HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/17/1977 MINUTES CCBakersfield, California, January 17, 1977 Minutes of a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 8:00 P.M., January 17, 1977. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hart followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation by Reverend James Davis of the First Congregational Church. Absent: The City Clerk called Mayor Hart. the roll as follows: Councilmen Rogers, Sceales, Strong, Barton, Bleecker, Christensen, Medders None Minutes of the regular meeting of January 10, 1977 were approved as presented. Correspondence. Upon a motion by Councilman Rogers, communication from Bakersfield Cable TV, Inc., regarding progress report on updating of their cable service, was received and ordered placed on file. Council Statements. Councilman Barton commented on a report from the City Manager regarding Community Development Block Grant Application. After a lengthy discussion, Councilman Barton made a motion that the staff be authorized to proceed with the preparation of the application for Community Development Block Grant Funds with the understanding that H.U.D. personnel will be available to answer any questions of the Council. After further discussion, Councilman Rogers made a substitute motion that the staff time, instead of making appli- cation for Community Development Funds, be used for preparing letters to each U. S. Senator and Representative expressing the Council's displeasure of having the tax money of the citizens of Bakersfield sent back from Washington, D.C., with a great loss along the way, and told the funds can only be used under the terms and guidelines set down by someone in Washington who thinks he knows more about what the people in Bakersfield need or want. Bakers£ield, California, January 17, 1977 - Page 2 This motion failed to carry by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilman Rogers Noes: Councilmen Sceales, Strong, Barton, Bleecker, Christensen, Medders Absent: None Councilman Bleecker made a substitute motion that H.U.D. officials, Mr. Roland Camfield, Area Director, Mr. Herb Roberts, Director of Community Planning and Development or Mr. Mack Hopkins, Field Representative, be invited to Bakersfield sometime this week or next week in order to clarify some of the questions the Council has about the Community Development Funds. This motion carried by the following roll call Ayes: Noes: Absent: Councilmen Rogers, Councilmen Barton, None vote: Sceales, Strong, Bleecker, Medders Christensen Upon a motion by Councilman Rogers, the City Manager was appointed as Administrative Agent for the administration of the City of Bakersfield's four water contracts with Kern-Tulare Water District (Contract No. 76-61), Cawelo Water District (Contract No. 76-62), Rag-Gulch Water D~strict (Contract No. 76-63) and North Kern Water Storage District (Contract No. 76-89) regarding the purchase of the Kern River Water Rights. Upon a motion by Councilman Rogers, Mr. M. James Sughrue, Jr., 3815 Columbus Street, Apt. 5, was appointed to fill a vacancy on the Miscellaneous Departments Civil Service Board created by the resignation of James F. Flinn, term expiring December 31, 1980. Upon a motion by Councilman Bleecker, Dr. Stephen Montgomery, 123 Miner Street, was reappointed to the Board of Charity Appeals and Solicitations, term expiring October 1, 1980. Upon a motion by Councilman Bleecker, Mrs. Rachel Gamez, 3021 Crest Drive, was appointed to the Bakersfield 2000 Citizens Congress. Bakersfield, California, January 17, 1977 - Page 3 413 Upon a motion by Councilman Rogers, Mrs. Helen B. Rurup, 3020 Loma Linda Drive, was reappointed to the Citizens Auditorium- Recreation Committee, term expiring January 3, 1985. Reports. Councilman Strong, Chairman of the Auditorium-Recreation Committee, read Report No. 1-77 regarding Proposed Use of Available State Park Funds, as follows: The City Council has referred to this committee a report £rom the City Manager regarding the proposed use of state park funds which became available by state legislation. The report contained recommendations £or the use of these funds for park improvements at Lowell and Beach Parks, 75% of the cost to be financed by State Grant Funds and 25% from City funds. The suggested Lowell Park improvements included the acquisition of four single-family dwellings in order to enlarge the park area. The City Council and staff felt the property owners should first be contacted to determine their feelings regarding the sale of their properties and relocation. The staff has now discussed this matter with each of the property owners and two are willing to sell their properties, but the other two are not. As a result, this committee feels that the wishes of the two property owners who do not want to sell their properties should be respected and the portion of the Lowell Park project involving the enlarging of the park area be dropped. However, the committee feels that the other suggested improvements at Lowell Park--lighting and family picnic nooks--are necessary and should be made and also recommends that the following additional improvements at Lowell Park--shelter and concrete slab and aluminum tables and planks be substituted in the grant application for the land acquisition. The committee therefore recommends the following: The staff be authorized to apply for State Park Funds under the Urban Open-Space and Recreation Program for improvements at Lowell and Beach Parks as detailed in Attachment I to this report and the Council approve the attached resolution (Attach- ment II) authorizing this application. The City's share of these improvements in the amount of $16,300 be included in the 1977-78 Capital Improvement Budget. Upon a motion by Councilman Strong, Report No. 1-77 of the Auditorium-Recreation Committee regarding Proposed Use of 414 Bakersfield, California, January 17, 1977 - Page 4 Available State Park Funds, was accepted; the staff was authorized to apply for State Park Funds under the Urban Open-Space and Recreation Program for improvements at Lowell and Beach Parks as detailed in Attachment I to the report; and inclusion of the City's share of these improvements in the amount of $16,300 in the 1977-78 Capital Improvement Budget, was approved. Adoption of Resolution No. 6-77 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field approving the Block Grant Application for Grant Funds under the Urban Open-Space and Recreation Program for improvements at Lowell and Beach Parks. Upon of the Council a motion by Councilman Strong, Resolution No. 6-77 of the City of Bakersfield approving the Block Grant Application for Grant Funds under the Urban Open-Space and Recreation Program for improvements at Lowell and Beach Parks, adopted by the following roll call vote: Councilmen Rogers, Sceales, Strong, Barton, Bleecker, Christensen, Medders Ayes: Noes None Absent: None Acting Public Works Director Hawley read a report regarding Downtown Refuse Collection Contract. as follows: Sani-Tainer, Inc. currently has Contract No. 65-72 with the City for refuse collection in the downtown area. The contract expiration date is July 31, 1977; however, it contains an option for extension beyond this date. Sani-Tainer, Inc. has submitted a letter to the Director of Public Works requesting the following: Increasing the compensation under the provisions of the contract and as based on the Consumer Price Index. 2. Extending the term of the contract. 3. Expanding the service area. It is recommended this request be referred to the Budget Review and Finance Council Committee for study prior to Council action. was Bakersfield, California, January 17, 1977 - Page 5 415 Upon a motion by Councilman Rogers, requests from Sani- Tainer, Inc. regarding their Contract No. 65-72 with the City of Bakersfield £or Downtown Refuse Collection, was referred to the Budget Review and Finance Committee for study prior to Council action. Consent Calendar. The following items were listed on the Consent Calendar: (a) Allowance of Claims Nos. 2561 to 2635, inclusive, in the amount of $45,235.72. (b) Claim for Damages from Pauline McDowell, 232 Augusta Street, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (C Grant Deed from Parr Investment Company providing property under the option exercised by the Council on December 6, 1976 for purchase of new park site at intersection of University Avenue and Camden Street. (d Street Right-of-Way Deed from Edward and Vivian Navarro providing necessary right- of-way for the extension of Coventry Street as required by Parcel Map No. 3293. (e Street Easement from Tenneco Realty Development Corporation providing street right-of-way as required by Planning Commission for Parcel Map No. 3673. (f) Notice of Completion and Acceptance of Work on street improvements under Tract No. 3505 - Contract No. 75-122 with Tenneco Realty Development Corporation. Notice of Completion and Acceptance of Work on street improvements under Tract No. 3743 - Contract No. 76-3 with Chester Village, Inc. (h) Notice of Completion and Acceptance of Work on street improvements under Tract No. 3784 Contract No. 76-44 with Tenneco Realty Development Corporation. (i) Notice of Completion and Acceptance of Work on installation of Tennis Court Lighting at Centennial Park and Wayside Park courts - Contract No. 76-90 with Dean Clark Electric. (J) Map of Tract No. 3831 and Improvement Agreement for construction of improve- ments therein - located on the west side of Hughes Lane north of White Lane. Bakersfield, California, January 17, 1977 - Page 6 (e), (d), Calendar, Ayes: Noes: Absent: (k) Improvement Agreement for Parcel ~ap No. 3673 with Tenneco Realty Development Corporation. Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j) and (k) of were adopted by the following roll call Councilmen None None Company, Inc. bids rejected. Rogers, Sceales, Strong, Barton, Christensen, Medders Action on Bids. Upon a motion by Councilman Medders, for two Street Sweepers, items (a), (b), the Consent vote: Bleecker, low bid of M-B was accepted and all other New Business. Adoption of Resolution No. 7-77 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field opposing any attempt to change the method of collection and dis- tribution of the Uniform Sales and Use Tax under the Bradley-Burns Uniform Local Sales and Use Tax law. Upon a motion by Councilman Medders, Resolution No. 7-77 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield opposing any attempt to change the method of collection and distribution of the Uniform Sales and Use Tax under the Bradley-Burns Uniform Local Sales and Use Tax Law, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Councilmen Rogers, Sceales, Strong, Barton, Bleecker, Christensen, Medders None None Ayes Noes Absent: Hearings. This is the time set for public hearing before the Council to consider the adoption of an Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Chapters 14.01 and 14.04 of the Municipal Code concerning Fire Prevention and adopting the Uniform Fire Code, 1976 Edition, with amendments as hereinafter provided. Bakersfield, California, January 17, 1977 - Page 7 417 This hearing has been duly advertised and no written protests or objections have been filed in the City Clerk's office. Mayor Hart declared the hearing open for public partici- pation. No protests or objections being received, the public portion of the hearing was closed for Council deliberation and action. Upon a motion by Councilman B~eecker, Ordinance No. 2317 New Series of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Chapters 14.01 and 14.04 of the Municipal Code concerning Fire Prevention and adopting the Uniform Fire Code, ~976 Edition, with amendments as hereinafter provided, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Rogers, Sceales, Strong, Barton, B~eecker, Christensen, Medders Noes: None Absent: None This is the time set for deferred public hearing on an appeal by Lamon A. Carter, et al to the decision of the Board of Zoning Adjustment approving a Conditional Use Permit application by Nilda Muzinich to permit the construction of an additional dwelling unit on a 10,098 square-foot lot on that certain property commonly known as 622 E1 Sereno Drive. This hearing has been duly advertised, the property posted and the property owners have been notified as required by law. This hearing was rescheduled from the Council Meeting of December 20, 1976, due to the illness of Nilda Muzinich. One written protest has been received in the City Clerk's office from Ernest Arp, 617 E1 Sereno Drive. On November 9, 1976 the Board of Zoning Adjustment approved the Conditional Use Permit based on the following findings: 1. Subject lot, along with all the other lots within the block are long and narrow (51 by 198 feet). Five lots within the block, including adjacent lots to the north and south, have additional dwelling units constructed on the rear portion. Bakersfield, California, January 17, 1977 - Page 8 pation. No one appeared at the hearing in opposition to the requested Conditional Use Permit. Mayor Hart declared the hearing open for public partici- Mr. Lamon Carter, 712 South Chester Avenue and representing the 15 property owners who filed the appeal, stated they are objecting to the granting of this Conditional Use Permit because of parking problems and lack of an alley. Mr. Paul Dennis, representing P.H.D. Construction Company and Nilda Muzinich the applicant, spoke in favor of granting the permit. Nilda Muzinich submitted a petition from three neighbors they do not object to the additional dwelling on her stating that lot. No further protests or objections being received, the public portion of the hearing was closed for Council deliberation and action. Upon a motion by Councilman Sceales, Zoning Resolution No. 252 Granting Conditional Use Permit to permit the construction of an additional dwelling unit on a 10,098 square foot certain property commonly known as 622 E1 Sereno Drive, by the following roll call vote: Councilmen Rogers, Sceales, Strong, Barton, Christensen, Medders Ayes: Noes: Absent: lot on that was adopted Bleecker, None None Adjournment. There being no further business to come before the Council, upon a motion by Councilman Christi~/ the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P. M. MA'/~O~ -~ "~~ MA O~of~the City 'of Bakersfield, Calif. ATTESTs: ~ ,/ /'~ CITY CLRRK and Ex-pffiicio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bak~e~sfield, California ma