBY cl� E that; STATE OF CALIFORNIA, j S5: NOTrcr the said Council, in open session. on the COUNTY OF KERN. Jj 9th day of April. 1928. publicly opened. l examined and declared all sealed nrn- i pnsals or bids for doing the work and ! mpravement in sa;d .City, as describe' OTIS HYMER, of Said Con and State, being I the lCl iwcii of aid City. adopted o. ,71. of on the says: that I am and at all times herein Res - lut�iona of Intebtion yisl928. hereby expressly duly sworn, citizen of the United States, over rPA M ,.-OTICE So`nxi i r•.rY � mentioned -as a a to, nor in- IS A i OWEN that said Council thereafter e11 eighteen years of age, and not party that am the Wit day of April. 1928. awarded the • c�,i ri, for s id work to the )nwest re- terested in the above entitled matter; i bidder. to -wit: DEAN and proprietor of the Daily Report, a STP013LE. at. the prices named for sa.i;l ,,, their or bid on file. the publisher published daily, except r proposal f�lln,vs: newspaper printed and County; that the S111 tic (Zone 1)............no $0.237 n^r sq, ft. -de . 11, (Z,ne 2)............n 248 tier sq. ft. Sunday, in the said S:ewauc (zone 3)............n 293 per sq. ft. Pdotice of Award Curb (Ions 1)......... n .90 per lip. ft. r•nrb (7.,a 9)............01 .95 p+rPn.ft.: Cnrb (Zone 3)........... .@ 1.22 Perlin. ft. i Dated: April 11. 192R. V. VAN RIPER Clerk of tho (11ty Council of the City - of BakersfWd f!a pr•,rni:). I (April ll C 12) l in the above entitled matter, of which the annexed is copy, was published in said newspaper a printed Two successive times and on the following days, to -wit: April 11 lld 12, 1926 Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 12t)day of April 1928 c- C otary Public In for _aid County and S te- NOTICE OF AWARD. Pursuant to statute and to the resolution of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, directing this notice: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the said Council, in open session, on the 9th day of April, 1928, publicly opened, examined and declared all sealed proposals or bids for doing the work and improvement in said City, as described in Reso- lution of Intention No. 571, of the Council of said City, ad- opted on the 6th day of February, 1928, which Resolution of Intention is hereby expressly referred to for further particulars. AND NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that said Council thereafter on the 9th day of April, 1928, awarded the contract for said work to the lowest responsible bidder, to -wit: DEAN & STROBLE, at the prices named for said work in their proposal or bid on file, as follows: Sidewalk (Zone 1)............ @ $0.237 per sq. ft. Sidewalk (Zone 2)............ @ .246 per sq. ft. Sidewalk (Zone 3)........... .@ .293 per sq. ft. Curb (Zone 1)............ @ .90 per lin. ft. Curb (Zone 2)............ @ .95 per lin. ft. Curb (Zone 3)............ @ 1.22 per lin. ft. Dated: April /1 , 1928. Clerk of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, California. as follows: RESOLUTION RESOLUTION A`.i� RDING COP?TRACT FOR Ill!]=' OVrniY;��,�TS IN STREW DISTRICT] NO. 571, IN THE CITY Or, =�i�'iSFII:D, TO THE LO!UEST RES_-'O!TSIBTL71 BIDDER. BE IT RFSOL = BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B_iKEFiSFIELD, "-ERE_LS, the Council of the City of Bai:ersfieid, C11-id it open session on the 9th day Of April, i928, publicly open, examine and decla-re all sealed proposals Or bids for doing certain street Or=_ i., said City under and in pursuance: of the "1::1pr01'eu:ent .Het o" -r I9 191_ , approved 4ril 7th, 1911, and ail uc':,s emendatory the_eof, the .__.res of t?he streets proposed to be 111pr•oved and tb.e location and character of said proposed -4uork being described in Resolution Of Inten- tion No. 571 on said Council, adopted the 6tih day of February, 1923, `v-Lich Resolutior:. is i..,'re by expressly referred to for further particular., TIN EP. q .R D, he said City ,ouncil Thereby rejects all of said proposals or bids except the next herein m :tiori=d and il::i'Eby a§tial'L'LS t11c CO21t1'aCe"7, fOr doing said, 410i"i•- and 1I11- provc:Tient to the imaoest responsible bi dler, t0-J 1.t: -ate at- the prices named in The City Clerk is hereby directed to p uiJiisih notice of this awardin the The Daily Report, a nail y ne%nspaper published and circulated in saild City and hereby d, signated. by the Council for that pu='poste. I =EREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield en the clay of , 1928, by the follo.;:-ing cote Czriezk, Corbett, Johnson, ` zn° -I, -':.fl;t E3 Cloy C1er• and VSEfficio O er : of the zLl Council of the City of Bakersfield. 7 i _ A ' „ of t.y ield. as follows: RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION AroARDING CONTRACT FOR IMPROVEMENTS IN STREET DISTRICT NO. 571, IN THE CITY OF BAM SFIELD, TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B_UMSFIELD, AREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, did in open session on the 9th day of April, 1928, publicly open, examine and declare all sealed proposals or bids for doing certain street work in said City under and in pursuance of the "Improvement Act of 19110, approved April 7th, 1911, and all acts amendatory thereof, the names of the streets proposed to be improved and the location and character of said proposed work being described in Resolution of Inten- tion No. 571 of said Council, adopted the 6th day of February, 1928, which Resolution is hereby expressly referred to for further particular; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the said City Council hereby rejects all of said proposals or bids except the next herein mentioned and hereby awards the contract, for doing said work and im- provement to the lowest responsible bidder, � to -wit: at the prices named in %f/P — bid. The City Clerk is hereby directed to publish notice of this award twice in the The Daily Report, a daily newspaper published and circulated in said City and hereby designated by the Council for that purpose. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the day of _, 1928, by the following vote: Uity Clerk and EY--Offielo Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPR VED this •day of o e City of Bakersfield. Cu�6 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD - 92Q BIDS RECEIVED FOR IMPROVEMENT OF DISTRICT NO. ,j BAKERSFIELD, CALIF., �- - ITEMS QUANTITIES UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL Paving Sq. Ft. 2 O/.loSq. Ft. 1 ( r_ W W 3 -GU#04'- ii 2 /�✓�2 2l0 Sq. Ft. J Sidewalk 3 _S37o, 062 Sq. Ft. S .3 Curb Za�B/ ¢�✓�31p Lin. Ft. Q 6dlvsri tn... 20 71 Lin. Ft. i- Guivertr-Doable 3 9/-fir, /O Lin. Ft. I'll, 1 Culvert, Lin. Ft. Headers Lin. Ft. " Catch Basins Ea. Shoulders Sq. Ft. Cut, Cu. Yds. Fill Cu. Yda. Comb. Curb & Walk Lin. Ft. 7- 6 in. Sewer Pipe Lin. Ft. S in. Sewer Pipe Lin. Ft. 10 in. Sewer Pipe Lin. Ft. 12 in, Sewer Pipe Lin. Ft. Man Holes Ea. Lamp Holes Ea. TOTALS I{Z�6Y 1J GrIPVAg 4 t1r_ n- m T� �,� r,i ram.. _a � � 8 ---a=t � i-&-pa T_ 5---------- Bakersfield, Calif.,----------=---------, 192---- To t4r T, ittwrahlr Tiarmit In and for the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern: GENTLEMEN: In compliance with the annexed notice inviting street work proposals, I hereby promise and agree to perform the work and furnish all necessary and proper materials therefor and execute the contract specified therein to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, at the following prices, payable in U. S. gold coin, viz.: Paving-------------------------------------------- ------Sq. Ft. @------------- ----- -- -- - Sq. Ft. Zone__l)---2B.Q3—E-1-_-Sq. Ft. @_-__---f�_s71� ----------------------- S .Ft. q Cfleeter ------- sidewalk-- Zone--2)--- LU2_-"_,6--_Sq. Ft @-------- /, ---------------------Sq. Ft. Sidewalk -------------------- (Z -3_1 ---- UTO-.t _—Sq. Ft. @-------- � --------------------Sq. Ft. l 475_ 36_---Lin. Ft @ --------- �fd - ------------------------Lin. Ft. -OnFoert-------------------- �L;OYlE _2 )------ 20Q .72__._Lin. Ft @ I -------------------------- Ft -CoblerE--------------------- tZQi1(---Z)------ Ft. @----'T--+ f{- -----------------------Lin. Ft. Headers--------------------------- Catch Basins _________. Shoulders ------------- Cam. Curb & Walk____ ___._Lin. Ft @___ ----------- ec--- ---------------- Sq. Ft. @ ---------------- Lin. Ft @- 6 in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------ 8 in. Sever Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft @------------------------ __ in. Sewer Pipi F Man Holes______ Lamp Holes_____ Total Cost of _____._Lin. Ft. @______ _____Lin. Ft ----------Sq. Ft. ---------- Lin. Ft ----------------Lin. Ft. ----------------Lin. Ft. ----------------Lin. Ft. ----------------Ea. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ - - --- k--------------------------------- Know All Men by These Presents: That we___________________________ ------------------------------------- as principal, and -------------------------------------- and --------------------------------- as sureties, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Bakersfield, in the just and full sum of___________________________________________________________ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dollars, for the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Given under our hands and sealed with our seals this ---------- day of ---------------------- A. D. 192____ Now, the condition of the foregoing is such that, Whereas the above mentioned principal- ------------------------------------------------- is about to hand in and submit to the Council of the City of Bakersfield, the foregoing bid or proposal for the performance of the work therein mentioned, together with the furnishing of all neces- sary and proper materials therefor, under and in pursuance of the annexed advertisement or notice inviting street work proposals, a copy of which is annexed to said bid or proposal: Now, therefore, if the accompanying bid or proposal of the said ------------------------------------------------ shall be accepted and the said work awarded to ------------------- thereupon, by the said Council, and ----------------- the said ____________________________________________________________shall enter into a contract therefor and execute an adequate bond to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets of said City, with two or more good and sufficient sureties, con- ditions for the faithful performance of such contract on -------------------------------------- part, in such case required by an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled an "Act to provide for work in and upon Streets, Avenues, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks within Municipalities, and upon Property and Rights of Way owned by Munici- palities, and for Establishing and Changing the Grades of any such Streets, Avenues, Lanes. Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks and Providing for the Issuance and Payment of Street Improvement Bonds to Represent Certain Assessments for the cost thereof and Providing a Method for the Payment of such Bonds," and all acts amendatory thereof or supple mentary thereto, then and in that case, the above obligation shall become void and of no further force or effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue; and the said sum of___________________________________________________________________ Dollars shall be and become as liquidated damages for such failure and neglect WITNESS: ----------------------------------------------[SEAL] ----------------------------------------------[SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 ss. j----------------------------------------------[SEAL] County of Kern ------------------------------------------------------- and----------------------------------------------------------- being severally duly sworn, each for himself, and not one for the other, deposes and says, that he is one of the sureties named in the foregoing bond, and that he executed the same; that he is a resident and freeholder of the City of Bakersfield, and is worth the sum mentioned in said bond, in said City of Bakersfield, over and above all his debts and liabilities. Subscribed and sworn to before me on this____________ dayof----------------------------- A. D. 192---- _______, Clerk. 1145495 p` and o ll Oo lil o Fan am r NewYo - +4nnm A11 Mtn hit U, 4me Vrrsrnts : Ci4ax THE FIDELITY AND CASUALTY COMPANY OF .NEW YORK, herein- after called the Surety, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York, with its home office in the City of New York in the said state, is held and firmly bound unto City of Bakersfield of Bakersfield, State of California hereinafter called the Obligee , in the sum of _ Six hundred and 00/100 dollars; for the payment whereof to the Obligee the Surety binds itself, its successors and assigns, firmly by these presents. F. T. Dean and S. V. Stroble, a co -partnership JU4prpgg doing business as Dean & Stroble , hereinafter called the Bidder, is herewith submitting the accompanying bid dated April 9, 1928 for doing the work described in Resolution of Intention No. 571, described as follows: Plan for the I=roverfent of Street Distric 3ft-5 a . 571 adoUted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 6th day Feb. 192E Now, 014rdarr, the condition of this obligation is such that if the bid be accepted as to any or all of the items of material and workmanship proposed to be furnished thereby, or as to any portion of the same, and if the said Bidder will, within ten (10) days after notice of the award of contract, enter into contract with the Obligee, to furnish all work and material at the prices offered by said bid, and will furnish bond with good and sufficient surety or sureties, as may be required, for the faithful and proper fulfilment of such contract, then this obligation shall be - n - -. , - --- 1z _ -- -- ,ftntr of Cavarnia ptawaig at— ern _ On this IT d o.Aprlln t year On Thousand l tvren` ei ht..........................A. Moore r ss. Nine Hundred­ .................Y..............................before:.................................... ...............a Notary Public in and for the said ...................... of._ arri.. ........................residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally ap- peared...._C..t...F�..s XOOx.0............................known to me to be the ATTOR- NEY of THE FIDELITY and CASUALTY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, the Corporation that executed the within instrument, and known to me to be the person who executed the said instrument on behalf of the Corporation therein named and acknowledged to me that such Corpora- tion executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed my - ,., official seal in the County of...........e.Tn................................the day and year in this certificate first above written. ....'."""""""""' Notary Public in and for the ...:.....................County of .............................................................State of California. My commission expires........................................................ Bond 1270, 10M (27091660) State of California, SS. County of Kern ` -----------•---•------------------v. vnrl R=PER -- N R -- ---------------- being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is now and was during all the times herein mentioned the duly ap- pointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California; that as such City Clerk he posted NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS Pursuant to a Resolution of the Coun- a Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals, a printed copy of cil of the City of Bakersfield, adopted the 5th day of March, 1928, directing ' this notice and to statute in such case Council hereby which is hereto attached, in a conspicuous place near made and provided, said invites sealed proposals or bids for do- ing the work described in Resolution of Intention No. 571, passed and adoptedby the chamber door of the Council of said city to -wit: said Council on the 6th day of February, 1928, which said Resolution f of Intention is on file with the City Clerk of the city of Bakersfield. On the bulletin, board located immediately in front For full and complete particulars re- garding said work and improvement to be made and the district to be assessed therefor. reference is hereby made to of the chamber of said Board; that said posting was said Resolution of Intention No. 671. "PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STREET DISTRICT NO. 571", and ••SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE IM- 28th ' done on the ------ day of PROVEMENT OF STREET DISTRICT No. 571," adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 6th day of February, 1928, and are on file in the Clerk. March' 192.5----, and remained office of. the City All proposals or bids shall be accom- ------------------------------------------------- panied by a check payable to the City of Bakersfield certified by a responsible so for more than five days thereafter; that bank, for an amount which shall not be posted less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal, or else by a bond for the said amount, payable as aforesaid, ,, he also posted, at the same time and place, a true signed by the bidder and two sureties, who shall justify, before an officer com- petent to administer an oath, in double the said amount and over and above all and correct copy of the specifications referred to statutory exemptions. All sealed proposals or bids shall be delivered to the Clerk of said conned de obefore 5 o'clock P. said Monday, therein; that he also caused said Notice Inviting the 9th day of April, 1928, said time being not less than ten days from the first publication and posting of this no- tice. All bids so received shall be opened by the Council in at 8 Sealed Proposals to b2 e, published for-------------------------- said open session o'clock P. M., of the said day. All bids must be submitted on blanks to be furnished by the City Clerk. Bidders will state in their proposal ----- days in the _ PAJ,I�Y-:iEPo3T_ ------------------------------- the price of each item separately as set forth therein, by which the bids will be --------- compared. Dated: March 28, 1928. a daily newspaper printed and published in. sai:` V. VAN RIPER, City Clerk and ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. (March 28and29) city; that said notice was published on ---- MA-aCIi-------- ------------ 28th. __P_ 29th'-_ 192R------------------------------------------ Subscribed and sworn to before me this----- loth of- -------------- April ------------------- A. D.192--8-- ------------------------- - ----------- City Clerk ------------day -� ` _-e` Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, Stafe- of California NOTICE IM 1%1TG STALED PROFCSALS. Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, adopted the 5th dad- of march, 1928, directing this notice and to statute in such case made and provided, said Council hereby invites sealed proposals or bids for doing the viork describ- ed in Resolution of Intention No. 571, passed and adopted by said Council on the 6th day of February, 1928, which said Resolution of Intention is on file with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. For full and complete particulars regarding said work and improvement to be made and the d`strict to be assessed therefor, reference is hereby made to said Resolution of Intention No. 571, "PLAN FOR THE I?J- ROVL+'.'STWTT OF STRETT DISTRICT NO. 571", and "SPECIFI- CATTO?<S FORT TRH IMPRO EWHIEiT OF STRE1'T DISTRICT I O. 571", adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 6th day of February, 192^, and are on file in the office of the City Clerk. All proposals or bids shall be accompanied by a check pay- able to the City of Bakersfield certified by a responsible bank, for an amount which wall not be less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal, or else by a bond for the said amount, payable as aforesaid, signed by the bidder and two sureties, who s_gall justify, before an officer competent to administer an oath, in double the said amount and over and wove ell statutory exa=tions. All sealed proposals or bids shall be delivered to the Clerk of•sa.ld Council on or before 5 o'clock P. ri., Monday, the 9th day of April, 1928, said time being, not less than ten days from the first publication and posting of this notice. All bids so received shall be opened by the said Council in open session at 8 o'clock P.M. of the said day. All bids must be submitted on blanks to be furnished by the City Clerk. Bidders will state in their proposal the price of each item separately as set Porte therein, by which the bids will be compared. Q rated; march yU , 1928. CtyCer and Ek-offlcloTlerkof to Council of the City of Bakersfield. Affibttuit of J1uhtirttttou Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS R e s o + ut i o r. of Intention it G F71' Pursuant to a Resolution of the Coun- ., cil of the City of Bakersfield, adopted the 5th day of March, 1928, directing 1this notice and to statute in'such case l made and provided, said Council hereby invites sealed proposals or bids for do- ing the work described in Resolution of Intention No. 571, passed and adopted by 1 said Council on the 6th day of February, 192S, which said Resolution of Intention is on file with the City STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. For full and complete particulars re - SS' COUNTY OF KERN. Bard ing said work and improvement to be made and the district to be assessed therefor. reference is hereby made to said Resolution of In No. 571. "PLAN FOR THF: IMPROVEMENT OF OTIS HYMER, Of said County and State, being TREETVlSTRFOR THE and -E -SPECIFICATIONS I:T R HE and IM- dilly sworn, says: that I am and at all times herein PROVEMENT OF STREET DISTRICT No. 5E adopted by the Council DISTRICT NoO 71." mentioned was a citizen of the United States, City of Bakersfield the Gil day of iP over ei hteen party g years Of age, and not a art t0, nor in ebruary, 1928. and are an file is the ai o file of the city Clerk. All proposals or bids shall be accom- terested in the above entitled matter; that I eat oinsiey a ccecic payable am the publisher and responsible amount which shall not be `than proprietor of the Dail Report, a y P ass ten per coat of the aggregate newspaper printed and published daily, except of the ropnoount o the ae for said Sunday, in the said County; that the . aid payable signed by the bidder and two sureties, who shall justify, before an officer com- petent to administer an oath in double the said amount and over and above all Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals statutory exemptions. deliveredIto ed the Clerk orshall be �cafd cCounct of on or before 5 o'clrrk P. M.. Monday, the 9th day of Apr'l 1928, said time being not less than ten days from the in the above entitled matter, of which the annexed first Publication and posting of this no - Lice. All b'ds so received shall be opened is a printed copy, was published in said news by laid Council in open session at 8 o'clrck P. M., of the said day. a er P P All bids must be submitted on blanks to be furnished by the City Clerk. T + e S HC C e S ` u iv e insertions Bidders will state in their proposal the price of each item senarateIy as set forth therein, by which the bids will be I compared. Dated: March 28, 1999. and on the following days, to -wit: V. VAN RIPER, Citv Clerk and ex-Officio Cleric of the Council of •he Ci_ of Raltersfield. (lifarch 28 and29) iaiar ch and 29, 1020 — -- — — Subscribed ands rn to before me,. this 30th-day plarch 192 _ l No ary Public in and for said County and State. NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS. Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, adopted the 5th day of March, 1928, directing this notice and to statute in such case made and provided, said Council hereby invites sealed proposals or bids for doing the work describ- ed in Resolution of Intention No. 571, passed and adopted by said Council on the 6th day of February, 1928, which said Resolution of Intention is on file with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. For full and complete particulars regarding said work and improvement to be made and the district to be assessed therefor, reference is hereby made to said Resolution of Intention No. 571, "PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STREET DISTRICT NO. 511", and "SPECIFI- CATIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STREET DISTRICT 190: 571", adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 6th day of February, 1928, and are on file in the office of the City Clerk. All proposals or bids shall be accompanied by a check pay- able to the City of Bakersfield certified by a responsible bank, for an amount which shall not be less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal, or else by a bond for the said amount, payable as aforesaid, signed by the bidder and two sureties, who shall justify, before an officer competent to administer an oath, in double the said amount and over and above all statutory exemptions. All sealed proposals or bids shall be delivered to the Clerk of said Council on or before 5 o'clock P. M., Monday, the 9th day of April, 1928, said time being not less than ten days from the first publication and posting of .this notice. All bids so received shall be opened by the said Council in open session at 8 o'clock P.M. of the said day. All bids must be submitted on blanks to be furnished by the City Clerk. Bidders will state in their proposal the price of each item separately as set forth therein, by which the bids will be compared. QQ Dated; March -)- , 1928. City Clerk and Ex-o f c o Ulerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. State of California, SS. County of Kern V. VAN RIPER ---------- ------------------------------- being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is now and was during all the times herein mentioned the duly ap- pointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of the -City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California; that as such City Clerk he posted NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS a Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals, a printed copy of Pursuant to a Resolution of the Coup- cil of the City of Bakersfield, adopted the 5th day of March, 1928, directing to statute in such ease is hereto attached, in a conspicuous place near this notice and made and provided, said Council hereby which invites sealed. proposals or bids for do- ing the work described in Resolution of 571, the chamber door of the Council of said city, to -wit: Intention No. passed and adoptedby said Council on the 6th day of February, 1928, which said Resolution of Intention is on file with the City On the bulletin board located immediately in front Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. For full and complete particulars re- garding said work and improvement to _bemade and the district to be assessed of the chamber of said Board; that said posting was therefor, reference is hereby made to said Resolution of Intention No. 571, "Plan for the Improvement of Street District No. 571," and "Specifications $th. __________ _________________________ done on the________ day of for the Improvement of Street District No. 671," adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 6th day of February, 1928, and are on file in the march 19� 8 and remained office of the arty Clerk. All proposals or bids shall be accom- ____________________ __________________________-1 _____., panied by a check payable to the City of Bakersfield certified by a responsible bank. for an amount which shall not be so posted for more than five days therea f ter; that less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the Proposal, or else .by a bond for the said amount, payable as aforesaid, he also posted, at the same time and place, a true signed by the bidder and two sureties, who shall justify, before an officer com- petent to administer an oath, in double the said amount and over and above all and correct copy of the specifications referred to statutory exemptions. All sealed proposals or bids shall be delivered to the Cleric of said Council on or before 5 o'clock P. M., Monday, 7 therein; that he also caused said Notice Inviting the 19th day of March, 1928, said time being not less than ten days from the first Publication and posting of this no- tice. All bids so received shall be opened by Council in open session at 8 Sealed Proposals to be published or___-.._2_________________ said o'clock P. M., of the said day. All bids must be submitted on blanks to be furnished by the City Cleric. Bidders will state in their proposal in the. D =ILY REPORT_________________________________________ the price of each item separately as set y -------��-�----------" ___'_ s forth therein, by which the bids will be compared. Dated: March7, 1928. a daily newspaper printed and published in. saL 8. VANRIPER City Clerk and ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. (Mar. 8 & 9) - _ city; that said notice was published on .... march_____.__ 8th. & 9th. 1928. ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------� '�'l--_-/�------""'----- - ---------------------- City Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this ---------- 2oth----------- ___day of_ ........ (_arch -----------------------A. D.1928--- r l �!\' Notary Public 1n and forihe County of Kern State of California ,Af bavit of JJnbliratinn NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS Resolution of Intention No. 571 I NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS 1 Pursuant to a Resolution of the Coun-' 1 cil of the City of Bakersfield, adopted the Ith day of March. 1928. directing this notice and to statute in such case ma^e and Provided. said Council hereby invites seated nmpnsal9 or bids for do-ing the work described in Resolution of : 7,,ention No. 571. passed and adopted by STATE OF CALIFORNIA, j I said Council on the 6th d a b' of Rebruary. 1928, which said Resolut.inn ss: of 7ntertion is on file with the City COUNTY OF KERN. j Clerl[ of the City of Bakersfield. . For full and complete particulars re- garding said wort: and improvement to be made and the district to be assessed OTIS HYMER, of said County and State, being therefor, reference is hereby maue to duly sworn, says: that I am and at all times herein said Resolution of Intention No. 571, Improvement of Street "Specifications citizen of the United States, over District ictfo No. 571," for the ent StreetCouncil mentioned was a No. 71,'I adooted the oiine eighteen years of age, and not a party to, nor in- city of Bakersfield on the 6th day of terested in the above entitled matter; that I am February, 1928, and are on file in the office of the City Clerk. the publisher and proprietor of the Daily Report, a All proposals or bids shall be accom-, panted by a check payable to the City newspaper printed and published daily, except t Bakersfield certified by a responsible bank, for an amount which shall not be Sunday, in the said County; that the y less than ten per cent of the aggregate th the proposal, or else by a bond for the said amount, payable as aforesaid.) Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals signed by the bidder and two' sureties, who shall justify, before officer coo -potent to administer an oath, in double [he said amount and over and above all intutory exemptions. All sealed proposals or bids shall be i delivered to the Clerk of said Council I on or before 5 o'clock P. M.. Monday. in the above entitled matter, of which the annexed the 19th day of March, 1928, said time being not less than ten days from the in said newspaper first publication and posting of this no - is sprinted copy, was published Lice. All bids so received shall be opened by said Council in open session at 8 Daily for two consecutive o'clock P. M.. of the said day. All bids must be submitted on blanks inserti ons to'be furnished by the City Clerk. in Bidders will state their proposal the price of each item separately as set forth therein, by which the bids will be and on the following days, to -wit: compared. Dated: March 7, 1928. V. VAN RIPER, City Cleric and ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of thc. City of Bakersfield. taarch 8 and 9 , 1928 I cMar. s s 9' --'I A_Le_t_� Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 12th day of March 2 - = o Public in and for said County and State. CJ=4e Wa1 1 N CITY OF B A K E R S F I E L D BIDS RECEIVED FOR IMPROVEMENT OF DISTRICT NO., 5-,Z / BAKERSFIELD. ITEMS QUANTITIES UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL Paving Sq. Ft. Sub-6rede -opes i Sq. Ft. 3. G G oe J %00 .cutter Sq. Ft. 271 d 33 // �Yg _mow G Sidewalk n O Gp Sq. Ft. Curb .S Lin. Ft. 6u+vLrt 4B—tv p Lin. Ft. a to — Culverts D—We „ /p Lin. Ft. DI Culvert, Lin. Ft. Headers Lin. Ft. Catch Basins Ea. Shoulders Sq. Ft. Cut, Cu. Yds. FIII Cu. Yds. Comb. Curb & Walk Lin. Ft. 1 61n. Sewer Pipe Lin. Ft. Sin. Sewer Pipe Lin. Ft. 10In. Sewer Pipe Lin. Ft. 121n. Sewer Pipe Lin. Ft. Man Holes Ea. Lamp Holes Ea. TOTALS SIRE T DISTRICT NO. 571 i,arch 18 b ___ Bakersfield, Calif,____________________, 192____ --------------------------------------------- t4r i4ottoraftir (11-louttrit In and for the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern: GENTLEMEN: In compliance with the annexed notice inviting street work proposals, I hereby promise and agree to perform the work and furnish all necessary and proper materials therefor and execute the contract specified therein to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, at the following prices, payable in U. S. gold coin, viz.: Paving----------------`----------------1-------------------Sq. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------ ZJ F Sq. Ft. ,%b-0T'-_UJIa-�_ :..•---C ---- Ft. @ --------- Gut%ec ------ Sir'aa'r_�--Pr -421--- 32�52 G_C-----Sq. Ft. @ --------- � `_-�--------------------Sq. Ft. Sidewalk------- - i %Qrle_-3 )----v3 7CQJC---Sq. Ft. @---------� -t------------------------- Sq. Ft. Curb ----------- ----------_-( Zor_e--1 Z----- 475.36 ----Lin. Ft eQ-- -�J -------------------Lin. ---------------- Ft. 11 G---------�7nYiE--�L-J-----208_ 71---._Lin. Ft. @---------- ------------------Lin. Ft. "wept ----- •n=L----------1"Z0r-8--31-----q15. L0_--._Lin. Ft. @----------- f-' ---�-------------------Lin. Ft. Headers----------------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------Lin. Ft. CatchBasins------------------------------------------------------ ec ------------------------------------------Ea. Shoulders--------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft. @ ---------------- -------------------------- Sq. Ft. Corn. Curb & Walk ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. 6 in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------Lin. Ft. 8 in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. -- in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. ManHoles--------------------------------------------------------- co ------------------------------------------Ea. LampHoles------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------- Ea. -------------------------------------------------------- Total Cost of work--------------------------------- DEAN & S TRr I Know All Men by These Presents: That we -------------------------- By_ - - --- - -- -------------as principal, and -------------------------------------- and --------------------------------- as sureties, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Bakersfield, in the just and full sum of___________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------Dollars, for the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs. executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Given under our hands and sealed with our seals this ---------- day of ---------------------- D. 192 ---- Now, the condition of the foregoing is such that, 'Whereas the above mentioned principal____________________________ _________________________________________________is about to hand in and submit to the Council of the City of Bakersfield, the foregoing bid or proposal for the performance of the work therein mentioned, together with the furnishing of all neces- sary and proper materials therefor, under and in pursuance of the annexed advertisement or notice inviting street work proposals, a copy of which is annexed to said bid or proposal: Now, therefore, if the accompanying bid or proposal of the said ------------------------------------------------ Shall be accepted and the said work awarded to ------------------- thereupon, by the said Council, and ----------------- the said ____________________________________________________________shall enter into a contract therefor and execute an adequate bond to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets of said City, with two or more good and sufficient sureties, con- ditions for the faithful performance of such contract on -------------------------------------- part, in such case required by an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled an "Act to provide for work in and upon Streets, Avenues, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks within Municipalities, and upon Property and Rights of Way owned by Munici- palities, and for Establishing and Changing the Grades of any such Streets, Avenues, Lanes. Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks and Providing for the Issuance and Payment of Street Improvement Bonds to Represent Certain Assessments for the cost thereof and Providing a Method for the Payment of such Bonds," and all acts amendatory thereof or supple- mentary thereto, then and in that case, the above obligation shall become void and of no further force or effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue; and the said sum of___________________________________________________________________ Dollars shall be and become as liquidated damages for such failure and neglect. WITNESS: ----------------------------------------------rSEAL] ----------------------------------------------[SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA l ss. Countyof Kern----------------------------------------------[sEAL] - ------------------------------------------------------and----------------------------------------------------------- being severally duly sworn, each for himself, and not one for the other, deposes and says, that he is one of the sureties named in the foregoing bond, and that he executed the same; that he is a resident and freeholder of the City of Bakersfield, and is worth the sum mentioned in said bond, in said City of Bakersfield, over and above all his debts and liabiifties. Subscribed and sworn to before me on this __--____--__ ------------------------------------------------------- day of----------------------------- A. D. 192---- ----------------------------------------- Clerk.------------------------------------`----------------- ---s1 Jm-DT`S=�=T��m-r?q'--'ry------- Pakersfield,Calif.,---169.-Mh--1�----- 192�-- (Tv t4e T, vtutra rtr Touttrtt In and for the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern: GENTLEMEN: In compliance with the annexed notice inviting street work proposals, I hereby promise and agree to perform the work - and furnish all necessary and proper materials therefor and execute the contract specified therein to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, at the following prices, payable in U. S. gold coin, viz.: Sq. Ft.-----------------------Sq. Ft. ---280�Cz4------Sq. Ft. @------------------ ar i------------------ Sq. Ft. @utter•_---�1ti-`S�' ^ lr--��Q71E.-?------ Sq. Ft. @----------------- — 3_6i ------------------- Ft. Sidewalk----------------- r`y�QAp -'�,----sr237�, �52-----sq. Ft. @------------------ 35�----- 11-------------Sq.Ft. Curb -------------------- Z O7le - )----- �2� � �6 ------Lin. Ft. @------------------ 7 5 VJ------------------Lin. Ft. nr `- 1 ---._Lin. Ft. @ 8B"-------------------Lin. Ft. EhrFvert--- tll.2'1�---------t2 ,r:.-�r-----2�`-�'-�- ---------------------- Ctttvert---v Urjs ------------- 1Lt. -----!Ja_'-_. @---------------------5 2_5� ------------------- Ft. Headers----------------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. CatchBasins------------------------------------------------------ Cc ------------------------------------------Ea. Shoulders--------------------------------------------------- Sq. Ft. @------------------------------------------ Sq.Ft. Com. Curb & Walk ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. 6 in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------ Lin. Ft. 8 in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------Lin. Ft. -- in. Sewer Pipe -------------------------------------------- Lin. Ft. @ ------------------------------------------Lin. Ft. ManHoles--------------------------------------------------------- e° - -----------------------------------------Ea. LampHoles------------------------------------------------------- ec------------------------------------------Ea. Total Cost of Work_ `tom; k0 _47________________ _ _as Know All Men by These Presents: That we_____"feitzel �CLarsen Contracting Oo .party ------------------------------------ T +. CreP,Ch_----_-_---_and-___- Slnith _ ___ _as sureties, are held and firmly principal, and_____s_� ____�_-- '--------- bound unto the City of Bakersfield, in the just and full sum of___________________________________________________________ F our _ uun d r e d 8_ Thirty -Five 00 / 10 0--------------------------------------------------Dollars, for the payment of which we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by 19Iiarc_ these presents. Given under our hands and sealed with our seals this_______th ___day of_____ h--------- A� D. 192_S Now, the condition of the foregoing is such that. Whereas the above mentioned principal_ 4he1_tZe1 % T•arsen C ontr-fie t ing_ C oMpany_________________is about to hand in and submit to the Council of the City of Bakersfield, the foregoing bid or proposal for the performance of the work therein mentioned, together with the furnishing of all neces- sary and proper materials therefor, under and in pursuance of the annexed advertisement or notice inviting street work proposals,a copy of which is annexed to said bid or proposal: Now, therefore, if the accompanying bid or proposal of the saidlgitzel_£c_T_arSen COntg CO-----shall ------------- be accepted and the said work awarded to____1tL ----------- thereupon, by the said Council, and_____ 1 t_______- the said rneltZC1—�C_T_9rsen_ Contracting Co _-__shall enter into a contract therefor and execute an adequate bond to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets of said City, with two or more good and sufficient sureties, con- ditions for the faithful performance of such contract on___3.ti------------------------------ part, in such case required by an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled an "Act to provide for work in and upon Streets, Avenues, Janes, Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks within Municipalities, and upon Property and Rights of Way owned by Munici- palities, and for Establishing and Changing the Grades of any such Streets, Avenues, Lanes. Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks and Providing for the Issuance and Payment of Street Improvement Bonds to Represent Certain Assessments for the cost thereof and Providing a Method for the Payment of such Bonds;' and all acts amendatory thereof or supple- mentary thereto, then and in that case, the above obligation shall become void and of no further force or effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue; and the said sum Dollars shall be and become as liquidated damages for such failure and neglect. WITNESS: ---------FF------------------------------------[SEAL] ----� J"� �-- -------------- - ----[SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss u County of Kern---------P-- --- - - - - -----[SEAL] -----------L�--=•--�reecii ------------ and -------- ._Snith-------------------------------- being severally duly sworn, each for himself, and not one for the other, deposes and says, that he is one of the sureties named in the foregoing bond, and that he executed the same; that he is a resident and freeholder of the City of Bakersfield, and is worth the sum mentioned in said bond, in said City of Bakersfield, over and above all his debts and liabiiities. Subscribed and sworn to before me on this___ 9 t71 _ day of----- A. D. 192_-a_ . _ disk. -- - --- --- - - ------------ -- - P?otary Public NOTICE IMVITING SEALED PRCPO J.-_LS. Pursuant to a resolution of the Council of the City of Ba'_� rsfield, adopted the 5th day of March, 1926, di_ecting this notice- and to statute in such case roads and provided, said Council hereby invites sealed proposals or bids for doing the vcrk described in Resolution of Intention No. 571, passed and adopted by said Council on the 6th day of February, 1928, which said Resolution of Intention is on file with the City Clerk_ of the City of Bakersfield. For full ar_d complete particulars regarding said work and i, provement to be made and the district to be assessed therefor, refer- ence is hereby made to said Resolution_ of Intention No. 571, "Plan -. for the Improvement of Street District No. 571", and "Speoifications for the Improvement of Street District No. 571"., adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 6th day of February, 1926, and are on file in the office of the City Clerk. All proposals or bids shall be accompanied by a check payable to the City of Bakersfield certified by a responsible bank, for an amount which shall not be less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal, or else by a bond for the said amount, payable as afore- said, signed by the bidder and two sureties, who shall justify, before are officer competent to administer an oath, in double the said amount and over and above all statutory exemptions. All sealed proposals or bids shall be delivered to the Clerk of said Council on or before 5 o'clock P. 1-J., Monday, the 19th day of P:iarch, 1925, said time being not less titan ten days from the first publication and posting of this notice. All bids so received shall be opened by the said Council. in open session at S o'clock P.MT. of the said day. All bids :rust be submitted on blanks to be furnished by the City Clerk. Bidders will state in their proposal the price of each item separately as set forth therein, byvtAch the bids will be compared. Dated; March ^, 1928. JL %Dili _'�'jty ,ter and -!,x_officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE WORK IN STREBT DISTRICT NO. 571, IN THE CITY OF BAKERS - FIELD. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERS - FIELD, as follows: 'WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did on the 6th day of February, 1928, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 571, to order the work described therein to be done and improve- ment to be made in said City: AND '"IMEREAS, said Resolution of Intention was duly and legally published twice immediately after the passage of said Resolution, as required by law, in the The Daily Report, a daily newspaper published and circulated in said City, and designated by said Council for that purpose, as appears from the affidavit of Otis tiymer, publisher of said The Dail? Report, now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City: AND 71HEREAS, notices of the passage of said Resolution of Intention No. 571 headed "NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT" were duly and legally posted along the lines of said contemplated work and improvement and in front of the property liable to be assessed, and along all the open streets within such district, at not more than 300 feet apart and not less than three in all in each street, in fore and manner as required by law as appears from the affidavit of David Jones, who upon the completion of the posting of said notices forthwith filed said affidavit in the office of the City Clerk of said City, making oath that he completed the posting of said notices on the 21st day of February, 1928; AND '?'IEREAS, said posting was fully completed more than ten days before the date set for hearing protests and objections; AND 71HEREAS, the time set for hearing of said objections in said Resolution of Intention was more than fifteen days and less than forty days from the date of the passage and adoption of said Resolution; NOWT THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the public interest and convenience require the work described in Resolution of Intention No. 571 to be done, now therefore, the Council of the City of Bakers- field hereby orders the work to be done as is described in said Reso- lution of Intention No. 571 and for further particulars reference is hereby made to said Resolution of Intention on file with. the City Clerk, and said work shall be done in accordance with the plans and specifica- tions on file with the City Clerk,reference to which is hereby made for further particulars. The City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield is hereby directed to post a notice together with the specifications therefore, conspLcuously for five days, on or near the door of the Council Chambers of the Council of the City- of Bakersfield inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work herein ordered.. He is also directed to publish a notice inviting such proposals and referring to the specifications so posted or on file, teiaice in the The Daily Report, a daily newspaper published and circulated in said City and hereby designated for that purpose. The /q� y of March, 1928, is hereby designated and fixed as the day on which up to the hour of 5 o+clock P. M. the said proposals or bids shall be received, and all bids so received shall be opened by the said Council in open session at 8 o+clock r. W. of the said day, and the said notices shall so specify. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed ana adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the S�day of March, 1928, by the f ollowing vote: Ayes: Benson, Carlisle, Carlack, Corbett, Johnson, U; ak in, Stoner Iv'c2s ity era and ex-Cfficio Cierk of Me / Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED thi , ay of March, 1928. x MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield. Affidavit j Posting Notices j Improvement STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Kern }ss. _--____-__22,_- _-_ Tom es_ ------------- being duly sworn deposes and says: That he is now, and was during all the times herein mentioned, a citizen of the United States over the age of eighteen years; That after the adoption of Resolution of Intention No._7_/ __ of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, pursuant to orders and instructions of the street su- perintendent of said City, he personally posted conspicuously along the line of said con- templated work and improvement and upon all the streets, alleys, and other public thor- oughfares within the district described in .said Resolution of Intention and proposed to be assessed, notices of the passage of said Resolution headed "Notice of Improvement," a copy of said notice being annexed hereto and made a part hereof; That he personally posted said notices by fastening them with metal tacks to stakes, poles, fences, walls or trees, at such an elevation above the ground that they would attract attention and be easily readable; That all of said notices were posted less than 300 feet in distance apart, and that - _-notices in all were posted. That he completed the work of posting all of said notices on the__=�Z_s-__day of ------ Z�,7Z,_-- ------------- 192t-'?-, whereupon he made this affidavit and filed it with the clerk of the City of Bakersfield, California. Subscri ed and to before me this Z __day of_�' _-_____, 192-iE 71- ----�h -- ------ Cle Q_ �Frk gf tCiakersfield, California. +nJ GC Q (Seal) ---------------- Note. —Attach this to a copy of one of the notices and file with the clerk. NOTICE INVITING SBALED PROPOSALS* Pursuant to a resolution of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, adopted the 5th day of March, 1928, directing this notice and to statute in such case made and provided, said Council hereby invites sealed proposals or bids for doing the ;pork described In Resolution of Intention Noo 571, passed and adopted by said Council on the 6th day of February, 1928, which said Resolution of Intention Is on file with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. For full and complete particulars regarding said work and im- provement to be made and the district to be assessed therefor, refer- ence is hereby grade to said Resolution of Intention No. 571, "Plan for the Improvement of Street District No. 571", and "Specifications for the Improvement of Street District No. 5710, adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 6th day of February, 1928, and are on file in the office of the City Clerk. All proposals or bids shall be accompanied by a check payable to the City of Bakersfield certified by a responsible bank, for an amount which shall not be less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal, or else by a bond for the said amount, payable as afore- said, signed by the bidder and two sureties, who shall justify, before an officer competent to administer an oath, in double the said amount and over and above all statutory exemptions. All sealed proposals or bids shall be delivered to the Clerk of said Council on or before 5 o'clock P. M., Monday, the 19th day of March, 1928, said time being not less than ten dais from the first publication and, posting of this notice. All bids so received shall be opened by the said Council in open session at 8 o'clock P.M. of the said day. All bids must be submitted on blanks to be furnished by the City Clerk. Bidders will state in their proposal the price of each item separately as set forth therein, by dtah the bids will be compared. Dated- 1A.4arah �1928. MtY'Clerkand n-officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on February 6, 1928, passed a Resolution of Intention No. 571, to order the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City, to -wit: SECTION 1. That cement concrete curbs and sidewalks be constructed along the easterly side of Union Avenue from the center line of Kentucky Street to the northerly line of Lincoln Street, and that portion between the curb and the existing pavement brought to official• grade where shown on the plan for said work to which reference is hereby made for full. and complete particulars. SECTION 2. That all of said work within above described limits on Union Avenue be done to such grades as established by Resolution of Intention No. 555, adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, March 7, 1927. All in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California. All of said work and improvement is to be done in accordance with the plan and specifications heretofore and on the 6th day of February, 1928, adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, said plan being entitled "PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STREET DISTRICT NO. 571," and said specifications being entitled "SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE IM- PROVEMENT OF STREET DIS- TRICT NO. 571," and which said plan and specifications are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, and are hereby referred to and by such reference made a part and portion hereof, and in this con- nection the said plan and specifica= tions also show the exact location of the aforesaid work and improvement. AND WHEREAS, said contemplat- ed work and improvement in the opinion of said City Council is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, said Council hereby makes the costs and expenses of said work and Improvement chargeable upon a district, which district said City Coun- cil hereby declares to be the district benefited by said work and improve- ment and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof, and which said district is bounded and described in Resolution of Intention No. 571, passed and adopted by said City Council on the 6th day of February, 1928, and on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. All of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of California, designated the "Improve- ment Act of 1911" approved April 7th, 1911, and. all acts amendatory thereof. Notice is hereby given that or Mon- day, the 5th day of March, 1928, at 8 o'clock P. M. at a regular meet- ing of the said City Council in the Council Chamber of said City Council in the City Hall of the City of Bakers- field, any and all persons having any objections to the proposed work or improvement may appear before said City Council and show cause why said proposed improvement should not be carried out in accordance with said Resolution. For further partieulars referenceis hereby made to said Resolution of Intention No. 571 on file with the City Clerk. Dated: February 14, 1928. W. D. CLARKE, Street Superintendent. , ffith auit of rttbIiratiott Resolution of Intention No 571 n STATE OF CALIFORNIA, 1 ss: COUNTY OF KERN. Jr OTIS HYMER, of said County and State, being duly sworn, says: that I am and at all times herein mentioned was a citizen of the United States, over eighteen years of age, and not a party to, nor in- terested in the above entitled matter; that I am the publisher and proprietor of the Daily Report, a newspaper printed and published daily, except RESOLUTION OF INTENTION n0. 571 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO IM- Sunday, in the said County; that the NO. 571 NOVE THES CITYT OFISBAIKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. BE 1T RESOLVED BY THE COUN- Resolution of Intention No 571 CIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. i as fellows: That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, to order the following work to be done and i improvement to be made in said City, to -wit: in the above entitled hatter, of which the annexed SECTION 1. That cement concrete curbs and sidewalks be constructed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper along the easterly side of Union Avenue from the center line of Kentucky Street to the northerly line of Lincoln Street. and that portion between the curb and the existing pavement brought to official For two consecutive publications grade, where shown on the plan for said work to which reference is hereby made for fu'l and complete particulars. SECTION 2. That all of sand work and on the following days, to -wit: within above described limits on Union Avenue be done to such grade^ as — tablished by Resolution, of Intention No. 555, adopted by the Council of the City February 17 and 18, 1928 of Bakersfield, March 7 1927. Allwork improvement is of said and to be done in accordance with the plan and specifications heretofore and on the 8th day of February, 1928 adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, said plan being entitled "PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STREET DIS- TRICT NO. 571... and said sp-ifica- tions being entitled 'SPE=CATIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STREET Ot Bakersfield, and are hereby referred to and by such reference made a part and portion hereof, and in this connec- tion the said plan and specifications also show the exact location of the aforesaid work and improvement. AND wHERRAS. said contemnlated work and improvement in the opinion Subscribed and sworn to before me, of said City Council is of more than local or ordinary public benefit. said Council hereby makes the costs and ex- penses of said work. and improvement this 20 day Of Februa ry1928 district,dis- gadieh trictiCity Couhrebydeclares to be the district benefited by said work and improvement and to beassessed to Day the costs and expenses thereof. and which said district is bounded and de- scribed as follows: Notary Public in and for said County a State. at SecttioEio n 0, nn20, at the southwest corner of 29 South, Range28 East, M. D. B. & M., running thence easterIv along the southerly line said Section Township 29 South, Range ce 28 East. M. D. B. Rc M., to its intersec- to the northerly line of thence easterly along the ne of Lake Street 50 feet; herly and parallel with the e of Stockton Street to the of Kentuckv Street; thence line of said section 100 feet: thence northerly and parallel with the westerly line of Union Avenue 1043.55 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the southerly line of Section 19, Township 29 South. ounce o e y-or�-e:a. -at-a -a- re of said gular 6th day Meeting February Council 1928, held the following -vote: Ayes: Benson. Carlisle, Carlock, Cor- bett, Johnson, Martin. Stoner. Noes: None. Absent: None. V. VAN RIPER, City Clerk and ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this 5th day of February, 1929. L. K. STONER, Mayor of the City of Bakersfield. (February 17 and 18) RESOLUTION RESOLUTION ADOPTING PLAN AND SPECIFICA- TIONS FOR THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT IN STREET DISTRICT NO. ,5] , IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERS - FIELD, as follows: That the plan and specifications for the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City, to -wit: SECTION 1. That cement concrete curbs and sidewalks be constructed along the easterly side of Union Avenue from the center line of Kentucky Street to the northerly line of Lincoln Street, and that portion between the curb and the existing p vement brough to official grade, ✓here shown on the plan for said work to which reference is hereby made for full and complete particulars. SECTION 2. That all of said work within above described limits on Union Avenue be done to such grades as established by Resolution of Intention No. 555, adopted by the Council of the City of Bakers- field, March 7, 1927. All of said work and improvement is to be done in accord - ante with the plan and specifications prepared.by the City Engineer of said City, and submitted this 4k day of February, 1928, said plan being entitled "PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STREET DISTRICT BTO._!�7% ", and said specifications being entitled "SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STREET DISTRICT NO. -�," be and the same are hereby adopted as and for the plan and specifications for doing said work and improvement. lasr-10701� I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the !O day of February, 1928, by the follo,ving vote: Pycr: EcreGn, Carlisle, Carlecl., Corbett, SonrWon, i . rih, Stoner City Clerk and �R,-offi,,, Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. AP ROVE/thi day of February, 1928. U MAYOR of the ity�ersf I n, ` IJ 1 � 0 60 � .Y�oI : h � 60'' �6l..7'O' 6c.7' 2C/• i0' �..__ — —_..__ —__ ...._ �__ __`_ _.____ 0 ,N �r I t l zoo E gyp L� S/co'� wo/� 9•� 24.50 � 7 .3..3 ce yes. .•-•--1,ojoi--o✓ad a.-�d odo�o7`�d by >`�� G'c��/ ,t.�[pci% figX v 1 � (jlJ I � � . ( �j Z � �. '''-____------_ � � U �� � � r� i ;;�r � o � �,; � a � 6 � • �'�`/ r<7 � 6P' 2G/. 7v ' 60 • ZG/. 70' _ __ _ .GB' I _.. �. __ ...- _�- __� _ _. �. ;,. ,:. .. - ... -.. ,i ti.. ... _ _ — c_ __ -_ .__ - _-_ 4J (�,f J 7 / ®/ � �G t i5'j� >C/r f-Ol P.,•r G '.J J�> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... _. ... J ZO/Y.E /Yd 2 � SST/M�iT�G7 4L/.G/SiT/7"/ES 7. Ca V S T,2EE T O/S T,E�/C T Cou�c/% of �fi�_C�;ty of Bo.�Brs,�'ie/d zi r �.:° t �M +: � s �•a� .. �' .. � �. Y �. � � �. �. - ,� - � � � a � +t` +a a� � � � ' � ,� � » � w a, • s �; a � � � �r m a � _ _ � -� � s � � , �a � »+ � „ " � w 11 �t r ,� �. m �r r - ak e � � � � � s a � � „. '��. �_� � sue, � «� . , .�.. ;... � v. p; - � �. .�,.»- �. a a �,. ..� � a a =. Jr �...�. a .� �, a. - ,„ ,b:. � � ., ,,, �� � .. % � ,� �. .. .. a � .. .. � ... ,. ,.� la � �: - . .� � a ,.� '� ii � ' � i� . ^� s. > �. 7Y t .. 6 � � � - -- .,,, ♦ � a a� e � cs � * � . " :;. i ,. t - „ ,F - . � + �, „� ar w � � a w,. � � :. ," � a _, e . .. m i � ,�. � �t � <' • � • t #a ,� e �. � ,� � r' _ w s � �� a „ �- ,�. t *; u s gutter or other pavement, the Contractor, ahall provKm and lay upon the 106 of said termination, a header of ao"Adplant two (2) inches In thicknesso wad of a width not Ass than the thickness of the pavewantt The top edge of the plank shall oonforn with the street orosS 3000011 An finished. Said headare Ahall be considered a necessary part of the pavvrent, unless otherwise noted on the plans for the ImprovamAnt, Q PRFMOTION OF IONUMMSt The Contraotor shall not dist"rb any monuments or stakes faaml oa the line of improvements without parmisslcan from the City 10agineer, and shall bear the oxpersa of resetting as MoMments or stakes which may be disturbed-, without such permission. Tho Contractor shall reset all street name signs disturbed by him during tha progress of the work* 9. RXMOVTNG CAB STRUCTIONK The Contractor shall remove trees where required by the plans or wbore the proper completion of the work requiras their removal. The Contractor aball also remove all stone, debris or other obstructions of whatever kind or charaoter, either natural or artificial, encountered in making the improves mats, 40* OBSERVING CITY 01RDINANCE3, The Contractor shall observe all the ordinances of the City of Bakersfield in relation to the obstruction of streets, keeping open passagewa7s and protecting the same Where they are exposed or dangerous to travel. 11, CROSS STREEM Not more than ono oross street sha.11 be closed at and one time: except by pirmission of the My Engineer# 12. BARRIERE0 LIGITS, ETC. The ContraGtor Mall take all necossary. measures to protect tha work and prevent accidents daring construction, Be shall provide M maintain all necessary barriern guards,, temperary bridges, imtohmon mnd lights. 11, PUBLIC UTILITIES, In cast it should be necessary to move the property of any owner of a public utility or franohive, vqzh owner will., upon proper application by tbo Contractor, be notified'by the 3uper- intandent of Streets to move such property within a specified reason. able time, and the Contractor shall not interfere with sapid propolt7 until after the expiration of the time speoifiad. The right is W franchises to iowessarT repairs, W the work4 reserved to the City and to owners of pUblie utilltion enter upon the street for the purpose of making or for making changes in their properby mad* jjeeasar"'r On work including Improvement of the, roadm4y* the lontraotor shal.1 nocity Ve Cit7r' hiznginaer in writing, wAen the ro AXading has been eompleted* During the tan (10) days after the folling of thin notice with the City Engineer, the City or any owner Of a publie utility shall have the right to enter upon the street for the purpose of laying or relaying pipes, oonduits and appurtananoes, 14, PROTECTION OP WORK AND CLEANING UP*. The Contractor shall :are for w.11 work until final oompletion and acceptance, All damage done to existing Improvoments by the Contractor shall be ropalrM by him, He shall remove all surplus material and rubblab from the work after its oomplation, and before he makes appliqation for the aoceptance of the work. IS4 DEFECTIVE WORKs No work Which Is datlative In its construction or in any of the roquiremouts of these SPecifications will be oonsidered as accepted In consequenne of the failure of anv employee of the ojty;, or inspector uonnooted with the work, to Dint out said dmfacts or ww".4 16, LOSS OR DAMAM All lose or damage arising from any umforeaeon obstraation or Afficultits, either natural or wrtificial, which may be encountered in the prosecution of tho work, or Prom any action of the elaments prior to the final. as of the work, or f ran any act or omission not authorized b7 Aese speeifications, on the part of the Contractor or any agent or person employed by himo shall be sustained by the Contractoro 17o ALIAWABLE When in these specifioations thi maximum oxa minimum, either in Qza, per obnt, or thickness, or relating to quality, character or other matter, is allowed or prescribed, the work shall be accepted as in compliance therewith it within such maximum or minimum Ito alloweds 18, SEWERS. Any existing suer which may be damaged in thi progress of this vrork shall AmedlataQ be r*piaoed Vy the Tontracoor and left in AM class worAng order4 190 FINAL INSPECTIOUP The Contractor shall notify the Suparintandqnt of Streets when he desires a final inspection of the work* The Super intendant of Streets will, as soon thereafter as possible, make the necessary examinations If the work is round to be in yompkanae with these specifications, the zaid Superintendent of Straits will furnish tho Contractir with a wertifinatv to that affect. 20* GRADES, All work on the surtano v? 15- gwOumA shall oonform to the grades established Q a formal action at the Council, of the City of Bakersfield, therefor or to such gradoa Aawn on the plans as being ostabliKed or oha od from former gwado4 in awbordance with the provisions of the provement Act A 1911" and de seribed in the Resolution of Intention as being eo ostabAghed or so ohanged* The grades for work underground are shown on the profiles, therefor,. 21, VRPINTTIONS. The screens 1/4 inch and larger, herein speoified, small be held to hags round openings and all screen smaller than 1/4 inch shall be told to have squaro opaninga, &K. 1 inch and 1/4 inch snroenA 6hall have, respectively, I Mob and 1/4 inch diametor round opeAngs, and 10-mesh, 40 mesh and 200":yeah acreens, aAall bamv, respeatively, look 160OP and 40,000 square wpenfnFs per square Imah. Said screens shall be hold to mean the primary standard screens maintainod in the t 3tin labratory of the City Enginsor. Unless otherwise spsoil letl hereainthe mothod.3 of using the sqro*na shall be those prese0lbed by the United States Bureau of Standards, in Technologic Paper No* 42# Whenever the word "City" is used in these sponifications, it rofoy to the City of Bakersfield, California, Wheanver the word "Contractor" Is used it refers to the party or parties cf tho second part in the agreement for the construction of -the work heroin speoified. Whenever the words "Superintendent of Streets" or "City Engineer" are used in these specifloationso they rMor, respectivel7, to the Superintendent of Streets or the City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, or their authorized agents or inspectors. "enern Requirements - 3 the w0rdS "SupeX*lUt*A0nt of Strobtsw or *Cl .n er" are *,wed in these spealfica tion ;, they refer; 2PeOt vely,0 to the Superintendent of Streets or toe -�i tv Engineer of the city of Bakersfield, r their authorized agents or Ine ec-ems, 1, i7nCV7TO all -- far ooverate 0ho''11 1he Fortland :Ismert livi XIIA-11 in(lat the (,f the ltft-nda *1 Portla-A 41qr 1011ttv for 1votIng tat6rills Soptember ?,4_tj, 1`,,,,,-�,4. ,qjWj. -Osequort Amerift-Clerr"s -tdditl00A thlreto moovt801ry 401d nro *r-ry tht Arerloar. �419"NUVW-4-U?M), r1re, so* ft (Sand) must end orgr;,.'1AC msttr 4'"d *lhall be to$tvd for argaria tvnrurttjqs 17,r tho� tolorilviktolo te*t o's .r ArH* ithe , � - e- , 8A, Amorican. for Tr-stbng.. yot-t,erislat tnd shall, not nontKlu.,ioy�e, than ft*6 (6,1) per at tly velwna of �,Am �r-oonv ""01 40 --rttom biving r (4) mmiivheti t� tt^ t noar trob if At:, but not ?tore, tbali Aght -f (IM0 ivir 0out, tV 001,ot 4hall -!)e s6ro-in bavin 1'r t, ti'v#,w s to the 11",ear inch- more th eso 4W in par eent b*r wrad* shokm t f n"T r.A.st th"m—b, a having gin*btnrdr,',�e, ( 160- raea'hIL nM 000pre ar Tva4e, W1 *tj-. thm, z� and, ,i� - 1111 have equal. t,ate loast q," iiiviA.v?A 0—,!) :^.r cent mt, ",be starerth 'I'l, !7, slir"l, -r 1"-ort.4-r raft, using 3t".-derd Tosting Sane h6 sort -.3se-0 or f knot sh'All,bq.one (1) part 'Im"ent te) tvo (9.) Partim by - . nf-ight ornd and. ton t ad r rof5trang,�,h shall 'to made, at uz�deftr lar,-Ondltiors it ivIth reedted at �0 3 10 R&te (soak ) ahall onnsint ftrat,le, -W)oav w,,nt,*t worn pel? lax, ernshed roak k-vr luould,-rn, f?r froyr 1091-1t Alzr'" store +1,;t* 011 -"vr orvanto tter* It nbtll =ihow 4'r, ft"W$ e 8P,OlifiC ftrMT1" Cf -fit fil"All be of such '�iard imst- Ul that It will show a *Prerab t,,O-offieient of �7e&r" of rot lopf p t%hor 100 after '�fyig tee tie in . lrlevptl 4,.,rstion Machine, *M the, r.,tandtkrds if the Amerie". Society(-,P lr�uti-rq well S"de d In site from the, �tje m=-jjn= demjnqjOj0* &A her*. trefter opee-Iffed ;io no to "-nftt:�o a dorlso at- tilrnt�, wbrar nlxed oew,rt And, $and, 4- WA-TWe Weter sbql]. be r0n."ri, -f-" ^rry oil Oe vs table mattnra Ror rg.ohInm mixing the fire- -V ttjg 1 $. pr-a-rf-s aggregate shall 't*.,e measured, ir boxes or sty-itlr witli a strpight Mg# rastlnr!q -,:�n t'he Wes, zh-S11 '#Avn pe4 m * haterials WhOl 'INP kxe*vrato1v ?reapureA )-,00se itm it fmpft � tivg -ft*"t in afteice alr--O-A hei, f�lnvtned fliroata;v into the n1--wer or -nron tbe r f e #"r cazi a=Wng ptatfor-t,, -,-Y77',T4,T vnRve A wet~ seal '"ttb- mixor ahs 1 ,,e wh1oh tUV_Aat0ri0,1A, ttoll! dlng th6 *&ter,, cart be preci a 'd �il La#43jr Y, re, rroportfons4 and tb;rv*wpt1,r rI.Tell t After all �stt;pialv f',-Ar 41*0 .9 X,n tbo V VftYl�,NW, a*4 'Of the drm ;M�MAX tl.1'1, evo -atio-no, POT r"trntop tn* rArA of �-"j minlm= OontimsLl ZiXiAa tAma one (1) mimte, 'Rwt d IrIzirg VIL1111 not 1+1P" of on-r-,!retie wbiLlh has PartI7, ftftv4a0"0*j, V"t r4WMWMq with or wtthewt fv4r11t10U&;1, or M OUTTtR30 WHO wAsSWALKS JURB gq 1WAIMe plan VIN oonzist 00 Us jnat6ad tal one (1) *aak WNW MmInt 01410, feet VarvorASQ,he POWs not of Portland cement shall �a Shall vacre not bo wownTn �vr 4_044reta�' Vie a or 'broken 'or stone one (1) asulk vwo (P,) oubi6 f n at r ins an nonjINOW, your (&) wabia fast owria .�,P371'o th"M Nino rour (94) puandg not q1r Portland Ganent shail so -All to", as OA0 (104bio toOK ghmorM to o-AV11,017 till W "44 1" Shall tbore not be au%j the 4,jetanzy sball to Tc yehe4jad b reduing tha MOM t ,AV#1 oSt k tu of a41La,.-, ;-k Fx­z,.�', 0' ar bijoa stone used in tlu,,k portion of *emd Or stone toes inins ae Y s, PoR OMMUNT CONCHM Vnv��; of: Two (2) yubia toot fips AggrCgatl (San& (Vh (JAJ) 44ble toot =rSTURMAIM (Row' . rom. 4'0A*.hKr wetwifour ('941 P"We not it Portland cement 3A all 40 ng on* (1) ouble AM sha�tld_ there not Complataly fill Ohl the 00nerate, the aericiancy *sail 1c vamedied a ra"knA too Pool O:r ;rGL"j or Okeo stone naud In th* wixturs and not On w41107 portlon of sabd or stone 0*011ningw wit come MIS Wd theram 006006. AM fint=d on gytthh% too- "Alk Ans, or, AIMS a CA Q, day of - butonw- 103; no W, file A the, of tbift f*orm�a 0101, to of a width Oqual Le thr h! Wad, �f 40ptb tho" W UNS AM b bvw� �'!lj I'll . t 1 Artight roxia MY 4IN"a a be used, HQU AIM wtuims liftvd1t as shoes an or 00" a mvn be alrerally ant to r7ov­- All darb form allsomme'' 000400 *, TheymONOW shell be rigidly hold on saw - cat` 1606A%is than five pilre or iron stakes to "neh twortr cant proportlyrs, clumps, agdaders *ad bi­�i(,,ols 7 V! t Olt oth of the OUY0 oil?" KOM VP not ANSV War third (11/3)1' tit," iho IeAgth ol 711, c lvn come rreated In one i 11 lag jorms thill ot W removed froy th- concrete it We thar one hu"r tbA.conareto bas beag tsaynd to&,: L,-�,d the back forr shall n-1 *or the We of thA "urb %ns beer plasterod, 3. PMOINVOUNUMV ooncrqte rixad as heraIntefore described, a�all be Plae6d in tho forms in lay6tA ont wore thin Ox (2) Wrl, , in > 14, Maeh layer thyll be octal ?hq soverutj in ar0r017 jampaltO 4, PLAOTERTMAND PTNISHM Ac tar of Khe curb QW! to y0atsr�I w1th a one,half (111) inuK V zinims mDrtqj, r,,�AW �- hwr-'�V-fv 'Iftc-, MLOWO "M �Odr MIT -n or the curb Shall reo-rw- a zne r �7 .114) incl of mortar in soon an the rorne my re"ay V m ierp (21 inches below the go"tor Me int in nn none 101A Ve: When WxCePt War* ovat!"WOn j"rV QrA gutter in YOng P­' Ths plWarK ojkr_**sc"* of tht orb RhRY 50 well AnutY4 and trnw� the MY of tho-cart Won, Wo woncriff 4av set; it thall V" w"no ;pynod and mooked with maints at rQ't angles to the lob 6xalv WAS of uWarm lymg% of f lVe f eat ; Tho f rVqt alou Ito F aorb =11 be rounds4 to axedlun of approxiMetelyi �on �ntb back uAg te a jadime W not morw tn&n in -air h/v auvb A*11 show a true straight Wo andAnp at 4"llon- -%�t' hwhe. saga or Nequalltivel, Shon a Vronght odg, 1 4 ! font YnA upon the top of the eurbs it all Ant vary more wha" So Arts Anah from the atraight edge stsept at wurvwn Or jWx shtoges, 5, EXPAVST01 STM Of the aim. matorxal-Q At speoitled UQ-- s1dowalks AM 'be not in UN aavbm wnd 0''Mo a$$*o Wannor and at S"I eadbination Gorb and guttor 1i being constricted, eV Q to M6ke thin InInt it 10th Alle rf�htlrruc--,�6 8, GOWTHWORIS NO ON MD. The Gortractir shall curb at WtOrValz if not less then one hundrad (ICYO shell not be smaller t,14,FLn, *t-'h_rf-.4s- fourths C3/4) indh In halghth, 7, TNO, AMP th" vem"nt has sufficWHY Oet;, thl Curb shQ1 " over wiN earth or oqpd and wttorod twine dolly for on (10) RW ZRON " The lontrWOr. WalY V*pqt III -CUM" W=1 n orx! tqr* th Aurb IT 6 , ' e � � :;' i r �'� � lay ` 1 IONSTRUOTTON ..us, xMALr, Lament sidewalk shall be Placed upon a th6rough17 dampened r.'�, eade Proparrz'd And gauged as hereinbefore d+esc. i.k�ad: „V, hs 11 Consist of a bas6 three; ixc'aes i ra tci c;kno.astric�ozra sactt«� and a wearing surface Of finish mortar one-half � `` e tots of finish€. y$g yygqdy�three $�y# one—half t Inches, R. .t�»�^d4)iei43 1f#, aRiAM. xJ'�e'!�`�"+iw 4j��.fM� d.i�iJ�'h�� ales ise apseifi d €�n plan for this srov ern t € d„ the finished surface rat' c�a gent sidt�# Ord. cil"a l lie In a pian -,lopM up fr the establis��r�d � 9, a at the rate ? three inches In fourteen (1 ) feet. at the In any ..ds$ where sidawallc has been laid at other than one property° ltne,y the aligntent of the n1�1' work 1x� pia a ti t s stretch shall ba made to cOnfo thareto yhesre�er as sidc�w walk -1e09 neat cover then entire sidewalk space such unaoveer he ile a as b brought to grade a ],art in a hod condition. trI as -used as size forms shall be net. leers t han one and. eighths 1-5/8) inches thickness nor less than three and one half f3,v,s.. (3•*1/2) inches in depth,, and shall have a smOOth, .straight upper edge, 3 PLACING WNCRTM, Conerete, mixed as heresinbefore described: shell be steed between side .forms and thoroughly t� cited , The TJrf ce of the concrete want a tamped th and ani € rmil the eandish be tested as to grade with a Sa a nvto�a tat e�re+q�t all half (1 / inch below the tapes the side fe g, end sr�cl extending one- half 4.1 ? ING SURFACM, AND FINISH- Irsiediatoly after the concrete has � Placed as above the finish mortar shall. b applied and thoroughlytbean ed in: sufficient mortar shall to used to Lei.. �du a ¢hiciez�ess in no pisaa lass than one-half-halfpxlce a wearing ;zur.facz,e having then be troweled,; retrowe ed and jointed assh ownionhthe planerPace shall 5v EXPAN.-S,10 ; JOINTS. At returns an 6xPans'.on joint shall be Placed one {1.3 foot can the property side of produced. lines at $treat IntooPlaced o and four and ogle -hall' ( 1 /2) feet on the p port , si.da of pro une property, Lines at a.11e�� inter 3octi.ons and thereafter every thin feet The loirt tall consistOf three-ei te (3/and mods ,®pi,>ayers of felt or Paper and a filler of asphalt, d it shall be of sonde reputabIe brand manufactured solelht ' for the ccan.. struatiOn of expansion joints, line of the walk. it sall be placed from onetquarteat r (1/ linc�ea obel� sub de to Ono -quarter (1/4) inch above the 3u!?'fa0e- of the walk ef� s_urfa,/tO c�"f the walk shall, fi Ished with an edging tool. ors either aide of gg N am% J o t n M .r 6- " lJT{ 1,a «r£ -nil' S NAIM oil +, TDTt7 a The 00ntraotor shal"I r am'P his in the si.delialk at intervals of not more than one hundred (1 ) feet e The l.atters shall not be Less than three -fourths ( 4) tzch ix� ha1�� and fmpr0s4ed to a depth of one fourth (1/4) inch. 7a PROTEIT1011 AND k" RING. Sidewalk shall be proteotod �The3n the cement has had Its initial set, thes sidewalk shallbiers be��cov ered i tla earth to a depth of two f 2 } (l.C?) dais inobas and watered ttwicedally for ten 'RRPATRS tiliDR L [ The Contractor shall. repair 411 curbs and. loxa lk damaged by him duringthe 00nstructi of sidewalk. "glare elk r wires repairs before acceptance the repair tIre ;sooti.o�la axed zr�t 'c' r fi Iskhzixa the 3 9 I 4ogg i - -s: _ . -rw - by "04 ..tom .. isnted�. d ���°�: c� �. w --2j ,-)f the grins i,l of the M Bakorsfleld* Count7 of Kerr., State of callfarrIa, S �/ 2,& VANTWION OP OROUND* BiMors mist exomine and judgs for thamsolves as to the 106ation of the proposed work, the nature of the excavation to be madel, iM the work to be dobe. T_hm plans for the work will show conditions an they are supposad or elleved by the lit7 19ngineer to exists, but It Is not intended or to 'bo inferred that the conditions as shown thereon constitute a representation by the Citys or Its offioarx,, thit such conditions are aotually oxistint, nor shall the City or any of its officers be liable for any loss sustained by the contractor an a regu3t of any variance between conditions as saown on the plans and the actual oond1tions rem led &Xrlzg progress of th,i work or otherwise, 3, 3XMING 31PAKISo The Contraotor shall give twenty-four (2411 11-�oura noties In writing when he will require the services of the Oit-, for 1&Ting out any portion of the work,, Tb,,4 Contractor shall Ltraaerv,) all viommauts or stakes not for the lirteu, grades or measurements of work in their proper places until authorized to rem-ove thmii by t! _Za 0 1 t, Businoer. Any expense incurred in replacing said stakes which tne Cont to may b4vo failed to preserve shall, be borne by Was Contract:)v 4. 213PICCTORS. The Contraotor sball prosecute work only in the of an engineer or In"oetor appointed by the Superintendent or and my work done in the absonoo of said onginoor or inspel-4tor will bo imbl4ot to r0ootion. The Contraotor shall male written application fog. an, �nspeetor at least twenty-four (24) hours before his ser'vieos a" required on the work. The Contractor shall furnish the engineers AM inaDootors reasonable facilities for obtaining fall Information re*pect- ing the progress and manner or the work* I So MATIRIALS AND SMPLISs All materlals Must be of specified quality and ftlly equal to senp-loo otma samples are roquired., The Contractor shall furnish to the city fiawis 00; for test,#,ibonever requested, and free or charge, samples of all materials prop**" to be used in the work, also samples of fintoW work# The Contractor shall rwmitsh competent labor,, 'free, of charge, at paving plants to soreen material samples -ao directed by the Olty 1�4,iq-aes of Vitrif tod briek, grovol ar -n stone shall be delivered by the �J. free of urge, at tL i place wlth,1n the City of Bakersf iold designated by the City Ingineero Rajected material must be immediately removed from the work by the Contractor and shall not again be brought upon the work. C, LARM. Any Superintendent,, foreman l0orer other person emplov�d on the work b7 the Contractors, 4ho fatis or reft$69 to peirform tho work, in the rwnner *paced heroin ahall be dI*pb*rg*d imme4lato,17 and such person shi not again be emplo-ved on the ieirk* 10, OBURVING CITY UNDINANGROt ThO COMMOM shall Marve oil th,-' 0*4inaneeo of the M7 of Bakersfield in relation to the obstruction 02 streets, keeping open passageways and protecting tho same where thoy are exposed or dangerous to travel. 11v CROSS STREET& Not more tian on6 zrpew strelt ohall be lionad j-, and one timt,'axcapt by of thn Cy, %oginpary 12. BARRIEREt L103TS, ETC. The Contractor *hall take all awoessmrT n0a*jr0s V Protect tha WOZk and Prevint anaMents during canstraotior. He shall provide and, maintain all wa6sasary barrisz-9, bridys, waten and lights4 15, FTBLIC UTILITTEM in =44 it Mould be neiessary to nove the property of any owner of a publid utill st7 or fvan shiso h owner jjn" upon proper spolioation by the Contractor, be notified by Q6 Super- intandent of Streets to move aue prig Arta within a apecifled reason- able QW, and Qe Contraobor Q411 not interfere with spid propert-Y until after the expiration of the time specified. The right is resnpvsd to tte !its aLd to owners of publia qtjljtjqj M franchises to ant4z upon the street for the pnrpose of making necessary ropairs, Or fOr making ObAZZad in theIr property mads, n000sinrr by the work* on or Ma dig Improvement A the roadway.. the Coptreat or shat".r notify the city snginmer In writing, when the rollygrading as been aompleted, During the ton (10) days aftay the V I of this notice with the City Engineer, ths CitT or any owner of a plitlic ptilit, shall Navo the right to inter upon the street for the purpose of la7ing oi- relayl;69 Pipes, coMaits and appurtenances# 14* PROTEITION OF WORK AND ILEANIM UP. Tbo Contraotoo shall care tor all work until final Completion and aceeptanuo* k1l damage done to existing improvaments by the Contractor shall be repaired by him* Es shall remove all Surplus material and rubbish from the work after NO complotiono and before he makes appliant ion for the aocoptanoa ot th work. 15, REFECTME WORKv No work whlo% in dofootive In its coustrnation o�,, in any of the requirements of, tll-xeso apeoifications will be aqngijerod as accepted in eon4a,enee ot the failure of An gy, of try 01ty of Inspector 004h "ti4*1th the Vol to Point aut said dtfoots or LOSS OR All lose or dwage arisiiig from at unforesa, obst'i-ik-.tion or 4iffloultiesl aither natural or, artificial, t,ah may 't- enoo-antmrod in tlsi6 prosit�mtion of bra vork . or froM any action of tlh,-, *hwents prior to the firal acooptanoe Of the work.or from and aot c,r mission of auVh_or1ze4 4Z,01se 40-aif J oat ions on the part o- the Contractor or any agent ok per -,ion iomploired *by 'a"ir-, shaLl bo sits'166 a tre b,y the Coatraotor 17, ALLOWABLE VA%'I"'1% When ir. the specifloat on :Xim , either in its,, per cent or 1 E UTcr A mini-m # thicknessor relating to qualfty, character or other mattsrmis allowed or presoribed, the work, all be accepted a ' 3 in O(ftplianos therewith if within such ma;timum, or minis::um ao allowed4 18. SEWER3. Any oxista.11 se"r which ay be damaged in the progress )j, thia work shall inmedlatsfm y be repiaoted t. 10rvtrac1;u_­ "'Ind 1,31�t in fArst d1ass woeking order,-, 19# FINAL IWSPFMION, The Contractor Nhall notlf7 th%i 3uDarintandet Of Streets when he desires a final inar5Gtjon of the work.' The Saper-, Intandent ,of Streets will , qorn'i thereafter as possIblex lealte the nooessary examination"4 if the wory'. is fo4n4 to be- in O*Mpllftnoe with these sposirloations, the aaid auparintend.;snt, of Streets will furnish the dontraotor with a t:crtif i6aj;4- to tjxaajA,,04�;t 20, GRADS3. All work On the xurja6o "o., g.. xxnd shall oonf orm to wht grades ostablished by a f 0,,--mal aotio.a OIL acun(Al of the CIty of SakOrsfiOldo therefor or tc, such graie*, on the plans as bel n_q. established or ohanged from former g,,,ade4_, t!! aebor4asae with t,­,I� i" provisions Of the 'Improvement Ast o:.- 19-11' aNd described is the Resolution of Intention an being P-so oatablis'ned or so changed., The, grades for work underground are shown on the profiles,, therefor 21* DSPINITIONS. The screens i/4 and - larger, herein specified. - shall be hold to hays round openirgk, and all screen mallej, Il ;inch shall I)e ield t(, have aquar?� )rpen.Lnga as. 1 A 1 inch and 1/4 iuch 3,,rAenfl iihall have 1�08P*Otiysly., Machand 1/4 inch diamoter round and 0 � M-mefhs, 40:,mosh and 200 moth soreens shall he"_, respeotively, 1001. 1600, and 40,000 square, renings per square inch. Said sloroons shall bay held 1-i r,ean the primary maintaimd in the testing iabrgtOrY 0," th0 City Znginoer,- Unleas Othsrw* speolflod hereie ra n the of ualng ttt he scres shall be those pisrosorIW4- by the United StAtes RUrOcu - of- StnnAards, in Teahnoiogic Paper No. 42. Monever the word "city" is used in that; specjfj,aticng it rofor;, to the City of Bakersf laldp California. Whei the word 00 ntractor" 0 is tined it refare to the pasty or parties of th6 second part In tho agreement for the oonstruction Of the work horein specified. Whenever the wor4s *Superintendent of Streets* or "City Rngiiieer" ara used in these speoiflaations, they refer, rospeativel-1, to the Superintendent Of Streets Or the City Engineer cif the City ofB*akersfield, or their authorized P_17,,-ints or inspectors . I All qomant for, ago narste ahill to, Port1wad jawtrt and shall meet the Wq it nts of the Star eri n-volflyptions for PortAnd Comwi� adopted by I the American Sqbteti Fnr T­Tng VAterials September Wt, 1m, with rubsequept amendments vn4 additY-i Thqrsto adopt ed bT said nojjy,,:- and 'my tbo Amtriawi Aorerott Tont0sts,., 2- TINS AWFUTRA3AND)w Fine tg Qrfgntr (Und) mast bo froo from of! end orgy# 0- Inat'"Itr sm be t" , thod"for nrlarla typurttles , the no'l tra 4 (611 Or co t br VAUM0 r =1C of 10Y or roW A We t all sass a s aroon AUng f *ar (4) me VF W tY lzah., n't lesat QW7 (Q) per sort Aut not more Wan eljty�flvo- 051) Dir ownt b7 wnight dhall be retatted on a ioreon havlig thirit jfo) meshes to the Wear In5h; not mosnv re than -mn tT o4 I shall pass through n sarian having one hunlr"R ROO) mynh^x t" thi 11junr 14i'n.rtar trade with the vand ahall Von tanalls &nd momtress wtr*Dqv, nqapl t" at 100at on* Vandred. !Ient at the strenFth of a Owflar Flortmr," or, qsing handard Ottowt Westing 3­.%nd, The nortar used of this Est Ahill We one (1) part PnrtlM lament to two (P) warts bT night qt is All tfzt 'Pectmena shall bo made, store! *rd temtme for ivr4rgot., WAr labratorw can diti I.r Anonrdnnae with rocogrWA 3, IYAW WRRYTE MOW, Inerve ?y7reppto (rcok) small arnalst n�,­ jurallet dlo*u vutor wor, pebble;, ar"abod. rock or bcolderso or totto !r-(4 fror low, alarx StOnO mast* Oil "r Art"!': nitior, It rb,11 "Now or everlage 0700iflo srovIty of AM It Vall be of xUA lard ar& to", Worlol that it will s1how 4 Yransh no-afficient of wear" of not loot, than '10v after being tested in a Deval MAW Machine, ono Air to the s0hards of the smarican Sonl*ty Of Testing Vaterisla- It !hall W. well graW in size from the rinimao to the maxtinz domInslors. as Wrt- WAWSPeeffied 00 is to prodane n dense owner"to wher 07ed with oement abd sand 4; WNTOR, Water shall he clear, frorip fron of snldi &OW Or watahle tatter, 5, RVAURM MATTRUM ?or monalno ntylv;, the pine oj;o07gtq qnd tyl� 00arpo RNTMWO shall be *easurAd In VAY09 or wtielbarrows, which, Wen strnelOr w, tit a strollht edgp rwiting pan the Wes, shall have a wap*ptty rocissArT tO MOW t"o -00POrtlell ner&rgftqr 1POWMA" All materials ahs.31 be v6w%rmte!7 measured looso without dhakng or MW tn sanfe ,shy tj b1c) dirnreO Wrently into tho mixer or unin the other mated iAls prevloosly *soured "Pon P nlring 71otform.-, N, MIXTRGAWNTAWIRITA A VKHAW01 bttrb mWer shall he r9od, ir MA the W40110 1501adjug the wqtear, otrriolsely Ord re gjjYrK- ,pt"Opertionva and thirwalhly rixed, After all materials Or an a 5* are In the mixer, the mkxV1= spend of the drum shpil to state-, IM, mlr,�too tho tirlw4m andUr of tur"o ton (10) kn& O's WOO= contiMal mixing Ltme one (1) m1nate4 Read MUng wIll nov,40 rormItM, 7RXTEXPERINK Retamrering of 14 orado that U, romtxfng with n6rtar or oonion iret, wnhas rirn Ir "r without uIddMonal mptys1gly, or 1 POR 31DVIAM OMS NOT 4, almlfta �'; MAA LAMPH01M, unI.I.S3 othO�*- 4614%&tOd on th', p1sn consist of - ore (1) **1* rortl**# Oemont cubic, feet fine Aggregat�5 t3and) 611blo feet Oaarzo III jri� IIIIII�Iil� ii;j ipp�1�1111 11111111 shall th6t6 not th!� anpugu mortar, to 04'a tbo dof I I al-V shall, be P"e4itd b7 reftoing t1he 'pQy�l-il onor'O"O O:r saxtrzra �-Md not vy addin- '�'t ,T�ortian Of mahid or stone 80704 TDG,% Olm (1) Wk P6 TWO 6a) OUb14 f"t Paar (4) wzbU, fant r,�oar3:', Ano fouz, (94) pwrind-, As One (11-Oubio foot Shall Viere not be enough x-or.", the Omaratoo the 40ficienoy shal", of gmval or broken stone -asad in polp;tion of *" or stone soreiniu.q-,, 1 ,1 3. POR CPXlrr C"ONCRNTE PAID UNTS, plait *hall Oonaist Oublo feet f%fte Kj'n* -four(94) 'powid'v .let Of Portlat dall as an* (11 wbie foot== Ihmild tvisre not be enough -vu.nrtar as eanpletoly fill the w--ids the oonere te, th* defUlan" shall bl-. remedied lay "dun t4o P01*V%c'',4 of gravel or b"k*b otona used I;i Via wixtuve wwd not by adding portton of �and # r stoner $greening$, leptfted mid. th0vUShJ:-rWmpon& R on 15th day of-IjAlb1f in file ir Ohio V 04"Arnq- MM IMPs ter", 34811 Q of 9. widta 6puy. to depb i ror 00alght qq*b-shall bj two (li 04 .4-10tWO V *Wfla. w atryght Varpod RilaiI 00 M Od V AM A ba used POO 4-0, - " A A "61' Vabirbs having radii an ahuk ;or it la-tpprovamomt: All Qjj tbrmi 1 '411 loot be w1rorn'" M. use of ph 1084 thur Mg 71juv, PE :Von Mtj"'; Not Oftlemm. -of U"W"Inen in projwPolon.t MIMPM, Wrea4ars and bracep Rhall "o frojiT used whard As tOtOl 1009th of tbo vorb nln"k yrjv4dej MhA11 S, W length of the curb sonstrveted in one :Or� in 10SO Own one hour aft! ramovea il tho 0000rate at beer tamped irto risla- jQd the bat, i4matod tl tho part of to ;P" l bhOr Onstared. cam IMI 4ntT not tam 3. PLACING CONCHwoR !it placed in thm form N Madh layer SM13 to i imp's 1 rive? FLASTERIND AND PTNISE75o WIth a one-half f1j) AM4 oj, Of 14- MIT Or it Q speciflad, 40 soon no "ho 0=VnIq rtav hqj lonn thor,vnix vr-mA of tie curb shall rhellva A CPO 71nity 11/11 trot Ln74 mortar as soon an (21 inches below to" HIM 1xCMpt x9pro Ono its of thy q"r tyc"a dam. Mto KRU X11shod and m*rkod with mojhyu 0 yp blocks of uniform langth Pf rive ryet- Tho front 1 curb shall bw rOunded to a Min, at pprazzmat,j, (A) back edge to m radluQ of not Morj� tbjn q ne, qqPb shall thaw a true straight Me WAS Squa krarn widy, f.. &age or nequalibkiss - When a straybt Ago ri-1 foot long open tho top ormhe cars, it shall Loch rrom not YAPY move Chap the atraight Idea 51cont at UArT*R ar grode if two gow- ,si,lowalks- aliall b6 material in Mat up.,M& oet to thRTIn 0444140mvp othorwine whnry on an in *ho Wqrflo 11nillig; And the plan�,, Where combinatlen ourb and, gutter is buin constrnated, ours on 11 Won to make, this 'nj..nt, jr, botajzuri hn4 gqttev jontijunq* 6, DONTRACTORM NAvg qN CURB� The Contractor thall aup hio tam" cnt :urb at intervals Of not 101a then 00 MnAxod (100)'teet. TV lq[t,rt Mallor thar nth In helgh," kfter thy amment hae anfOuartly set, th,6 orb RAIT-ko novered with earth or own4 and wavarre twj06 dapy for ton OW fnv, walk* ana 4 7 Amit Ot neW perk speoiZiod 4oxygot tell on a &0 W I Mt the nti l nection Shall -An Movjdynd I,* pqeb hall joln 9" All auvZoona wY£ro fore the warkman 4ult Fo. the r1 t CONSTRUCTION 'I- "RAL,, Cement sidewalk a' -hall be placed upon, a thor*u , ­tix 4b17 dampened -ade, propared and gaug'ed an herainbefors described: The said aide. I con-alst of a base throe (3) Inches in thlokness After compaot-* 1- d a rearing surface of finish mortar one-ha1/2) Indh thick0 lf ( a tots- I of f inithickness shed thicess of three and -1/141) inahoso nd one-half (3 otr twiss specified on plan for this Improvement. face of the oome-nt sir,10- othervise Specified, the finished surl op 0 I up from the established d at tho i3nall Ile In a plane �l inj inches in fourteen r line at the rate of. three 3 (14) feet. .rn any Gass where sidewalk has been laid at other than one (1) foot the property linw, the I alignment of the now work in the some con- atr4tch 3hall made to conform t1horat*,, Wherever the aidw- wall-. Aoes not cover the entire sidewalk spacef, such uneovered portion ahall be brought to grade and left in a finished oonditiono 27 FORMS* Strips used as side forms shall be not lose than one and fl�ce- (1.6/8) inches in thickness nor less than three and one half inches In depth,, and shall hare a smooth, straight upper edge, 6. PLACING "'ONCREM, Concrete, mixed as heroinbefore described sbx1l be spread between side forms and thorou4#�ly tamped until the oono;ete Ti o0m. plaat$d,�, I j qurfac* or the ooncrete,must be smooth and uniform and shall. be tested as to grade with a Plugs notched at sagh ond and extending halfbelow the tops of the side f 0210 0 4, ' EA I' 17TRFi%=, AND FINISH. Mmiediatoly after the concrete has been placed as above, the finish mortar shall be applied and thoroughly trownl- ad In, suff iolent mortar shall be used to produce a wearing surfs having & tilickness in no place less than one-half (1/2) inehu The surface sh&111 then be troweledr otroweled and jointed as shown on the plan- 5, MPATISION JOINTS. At returns an OXPansiOn joint shall be plao" one (1) foot on the property side of produced lines at -street intersections rind four and one-half (4-L'42" feet on thS P"PfrtY-Side of produ* t ' i ter every thirty,130) ,),roparty lines at alley Intersections and thersaf, feotL, The joint s114*11 consist of three -eighths (3/8) inch composition board me of two W, layers of felt or paper and a filler of asphalt* and it shall be of some reputable brand manufactured solely for the oon. 3tn1,,_t1on of expansion joints. It all. be set at rig Jit anfles, to the line of the NaVA- it shall be placed from one quarter (1/4, lnoh below subgraft to 0n*-qU^rt0r (1/4) Indh above the surface of the walk- The surface ot the walk shall be 21"Anished alth an edging tool on either olde of the JoInto 6. CONTRACTOR'S xOM ON SIMAM, The i0ontractor shall stanp, his narmo in the sidewalk at, IntQrV*16 of not more, than one hundred (100) feet - The letters, shall not be less than three -fourths (3/4) inch in height and impressed to a depth of one-fourth (1/4) inch. pHoTg��Tloy, AND CURINGe Sidewalk shall be protected by barriers and ,ohon the coment has had Its triltial set, the sidewalk shall 'he coverod with earth to a depth of two (2) inGhos and watered twi,06 da117. for tan (10) da70- 0 VVDATRA hWn nia Contractor shall repair all curbs nncl apd the limit of now work specif tod 40*s not fall on a scoring lines enttre sections &hall be s; o olde-salk 4t the first f e a s ar _ y_ On III aw-Valk OonstrurtM4 in any OU04the Sented ► proven autx the proven ,ity of Bakersf ie, &k 01 of the colmoil of the -*)ity of Bakersfield, count T of Yuern, of cal.1f ornla