HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/23/22 CC AGENDA SPECIAL(03 BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFI ELD CITY COUNCIL THE SOUND OF5mv(P-GG�(+tl't5'e,4er AGENDA MEETING OF FEBRUARY 23, 2022 Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue Amended Special Meeting 4:00 PM 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Agenda Item Public Statements b. Non -Agenda Item Public Statements Blue memo submitted at the meeting listing all comments received via email. 3. REPORTS a. Report by California Water Service regarding status of proposed rate increase. Staff recommends receive and file report. 4. CLOSED SESSION a. Conference with Legal Counsel — Existing Litigation; Closed session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1) regarding Gilberto Fajardo v. City of Bakersfield, et al. USDC Eastern District Case No. 1:16-CV-00699-DAD-JLT (One matter) 5. CLOSED SESSION ACTION 6. ADJOURNMENT %a 17777", ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: 2/23/2022 Public Statements 2. b. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Julie Drimakis, City Clerk DATE: WARD: SUBJECT: Non -Agenda Item Public Statements Blue memo submitted at the meeting listing all comments received via email. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: ATTACHMENTS: Description Type BIlue IMei. nno C: vtar ^ir Il eirnno From: b9060 To: City Clerk Subject: Mill Creek Expansion Public Comment Date: Friday, February 11, 2022 2:46:30 PM This is a comment for the next council meeting. My wife and reviewed the plan submitted to the Strategic Growth Council. However, the plan did not take into account our support or the support of nearly 40 people who wrote to the council supporting the Mill Creek extension. We would like to resubmit our comments to SGC and the City Council. ------- Original Message ------- On Monday, May 24th, 2021 at 5:50 AM, bj060 <bj060@protonmail.com> wrote: Our family would like to submit a comment for the measure n and council budget meetings supporting the trails plan proposed by KernTax. Adding trails will improve safety and add park space our us and our neighbors south of California. Please support this plan. Thank you, Brooke From: Michael Brooks To: City Clerk Cc: Christian Clegg; bakersfield mayor; City Council; soohie.voung0)sgc.ca.gov; Cecelia Grieco Subject: Re: Public Comments Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2022 6:07:40 PM Hope you can help me. I would like to resend comments for the upcoming city council meeting and the sustainable growth council. Our family submitted comments last July in support of the project to extend Mill Creek south to Brundage. However, our afmily's comments were not accounted for in the plan. Thank you, The Brooks On Sun, Jul 4, 2021 at 2:51 PM Michael Brooks <brooksmichae1803agmail.com> wrote: Our family wants to submit a comment in support of the KernTax plan to extend Mill Creek south to Brundage. Our ward needs this. Thank you. The Brooks From: Peter Friedman To: cclegg(. bakesfieldcity.us; City Council; bakersfield mayor; City Clerk Subject: Public Comments - Measure N & Maintenance Districts Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2022 7:58:45 AM Mr. Clegg, I would like to make a public statement for the next city council meeting. Our community has had maintenance tickets for landscaping, fence maintenance, and light bollards in and around Q Street and Mill Creek. None of these tickets have been addressed meanwhile all tickets in wealthy and white parts of town have been completed and closed. We are paying our taxes to support the maintenance district. We are paying into Measure N. And yet we are getting nothing in return. Basic needs aren't being met. While these tickets were submitted before you arrived at the city, what is the city now doing to address these issues? From: Hunter Johnson To: bakersfield mayor; Christian Clegg; City Clerk; City Council Cc: kerntax(fterntaxUaayers.o& alexander.bush Ca dot.ca.gov; Toks.Omishakin(aldot.ca.gov; RBall(alkerncog.org; Rick Anthony; Darin Budak; Stuart Patteson;Lmscott(alkget.com; PD-PIO KBAK/29; newstios(clturnto23.com; news(a)kovr.com Subject: Public Comments for the City Council Meeting - Concerns About Q Street Downtown Bakersfield, CA Date: Saturday, February 12, 2022 7:40:46 AM We are quarantining due to a covid exposure. We would like to make a public comment for the city council, city manager, kerncog, and Caltrans. Can we send this online? We are very concerned about the safety of Q Street downtown, specifically between California Avenue and Truxtun. This is the ONLY segment of the street which is four lanes. Q Street south of California and north of Truxtun are both a single lane in each direction. The four lane segment contributes to speeding and is a huge safety risk to pedestrians, cyclists, and other motorists. There have already been a number of high -profile crashes including fatalities at the intersection of Q St and California, and numerous accidents where cars have driven into the aquatic center. I think there has been at least one major crash every season at the aquatic center since Mr. Clegg has been city manager. We need to make a change before one of those vehicles kills a kid inside the pool. Numerous businesses and neighbors in the community have requested safety improvements along Q Street. What is being done to address these concerns? I thought our neighborhood group submitted tickets on citysourced awhile back. How many people have to be injured or killed before the city fixes this? We have asked for the following changes on Q St between California Avenue and Truxtun: 1) Narrowing of the roadway from 4 lanes to 2 lanes (from two lanes in each direction to one lane in each direction) 2) Addition of bike lanes along Q St (bridging a gap in the bike lanes north of Truxtun and south of California) 3) More lighting along Q Street to reduce accidents at night. Can the LED lantern lights that are north of Truxtun also be installed down to California Avenue? These provide the light needed to prevent nighttime accidents. Our city, KernCog, and Caltrans can do better than this. Please help. From: Chris Johnson To: City Clerk Cc: City Council; kerntaxCla kerntaxpayers.org; Christian Clegg Subject: Re: Public Comments on Measure N Date: Sunday, February 6, 2022 1:59:38 PM Our business would like to submit a public comment on Measure N. We have signed onto the ballot petition to place a repeal of Measure N on the ballot. Our taxpayer dollars are not being used wisely. Our greatest opposition is the use of any public funds to restore the train station in Old Town. This is not an effective use of taxpayer dollars. If the Hub wants this done, they should raise private money to purchase the train station themselves. We have so many urgent needs in our community and the train station is not one of them. Most of the projects proposed by city staff are in Ward 2 ... both for Measure N and other projects. Why aren't other Wards receiving any support? The train station is a money pit that will cost taxpayers millions and never generate that much in return. The city should abandon this project. On Tue, Jun 1, 2021 at 1:00 PM Chris Johnson <cj386756(0.grnail.com> wrote: Our business would like to submit a public comment on Measure N. We have signed onto the ballot petition to place a repeal of Measure N on the ballot. Our taxpayer dollars are not being used wisely. Our greatest opposition is the use of any public funds to restore the train station in Old Town. This is not an effective use of taxpayer dollars. If the Hub wants this done, they should raise private money to purchase the train station themselves. We have so { many urgent needs in our community and the train station is not one of them. Most of the projects proposed by city staff are in Ward 2 ... both for Measure N and other projects. Why aren't other Wards receiving any support? The train station is a money pit that will cost taxpayers millions and never generate that much in return. The city should abandon this project. From: Hayden McDaniel To: City Council; City Clerk; Christian Clegg; bakersfield mayor Subject: City Council Public Comments - Q St Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2022 3:36:19 PM I would like to write and ask that a median be installed on Q Street between California Avenue and Truxtun. The street should also be narrowed to one lane in each direction with the addition of bike lanes. It is the only block of Q St with four lanes and this has led to speeding and a number of collisions and accidents involving pedestrians and vehicles crossing over the roadway and hitting the aquatic center. These accidents are preventable with a raised median, a little bit of landscaping, and more lighting. Please help us make the area by the Maya and aquatic center safe for all. From: Brett Nellis To: Michael Hawkesworth Cc: Matthew Hunt; Bradley Hunt; City Clerk; Michael.Martin858; Kevin Bush; Title VI(obDOT; and rewmay148(a)gmail.com; Hunter Johnson; adam.D.cohen83(abgmail.com; Alexandra Gallo; Ali Lewis; Angela Jarvis; bhibbard(cba asuassociates.com; bvanwvk bco.kern.ca.us; Christian Clegg; chamber(abkcbcc.net; gc; Darin B_ cgs; district5(o)co.kern.ca.us; dkwatson(cbft.newvorklife.com; David Lyman; David Nicholas (dnicholas(o)IBIGroue.comj; dwilliamsaCbfarmersagent.com; fred(cbouoteomeaa.com; info(a)upsideproductions.biz; iames.webb(abdot.Qov; Jennifer Moore(iennifer.moore(a)IBIGroup.com); John McArthur; itamsi(obkchcc.org; Kerntax(abkerntaxpayers.ora; Karen Goh; Kavlon Hammond; kim(abbakersfieldrealtor.ora; marvindeanllc(absbcglobal.net; michael(abkerntaxoavers.org; Terry Maxwell; Navdip Grewal; Oliver Hartleben; Leticia Perez; pparks(abbakersfieldcollege.edu; Rob Ball; Ricardo Perez; Stuart Patteson; thightower(btdhintl.net; toowell(abcapk.ora; vanessavangel(abvahoo.com; wendaledavisfoundation(abgmail.com; Wendell Wesley; willard winn(a)hotmail.com; Arias. Eric; cclega(ftakersfiedcitv.us; Phoebe Seaton; Veronica Garibav; City Council; SGC Info; Saharnaz Mirzazad Subject: Re: Public Comment - Old Town Kern Date: Tuesday, February 8, 2022 7:45:16 AM I would like to make a public comment for the next City Council meeting in opposition of spending tax dollars on saving the train station in Old Town Kern. This is not what the voters had in mind as a vital public service. I too am signing the petition calling for the repeal of Measure N. If the city spends money on this project, it has too much in its coffers and doesn't know how to wisely spend OUR tax dollars. I support the repeal of Measure N. On Thu, May 20, 2021 at 9:50 AM Michael Hawkesworth <michaelhawkesworth@att.net> wrote: > "If our councilmember wants to help save Old Town Kern maybe we should start by not running rail right through the heart of our neighborhood." > Mr. Hunt, your statement is ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Mr. Gonzalez came to "the party" late and did not listen to his constituents who had been battling Mr. Tandy to use the original route with modifications to that route into downtown. Here we are now. I also adamantly oppose any public funds be used. The private sector who want to rehabilitate this building should do so with private money. > From: Matthew Hunt <matthewhunt135@gmail.com> > Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2021 9:30 AM > To: Bradley Hunt <Bradley.Huntl@protonmail.com>; City_Clerk <City_Clerk@bakersfieldcity.us> > Cc: Michael.Martin858 <Michael.Martin858@protonmail.com>; Kevin Bush <2045994@gmail.com>; Brett Nellis <brett.nellis702@gmail.com>; Title VI@DOT <Title.VI@dot.ca.gov>; Adam Cohen <apcohen@cedalumni.berkeley.edu>; andrewmayl48@gmail.com; Hunter Johnson <hunter.johnsonl@yahoo.com>; adam.p.cohen83@gmail.com; AElaiho-ortiz@chevron.com; ajbhuee@watsonrealty.com; Alexandra.Gallo@sgc.ca.gov; ali.lewis@ibigroup.com; andrae@andraegonzales.com; angela.jarvis@ibigroup.com; apcohen@berkeley.edu; bakersfield@fastundercar.com; bcarrier@bakersfieldcity.us; bhibbard@asuassociates.com; bvanwyk@co.kem.ca.us; cclegg@bakersfieldcity.us; CGriego@bakersfieldcity.us; chamber@kcbcc.net; CHuot@bakersfieldcity.us; collinsg22@cs.com; dan@acerail.com; daniel@caterdesigngroup.com; dave.dmohowski@yahoo.com; Dbudak@bakersfieldcity.us; districts@co.kern.ca.us; dkwatson@ft.newyorklife.com; dlyman@visitbakersfield.com; dnicholas@ibigroup.com; dwilliams@farmersagent.com; edelarosa@leadershipcounsel.org; fred@quoteomega.com; info@upsideproductions.biz; james.webb@dot.gov; jcoronado@tdhintl.net; Jef£goldsmith@som.com; jennifer.moore@ibigroup.com; jkitchen@bakersfieldcity.us; john.mcarthur258@gmail.com; jtamsi@kchcc.org; Kerntax@kemtaxpayers.org; kgoh@bakersfieldcity.us; khammond@leadershipcounsel.org; kim@bakersfieldrealtor.org; kking@getbus.org; linda@bakersfieldrealtor.org; mandy@freeland-architecture.com; marvindeanllc@sbcglobal.net; michael@kemtaxpayers.org; mokeswell@gmail.com; nfidler@bakersfieldcity.us; ngrewal@bakersfieldcity.us; oliver.hartleben@ibigroup.com; perezler@yahoo.com; pparks@bakersfieldcollege.edu; RBall@kemcog.org; ricardoperez@getbus.org; Saharnaz.Mirzazad@sgc.ca.gov; sgc.info@sgc.ca.gov; spatteso@bakersfieldcity.us; thightower@tdhintl.net; Omishakin, Toks@DOT <Toks.Omishakin@dot.ca.gov>; tpowell@capk.org; vanessavangel@yahoo.com; wendaledavisfoundation@gmail.com; wendell.jr1960@gmail.com; willard winn@hotmail.com; Arias, Eric <Eric.Arias@asm.ca.gov>; andraeg3000@gmail.com; cclegg@bakersfiedcity.us; Phoebe Seaton <pseaton@leadershipcounsel.org>; Veronica Garibay <vgaribay@leadershipcounsel.org>; city_council@bakersfieldcity.us; CivilRights.FHWA@dot.gov > Subject: Public Comment - Old Town Kern > I would like to make a public comment about the train station in Old Town Kern. We oppose spending taxpayer dollars on this project. A study at Cal State found that it may take $20-25M to rehab the facility, up to five times the amount estimated by staff. This is not a good use of taxpayer dollars. We could build a "new" but 'old" looking train station that would better serve the community. The station is not special when you compare it to other train stations that have been restored. It lacks the building quality and square footage for restoration. Even if staff estimates are correct, does it really make financial sense to spend $5-1OM of taxpayer dollars on this to place a restaurant or meeting room in the space. We will never see any return on investment. Given that high speed rail will be built above it, who will want to go there anyways?? If our councilmember wants to help save Old Town Kern maybe we should start by not running rail right through the heart of our neighborhood. From: seanphillios18 To: City Clerk; City Council Cc: bakersfield mayor; Christian Cleaa Subject: Public Comment - Measure N and CitySource Maintenance Tickets Date: Wednesday, February 9, 2022 6:22:40 AM I am following up with a comment for the next city council meeting. Our family has had a number of maintenance tickets in citysource that have been open for upwards of 7 years! The last city manager told us these would be taken care of when the voter's approved measure n. However, they are still open! The maintenance tickets include deferred maintenance at the Q St underpass next to Amtrak and the Marriott downtown. The maintenance included electroplating or re -painting the wrought iron fencing and railings (along the Q St underpass, Mill Creek park, and the aquatic center) AND landscaping along the hillside on both sides of the underpass. The hillside frequently washes away leaving dirt and mud along the sidewalks. This creates a hazard for people with limited mobility as its easy to slip and fall. Why has our ticket been open so long? I thought measure n was supposed to fix these things? Can someone please follow up? Sean From: Brandon Thomas To: City Clerk Cc: Christian Clegg; Karen Goh; kerntax(a)kerntaxpayers.ora Subject: Re: City council comments - budget investments in bike trails Date: Friday, February 11, 2022 8:40:32 AM Attachments: image001.gna image002.p_na image003.gna imaae004.Dna Our business would like to resubmit our public comments for the next council meeting. We never received a response from the city during the last budget cycle. More investments are needed in bikes and trails for the city. We support the Kern Tax bike and trails plan that has been approved by KernCOG and urge the city council to fund this as part of Measure N and the current budget. https://kerntaxpayers.org/blog/kerntax-trai 1 s-p Ian/ Our community needs this. Thank you On Tue, Jun 29, 2021 at 3:31 PM City_Clerk <City_Clerk4bakersfieldc�> wrote: Mr. Thomas I managed to locate your message, it was stuck in our "junk" mail folder. We are forwarding your comment to the Council and adding it to the permanent record of the meeting. Regards, (01 Julie Drimakis, CPMC, MMC I City Clerk City of Bakersfield email: idrimakistbakersfieldcity.us web: www.bakersfieldcity.us phone: 661-326-3073 f in From: Brandon Thomas <bthomas0012(@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2021 2:00 PM To: City_Clerk <City Clerk(@bakersfieldcity.us> Cc: Christian Clegg <cclegg(@bakersfieldcity.us>; Karen Goh <kgoh(@bakersfieldcity.us>; kerntax(@kerntaxpayers.org Subject: Re: City council comments - budget investments in bike trails It was sent from this email on June 16th. On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 9:36 AM Brandon Thomas <bthomas0012(n,,gmail.com> wrote: Our business would like to make a comment on the budget. More investments are needed in bikes and trails for the city. We support the Kern Tax bike and trails plan that has been approved by KernCOG and urge the city council to fund this as part of Measure N and the current budget. htWs:Hkerntaxl2ayers.org/blog/kerntax-traiIs-pIan/ Our community needs this. Thank you From: Jared Williams To: Christian Clegg; Karen Goh; City Clerk; City Council Subject: public comments - measure n and park lighting concerns Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2022 5:32:45 AM I would like to make a public statement. Our family submitted tickets on the city's app to repair light bollards in Mill Creek. The tickets are 6 years old!!! We were told when measure n was passed our tickets would be completed. Why were we lied to? What's the status of the repairs? %17777", A a ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: 2/23/2022 3. a. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: 1119:6 WARD: SUBJECT: Report by California Water Service regarding status of proposed rate increase. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends receive and file report. BACKGROUND: ATTACHMENTS: Description Type D Written maleir�al subim�tted duir�ing the Meeting �by Cal Coirir(."qpoindeince Wa te ir D Written rnaleirlal sut)iry-iRted duirling the Veefling Iby Cal F:1 irese inta d o in Wateir Infrastructure Improvement Plan Reliability Runs Deep Feb. 23,2022 Quality. Service. Value. • Formed in 1926, 96 years of experience • Service areas across CA • Serve 2 million Californians through almost 500,000 service connections • Over 80 billion gallons of water annually • More than 400,000 water quality tests per year Quality. Service.Value. Beijing New York 6,500+ miles of water main Quality. Service.Value. • Part of this community since 1926 • 154 local employees with 1,869 years of combined professional experience and 252 professional certifications • We are your family, friends and neighbors. • We drink the water. Our children and grandchildren drink the water. Quality. Service.Value.' * Population served = more than 286,000 * 73,500 service connections * 1,587 miles of main * 88 water wells * 46.8 MG of storage * 2 surface water treatment plants Quality. Service.Value. - 10,943 fire hydrants • ISO (fire protection) rating saves millions in insurance costs Meets or exceeds all primary and secondary state and federal standards Less than 1C per gallon Quality. Service.Value: • US EPA says $660 billion nationwide to fix failing drinking water infrastructure • American Society of Civil Engineers grades US drinking water infrastructure • 1 in 4 Americans receives unsafe drinking water, according to Natural Resources Defense Council Quality. Service. Value • Cal Water invested almost $1.25 billion statewide in infrastructure over past decade to ensure the continued safety and reliability of water systems. * More than any water company in the state KK Quality. Service.Value: A • We have invested almost $150 million here in Bakersfield's water infrastructure in the past decade. • We propose to invest an additional $119 million in this next three-year cycle. Quality. Service.Value: • $56AM for replacing 20.4 miles of main • $19.9M for increasing reliability throughout the system (e.g., pumps, meters, valves, and pressure vessel replacements). • $13.9M for developing new water supplies, improving treatment of existing supplies Quality. Service.Value. • The proposed Infrastructure Improvement Plan would affect customer bills. • As submitted, customers would see a +14C per day increase in 2023. ■ +10C per day in '24 and '25 Quality. Service. Value. • Rates set by independent experts every 3 years, not by Cal Water • All proposed infrastructure improvements and other costs thoroughly vetted by independent watchdog agency, the California Public Advocates Quality. Service.Value. TEMBLOR BREW , IN 11 G, COMPANY • Public Advocates' mission is to "obtain the lowest possible rate for service consistent with reliable and safe service levels." - And that is our goal, too. Quality. Service. Value. - Other parties also get involved. • All parties work hard and thoroughly toward same goal. Quality. Service.Value.' 2/23/2022' 15 16 d i Where each dollar goes For these important upgrades and costs to maintain and operate the system, under this proposal, the typical customer using 11,221 gallons of Water per month Would have an increase of 14 cents per day beginning in 2023, followed by an increase of 10 cents per day in 2024. and 10 cents per day in 2025. � 44% Capital Improvements 12% Local Water Professionals i (Pump Operators, ° Utility Workers, etc.) f,x 21% Water Production II V% Other Operations & Maintenance i I �f 14% Centralized Services (Water Quality, C Engineering, etc.) f 1 ova Conservation 3� (03 BAKERSFIELD THE SOUND OF �'7eMR;(rylMt�'j)'e%fe.Y ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: 2/23/2022 Closed Session 4. a. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney DATE: 2/11 /2022 WARD: SUBJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel — Existing Litigation; Closed session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1) regarding Gilberto Fajardo v. City of Bakersfield, et al. USDC Eastern District Case No. 1: 16-C V-00699-DAD-JLT (One matter) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: