HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.1-1892SHEET NO. 2-J 4 5 6 7-8 9-11 12 ii 14-16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2J-24 25 26-29 LIST OF DRA WINGS T1 TL E SHEET A& Uj TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONS L4 W 0 /is? % &N zqgj 70 60 v A L 11L! DEMOLITION PLAN.- STINE ROAD DEMOLI TION PLAN * - STINE ROAD & McCUTCHEN ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE.- McCUTCHEN ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE.- STINE ROAD PAVEMENT WIDENING: STINE ROAD STINE ROAD SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE IDLANS FOR STINE ROAD WIDENING STRIPING PLAN: McCUTCHEN ROAD STRIPING PLAN.- STINE ROAD SIGNAL PLAN.- STINE ROAD & RYZONA DRIVE A ND TRA FFIC SIGNA L MODIFICA TION SIGNAL PLAN.- STINE ROAD & McCUTCHEN ROAD CURB RAMP DETAILS STINE ROAD & BERKSHIRE ROAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL NOTES STINE ROAD & BERKSHIRE ROAD SIGNAL PLAN.- STINE ROAD & BERKSHIRE ROAD PAVEMENT PLAN.- STINE ROAD & BERKSHIRE ROAD STRIPING AND SIGNING PLAN.- STINE ROAD & BERKSHIRE ROAD EXISTING BASIN EXPANSION DETAIL CITY DETAILS NOT APPROVED TOP OF BRASS CAP MONUMENT AT STATION 10+00., FOR THE MONUMENT AT THE INTERSECTION OF STINE ROAD AND RYZONA DRIVE. ELEV.-J55.70 COB BM ELEV.-J55.69 .BASIS OF BEARING FMNqMMM--'T1WjW Ij THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM OF 198J, ZONE 5.. AS ESTABLISHED LOCALLY BY STATIC GPS OBSERVATIONS PROCESSED USING NGS OPUS PROJECTS AND EVIDENCED BY THE CENTERLINE OF STINE ROAD, WHICH BEARS NORTH 0"J4102" EAST *BENCHMARK AND BASIS OF BEARING FOR STINEIBERKSHIRE IS SHOWN ON SHEETS 19 & 22. CITY STANDARDS ST -1., ST -2., ST -5., ST -7 ST -71, ST -10, ST -11, ST -12, ST -12A ST-22REV ST -2J. ST-2JA, ST-2JB I ST-2JC., ST -26., SW -1., SW -2. SW -2A., SW -5. SW -6. SW -7 T- Jj T- 1 T- 2, T- J, T- 29 L-12REV Median Plans -5-17 CALTRANS STANDARDS 2006.-ES—lA., ES -1B, ES—IC ES -2E ES—JC, ES -4A., ES -4B., ES -4C ES -4D., ES -4E * ES— 5A.. ES -5B B — 7F ES— 5C.. ES— 5D., ES— 7A, ES— 7 ES— 7E, ES ES— 7G., ES— 7H 2010. -ES -8., ES-1JA., A20A.. A20B. A20D., A24A, A24C A24D.. A24E A7JA,* A87B., A87Ds RSP A 88A CONVENTIONAL SYMBOLS SEC TION LINE --------- EXIST - CURB & GUTTER RI GH T— OF— WA Y --------- EXIST A.C. FLOW LINE CEN TERL INE EXIST EDGE OF PA VEMEN T H id M H11 I'll 111— RAILROAD TRACKS n n n 0 GUA RD RA IL —X—X— FENCE IMPRO VEMEN TS For use in connection with the Standard Plans of the 0 State of California Department of Transportation dated 2010 LOCATION MAP, NOT TO SCALE FINAL P -AY UTILITY SYMBOLS W WATER LINE 5 SE WER L INE G GAS LINE - D S TORM DRA IN B T- BURIED TELEPHONE 0 OIL L INE CABLE A 4-1 AERIAL UTILITY T AERIAL TELEPHONE J26 CY INSTALL CABLE UGE- UNDER GROUND ELECTRICAL LINE /C EXISTING INTER— F10 - FIBER OPTIC LINE 22) CONNECT CONDUI T 209 LF M.H. MANHOLE RW RIGHT OF WA Y P. P. PO WER POLE P. G. PROFILE GRADE 29) F. H. FIRE HYDRANT 10 EXISTING MONUMENT W. M. 1,770 LF INSTALL WATER METER 0 FU TURE MONUMEN T W. v SF INSTALL STREET LIGHT J8A) WATER VALVE 1,076 SF G.M. GA S ME TER J9) STREET LIGHT G. V SF INSTALL PRE—EMPTION DEVICE 0 GAS VAL VE C. 0. SF ii�- BENCHMARK 0 CLEAN OUT J,015 I SF EXISTING OIL WELL 11111111111111111wo A U TO SCOPE EP EDGE OF PA VEMEN T @ PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON FL FLOW LINE SPREAD SPECTRUM RADIO ANTENNA For use in connection with the Standard Plans of the 0 State of California Department of Transportation dated 2010 LOCATION MAP, NOT TO SCALE FINAL P -AY QUANTITIES TEM ES TIMA TED QUANTITY UNIT OF MEASURE REMOVE TRAFFIC STRIPES & PAVEMENT MARKINGS U 700 SF EA R TH WORK (R OA D WA Y EXCA VA T1 ON) 6,800 C Y EARTHWORK (BASIN EXCAVATION) J26 CY INSTALL TRAFFIC STRIPE (DETAIL 9) 10,570 LF INSTALL TRA FF1 C STRIPE (DE TA IL 22) 209 LF INSTALL TRAFFIC S TRIPE E TA IL 2 7B) Z 615 LF INSTALL TRAFFIC STRIPE (DE TA IL 29) Z585 LF INSTALL TRA FFIC S TRIPE (DE TA IL J2) 1,770 LF INSTALL TRAFFIC STRIPE (DE TA IL J8) 2, J80 SF INSTALL TRAFFIC S TRIPE E TA IL J8A) 1,076 SF INSTALL TRAFFIC STRIPE (DE TA IL J9) 1Y J15 SF INSTALL TRAFFIC STRIPE LDETAIL J9A) 1,95 SF INSTALL PA VEMEN T MARKINGS J,015 I SF ---j - ---------- Cl WL ENGINEER 6.1-1892 p I' iiii 2 j, AM W EP4 APTI-fraTork N 0 TE. - THE CONTRACTOR MUST POSSESS THE FOLLOWING VALID LICENSES.- CLASS A PROJECT L NGTH 1. 05 MILES v Know what's below 211 811 before you dig 0 --NTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT 811 FOR rLOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES, AT LEAST 79 x-5--, HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION o,i3f ESS / ov IFREY'o rn rri No. C58155 Exp. 6-30-20 Ivi 9F —CAU \��- vle-ff�10* NEEM Job No.: 108-24.12 File Path: N:\108-24.12\Drawings File Name: 01—COB—Title.dwg NICOLAS F7DLER, R.C.E. 61069. EXPIRES 12-31-18 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR APPROVAL RffC0MMi=.N0iEE>-- ASSISTANT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR awL ENGINEER 1v — DEsIGN ENGINEERING V4 71 / �- 7RAFRC ENGINEERING DA 7E PLANS f =OR S77NE ROAD WDENING ,NO MD 77UFF=C SAGML MODIRCA770N OF 29 f iWW RYZOM DAWE TO S7REET SHEETS 2 3 Rw I I Rw 4:1 --\\ SLOPE MAX 5.5" SIDEWALK — TYPE B CURB & GU TIER Rw 4:1 1 P. G. IFL SLOPE I MAX 7\1 41-5,77o .......... . ...... . ............ . ......... . 5.5' SIDEWALK TYPE B CURB & GU TIER 4:1 SLOPE MAX 5.5' SIDEWALK T YPE B CURB & GU T TER TL = &5 R VALUE = 18 ")/ —bu VARIES EXIS TING PA VEMEN T MEDIAN WID TH VARIES 6.4 "— 21.,9' SEE PL A NS IvLl 6.4 1' SA WCU T VARIES 2.6—J. 07o ... ....... .......... EXISTING EDGE OF PA VEMEN T — 0. 50' HMA (TYPE A) 1. 10' A. B. (CL A SS //) 0. 90' LM T OF COMPA C TION NOTE. CAP IRRIGATION LINES AS NECESSARY. 957o OF THE MAX. DENSITY AS SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. DETERMINED BY ASTM 1557 STA: 22+51.51-24+18.94 HORIZ. 1"=10' STINE ROAD VER T I Pl =5' 67 1— 68 VARIES Rw VA RIES 6 0'— 6 0.8 7' VARIES J'— 4' EXIS TING PA VEMEN T MEDIAN WID TH VARIES J. 4'— 6.4' SEE PL A NS VARIES 1' SA WCU T *L4' j.0—J.2% ......... ..... . .... .. ......... ..:� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . .... ......... . EXISTING EDGE nF PA 11FAIfFAI T 0. 50' HMA (TYPE A) 1. 10' A. B. (CL A SS //) 0.90'LMT OF COMPACTION NOTE: CAP IRRIGATION LINES AS NECESSARY. 957o OF THE MAX. DENSITY AS SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. Lk / L MMINL L) d r A,� / M 7,'�,t) / STA*- 20+88.88-21+91.51 HORIZ. 1"=10' STINE ROAD VER T 1 "= 5' Rw 66' VA RIES R w V� 59 EXIS TING PA VEMEN T MEDIAN WID TH VARIES 2.,9'— J. 4' SEE PL A NS P. G. IFL VARIES 1' SA WCU T 2.7-J-0yo-- .................. .......... ... ........ EXISTING EDGE OF PA VEMEN T — 0. 50' HMA (TYPE A) 1. 10' A. B. (CL A SS //) 0.90' LIMIT OF COMPACTION NO TE: CAP IRRIGATION LINES AS NECESSARY. 957o OF THE MAX. DENSITY AS SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. DETERMINED BY ASTM 1557 STA*- 20+52.69-20+88.88 HORIZ. I "= 10' 11-51 STINE ROAD VERT I — NAM MA TCH EXIS TING 70 1 HP 14' 15' 1 — —1 - j- 10, 1 1 1?, . 1 71 �)LL 1-,A VLMLIV / 1--ILAIV�) 1- utl� U.�7L/ LIMI I Ul L/U/Wl tlk-,lllUlV DITCH f & ELEVA TIONS 957o OF THE MAX. DENSITY AS /l? w A 60' v- 4 1 SL MAX 5.5' SIDEWALK TYPE B CURB & GU TIER Rw - - t Rw EXIS TING PA VEMEN T "A W CU T TIN G ED GE :'A VEMEN T DETERMINED BY ASTV 15,57 STA- 18+07 qj— 18+ 07 qj I /,-I* HORIZ 17=10' McCUTCHEN ROAD VER T I "= 5' 70 1 J8 1 EXIS TING PA VEMEN T SA WCU T EXISTING EDGE— OF PA VEMEN T Rw 2J I ,�\�Cjf SS J(04� 912412018 IAN J. PARKS C.D w rn EGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER w No. 58155 ;0 Exp. 6-30-20 --ET.TGE-Lx Civi HULE I -'-,L El `t --l-- NE OF- CA\ - V1 -- N -G -ERS,"`� P. G. IFL — 4:1 VARIES SLOPE 2.0-2.17o MAX 0. 50' HMA (TYPE A) 1. 10' A. B. (CL A SS //) 0. 90' L/Ml T OF COMPA C TION 951010 OF THE MAX. DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY ASTM 1557 STA#- 14+67.18-16+53.84 HORIZ. 1"=10' McCU TCHEN ROAD VER T 1 "—,5' 10A I' SA WCU T 70 1 Rw 0 L -Al � I// V V L-UL7L- OF PA VEMEN T —0.50' HMA (TYPE A) 1. 10' A. B. (CL A SS //) NOTE: CAP IRRIGATION LINES AS NECESSARY. 0.90' LIMIT OF COMPACTION SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. 957o OF THE MAX. DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY ASTIV 1557 STA#- 24+18.94-25+98.49 HORIZ. 1 —10 STINE ROAD VER T 1 "—,5' 6,1-1892 Rle Name.* 02— TypSections Drawn: AMS TYPICAL SEC77ONS AND DETAILS SHEET NO. C/7Y OF BAKERSFIELL) Job No.: 108-24.12 Engibeer. /Jp CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Date: 912412018 Checked By. jDS 87REET IMPROMMENM ON SnNE ROAD F710M RYZOM DRIVL= TO rwurovysEED SMEET 2 OF �m is - (1) C 0 0 0 (j) 01 C RW I , VARIES 6 0)_ 70 VARIES 59.6 '*— 61 -7 I I HP 16 16 1 1 4' EXISTING PA VEMEN T SA WCU T EXISTING EDGE OF PA VEMEN T 2.07o ON— WHA IVA TCH EXISTING GROUND 0. 5 0' HMA T YPP:EA) 1.10' A.B. (CLASS SEE PA VEMEN T PL A NS FOR 0.90'LMT OF COMPACTION DITCH f & ELEVATIONS 957o OF THE MAX. DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY ASTIV 1557 STA- 54+OJ.91-57+90.77 ,,*-lop HORIZ. 1 STINE ROAD VER T 1 5' FESS/O* 912412018 IAN J. PARKS 0 -zrn U -i rn EGIS TERED Cl VIL ENGINEER m No. 58155 X Exp. 6-30-20 Ur -si L Ic OFF. C r u T ivi R w I R w R w VARIES I A VARIES 58-64 VARIES 56— 70' A 55'-60' VARIES 55' 59.6 17 1-1910 EXISTING PA VEMEN T SA WCU T EXISTING EDGE OF PA VEMEN T 14'-15'(Z , �P4 1 2.07o - aft-_ /./U A.5. //) 0.90' LIA41T OF COMPACTION 957o OF THE MAX DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY ASTM 1557 MATCH EXISTING GROUND SEE PA VEMEN T PL A NS FOR DITCH f & ELEVATIONS MATCH EXISTING GROUND SEE PA VEIVEN T PL A NS FOR DITCH � & ELEVATIONS HP 4' 1 1 15.5'-18.5 2.07o ­W*� 0. 50' HMA (TYPE A) 1.10' A.B. (CLASS //) 0,90' LIMIT OF COMPACTION 957o OF THE MAX. DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY ASTV 1557 2J. 5' owl EXIS TIN G PA VEIVEN T :SA WCU T EXIS TING EDGE OF PA VEIVEN T NOTE: 17' 49+47.40-52+55.86 19' 46+65.74-49+47.40 STA- 46+65.74-52+55.86 STA*- 57+86.80-61+47.69 11-10, 15' 46+65.74-49+47.40 HORIZ I 10' NOTE: (D 18.5' 57+86.80-58+10 HORIZ. 1 — 14' 49+47.40-52+55.86 STINE ROAD VER T 1 5' 15.5' 58+10-61+47.69 5 TINE ROAD VERT I "= 5' mrAF T L = 8.5 R VALUE = 18 70 1 I 22 1 EXIS TING PA VEIVEN T SA WCU T EXIS TING EDGE OF PA VEMEN T 60 1 14' HP 4 2.010ol 00— RW MATCH EXISTING GROUND E_ A) C'E_E_ 0 A I ICAIE-A / T AAl /. / U A. 5. (GLA,�,� //) [_ L J V ul_x 0.90' LIMIT OF COMPACTION DITCH � & ELEVATIONS 957o OF THE MAX DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY ASTA4 1557 S TA 2 7+ J5.50— JO+ 18. 01 11-10, - HORIZ. I — 5 TINE ROAD VER T 1"=5' C/7Y OF BAKERSFIELE), CALIFORNIA AIM Al VARIES 60'— 70' \ I HP 1 4 1 7 2.07o ­W*� .......... MA TCH EXISTING GROUND 0. �50' �H�MA (T YPE A) SEE PA VEMEN T PL A NS FOR 1. 10' A.B. (CLASS//) DITCH � & ELEVA TIONS 0.90' LIMIT OF COMPACTION 957o OF THE MAX DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY ASTM 1557 File Name.* 02— TypSections Drawn: MAS Job Na: 108-24.12 Englineer. /Jp Date: 912412018 Checked By. JQS I R w VARIES 59.6'-61 A I J5' EXISTING PA VEMEN T SA WCU T EXISTING EDGE OF PA VEMEN T STA#- 5J+92.96-57+86.80 HORIZ 1 "= 10' S TINE R OA D VER T 1 11 =,5' 7YPICAL SEC77ONS AND DETAILS 'I aFir==t- MPROVEMENM ON SnNE ROAD FROM RYZOM DRIVE TO— ­YSEEDS 6,1-1892 SHEET NO. 3 OF 29 m IN 9- C =W- :4z 1 SAWCUT EXISTING PAVEMENT, CURB, DRIVEWAY & SIDEWALK (D- REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE CURB, DRIVEWAY & SIDEWALK REMOVE EXISTING LANDSCAPING AS NECESSARY, CAP IRRIGATION LINES AS NECESSARY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS REMOVE & RELOCATE EXISTING MAILBOX BEHIND BACK OF SIDEWALK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS NOTES 1. PROTECT EXISTING UTILITIES IN PLACE 2. CLEAR & GRUB TO LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION AS DIRECTED 3. SIZE & LIMITS OF SEPTIC TANK & LEACH LINES IS APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR WILL NEED TO DETERMINE LOCATION AND LIMITS. 4. FENCES THAT ARE TO BE TERMINATED AT THE R/W SHALL BE DONE IN A CLEAN AND WORKMANLIKE MANNER. a z 0 UGE 52 REMOVE EXISTING BLOCK WALL 32 L.F. +22.43 47' LT BEGIN CURB, GUTTER� k (Z 1W P17KAO\/Al PFA < +22.69 89.20' LT BEGIN CURB, GUTTER & PAVEMENT REMOVAL +37.18169.88' LT APPROXIMATE LOCATION BEGIN R/W REMOVAL > REMOVE SEPTIC TANK +52.85 70.16" LT & LEECH LINES R/W END D/W REMOVAL x I R/W x BEGIN T, REMOVE TREES X1 +43.46 20.44' LT END CURB, GUTTER 3 x & 2 / / k I& S/W REMOVAL _x 4 G---r7V ----- -- )0 8.63' RT MENT REMOVAL REMOVE TREE 3 Ix x -- x X REMOVE E�ISTING I FENCE & GATE TYP. uj 1 4 G G NOO*34'02"E MOW K1111 S-- s s U E --UGE—UG-E— �-- U�GE GE VA L!W W AP +66.20 64.08' LT D /BEGIN D/W REMOVAL W.A D/W REMOVAL +07.09 60.00' LT END D/W REMOVAL +98.88 11.67' RT PAVEMENT REMOVAL s s 7 F- +53.04 62.18' LT END S/W REMOVAL REREMOVE EXISTING FEN( & BLOCK WALL TYP. +53.03 30.25' LT r + BEGIN S/W REMOVAL " i G +66.60 65.00' LT BEGIN D/W REMOVAL' PRO I F C F' EXISTING WATER VAULT & LINES 'S +42.5 48' LT REMOVE TREE x G G +18.88 12.98' RT PAVEMENT REMOVAL s s + 18.88 8. (iov PAVEMENT REMOVAL UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE x1l File Name.- Demo Plan Job No.: 108-24.12 Date: 912412018 Drawn: iWAS Engineer- /Jp Checked By. jDS Lij 912412018 EGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER -VTTGERS- --CH-U-L +78.57 65.00' LT END D/W REMOVAL REMOVE EXISTING -ENCETYP. RELOCATE EXISTING TRAFFIC SIGN AT&T v VAULT ,o,of ESS / IAN J. PARKS C�D U-1 Q:� No. 58155 Exp. 6-30-20 cm OFF C R/W 1 +55.94 8.00' LT PAVEMENT REMOVAL :D U s UGE LrA 6,1-1892 SHEET NO. LEGEND SAWCUT EXISTING PAVEMENT, CURB, DRIVEWAY & SIDEWALK (]) — REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT r7 Q — REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE CURB, DRIVEWAY & SIDEWALK REMOVE EXISTING LANDSCAPING AS NECESSARY, CAP IRRIGATION LINES AS NECESSARY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS REMOVE AC DIKE, MINIMIZE DAMAGE TO ASPHALT 1. PROTECT EXISTING UTILITIES IN PLACE 2. CLEAR & GRUB TO LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION AS DIRECTED 3. FENCES THAT ARE TO BE TERMINATED AT THE R/W SHALL BE DONE IN A CLEAN AND WORKMANLIKE MANNER. s —s I 13+00 4 ,egif ESS / con 912412078 IAN J. PARKS Q) -61-1 ui rri )EGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER Ck-1 No. 58155 Exp. 6-30-20 T T --ERL)_5 T' I CIVI OF Cf) u G v 0 10 20 410 Horiz. 1"=20' 0 +1 D 11 STA 16+79.28, 37.6LT —BEGIN AC DIKE REMOVAL STA 16+71�.k 32.36'LT END AC DIKE REMOVAL 0 4 Cn --T] STA 16+59.74, 26.20'LT BEGIN AC DIKE REMOVAL s s s —s s s —s s s STA 26+88.88, STINE RD STA 17+37.18, MCCUTCHEN R�D STA 16+61.64, i.84'j BEGIN AC DI KEkREM OVAL 14+00 15+00 +S89'00'54'fE McCUTCHEN ROAD +47.18 38.00' LT PAVEMENT REMOVAL REMOVE AND SALVAGE EXISTING Yl TRAFFIC SIGNS R/W A- A- A - 16+00 STA 16+73.66, 8.78'LT iL: ;// END AC DIKE REMOVAL STA 16+90.18, 8.7*LT 76A- RiR -Fi�OVA REMOVE EXISTING REMOVE EXISTING FENCE FENCE TYP. R/W POST & RAILING TYP. ' File Name: Demo Plan Job No.: 108-24.12 Date. 912412018 Drawn: MAS Engineer: /Jp Checked By. JDS i 17+100 — i +29.4� 38.00' 1-T PAVEMENT REMQVAL 0 UGE s amll u I 0 C14 <1 i 10 s 0 :D +55.94 8.00' LT PAVEMENT REMOVAL MATCH LINE SEE SHEET NO. 4 6,1-1892 DEMOLMON PLAN S 7 REE T IMPRO VEMEN T 8 ON S 7 7NE ROA D ) =ROM RY ZONA DRI VE TO POPP YSEED S 7 RE E T SHEET NO. 5 OF 29 13+00 14+00 + C14 '-z C r- 0 D b 6 06 to ,o,af ESS I o1v 912412018 IAN J. PARKS C.D w PE'GISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER w No. 58155 Exp. 6-30-20 U -h STA 16+84.40, 42.4'LT 9 ---TT- liz -E AC DIKE �c v I 4: -E-- ------ OF' CA�- V) 9 A lr,-'--70 9A 37.6LT vIL-- _NGINEER:�'K,' END AC DIKE REWOVAL END NEW AC..DIKE STA 16+71.2,632.41T 0 END AC DIKE REMOVAL -- TA 16+87.94, 41.3'LT STA 16+59.74. 26.2'LT 9 Fol U AC DIKE s —s ITE—GIN AC D s REMOVAL ------------ "a�TA1 6 �tL- �l 15—TA, 16+90.0,3.10.7'LT D 0 N RD '-UTCHEN R5 ,10 + (0 + 2 fit 0 in 2 u - STA +53.84 38.0"R S +29.46 38.0'RT -T-,(�2 ) I 0 2 EL. 357 34 Of EL. 357.94 Z� SAM SAWCUT CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK---- 0T�- RISER (j) /V/GEJ- UGE UGE UG x C4 6 wi m R/ 13 5 3 R/W 0 GRADE TO MATCH 00 0i 20 EXISTING Ce P w Li V) V) 06 '0 0- 5R 0 J'z;� Li 06 w (0 0 lq- m: v7 LJ + Mo w + r-'. 0- 00!� vt f- (0 g 1 00 < + fli < C3 z zo + in La v- < F- 0 1* U) m 00 < Cr- to 0) w 0 4z 00 r- 00 to + LLJ z C.) F- N (nw Cn T U) CONSTRUCTION NOTES t CONSTRUCT PAVEMENT (0.5' HMA/ 1.1' AB CLASS 11) CONSTRUCT CASE A HANDICAP RAMP PER CAL -MANS STD PLAN A88A Lu SAWCUT AS SHOWN AND DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER CONSTRUCT TYPE "M" CURB PER COB STD PLAN ST -2 CURVE TABLE CONSTRUCT STANDARD CURB & GUTTER TYPE "A" PER COB ST -1 CONSTRUCT PCC CONCRETE MEDIAN TREATMENT PER COB L-12 CURVE LENGTH RADIUS TANGENT DELTA SEE SHEET NO. 8 FOR STINE ROAD G) CONSTRUCT STANDARD COMBINATION SIDEWALK PER CONSTRUCT TYPE A AC DIKE PER CALTRANS STD PLAN A87B 0 10 20 40 COB ST -5 C4 46 91' -in-00' 9q,-78' 89*34'56" CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY APPROACH PER REMOVE AC DIKE, MINIMIZE DAMAGE TO ASPHALT COB ST -7.1 SEE PLAN FOR WIDTH MAILBOX RELOCATED BEHIND BACK OF SIDEWALK Horiz. 1"=20' Vert. 1"=5' @ INSTALL 2" INTERCONNECT CONDUIT AND #5 PULL BOX AT EACH END McCUTCH N OAD INSTALL 100 WATT LED STREET LIGHT PER COB ST -23, 23A -C 370 370 120' BAY TAPER 00 Lf) 00 LO L6 46.91' r--: C� + LO Coto t PO 365 i 00 LO r- 0 < > to < LO (0 0 (0 0) 00 _j + (0 LO to cn w (0 n + u') 00 APROX. EXISTING II + LKO) (0 to + LO (0 > to GROUND AT FL UJ P > --------- w -w ------- > -360 CL w w 0') V) z w w V) w 0 j 00 w -------- �z im x W 0.26% -3.38 0 -14- (O.,57o±) 0.25% 6 - ----- ----- 355 A -1.9% CURB RAMP PGL SOUTH -3.37% v 350 4-1 00 345— ------- - ----- - ------ --- --- 7, -A- r% 0 t ------- *.-I r %J 0 340 -340 13+00 14+00 ir- f 00 16-1- 0 17+0-0- 17+37 6,1-1892 00 0 File Name.* Street Plan Drawn: MA S PLAN & PROHLE SHEET NO. C/7Y OF BAKERSFIELL) Job No.: 108-24.12 Engineer 1JP I CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Date. 912412018 Checked By. JDS aF I 11== I IMPROMMENM ON SnNE ROAD Fi9OM RYZCV" DRME TO 6 OF 29 / | / / / / \ / CID 0 IAN J. PARKS rn No. 58155 ;0 Exp. 6-30-210 SOq 00 a,, ��w c/) s W (1) F-1 UGE - -- "GE uoE UGE < // `-'' OZE__ OHE --- OHE -, /----_ r_ CONSTRUCTUON NOTES _-' ---�- -�-- ---�- -�-- --__- --- �----- CONSTRUCT PAVEMENT (O'5` HMA/ 1'1` AB CLASS ||) CONSTRUCT CASE A HANDICAP RAMP PER CALTRANG STD PLAN A88A CURVE TABLE 0 10 20 8AN0UT AS SHOWN AND DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER (7) CONSTRUCT TYPE "M" CURB PER COB STD PLAN 8T-2 | - STIN �m�� ROAD CON8TRUCT STANDARD CURB/kGUTTER TYPE "A"PER 00B ST -1 /�� CONSTRUCT PCC CONCRETE �ED|AN T�EA�WENT PER COB L-12 �--- / ���" H�rl�. 1"=20' OONSTRUCT8TANDARD COMBINATION SIDEWALK PER CONSTRUCT TYPE A AC DIKE PER CALTRAN� STD PLAN A87B98' 179*2329" ' V�rt 1``=5` COB ST -5 \�� /�� " REMOVE AC DIKEMINIMIZE DAMAGE TO ASPHALT \�� INSTALL 2 INTERCONNECT CONDUIT AND #5 PULL BOX AT EACH END CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY APPROACH PER \�� ' �� COB �T-7' \�� 1 SEE PLAN FOR WIDTH /�� MAILBOX RELOCATED BEHIND BACK OF SIDEWALK INSTALL 100 WATTLED STREET UQHTPER COB 3T-23, 23A -C ~~ \�y 370 370 60' BAY TAPER 00 00 LO .00 n p6 OR ILO APROX. EXISTING GROUND AT FL UJ cl 00 < z ui 0 CL co cn 4-1 PGL WEST -350 41 41 00 340 340 91 00 22+00 23 00 24 00 6,1-1892 1 C/7Y OF CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT File Name: Street Plan Drawn: MA S PLAN & PROFILE SHEET NO. Job No.: 108-24.12 Engineer: 1JP -BAKERSFIELL), IMPROMMENM CW SMNE ROAD MOM RYZCVU DMW TO POPPYSEED SMEET 7 OF29 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 0 0 Lli Lij F V) Lli Lli 355 345 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD I CA L IFORNIA 0 0 + Q0 61' FL 170' ROW Cf) 0 z m LLJ r C) C) 0 0 s m i FJ C m 'A 26+88.88, STINE RD 'A 17+37.18, MCCUTCHEN RD FQ C UGE UGE UGE 0[u File Name: Street Plan Drawn: MAS Job No.: 108-24.12 Engineer- IJP Dote: 912412018 Checked By. JDS 370 365 355 350 Kf3s] o-OESS/o4/ 912412018 -- IAN J. PARKS 3z: 0- 0 ril uj rn tGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER w No. 58155 ;a Exp. 6-30-20 CHUL v I 4� EER�s` Ivi Z 0 10 20 4 i 0 Horiz. 1"=20' Vert. 1"=5' 6,1-1892 PArA'*'N & PROFILE IMPROMMENM ON SnNE ROAD MOM RYZCWA DPJW TO POPPYSEED 87REET SHEET NO. 8 OF 29 IN - v n 41 L 00 0 0 0 1-1 N 17 0 0 CONSTRUCT PAVEMENT (0.5' HMA/ 1.1' AB CLASS 11) TA CONSTRUCT CASE A HANDICAP RAMP PER CALTRANS STD PLAN A88A mrfTi� SAWCUT AS SHOWN AND DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER CONSTRUCT TYPE "M" CURB PER COB STD PLAN ST -2 1111106� 111111' CONSTRUCT STANDARD CURB & GUTTER TYPE "A" PER COB ST -1 CONSTRUCT PCC CONCRETE MEDIAN TREATMENT PER COB L-12 CONSTRUCT STANDARD COMBINATION SIDEWALK PER 179*23'29" CONSTRUCT TYPE A AC DIKE PER CALTRANS STD PLAN A87B COB ST -5 REMOVE AC DIKE, MINIMIZE DAMAGE TO ASPHALT CONSTRUCT RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY APPROACH PER 10870TIM 89-34'56 COB ST -7.1 SEE PLAN FOR WIDTH MAILBOX RELOCATED BEHIND BACK OF SIDEWALK 0 0 Lli Lij F V) Lli Lli 355 345 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD I CA L IFORNIA 0 0 + Q0 61' FL 170' ROW Cf) 0 z m LLJ r C) C) 0 0 s m i FJ C m 'A 26+88.88, STINE RD 'A 17+37.18, MCCUTCHEN RD FQ C UGE UGE UGE 0[u File Name: Street Plan Drawn: MAS Job No.: 108-24.12 Engineer- IJP Dote: 912412018 Checked By. JDS 370 365 355 350 Kf3s] o-OESS/o4/ 912412018 -- IAN J. PARKS 3z: 0- 0 ril uj rn tGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER w No. 58155 ;a Exp. 6-30-20 CHUL v I 4� EER�s` Ivi Z 0 10 20 4 i 0 Horiz. 1"=20' Vert. 1"=5' 6,1-1892 PArA'*'N & PROFILE IMPROMMENM ON SnNE ROAD MOM RYZCWA DPJW TO POPPYSEED 87REET SHEET NO. 8 OF 29 IN - v n 41 L 00 0 0 0 1-1 N 17 0 0 TA mrfTi� WTITSTIM 1111106� 111111' 90-23'28 179*23'29" 180900,00" 10870TIM 89-34'56 0 0 Lli Lij F V) Lli Lli 355 345 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD I CA L IFORNIA 0 0 + Q0 61' FL 170' ROW Cf) 0 z m LLJ r C) C) 0 0 s m i FJ C m 'A 26+88.88, STINE RD 'A 17+37.18, MCCUTCHEN RD FQ C UGE UGE UGE 0[u File Name: Street Plan Drawn: MAS Job No.: 108-24.12 Engineer- IJP Dote: 912412018 Checked By. JDS 370 365 355 350 Kf3s] o-OESS/o4/ 912412018 -- IAN J. PARKS 3z: 0- 0 ril uj rn tGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER w No. 58155 ;a Exp. 6-30-20 CHUL v I 4� EER�s` Ivi Z 0 10 20 4 i 0 Horiz. 1"=20' Vert. 1"=5' 6,1-1892 PArA'*'N & PROFILE IMPROMMENM ON SnNE ROAD MOM RYZCWA DPJW TO POPPYSEED 87REET SHEET NO. 8 OF 29 IN - v n 41 L 00 0 0 0 1-1 N 17 0 0 FESS/ CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT PAVEMENT (0.5' HMA/ 1.1' AB CLASS 11) 912412018 IAN J. PARKS C.D Lu rn SAWCUT AS SHOWN AND DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER I�EGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER m No. 58155 ;0 Exp. 6-30-20 CONSTRUCT CASE A HANDICAP RAMP PER CALTRANS STID PLAN A88A C/v� -A LEN -v -- OFF C a G -,-.Clvli---E NEERS',-- VAU'Ll 0 <\ I w 'lxf M ED ----------- xl�ls 1�,9 0 4- < V Q + '0-) 0 s s s s -s s s --s s 0 M l -B Pp d -/IZ9 SlINE ROAD + 27+00 28+00 29+00 30+00 'P 26+00 4- A -4 4- 1 V,7,- +- - --:`-`�77 -4- - i 11 NOO*35'02"E % C 0 m STA 26+85.76 22.0'RT STA 27+35.50 22-Q�RT 2 1 22.0'RT EL. 358.07 EL. 357.99 \,t� EL. 357.99 k�-� EL. 357.99 \t/ EL. 358.22 STA 28+00.0 !2.0'RT/, STA29+00.0 2Z.O'RT � STA 30+18.0 r SAWCU�T I SAWCUT SAWCUT (0 SAWCUT SAWCUT S�-� 19 ul dll�--�l A SIGNAl SPEED 100 be LIMIT --l"N C*4 0 Ej.( �j FQ p STA 27+35.50 36.0'RT 0\ AT &T STA 28+00.0 36.&�� STA 29+00.0 36. ' EP EL. 35-70-..-8--5-0 R I'S F RI EP EL. 357.850 EP EL. 357.85 R=35.00' L=5 .79 J 4 T=34.81' D=8 *41"24" 1'� ==F356.5 157 A7 STA 30+18.01 36.U'K I s C: STA 27+72.3 45.6RT -356.5 - PO s- s �F 356.5 .358.010 356- -04 EP EL BOTTOM = 355.30 v- 356 3 6- T7- 356.5- 355.5 UGE =355- - - C11 3 5.5 UGE -U�QE STA 27+82.43 54.0'RT ----rT77 DRAINAGE AREA All =355- - Sp pG1 E DOE GE U) -to --DRAINAi3FAIREW- AT GE �-=GE- 4- EL. 357.22 BOTTOM EL=354.85 354.85 Typ.- ---&- _-mo) METER --BOTTOM EL= C:) /R=30.00" L=46.96 R VA"1111L 0 -=5 7 1 = J8-4 � 2 STA 3( - Lolli` GE T D T=29.84' D==89*41'2e APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF CONC[-] DG G 1 3 STA 27+96.9 50.3'RT DRAINAGE DITCH PAD pp 3v 1 APPROXIMATE LIMITS PIPE 12' 10: 1 SLOPES DITCH FL = 356.83 2:1 DAYLIGHT TO CLEAR R/W 14' 1 TYP. STA 27+84.8 62.4'RT P.G.& E. VAULT OF DRAINAGE DITCH T-POQT 4:1 DAYLIGHT TO �07.93 3.0'RT DITCH FL GB = 355.76 BOTTOM 355.30 3' WROUGHT -EL.358.05 2Z EXISTING TYP. IRON FENCE* l< STA 29+01.2 58.8'RT 1 STA 18+07.93 12.01T 64$\ APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF 2' WIDE DRAINAGE FG EL. 355.52 STA 29+21.2 59.2RT <\ EP EL. 357.75 DITCH 2:1 DAYLIGHT TO EXISTING TYP. FG EL. 355.56 WATER C;ONC 6' WRCOUGHT -R WELL PAD STA 27+60.8 86.2'RT MATCH EXISTING !RON GATEE CSTA 27+52.43 83.84 RT ACCESS PATH 3 EL. 356.56 DITCH FL GB = 355.47 STA 27+50.4 95.9'RT WOOD F E N CE .0\ DITCH FL 355.40 26' 12.3' (6.3 1 -Q> +40 > to APPROXIMATE LIMITS Lu Lo -----OF DRAINAGE DITCH ul fe) 4:1 DAYLIGHT TO U) EXISTING TYP. -q . Lr. LC N LO Lr. LO to CD 00 R/W z Lq LO LO 'A. w Lo d wn to 16 ww U? Zp 0 + cr- 0 0) LO 0 ED 4:1 SLOPES TYP. E cl 0.0, 26' 12" +22 00 Cn T- 41 It 2% APPROXIMATE LIMITS 04 -- OF DRAINAGE DITCH CF) 39 12' 4' 4:1 DAYLIGHT TO Cr EXISTING TYP. .6' 61 (;--NSTA 18+07.93 3.0 -RT \t�l EL. 357.80 STA 18+07.93 12.0'LT r.�\ EP EL. 357.50-Q.J E > 0 10 0) Cn C Z m=w<==mw- 0 10 210 40 0 I Horiz. 1"=20' N 1 00 6,1-1892 File Name.- Pa vem en t Plan Drawn: MA S PA VEME1 V T PL A N SHEET NO. CITY OF BAKERSFIELf) Job No.: 108-24.12 Engineer 1JP CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Date: 912412018 Checked By. JQS alrim=,mi'IMPROVEMENTS ON ucMNE ROAD F9:?(W RYZOM DRIVE TO PCf PPYSEED STREET 9 OF 29 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 0 CONSTRUCT PAVEMENT (0.5' HMA/ 1.1' AB CLASS 11) SAWCUT AS SHOWN AND DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER CONSTRUCT CASE A HANDICAP RAMP PER CALTRANS STI) PLAN A88A REMOVE EXISTING MANHOLE AND 18" RCP TO LIP OF GUTTER. HMA TRENCH PATCH PER COB STI) ST -11, 12, 12A IN PAVED AREA. PLUG REMAINING RCP PIPE AT LIP. 0 /-,-NSTA 54+03.91 32.0'RT ',,VEP EL. 360.02 UGE E x\/ 0 a:: -6 W W M dAl SEE SHEETS 19-24 FOR BERSHIRE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS -4 -0 STA 46+65.74 19.0 -RT SBC F DD VAULT'' -r-7- -T - I I - TRAf�-�ONC (,'A 8 1 Sl - A 8 5�t�� 00 NOO*3433"E STA 55+00.0 16.0'RT EL. 360.47 V -J ldpo SAWCUT ZZ 32.0'RT - UGE pe - F VAUll"ll REMOVE TREE STUMPS R/W SEE SHEETS 19-24 FOR INTERSECTION & CURB RAMP DETAILS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD i CA L IFORNIA jjl;;�� A An 0 5 00 STA 56+00.0 1§S.LfATj STA 57+00.0 16.0'R (0 EL. 360.58 EL. 360.7 V- SAWCUT elk SAWCUT 361 be STA 56+00.0 32.0"RT C11 ',TA��7t 32.IRT EP EL 360.26 359.5 -------- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- 359 104611&1 -- ---------- ------ ------ ul ---------------------- --- --------- ------ s UGE A iy*P'.-�-, W- UGE -------------- __0 ------------ -- ----------- 3 9 � 0-0.0. EGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER "ET -T -GER. - C-4 H u 1 E- � fV- ERS, 58+00 ,�l I SAWCUT STA 57+90.77 32.0 * R 0 EP EL. 360.60 V�/ u UGE REMOVE TREE R/W AND STUMP REMOVE TREE REMOVE TREE REMOVE TREE REMOVE -REE APPROXIMATE LIMITS STUMP STUMPS AND STU 4PS OF DRAINAGE DITCH 4:1 DAYLIGHT TO REMOVE TREE APPROXIMATE LIMITS EXISTING TYP. STUMPS 1�r-1 OF DRAINAGE DITCH 4:1 DAYLIGHT TO EXISTING TYP. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Name: Pavement Plan Drawn: MAS No.: 108-24.12 Engineer 1JP 1. 1. 912412018 Checked By. jDS rft- M -u- y T y �w I �& �& 'o,fif ss IAN J.PARKS Lu rn No. 58155 M Exp. 6-30-20 Ivi OF C AN- 0 10 210 410 Horiz. 1"=20' 6,1-1892 - 'us 0 PA VEMEN T PL AN SHEET NO. IMPROVEMEfffS CW SnNE ROAD R90M RYZOM DRIVE TO POPPYSEED---87REET 1 10 OF 29 0) 0 V- 00 0 RIA 53+00 4- + 1 1 114 51,+00 4- )6' 4- c4l, �STA �54+0�3.91 f �16.0�'RT EL. 360.34 SAWCUT 40, 0 0 /-,-NSTA 54+03.91 32.0'RT ',,VEP EL. 360.02 UGE E x\/ 0 a:: -6 W W M dAl SEE SHEETS 19-24 FOR BERSHIRE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS -4 -0 STA 46+65.74 19.0 -RT SBC F DD VAULT'' -r-7- -T - I I - TRAf�-�ONC (,'A 8 1 Sl - A 8 5�t�� 00 NOO*3433"E STA 55+00.0 16.0'RT EL. 360.47 V -J ldpo SAWCUT ZZ 32.0'RT - UGE pe - F VAUll"ll REMOVE TREE STUMPS R/W SEE SHEETS 19-24 FOR INTERSECTION & CURB RAMP DETAILS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD i CA L IFORNIA jjl;;�� A An 0 5 00 STA 56+00.0 1§S.LfATj STA 57+00.0 16.0'R (0 EL. 360.58 EL. 360.7 V- SAWCUT elk SAWCUT 361 be STA 56+00.0 32.0"RT C11 ',TA��7t 32.IRT EP EL 360.26 359.5 -------- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- 359 104611&1 -- ---------- ------ ------ ul ---------------------- --- --------- ------ s UGE A iy*P'.-�-, W- UGE -------------- __0 ------------ -- ----------- 3 9 � 0-0.0. EGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER "ET -T -GER. - C-4 H u 1 E- � fV- ERS, 58+00 ,�l I SAWCUT STA 57+90.77 32.0 * R 0 EP EL. 360.60 V�/ u UGE REMOVE TREE R/W AND STUMP REMOVE TREE REMOVE TREE REMOVE TREE REMOVE -REE APPROXIMATE LIMITS STUMP STUMPS AND STU 4PS OF DRAINAGE DITCH 4:1 DAYLIGHT TO REMOVE TREE APPROXIMATE LIMITS EXISTING TYP. STUMPS 1�r-1 OF DRAINAGE DITCH 4:1 DAYLIGHT TO EXISTING TYP. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Name: Pavement Plan Drawn: MAS No.: 108-24.12 Engineer 1JP 1. 1. 912412018 Checked By. jDS rft- M -u- y T y �w I �& �& 'o,fif ss IAN J.PARKS Lu rn No. 58155 M Exp. 6-30-20 Ivi OF C AN- 0 10 210 410 Horiz. 1"=20' 6,1-1892 - 'us 0 PA VEMEN T PL AN SHEET NO. IMPROVEMEfffS CW SnNE ROAD R90M RYZOM DRIVE TO POPPYSEED---87REET 1 10 OF 29 0) 0 V- 00 0 RIA 0 d m ui ui V) CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT PAVEMENT (0.5' HMA/ 1.1' AB CLASS 11) SAWCUT AS SHOWN AND DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER CONSTRUCT CASE A HANDICAP RAMP PER CALTRANS STI) PLAN A88A ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE TO GRADE PER COB STD. SW -6 �r C) SEE SHEETS 19-24 FOR BERSHIRE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS LAJ 0 '1-, V) 00 ae z w - w M 1-1v —s 1\ s s s r,--NSTA 53+92.96 35.0' EL. 359.79 SAWCUT 53+00 SEE SHEETS 19-24 FOR INTERSECTION & CURB RAMP DETAILS M&T- !g=�ffZ — — _TATXmjZ&mj,,� mf 'T Am j/4JWAjPff41!qSTff/m 40 jZjAk) AnnMf%Vl&AA"rr* I IkAl"ro-- SEE SHEET 10 FOR EAST SIDE , I A 0 0 s s s s q S11NE ROAD 62+00 63+00 3 43,3"E xj����N �C File Name.- Pavement Plan Job No.: 108-24.12 Date.- 912412018 Drawn: MAS Engineer OP Checked By. JDS EGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER ET.T-G E IAN J. PARKS rn No. 58155 X Exp. 6-30-20 Ivi OFF C 1, 0 10 20 410 Horiz. 1"=20' 6,1-1892 PA WEME&T I I. AN SHEET NO. aff IMPROVEMEWS CW SnNE ROAD MOM RYZOM DRIVE TO 11 OF29 P., C: CE V) Cr C NOTES: (1} CONNECT 6" PVC TO EXISTING MANHOLE. MODIFY BOTTOM CHANNEL AS NEEDED. CONNECT NEW 4~ SEWER LATERAL TO EXISTING LATERAL AFTER DEMO OF SEPTIC SYSTEM. CONSTRUCT LATERAL PER COB 3W-1 CONSTRUCT SEWER MANHOLE PER COB SW -2 CONSTRUCT SEWER MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER PER COB SW -6 CONSTRUCT SEWER CLEANOUT PER COB SV -5 �� �'/ CONSTRUCT HMA TRENCH PATCH PER COB STD ST -11, 12, 12A IN PAVED AREA 86.09 L.F. 6" SEWER LINE � 02% ~� .���x�v�~� `� `�x�m�"�~� ~� `�^�m�-�~� 340 ,�~�o� ~�^�~� |NV(N-S) 34492 ^.#.,vnt- vvw,�L.Jf -----UGE___ --UGE UCE UGE 912412018 IAN J. PARKS rn EGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER Of No. 58155 ;70 EVD-sll Exp. 6-30-20 ,-�jz ivi -J- ULER, or cp,� /5fOD' 26fDO --f----- -- --�------ -- f-------- --| ---c---�- f- | -- -------�. __ S -----UGE UGE UgE UGE s s---- � — -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- �� -- -- | 0 10 2P 40 Horbz. 1"==2O` Vert, 1"==5` J00 ^� ^�K���^�v� 345 ~�~�m� ��~�~� b 1 -1 tsuz File Name.- Sewer Plan Drawn: MA S PLAN & PROFILE SHEET NO. CO"'ITY OF —BAKERSFIELE), CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT JobNo..* 108-24.12 Engineer: 1JP Date: 912412018 Checked By. JQS SEWER IMPROVEMENM ON 877NE ROAD 12 OF 29 ^^ � I F_ r\ F N I F� . 0 — STRIPING DETAIL PER CALTRANS STANDARD PLANS 2010 xx — INSTALL SIGN TYPE PER CALIFORNIA MANUAL FOR UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 2012 — INSTALL SIGN — EXISTING SIGN F 1-1 - 12" WHITE CROSSWALK PAVEMENT MARKING -14r — TYPE IV (L) or (R) ARROW (TYP) + REMOVE AND SALVAGE EXISTING TRAFFIC SIGNS NOTE: ALL STRIPING AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC PER CALTRANS STANDARD SPECIFICATION PTH-02ALKYD UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 912412018 EGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER -, $5. VC"'TULE W_ :ivi - _N iN__EER_$��_,. SEE SHEET NO., 14 FOR STINE ROAD ,o ,of ESS Q> IAN J. PARKS rn No. 58155 ;u Exp. 6-30-20 C tVj\ /Vl " 0 OF FF- CAO� 0 20 510 1 Olt Horiz. 1"=50' 6,1-1892 E C1 0 I R. Fileftme: Striping Plan Drawn: MEA SIGN & STRIPING PLAN SHEET NO. CITY OF -BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT JobNo.: 108-24.12 Engineer 1JP I 'I U OF 29 Date. 912412018 Checked By. jDS Sit==i MPROVEMEAIM ON SWNE ROAD Fi9OM RYZCWA DRIVE TO POPPYSEED 87REET Li I u C: 3�: 04 T7 It C14 1 00 0 LEGEND: — STRIPING DETAIL PER CALTRANS STANDARD PLANS 2010 XX — INSTALL SIGN TYPE PER CALIFORNIA MANUAL FOR UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 2012 — INSTALL SIGN — EXISTING SIGN — 12" WHITE CROSSWALK PAVEMENT MARKING [2] — 12" YELLOW CROSSWALK PAVEMENT MARKING [3] — "SLOW", "SCHOOL", "AHEAD" PAVEMENT MARKINGS PER STANDARD PLAN A24D --Ir — TYPE IV (L) or (R) ARROW (TYP) �r welum ALL STRIPING AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC PER CALTRANS STANDARD SPECIFICATION PTH-02ALKYD UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. r - elf LO W + r_ OBLITERATE EXISTING uj (n CROSSWALK TYPE IV (L) ARROWS NEW 2 @ 15 S.F. EA. 3 OBLITERATE EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS OBLITERATE CENTER STOP LANE STRIPING NEW 2 105 S.F. ......... N -W 226 S . FE1 20-- Lu I > t -we z 0 N INSTALL BIKE LANE MARKINGS CAMUTCD FIGURE 9C-313 R/W TYPE IV (R) ARROWS NEW 2 @ 15 S. F. E A.7' R/W ENA WA I \\\,L__0BLITERATE EXISTING PAVEMENT MAR I GS UGE OBLITERATE EXISTING LIMIT LINE, CENTER LINE, STRIPING AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS I STINE ROAD ,�q,rjfE Slo46 GO 912412018 IAN J. PARKS C.D w rn EGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER w No. 58155 ;0 TExp. 6-30-20 r TGE cjv� HULE Of- C Cl_V_IL_ N -G -.IN-.- ER-S,�`S,,, m F_ 0 � Ili mill rli I ll� 0 iii 11 4 41 1 ; I , olw� 2121 k K, 'lliiim Im [0] a a 1: 4 1 m :4 AT A C LO 17 TYPE IV (R) ARROWS NEW 2 @ 15 S.F. EA. LJ 0 Lij .j UJI M uj Lij- UJI Lij V) W �r welum ALL STRIPING AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC PER CALTRANS STANDARD SPECIFICATION PTH-02ALKYD UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. r - elf LO W + r_ OBLITERATE EXISTING uj (n CROSSWALK TYPE IV (L) ARROWS NEW 2 @ 15 S.F. EA. 3 OBLITERATE EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS OBLITERATE CENTER STOP LANE STRIPING NEW 2 105 S.F. ......... N -W 226 S . FE1 20-- Lu I > t -we z 0 N INSTALL BIKE LANE MARKINGS CAMUTCD FIGURE 9C-313 R/W TYPE IV (R) ARROWS NEW 2 @ 15 S. F. E A.7' R/W ENA WA I \\\,L__0BLITERATE EXISTING PAVEMENT MAR I GS UGE OBLITERATE EXISTING LIMIT LINE, CENTER LINE, STRIPING AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS I STINE ROAD ,�q,rjfE Slo46 GO 912412018 IAN J. PARKS C.D w rn EGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER w No. 58155 ;0 TExp. 6-30-20 r TGE cjv� HULE Of- C Cl_V_IL_ N -G -.IN-.- ER-S,�`S,,, m F_ 0 � Ili mill rli I ll� 0 iii 11 4 41 1 ; I , olw� 2121 k K, 'lliiim Im [0] a a 1: 4 1 m :4 AT A C I 4___T INSTALL BIKE LANE MARKINGS 12' Uzi CAMUTCD FIGURE 9C-313 _17 ISW24-3(CA) LIJ, KLLUUATE EXISTING SR4-1 00 + (CA) TRAFFIC SIGN AS SHOWN, APPROX. 100' R /W _�_4_t 0 4) 38 /CN UGE HeE CNL= TYPE IV (L) ARROWS NEW 4 @ 15 S.F. EA. N OBLITERATE EXISTING GORE STRIPING 4" WHITE GORE STRIPING AT 20 I I I I I C G-) m I & C 12' 12' E� T UGE SPACING 11 1 11 11 1 411 1 LO 4r TYPE IV (R) ARROWS NEW 2 @ 15 S.F. EA. LJ Lij REFRESH EXISTING DETAIL 39 3 1�f Lij- Lij W 38 —7-81 -f Lij Z N8+ R7-9 N 0 0 UGE Ae I 4___T INSTALL BIKE LANE MARKINGS 12' Uzi CAMUTCD FIGURE 9C-313 _17 ISW24-3(CA) LIJ, KLLUUATE EXISTING SR4-1 00 + (CA) TRAFFIC SIGN AS SHOWN, APPROX. 100' R /W _�_4_t 0 4) 38 /CN UGE HeE CNL= TYPE IV (L) ARROWS NEW 4 @ 15 S.F. EA. N OBLITERATE EXISTING GORE STRIPING 4" WHITE GORE STRIPING AT 20 I I I I I C G-) m I & C 12' 12' E� T UGE SPACING 11 1 11 11 1 411 1 SEE SHEET NO. 13 FOR McCUTCHEN ROAD 0 2!5 50 100 Horiz. 1"=50' ry ILL. UJI 0 U-) 0 0 0 0+ + + + Z Lij 0) 0) Lli I`_ > m co < 0 I`— Ljj TYPE VI ARROWS 3 @ 42 S.F. EA. n + 0 <W�9-1(9) dols LO 0 < r-17 LO + co C0 UJI uj 200' 200' 00 UJI 04 0+00 fS2 2+.00 4+.00 6+00 8+00 10+00 12+00 14H Z T- IS, 32 9 9 0 100, 175' MIN. uj — F < z 0 w > SW24-3 CA) SR4-1 (CA) STOP OBLITERATE CENTER LANE STRIPING cr_ z 0 V) 6,1-189 0w% File Name.- Striping Plan Drawn: MEA SIGN & STRIPING PLAN SHEET NO. -C/7Y OF BAKERSFIELD Job No.: 108-24.12 Engineer 1JP CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Dote: 912412018 Checked BY. JDS aF I tl== I IMPROVEMEMM ON %CMNE ROAD MOM RYZ0JU DRIVE TO POPPYSEED 8771EET 14 OF 29 I I LO TYPE IV (R) ARROWS NEW 2 @ 15 S.F. EA. LJ Lij REFRESH EXISTING DETAIL 39 3 1�f Lij- Lij W 38 —7-81 -f Lij Z N8+ N 0 UGE OBLITERATE EXISTING CONFLICTING STRIPING IN INTERSECTION SEE SHEET NO. 13 FOR McCUTCHEN ROAD 0 2!5 50 100 Horiz. 1"=50' ry ILL. UJI 0 U-) 0 0 0 0+ + + + Z Lij 0) 0) Lli I`_ > m co < 0 I`— Ljj TYPE VI ARROWS 3 @ 42 S.F. EA. n + 0 <W�9-1(9) dols LO 0 < r-17 LO + co C0 UJI uj 200' 200' 00 UJI 04 0+00 fS2 2+.00 4+.00 6+00 8+00 10+00 12+00 14H Z T- IS, 32 9 9 0 100, 175' MIN. uj — F < z 0 w > SW24-3 CA) SR4-1 (CA) STOP OBLITERATE CENTER LANE STRIPING cr_ z 0 V) 6,1-189 0w% File Name.- Striping Plan Drawn: MEA SIGN & STRIPING PLAN SHEET NO. -C/7Y OF BAKERSFIELD Job No.: 108-24.12 Engineer 1JP CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Dote: 912412018 Checked BY. JDS aF I tl== I IMPROVEMEMM ON %CMNE ROAD MOM RYZ0JU DRIVE TO POPPYSEED 8771EET 14 OF 29 I I LEGEND: - STRIPING DETAIL PER CALTRANS STANDARD PLANS 2010 XX - INSTALL SIGN TYPE PER CALIFORNIA MANUAL FOR UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 2012 - INSTALL SIGN - EXISTING SIGN - TYPE IV (L) or (R) ARROW (TYP) - 12" WHITE PAVEMENT MARKING M A k /r- h A r- K 1 -r k A A M I / I K I f-\ "(- I f -It, I A 1 " m r- r-) C- -r A x i r--, A M r--1 M I A K I A 1-1 A r-*, [3] Ike I NOTE: ALL STRIPING AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC PER CALTRANS STANDARD SPECIFICATION PTH-02ALKYD UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 'EGIS TERED Cl VIL ENGINEER E GE -T- R -S-1- I E: -ENG NEE: -s-- VIL. �),?OESS/ C.D IAN J. PARKS rn No. 58155 Exp. 6-30-20 /vl OF C Lij Lij 17 (n Lij Lij V) Ld z .j �r Q TYPE IV (R) ARROWS NEW 2 @ 15 S.F. EA. 39 REFRESH EXISTING DETAIL 39 In OBLITERATE EXISTING CONFLICTING STRIPING TYP. 39A 9 2+00 OBLITERATE EXISTING CONFLICTING STRIPING UGE Mw A Aw mp WtA,Ardog�wl i -- m z REMOVE AND SALVAGE EXISTING SIGN: "RIGHT LANE TURNS RIGHT AHEAD" REMOVE AND SALVAGE EXISTING SIGN: "THRU TRAFFIC MERGE LEFT" ow %J4+00 -11 1 --, 38 40+00 —,42+00- - I — i i I — i — i + u� Ld LLI > Lij af LLJ LLI CY m m File Name.* Striping Plan Job Na: 108-24.12 Date.- 912412018 Drawn: MEA Engineer /Jp Checked By. jDS 215 510 100 Horiz. 1"=50' *01 *41 Am OBLITERATE 0 101, SIGN & STRIPING PLAN IMPROVEMENTS ON SnNE ROAD Fi9OM RYZCWA DRIVE TO POPPYSEED WREET (0 lr� F- ui LLJ �r V) ui LJ V) Ld z I �r 0 LL. Ld I Lij 0 m Lij z I 101 (j) vi 6,1-1892 00 0 1 15 OF 29 1 U) < %J4+00 -11 1 --, 38 40+00 —,42+00- - I — i i I — i — i + u� Ld LLI > Lij af LLJ LLI CY m m File Name.* Striping Plan Job Na: 108-24.12 Date.- 912412018 Drawn: MEA Engineer /Jp Checked By. jDS 215 510 100 Horiz. 1"=50' *01 *41 Am OBLITERATE 0 101, SIGN & STRIPING PLAN IMPROVEMENTS ON SnNE ROAD Fi9OM RYZCWA DRIVE TO POPPYSEED WREET (0 lr� F- ui LLJ �r V) ui LJ V) Ld z I �r 0 LL. Ld I Lij 0 m Lij z I 101 (j) vi 6,1-1892 00 0 1 15 OF 29 1 – STRIPING DETAIL PER CALTRANS STANDARD PLANS 2010 – INSTALL SIGN TYPE PER CALIFORNIA MANUAL FOR UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 2012 � – INSTALL SIGN � � – EXISTING SIGN � F /1 �l_12"WHITE PAVEMENTENT MARKING|N� -14r – TYPE |V (L) or /R\ ARROW (TYP) K]07- ' ALL STRIPING AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC PER CALTRANS STANDARD SPECIFICATION PTH-02ALKYD UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. � |rrL L–| i*/\uxxZ–Z` PER STND A73A TYPE N-1 (CA) PER BTND A73B w - OBLITERATE EXISTING ~��fr CONFLICTING STR|P|N( NT lv 82+OO – ----f----`^ NEVV 2 @ 15 S.F. . E/\ LO m| +| ^ + m/ = 12" LIMIT LINE OBLITERATE -OBL|TERATE EX|�T|N� CONFLICTING STRIPING TYP. 84+OO TYPE |V /Ll ARROWS NEW 2 @ 15 S.F. EA. ill LO X + REMOVE EXISTING W4-2 LANE ENDS SIGN OBLITERATE EXISTING CONFLICTING STRIPING TYP. ' 912412018 1 Cl) IAN J. PARKS Exp. 6-30-20 TGERS Ivi ULETN" � 0 2!5 510 O HnMz. 1"=50' z Cl 04 04 6,1-1892 Rle Name: Striping Plan Drawn: MEA SIGN & STRIPING PLAN SHEET NO. C/7Y OF -BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Job No.: 108-24.12 Engineer 1JP au P == I IMP RO VEME&TS 0 N S nNE ROA D F q 3 0 M R YZOM DRI VE TO PO PP YS EEO 8 TREE T 16 OF 29 GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE 2010 CALTRANS STANDARD PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2. ALL VEHICLE INDICATIONS, AND FLASHING BEACONS SHALL 12 INCH "LED". CIRCULAR AND ARROW SIGNAL INDICATIONS SHALL BE RED, GREEN, AND YELLOW INDICATIONS PER SPECIFICATIONS. 3. ALL PULL BOXES SHALL BE NO. 5 UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THE PLAN. 4. ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN SIGNALS AND PPB SIGNS SHALL USE THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOLS (WALKING MAN AND RED HAND), AND SHALL INCLUDE COUNTDOWN HEADS. 5. ALL SALVAGED MATERIAL SHALL BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. 6. ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND REPRESENT THE BEST INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES. FINAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOCATING UTILITIES IN THE FIELD IS THE CONTRACTORS. 7. LOCATIONS OF ALL STANDARDS AND FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE MARKED IN THE FIELD BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 8. ALL EXISTING CONDUIT NOT INCORPORATED INTO THE SIGNAL MODIFICATION SHALL BE REMOVED OR ABANDONED IN PLACE. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE NOT TO DAMAGE SIGNAL INTERCONNECT CONDUIT OR CABLE CIRCUITS DURING CONSTRUCTION. CONSTRUCTION NOTES Fl�REMOVE AND SALVAGE EXISTING POLE. CONSTRUCT NEW FOUNDATION AND INSTALL NEW POLE IN NEW LOCATION, AS INDICATED IN PLANS. REMOVE AND RELOCATE ALL SIGNS, SIGNAL HEADS, AUTOSCOPE, PREEMPTION DEVICES AND MOUNTING BRACKETS ONTO NEW POLE. ABANDON EXISTING FOUNDATION. REMOVE THE TOP OF THE FOUNDATION, ANCHOR BOLTS, AND CONDUITS, TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 0.3 FEET BELOW GRADE. F2�RELOCATE EXISTING 04P PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL HEAD FROM POLE A TO POLE B AS SHOWN. F3_]INSTALL NEW PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL HEAD. 4 51 I -A 2 5 A\ F L U Detail SW Corner SCALE 1 10 I Fs -c -FE 16 - ------- --- 0 0 + - - A2 n '106 1� A E —T /r _Ly C �7 J AB F 06P / 05 v v v 91\ �/ I (D IPI 05 02 02 02P 'IX 02 08 07 3 AB T /T\ 03 9 0 0 e N MA B I c KTLUNA UKIVt. r 0 3 0 04 04P 06P 06 06 01 -<::H A A t 4 8 01 5 J, 2 04P G 1w H 7 v 02 u File Name: Sig—Plan Job No.: 108-24.12 Date. 912412018 Drawn: AB Engineer 1JP Checked By. jDS 771 EGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER - T , T___G.__E'__ll%_'_.A�.l THUL" -T ra__v __z(VIL. N_G_D_T.EER.__S,'K' i E FESS/ Q) IAN J. PARKS rn No. 58155 Exp. 6-30-20 v cm QFF- C AA,�k__ POLE SCHEDULE CONDUCTOR SCHEDULE CONDUIT SIZE SIGNALS LOC. STANDARD ST. NAME SIGN REMARKS LIGHTING SIGNALS VEHICLE WAEK DON'T WALK W—ODW CONDUCTOR RUN A" SV -1 —T MAS (N)EW OR (E)XIST. RYZONA DRIVE F21 29A-5-129 55' 28 CONDUCTOR 06 04 9 CONDUCTOR MAT—LT 5 CONDUCTOR 1A TV -2—T SP -1—T o4 o6 F2_1 15' 10 LIGHTING RELOCATE EXISTING POLE PRE—EMPTION CABLE 19-3-129 20 1 MAS -413 SP -1—T o3 SERVICE (PRIMARY) STINE ROAD DI 12' #6 SERVICE JSECONDARY) VIDEO CAMERA TYPE 15 SV -2—T SP -1—T 06 CAMERA POWER RELOCATE EXISTING POLE 15' INTERCONNECT GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE 2010 CALTRANS STANDARD PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2. ALL VEHICLE INDICATIONS, AND FLASHING BEACONS SHALL 12 INCH "LED". CIRCULAR AND ARROW SIGNAL INDICATIONS SHALL BE RED, GREEN, AND YELLOW INDICATIONS PER SPECIFICATIONS. 3. ALL PULL BOXES SHALL BE NO. 5 UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THE PLAN. 4. ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN SIGNALS AND PPB SIGNS SHALL USE THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOLS (WALKING MAN AND RED HAND), AND SHALL INCLUDE COUNTDOWN HEADS. 5. ALL SALVAGED MATERIAL SHALL BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. 6. ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND REPRESENT THE BEST INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES. FINAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOCATING UTILITIES IN THE FIELD IS THE CONTRACTORS. 7. LOCATIONS OF ALL STANDARDS AND FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE MARKED IN THE FIELD BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 8. ALL EXISTING CONDUIT NOT INCORPORATED INTO THE SIGNAL MODIFICATION SHALL BE REMOVED OR ABANDONED IN PLACE. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE NOT TO DAMAGE SIGNAL INTERCONNECT CONDUIT OR CABLE CIRCUITS DURING CONSTRUCTION. CONSTRUCTION NOTES Fl�REMOVE AND SALVAGE EXISTING POLE. CONSTRUCT NEW FOUNDATION AND INSTALL NEW POLE IN NEW LOCATION, AS INDICATED IN PLANS. REMOVE AND RELOCATE ALL SIGNS, SIGNAL HEADS, AUTOSCOPE, PREEMPTION DEVICES AND MOUNTING BRACKETS ONTO NEW POLE. ABANDON EXISTING FOUNDATION. REMOVE THE TOP OF THE FOUNDATION, ANCHOR BOLTS, AND CONDUITS, TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 0.3 FEET BELOW GRADE. F2�RELOCATE EXISTING 04P PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL HEAD FROM POLE A TO POLE B AS SHOWN. F3_]INSTALL NEW PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL HEAD. 4 51 I -A 2 5 A\ F L U Detail SW Corner SCALE 1 10 I Fs -c -FE 16 - ------- --- 0 0 + - - A2 n '106 1� A E —T /r _Ly C �7 J AB F 06P / 05 v v v 91\ �/ I (D IPI 05 02 02 02P 'IX 02 08 07 3 AB T /T\ 03 9 0 0 e N MA B I c KTLUNA UKIVt. r 0 3 0 04 04P 06P 06 06 01 -<::H A A t 4 8 01 5 J, 2 04P G 1w H 7 v 02 u File Name: Sig—Plan Job No.: 108-24.12 Date. 912412018 Drawn: AB Engineer 1JP Checked By. jDS 771 EGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER - T , T___G.__E'__ll%_'_.A�.l THUL" -T ra__v __z(VIL. N_G_D_T.EER.__S,'K' i E FESS/ Q) IAN J. PARKS rn No. 58155 Exp. 6-30-20 v cm QFF- C AA,�k__ POLE SCHEDULE SIGNALS LOC. STANDARD ST. NAME SIGN REMARKS LIGHTING SIGNALS VEHICLE WAEK DON'T WALK W—ODW P�B 15 SV -1 —T MAS RYZONA DRIVE F21 29A-5-129 55' SP -1—T 06 04 MAT—LT 1A TV -2—T SP -1—T o4 o6 F2_1 15' SV_l —T RELOCATE EXISTING POLE 19-3-129 20 1 MAS -413 SP -1—T o3 o6 STINE ROAD DI 12' TYPE 15 SV -2—T SP -1—T 06 0-3 RELOCATE EXISTING POLE 15' SV -1 —T 29-5-129 50' 2 MAS SP -1—T 02 03 RYZONA DRIVE MAT—LT 1A TV -2—T SP -1—T 03 02 F3_1 19-3-129 12' 20' SV -1 —T MAS -413 SP -1—T o4 o2 STINE ROAD 1A TV -2—T SP -1—T 02 04 01 06 03P i � i � I . 06P 02P 04 03 03 1 04 00- 05 02 -<3 04P D> 01 AND 05 02 AND 06 03 AND 04 04 AND 08 0 110 210 410 1 Horiz. 1"=20' 6,1-1892 SIGNAL PLAN SHEET S77NE ROAD AND RYZONA DRIVE OKSMEN78 ON SMNE ROAD F??OM RYZ40OU DRIVE TO POPPYWED S7R&Z-T SHEET NO. 17 OF 29 E CL V_ 00 04 0) C 0 cr, 10, 00 cr, C 00 0 �101111"'V!Kw_l 0 TEMPORARY CONDUIT FOR INTERIM SIGNAL CONFIGURATION. GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL'WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE 2010 CALTRANS STANDARD PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2. ALL VEHICLE INDICATIONS, AND FLASHING BEACONS SHALL 12 INCH "LED". CIRCULAR AND ARROW SIGNAL INDICATIONS SHALL BE RED, GREEN, AND YELLOW INDICATIONS PER SPECIFICATIONS. 3. ALL PULL BOXES SHALL BE NO. 5 UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THE PLAN. 4. ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN SIGNALS AND PPB SIGNS SHALL USE T'HE INT-ERNATIONAL SYMBOLS (WALKING MAN -AND RED HAND), AND SHALL INCLUDE COUNTDOWN HEADS. 5. ALL SALVAGED MATERIAL SHALL BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. 6. ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND REPRESENT THE BEST INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES. FINAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOCATING UTILITIES IN THE FIELD IS THE CONTRACTORS. 7. LOCATIONS OF ALL STANDARDS AND FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE MARKED IN THE FIELD BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 8. ALL EXISTING CONDUIT NOT INCORPORATED INTO THE SIGNAL MODIFICATION SHALL BE REMOVED OR ABANDONED IN PLACE. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE NOT TO DAMAGE SIGNAL INTERCONNECT CONDUIT OR CABLE CIRCUITS DURING CONSTRUCTION. 10. LOOP DETECTORS SHALL BE TYPE "D", AND TYPE "E" WHERE INDICTED ON THE PLANS. 11. CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND REPLACE EXISTING HPS LUMINAIRES WITH CUTOFF LED TYPE III DISTRIBUTION LIGHTING ON POLES (Z), C), (E) & (6) , QUALIFIED FOR ROADWAY USAGE. LIGHT OUTPUT FROM THE NEW FIXTURE SHALL BE EQUIVALENT IN BOTH PATTERN AND SPREAD AS A 200 W HPS COBRA HEAD LUMINAIRE. ALL WARRANTY PERIODS NOTED IN THE CITY STREET LIGHT SPECIFICATIONS SHALL APPLY, PER THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, LED STREET LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS, DATED JUNE 2015 OR LATEST EDITION. 12. POLES 0 , (E) .& (E) WILL BE SUPPLIED BY THE CITY, INCLUDING ANCHOR BOLTS AND WASHERS. CONSTRUCTION NOTES REMOVE AND SALVAGE EXISTING POLE. CONSTRUCT NEW FOUNDATION AND INSTALL NEW POLE IN NEW LOCATION, AS INDICATED - IN PLANS. REMOVE AND RELOCATE ALL SIGNS, SIGNAL HEADS, AUTOSCOPE, PREEMPTION DEVICES AND MOUNTING BRACKETS ONTO NEW POLE. ABANDON EXISTING FOUNDATION. REMOVE THE TOP OF THE FOUNDATION, ANCHOR BOLTS, AND CONDUITS TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 0.3 FEET BELOW GRADE. F2] RELOCATE EXISTING 1A POLE. CONSTRUCT NEW FOUNDATION. ABANDON EXISTING FOUNDATION. REMOVE THE TOP OF THE FOUNDATION, ANCHOR BOLTS, AND CONDUITS TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 3.0 FEET BELOW FINISHED SURFACE AND REPLACE SECTION ,.WITH NEW STRUCTURAL SECTION. PER CALTRANS STANDARD SPECIFICATION SECTION 86-2.03A. CN D (.0 I I/ )/-- 912412018 EGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER - -------- - ETT_G_E�__ ___c_ _E 'F 6V N_6iN_ SLI ,oOESS/oj� C.D IAN J. PARKS rn No. 58155 ;0 Exp. 6-30-20 Civi OFF- C POLE SCHEDULE CONDUCTOR SCHEDULE SIGNALS LOC. CONDUIT �IZE ST. NAME SIGN REMARKS --DGHTING WALK W-ODW -R'F- SIGNALS VEHICLE DON'T WALK 0 1 29-5-100 15' SV -1 -T MAS HOSKING AVE —F-11REMOVE & SALVAGE (NEW) 55' MAT -LT SP -1-T CONDUCTOR RUN 04 _.__ McCUTCHEN RD I IA SV -1-T SP -1-T 1 F-21 RELOCATE (N)EW OR(E)XIST. 04 o6 28 CONDUCTOR 9 CONDUCTOR 5 CONDUCTOR 10 LIGHTING PRE—EMPTION CABLE #4 SERVICE (PRIMARY) #6 SERVICE (SECONDARY)�: DETECTOR 02 DETECTOR 06 VIDEO CAMERA CAM -ERA POWER IV INTERCONNECT PERCENT� FILL �101111"'V!Kw_l 0 TEMPORARY CONDUIT FOR INTERIM SIGNAL CONFIGURATION. GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL'WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE 2010 CALTRANS STANDARD PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2. ALL VEHICLE INDICATIONS, AND FLASHING BEACONS SHALL 12 INCH "LED". CIRCULAR AND ARROW SIGNAL INDICATIONS SHALL BE RED, GREEN, AND YELLOW INDICATIONS PER SPECIFICATIONS. 3. ALL PULL BOXES SHALL BE NO. 5 UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THE PLAN. 4. ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN SIGNALS AND PPB SIGNS SHALL USE T'HE INT-ERNATIONAL SYMBOLS (WALKING MAN -AND RED HAND), AND SHALL INCLUDE COUNTDOWN HEADS. 5. ALL SALVAGED MATERIAL SHALL BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. 6. ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND REPRESENT THE BEST INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES. FINAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOCATING UTILITIES IN THE FIELD IS THE CONTRACTORS. 7. LOCATIONS OF ALL STANDARDS AND FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE MARKED IN THE FIELD BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 8. ALL EXISTING CONDUIT NOT INCORPORATED INTO THE SIGNAL MODIFICATION SHALL BE REMOVED OR ABANDONED IN PLACE. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE NOT TO DAMAGE SIGNAL INTERCONNECT CONDUIT OR CABLE CIRCUITS DURING CONSTRUCTION. 10. LOOP DETECTORS SHALL BE TYPE "D", AND TYPE "E" WHERE INDICTED ON THE PLANS. 11. CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND REPLACE EXISTING HPS LUMINAIRES WITH CUTOFF LED TYPE III DISTRIBUTION LIGHTING ON POLES (Z), C), (E) & (6) , QUALIFIED FOR ROADWAY USAGE. LIGHT OUTPUT FROM THE NEW FIXTURE SHALL BE EQUIVALENT IN BOTH PATTERN AND SPREAD AS A 200 W HPS COBRA HEAD LUMINAIRE. ALL WARRANTY PERIODS NOTED IN THE CITY STREET LIGHT SPECIFICATIONS SHALL APPLY, PER THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, LED STREET LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS, DATED JUNE 2015 OR LATEST EDITION. 12. POLES 0 , (E) .& (E) WILL BE SUPPLIED BY THE CITY, INCLUDING ANCHOR BOLTS AND WASHERS. CONSTRUCTION NOTES REMOVE AND SALVAGE EXISTING POLE. CONSTRUCT NEW FOUNDATION AND INSTALL NEW POLE IN NEW LOCATION, AS INDICATED - IN PLANS. REMOVE AND RELOCATE ALL SIGNS, SIGNAL HEADS, AUTOSCOPE, PREEMPTION DEVICES AND MOUNTING BRACKETS ONTO NEW POLE. ABANDON EXISTING FOUNDATION. REMOVE THE TOP OF THE FOUNDATION, ANCHOR BOLTS, AND CONDUITS TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 0.3 FEET BELOW GRADE. F2] RELOCATE EXISTING 1A POLE. CONSTRUCT NEW FOUNDATION. ABANDON EXISTING FOUNDATION. REMOVE THE TOP OF THE FOUNDATION, ANCHOR BOLTS, AND CONDUITS TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 3.0 FEET BELOW FINISHED SURFACE AND REPLACE SECTION ,.WITH NEW STRUCTURAL SECTION. PER CALTRANS STANDARD SPECIFICATION SECTION 86-2.03A. CN D (.0 I I/ )/-- 912412018 EGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER - -------- - ETT_G_E�__ ___c_ _E 'F 6V N_6iN_ SLI ,oOESS/oj� C.D IAN J. PARKS rn No. 58155 ;0 Exp. 6-30-20 Civi OFF- C POLE SCHEDULE SIGNALS LOC. STANDARD ST. NAME SIGN REMARKS --DGHTING WALK W-ODW -R'F- SIGNALS VEHICLE DON'T WALK 0 1 29-5-100 15' SV -1 -T MAS HOSKING AVE —F-11REMOVE & SALVAGE (NEW) 55' MAT -LT SP -1-T 06 04 _.__ McCUTCHEN RD I IA SV -1-T SP -1-T 1 F-21 RELOCATE 04 o6 A FRELOCATE PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON AND PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL 31 HEAD FROM POLE C TO POLE D. 00 T 41 REMOVE AND SALVAGE "YIELD" SIGN. Y2\ cr ;> V\ X 0 0 0 c + a i7) 00 N -7 8 N 6 On 014 N Detail SE Corner .40 0 10 20 SCALE I "l 0 00 0 Horiz. 1"=20' 6,1-1892 File Name: Sig—Plan Drawn: MEA SIGNAL PLAN SHEET S77NE ROAD AND McCUTCHEN ROAD SHEET NO. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Job No.: 108-24.12 Engineer IJP CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT IDate: 912412018 lChecked By. jDS IMPROVEMEWS ON STANE ROAD FiTOM RYZOM DRIVE TO POPPYSEED STREET 18 OF 29 Li 3: (ci' I Li m r-) Li F-- 0 1 a_ c) CIA "5 n Lo oo 0 E 0 cn 06 T— o c\j I bi ry cn v ry ui m Lu 0 D -0 0 4 - CL 1--*� 0 cn v ry ui m cn 0 I -- C) Li D 0 ry m NOT TO SCALE S89025'28"E E C.R. 8661, S6 (y) 0 CURB RETURN CURVE DATA R= 30.00' L= 90022'10" L= 47.32' R/W T= 30.19' STA. 9+29.43-68,16LT (D U ts� ANGLE POINT 7 STA. 9+05.85-38.00'LT CENTER POINT R/W – STA. 9+05.56-44.12'LT STA. 9+05.85-38.00'LT BEGIN CURB AND GUTTER; B.C.R.; FL. ELEV. 355.12 X STA. 9+35.56-68.19'LT END CURB AND GUTTER; E.C.R.; FL. ELEV. 355.36 NEW CURB AND GUTTER NOT TO SCALE .CUR13 RAMP CONSTRUCTION NOTHS =- in CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT CURB RAMPS PER THE MOST CURRENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA STANDARD PLAN A88A, CASE "A". n2 CONTRACTOR SHALL RECONSTRUCT CURB RAMP TO THE MOST CURRENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA STANDARD PLAN A88A, "CASE "B". CONTRACTOR SHALL SAWCUT EXISTING ASPHALT 2 FEET MINIMUM FROM LIP OF GUTTER TO ACHIEVE 5% GUTTER PAN SLOPE ADJACENT TO TRUNCATED DOME AREA OF THE CURB RAMPS. CONTRACTOR SHALL PATCH ASPHALT PER NOTE 7-B OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD STANDARD ST -1 1 "PAVEMENT PATCHES". F31 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT IN PLACE, EXISTING UTILITY FACILITIES. 1E THE CURB RAMPS SHALL BE OUTLINED AS SHOWN, WITH A 1 FOOT WIDE BORDER WITH 1/4" GROOVES APPROXIMATELY 3/4" ON CENTER. SEE GROOVING DETAIL.. I STA. 9+16.45-50.08'RT B.C.R.; FL. ELEV. MATCH EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER STA. 9+16.55-57.01'RT BEGIN SIDEWALK; MATCH EXISTING SIDEWALK SAWCUT LINE R7W GATE ANGLE POINT STA. 9+27.22-62.00'RRT BEGIN RETAINING CURB ...... STA. 9+35.67-70.30'RT END RETAINING CURB it STA. 9+39.08-79.61'RT ANGLE POINT 0) EXISTING BLOCK WALL i -n NOT TO SCALE 0 Nv/ CD B RETURN CURVE DATA 0 R= 30.00' A= 89038'30vv S89024'48"E L� 46.84' + B*C.R—. — T= 29 . 81 STA. 9+46.49-79.58RT E.C.R.; FL. ELEV. MATCH SAWCUT LINE \_�SjTA. 9+39.08-79.61'RT END SIDEWALK; MATCH R/W L[��iill �11 ... lj� AMP NOT TO SCALE mm CURB RETURN CURVE DATA R= 30. 00' A� 89025 '28" L� 46. 96' T= 29 . 84 v N89025'28"W E.C.R. 0 00/ V 00/ STA. 10+59.70-79.84'LT CID U I �.4 0 STA. 10+53.57-79.841 LT ANGLE POINT C> CD END CURB AND GUTTE E.C.R.; FL. ELEV. 356.63 STA. 10+83.57-80.00'LT CENTER POINT STA. 10+83.54-56.15'LT ANGLE POINT 0 NEW CURB AND GUTTER *0 STA. 10+64.36-68.16'RT I mommanam 00 RM STA. 10+83.57-50.00'LT BEGIN CURB AND GUTTER; B.C.R.; FL. ELEV. 356.40 NOT TO SCALE NO T TO SCALE CENTERLINE OF BERKSHIRE ROAD \--CENTERLINE OF BERKSHIRE ROAD AND SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE R/W STA. 10+94.35-38.00'RT END CURB AND GUTTER; E.C.R.; FL. ELEV. 354.75 STA. 10+94.35-44.13'RT ANGLE POINT �STA. 10+94.35-68.00'RT CENTER POINT .STA. 10+70.48-68.12'RT ,�,D,vp C> ANGLE POINT CURB RETURN CURVE DATA R= 30. 00' A= 90017 '53 L= 47.28' T 30.161 x 0 "1 JV66 0 S6 B. C. R. 0 pf h� N89024'48"W NOT TO SCALE NO T TO SCALE E �s S I NG/.l CO (D �T - � � REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER "i C 80507 Exp.3-31-19 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE up c N- BAKERSFIELD, CA 93,301 REVISIONS No. DA TE DESCRIP TION 2 ,�A 471 APPROXIMATELY 3/41f 1/411 1/4#1 4 4 < < 4 A < GROOVING DHTAIL NOT TO SCALE BENCHMARK MONUMENT ON BERKSHIRE ROAD AT BOULDER BAY ROAD (STA. 2+38.86) EL E V = 352.6 9 BA SIS OF BEA RINC CENTERLINE OF BERKSHIRE ROAD BETWEEN BOULDER BAY ROAD AND STINE ROAD, SOUTH 890 0,3' 78" EAST WA S USED A S THE BA SIS OF BEA RING 6,1-1892 CU95 /AZETU/lZN PErAILO ICITY RECORD No. f-ile Ndme.- STINE AT BERKSHIRE -20i Drawn: S. LOWE TRAFFIC SIGNAL and LIGHTING SYSTEM INSTALLATION SHEE T NO. CITY BAKERSFIELD Job No.: TOK221 Engineer: S. LOWE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Date: Sep. 21, 18 Pecked By.- STINE ROAD AT BERKSHIRE ROAD 19 OF 29 0 1 2 3 0 V) m r) LLJ 0 n 0 :E n 00 0 C\A Q) -0 E Q) 4-a 0- Q) cn 6 cn c- 0 0 V) 0') c - C) 0 4� cn I INS III cn cll� C\� \e CD 0 0 Lli D 0 m AP -7 CONDUIT SIZE STREET MAST ARM SIGNALS SIGNS LIGHTING VEHICLE WALK W -DW PPB ST. NAME SIGN REMARKS LOC. STANDARD LIGHT NUMBER SIGNALS DON'T WALK 0 0 POLE OR MAST ARM MOUNTED 61-5-100 n6 F 2] E nH [M] 15'(S) (E) EXISTING (N) NEW !CONDUCTOR: RUN BERKSHIRE ROAD _T 14 151 "7 1-D (S) C.O.B. STD. ST -26 60'(S) MAS (C) LT -MAT (C) 1A TV -2-T (C) SP- 1 -T (C) 02 02 (S) 29-5-100 N] n6 n2 n6 nHF 15'(S) SV- 1 -T (C) MAS SP -1 -T P 04 02 STINE ROAD 114 15 171101 (S) C.O.B. STD. ST -26 55 I /C%\ -4C (C) R3-4 ON MAST ARM 1A TV -1 -T (C) SP -1 -T (C) 02 04 R5 @I (S) 1A TV -1-T (C) El P 29-5-100 2 7 B] [�L n6 FIFIF 15'(S) SV -1 -T (C) MAS (C) SP -1 -T (C) 06 04 BERKSHIRE ROAD 14171101 (S) C.O.B. STD. ST -26 km*j ilk Di I I" to] FA MAS (C) LT -MAT (C) 1A TV -2-T (C) SP -1-T (C) 04 06 (S) 26-4-100 16 2 7 B nK -]F]Fln ENCOM 510OR 900 MHZ SYSTEM SV- I -T (C) MAS SP- 1 -T (C) 06 06 STINE ROAD 14171170 (S) C.O.B. STD. ST -26 45'(S) -4C (C) R34 ON MAST ARM 1A TV -2-T (C) r -_n (S) #10 LIGHTING POLE SCHEDULE NOTES A: (S) CITY SUPPLIED, (C) CONTRACTOR SUPPLIED. NEW SIGNAL POLES, SIGNAL POLE AND LUMINAIRE MAST ARMS, SIGNAL POLE AND LUMINAIRE MAST ARM CONNECTION HARDWARE, AND ANCHOR BOLTS WILL BE CITY FURNISHED AND DELIVERED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO THE SITE FROM THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL AIRPORT AT 2000 SOUTH UNION AVENUE. CONTACT CITY'S ELECTRICAL SUPERVISOR AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO PICK-UP. ALL OTHER EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN THE POLE SCHEDULE, EXCEPT STREET NAME SIGNS, SHALL BE FURNISHED BY THE CONTRACTOR. ALL PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTONS SHALL BE PER ADA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. PRE-EMPTION CABLE #8 COMMON GROUND #2 SERVICE (PRIMARY) #4 SERVICE (SECONDARY) MENNEN 01DETECTOR 0 2 DETECTOR 0 4 DETECTOR 0 5 DETECTOR 0 6 DETECTOR 0 8 DETECTOR TOTAL DLCs 0 ESS I o1v S I NG/-/ REGIS TERED Cl VIL ENGINEER C 80507 Exp. 3-31-19 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 c A�__ REVISIONS No. DA TE DESCRIP TION qq�A,7 / / 271 / / ffi.&Nm GfFNHRAL NOTES: 1 ALL UNUSED, SALVAGED MATERIAL SHALL BE DELIVERED, BY THE CONTRACTOR, TO THE WASTEWATER PLANT #2 AT MT. VERNON AVENUE SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 58. CONTACT THE CITY's ELECTRICAL SUPERVISOR, 24 HOURS PRIOR70 DELIVERY AT (661) 326-3152. 2 ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY, AND REPRESENT THE BEST INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES. FINAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOCATING UTILITIES IN THE FIELD IS THE CONTRACTOR'S. SIGNAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES I* - El CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL CITY FURNISHED TYPE 170E CONTROLLER AND 332 CABINET ASSEMBLY. SERVICE SHALL BE 120v/240v TYPE III -BF, FURNISHED AND INSTALLED BY THE CONTRACTOR. PULL BOX IN FRONT OF CONTROLLER SHALL BE #6. PULL BOX ADJACENT TO PG&E ELECTRICAL SERVICE POINT SHALL BE PG&E #043459. F21 CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL CONDUIT FROM ELECTRICAL SERVICE POINT PG&E #043459 PULL BOX TO TYPE III -BF SERVICE PEDESTAL. ALL OTHER PULL BOXES SHALL BE #5 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL NEW SIGNAL INDICATIONS SHALL BE 12" LED "RED," "GREEN," AND "YELLOW" PER THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS, "TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING . n4 CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL'A CUTOFF LED TYPE III DISTRIBUTION LIGHTING FIXTURE ON POLE 0 @ 0 0 QUALIFIED FOR ROADWAY USAGE. LIGHT OUTPUT FROM THE NEW FIXTURE SHALL BE EQUIVALENT IN BOTH PATTERN AND SPREAD TO A 200 WATT HPS COBRA HEAD LUMINAIRE. ALL WARRANTY PERIODS NOTED IN THE CITY STREET LIGHT SPECIFICATIONS SHALL APPLY, PER THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, LED STREET LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS, DATED JUNE 01, 2015. F 51 THE CITY IS CONSTRUCTING CURB RETURNS AND PAVING AT THE NORTHEAST AND SOUTHEAST CORNERS. ADDITIONAL CURB, GUTTER, SIDEWALK AND PAVEMENT WILL BE CONSTRUCTED BY FUTURE DEVELOPMENT. n6 LOCATIONS OF ALL STANDARDS AND FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE MARKED IN THE FIELD BY THE CITY ENGINEER. n7 CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL FOUR (4) CITY -FURNISHED OPTICOM 711. PREEMPTION DEVICES. SEE STATE OF CALIFORNIA STANDARD PLAN ES -4E.. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL CABLES AND MOUNTING HARDWARE (PELCO AB -121). ONE OPTICOM 764 PHASE SELECTOR UNIT WILL BE INSTALLED IN THE CABINET BY THE CITY. EXACT HARDWARE MOUNTING PLACEMENT SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE TRAFFIC ENGINEER IN THE FIELD. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AN ON SITE EVP TECHNICIAN 48 HOURS PRIOR TO TURNING ON SIGNAL. TO IMPROVE THE VISIBILITY OF THE PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL FACES, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL FACES AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS, AND ADJUST THE PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL PHASING. PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL FACES WILL BE MODIFIED IN THE FUTURE BY OTHERS. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT FOUNDATIONS FOR POLES @ & 0 IN THEIR ULTIMATE LOCATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL No. 5 PULL BOXES AND ALL ASSOCIATED CONDUITS TO THE FOUNDATIONS, FOR USE AFTER FUTURE SIGNAL MODIFICATION BY OTHERS. nio CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL CITY SUPPLIED STREET NAME SIGNS PER THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS, "OVERHEAD SIGNS". r --n 1111 NOT USED. n12 LOOP DETECTORS SHALL BE TYPE "D", AND TYPE "E" WHERE INDICATED ON THE PLANS. n13 CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL CONDUITS AND PULL BOXES FOR CONDUIT RUNS #22, #23, #24, #27, #28 AND #29 IN FUTURE SIDEWALK AREA. [14 CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE & SALVAGE EXISTING STREET LIGHT, INCLUDING REMOVAL OF FOUNDATION, DISCONNECTING AND ABANDONING SERVICE PER STATE OF CALIFORNIA STANDARD SPECIFICATION 86-7. n15 CONTRACTOR SHALL- INSTALL CITY, SUPPLIED ENCOM RADIO. ANTENNA SHALL BE INSTALLED ON POLE (D. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION (661) 326-3994 FOR FINAL PLACEMENT OF ANTENNA. CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE AN ENCOM ANTENNA TECHNICIAN TO PROGRAM THE ANTENNA PER THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS, "INTERCONNECT RADIO SYSTEM". 6,1-1892 A -rRAFFIC 010NAL NOrEO EITY RECORD No. File Nome: STINE AT BERKSHIRE -20, rown: S. LOWE TRAFFIC SIGNAL and LIGHTING SYSTEM INSTALLATION SHEE T NO. E CITY OF -BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Job No.: TOK221 I ngineer.- S. LOWE Dote: Sep. 21, 18 Checked By STINE ROAD AT BERKSHIRE ROAD 20 OF 29 0 1 2 I STREET MAST ARM SIGNALS SIGNS LIGHTING VEHICLE WALK W -DW PPB ST. NAME SIGN REMARKS LOC. STANDARD LIGHT NUMBER SIGNALS DON'T WALK 0 0 POLE OR MAST ARM MOUNTED 61-5-100 n6 F 2] E nH [M] 15'(S) SV -1 -T (C) MAS (C) BERKSHIRE ROAD _T 14 151 "7 1-D (S) C.O.B. STD. ST -26 60'(S) MAS (C) LT -MAT (C) 1A TV -2-T (C) SP- 1 -T (C) 02 02 (S) 29-5-100 N] n6 n2 n6 nHF 15'(S) SV- 1 -T (C) MAS SP -1 -T P 04 02 STINE ROAD 114 15 171101 (S) C.O.B. STD. ST -26 55 I /C%\ -4C (C) R3-4 ON MAST ARM 1A TV -1 -T (C) SP -1 -T (C) 02 04 R5 @I (S) 1A TV -1-T (C) El P 29-5-100 2 7 B] [�L n6 FIFIF 15'(S) SV -1 -T (C) MAS (C) SP -1 -T (C) 06 04 BERKSHIRE ROAD 14171101 (S) C.O.B. STD. ST -26 55'(S) MAS (C) LT -MAT (C) 1A TV -2-T (C) SP -1-T (C) 04 06 (S) 26-4-100 16 2 7 B nK -]F]Fln 15'(S) SV- I -T (C) MAS SP- 1 -T (C) 06 06 STINE ROAD 14171170 (S) C.O.B. STD. ST -26 45'(S) -4C (C) R34 ON MAST ARM 1A TV -2-T (C) r -_n (S) I POLE SCHEDULE NOTES A: (S) CITY SUPPLIED, (C) CONTRACTOR SUPPLIED. NEW SIGNAL POLES, SIGNAL POLE AND LUMINAIRE MAST ARMS, SIGNAL POLE AND LUMINAIRE MAST ARM CONNECTION HARDWARE, AND ANCHOR BOLTS WILL BE CITY FURNISHED AND DELIVERED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO THE SITE FROM THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL AIRPORT AT 2000 SOUTH UNION AVENUE. CONTACT CITY'S ELECTRICAL SUPERVISOR AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO PICK-UP. ALL OTHER EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN THE POLE SCHEDULE, EXCEPT STREET NAME SIGNS, SHALL BE FURNISHED BY THE CONTRACTOR. ALL PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTONS SHALL BE PER ADA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. 0 ESS I o1v S I NG/-/ REGIS TERED Cl VIL ENGINEER C 80507 Exp. 3-31-19 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 c A�__ REVISIONS No. DA TE DESCRIP TION qq�A,7 / / 271 / / ffi.&Nm GfFNHRAL NOTES: 1 ALL UNUSED, SALVAGED MATERIAL SHALL BE DELIVERED, BY THE CONTRACTOR, TO THE WASTEWATER PLANT #2 AT MT. VERNON AVENUE SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 58. CONTACT THE CITY's ELECTRICAL SUPERVISOR, 24 HOURS PRIOR70 DELIVERY AT (661) 326-3152. 2 ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY, AND REPRESENT THE BEST INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES. FINAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOCATING UTILITIES IN THE FIELD IS THE CONTRACTOR'S. SIGNAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES I* - El CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL CITY FURNISHED TYPE 170E CONTROLLER AND 332 CABINET ASSEMBLY. SERVICE SHALL BE 120v/240v TYPE III -BF, FURNISHED AND INSTALLED BY THE CONTRACTOR. PULL BOX IN FRONT OF CONTROLLER SHALL BE #6. PULL BOX ADJACENT TO PG&E ELECTRICAL SERVICE POINT SHALL BE PG&E #043459. F21 CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL CONDUIT FROM ELECTRICAL SERVICE POINT PG&E #043459 PULL BOX TO TYPE III -BF SERVICE PEDESTAL. ALL OTHER PULL BOXES SHALL BE #5 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL NEW SIGNAL INDICATIONS SHALL BE 12" LED "RED," "GREEN," AND "YELLOW" PER THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS, "TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING . n4 CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL'A CUTOFF LED TYPE III DISTRIBUTION LIGHTING FIXTURE ON POLE 0 @ 0 0 QUALIFIED FOR ROADWAY USAGE. LIGHT OUTPUT FROM THE NEW FIXTURE SHALL BE EQUIVALENT IN BOTH PATTERN AND SPREAD TO A 200 WATT HPS COBRA HEAD LUMINAIRE. ALL WARRANTY PERIODS NOTED IN THE CITY STREET LIGHT SPECIFICATIONS SHALL APPLY, PER THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, LED STREET LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS, DATED JUNE 01, 2015. F 51 THE CITY IS CONSTRUCTING CURB RETURNS AND PAVING AT THE NORTHEAST AND SOUTHEAST CORNERS. ADDITIONAL CURB, GUTTER, SIDEWALK AND PAVEMENT WILL BE CONSTRUCTED BY FUTURE DEVELOPMENT. n6 LOCATIONS OF ALL STANDARDS AND FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE MARKED IN THE FIELD BY THE CITY ENGINEER. n7 CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL FOUR (4) CITY -FURNISHED OPTICOM 711. PREEMPTION DEVICES. SEE STATE OF CALIFORNIA STANDARD PLAN ES -4E.. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL CABLES AND MOUNTING HARDWARE (PELCO AB -121). ONE OPTICOM 764 PHASE SELECTOR UNIT WILL BE INSTALLED IN THE CABINET BY THE CITY. EXACT HARDWARE MOUNTING PLACEMENT SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE TRAFFIC ENGINEER IN THE FIELD. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AN ON SITE EVP TECHNICIAN 48 HOURS PRIOR TO TURNING ON SIGNAL. TO IMPROVE THE VISIBILITY OF THE PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL FACES, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL FACES AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS, AND ADJUST THE PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL PHASING. PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL FACES WILL BE MODIFIED IN THE FUTURE BY OTHERS. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT FOUNDATIONS FOR POLES @ & 0 IN THEIR ULTIMATE LOCATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL No. 5 PULL BOXES AND ALL ASSOCIATED CONDUITS TO THE FOUNDATIONS, FOR USE AFTER FUTURE SIGNAL MODIFICATION BY OTHERS. nio CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL CITY SUPPLIED STREET NAME SIGNS PER THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS, "OVERHEAD SIGNS". r --n 1111 NOT USED. n12 LOOP DETECTORS SHALL BE TYPE "D", AND TYPE "E" WHERE INDICATED ON THE PLANS. n13 CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL CONDUITS AND PULL BOXES FOR CONDUIT RUNS #22, #23, #24, #27, #28 AND #29 IN FUTURE SIDEWALK AREA. [14 CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE & SALVAGE EXISTING STREET LIGHT, INCLUDING REMOVAL OF FOUNDATION, DISCONNECTING AND ABANDONING SERVICE PER STATE OF CALIFORNIA STANDARD SPECIFICATION 86-7. n15 CONTRACTOR SHALL- INSTALL CITY, SUPPLIED ENCOM RADIO. ANTENNA SHALL BE INSTALLED ON POLE (D. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION (661) 326-3994 FOR FINAL PLACEMENT OF ANTENNA. CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE AN ENCOM ANTENNA TECHNICIAN TO PROGRAM THE ANTENNA PER THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS, "INTERCONNECT RADIO SYSTEM". 6,1-1892 A -rRAFFIC 010NAL NOrEO EITY RECORD No. File Nome: STINE AT BERKSHIRE -20, rown: S. LOWE TRAFFIC SIGNAL and LIGHTING SYSTEM INSTALLATION SHEE T NO. E CITY OF -BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Job No.: TOK221 I ngineer.- S. LOWE Dote: Sep. 21, 18 Checked By STINE ROAD AT BERKSHIRE ROAD 20 OF 29 0 1 2 I Lli 3: 0 Cf) m r-) Ld 0 0 :�i n ml E a) 4-1 cn _0 06 V_ 0 c\j ry III m Li 0) 0 Z5 _0 0 k n ll__� CIO 0 Li ry ui m ui u� c\j 0 0 Q0 0 V) Li 3 0 Q:� n I-,' m < R/W c' 7 — — — — — — i— Lu c C/3 LU Lu Lj_ C/3 Of 5 111L Lij 6 20 0,1 LLj > < 6J4U 6 4L LL_ LLJ 11L 111L A 6,14 6J4 O6J4L i i L 26 06' CONTROLLER CABINET DETAIL RM illu ",stl)J'4u 6,14U NO T TO SCALE 6J4L 25 RM 5 R/W 0 77 9 08 All 06P�� ll�_� Md 02 am EDGE OF PAVEMENT 4-02", 9 R/W NEW DRAINAGE SWALE —NEW CURB AND GUTTER x IFNEW EDGE OF PAVEMENT SCALE: 1 " = 20' A IF E S S / o1V S I G/y Ql) �T PEIII'GIS TERED Cl VIL ENCINEER C 80507 EXP.3-31-19 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUX TUN A VENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OF - REVISIONS No. DA TE DESCRIP TION 2 3T ,�A 471 HANNELIZERS oil 16 RM 17 18 19 TYPE A HMA DIKE 04 08 ---- ---- ---- ---- 02P� J7U Rj7H RRH t lb I INU tUUt Ut- tjAVtMtN I 8J6U 285' 8J8L x #043M59 PG&F PULL BO \-Z RIGHT TURN LANE 0 W� --Typp,,P,, nPTPrTC)R N PG & F R 5,1�7� 11111111121�4 214L 214U 2141 5JlL 23 212U 212L R[W 24 13 '-'7www7 N Eam' V f4eZ. 0^ c� Fileftme-STINEATBERKSHIRE-20 rawn: S. LOWE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Job No.: TOK221 Engineer: S. LOWE Dote: Sep. 21, 18 fVS 6 11-11- lChecked By 6,1-1892 III! 1111111� TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND LIGHTING SYSTEM INSTALLATION: STINE ROAD AT BERKSHIRE ROAD SHEE T NO. 21 OF 29 0 1 2 I NOTE: TRAFFIC STRIPES AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS ON THIS SHEET ARE SHOWN IN THEIR ULTIMATE LAYOUT AND CONFIGURATION AFTER THE COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT. SEE SHEET 23 & 24 FOR THE REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC STRIPES AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS. 5,1�7� 11111111121�4 214L 214U 2141 5JlL 23 212U 212L R[W 24 13 '-'7www7 N Eam' V f4eZ. 0^ c� Fileftme-STINEATBERKSHIRE-20 rawn: S. LOWE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Job No.: TOK221 Engineer: S. LOWE Dote: Sep. 21, 18 fVS 6 11-11- lChecked By 6,1-1892 III! 1111111� TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND LIGHTING SYSTEM INSTALLATION: STINE ROAD AT BERKSHIRE ROAD SHEE T NO. 21 OF 29 0 1 2 I LLJ 3: 0 1 LIJ cf) �z m Li 0 n :�i a 00 0 CN E a) Cn 06 V_ ol ry m Cn 1-11 V) mv A Ipjji� Wz ;lip I i IiIIWA171 �111111 0 Aill!F&S I - - � Arms CONTRACTOR SHALL SAWCUT AND REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENTA MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT FROM EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT, EXCAVATE TO A DEPTH OF 1.40 FEET, COMPACT NATIVE TO 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION, AND BACKFILL WITH 1.10 FEET OF CLASS 11 AGGREGATE BASE, COMPACTED TO 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION, AND THEN INSTALL 0.30 FEET OF TYPE "A" HOT MIX ASPHALT. NEW PAVEMENT CROSS SLOPES SHALL BE STRAIGHT GRADED BETWEEN SAWCUT LINE AND LIP OF NEW GUTTER. CONTRACTOR SHALL GRADE A 1 FOOT STRIP AT A 2 PERCENT GRADE, BEHIND BACK OF NEW SIDEWALK, CREATING A HINGE POINT, AND THEN DAYLIGHT GRADING AT RIGHT OF WAY LINE AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. WIDTH OF SIDEWALK SHALL BE 6 FEET BEHIND CURB AND GUTTER FLOWLINE. NOT USED CONTRACTOR SHALL GRADE NATIVE GROUND TO DRAIN TOWARDS TOE OF NEW DRAINAGE SWALES. TOE OF SWALES SHALL BE AT A -0.50% GRADE. THE DIFFERENCE IN ELEVATION BETWEEN THE TOP AND TOE SHALL NOT EXCEED 18 INCHES. ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER, FINISHED GRADE OF THE BACK OF FUTURE SIDEWALK SHALL BE ESTABLISHED BY RELOCATING EXISTING BERM AND DIRT PILES THAT LIE WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY. CONTRACTOR SHALL GRADE NATIVE GROUND TO SLOPE FROM THE RIGHT OF WAY LINE TOWARDS THE TOP OF EXISTING DRAINAGE DITCH AND TOE OF NEW DRAINAGE SWALE. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE TREES PER SPECIAL PROVISIONS, "CLEARING AND GRUBBING". CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE CONCRETE HEADWALL AND FILL EXISTING PIPE WITH SLURRY PER SPECIAL PROVISIONS, "REMOVE CONCRETE" AND "ABANDON PIPE". CONTRACTOR SHALL RELOCATE EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCING PER SPECIAL PROVISIONS, "MODIFY CHAIN LINK FENCING". CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TYPE "A" HOT MIX ASPHALT DIKE PER STATE OF CALIFORNIA STANDARD PLAN A87B, AND THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS, "HOT MIX ASPHALT (TYPE A)". (110) CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL SURFACE MOUNTED CHANNELIZERS PER STATE OF CALIFORNIA, STANDARD PLAN A73C, AND THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS, I'CHANNELIZERS". CHANNELIZERS SHALL BE 1 FOOT MINIMUM FROM THE OUTSIDE EDGE OF THE HMA DIKE AND SPACED 8 FEET ON CENTER. C) 0 4--1 IVA Id ry ::F fy Lli m Ld z I— C/-) C\j v 0 0 0 V) F- u LIJ D 0 ry CL I--,' &i MONUMENT ON BERKSHIRE ROAD A T BOULDER BAY ROAD (S TA. 2+,38.86) ELEV - 352.69 CENTERLINE OF BERKSHIRE ROAD BETWEEN BOULDER BA Y ROA D A ND S TINE ROA D, SOU TH 89 * 03' 18 " EA S T WAS USED AS THE BASIS OF BEARING TYPE ""A"" HMA DIKE FLOWLINE STATIONS AND OFFSETS ( PERKSHIRE ROAD ALIGNME SOUTHEAST CORNER: STA. 10+32.25-47.30'RT, BEGIN HMA DIKE STA. 10+32.25-35.30' RT STA. 10+33.20-2-8.90' RT STA. 10+35.88-22.98' RT STA. 10+39.91-17.88'RT STA. 10+44.51-13.29' RT STA. 10+49.50-9.12' RT STA. 10+54.84-5.42' RT STA. 10+60.41-2.07' RT STA. 10+65.24-0.57RT, END HMA DIKE NORTHEAST CORNER: STA. 10+32.62-77.49'LT, BEGIN HMA DIKE STA. 10+35.06-69.12' LT STA. 10+37.17-62.97' LT STA. 10+39.71-56.99' LT STA. 10+42.84-51.29' LT STA. 10+46.55-45.95' LT STA. 10+51.05-41.26' LT STA. 10+56.14-37.52' LT STA. 10+61.98-34,.28LT, END HIVIA, DIKE 1111iiii liq ��11 lroas CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL CONDUIT(S), NO. 3-1/2 PULL BOX,STREET LIGHT, FOUNDATION, AND INLINE FUSE, PER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD STANDARD ST -23, ST -23A, ST -23B, ST -23C & ST -26 ZLPOINT OF ELECTRICAL CONNECTION FOR STREET LIGHTING. v v ENDCURB AN)) GUTTER; __7 --E-,C-.R-.,t+L-E-LEV. 355�36 Z\__ A �3-r/NEF to C4 9 7p, 1 10041m WARP U) 6 6 Id'S .................... ...... ........ ...... STA. 10+00 (BERKSHIRE ROAD) STA. 20+00 (STINE ROAD) CENT,I=RLINE INTERSECTION ....................... 11 ... ................ .......... RE OCATED FENCE n C-1 UL 0 < W < cr W x Lu Lu Cf3 LuL__ W STA. 10+53.-57-79.84' L -T BEGIN CURB AND GUTTER; ns B.C.R.; FL. ELEV. 356.63 WARP U) 6 6 Id'S .................... ...... ........ ...... STA. 10+00 (BERKSHIRE ROAD) STA. 20+00 (STINE ROAD) CENT,I=RLINE INTERSECTION ....................... 11 ... ................ .......... ,�j z A z W W U- 0 W W RELOCATED FENCE STA. 10+83.57-50.00' LT SCALE: 1 " = 30' 8_9�_06'5611 E r < X J STA.- 1-1 +92.24-2.50' LT ---HMA ANGLE POINT STA. 10+94.35 LT HMA ANGLE POINT RAN -TA. 10+94.35-38.00'RT END CURB AND GUTTER; E.C.R.; FL. ELEV. 354.75 �ST A. �10 + �64. 3 6 �-6 8. �16' �RT -GUTT-ER; BEGIN CURB AND B.C.R.; FL. ELEV. 355.66 _OE OF EXISTING BERM TOP OF EXISTING BERM 6,1-1892 r#TfAffAW ffflf Al AT T �,Jjjj I � 111111111 Pno mi. File Nome: STINE AT BERKSHIRE-20�' Drown: S. LOWE FFIC SIGNAL AND LIGHTING SYSTEM INSTALLATION: "ITY `F BAKERSFIELD r'"'ALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Job No.: TOK221 Engineer: S. LOWE Dote: Sep. 21, 18 Pecked By STINE ROAD AT BERKSHIRE ROAD I I 0 SHEE T NO. 22 OF 29 2 3 NOTE: TRAFFIC STRIPES AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS ON THIS SHEET ARE SHOWN IN THEIR ULTIMATE LAYOUT AND CONFIGURATION AFTER THE COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT. SEE SHEET 23 & 24 FOR THE REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC STRIPES AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS. ,�j z A z W W U- 0 W W RELOCATED FENCE STA. 10+83.57-50.00' LT SCALE: 1 " = 30' 8_9�_06'5611 E r < X J STA.- 1-1 +92.24-2.50' LT ---HMA ANGLE POINT STA. 10+94.35 LT HMA ANGLE POINT RAN -TA. 10+94.35-38.00'RT END CURB AND GUTTER; E.C.R.; FL. ELEV. 354.75 �ST A. �10 + �64. 3 6 �-6 8. �16' �RT -GUTT-ER; BEGIN CURB AND B.C.R.; FL. ELEV. 355.66 _OE OF EXISTING BERM TOP OF EXISTING BERM 6,1-1892 r#TfAffAW ffflf Al AT T �,Jjjj I � 111111111 Pno mi. File Nome: STINE AT BERKSHIRE-20�' Drown: S. LOWE FFIC SIGNAL AND LIGHTING SYSTEM INSTALLATION: "ITY `F BAKERSFIELD r'"'ALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Job No.: TOK221 Engineer: S. LOWE Dote: Sep. 21, 18 Pecked By STINE ROAD AT BERKSHIRE ROAD I I 0 SHEE T NO. 22 OF 29 2 3 Li 3: 0 1 Llj m 0 0 _j 0 :�E Cl - 00 N E Q) C/� 06 Lli ry ry Li m LLJ V) 3: 0 0 n 0 Lij n" ::F V) bi m I— ui C\j (N \If, CD CD CD Ld 0 ry n 11-11' m MA, AL CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE CONFLICTING TRAFFIC STRIPES AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS WHERE INDICATED ON THE PLANS. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TYPE IV ARROWS. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TYPE VII ARROWS. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TYPE VIII ARROWS. CONTRACTOR -SHALL REFRESH TRAFFIC STRIPES AND/OR PAVEMENT MARKINGS. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL DETAIL 22. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL DETAIL 29. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL DETAIL 32. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL DETAIL 38A. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL DETAIL 39. G11 CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ROADSIDE SIGNS WHERE INDICATED ON THE PLANS AND PER SPECIAL PROVISIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL "SIGNAL" PAVEMENT MARKINGS. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL "AHEAD" PAVEMENT MARKINGS. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL 1 FOOT WIDE STOP BAR/CROSSWALK. CONTRACTOR SHALL RELOCATE ROADSIDE SIGNSWHERE INDICATED ON THE PLANS AND PER SPECIAL PROVISIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ROADSIDE SIGNS WHERE INDICATED ON THE PLANS AND PER SPECIAL PROVISIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE AND SALVAGE EXISTING W3-1 AND INSTALL W3-3 ON EXISTING POST. GENERAL STRIPING NOTES a - ALL TRAFFIC STRIPES AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL CONFORM TO THE 2010 STATE OF CALIFORNIA STANDARD PLANS. 2 LANE WIDTHS OF NEW STRIPING SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE SHOWN IN FEET AND CAN BE MEASURED IN THF, FIELD AT THE SPECIFIED STATIONING FROM EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER FLOWLINE, EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT AND/OR EXISTING STRIPING. lu W A m Alk Imman / , I I " w%- �o \" RAN RAN EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER RNV R/W 00 CENTERLINE OF BERKSHIRE ROAD co 21# CN C> 00 a I C 353 LF �V> 549 SF m ---- -- C\j R/W 1-r-rco Z EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER R/W f3E9K0HlK`E 90AC> hk % -- — — — — — — — — �­_­ — — — — — — — — — — 5ERKOHIKE \17 < �7 16 R26(CA) ___l__l___-DRAINAGEDITtH N R26(CA 7 C�s R/W A\ Of UJ z LL CL (D 5 LiJ 'LU Lu, UJ LJJ 0 0 0 < ui ui fl - C:) ai uj uj co LO 'n m + LO + + + 3 27 SF to co to R26(CA) 6 93 LF CURB'AND GUTTER T) 339 LF /—R/W -.4 - ----- < 2 UW) U) RW F T N�... CENTERLINE, OF BERKSHIRE ROAD 0� OR c6 c7i 21' CN 06 r-_: ClIj 1,512'RADIUS c:; C4 Cy> 233 LF 1,524'RADIUS 1,512'RADIUS (D 195.44'TANG ENT 8.1 7.5 CN ............ 04 cl� 195.44'TANGENT 1,512'RADIUS 590 SF -4- — — --------- 1 85 SF t 9 10 f�li R7 2-8�T-PN - #_ C114 s 13 8 f F' 1,500'RADIU d Cl? 1 61 SF co U3 27 SF 15 6' -RADIUS-' ClIj ui + I AAN 0 r%IHC C.0 Iva 14 90 LF 51 + ------ CN co 15 SF =m=_ - U3 31 SF > C\j C\j U2 64 SF C6 C6 69 SF 4 1 1 9 425 W3-3 RM 1 61 SF LF 1 69 SF 15 SF 9 430 LF tn R/W zi + + + EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER co 11"(D15 SF 9 226 LF (GORE AREA) 06 E ff- `3 E ko"K uc'00-37 H 19 E 90A0 f +: File Name: STINE A T BERKSHIRE- 20 Drawn: S. LOWE CITY"F BAKERSFIELD t"%ALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Job No.: TOK221 Engineer: S. LOWE Dote: Sep. 21, 18 Checked By.- Arj b 61 SF 34 SF/ 71 SFJ' Lu _lj OrINE ��?c ,,jFESS/0� S I NGIt CO ? */,*is `_ Ql) �T - yr- 7i�� REGIS TERED CIVIL ENGINEER `J C 80507 Exp.3-31-19 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C 1501 TRUX TUN A VENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 No. DA TE DESCRIP TION 171 // '271 / / '371 / / 4-71 / / OVERALL STRIPINO LAYOUT NOT TO SCALE CURB AND— GUTTER W U- 06 0 W' W > ry < Q_ � z 0 C) I— CIO Lu _lj OrINE ��?c ,,jFESS/0� S I NGIt CO ? */,*is `_ Ql) �T - yr- 7i�� REGIS TERED CIVIL ENGINEER `J C 80507 Exp.3-31-19 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C 1501 TRUX TUN A VENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 No. DA TE DESCRIP TION 171 // '271 / / '371 / / 4-71 / / OVERALL STRIPINO LAYOUT NOT TO SCALE CURB AND— GUTTER DRAINAGE DITCH ,—RELOCATED FENCE CURB AND GUTTER R/W EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT) I --E.P. r-RIW W . 0 R/W E. P. E. P. BE >/ lZI) LUA\ F- 01 I SCALE: 1 " = 40' 6,1-1892 OrKIPINO ANO 010NINO PLAN [C—ITY RECORD No. TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND LIGHTING SYSTEM INSTALLATION: STINE ROAD AT BERKSHIRE ROAD x rM40jup-Al SHEE T NO. 23 OF 29 2 3 W U- 0 W' W > ry < Q_ � 0 C) DRAINAGE DITCH ,—RELOCATED FENCE CURB AND GUTTER R/W EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT) I --E.P. r-RIW W . 0 R/W E. P. E. P. BE >/ lZI) LUA\ F- 01 I SCALE: 1 " = 40' 6,1-1892 OrKIPINO ANO 010NINO PLAN [C—ITY RECORD No. TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND LIGHTING SYSTEM INSTALLATION: STINE ROAD AT BERKSHIRE ROAD x rM40jup-Al SHEE T NO. 23 OF 29 2 3 0 1 Li m Q LIJ 75 n Nt (�i 00 E cn >; c6 0 Li ,w -F LLJ m n U) 0 u 0 D :F cn ,le n1l Lu m 0 CN I--,' cn bi 0 ry m A A A or A mal a Imalk f3EKKOH19iff 90A0 z (00 CURB AND GUTTER 13T A \OFESS/0, I NG/-/ Lu rn PECIS TERED Cl VIL ENGINEER C 80507 Exp. 3-31-19 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 REVISIONS No. DA TE DESCRIP TION ,S A171 / / EDGE OF PAVEMENTJ GENEPAL STRIPING NOTES: 6- 6 LF ALL TRAFFIC STRIPES AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL CONFORM TO THE 2010 STATE OF CALIFORNIA STANDARD PLANS. 1 kOl 15 LF LANE WIDTHS OF NEW STRIPING SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE SHOWN EDGE OF PAVEMENT:::: IN FEET AND CAN BE MEASURED IN THE FIELD AT THE SPECIFIED STATIONING FROM EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER FLOWLINE, EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT AND/OR EXISTING STRIPING. I \' I' `—EXISTING FENCE EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT R/W EXISTING FENCE ----A J5 31 SF EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT 1 61 SF 17 12 32 SF j 1 EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER R/W -------------------- ------------ 5EKKOHIRE OVERALL STRIPING LAYOUT NOT TO SCALE ag 6,1-1892 ROA P 01 v OTKIPINO ANO 010NIN0 PLAN [- CITY RECORD No. File Nome: STINE AT BERKSHIRE-200rawn: S, LOWE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND LIGHTING SYSTEM INSTALLATION: SHEE T NO. i" ALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Job No.: TOK221 Engineer- S, LOWE Cd*` IN T Y 0 FBAKERI!63FIELD, %IoJq�% Fate: Sep. 21, 18 Pecked By.. PJA STINE ROAD AT BERKSHIRE ROAD 24 OF 29 1 1 1 is I I 0 1 2 I LIJI Lu Z: LIJ 0 cr- 0 ct) Im < < 0 ry I LLJ C/) Lu J uj F- -7, ui C) All' I \' I' `—EXISTING FENCE EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT R/W EXISTING FENCE ----A J5 31 SF EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT 1 61 SF 17 12 32 SF j 1 EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER R/W -------------------- ------------ 5EKKOHIRE OVERALL STRIPING LAYOUT NOT TO SCALE ag 6,1-1892 ROA P 01 v OTKIPINO ANO 010NIN0 PLAN [- CITY RECORD No. File Nome: STINE AT BERKSHIRE-200rawn: S, LOWE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND LIGHTING SYSTEM INSTALLATION: SHEE T NO. i" ALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Job No.: TOK221 Engineer- S, LOWE Cd*` IN T Y 0 FBAKERI!63FIELD, %IoJq�% Fate: Sep. 21, 18 Pecked By.. PJA STINE ROAD AT BERKSHIRE ROAD 24 OF 29 1 1 1 is I I 0 1 2 I 532-020-08 Re Name.* Basin—Detafl Job No.: 108-24.12 Oate: 912412018 Drawn: MAS Engineer 1JP Checked By. jDS 9124 EGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER D -er ETT C H- - U- L ER I- V-'--I---L----E i N I -� E R SK, -ilLro-aft-93 (a) EXCAVATE SUMP ADDITIONAL 0.20' DEEP ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE VERIFY DIMENSIONS IN THE FIELD. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. I N I 'N E I L=-T.AN*k ADDITIONAL CAPACITY = 0.13 AC -FT REQ'D ADDITIONAL CAPACITY = 0.13 AC -FT HIGH WATER ELEVATION = 345.0 EX. BOTTOM ELEVATION 334.5 PROPOSED BOTTOM 334.32 EX. BOTTOM AREA 32,000 SF PROPOSED BOTTOM AREA = 31,854 SF EXISTING SIDE SLOPES APPROXIMATE 2.25:1 PROPOSED SIDE SLOPES APPROXIMATE 2,25.1 BASIN EXCAVATION = 326 CY EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE VARIES VARIES 17'-10' 45$-75$ 0.40' NATURAL GROUND N 041 — EX. BOTTOM 7= i -ir=' TYPICAL SECTION NOSCALE EXIS77NG BASIN EXPANSION DETAIL JFJ-r4-P AP �;;11;-;llr ,I/ m4l ,of ESS /av C.D IANJ. PARKS rn rn No. 58155 ;a Exp. 6-30-20 C/vl OF CAN - 1 inch = 30 ft. 6,1-1892 SHEET NO. 25 OF 29 .4 4a m I LO 04 C 0 04 17 It 04 I 00 0 1 I Ike a N, n CIO 0 (N 11, E Cn _0 06 0 Li r'K _17 M cn I-' V) 0 r') C_ 0 CL I--," V) 0") 0 4� LIJ Cn \11 nl� bi M Ld z F__ Cn C\A 0 0 Q0 0 V) 0 0 Of W 9. 0" ESS I o 30' MINIMUM PARKWAY PLANTER MAX.,.- VARIES 9.0 D 1�_ -_ ::: I �1007 5. 0" 4. 0" 1 NGky SEE NOTE 14' MIN TYP. �PIPE SEE NO TE 10. 6 0.5' rod, G, 14' MIN SLEEVE* t)P- 5.0" 4 0" MM4. �X\X� QD W rri SHADED BE LANDSCAPED *PLACE IRRIGATION PIPE/WIRE IN A SLEEVE PER DETAIL L-3 WHEN CROSSING 0 5" rod Z 60" Rle-GIS TERED Cl VIL ENGINEER C 80507 ALL OTHER AREAS SHALL HAVE ACCEPT- UNDER ROADWAY OR HARDSCAPE. SLEEVES WHICH PASS UNDER ROADWAY 0.5 rod., 10, 0" Radius 6. 0" ABLE HARD SURFACE TREATMENT ONLY. SHALL ENTER MEDIAN IN A LARGE RECTANGULAR PLANTER. t)P. � . , I Z 11 � Exp. 3-31-1 Finished pavement 10.0" grode. Existing @LANDSCAPING LIMITS W [M MWIANS: PLAN k7 0. 5 rod 10,0" pavement 1 24. 0 14 � 610" So. � �, 1 17 f CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 4. 0" C V 0. 5 rad, 1 �1/ - 1507 TRUXTUN AVENUE 4. 0' MOWER RAMP: SEE 111 1 -1 1 F 18" WIDE BORDER OF HARD SURFACE ±9"(CURB) BAKERSFIELD,, CA 93301 OF C A,\ - TREATMENT SEE DETAIL "E" Q '\N, SECTION & DETAIL C. D 7-7-7- '777 ��\" \ \1 , \ � " �\, 4 .1 1 L_ J if - I . - REVISIOMS INN 4 See Note 14 below. T 14 T)P. 12. 0 No. 7YPE "Mi. I 9. T_ 6.5" DA TE DESCRIP TION 12.5' 4 SEE PLANS 7 E- T- 24. 0 J VARIES - p. T-1-1- - -711' MIN 8 MIN V_c � - 9. 0" 7 0. 5" rod, J, -7- 7 -J, t)P_ 4. 0" TYPE "B T)a TYPE "Mor 50" ZONE "l ZONE 72 ZONE "J HARD SURFA CE TYPICALLY HARD SURFACE PLANTERS & HARD SURFACE PER NOTES BELOW. TREA TMEN T ONLY TREATMENT, SEE NOTE 2. NOTES 1. A# workmanship and materials shall conform to the 6. 0" @ QE TAX 0 NO TES: F TWIC AL MMIAN: aAN WE opplicable sections of the specifications entitled 'State of 10.0" 1. All workmanship and materials sholl conform to the 7 Expansion joints shall be constructed at each side of structures, Colifornia, Department of Transportation, Standard Existing 3 4' 2* applicable sections of the specifications entitled 'State of at ends of curb returns and at 60.0' maximum intervals. Weakened Specifications' -hereafter known as 'Standard Specificotians',' povement. I I' (OR LESS) 11' MINIMUM current City approved edition. California, Department of Transportation, Standard plane joints, 2 0 deep, sholl be placed at 10. 0' maximum intervals SEE NO TES 2 & J. 4. 0" 114 PER f ER FT Specifications' hereafter known as "Standard Specifications, and at both sides and center of drive approach depressions. 114 P 2 A current Street Permit issued by the City of curren t Cif Expansion )bints may be eliminated for extruded curb and gutter y a0prOved edition. Bakersfield Public Works Deportment must accompany a// 4" TO FIN. GRADE MOWER RAMP PLAN (1 TO MULCH) 2. A current Street Permit issued by the City of Bakersfield 8 Expansion joint filler material sholl consist of preformed strips of work within the City fight-of-woy. TYPE See Note 15 below. Public Works Deportment must accompany all work within the durable, resilient compound that conform to the requirements of 2"MA SEC T1 ON "D SEC T1 ON "E City right-of-woy. the Standard Specifications. J Subgrode for T)pe 'Y"curb shall be constructed true to grade and cross section and compacted to 901'. of 10 Men new T)pe Vcurb is poured adjdcent to existing pavement, the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D-1557 to a existing pavement shall be sawcut a maximum of 6 0'from the face of curb Z N A14 @ ZQN -.3 - DE TAIL J Subgrade for all types of curb and gutter sholl be 9. Sections of existing curb and outter beino removed for @ jPE "I" DET -L depth of 6.0"below top of subgrode. or as directed Pavement patch shall conform to the requirements of City SEC ON "C- C SEE NOTE 1. SEE NOTES 2 & J constructed true to grade and cross section and compacted replacement sholl be sowcut at [he limits of removal as directed Standard ST- 11. to 907. of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM by the City Engineer. 7he section being removed shall be a 4. Concrete for median curb shall conform to the @ 90 ffR RAMP QE TAIL D-1557 to a depth of 6.0"below top of subgrode, minimum of 5.0'in length and sowcuts shall align with existing joint requirements of the Standard Specifications for minor 11. Construction of extruded curbs shall be controlled both horizontally and SEE DETAIL 16" 10. Circular tree wells shall alternate with rectangular planters (See Details "A" or score line - Replacement sholl conform in- dimension and location concrete (min. cement content 505 lblcu yd). Concrete vertically with string line. and 18�). Shape of plonter areas moy vory from those shown provided that o// 4. Concrete for curb and gutter shall conform to the to the adjacent existing improvements unless otherwise directed shall contoin no additives unless prior opproval is obtained NO TES- (less irrigation water opplied is contained within plonter area requirements of the Standard Specifications for minor concrete 10. Sections being replaced may be poured against existing from the City Engineer 12 Two 14 longitudinal rebar (one 14 rebor on T)pes M-1 and M-2 curbs) 1. Mere width, inside back of curb is less than 11' 11. Mere there is a significant difference in elevation between curbs on opposite (min. cement content 505 lblcu yd). Concrete sholl contain sholl be placed within the nose sections of all medion islands. The bars than 8, pir ie� r�­ width):, as in Zone "I" only the use of no additives unless prior opprovol is obtained from the City pavement, if in good condition and with prior approval of the City hard surfoke treatment Is I allowed sides of the median, the installation of retaining curb may be Engineer. Engineer. Otherwise, the existing pavement shall be sowcut a 5. Amber forms sholl be surfaced on the side placed next shall run continuous through the nose and be embedded a minimum of 2.0 2. Londscoped (Irrigated) Planters shall be allowed in required to retain soil and irrigation water inside the planter area. minimum of 2.O'from the edge of concrete or as directed. to the concrete ond shall not be less than 1.5thick after into the adjacent curb. Nose sections with rodii of 1.0'or less shall be Zone `l2`" onl 12, Install "mower' romp at both ends of every island Preferred "m a wer romp 5. Timber forms shall be surfaced on the side placed next to Pavement patch sholl conform to the requirements of Standard being surfaced. Forms and subgrode shall be wetted solid concrete. y with prior approval from City Engineer location is at left lum pockets. the concrete and shall not be less than 1.5'thick after being Detail ST -11. immediately prior to placement of concrete. and Recreation and Parks Director 13 A# areas below hordscope sholl be compacted to 9OZ relative compaction to surfaced. Forms and subgrade shall be wetted immediately IJ T)pe V-1" and 'M-2" (tock on) median curbs ore only allowed with 3 A minimum 18" (1.5) wide border of hard surface a depth of 6" (0.5). prior to placement of concrete, 11. Prior to final acceptance, oll new curb and gutter sholl be flow 6 Concrete surfaces shall be troweled smooth, edged and prior permission of the City Engineer. treatment is required adjacent to the bock of curb 14. Maximum tree spacing is J5' OC. Trees and other features shall comply with tested to detect areas holding water. Any areas holding more than then given a light broom finish. Immediately after finishing, Combination Sidewalk 1 all exposed surfaces sholl receive a complete, uniform 14. For T)pe V-1" curb, drill and set in epoxy 80'long 14 rebor at 4.0' throughout Zbnes '2$' and "J" line of sight restrictions. 6. Concrete surfaces shall be troweled smooth, edged and 0.02' of standing water shall be corrected 11 z coating of while pigmented curing compound conforming to 0 4. Mere planters ioccur in Zones 7' and "T" the hard 15. See Details t -9 and L - 10 for soil preparation and planting requirements. then given a light broom finish. Immediately after finishing, maximum inter vals. A continuous longitudinal 14 rebar shall be tied to each the requirements of the Standard Specifications. -1 4 -9 [CR19CR, t)p. surface border sholl slope inword towards the plonter 16. Any and ol( changes sholl be opproved by the Recreation and Parks Director o# exposed surfaces shall receive a complete, uniform coating 11. Type 18"curb and gutter is required on all types of streets vertical bar. Epoxy shall meet the requirements of Section 95 of the at 114 " per foot & City Engineer prior to implementation. of white pigmented curing compound conforming to the unless another tyrie is expressly permitted by the City Engineer. 7 Expansion joints shall be constructed at 60'moximum Standard Specifications. 5 Mere the minimum planter width does not occur 17 This Project is Subject to the Requirements of the California Deportment of requirements of the Stondord Specifications. The concrete intervals. Weakened plane joints, 20'deep, shollbefoloced /7. for 30 consecutive feet, only hard surface treatment surface shall be kept moist until the curing compound is 12 T)pe 'C'curb and gutter moy be permitted by the City Engi 15. For T)pe V-2" curb, a 9.0'wide continuous, uniform layer of epoxy or Woter Resources Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWEO) and any neer shall be installed &V '2 /1� �67,7 Ramp Curb and Gutter per other Applicable State and Local Regulation. Contractor is Responsible for applied. in private subdivisions. at 10'moximum intervals. Expansion joints may be adhesive sholl be applied to the existing pavement immediately prior to Standard Detail ST -1. 6 No turf shall be allowed in medions. Compliance with these Requirements. eliminated for extruded curb. concrete placement. fpoxy adhesive shall meet the requirements of Section 7 Where only hard surface treatment is installed (such as FILENAME: L-12REV 8. Expansion joint filler moteriol sholl consist of preformed 95 of the Standard Specifications. 0*' DATE REV DATE REV DAM in Zone 71 ), the hard surface sholl slope outward at 114" 5/17 10/15 strips of durable, resilient compound that conform to the 10/15 CHECKED per foot See Detail "E" STANDARD DRAM STANDARD DRAWN requirements of the Standord Speciricotions. STANDARD DRAWN 8, A# concrete surfaces sholl be 4' thick. Stomped DAH/BW/DC JCU/BW JCU/BW concrete shall contain integral color, color hardener & CHECKED CURB & GUTTER MEDIAN CURB CHECKED Romp slopes sholl meet requirements of Coltrans LANDSCAPING UNITS F Gonzoles S. LESH 9. Sections of existing median curb being removed for $1 M S LESH --------------------- tinted concrete sealer instolledper monulocttirer� SCALE N. T� S. TYPES "B" & "C" SCALE replacement shall be sawcut at the limits of removal as TYPES SCALE Standard Plans, current Clty approved edition, specification. WITHIN MEDIANS STANDARD DETAIL N. T. S. directed by the City Engineer. 7he section being removed tIM-102 & IIM-2$t N.T.S. Detached unless otherwise shown on this detail. APPROVED APPROVED SHEET NO. APPROVED SHEET NO. 9. Concrete color and design lo)out sholl be opproved by sholl be a minimum of 5. 0')n length and sawcuts shall Sidewalk the City Engineer and Recreation and Parks Director. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD -12 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD align with existing joint or score line. Replacement shall CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA L CALIFORNIA ST conform in dimension and location to the adjacent existing CALIFORNIA ST -2 ----------------------- CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY ENGINEER L UBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT improvements unless otherwise directed. CITY ENGINEER -PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Top a f Romp 4. 0' min. Score Mark, NOTES: Landing Area -------------------- - 1.511, min. - 2.07a max. see Note 7 20" deep Weakened Adiist RAW or obtain 4. 0' 4. 0' min. 1. A# workmanship and materials shall conform to Lot Line 9 --- Adjust RIW or obtain Detectable Warning Ex Plane Joint, see Note 7 easement to accommodate No lip ponsion full depth of opproach. 1.51. min. 207. max. 6 0" Min. the opplicable sections of the specifications 2.5' min. from lot line. easement to occommodote See Note 9. Surface, see Note 4. Curb & Gutter per Join t 1.0- tip entitled 'State of California, Department of full depth of opprooch. 4 Transportation, Standard Specifications" hereafter A - 4. 0" min. C4. 0 �-m in.� Standard Detail ST -1. --T ----------- r - ------------- known as 'Standard Specifications, cu�rent City "A" RA 00 --- ------ --------- CASE 00 le o oo 4 1 oo,0.0 I I oppro ved edition. Curb Romp per 40, lo, 6. 0" �SECWN A -A Standard Detail ST -10. .0 n NO TES: J* *#*., SECTION A -A 2. A current Street Permit issued by the City of Drive 41P Bakersfield Public Works Deportment must Way -1 ,�e .0 40 accompany (2/1 work within the City right-of-way. 1. A# workmanship and materidIs shall conform to the 8 Concrete surfaces sholl be troweled smooth, edged and lop 10.0, applicable sections of the specifications entitled 'State of NOTES: then given a light broom finish Immediotely after finishing, California, Department of Transportation, Standard all exposed surfaces sholl receive a uniform application of between t A# workmanship and materials sholl conform to 8 Expansion joint Aller material sholl consist of preformed strips of J Subgrode for drive opproach shall be jl/ 111. *# ,f pe '*** the opplicoble sections of the specifications entitled durable, resilient compound that conform to the requirements of the constructed true to grade and cross section and Specifications, hereafter known as 'Standard Specifications", white pigmented curing compound conforming to the 1 11 X* 40 4# '�5tote of Cofifornio, Department of Transportation, current City approved edition. requirements of the Standard Specifications. Expansion I 1i e Standard Specifications compacted to 907. of maximum dry density as Az 2. A current Street Permit issued by the City of Bakerslield Join t 4* Standards Specifications" hereafter known as 9. Expansion joints sholl be constructed at ends of curb e '�tanddrds Spechricotions", current City opproved edition. 9 Sections of existing drive opprooch being removed for replacement determined by ASTY D-1557 to a depth of 60' Combination 8 JJ7. a JJ7. Combination Public Works Department must accompany all work within the returns. Weakened plane joints, 2 O'deep, sholl be placed .10 sholl be sowcut of the limits of removal as directed by the City below top of subgrade. Sidewalk Sidewalk City fight-of-wqy. 3.0'min. at future Engineer The section being removed shall be a minimum of 5.0' in J A# new curb romps shall be Case 'A" Mere existing at top and sides of romp slopes and as directed by the .0 #41 signalized intersections. 2 A current Street Permit issued by the City of 4. Concrete for drive approach sholl conform to City Engineer I if Bakersfield Public Works Department must accompany length and sowcuts shall align with existing �fbint or score line. the requirements of the Standard Specifications conditions do not occommodate Case 'A " romps, other t)pes 10. Expansion joint filler material shall consist of preformed �_f a// work within the City right-of-way. Replacement sholl conform in dimension and location to the adjocent for minor concrete (min. cement content 505 of romps moy be constructed with prior approval of the City strips of durable, resilient compound that conform to the Score Mork Combination J Subgrade shall be constructed true to grade and existing improvements unless otherwise directed by the'City Engineer, Curb & Gutter Engineer. All new romps, regardless of t)pe, 'sholl comply with requirements of the Standard Specifications. Right-Of-woY 60" Sidewalk Varies cross section and compacted to 90Z of maximum dry 10. Sections being replaced may be poured against existing pavement, lblcu yd). Concrete shall contain no additives the requirements of Standard Plans A88A, A886, A90A and 11. Sections of existing curb rarnp being removed for Es density as determined by ASTY 9-1557 to a depth of See 10' Min. A908 per the State of California, Deportment of if in good condition and with the prior opproval of the City unless prior approval is obtained from the City replacement sholl be sawcut at the limits of removal as Engineer, Righ t J2'Mox See Note 7 Transportation, Standard Plans, current City approved edition 6" below top of subgrGde. Engineer Otherwise, the existing pavement sholl be sawcut a minimum directed by the City Engineer. Sawcut for sections being czs % and all current ADA requirements, unless otherwise shown on - 0, 20' of 2 0' from the edge of concrete or as directed Pavement patch A removed shall align with existing joint or score line _Q 4 Concrete for drive opprooch shall conform to the 5 Timber forms shall be surfaced on the side this detail. 12. Sections of romp curb and gutter being replaced moy min. 2. 07, min. 4. 1 max. requirements of the Standard Specifications for minor shall conform to the requirements of Standard DetGil ST -11. placed next to the concrete and shall not be less 5. 0' wl 6 0-1 4. T)pe and color of detectable warning surface shall be 2.07- concrete (min. cement content 505 lblcu yd). 11. Curb and gutter and bad than 1.5"thick after being surfaced Forms and Pi A curb height opprovedphor to installation be poured against existing pavement, if in good condition 07. m . -a- y of opprooch shall be poured subgrade shall be wetted immediotely prior to and with prior approval of the City Engineer. Otherwise, the Concrete shall contain no additives unless prior separately, not monolithically, 5 Subgrode for curb romp shall be constructed true to grade existing pavement shall be sawcut a minimum of 2.0'from opproval is obtained from the City Engineer placement of concrete. and cross section and compacted to 907. of maximum dry the edge of concrete or as directed Pavement patch sholl Weakened Plane 12 No drive approach construction sholl be permitted in street or density as determined by ASTY D- 1557 to a depth of 6. 0' 4. 0" min. 5 Timber forms shall be surfaced on the side placed alley curb returns 6 Concrete surfaces shall be troweled smooth, for Local Street 4.0'minimum below top of subgrade. conform to the requirements of City Standard ST -11. Join t 4.5' Sidewalk next to the concrete and shall not be less than 1.5" thick after being surfaced. Forms and subgrode shall U Edge of drive approach sholl be a min. of 25' from cdjocent lot line. edged and then given a light broom finish. 6. 0" -5.5' Sidewolk for CollectorlArter6l 6 Concrete for curb romp sholl conform to the requirements be wetted immediately prior to placement of concrete, Immediotely after finishing, all exposed surfaces RIW Line of the Standard Specifications for minor concrele,Ifmin. 4.5' on all local streets, unless otherwise directed by the City Engineer. 14, Existing curb, if in good condition, may be sawcut and removed sholl receive a complete, uniform coating of white 1.0" L' 1. 5Z min. - 2 09 m ox, Driveway cement content of 505 lb/cu yd). Concrete sholl contain no 6 Concrete shall be troweled smooth, edged and then (curb cut to occommodote construction of new residentiol drive pigmented curing compound conforming to the 1P 6.5' on o# arterial and collector streets and on all local streets that are - --%- ­"� . additives unless prior opproval is obtained from the City Variable adjacent to schools, hospitals, cornmerciol or industrial areas or as given a light broom Anish. Immediately after finishing, opproach or widening of existing approach. requirements of the Standard Specifications. -4 Engineer. otherwise directed by the City Engineer. o# exposed surfaces shall receive a complete, uniform 1.: .4 7 Timber forms shall be surfaced on the side placed next to coating of white pigmented curing compound conforming 7 Expansion joints sholl be constructed at both 60- Min. the concrete and shall not be less than 1.5" thick after being Variable to the Standard Specifications. The surface of the Vol v0- ends of approach. Weakened plane joints, 2. 0 " 6. 0" Min. surfaced. Forms and subgrode shall be wetted immediately DATE concrete shall be kept moist until the curing compound deep, shall be placed at center of opproach and SFX [I QN A -A prior to placement of concrete. 12/14 NO TES. is applied 'Sex at 10'maximum intervals or as directed by the DRAWN JCU/BW 8 Expansion joint filler moteriol shall consist of prefarmed 7 Expansion joints sholl be constructed at both �ko STANDARD CHECKED 1. All workmanship and materials sholl conform to the applicable strips of durable, resilient compound that conforms to the ends of opproach. Weakened plan �)in ts, 2. 0 - deep, �O City Engineer. S LESH sections of the specirications entitled 'State of California, requirements of the Stanoard Specifications, sholl be placed at center of opproach and at 10.0 8 Expansion Jbint filler moteriol sholl consist of CURB RAMP SCALE Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications"' hereafter N. T, S., maximum intervals and as directed by the City Engineer. preformed strips of durable, resilient compound SHEET NO. known as Standard Specifications" current City opproved edition. 9. Sections of existing sidewalk being removed for replacement shall APPROVED be sawcut at the limits of removal as directed by the City Engineer. that conform to the requirements of the Stondord 2. A current Street Permit issued by the City of Bakersfield The section being removed sholl be a min. of 5.0' in length and Specifications. CITY -OF-BA-K-ERSFfELD ST -10 - Public Works Deportment must occompony all work within the 1\1� �1 . ci) CALIFORNIA City righ t - of- way. sawcuts sholl align with existing joint or score line. Replacement *0 01 "Of", 9. Sections of existing drive approach being CITY ENGINEER I shall conform in dimension and location to the adjacent existing �6. removed for replacement shall be sowcut at the PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT .J J Subgrade sholl be constructed true to grade and cross section improvements unless otherwise directed limits of removal as directed by the City Engineer. The section being removed shall be a minimum of and compacted to 90% of maximum dry density as determined by Ot 10. Combination sidewalk shall be used at intersections and bus stops oo ASTM D- 1557 to a depth of 6 0" below top of subgrade. on o// arterial and collector streets and may be used at cul-de-socs 0 50'in length and sowcuts sholl align with existing 0061 4 Concrete for sidewalk sholf conform to the requirements of and knuckles on local streets. Alf other uses of combination sidewalk Pint or score line. Replacement shall conform in 0 %�,Nvo the Standard Specifications for minor concrete (min. cement ore subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 77in. 0*. dimension and location to the aoj:icent existing 45't)p. improvements unless otherwise directed content of 505 lblcu yd). Concrete sholl contain no additives 11. Any deviotion from standard in finish, color, or moteridIs used do ONX unless prior approval is obtained from the City Engineer. will require prior opproval from the City Engineer. 10. Sections being replaced may be poured against 5 Amber forms shall be surfaced on the side placed next to the 12 Transitions in sidewalk t)pes must be approved by the %-.1 existing pavement, if in good condition and with prior opproval of the City Engineer. Otherwise, the concrete and sholl be not less than 1.5 thick after being City Engineer. P0 surfaced Forms and subgrade shall be wetted immediatel 0\bO existing pavement sholl be sowcut a minimum of prior to placement of concrete. y 13 All sidewalk construction shall comply with current �O 20'from the edge of concrete or as directed. NOT- T)pe "B" drive approach is only allowed requirements for ADA. Pavement patch shall conform to the requirements with prior approval of the City Engineer. 6 Concrete surfaces shall be troweled smooth, edged and of City Standard ST -11. then given a light broom finish. Immediately after finishing, DATE DATE REV DATE REV o# exposed surfaces sholl receive G complete, uniform coating DRAWN 10/15 STANDARD DRAWN 10/15 11. Curb and gutter and body of opproach sholl be STANDARD DRAWN 12/13 of white pigmented curing compound conforming to the STANDARD JCU/BW JVH/BW poured separately, not monolithically. JVH/BW CHECKED CHECKED CHECKED Standard Specifications. Concrete surlace shall be kept COMBINATION SIDEWALK S LESH SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL S. LESH ESH 6,1-1892 moist until the curing compound is opplied SCALE DRIVE APPROACH -TYPE "A" SCALE 12. No drive opproach construction sholl be SCALE S. L N. T. S. N. T. S. permitted in street or alley curb returns. DRIVE APPROACH -TYPE NTS 7 Expansion joints sholl be constructed at each side of IS APPROVED SHEET NO. APPROVED SHEET NO. APPROVED SHEET NO. structures, at ends of curb returns and at 60' max interva 13 Existing curb, if in good condition, may be Weakened plane jWnts, 2. 0" deep, sholl be placed at 10. 0' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ST- 5 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ST- 7 sawcut andremoved ("curb cutg to accommodate CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ST- 7.1 intervals with 0.25' deep score marks at 5.0' intervals. -CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA construction of new drive opproach or widening of CALIFORNIA CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT existing approach. CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT C1700Y C)ErAIL5 Cmor APPIZOyt=02 CITY n'EFCORD No. File Nome: STINE AT BERKSHIRE -20 rown: S. LOWE -rALLATION: SHEETNO. CITY OF -BAKER450"ihFIELD, CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Job No.: TOK221 Engineer: S. LOWE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND LIGHTING S TEM INS A L110'" Rodl.us 0 -0 rod [118 4 X ;--P T1 Date: Sep. 21, 18 lChecked By STINE ROAD AT BERKSHIRE ROAD 26 OF 29 0 2 3 0 1 < Cf) M L -Li n 0 n 00 T_ b E (D 4� ('� (D V) C) _0 3: -0 C6 0 Qf LJJ M < LLJ Cf) V) 0 4-� _0 0 k .n V) 0,71 3: 0 < 0 0 :3 < 1­� < �7 Li ry -:F cr) V ry Li M < Li CN 0 (0 0 LIJ 0 ry n 71 Portland Cement Concrete, see SGWCUt Note 6 for concrete requirements. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 4 4 Existing concrete surfacing. --- - - - - 0. 4 1 1 � - I.. 1 1. - v I J. . �� Z, � 1 .6 . "4 . . �11 . I - . . 13,0" Finish Grade A, )Ukl Al 0 - 0 �-y, o'. J Jo 00 I D( 0 "' - tO'Aggregate Base, with 95Y. relative C C, z,& compaction See Note 10 for requirements 1 FI! I F�! 11'.. 4 Compacted subgrade or 2 sock son d cement slurry. PAXH_ IN CONCRETE SUREA CE Backfill compacted to 9OX relative compaction sawcut Asphaltic Binder Asphaltic Binder ADDITIONAL TRENCH WIDTH ("W') Tack Coat Tack Coot CHECKED S LESH SCALE NJ.& X41" Existing asphalt concrete pavement. V, CITY ENGINEER 6.0" larger than 24" 18.0', Hot Mix Aspholt (HYA), see J rY Undisturbed material. Notes 7 and 10 for requirements. N_4 A pipe in its alignment or grade. BackM moteriol up to the 4 J rcy �,J ry "'j )"J, vercu 0 t existing pavement lffbeyond additionol bockfill. Ali bockM J edge of excavation, typical each side. Aggregate Base, with 95Z, relative �_X 6. SandlCement slurry containing 2 socks of cement per cubic yard may be compaction. See Notes 7 and 10 I Flexible Pi - Onl m be accepted for pes y Class I or # oterial wi for requirements. r Compacted subgrode or 2 sock =-n sand cement slurry. U PATCH IN ASPHAL T CONCRETE ROAD MIX SURFACE NO TES: 1. A# workmanship and materials shall conform to the opplicable, sections of the specifications entitled 'State of Californio, Deportment of Transportation, Standard Specifications,' hereafter known as 'Stondord Specifications", curren t City approved edition. 2 A current Street Permit issued by the City of Bakersfield Public Works Deportment must accompany oll work within the City nght-of-woy. 3 Sawcuts shall be made parallel to and at right angles to the street centerline or curb line or as directed by the City Engineer. Minimum atch width shall be 20'at its smollest p dimension. 4. Patches less than 20'from existing patches, edge of pavement or gutterlmedian curb shall be enlarged to include the remaining area of existing pavement 5 Multiple areas, less than 2.0'oport, sholl be combined into one continuous patch as directed by the City Engineer. 6. Concrete for patches in concrete surface streets shall conform to the requirements of the Standard Specifications. 7he cementitious material content of the concrete must be at least 590 lb/cu yd Concrete shall contain no additives unless 7 Section for patches in asphalt concrete surfaces shall meet the following minimum requirements. - Local Street, - 0.40' Type A or Tffle 8 Hot Mix Asphalt (HYA) over 0.50'aggregate base. Artenol or Collector Street - 0. 70' T)pe A Hot Mix Aspholt (HUA) over 1.0'aggregote base. 8. Wth prior opproval of the City Engineer, the structurol section for larger areas of pavement patch may be designed per the requirements of Section 5J.1. 9. Asphaltic binder tack coat shall conform to the requirements of Section 39 of the Standard Specifications. 10. See City Standard Details ST -12 for trench bockM and compaction requirements and ST -0 for roadway subgrade compaction, aggregate base and HMA requirements 11. Patches in concrete streets overlaid with asphalt concrete sholl meet the requirements for patches in asphalt concrete streets. prior approvol is obtained from the City Engineer. DATE 12/14 Edge Pick Hole (Opr---,) 0. 5" x 0 J75' Di 0. 125- Deep A L 0. 5" 0. 75" L, High 0.125 Concrete pad not to be poured until paving is in place. Pad and lid to be 20'x 2.0'min. square 114" below new finish pavement grade. sawcut 25'x 2.5'max square 10 tetters 0. 06 O.J75" 0.25" PLAN 12,125" VOW -W0 ft WZA MIN 10.1250 0. 375' - I 10. 875" SEC TION A -A Stomped disk with R. CC or L.S number. Disk shall be Leitz No. 804-13 or approved equol. 0 42" x 2 0 Shank 0 42"�- , High ADDITIONAL TRENCH WIDTH ("W') STANDARD PAVEMENT PATCH DRAWN JCU/BV CHECKED S LESH SCALE NJ.& APPROVED SHEET NO. ST -11 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA _PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY ENGINEER Concrete pad not to be poured until paving is in place. Pad and lid to be 20'x 2.0'min. square 114" below new finish pavement grade. sawcut 25'x 2.5'max square 10 tetters 0. 06 O.J75" 0.25" PLAN 12,125" VOW -W0 ft WZA MIN 10.1250 0. 375' - I 10. 875" SEC TION A -A Stomped disk with R. CC or L.S number. Disk shall be Leitz No. 804-13 or approved equol. 0 42" x 2 0 Shank 0 42"�- , High ADDITIONAL TRENCH WIDTH ("W') Inside Diameter of Pipe Compacted Select or Native A4cteriol Bockfill Class I Material (grovel) or 2 Sock Slurry Bockfill less than 12 12. 0 4.0" 12 " up - to 24 12. 0 6.0" larger than 24" 18.0', 12. 0 BockM material up to the pipe springline shall be hand placed depth of 25' below finished grade. A# compaction testing sholl be performed in and properly compacted so as not to damage or disturb the the presence of the City Engineer. The number and location of compaction pipe in its alignment or grade. BackM moteriol up to the 4 4 6. 0" dio, additionol bockfill. Ali bockM backfill is placed A APPROVED exceed 0'loose lifts. Class I or // backM material may be 6. SandlCement slurry containing 2 socks of cement per cubic yard may be 4A substituted for compacted backfill with the prior approval of the City Engineer. Flexible Pi - Onl m be accepted for pes y Class I or # oterial wi 4' backfill within the pipe zone, except for flexible pipe Sewer 4 CALIFORNIA required. Th e C(Gss I materiol shall continue to the pipe springline. Men the sewer main line has a design grade of 4 4 2.5" 17# or greater, the Class I bedding and haunch backfill .4 10" did. pipe < 4 -4 CITY ENGINEER casing, see Note 9 Building paper or pipe springline so as not to disturb or displace the pipe. 4 4 plastic sheeting A Jr. 4 between pours. bockfill in the pipe zone sholl be placed and compacted in not 1.00 12. 0" dia. SEC TION THRU MONUMEN T steel cap with 0. 625" applicable sections of the specifications entitled State 0. 75" NO TES: Z Z/ of Cofifornia, Department of Transportation, Standard 1. A# workmanship and materials shall conform to the opplicoble I Specifico tions" hereafter known as '�5tGndard sections of the specifications entitled '�tote of Calif ornia, Deportment ell of Transportation, Standard Specifications" hereafter known as I 'Standard Specifications" current City opproved edition. _10� (16 J A# frames and covers shall be gray cost iron, free from with twist lock photocell (oriented north) and shall worps, crocks, swells, and cold sheet, and shall hove a conform to the latest requirements of the current City workmanlike finish, Castings shall conform to the provisions of the specifications for groriton costings, serial designation ASTY. A48 of BokersAeld LED Street Lighting Specifications. �Iatest revision), class no. JOB. 4. The seats of frames and bearing faces of the covers shall be Z machined for G smooth, non -rocking fit between the two costings. The name of the manufacturing company shall be on the conform to the Stondord Specifications for T)pe 15 underside of the cover. 5 Costing shall be thoroughly cleaned and dipped twice in a Concave depression for quick dr)ing, jet-black asphaltic compound to provide a rust surveying purposes. resistant protective coating. 6 Concrete for monument foundotion and pod shall conform to the will be required if distance between pole and face of requirements of the Standard Specifications. The cementitious material content of the concrete must be at least 590 lb/cu )d. Concrete shall contain no additives unless prior approval is obtained from the City Engineer. 7 Concrete pod shall not be poured until the final paving is used with prior opprovol of the City Engineer. completed Monument frame and cover shall be centered in the pod and set 114" below the finished pavement grade. Pad shall be troweled smooth, edged and then given a light broom Anish. 8. Immediotely after finishing concrete pad the exposed surface shall receive a uniform opplicotion of white pigmented curing com- 0. 125" pound conforming to the requirements of the Standard Specifications. The concrete surface shall be kept moist until the curing compound Disk and Stem to be is applied cost together of bronze. 9. Pipe cosing shall be 10" diameter P. VC, VCR, A.B.S, or as opproved by the City Engineer. DATE 6/2/99 STANDARD DRAWN JCU CHECKED SURVEY MONUMENT S. LESH SCALE N. T. S. APPROVED SHEET NO. Existing Paved Future Streets or Unpaved Areas Street Alley Y - see Poe Op. Y - see Toble gelow TL7ble gelow Existing Pavement 2.5' of 95X relative compaction in paved streets and alleA Upper limit of pipe zone shall be 1.0' q> above top of pipe at its highest point, Bdckfill in pipe zone compacted to 9011. relative compaction. N <b Springline See Note J on page 2 --- ---------- - Pip e Haunch ww� r �el 6. 0" Bedding Uct Pipe or Conduit for Flexible Sewer Pipe, see Note J on page 2. 0L n eriGI NOTES 1. A# workmanship and materials shall conform to the applicable sections of the specifications entitled 'State of California, Deportment of Transportation, Standard Specifications, hereafter known as 'Standard Specifications', current City approved edition. 2 A current Street Permit issued by the City of Bakersfield Public Works Department must accompany o// work within the City righ t - of- way SEE PAGE 2 FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES 1 0 -1 0 0 -0 0 < a- _J U) < 0 < M b 0 0 It '0 Cq V . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD I V, _,14 ST- 22 DOME HEAD DISK DE TAIL CALIFORNIA 7( CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD., CALIFORNIA LJ UJ Z Lr- � _J < V) D -, U V) In >_ i- 0 UJ Of V; 0 UJ Z Z'� om- w 0� W LLJ L, < -V) a Z t, Z < Z(n <fy X0 �_ U UJ UJ Q 0- 0� _J 0 _J C) 0 UJ 0XZ < < 0 i _J V) 0 1- X a: 0 _J Z 0 , -W Z U, 3: 0WW ; _J i= M < W 0 3: >- a L� I- X 0> -M vi 20 -';t, > z5cc X. a, 2 0,20-x 0 0 - I- 0< Irm U -J D- 'a 0Z LVX umi CZ, w lo- ;= 0 < w -0 SO WW 00 2 V) I (n 'D X ( Li 1- 0 W5 'W W, --i 0 1,- Z 0 _J W LJUJOW0 2 2:2 Z 0. 0 Z LO, _J 2: Y 0 =Z� -ZC > W, > 0 0 't a,- _* I CN 0 64 0 X W L� 00 �: C, �>:e 0 04 Z C,4 Z 0 :D D > IN 0 (N 0 of 1 O'n V) -3 :) o 5 oz 0 - _:) Z LLJ --*-- L'J 4L-0: 0 0- 1 Q. I EAJ U --J - _J - X X ir -1d to, �1_ � -4- a :*:0:2 1 Li I uj=) CN Q: Cq O� _J Outside diameter (O.D.) of pipe as measured at pipe bell. TRENCH WD TH REOUIREMEN TS: PIPE SIZE ADDITIONAL TRENCH WIDTH ("W') Inside Diameter of Pipe Compacted Select or Native A4cteriol Bockfill Class I Material (grovel) or 2 Sock Slurry Bockfill less than 12 12. 0 4.0" 12 " up - to 24 12. 0 6.0" larger than 24" 18.0', 12. 0 ADD177ONAL NOIFS- J Backfi'll Requirements Within the Pipe Zone. - 4. Backfill Requirements Above the Pipe Zone: R ill materiol shall be free of any deleterious A# Pi ftiLd Pi pe bVes - BackM material above the pipe zone sholl be free of pes - Bockf material and sholl hove a Sand Equivalent of not less than 20 deleterious moteriol and shall not contain stones or lumps exceeding 4 0 in and shall conform to the following grading, greatest dimension. Material sholl be placed and compacted in not to exceed 2.0'loose lo�ers and each toyer shall hove compaction verified prior to placement Sieve Size Percentage Passing of additional backfill. Water flooding and ?tAng will not be allowed Y4'(20mm) 1007. No. 4 J5 - 100 5 A# trench backrill shall be compacted to 9070 of maximum dry density as No. JO 20 -100 determined by AS7Y D 1557 The upper limits of trench bockM within existing paved streets or ollep shall be compacted to 957. of maximum dry density to a BockM material up to the pipe springline shall be hand placed depth of 25' below finished grade. A# compaction testing sholl be performed in and properly compacted so as not to damage or disturb the the presence of the City Engineer. The number and location of compaction pipe in its alignment or grade. BackM moteriol up to the tests shall be determined by the City Engineer. Each toyer of backfill sholl meet pipe springline shall hove compaction vedried prior to placing the requirements for compaction, sand equivalent and gradation before odditionol additionol bockfill. Ali bockM backfill is placed in the pipe zone shall be placed and compacted in not to APPROVED exceed 0'loose lifts. Class I or // backM material may be 6. SandlCement slurry containing 2 socks of cement per cubic yard may be substituted for the above requirements within the pipe zone. substituted for compacted backfill with the prior approval of the City Engineer. Flexible Pi - Onl m be accepted for pes y Class I or # oterial wi 7 For pavement patch requirements, see Standard Detoils ST -11 and ST -13 backfill within the pipe zone, except for flexible pipe Sewer Main Lines, where a 6.0,"bedding of Class I material (gravel) is CALIFORNIA required. Th e C(Gss I materiol shall continue to the pipe springline. Men the sewer main line has a design grade of CALIFORNIA 17# or greater, the Class I bedding and haunch backfill PAGE I of 2 requirement moy be eliminated. All bedding and haunch CITY ENGINEER back& shall be hand placed and properly compacted to the pipe springline so as not to disturb or displace the pipe. Placement and compaction of backfill up to the pipe springline sholl be verified prior to placement of additional material. All bockfill in the pipe zone sholl be placed and compacted in not to exceed Iffloose lifts. Class I and # material sholl meet the requirements of AS7Y D steel cap with 2J21, with maximum aggregate size not to exceed 314" applicable sections of the specifications entitled State STANDARD DATE 12/14 DRAWN DATE 12/14 STANDARD DRAWN JCU/BW JCU/BW TRENCH BACKFILL CHECKED TRENCH BACKFILL CHECKED AND COMPACTION S LESH S LESH AND COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS SCALE N. T. S. SCALE REQUIREMENTS N.T.S. APPROVED SHEET NO. APPROVED SHEET NO. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ST -12 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ST- 1 2A CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PAGE I of 2 CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PAGE 2 of 2 NO TES: Cos t iron or 1. A# workmanship and materials shall conform to the steel cap with applicable sections of the specifications entitled State set screws 6. 0' of Cofifornia, Department of Transportation, Standard Specifico tions" hereafter known as '�5tGndard ell Specifications" current City approved edition. . . . ............................................ .............. 0� 2. Luminaire shall be solid state light emitting diode with twist lock photocell (oriented north) and shall conform to the latest requirements of the current City of BokersAeld LED Street Lighting Specifications. J. Steel pole, most arm, and arm connections shall Z conform to the Stondord Specifications for T)pe 15 lighting standard with 6.0'mast arm. Longer most arm will be required if distance between pole and face of V) curb exceeds 80' Concrete or oluminum poles may be used with prior opprovol of the City Engineer. 4. Pull box shall be size J- 112 and sholl be installed _J per the requirements of Standard Detail ST -2X I- W W 5. Concrete for street light foundation and surrounding pad shall conform to the requirements of the Standard L -J L'J Specifications for minor concrete (min. cement content LC) - of 505 lb/cu yd). Concrete sholl contain no additives 0 unless prior opprovol is obtained from the City Engineer. W _J _J __J _J 6. Wiring from the utility company service box (" oint p �) 0 of connection to the pull box at the pole shall be Q_ Street light numbering plate. /10 min. -THW stronded copper. The utility company shall be notified prior to, and a representative shall be _J �! �2 I 4.0" x 6.5" hand -hole and cover with present during any work within the utility compony� Z!J5 0.25" x 1.5" reinforcement ring welded to service box. Wiring from the pull box to the luminaire W :Z. outside of pole. Cover to hove stainless shall be 112 min. THW stranded copper. Voltage drop from the utility company service box to the luminoire 0: SZ-) steel tamper -proof, hex reject screws. shall not exceed 5Y. Voltage at the utility company service box shall be 120V (240 V may be used in 05' IJ NC grounding nut welded to certain circumstances subject to the approval of the r�j cd inside of pole opposite hand -hole City Engineer). 12" x 12' x 1. 0" Bose Plate. 7 Grounding wire from the in -pole grounding nut to W M the grounding rod shall be 18 bare solid copper An (L 1ZS in-line fuse holder with 6omp fuse shall be installed X UJ 4 AS TY A -307 anchor bolts, t 0" x 3 0' w/ hex on the ungrounded conductor or conductors only and a 0.5" did. x 8' long copper or copper clod grounding 0Z nut, leveling nut, and two washers for each bolt. rod shall be located in the pull box. LLI Bolts sholl be held in position w/ anchor plate 0 per Coltrons Standard Plans detail ES - 6B. 8. Conduit shall be 1.5" diameter groy schedule 40 0 04 XJ 100 1.0 min. - 2.5" max. grout under base rigid nonmetallic conduit conforming to Ut Standard Ut after leveling, see detail on ST -22 651. Conduit shall have a minimum cover of 30" in 0- rtr paved areas (18" min. outside of paved areas). Smaller a 4 Concrete pad surrounding light pole 4 'q conduit may be used where the t)Pe of pole will not .0 I 4 4 and pull box, See detail on ST -22 accept 1.5" conduit, subject to the opprovol of the City Engineer. 4 1.5" Conduit with 12.0" minimum radius bend 9. Golvanize steel pole and most arm after cutting, 4 4 Non -reinforced field -cost, forming, and welding in conformance with ASTY A 12J. concrete, Golmnize oll removable ports, including anchor bolts FILENAME: ST -29.3 cz, .0,4 Youndotion. See Note 5 for concrete 4 4 '14 requirements. 4 4 and anchor plate, in conformance with ASTY A 153. DATE 10/15 STANDARD STANDARD DATE 7/6/17 DRAWN J.M.G Undisturbed or DRAWN JCU CHECKED P.MARTIN STREET LIGHT SPACING ON MAJOR STREETS 4 40 compact ground ed '7 CHECKED STREET LIGHT S. LESH SCALE NTS 4 0 4 4 APPROVED SCALE N.T.S. SHEET NO. APPROVED SHEET NO. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ST -23 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 3A CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Pop 1014 - 1 - 2.5' CITY ENGINEER CALIFORNIA Pege 2 of 4 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1 CITY ENGINEER f ile Nome: STINE A T BERKSHIRE- 201 Dra wn: S. L OWE 0 PUBL IC WORrl--*%+"'%,--L"�NODEPARTMENT Job No.: TOK221 Engineer: S. LOWE Date: Sep. 2 1, 18 Checked 01.0 By. Ajbkv 2.0" deep weakened plane joint. 6. 0" t t)p. Y 6.0 �)?,o ESS/o 5 1 NG/ -1 Co rT1 'RE6�)`S TERED Cl VIL EN NEER L -'j C 80507 Exp.3-31-19 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD �,r% C/vII\_ 1501 TRUX TUN A VENUE < 0 C BAKE RSFIELD CA 93301 , REVISION,�S No. DA TE DESCRIP TION FSA, 471 Grout under base, t 0" min. 2.5 max. 0 0 Light 0 0 ...P Pole L . .......... .......... E..x 6 0 to. X 60" 4P. 6.0" thick concrete pad W")r surrounding pole and pull box. See Note 5 on ST-2JA for concrete requirements. Righ t - of- way - L igh t Pole Pull Box, see Stal Detail ST -23C. Light Pole and Pull 1. 5" Conduit Sidewalk J 27. Slope 4 �',X\ X, 4 6A Sf R A IT (PM 2.5' from face of -curb. MTN SiffIr L16wr POLE & PrAL 80X LOCAM Af N Location of street light pole shall comply with all ADA clearance requirements, Pole & Pull Box to be centered on lot line, t)p. Lot Line Lot Line Right-of-way - �__ - - -_ --I - Detached P Siqewolk A Land - 5.0' minimum (typ.) from edge of drive opproach. Righ t - o f- way Drive Approach Street light pole and pull box. IW" SIXEI LIGif POLE& PIAL BOX LorA XW A f aWRaQ LU ft-FAW Y OW AVAVA"S AMP M MR - - 2 5' from face of curb. IYMQ shur I/wr POLE & PIAL WX L OCA WZ X Rf WN AA t S WE IS 6,1-1892 SHEE T NO. 27 OF 29 Li 3: � 0 1 Li �Z M r') LIJ 0 In N, "5 n 00 �0 oo 0 (\A I E a-) 4-a Cn I 0) c6 T_ o Cn V n" Ld M Li co I,-,' C 0 0 V) CD C_ 0 4� 0 ry :,F- Cn V (Y LLJ M LLJ V) I 1Z_ C\A CN \e 0 0 Q0 0 V) F- 0 LJ D 0 ry n LT191 2 3 60 wide concrete collar, if pull �?,Cjf E S S / 0 box is not located in sidewalk. See detod on ST -22 U" J' /""'A Slope to match sidewalk, 21'. maximum. Sidewalk Street Light SINGN < 44- _n=1 H=1 7 7 4 - _4 t REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER 7- C 80507 (4Zj I . *. 14 Exp.3-31-19 ... Li I E.'.' _L1 I -Li 1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1", C/ 2. 0 min. clearance 1501 TRUX TUN A VENUE V Precast concrete Pull Box, box wall. 1b**d cWter 2" x 4" Wood Stake, min. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OF Oldcostle model 81017 with bolt down galvanized steel JO" rowd srf"t Of ;91*31kiko JO'lonq or JO'min. long lid or approved equal. III p Street or Alley right of metal Stake. )R�FVISIONS �.Ov thick Gravel Bed, way / Property Line 1- 112" gray Schedule 40 J14 max. ogg. size. N"M -ERING QMEN LA PON No. DA TE DESCRIP TION PVC electrical conduit. Install end bells on a// C Stamped or Chiseled "S" 10 Gouge Finished Grade Wire 1 conduits in pull box. 20 thick Mortar Bed to r:z i2. seal bottom of bow with J14" PVC drain into gravel Street 5 light pole. 4.5'min. 70'mox. cover 2 Ni%7 0" min. radius between pull 00 box and street light All 2.5' min. cover from top 0 Utility Conduits others shall be 18 0" min. To Street Light Pole To Utility Service Box (Point of Connection) of pipe to curb flowline. 3 Rubber gosketed Cap or hL/ NO TES: 4 0' rubber gasketed Plug. 05" or 0.625" x 8.0' 1. Mounting plate shall be opplied to a clean surface, 2J 0 min. Sewer lateral line, 4.0" did. 00 max minimum size with 1/1,, min, slope qL 60 0 7mox. 4 copper clad Grounding Rod (at street light pull box only). 2 Pole number mounting plate shall be W Q[TAIL a&L 80 Almetek EMP -2.5145 or opproved equal. I ;� � Sewer Main Line J. Numbers shall be 2.5" JM high intensity Scotchlite, NO TES: Coil conductors and secure fuse Almetek PS -25 series or opproved equal. 1. Street light pull boxes shall be located on either side Fuse holder in pull boxes holder and splices at top of pull at street light poles only. box with cable ties. 4 Numbers shall be blue on a white background of, and in line with, the street light pole. Pull box moy be located in front of the light pole with prior opproval. 1.5' - 2.0'of 5 Bottom of mounting plate shall be 9.0' above adjacent Boxes shall be located within J.0' of the light pole and slack wire between grade, vdjiist as needed to clear li�ht pole hardware or NOTES: Installed flush with od)ocent sidewalk connections. appurtenances. 2 Intermedicte pull boxes shall be installed at not to 6 far street light installation standards, see Standard Details 1. All workmanship and materials shall conform 4. Lateral shall be installed to ensure 4.5" exceed 200' intervals on a// conduit runs Duct Seal Plug, min. 1.0" to the applicable sections of the specifications minimum and 7.0" maximum cover from J A# pull box lids shall be marked "Street tights" thick, in o// conduits. ST -2J, ST -24 and ST -25. entitled 'State of California, Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications", finished grade at end of line. 4. Conduit runs shall have no more than 270 degrees of Waterproof splice hereafter known as 'Standard Specifications", 5. Laterals shall be located so as not to bends between pulling points. V current City approved edition. conflict with other utility lines. 5. Conductors shall be minimum size 110 THW stranded copper with the exception of the wiring between the pull I 18 Bore Solid '�round Wlre 2. A current Street Permit issued by the City 6. See Standard Detail SW -7 for requirements of Bakersfield Public Works Department must for connections to existing sewer main lines. 26.25" box and the luminaire, which con be size 112. Larger wire accompany all work within the City 25,25" 105. 0. 75 size will be required If circuit voltage drop exceeds 57. Direct Burial right-of-way, 1.5" 0. 625" 6. Wire splices shall be made with standard tin plated, Ground Clamp 3. When new curb and gutter is poured, stomp 1.375" \'-,, 117 77 7 7 uninsulated compression splices or copper compression parallel splices. Insulate splices with heavy wall, adhesive "S" into curb face over lateral location With "S" See Detail "A" 30" based heat shrink tubing (JU 0400, 0800, 1100 or INNER BOX DE TAIL existing curb and gutter, shall be chiseled approved equal). Install 1.5" of heat shrink post each end into curb face. 10.0--1 t of splice. Iff1th parallel splices, install JO of heat shrink post each end of splice and crimp until adhesive has FILENAME: ST-26REV FILENAME: SW -1 SEWER LATERAL 2. 0' _T F -CleGr Opening - 0. 5" DATE cooled to create a water tight seal around each conductor. 10/15 STANDARD DRAWN DATE 6/2/99 STANDARD DATE REV 10 1 U Opening LO 17 0" 7 fuse holder shall be Ferraz Showinut FEB -11-11, 600V GEG DRAWN JCU STANDARD REVDRAWN KDB JOA or opproved equal. Install heat shrink tubing over CHECKED STREET LIGHT CHECKED POLE CHECKED SECTION B-8 terminations with a min. of I " extending over conductor PULL BOX SCALE S. LESH M. SHAW NUMBERING SCALE SEWER LATERAL Tw insulotion. Fuses shall be 6A rated Ferroz Shawmut TRM6 N. T. S. N. T. S. ISHEET SCALE N.T.S. SECTION A -A or Bussman, KTK6 -or, approved equal. SHEET NO. APPROVED APPROVED NO. SHEET NO, APPROVED 0. 5" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ST- 23C CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ST- 26 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD sw- 1 CALIFORNIA Page 4 of 4 CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA See Note 10 CITY ENGINEER VUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1. 0" pattern letters, 0. 125- high. 1. 0" Did. 1.5" sell draining 0. 1�5 h)qh, see Note blind hole. 20 letters, 9. center hole . . . . . . 4.0'm sawcut Concrete Pod, not to be poured pick pattern X. JL ADDITIONAL NOTES: New pavement surface 20'x 2.0'min. square until paving is in place, see Note 8. SEW X Manhole Bose Shelf, I Ou 2 5' x 2 5' max. square XX1XX)116X1_1< A A CLE A NOUT," see Note 5. tle t LI 3. Diameter of manhole shaft shall be determined by number and size of 10. Concrete for manhole base and pad shall conform to the requirements of the 41 4 Approved -mastic SEWER y or Ei See Note 15 incoming and outgoing pipes. See Standard Detail SW -4 for details. Standard Specifications. The cementitious material content of the concrete must F77-7 r Notch lid to See Note 10. find pick hole. 0.625 pattern letters, 0. 125" Shelf - - - - - - - 4. Incoming and outgoing pipes shall be at least 590 lb./cu. yd. Concrete shall contain no additives unless prior approval Buildingpooer or plastic 4 sheeting between pours. 2. O'J 1�6 1.0 pattern letters, 1.0 pattern letters, high extend 6.0"beyond the inside wall of is obtained from the City Engineer. 4 high. 0.125 0. 125 "high. Location CLEANQU T - - - - - - Sh eltl manhole shaft. The channel between the pipes shall conform to the shape Precast manhole bases will not be allowed. Concrete Foundation MANH-OZE for country of origin. J18" Pea of the pipe bottoms and shall transition uniformly between pipes of differing size. 11. The manhole base shall be poured against undisturbed or compacted soil. 10.0"dia. x 70' L L pipe collar IF NOTES: IIJ2 Mochl'ned 8.0" min. thick Manhole Channel, Inlet I Where incoming and outgoing pipes ore the same diameter, the pipe may be The bottom shaft section shall be wet 1. All workmanship and materials shall conform Surfaces concretepod, seei see Notes 4 5 laid through the manhole with only the set or set in a preformed groove with approved butyl rubber sealant. If shafting to the applicable sections of the specifications entitled 'State of California, Department of Note 10 for concrete mix requirements. top half of the pipe being saw cut and is wet set, the minimum thickness of Transportation, Standard Specifications". 10.5 PLAN AT SURFACE removed. Any rough or broken edges shall be finished smooth with cement concrete above main outlet pipe shall be increased Riser Pipe hereafter known as 'Standard Specifications". Toper Co ver mortar. Channel for pipes entering from to 6.0". current City approved edition. Concrete Manhole Pod, Finished pavement PLAN AT BASE the side shall be curved in the direction of the main flow. 12. Concrete pad shall not be poured 2. All frames and covers shall be tested for accuracy of fit and shall be marked in sets Frame Sawcut & finish with see Notes 10 & 12. f e. sur ac until final paving is completed. Manhole Standard 90' Elbow prior to delivery. a 0.5" rod 5. All channels shall be smooth finished frame and cover shall be centered in concrete pod. Surface of pod and frame 3. The seats of frames and bearing faces of aE TA '"A with a steel trowel. The shelf shall be and cover shall be 0.125"to 0.25"below new ----- ..... the covers shall be machined for a smooth sloped towards the channel at 5%. Shelf shall be broom finished for slip resistance. finished pavement grade. Pad shall be troweled smooth, light non -rocking fit between the two castings. 9. Manhole covers shall have a self draining blind pick hole unless otherwise approved by edged and given a 4. Castings shall be thoroughly cleaned and 160"max., 12.0"min. as 6. Pipe Waterstops (rubber gasket or 0 ring) broom finish. dipped twice in a quick -drying, jet -block the City Engineer. 8. 0 min. measured from top of cone. ore required on all plastic pipes entering 13. Frame and cover for manholes asphaltic compound to provide a protective coating. 10. The 2.0" pattern letters on the manhole covers shall have one of the following manhole. constructed outside of paved areas shall be left 6.0"higher than adjacent Sewer Main L�ne 5. All frames and covers shall be gray cost designations: "DRAIN" or "SEWER". 7. Precast reinforced manhole sections grade and shall be surrounded by a 6.0"x CLEANQUT SEC iron, ree from worps, cracks, holes, swells and 11. Cross hatch pattern shall be 2.0" x 1.0" 24" min. and grade rings shall conform to the 6.0"circular concrete collar, cold -shot, and shall have a workmanlike finish. diamond mat, 0.125" deep. 2:1 Motor, dry pocked provisions of ASTM C-478. When using NOTES: Highway loading should be HS 20-44. (2. 0" max.) eccentric cones, eccentric side of cone 14. Immediately after finishing concrete pad, 6. Costing shall conform to the provisions NO TES., shall be installed in the upstream direction the exposed surface shall receive a uniform 1. All workmanship and materials shall conform 7. Concrete for the cleanout foundation and pad shall of the specifications for gray -ion castings, FILENAME: SW -6 FRAMES AND COVERS FOR MANHOLES & CLEANOUTS of the main flow. application of white pigmented curing to the applicable sections of the specifications conform to the requirements of the Standard serial designation ASTM; A-48 (latest DATE REV 10/17 See Note 8 1. All workmanship and materials shall 8. All manhole shaft and grade ring joints compound conforming to the requirements of the Standard Specifications. The surface entitled 'State of California, Department of Specifications. The cementitious material content of the revision), Class No. 308 STANDARD REV DRAWN KD8 conform to the applicable sections of 'State shall be filled with Xent Seal #2"or of the concrete shall be kept moist until Transportation, Standard Specifications", 'Standard concrete must be at least 5901b./cu. yd. Concrete shall 7. The name of the manufacturing FRAMES AND COVERS CHECKED r the specifications entitled of approved equal butyl rubber joint sealant. the curing compound is applied. hereafter known as Specifications", contain no additives unless prior approval is obtained company shall be on the underside of TW FOR California, Deportment of Transportation, All interior joints of unlined manholes shall be current City approved edition. from the City Engineer. Building paper or plastic sheeting the cover. SCALE MANHOLES & CLEANOUTS N.T.S. Standard Specifications", hereafter known as 'Standard Specifications", current trimmed of excess joint sealant, mortared flush 15. For drop connections to manhole, see 2. A current Street Permit issued by the City shall be placed between the foundation and pad to allow future separation. 8. Manhole frame shall weigh not less than APPROVED SHEET NO. City approved edition. with inside wall and 'wiped -smooth. Standard' Detail SW -3. of Bakersfield Public Works Deportment must 120 lbs. nor more -than 250 lbs.. The cover CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SW -6 9. All manholes shafting, grade rings, and 16. For manhole frame and cover accompany all work within the City 8. Concrete pad shall not be poured until final paving is shall weigh not less than 120 lbs. nor more than 200 lbs.. CALIFORNIA 48" min, 2. A current Street Permit issued by the City of Bakersfield Public Works bases for sewer main lines 18" diameter "Ameron requirements, see Standard Detail SW -6. right-of-woy. completed. Cleanout frame and cover shall be centered in concrete pod. Surface of pad and frame and cover CITY ENGINEER 11PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT See Note 3 k A-1 Department must accompany all work and larger shall be lined with T-Lock"or approved equal. 3. Cleonout elbow and riser pipe shall be of shall be 0.125"below new finished pavement grade. Pad within the City right-of-way. the some material and diameter as main line. shall be toweled smooth, edged and then given a light See Note 11 broom finish. See Page 2 for Additional Notes. 4. ollor around riser pipe shall be 10.0" diameter VCP, ABS or PVC pipe. 9. Immediately after finishing concrete pod, the exposed surface shall receive a uniform application of white Pipe Woterstop, 5. Space between riser pipe and collar pigmented curing compound conforming to the o4 see Note 6. shall be filled with clean 3/8"peo gravel requirements of the Standard Specifications. The surface Q3 4 4 - --- - - - - - to within 1.0"of top of riser. Remaining 1.0"shall be filled with "Kent Seal #2" or of the concrete shall be kept moist until the curing compound is applied. See Note 10 for manhole base Z! -f q V - - - - - - concrete mix requirements. approved mastic for a water tight seal. 10. For the cleanout frame and cover requirements, see 4 4 4 FILENAME: SW -2 MANHOLE FILENAME: SW -2A MANHOLE STANDARD NOTES 6. Backfill within 2.0'of the cleanout pipe Standard Detail SW -6. FILENAME: SW -5 SEWER CLEANOUT DATE REV DATE REV shall be compacted to 95% of maximum 'DATE REV .4 10/1 STANDARD REV DRAWN 10/17 STANDARD REV DRAWN dry density as determined by ASTM D-1557 for the full depth of the cleanout. 10/17 STANDARD REV DRAWN KDB CHECKED KDB CHECKED KDB 0. A of Manhole Shaft' + 2. 0" min. I TW MANHOLE SCALE MANHOLE TW "SCALE SEWER CHECKED TW 6,1-1892 N. T. S. STANDARD NOTES N.T.S. SCALE CLEANOUT N.T.S. SECTION SHEET NO. APPROVED APPROVED SHEET NO. SHEET NO. APPROVED CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SW -2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SW -2A CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Sw-5 CALIFORNIA Per 1 of 2 CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CITY ENGINEER 111PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I Par 2 012 1 CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT C1700Y__0E-rA1L0 rN07-APP90VEO)'r�1T Y DE- If A L CORD No. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, d'""' ALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORr"" DEPARTMENT file Name: STINE AT BERKSHIRE-200rawn: S. LOWE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND LIGHTING S1Y0'%.':37EM INSTALLATION: SHEE T NO. Job No.: TOK221 Engineer: S. LOWE STINE ROAD AT BERKSHIRE ROAD 28 OF 29 Fate: Sep. 21, 18 Checked By.- 2 3 LJJ 0 M r-) tAJ F_ F_ 0 I (D "5 n 6� oo 0 CNA E Q) 4-a r) Q) C/7) C6 T_ o 'Ne CY W M C/-) C: 0 T, C) C_ 0 D _0 0 L_ CL 1­1� V) 0) 0 n 0 -1-1 ry �T U7) M bi V) 0 F_ 0 0 0 M NOTES: Locate sign at lot line closest to alignment �)?,IoF E S S 1. All workmanship and materials sholl conform to the applicable sections of 'State Lot Line of centerline of intersecting street. A 1. : Right of Woy Line k, L 4 Mounting Bolts, min. 2 per sign panel. See S I NG/-/ (2 1�1 the specifications entitled of California, Department ------------------ -A ------- Note 6 for mounting, hardware requirements. of Existing sewer main line Transportation, Standard Specifications", hereafter known as "Standard ---------- Alternate location to be used when sidewalk extends from the curb to S TERED Cl VIL EIVGINtER uJI C 80507 Specifications", current City approved the property line, particularly in EXP,3-31-19 lnj�ction molded PVC tee edition. or wye Pipe Soddle ----------- ----- --- --------- commercial areas. For ADA with rubber gasket joints. Z A current Street Permit issued by the City of Bakersfield Public Works il i: compliance, a min. of 48 clearance is required from back of sidewalk 2 0" square golvonized steel Sign Post, , 14 gouge with 7116"pre-punched holes on CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1507 TRUX TUN A VENUE Department must accompany oil work within the City right-of-way. q> In �i .; Right of Q> N Way Line to edge of sign post. 1.0' centers. Telespor or opproved equal. Note. Sign post must meet NUT0 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93,301 TYPICAL LOCA TIONS FOR S TREE T SIGNS IZ:1 3. For existing sewer main lines less breakowo requirements. y MEVISIONS than 18" in diameter, a licensed Standard 118 bend contractor with the proper equipment and0rd 118 bend; may core into the City's line to install Stainless steel strGp a saddle or remove a section of line (Z15 0. 5" Radius, T)P_ 6.0" from back of sidewalk. No. DA TE DESCRIP TION to install a wye or tee. For main lines 2. 0' T, 18" and larger, a manhole must be constructed where connections are is AVE I 1 I a - I 2.5" x 26" square Post Sleeve (w/ 7116" knockouts) with 5116' x 35' thru bolt. mode. Z�a !:: �, Sleeve to 2.0" 4. Pipe saddles shall be injection irst A 000 c:::- :.: 9 extend above sidewalk. 18.0, 2 4 molded PVC tee or wye fittings with L 11 J --,44�j Concrete Footing, rubber gasket joints or approved equal. Saddle shall be sized to properly fit PLAN WE the O.D. of the existing sewer line to 1.0-1 Length Varies (24" min.) 1.0" 11 U see Note J 3 create, a no leak seal. Saddles- sholl be Direction arrow mandotory. 10- 8. 0 min. fastened to the existing pipe with a minimum of 2 stainless steel straps. Sign Plate OVAIL OF SIGN PLATE 4 5. Opening in existing sewer line sholl Theft proof Fastener be core cut and mode only large enough to admit saddle fitting. No NO ITS. - portion of the saddle fitting shall Standard 118 bend (22 112 extend into sewer main pipe. NO TES., 1. A# workmanship and matedols sholl comply with the applicable 5 Stop sign reflective sheeting shall be JM Diamond Grade 6. Where new sewer main lines are 1. A# workmanship and materials sholl conform to the applicable sections of sections of the specifications entitled "State of California, Deport- Cubed (D6J) or approved equal. School zone signs sholl have DG3 being constructed, all connections sholl the specifications entitled "'State of California, Department of Transportation, ment of Transportation, Standard Specifications" hereafter known florescent green sheeting or opproved equal. A# other signs shall be made using wye fittings installed in Standard Specifications", hereafter known as "Standard Specifications' current opproved edition I as I ':5tondard Specifications" current City approved edition. have high intensity grade reflective sheeting. A# signs sholl line; cut -in fittings are not allowed hove JU 1160A groffiti resistant overlay film or opproved equal unless approved by the City Engineer. See Standard Drawing SW -1. 2 Signs provided shall be accompanied by a certificate to show compliance to City standards. 2 A current Street Permit issued by the City of Bakersfield Public 6. Sign panels shall be mounted with Hawkins T)Pe M2G series J Sign plotes to be mode of 0. 125' aluminum plate, cut to dimensions Works Department must accompany a// work within the City right-of-wo . Y bolt and vandal proof nut assembly or opproved equal Sign specified, Hawkins V228 -RSH or approved equal Plates shall hove Engineering panels mounted on signal or other poles shall be attached with Rubber Gasket Grade, fully reflectorized finish, green background with silver lettering on both sides. J Concrete for sign post footing shall conform to the requirements stainless steel straps and Hawkins T)pe M2G series bolt and Other formats only allowed with prior approval of the City Engineer. of the Standard Specifications for minor concrete (min. cement vandol proof nut assembly or Gpproved equal. Drilled holes sholl Die Cost Aluminum w1socket Head Set 4. Mounting bracket for sign plates shall be Hawkins model V14F-(HD)VP-105(90) with Hawkins cap model V14F-(HD)14P-107(25) A# content of 505 IbIcu yd) Concrete shall contain no additives not exceed diameter of bolt by more than 1116' Top of post Screws post or approved equals. ry sign panel mounting hardware sholl be theft proof Install two 5116" x J 112" unless prior approval is obtained from the City Engineer. is to be below top of sign panel by no more than 1.5" Saddle \.J Theft bolts through the post cap base and secure with theft proof nuts. proof 5 Sign facing local 4. Sign panels shall be Standard size as denoted in the MUT0, unless otherwise specified Sign sholl be made 7 Men sign post is installed in existing sidewalk, the sidewalk shall be core cut stem sholl into nut, panels streets shall be standard size as shown above. t)p. "Metro" plates not extend the sewer main, Sign panels facing collector or arteriol streets shall be size with 9. 0" panel height and 6. 0' toll lettering. of 0 125" aluminum plate, cut to size per MUT0, unless otherwise specified Existing sewer main line 230 min. 6. See Standard Detail T-2 for sign post installation requirements. 60" max. SEC i _\ SW -7 LATERAL CONNECTION TO EXISTING SEWER MAIN T-01.DWG ,,FILENAME: DATE REV 10 j�l 7. STANDARD REV DRAWN KDB CHECKED TW LATERAL CONNECTION To DATE 07/97 STANDARD DRAM GEG dpoo,�_5116" x J 112" STREET NAME SIGN CHECKED BJD Carriage Bolts DATE 07/97 STANDARD DRAWN GEG MISCELLANEOUS SIGN DETAIL CHECKED BJD SCALE EXISTING SEWER MAIN N. T. S. POST TYPE SCALE NTS SCALE APPROVED SHEET NO. SIGN 'MOUNTING HARDWARE APPROVED SHEET NO. APPROVED NTS SHEET NO. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Sw- 7 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C]ITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA T-1 CAUFORNIA T-2 CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY ENGINEER __LPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTs CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2. 0' 1�6 Additional Right-of-way required at off corners St 2� 5_3 Z:J to provide for signal con troller. B k f a e rs IN 1\a'�, 5700 RAW Back of Sidewalk 3 0' min. t)P. Length Vories .Jr T)picol interconnect conduit and pull box location, when required. See Standard -JO* from face of curb, t)p. (P-) Q__ ce- ZF - Detail T-32. NOTES: Q_J �,J "ZI Bock of Sidewalk 1. A# workmanship and mGteriols sholl conform to the opplicoble sections zz zz of the specifications entitled "State of California, Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications", hereafter known as "Standard Specifications", current 7t/, R/W C-kz L4.1 City approved edition (IS _J �3, , s No 5 size Pull Box (Oldcostle Model NJO or approved equal) �s "Traffic T 2 he sign panel shall be aluminum, 0 125 thick. U�I with lid marked Signal . 3 Sign shall be reinforced by mounting a 1.0" x 1.0" aluminum angle brace to LZ Pull boxes shall be set on 8 0" thick grovel bed, J14" max. agg. the top edge of the sign panel. LJ 9 Q1 Ck- size. See Detail at lower right for 4. The background sholl be green JU Diamond Grade Cubed (DG3) reflective sheeting for t)pical location dimensions. or opproved equal with a 1.0' white margin on o// sides. L lz_s 2 - 4. 0" dio. groy Schedule 40 P 14C rigid 5. The lettering sholl be white DGJ or opproved equal as follows.- "E nonmetallic conduits conforming to UL tondard UL 651, t)p. each crossing. Connection at pull Initial Letter - 80" Series -Modified' upper case L _J Q) L 112's box shall be made using 24.0" sweeps. Pull rope Subsequent Letters - 60" Series E -Modified" lower case Qz with tracer wire per Sec. 86-2.05c of the Standard Block Numbers and Suffixes, when applicable - 4.0" Series "E-yodified' --j pt: Specifications sholl be installed in each conduit. WES- 6. Background and lettering shall be installed on both sides of sign panel, EZ Z-5 1. A# workmanship and moterials shall conform to the "State 7 Install sign panels using Most -arm Hanger Brackets, Hawkins Type U10 -J adjustable and fixed series or opproved equal. LQ N Lkj L"i L&J -IN applicable sections of the specifications entitled of California, Deportment of Transportation, Standard Bock of Specifications" hereafter known as "Standard Specifications" current Cit approved edition. 20' Access Romp 0 8 Each bracket shall be mounted to the most arm with a double bond -cR of 314" heavy duty stainless steel strap. -IN 2 This standard applies at off intersections of two major 1.0, T streets or any intersection designated for future signal Back of Sidewolk L InSIG110tion. J. Conduits sholl be installed with JO" minimum cover. Pull Box /OcatkV4 IN. eoch comef. See Standard Detail ST -12 for trench bockM requirements. j T-29.DWG Pull boxes ore required at both ends of conduit runs. DATE 06/2015 STANDARD DRAM 4. Mere poving is existing, conduits shall extend across entire paved width of street Conduits sholl be bored DATE 10/15 STANDARD STANDARD DATE 07/97 DRAM C. Iquoin/GEG STREET SIGN PANEL CHECKED R. STARSUCK I j TRANSITIONS AT GEG under existing pavement, unless other method is approved by the City Engineer DRAWN BJD CONDUIT & R/W REQUIREMENTS CHECKED BJD 6,1-1892 CHECKED BJD MAST ARM MOUNT SCALE NONE zt t< -_j ROAD NARROWINGS 5 Separate conduit and pull boxes sholl be installed FOR FUTURE SIGNAL LOCATIONS SCALE SCALE NTS APPROVED SHEET NO. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD - I j -j 69Z. ZZ.Ptz for traffic signal interconnect, if required See APPROVED Standard Detall T -J2 1 NTS SHEET NO. CrrY OF BAKERSFIELD APPROVED CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SHEET NO. 1 CALIFORNIA T-3 I-- -A2 CALIFORNIA T-_29 CALFORNIA T- 29 CITY L?Eor�,A IL 0 APP90VEO) rC'ITY RECORD No. CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1 /-1 I*w* A CITY OF BAKER"FIELD %OOJ�% LIFO RaNIA P U-BLIC WORK S_ DEPARTMENTI File Name: STINE AT BERKSHIRE -201 Vrown: S. LOWE ir # 14 -OX I Z__1 TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND LIGHTING SV(ZTEM INS-rALLATION: SHEE T NO. Job No. : TOK221 Engineer: S. L OWE STINE ROAD AT BERKSHIRE ROAD 29 OF 29 I Date: Sep. 21, 18 Checked By.- ]L 0 a /V I - I - I 0 11 - 2 3