HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOLLINS TIMOTHY 410 AMEND 09/19/22M Statement of Organization Date Stamp CALIFORNIA Recipient Committee 0 FORM Statement Type ® Initial ® Amendment - ❑ TerminatioT-See Part 5 RECEIVED AND FIB 5 .For Official Use Only Q Not yet qualified 220 9T-3 PM 4in the office of to®secretary of s 1OZZ SEP 215 PH . 3s 21, state or I of the of CFalifornla 12) Date qualification threshold met Date, qualification thi-Af Jltl�`e " I L L D CGid 81 telEn&t� qn ��� 1O�Z 09 / 06 / 202.' 0'9 / 06 / 202. I.D. Number 1452877•• �WCOMKTrEE . •l 0 a licableNAME 7AME--0FEASURERTIMOTHY COLLINS FOR CITY COUNCIL WARD 7 - 2022 NA DODGE STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) 902 CROWN (NO P.O. BOX) CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE 4016 MARGARLO ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE NAME OF ASSISTANT TREASURER, IF ANY Bakersfield CA ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT) STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) E-MAIL ADDRESS (REQUIRED)/FAX (OPTIONAL) CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE TIMCOLLINS4COUNCIL@GMAIL.COM DOMICILE JURISDICTION WHERE COMMITTEE IS ACTIVE NAME OF PRINCIPAL OFFICER(S) KERN KERN COUNTY TIM COLLINS !i STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) j 4016 MARGARLO information on appropriately.labeled I continuation sheets. CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE I BAKERSFIELD CA used all reasonable diligence in preparing this stateme�nt and to the be�4f�my knowledge the information contained_ herein is true and complete. I certify under UJGG penalty of periury under the laws of the State of Cania i6t&e forelaninL� is rll�a and r,��P�r, Executed on By /y DITE -2 Executed on C• 6 2--,By DATE r SIG ry'ATHIZE OF7REASURER-OR ASSISTANT TREASURER SIGNATURE OF CONTROLLING OFFICEHOLDER, CANDIDATE, OR STATE MEASURE Executed on By DATE SIGNATURE OF CONTROLLING OFFICEHOLDER, —CANDIDATE, —OF STATE-MEASORE-PRa-PON N Executed on DATE By SIGNATURE OF CONTROLLING OFFICEHOLDER, CANDIDATE, OR STATE MEASURE PROPONENT WE FPPC Form 410 (August/2018) FPPC Advice: adviceCcpfppc ca eov (866/275-3772) www_fppc ca,goy Statement of Organization i�iE'�r j Recipient Committee INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE�-� 1. Page 2 COMMITTEE NAME Ion I.D. NUMBER TIMOTHY COLLINS FOR CITY COUNCIL WARD 7)- 2022 • All committees must list the financial institution where the campaign bank account is located. NAME OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTION pL AREA CODE/PHONE BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER MECHANICS BANK ( ADDRESS it CITY STATE ZIP CODE • List the name of each controlling officeholder, candida* or state measure proponent. If candidate or officeholder controlled, also list the elective office sought or held, and district number, if any, and the year of the election. • List the political party with which each officeholder or (candidate is affiliated or check "nonpartisan." Stating "No party preference" is acceptable • If this committee acts jointly with another controlled committee, list the name and identification number of the other controlled committee. I ELECTIVE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD YEAR)OF PARTY NAME OF CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER/STATE MEASURE PROPONENT (INCLUDE DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPLICARLF) FI FrTInN i TIM COLLINS BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL WARD 7 2022 Nonpartisan Partisan (list political party below) { {S{ I Nonpartisan Partisan (list political party below) Primarily Formed Committee 'Primarily formed to supbort or oppose specific candidates or measures in a single election .� List below: CANDIDATE(S) NAME OR MEASURE(S) FULL TITLE (INCLUDE BALLOT)NO. OR LETTER) CANDIDATE(S) OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD OR MEASURFISV RIRKnirTInN IF A RECALL, STATE "RECALL' IN FRONT OF THE OFFICEHOLDER'S NAME. (INCLUDE DISTRICT NO., CITY OR COUNTY, AS APPLICABLE) CHECK ONE SUPPORT OPPOSE I SUPPORT OPPOSE I I FPPC Form 410 (August/2018) FPPC Advice: adv_ice@fppc_ca.goy_(866/275-3772) I www.fupc.ca.Rov I i Statement of Organization t�fft3'``I .,.4"'CALIFORNIA 4i Recipient Committee FORM 0 INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Page 3 COMMITTEE NAME I 1') I.D. NUMBER TIMOTHY COLLINS FOR CITY COUNCIL WARD 7 2022 �a21 S�� Not formed to support or oppose specific candidates or measures in a single election. Check only one box: ❑ CITY Committee I ❑ COUNTY Committee ❑ STATE Committee PROVIDE SponsoredList additional sponsors on an attachment. NAME OF SPONSOR .I INDUSTRY GROUP OR AFFILIATION OF SPONSOR 1 STREET ADDRESS NO. AND STREET 11 I CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE I Smail Contributor. ❑ / / Date qualified • This committee has ceased to receive contributions' • This committee does not anticipate receiving contributions and make expenditures; i or making expenditures in the future; • This committee has eliminated or has no intention �r ability to discharge all debts, loans received, and other obligations; i • This committee has no surplus funds; and I � I ---•--T-his committee has -filed all campaign statements -required by the Political Reform Act disclosing all reportable transactions. — There are restrictions on the disposition of surplus campaign funds held by elected officers who are leaving office and by defeated candidates. Refer to Government Code Section 89519. — Leftover funds of ballot measure co Imittees may be used for political, legislative or governmental purposes under Government Code Sections 89511- 89518, and are subject to Elections Code Section 18680 and FPPC Regulation 18521.5. I I { FPPC Form 410 (August/2018) FPPC Advice: adviceLP_Pc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) • I www.fppc_ca.gov