HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-0037.: REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, MAI. TO: CITY ENGINEER Jon LifQuist, Assessor-Recorder Kem County Official Records Recorded Electronically by: 608 Ticor Title Company TP 12/13/2021 01:58 PM CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 150 I TRUXTUN A VENUE BAKERSAELD. CA. 9330 l DOCI: 221233122 Stat Types: 1 Pages: 6H 111111111 221233122 CERTIFICATE OF MERGER (SECTION 66499.20.3, GOVERNMENT CODEJ PARCEL MERGER NO. 21-0037 FEES 28. 00 TAXES . 00 OTHER . 00 ------PAil 28.00 Being a merger of those porlions of land shown as Lot 8 ond Lot 9 of Tract 7302. Unit 4 per map recorded August 27. 2019 in Book 63 of Mops ot Page 124-126 filed in the office of the Kem County Recorder. Being a portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 11 T. 30 S., R. 26 E., M. D. M. in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kem, State of California. Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 546-2� and 546-260-10 The title report lists the owners of the property as: Ratrlal Rajyaguru. a manfed man as his sole and separate property This Certificate of Merger is being issued and recorded for _1_ parcel.· At the request of the property owner and in accordance with Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 16.38. the undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield. states that those portions of land described above are hereby deemed merged in occordonce with provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code. The resulting merged parcels ore described on the Exhibit "A" and shown on Exhibi1 ''8".This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcel described herein may .be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Mop Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcel may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. Dated: Decem1=!°/ ------C; � � STUART PATTESON RCE No. C-44898 Expiration Morch 31, 2022 Acting City Engineer City of Bakersfield SICHAlllllE MUST 9E NOfl\lllZEO Poge I 016 S:\l.and OM!ion\Mref lo:,d Oiv\MEIIGERS\2021\2 l-«D7\2l.Ql37 cam..OOC CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate i$ attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. Stale of CALIFORNJA County of \l.E-12\-) ) } On 12//.e/2,I beforeme,�EJ<. L PI\R.!S!A ,NOTARY PUBLIC,tHiiiii Ir"""'"™ iiiil 1iUii iii tho a!licir) personally appeared 5Tt!IAR, +l!\.,-re'.:,0\-l who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence lo be the person(ll) whose name'8) isla,re subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helsrre'lthef executed the same in his/ller/1:Mir authorized capacity�, and that by his/hef/11:ieir signature.(s) on the instrument the person!&J, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(i!)' acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. .,,,--• , , •• 0• 0 •• 0 ?:'(ESTIIER L, P,'RRA � WITNESS my hand and official seal. �=w-l1,\yCrlM!.�OCS.1&.2022." JI _ _.,,_� .. u-fi _ J...<:1cc:uo: so ooo:A �-"' 7'l!U/4A._ Notary Public Signature {ltot.ary!>ubk Seal) INSTRUCTJONS FOR CO:MPLETD.'"G THIS FORMADDmONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION This form carnplieswith amentailifom;ista1:11tes regarding nota,ywcrdlng and, DESCRIPTION OF 'THEATTACI-ED DOCUMENT (11:le«�nof�noamenl) PM (Tr.le: or�c!lpiol'I cl attadledOO<Ur.ent Cllntinlllld) """"'"f Page, ';') ooeume,Hl,t, / 2-4-2) CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER D lndiYidual (s) &-Corporate� bO::I >,JG, <'(Tille) D Partner{s) □Attomey-in-Fact□Trustee(s)□Other 11800)599-29231 1(310)242-7776 if needed, should be compfEti:d a,id attached ta the document. A.dlnowledgements from tithe' state5 may be '°mpleted for dOC'llrr,emsbeing sent 10 !hat !.!:ate so long� the wording does 11ot reciulie the California nOtary to violate Q,llfumla notary :�w, • Stm: znd County lnfcnnatian must be lhe Sute and Cmmty where the document:;.igru:r(s) pusonaU3-appean::ibcfored!e D.OW? public for ai:knDWledgm�t e Dnlc M notarizaOOn must be !he dale \bat the sigiier(s) peroonalty appeare:1 wlli.chmmt abo be !be same date the ac:koow!W{lment i:; comple1ed 0 'The :,Ql.ary public mlKI pnnl bis or her� as it ;,ppar:$ Within his or her cornnnssioo folkiwecl b)· � comma and thca your Litle-(notuy pllblie). � Prinl the iwn,e(s) of doeumart .'i'gncr(5) whu personally api,car at 1he time er notarizalioo 0 Ind[� the l)()!J?cl .singular or pllll"JJ fumls by erossi11g off im:orrecl f= {i.c.hd:d:ie.lthcy, is iare ) or ciic!ing the l!flmX1 forms. Fail me 10 com,cily llldiu1e this iniimoariofl may lead to rtjllciM of document ireordin� •The notaiy seal impres1km mu'1 be clear IIPd pru,l(lglllflhl""11y Iqmlduciblc.lnlprc;si<m must not ctl'im' ti::o-t or lin=s. If waJ illlplUsion smudjp, r,,.,;ca\ ifa suffir;ic:n.t ate:a p.:mtits, otll¢l'Wl5C compktc a diflaent 11,;knQwl"'4!mcal form. Sigmnw-c of the nolaly public mtl$1.match fbe signaii= an fil= wilh th� office of the t!Jll!lty clerk. Addilianal inform,t�n i.; not rcqu.in:d but Cllllld hdp fo en�w-e Um acknawk:dl!Iflall is no.lllisllsed er altiu;hcd IQ a diffumt dxumcnL l<ldiQ!k trtlc orin,eof atrach� ducumcnt, ,wmbet of p11et5 and date. lndicatc ttu:: capacity cl� by dw Qgnct. If tt,,e claimed eapa<.-it:,· h o CO!Jlor.i� offu:er, in.dicaie lhe title fH. CEO, CFO, Sccmaiy), S«:..nly ltlaeh this d�r to the signed doi.:um,:,rt with a staple. -.111eNotaryl.alt.corn , EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL MERGER NO. 21-0037 LEGAL DESCRII'TION BEING A MERGER OF LOTS 8 AND 9 OF TRACT NO. 7302 UNIT 4 RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 63, PAGES 124-126 IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP JO SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, MOUNT DIABLO MERIDIAN IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, KER."l COUNTY, CALIFORNIA BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL"A" BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAJD LOT &; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, NORTH 24'27'37" WEST, 80.14 FEET AND NORTH 56'45'26" WEST, 160.14 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 57'16'25" WEST ALONG THE NORTHERLY LlNE OF SAID LOT, 143.97 FEET TO A POINT ON A 50.00 FOOT RADIUS, NON-TANGENT CURVE; FROM WHICH POINT THE CENTER OF SAJD CURVE BEARS SOUTH 57"16'25" WEST; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WESTERLY AND NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOTS & AND 9, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 111'30'33", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 97.31 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 11°13'02" EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT9, A DISTANCE OF 142.93 FEET; THENCE NORTH 65°30'25" EAST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINES OF SAID LOTS & AND 9, A DJST ANCE OF 321.71 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAJNING 1.22 ACRES, MORE OR LESS MCINTOSH &Assoc1A1ES'� 661-834-4814 • 661·834-09722001 Wheelan Court• Bakersfield, CA 93309 �� P:\FROJECT&.21001.00-7302MERG\Legals\Paree! Marger Legal.datX JD030921 /ll,('l( PAGE30F6 ' PARCEL MERGER NO. 21-0037 EXHIBIT "B" BEING A MERGER OF LOTS 8 & 9 OF TRACT NO. 7302 UNIT 4 RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 63, PAGES 124-126 BEING A PORTION lHE NW 1/4 OF SECTION I HEREBY STA1E THAT THERE ARE NO 11, T.30S., R.26E., M.D.M., IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, STATE OF SlRUCllJRES ON THIS PROPERTY CALIFORNIA CONTAINING 1 PARCEL - 1.22 ACRES ;u« u BASIS OF BEARINGS: OWNER: ALL BEARINGS & DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON ARE RATILAL RAJYAGURU q, If !tv/z( OF RECORD, OR CALCULAlED FROM RECORD FROM 3805 A SAN DIMAS STREET DONAW J. BRII TON, LS 5812 Om' lRACT NO, 7302 UNIT 4, RECORDED IN MAP BOOK BAKERSFlELD, CA. 93309 � 63, PAGES 124 & 126 IN THE OfFlCE OF THE KERN .. LAND SURVEYOR: ff. tANO S.M�:,..'O J, lllf;}' �� COUNTY RECORDER. LEGEND PUE c PUBLIC UTIUTIES EASEMENTSYE = SIDEWALK EASEMENT O.R, ... OFFICIAL RECORDS LL../ .., WAIVER Of DJ�ECT ACCESS STOCKDALE HIGl:IW�I 010 �� � 'illo 2 ;,j �� ! I I CROSS VAllEY I-,..ANAi ··� ! � MJNG 3 IA �NUE (f"UnJR�) �1 O 11 1 TRACT 7302 . -�� -c,:,-.:� .. -i)-ii-\<J PROJECTs ✓..<--.." I SITE " VICINITY MAP NO SCALE"THIS MAP_ IS_ F'OR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY� �INIDSH �� m •ffillll a. llfJllflllJ, ti. MclNTOSH & ASSOCIATES2001 \\t!EELAN COURT BAt<ERSAELD, CA 93309 CONTACT: DONAlD J, BRITTONPHONE: S61-BJ4-481-4 STATISTICS: WATER -CITY OF BAKERSFIELDSEWER -CITY OF BAKERSFIELDZONING - WM-R1 GENERAL PLAN -WM-LRE�STING USE - VACANT &r/4• � .;. ::; � .,, � NO. 5612 *L__j:JIf OF C�lll�-;,.;;;,;,,_<"' PROPOSED USE - SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCEA.P.N. -546-260-09 & 10 LETTERED EASEMENTS @ 10' WIDE PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANYEASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 0208089237 O.R. @ 4' WIDE HIGHGATE AT SEVEN OAKS COMMUNITYASSOCIATION SIDEWALK EASEMENT PER DOC. NO, 219110766 0.R, RATILAL RAJYAGURU LOTS 8 &9 OF TRACT NO. 7302-UNIT4 PARCEL MERGl:R t,IQ.)?1-0037 JOB NO. 21-001 DATE:: 11-16-21 FILE NO. MERGER DONE BY: JXO SHEET 4 OF' 6 , /L HIGHGATE GREENS }!-�.:, (PRIVATE STREET) � J'. PARCEL 1 LL.A. NO. 17-0353 EXHIBIT "B" 'EXISTING' c>" "TRACT NO. 7302 UNIT 4 d;< MAP BOOK 63, 'B,i-<-,,o t, PAGES 124-126-1 � " 1--"f'Q ./>�. LOT 7 '5';,9'- �i 1'<'; � "'"' <"'.'.) -1 )- -,�, EXIST. WATER SERVICES LOT 8 32427 SF' EXIST. CURB & GUTTER��\ Ex1sT. s· • I I I� I ""� SIOEWALK � \\ '°.J' & •· s"'®\, \', 10' P.U£ ,--.-::1 ��/ lv89-f.<'s1,• ,. (fleo) CURv>:I DELTA -... ·--- LOT 10 . CURVE TABLE IANGENT �-0 "'·"' 1" p LOT 920649 Sf LOT 5 ,V�:,, "'O':,s�·. ,?6'¥' . '� '!,�.· C1 I 58� ... •C2 [ 53'00'4,� lfMOIUS �5b.oo· ,. 26.00'• LEOOTH_ 51.05'--. e,f>-�1>-\.. ·" '?-.1!-- .... 'f-"-'?-.1/ �\,.----"_THI.S MAP IS FOR ILlUS'mA TIVE PURPOSES ONL y" 1'119'� er: �=� ... _..,.,._ .. -" RATILAL RAJYAGURU LOTS 8 & 9 OF TRACT NO. 7302·UNIT4 PARCEL MEBGER NO. 21-003'/'. LOT 4 ® SCALE: 1 � = 60' JOfl NO. 21-001 DATE: 11-16-21 FlLE NO. MERGER DONE OY: JKO SHEET 5 OF 6 �/L HIGHGATE GREENS (PRIVATE STREET) c ' ·TRACT NO. 7302 UNIT 4 ,:o< MAP BOOK 63, 13-t-<-,,o,,.. t, PAGES 124-126 -,' "' C, 1-- 'j>Q ;,�. LOT 7 '5'_..,, 01-�i --.. 1'<') � 'f'l', -:::---.. ' <"� -Y). ·-... � '\ � R._ � ®4, -�!;;11}t,.,9q...,/'" '/_ 10' P.U.E,.......-,-...c::::::---� / _:.----' LOT 10 '!l ::, .,_ "· '" ,;; PARCEL t LL.A. NO. 17-0353 PARCEL. "A" 1.22 ACl'IES k�::­"Cl·;,s�--,?6'¥' LOT 5 lq;­l'.!1.,.- EXHIBIT "B" 'AS MERGED' LOT 4 =' � .,._ ci>-�r,.\.. . ·i-\ I'-� _.,. I\.. 't--'<--1'-Y � "THIS MAP IS FOR (LLUSTRA TIVE Pt,l�.f'OSES ONLY" �CINIDSH �� " // RATILAL RAJYAGURU LOTS 8 & 9 OF TRACT NO. 7302-UNIT4PARCEL MERGER NO. 21-0037_ SCALE: 1" "' 60' JOB NO, 21-001 OAT£: 11-16-21 F1LE 'NO, MERGER DONE BY: J!CO SHEET fi Of 6