HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-0134REQUESTED BV AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: CITY ENGINEER Jon Lifquist, Assessor-Recorder Kern County Official Records Recorded Electronically by: 56A Chicago Title Co CA Multi DD 2/25/2022 11:02 AM CITY Of BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 DOC/t 222030695 StatTypes: 1 Pages: 13 !!Iii illl il�li lil i 222030595 CERTIFICATE OF MERGER (SECTION 66499.20.3, GOVERNMENT CODE) PARCEL MERGER NO. 21-0134 FEES • 00 TAXES • 00 Oll-lER .00 ---.,,---PAID . 00 Being a merger of those portions of land shown as Parcel "A" and Parcel '1B" of Certificate of Compliance for Parcel Map Waiver 26-86 recorded April 1. 1988 as Document No. 0188035210, parcel per Quitclaim Deed recorded February 10, 1992 in Book 6629, Page 1055 O.R. and parcels per Quitclaim Deed recorded May 19, 1988 in Book 6124, Page 41 O.R. excepting those portions of Grant Deed to the State of California recorded May 12, 2021 as Document No. 221089807 within the above parcels, all filed in the office of the Kern County Recorder. Being a portion of the Southwest quarter of Section 29 T. 29 S., R. 28 E., M. D. M. in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kem. State of California. Assessor's Parcel Numbers: DI 6-500-01, 016-500-02 and Ol 6-500-D3 The title report lists the owners of all parcels as: FM Baker llC, a California Limited Uabllity Company; YBG Baker LC, a Delaware Umiled Uability Company This Certificate of Merger is being issued and recorded for _I_ parcel. At the request of the property owner and in accordance wifh Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 16.38, the undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield. acting herein on behalf of the City of Bak9rstfeld, states that those portions of land described above are hereby deemed merged in accordance with provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code. The resulting merged parcels are described on the Exhibit "A" and shown on Exhibit "B'', including associated Exhibit "C". This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcel described herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcel may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. GREGG STRAKALUSE RCE No. C-58663 Expiration December 31, 2022 City Engineer City of Bakersfield SIGNATURE MU51 BE NOTARIZID S:\lond Oivi!k>n\Mlf1or lond Di\l\MCl<GUS\Z:l21Ul-Ol3� com O'oC Page 1 of 13 REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: , CITY ENGINEER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 150 l TRUXTUN A VENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 CERTIFICATE OF MERGER (SECTION 66499 .20.3, GOVERNMENT CODE) PARCEL MERGER NO. 21-0134 Being a merger of those portions of land shown as Parcel "A" and Parcel "B" of Certificate of Compliance for Parcel Map Waiver 26-86 recorded April 1, 1988 as Document No. 0188035210, parcel per Quitclaim Deed recorded February 10, 1992 in Book 6629, Page 1055 O.R. and parcels per Quitclaim Deed recorded May 19, 1988 in Book 6124, Page 41 O.R. excepting those portions of Grant Deed to the State of California recorded May 12, 2021 as Document No. 221089807 within the above parcels, all filed in the office of the Kern County Recorder. Being a portion of the Southwest quarter of Section 29 T. 29 S., R. 28 E., M. D. M. in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California. Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 016-500-01, 016-500-02 and 016-500-03 The title report lists the owners of all parcels as: FM Baker LLC, a California Umited Uability Company: YBG Baker LC, a Delaware Umited Uability Company This Certificate of Merger is being issued and recorded for _l_ parcel. At the request of the property owner and in accordance with Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 16.38. the undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, states that those portions of land described above are hereby deemed merged in accordance with provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code. The resulting merged parcels are described on the Exhibit "A" and shown on Exhibit "B", including associated Exhibit "C". This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcel described herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcel may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. GREGG STRAKALUSE RCE No. C-58663 Expiration December 31, 2022 City Engineer City of Bakersfield SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZED Page 1 of 13 S:\Lonct Orvision\Minor Lond Dlv\MERGERS\2021 \21-013-4 com.doc CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of ___ C_AL_IF_O_RN_IA ____ } County of Kf:.J2.. N } On FEB, \ lLJ, 202.-2 before me, es.TI\-EQ L PARM , NOTARY PUBLIC ,(Here insert name and Ode ol the omeiii) personally appeared t7f<.S�b S7"RA-�S E who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person� whose name'(s) is/a"re..subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledQ_ed to me that he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their authorized capacity�), and that by his/tree/their signature� on the instrument the person1s,), or the entity upon behalf of which the perso�) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENAL TY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. ,= o = o o e e o o -o o o e e o e or • ESTHER L PARRA � COMM. #2263122 � WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOT�=� �\I My Comm, Ellp, ()ct. 18, 2022 D �-,)X�A cl'O C C C C C C C C C a C a C IS u °' Notary Public Signature (Notary Public Seal) INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THlS FORM ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION This form complies with current caufomia statutes regarding notary wording and,if needed, should be completed and attached to the document. Acknowledgements DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT from other states may be completed for documents being sent to that state so long (Tille or description of attached document) �tiiro6L� 2!-0t:olf: (Tille or description of attached document continued) Number of Pages lb_ Document Date 2-{ Jf;J 2- CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER□Individual (s) B-G9fporate Officer "fi,&.lfl u)Q� �l�JD{2...(Title) □ □ □ □ Partner(s)Attorney-in-FactTrustee(s) Other __________ _ as the wording does not require the California notary to violate California notary law. 0 State and County infonnation must be the State and County where the document signer(s) personally appeared before the notary public for aclcnowledgrnenl 0 Date of notarization must be the date tbat the signer(s) personally appeared which must also be the same date the acknowledgment is completed. 0 The notary public must print his or her name as it appears within his or her commission followed by a comma and then your title (notary public). 0 Print the name(s) of document signer(s) who personally appear at the time of notarization. 0 Indicate the correct singular or plural forms by crossing off incorrect forms (i.e. he/she/they, is /are) or circling the correct forms. Failure to correctly indicate this information may lead to rejection of document recording. 0 The notary seal impression must be clear and photographically reproducible. Impression must not cover text or lines. If seal impression smudges, re-seal if a sufficient area permits, otherwise complete a different acknowledgment fonn. 0 Signature of the notary public must match the signature on file with the office of the county clerk. Additional information is not required but could help to ensure this acknowledgment is not misused or attached to a different document. Indicate title or type of attached document. number of pages and date. Indicate the capacity claimed by the signer. lf the claimed capacity is a corporate officer, indicate the title (i.e. CEO, CFO, Secretary). 0 Securely attach this document to the signed document with a staple. www.TheNotaryLab.com 21-0134 EXHIBIT"A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION DATE-2/10/22 PARCEL MERGER NO. 21-0134 EXHIBIT "B" BEING A MERGER AND REDIVISION OF THOSE PORTIONS OF LAND SHOWN AS: PARCEL "A" AND "8" OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 26-86 PER CERTIFICATED OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED APRIL 1, 1988, IN BOOK 6108 AT PAGE 1242 AND GRANT DEED RECORDED MAY 12, 2021 PER DOCUMENT NO. 221089807, QUITCLAIM DEED RECORDED MAY 19, 1988 IN BOOK 6124, PAGE 41 AND QUITCLAIM DEED RECORDED FEBURARY 10, 1992 IN BOOK 6629, PAGE 1055 IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER, ALSO BEING A PORTION OF SECTION 29, T.29 S., R. 28 E., M.D.M. IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATEOF CALIFORNIA. OWNER/SUBDIVIDER: FM BAKER LLC AND YBG BAKER LLC SURVEYOR; LEGEND: O.R. -OFFICIAL RECORDS P.M. -PARCEL MAPCONC. MON. -CONCRETE MONUMENTP.U.E. -PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTFH -FIRE HYDRANT1.P. -IRON PIPEL.H. -LAMP HOLEe -CONCMON. FRANK A. SLINKARD 171219th STREET #130 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (661)328-9838 [ J -DISTANCES AND BEARINGS FROM GRANT DEED PER DOC. NO. 221089807 OR. UTILITIES 1.POWER:---P.G.&E.2.GAS:----P.G.&E3.TELEPHONE:--AT&T4.CABLE TV:---COX CABLE5.WATER:---CALIFORNIA WATER6.SEWER: ---CITY OF BAKERSFIELD7.APN: ----016-500-02 & 016-500-03 STATISTICS BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE BEARINGS AND DISTANCES SHOWN ON THIS MAP ARE FROM RECORD OF SURVEY RECORDED JUNE 17th 1986 IN BOOK 14 OF RECORD OF SURVEYS AT PAGE 36 WAS USED AS THE BASIS OF BEARINGS. ., CHICO sr 1, 1.EXISTING LAND USE:-----OFFICE BUILDINGS & STORAGE " !! Burrer Iv, ST � 2.PROPOSED LAND USE:-----OFFICE BUILDINGS & STORAGE3.GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: --LI (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL)4.EXISTING ZONING--------M-1 & M-25.PROPOSED ZONING: -----M-1 & M-26.MIN LOT AREA ALLOWED:600-0 S.F. 7.STREET IMPROVEMENTS:-----TYPE "A"8.TOTAL PROJECT AREA:-------17.50 ACRES, 9.NUMBER OF LOTS CREATED:------1 TOTAL10. BUILDING HEIGHT-------· #1 +/-32.50 FT., #2 +/-1.00 FT #3 +/.12.5 FT. 11.ASSESSORS NO.016-500-01, 016-500-02 AND 016-500-03 FLOOD ZONE "X" ON COMMUNITY PANEL NO. 06029C2282, SEPT. 26, 2008 EASEMENTS WHICH CAN NOT BE PLOTTED FROM RECORD 1.PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. PER BK. 5743, PG. 2182.CITY RESOLUTION NO. 156-86 TO VACATE STREETS PERBK 5950, PG. 829, AND RERECORDED IN BK 5963, PG. 971 OR. ii' CALIFORNIA z g = Iii SITE //a; AVE. !!" - VACINITY MAP "" � fl ALPINE s, ,_ .. C/) :!/?; � 0 ¼/ �,-C/) � �k � � \/ :!� � PARCEL MERGER NO. 21-0134 EXISTING �---:;-:::---::: 1/Jc/-,/ EXHIBIT "B" --___ ...,_-r-��:-:--, � � MATCH LINE __,__ .....;,,ij�;.......,....;. _...,.._,' / -/ ----...--=:-....:::-...:::. c ( EASEMSNT FOR PUBllC ST. I J PER BK. 6106, P<l om i, STORM DRAIN EASEMENT PER '<c /; INSTRUMENT NO. 32266 OR. :__,_�,... BOOK 6134, PAGE 2359 O.R. / PER P.M. NO. 3150 PER PM BK. 14, PARCEL 11 AC PARKING AREA r--c::.�:::::::-i t FD L H W/CONC. MON. & COPPER PT. j " �flsn 0.86 AC,' , � iJ PG. 101 / {8' � • _,. ,: 1 � � I .B/ "'6lN,PG.410R �··oARkJNGAREA � ,' IS 'ii - .•-I QUITCLllM DEED PER / • • •UITCLAIM DEED PER ~ �K. 6629, PG. 1055 OR. .. vaLtcsr�� · ___... A ,.,,�...,.... EASEMENT FOR Pueu1 'PG. 0377 · -------� �"""-I���_.,-PER BK. 6106, PG.03 No. 32266 ,..,. fllJ C' .,.,, . vrf • --...._ I l"fA .t' LI ;---....__ "" ---. -J''-' �ll,;�I �C/l ---. ..,. -·�v -- � � :NT PER ----� / �. ,j; �.,._ � � � � \88635 ,, • fl'-I � 11,, r:iWELFARE BUILDING #1 2 STORY BUILDING 161,785 SF. PARCEL 16.6 AC "An 15' STORM DRAIN EASEMENT Ii?. I '-' PER BK 6046, PAGE 128 INSTRUMENT NO. 30888 -�§ LS /::J /:f PER BK. 6106, PG. 0377 � "' INSTRUMENT NO. 32266 OR. / ,,,,,,,,. ,,,,,.,,,,,.� f/g, 1/ t? f EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ST. IVi'J'i;;o,,Biv ,_ f ALPtN. 480· f srRssr / '-�, {fjk_ MAP OF BAKERSFIELD & SUMMER M.B. 1, PG. 11-12 (5) PLANTER TYP. N W 7 530.21' EX. CURB GUTTER _j &SIDEWALK 9'50'W f!?:,; CALIFORNIA 596.32' �I � j!E AVENUE i g: •0·MH -� ... '--- CURVE TABLE ..., ·E·� EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ST. PER BK. 6106, PG. 377 INSTRUMENT NO. 32266 O.R. FD. COTTON PICKER SPINDLE "THIS MAP IS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY' EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ST, PER BK. 6106, PG. 377 INSTRUMENT NO. 32266 O.R. 1"=100' Graphic Scale 0 --100' --- ----- SHEET 7 OF 13 SHEETS � � 1":::100' Graphic Scafe 0 100' --- -- PARCEL MERGER NO. 21-0134 EXHIBIT "B" EXISTING -...__ FD. CONG. MON, & --.._r COPPER PT. 18' DP. . � ------- I H-! .._ !>! - I'/". - C□i�Vi:t c, --------,/--f,_ S13,� s�, CH1co CURVE TABLE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT 129"40'00" 4 6.62 1,;11•111•,n• '" 62.97 �Q• ' • ''· ;2 32.47 19' 1'.,�· 25.00'6.55 48"20'15" � STRffr ,_ /, ti ;:: Ii. $1 --.J' €'.�#/ -. 1 FD CONC. MON. & h COPPERPT, 18"QP_ ta;v"/ ' ;ff '? !;; .:,;./,; MAP OF BAKERSFIELD & SUMMER MB.1, PG.11-12(5) £ ii;' (..l,llJ1 _.._,�, f:!1 fii �· BROKEN PAVlNG u,01 fJi..l c.,•_// . /.' ... !!/ iC, MON, & COPPER PT. 150PERPMBK.14, CM ENT FOR PUBLIC ST. BK. 6106, PG. 0377 RUMENT NO, 32266 -s !£Burr ,._ �'',p-, c STRfr--= 40'19•1; � l c T"""""'-· :---J. 480 'ER .... � -...-u,/f• <sif --�>--fs t;S 428,Bo• 70.11• �c-.-... ...___ � ti �- -----' <s�if I � �� I I EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ST. f / PER BK. 6106, PG. 0377 j j INSTRUMENT NO. 32266O.R, . I ! QUITCLAIM DEED PER� " PARCEL "A" ,.,. z_ J � EX CURB, GUTTER 16.6 AC it ,,!::::, i//� fil:J,. ;,,V <.J. � , &SIDEWALKENDS ��1f:ri, 20.! i,i EASEMENTFORPUBUCST i \11j},Cb, ; µ-�-PER BK. 6106, PG. 0377� \ iq(".1,1-i,_, ; 'fl INSTRUMENTNO. 32256 O.R. ,,, ... l/8 ,'ff¼, ft! 0 .:,,- I.., t\ @ . _, 1 -. 50'STORMDRAINloASEMENTPER -... ' ./2 \ _ --...___ BOOK6134,PAGE2359 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL BROKEN PAVING ' • ---.. -_-. INSTRUMENTN0.679050.R. ? ::::�:::-::-:::._--:::_:::: J i,/ 20'CALWATEREASEMENTPER "3'<;,...J·;)·'J'"'· -.. -... �� -...._� Y �---Ji:__"'=:: !;• 800K6051,PAGE2t92 ,::, / 43,3t• .=:s����-:::�:::--�, .. _;-..�.___:----� � .. �STRUMENI NO. Jil6�1 0.R f; I FD, CONG. 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M . f f ACPARKINGAREA • ._�-:-:_-... .._ •. ,.. .._-.. -_,.___� 1/ MATCH �NE ri---._, I I l1 cc........_ / I i ..... ,_ I -..J-J. __ ...,---'.:; -- -- . - --· i; Burr i • .._ i; -<::-·-. -!_ STRc! / --;__----.-....Ji PAVfDo -.. FD.CONC.Mmt �£T PARCEL "B" 0.86 AC J j f •·-�-.. -1i'IV£ STAMPED -' ,-.._/ ,{-��-LS 3707 "THIS MAP IS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY" SHEET 8 OF 13 SHEETS 10. ,_. "' :ti � � '/ � oi./H - co� 5prv � ,. � ' """'� fJ:-,-\ �"c)i, \J EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ST. PER BK. 6106, PG.0377 INSTRUMENT NO. 32266 OR. FD. L.H. W/CONC. MON. & COPPER PER P.M. NO. 3150 PER PM BK. 14. .�ti �__1;n � I::: q;J ------� I. � . . � QUITCLAIM DEED PER ::,.,_ BK.6124, PG. 41 OR. --� ':NrF< 6/06 PG. _,, 1ENrM ·OJ77 0·32266Qt> .... "· �37.so-:---.._10 --- --1� ,EMENTPER GE650 J0.58635 ---" PARCEL MERGER NO. 21-0134 EXHIBIT "B" MERGED MA77// I 15' STORM DRAIN EASEMENT PER / / 1 BOOK 6134, PAGE 2359 O.R. �/ � ', � I J// AC PARKING AREA / / � / // QUITCLAIM DEED PER .' BK. 6629, PG. 1055 OR irf '-'O':>.. � �� "' 15' STORM DRAIN EASEMENT 'Yi) m PER BK 6046, PAGE 128 / INSTRUMENT NO. 30888 OR. / I 'P'/ t,:.s- � PER BK. 6106, PG. 0377 INSTRUMENT NO, 32266 OR. ::::, / / ,1;!� I EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC sT. =..Jflll,,_I �� MAP OF BAKERSFIELD & SUMMER M.B. 1, PG. 11-12 {5) PLANTER TYP. S 89'38'56' W 511.41' I 511.34' LS l'50"W i / 530.21' EX. CURB GUTTER _j & SIDEWALK S89°49'50-W CALIFORNIA �l ti:i�,w 596.32' AVENUE ...J 0:: � ti; c3 I ..I -� .. I#" Cl) -� EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC CURVE OJ -CALIFORNIA DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION GRANT DEED PER DOC. NO. 221089807 OR. ST. PER BK. 6106, PG. 377 --INSTRUMENT NO. 32266 O.R. FD. COTTON PICKER SPINDLE "THIS MAP IS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY" EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ST. PER BK. 6106, PG. 377 INSTRUMENT NO. 32266 O,R. � � 1"=100' Graphic Scale 0 100' ----- '� f 'f!:'I� SHEET 9 OF 13 SHEETS � 1"-100' 0 Graphic Scale PARCEL MERGER NO. 21-0134 CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS EXHIBIT "B'' MERGED 100' ---....._ FD. CONC. MON,&. ---..._ COPPER PT. 18' DP. ?f'--..___ EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ST. PER- / A >< OOG,N0•2220023350.R. y --------�- (,' I ·' _ _, e Cf/Jc 8� 0 C 29°40'00'. ' .. ' . . ' . 8'20'15" /ff ;:-s,,.,,, . ....________ -RE:£, ,o 5.O' LENGTH TANGENT 1794 33.21 62.97 32.47 6.55 7 .6 - ----,__ /,. ,,-, -ST, {:!:. JfJ Be, t,, 48(),16, ------Cl) � ,--./1 f}j /,j 420.15, --....___ j FD CONC. MON &fJ l__j §//J --...c1 ·----;., --COPPERPr 1a•cp_ MAP OF BAKERSFIELD & SUMMER M,8. 1, PG. 11-12 (5) f2 CONc. f! t 1' 7;--. � ft J/ EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ST, PER� · / -.. BROKEN PAVING _EJ/j/ DOC. N0-222002335 O.R // �� ..,.{! J; NC. MON. & COPPER n '.1150 PER PM BK. 14, • it . ' ¼ � I � � IJGHTINOUSTRIAL 7/ 40• )EMENTFORPUBLICST. f !; PARCEL-1 //1--rnK.6106,PG,0377 , , " , ") ;4.J TRUMENTN0.32266 S733938E 20.00 17.52AC !/Ill:4/1# r,, z. !!llE .!J.:::./;..., 't 8Ur,-. � .._,_, __ EX. CURB, GUTTER fi {g �! Cl) ;If �40'1B f: $'1-J:l c.,;. &SIDEWALKENDS /,t;,J, G !fl/ j" -"< 873. , -..c ·e · I hi£, '6'\ _ , hs BROKEN PAVIN "t F...,,� 40tee � 4 "f:r ��'1'1'& <o•i 1'. 1:AseMENTFoRPusucsr. l;s 1 #! --.. ---�� ._Bo.11' :;0\••,f-�, µ----PER BK 6100, PG.0377 ;;;_u ;J 1ER J1! ._ �---,...�'E;i l?�.;l',;. )/ INSTRUMENTN0.322660,R. _,J(°'",:::5 ft G ff: 426. 470.71, -.. '%. .,i, 1/ ·-,..::. /[:J ;J .aa, �-.. ""'--=---- .... \ @ "-5()' STORM DRAIN EASEMENT PER � � IJJ � """--.. -.. 1 , -...___ BOOK6134,PAGE2359 �1>, r t::::::l><f(i; --��� -�:_I ,_ :.---•• _,.::_-..-. INS�UMENTN0.579050.R. 1 <%1 f � w q ----�-�--__ ,_.... . f ;/ ... _:::-----. ._:·------::._ ---�/ ,,. 20-CAL WATER EASEMENT PER ( ' / EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ST./ ---;-- • .. ! �-:::---. ·----... ___ :-?--------��--- � ,1f 800K6051. PAGE 2192 \ f ;' PERBK,6106,PG. 0377 1 433 . -.....;;;�=::::------/.--~-- -------�-;.! lt)STRUMENTN0.386510.R. I f INSTRUMENTN0.322560.R / · 1' 1 -----."--- -·-:::.::::::;;:;:-_-- "-•-..:.. 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NAME OF BENEFICIARY: WILMINGTON TRUST, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, ON BEHALF OF THE REGISTERED HOLDERS OF BENCHtvlARK 202 I-B27 MORTAGE TRUST, CO!v!MERCl.i\.L MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 202I-B27 AND THE UNCERTIFICATED VRR INTEREST OWNERS as current Beneficiary, per Deed of Trust and Security Agreement made by FM Baker LLC and YBG Baker LLC, as grantor, to Chicago Title Company, as trustee, for Citi Real Estate Funding Inc., as beneficiary. recorded May 12, 2021, as Document No.: 221089808 of the Official Records of Kem County, California, as assigned to the undersigned by Assignment Deed of Trust and Security Agreement recorded August 30; 202 I, as Document No.: 22164439 of the Official Records of Kem County, California. WILMINGTON TRUST, NATIONAL ASSOCl.i\. TION, AS TRUSTEE, ON BEHALF OF THE REGISTERED HOLDERS OF BENCHMARK 2021-B27 MORTAGE TRUST, COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2021-B27 AND THE UNCERTIF!CATED VRR INTEREST O\VNERS By: Midland Loan Services, a division of PNC Bank, National Association, as Master Servicer By: �� N?me: --Davit! Bomheimer··· -­Title: ---SeflierViee President�_ ......Servicing Officer .. STA TE OF KANSAS ) ) ss COUNTY OF JOHNSON ) On this the J_2_ day of O CC:::. , 20_�krore me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared David Bomheimer S VP , of Midland Loan Services, a division of PNC Bank, National Association, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to qic that he/she executed the same in his/her authorized capacity, and that byhis/her signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted. executed the instrumcnL ·IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: 1(a.;tr1J ro oJ;J� CV\d.. Notary Public ._, PAGE 13 Or/3 NOTA.lfY PUBLIC · Sia of t<ansa KATRINA GARRARD My�a,-uprnN'l!21 2023