HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/24/22 YOUTH COMMISSION AGENDA® YOUTH COMMISSION AGENDA BAKERSFIELD M EETI NG OF October 24, 2022 TFE SOUND OFvu.(cILP+vf�`a , City Hall North- 1600 Truxtun Avenue, First Floor, Conference Room A Regular Meeting - 4:30 P.M. www.bakersfieldcity.us AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 3. SUMMARY REPORT a. Adoption of the October 10, 2022 Youth Commission minutes _ Staff recommends adoption of the October 10, 2022 Youth "Y Commission meeting minutes 0- o 4. NEW BUSINESS a. Youth Commission subcommittee presentations, discussion, and vote concerning the annual project topics under consideration for FY 2022- 2023 '— c� Staff recommends Youth Commission consideration, discussion, and final vote for the topic to be completed for the FY 2022-2023 annual r project. 5. STAFF COMMENTS 6. COMMISSION COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT POSTED ON by gty�8� Clerks Office City of Bakersfield by BAKERSFIELD r�-.souw 0F5.t4 ,1-Rdta ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: 10/24/2022 3. a. TO: Bakersfield Youth Commission FROM: Nathan Gutierrez, Management Assistant CREATEDBY: Nathan Gutierrez, Management Assistant DATE: 10/20/2022 WARD: SUBJECT: Adoption.of the October 10, 2022 Youth Commission minutes STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the October 10, 2022 Youth Commission meeting minutes BACKGROUND: ATTACHMENTS: Description Type a October 10, 2022 Youth Commission minutes Backup Material ® YOUTH COMMISSION BAKERSFIELD MINUTES THE SOUND OF�11Mf'J?6*? MEETING OF October 10, 2022 City Hall North - 1600 Truxtun Avenue First Floor, Conference Room A Special Meeting- 4:30 p.m. www.bakersfieldcity.us 1. 2. 3. 4. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Bell, Vargas (A) (seated at 4:44 p.m.), Tarango (A), Resolme, Simpson, Purse[ (A) (seated at 4:46 p.m.), Brar (A), Webster, Batth (seated at 4:46 p.m.), Tran (A) Commissioners Absent: Garcia, Taft (A), Beardsley, Kakarla PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Agenda Item Public Statements - None b. Non -Agenda Item Public Statement - None SUMMARY REPORT a. Adoption of the September 26, 2022, Youth Commission minutes. Motion to approve minutes from the September 26, 2022, meeting by Commissioner Tarango and seconded by Commissioner Webster. Motion passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS a. Continue discussion and vote regarding the annual Youth Commission project for FY 2022-2023. Chair Bell reviewed the project ideas that were discussed at the previous meetings and asked if anyone wanted to introduce new ideas. The Commissioners agreed that they would not pursue the subject of vaping since that topic had already been addressed by the 2020- 2021 Youth Commission. The Commissioners narrowed the list down to four projects and agreed to break into groups to develop formal presentations to be given and voted on at the next Commission meeting, October 24, 2022. They,are: Bakersfield California, October 10, 2022, Page 2 4. NEW BUSINESS continued Arts/Sports: Commissioners Tarango, Bell, and Batth J.J. Legacy: Commissioners Webster, and Brar Apple Core: Commissioners Pursel, Resolme, Vargas Driver Safety: Commissioners Simpson, and Tran Associate Attorney Villanueva made comments regarding the Brown Act and meeting outside of the regular meeting times. Management Assistant Gutierrez agreed to contact the absent Commissioners to bring them up to date and place them with a group. He will also be providing each group with the e-mail address of its members. 5. STAFF COMMENTS Management Assistant Gutierrez congratulated the Commissioners on a good meeting. He also reminded everyone to notify him if they would be absent from a meeting. 6.. COMMISSION COMMENTS Chair Bell requested staff contact Commissioners who were absent and inquire what group they want to join. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. BAKERSFIELD THE SOUND OF5wdAp 17-C* ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: 10/24/2022 4. a. TO: Bakersfield Youth Commission FROM: Nathan Gutierrez, Management Assistant CREATED BY: Nathan Gutierrez, Management Assistant DATE: 10/20/2022 WARD: SUBJECT: Youth Commission subcommittee presentations, discussion, and vote concerning the annual project topics under consideration for FY 2022- 2023 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Youth Commission consideration, discussion, and final vote for the topic to be completed for the FY 2022-2023 annual project. BACKGROUND: At the October 10, 2022 special Youth Commission meeting, the Youth Commission decided to establish subcommittees comprised of all Commissioners, including no more than five (5) regular members to research one of the four topics and provide a brief presentation to the full Commission. The four subcommittees and their selected topics are: 1. Educating elementary and junior high school students regarding various extra curricular activities around the City including arts and sports. Commissioners Batth, Bell, Garcia, Kakada, and Tarango 2. Collaborate with JJ's Legacy regarding the importance of organ donation, with a focus on the "Got the Dot" campaign. Commissioners: Beardsley, Brar, and Webster 3. Collaborate with the Applecore Project Inc. Bakersfield to plan and implement a donation drive of basic necessities for children living in hotels Commissioners Pursel, Resolme, and Vargas 4. Educate teens on the importance of driver safety. Commissioners Simpson, Taft, and Tran At the conclusion of each presentation, Youth Commissioners may ask questions for clarity and to gain a further understanding of what a project with each topic may entail. After each subcommittee has finished their presentation, the regular voting members will hold a vote to determine the final project to be completed no later than June 30, 2023. RECEIVED AND PLACED ON FILE AT YOUTH COMMIS ION MTG. 'Ti('ro BY:-. Iati I z2- EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES FOR OUR YOUTH Emily Bell, Aditya Kakarla, Natalie Tarango, Gurnoor Batth, Noami Garcia • We have noticed a decrease in participation in extracurricular activities following the pandemic in our own schools Examples: SHH, Forensics, and Math Club • The National Center for Education Statistics reports, "More than 80 Percent of U.S. Public Schools Report Pandemic Has Negatively Impacted Student Behavior and Socio-Emotional Development" o Extracurriculars have positive behavioral benefits and are critical in solving this problem. Why We Want To Address It: Participation in school extracurricular activities has dropped significantly since COVID. Extracurricular activities offer opportunities for students to learn the values of teamwork, individual and group responsibility, competition, diversity, and a sense of culture and community. We want the youth to know of all the different extracurricular opportunities that are open to them. Extracurricular activities have many benefits and statistics even show that they help students with their personal well being, academic engagement, and academic achievements. Students that participated in extracurricular activities even experienced heightened self-esteem. Extracurriculars are also proved to increase attendance and encourage students to be more involved in school. This is because extracurriculars give students an incentive to be present at school or just something to look forward to after a long academic day. Extracurriculars are even associated with the academic achievement of students. Students who were actively involved in school extracurriculars were proven to have higher grades. We want no student to feel left out and unexposed to any extracurriculars that they were not informed they could have been a part of. How Will This Benefit Youth? • Informed of activities they weren't aware of • Get to explore new interests • Meet new people • Discover a passion • Stay creative • Learn a new skill • Help them interact socially with others Main Idea: • Activity Fair that provides many different activities to do outside of the traditional classroom (i.e. art, reading, sports, etc.) • Invite different extracurricular organizations from the community to take part (ex: Boy Scouts, KAFF) • Create a brochure of contact information for different organizations to send out to schools/have at the event. Bibliography: • https://nces.ed.gov/whatsnew/press releases/07 06 2 022.g-sp • https://www.snapraise.com/whv-vouth-extracurricular- activities-matter/ RECEIVED AND PLACED ON FILE AT YOUTH COMMISSION MTG. ji&fta �i L�t� �-I•, �tl'I�ry l I ��� BY: JJ's Legacy By Maryam, Harjaisal, and Carter Why JJ's Legacy? i �' s d WE� L•....� �� � � � �'� j{ �ww' 4,.4. � � � s k' i 4 � �m -i, � M' � �wd` `v' �,...{ � �,. K Why JJ's Legacy? JJ's Legacy By Maryam, Harjaisa(, and Carter ie t- ji's Lzga�,- a laview .k �,ii 4v3", cfi �.4 Logistics • Outdoor community event to bring people together and sign up for organ donation • Online streaming component to raise money and get additional signups • Engage performers and their followings for events (specifically young people) • Local bands, dance groups, celebrities will bring their own constituencies • Livestrearn can be easily shared by local media • Food trucks could provide food • Will work with Parks Department on permit fee waivers • Will request City Council assist with organizing costs (performer fees, park fees) • Music ties into City's "Sound of Something Better" motto News/Newspaper Outreach TV News KG ET _� If it's compelling enough, they'll put it at a better time. i One member has experience presenting on the news and o Could enable a large audience to see an announcement about our run/walk or just to spread the word about JJ's Legacy. Newspapers • Several contacts within the Bakersfield Californian. • Depending on how compelling it is, 'it may get a good placement in the paper, • Could spread news about the run/walk or just discuss JJ's Legacy in general, similar to the TV News side. * Contacts withir CSUB's newspaper, The Runner ■ U Student -Driver Safety What's the deal? Ac ■ _� ,,. ti, .r ., .,.., max. � �, _ ..._ ,:.a.;., .. z�.�u ,.� Community Partners f (potential) • Moth rs against drunk driving • CHP Public i information. _ .. office • Bakersfield Fire Department • Driving�cl Option 2: Still an in -person event • Information Booth style • Multitasking challenges • DUI simulator goggles (could be used as advertisement for option 1, keep expenses in mind) ���- Positives of Student -Driver_ Safety Project,-" Negatives • Applicable to 15'/2+ age group • Large amount of resources and coordination _ v F .: � �{{ rrA' t � '-} � 't ..