HomeMy WebLinkAbout01.06.231/6/23, 3:06 PM Bakersfield Notes 01.06.2023 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/6e3da70a57014aeb849b694981aae573/print 1/13 Bakerseld Notes The Sound of What's Happening! Friday, January 6, 2023 Notable items Storm cleanup The Recreation & Parks Department dispatched multiple teams from its Tree Section, Park Rangers and its Support Team for Operations, Rangers and Maintenance (STORM) the afternoon of Wednesday, Jan. 4 to respond to calls regarding storm weather impacts in the City. Those teams addressed more than 20 trees that had fallen or lost large limbs. The damage was caused by unusual high winds. Recreation & Parks teams worked throughout the night and into the early morning of Jan. 5. Staff worked directly with the Bakerseld Police Department to clear streets and sidewalk of trees and hazardous debris. The following morning an additional 25-plus trees were addressed, and the Parks staff inspected all public areas to ensure the parks, streets and sidewalks were clear. Many of the more than 45 trees addressed Bakerseld Notes 1/6/23, 3:06 PM Bakersfield Notes 01.06.2023 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/6e3da70a57014aeb849b694981aae573/print 2/13 were from private property, not city trees. The Tree Section staff and outside contractors have made routine tree trimming a priority for the last several years, improving the health of the trees and decreasing the likelihood of damage during storms like we experienced this week. Kicking off the New Year with the Polar Bear Plunge! The Recreation & Parks Department held its 15th annual Polar Bear Plunge on New Year’s Day at McMurtrey Aquatic Center. This year’s Polar Bear Plunge saw 116 participants brave the 59 degree water and 51 degree outside temperature and take the icy plunge! Spectators cheered participants as they slid down the slides and swam the 25 yards in the pool. With the cold weather, the 223 people attending the event enjoyed cups of hot chocolate. Artic Glacier sponsored this exciting event which has become a Bakerseld tradition for many families and a great way to kick-off the New Year. 1/6/23, 3:06 PM Bakersfield Notes 01.06.2023 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/6e3da70a57014aeb849b694981aae573/print 3/13 1/6/23, 3:06 PM Bakersfield Notes 01.06.2023 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/6e3da70a57014aeb849b694981aae573/print 4/13 Bakerseld Fire upgrades and service expansion The Bakerseld Fire Department has placed 180 new self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA’s) into service, greatly increasing the 1/6/23, 3:06 PM Bakersfield Notes 01.06.2023 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/6e3da70a57014aeb849b694981aae573/print 5/13 safety of our reghters. SCBA’s are the lifeline for reghters who work in atmospheres that pose immediate danger to their life and health. The Department now has interoperability with Kern County Fire during reghting operations. The packs also include Bluetooth technology compatible with our future radio system, have increased ergonomics with improved comfort, balance, and t. Battalion chiefs will soon be able see - in real time - each reghter’s remaining air. The new packs (modeled by reghter Drew Heredia at left) have been positively received by the reghters. Bakerseld Fire thanks the City of Bakerseld for the investment in reghter safety and Battalion Chief Alexander Clark who was instrumental in the rollout of the new air packs. 1/6/23, 3:06 PM Bakersfield Notes 01.06.2023 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/6e3da70a57014aeb849b694981aae573/print 6/13 The Department also recently expanded its Advance Life Support (ALS) program in East Bakerseld. The department has deployed a second ALS paramedic unit Engine 4, which is now available as an ALS unit when stafng allows. Station 4 is located at 130 Bernard Street between Union and Alta Vista. In 2022, E-4 ran a total of 1,789 EMS call with 1,458 (81%) in Station 4's primary response area. City Hall Fellowship program visits BPD training facility On Wednesday, Jan. 4, our current group of City Hall Fellows had the opportunity to learn more about the Bakerseld Police Department. The Fellows received a presentation from Capt. Jeremy Blakemore and a tour of the Training Facility on California Avenue where they saw rsthand how the City recruits, trains, and prepares our next class of ofcers. 1/6/23, 3:06 PM Bakersfield Notes 01.06.2023 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/6e3da70a57014aeb849b694981aae573/print 7/13 Volunteers sought for 2023 Point-In-Time Count In continuing efforts to help those experiencing homelessness, the annual Point-In-Time Count is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2023. The Bakerseld Kern Regional Homeless Collaborative is looking for volunteers to help administer the PIT Count to get an accurate count of those experiencing homelessness. The PIT Count provides a snapshot view of homelessness and an accurate PIT Count is needed to receive adequate funding and ensure proper allocation of resources and energy to address homelessness. Anyone interested in volunteering should visit the  Bakerseld Kern Regional Homeless Collaborative website . 1/6/23, 3:06 PM Bakersfield Notes 01.06.2023 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/6e3da70a57014aeb849b694981aae573/print 8/13 Employee Service Awards Week of Jan. 1 Pablo Franco, Public Works, 20 years 1/6/23, 3:06 PM Bakersfield Notes 01.06.2023 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/6e3da70a57014aeb849b694981aae573/print 9/13 Trafc Advisories Lane closures planned on Stockdale Highway Lane closures are scheduled for Stockdale Highway from McDonald Way to Real Road on Sunday, Jan. 8. The lane closures will occur from 1/6/23, 3:06 PM Bakersfield Notes 01.06.2023 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/6e3da70a57014aeb849b694981aae573/print 10/13 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. for the removal of k-rail. One lane will remain open at all times during the closure. The lane closures will also be in effect on Jan. 11 and 12 if necessary. Construction schedules may be changed without notice due to unforeseen circumstances. The Thomas Roads Improvement Program apologizes for any inconvenience this work may cause the traveling public. Freeway closures planned for westbound Highway 58 to southbound Highway 99 connector Nighttime closures have been scheduled for the westbound State Route 58 to southbound State Route 99 connector. These closures will take place on Wednesday, Jan. 11 and Thursday, Jan. 12 from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. for the removal of k-rail. California Highway Patrol will be monitoring the construction zone. During the closure, westbound motorists will be detoured to northbound State Route 99. From State Route 99 exit and turn west at California Avenue, then enter the southbound State Route 99 on- ramp. Construction schedules may be changed without notice due to unforeseen circumstances. The Thomas Roads Improvement Program apologizes for any inconvenience this work may cause the traveling public. Overnight closures planned on northbound Highway 99 Nighttime closures have been scheduled for all lanes of northbound State Route 99 between Ming Avenue and State Route 58. The closures will take place between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 11 and Thursday, Jan. 12 for adjustment of k-rail. California Highway Patrol will be monitoring the construction zone. 1/6/23, 3:06 PM Bakersfield Notes 01.06.2023 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/6e3da70a57014aeb849b694981aae573/print 11/13 During the closures, northbound motorists will be detoured to exit at Ming Avenue, travel west on Ming Avenue, north on Wible Road, west on California Avenue, then re-enter the northbound State Route 99 on-ramp or enter the southbound on-ramp to get to eastbound State Route 58. Construction schedules may be changed without notice due to unforeseen circumstances. The Thomas Roads Improvement Program apologizes for any inconvenience this work may cause the traveling public. Reports City Council Agenda Highlights, Jan. 11, 2023. TRIP monthly status report, January 2023. Code Enforcement Rapid Response Team weekly report, Dec. 24- 30, 2022. Recreation & Parks Dept. Support Team for Operations, Rangers and Maintenance (STORM) weekly report, Dec. 27-31, 2022. Events Monday, Jan. 9 Cults & Classics: "Mean Girls," doors open at 6 p.m., show starts at 7 p.m.; Fox Theater (2001 H Street). 1/6/23, 3:06 PM Bakersfield Notes 01.06.2023 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/6e3da70a57014aeb849b694981aae573/print 12/13 1/6/23, 3:06 PM Bakersfield Notes 01.06.2023 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/6e3da70a57014aeb849b694981aae573/print 13/13