HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/09/23 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SPECIALD • 23 FEB -S D" 8: 9q BAKERSFIELD THE SOUND OF5 M14ij f?e* Staff: Committee Members: Christian Clegg, City Manager Councilmember, Manpreet Kaur-Chair Gary Hallen, Assistant City Manager Councilmember, Bob Smith Councilmember, Bruce Freeman Special Meeting of the Planning and Development Committee of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Thursday, February 9, 2023 12:00 p.m. City Hall North - Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA 93301 AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Agenda Item Public Statements b. Non -Agenda Item Public Statements 3. ADOPT NOVEMBER 1, 2022, AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 4. REPORTS - None 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS - None 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Adoption of 2023 Planning and Development Committee Calendar B. General Plan and Housing Element Update 7. COMMITTEE COMMENTS S. ADJOURNMENT (03 BAKERSFIELD THE SOUND OF5awtAWf Re* Staff: Christian Clegg, City Manager Gary Hallen, Assistant City Manager Committee Members: Councilmember Bruce Freeman - Chair Councilmember Bob Smith Councilmember Patty Gray SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Tuesday, November 1, 2022 12:00 p.m. City Hall North - Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA 93301 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Meeting called to order at 12:00 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Councilmember Bruce Freeman - Chair Councilmember Bob Smith Councilmember Patty Gray City Staff Present: Christian Clegg, City Manager Gary Hallen, Assistant City Manager Virginia "Ginny" Gennaro, City Attorney Ashley Zombrono, Deputy City Attorney Julie Drimokis, City Clerk Phil Burns, Building Director Paul Johnson, Planning Director Brianna Carrier, Assistant to the City Manager Juan Heredia, Administrative Analyst (CMO) 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Agenda Item Public Statements None b. Non -Agenda Item Public Statements None 3. ADOPT SEPTEMBER 28, 2022 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Motion by Committee Member Gray and seconded by Committee Member Smith for approval of minutes. Motion unanimously approved. 4. REPORTS None 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A, Committee Review and Recommendation on Ordinance to Amend Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 8.80 re: Abatement of Public Nuisances - G. Gennaro/A Zambrano City Attorney Gennaro made opening remarks and introduced Deputy City Attorney Zambrano who provided a PowerPoint presentation and staff comments recapping Committee discussion during the September 28, 2022, meeting. Draft Ordinances were also submitted for Committee consideration. Deputy City Attorney Zambrano explained that the proposed new language to expand summary abatement authority, proposed new language to address property maintenance of vacant buildings, and direction to staff to incorporate proposed amendments into larger nuisance abatement Code clean-ups are all reflected in the proposed draft ordinances that should streamline the process and make it more easily understood. She briefed the Committee on the current non -summary abatement process for trash and debris and clarified that the recommended changes to the code would not substantially change the process, only consolidate some sections and duplicative language to streamline and make sure it is reflective of how an actual code enforcement case works and is easily understood by the public. She further described the summary abatement process where the city moves more quickly because the situations are more egregious as they pose an imminent risk to public health and safety. The Committee discussed at length the four separate categories of summary abatement that will allow the city to move forward more quickly. They further discussed the foreclosure process to address the chronic nuisance properties and explored instances where the city would not record a notice of substandard property. Deputy City Attorney Zambrano continued to explain the proposed new chapter that deals with the assessment process and the property maintenance for vacant buildings that will create a new section within the municipal code that deals with defining the conditions that constitute a public nuisance, specifically in the case of a fire damage building, the property owner shall within 90 days of the occurrence submit an application for a fire rehabilitation permit, or obtain a permit for the demolition which, if a property owner did not comply with, would allow the city to move forward with the summary abatement process. Motion by Committee Member Smith directing staff to present ordinances for first reading at the November 16, 2022 meeting. Motion was unanimously approved. Meeting of the Planning and Development Committee of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Tuesday, November 1. 2022, 12:00 p.m. - Page 2 6. NEW BUSINESS None 7. COMMITTEE COMMENTS None 8. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 12:39 p.m. BRUCE FREEMAN, CHAIR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ATTEST: JULIE DRIMAKIS, MMC CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield Special Meeting of the Planning and Development Committee of the City Council- City of Bakersfield Tuesday, November I, 2022, 12:D0 p.m. - Page 3 V BAKERSFIELD THE SOUND of 5eMe7huuy MEMORANDUM February 9, 2023 TO: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Manpreet Kaur, Chair Bruce Freeman Bob Smith FROM: Christopher Boyle, Development Services Director SUBJECT: Adoption of 2023 Planning and Development Committee Calendar Staff received the attached spreadsheet and was directed to provide recommendations for the Calendar Year 2023 Planning and Development Committee agendas. Below please find recommended agenda items for the 2023 calendar year. Please note that the April 27" agenda cannot be moved as the ordinance work is tied to the Housing Element's approval timeline and its supporting environment documentation. Regular General Plan Update Housing Element Update Chronic Nuisance Property Update reports City Space Needs and Downtown Revitalization (Referral) Infill Development Impact Fee Program (Referral) Downtown Master Plan (Referral) Downtown Outdoor Dining Encroachment Permits (Referral) Residential Policy and Zoning Update (Inclusive -Small lot subdivision and Rental Single Family) Ref. Highway Landscaping Improvements (Referral) Parking Enterprise Study (Referral) February 9, 2023 1.) General Plan Update progress report 2.) Housing Element Update progress report 3.) Discussion on Committee priorities April 2023 1.) Residential Zoning Update This session will address the referral by Councilmember Smith to update residential zoning to comply with HCD requirements and state law and the referrals associated with residential development made by Councilmember Freeman (i.e. small lot subdivision and rental single family). June 2023 1.) Chronic Nuisance Property Update (Development Services) 2.) Short Term Rental Property Policy (Development Services) 3.) Downtown Outdoor Dining Encroachment Permits (Public Works) August 2023 1. City Space Needs and Downtown Redevelopment (Economic and Community Development) 2. Infill Development Impact Fee Program (Public Works and Development Services) October 29, 2023 T.B.D. December 7, 2023 1.) Chronic Nuisance Property Update (Development Services) RECOMMENDATION Direction to staff. Planning and Development Committee Calendar January 2023 Through December 2023 All meetings will be held at City Hall North. First Floor, Conference Room A .Planning and Development Meeting 12:00 p.m. ElBudget Departmental Workshop 12:00 p.m. S M T W TH F S 1 3 8 9 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 14 15 17 22 23 24 18 25 19 26 20 27 21 28 29 30 31 F-]CBy Council Meetings 3:30 pm, Closed Session 5:15 pm Public Session Budget Hearing, X/ 14, Budget Adoption: 612E Holidays - City Hall Closed S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 13 7 14 8 15 9 11 16 17 18 12 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S M T7- S League of California Cities Mayors and Council Members Executive Forum -TBD INLeague of California Cities Annual Conference - September 20-22 , 2023 u BAKERSFIELD THE SOUND OFstuv&Ai#J Re* MEMORANDUM February 9, 2023 TO: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Manpreet Kaur, Chair Bruce Freeman Bob Smith FROM: Christopher Boyle, Development Services Director SUBJECT: General Plan/Housing Element Update Progress Report This report is intended to provide information on the current status of the General Plan and 6" Cycle Housing Element update. The last report to the Planning and Development Committee occurred on August 30, 2022. EXISTING GENERAL PLAN In accordance with California Government Code Section 65300, the City and the County of Kern jointly adopted the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan ("MBGP") and certified the associated programmatic Environmental Impact Report ("EIR") in 2002 to plan for the long-term future development of the Metropolitan Bakersfield area. The 2002 MBGP included an update to the text of the previous 1990 General Plan and made minor revisions to the land -use map designations that had originally been prepared in the late 1980's. Staff prepared text changes "in-house" and a consultant assisted in preparation of the EIR. The MBGP contains seven elements as were required by state law, including Land Use, Circulation, Housing, Conservation, Open Space, Noise, and Safety. Two additional optional elements, a Public Services and Facilities Element and Parks Element, reflect the specific needs and objectives of the City. The MBGP also includes a reservation for the "Kern River Plan Element" which was jointly adopted by the City and County in 1985. The Kern River Plan Element was subsequently adopted in 2007 with separate supporting environmental documentation. GENERAL PLAN AND HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE History In January 2020, the City Council approved a contract with Rincon Consultant Inc. ("Rincon") for $49,764.00 to prepare a General Plan Update Strategy and Options Report, which was presented to the Planning and Development Committee, Planning Commission, and City Council during the summer of 2020. The City Council directed staff to prepare a comprehensive General Plan update. A programmatic EIR will accompany the comprehensive update. Development Services Department 1k 1715 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Planning: 661-326-3733 Building: 661-326-3720 Id FAX Planning: 661-852-2136 Building: 661-325-0266 On October 21, 2021, the Council approved an Independent Contractor's Agreement with Rincon Consultants, Inc. ($2,766,189) for the preparation of a General Plan update, associated zone mapping, and associated environmental document; and an Agreement with Rincon Consultants, Inc. ($298,541) for the preparation of a Housing Element update and associated environmental document. The kick-off meeting occurred on 11/30/21. The Last Year The past year could be described as one of public outreach and informational reseach. Three introductory workshops and four visioning workshops (both in -person and virtual) were completed. Multiple pop-up events have been held. The City Council received the first scheduled General Plan Study Session on April 6, 2022. The second General Plan Study Session will be presented to the City Council on March 22, 2023. A series of stakeholder interviews were also completed in late 2022. The Key Issues workshop series is being formulated at this time and will be scheduled for late Spring and early Summer of this year. The Bakersfield 2045 RISE website (www.bakersfield2045.com) has been populated, launched and promoted as a go -to resource for all things General Plan and Housing Element related. Through the website, the community survey was completed as well as a "Think Big" visioning survey that ultimately reached approximately one in every 500 Bakersfield residents. The Existing Conditions Background Report and associated Story Book have been completed and are available on the RISE website for review and comment. From all of the research and community outreach, a Vision Statement will be released the week of this report. The Housing Element efforts have been focused on the finalization of a vacant sites inventory in compliance with the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) assigned to the City. Staff is also reviewing the various chapters of the draft document, in advance of a planned public draft release in April. A City -sponsored zone change effort will be necessary to meet the RHNA requirements. Approximately 750 parcels of land must be rezoned to bring about an HCD-compliant vacant sites inventory. A residential zoning ordinance amendment is ongoing via City Council referral. The amendment will provide compliance with newly passed State housing laws, allowing for certification of the Housing Element update by the State Department of Housing and Community Development later this year. The $291,000 cost of this effort is funded through the REAP Regional Early Action Planning grant. The City remains generally on schedule with the project timeline for both the General Plan update and 6`h Cycle Housing Element, with completion of the General Plan in April of 2025 and adoption of the Housing Element in January of 2024. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that your Committee digest the information within this report and any testimony associated with the Committee meeting itself and receive and file this informational report. CEQA analysis will not be completed as part of this report as there is no project associated with the preparation of this report per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). NEXT STEPS The information provided is informational in nature. No action by the Committee is required u POSTED ON LQ �a by City Clerk's Office City of 23FED -6 Gii 3! 73 Bakersfield BAKERSFIELD Lby—S THE SOUND OF5V4e14 l3eti{er Staff: Committee Members: Christian Clegg, City Manager Councilmember, Manpreet Kaur- Chair Gary Hollen, Assistant City Manager Councilmember, Bob Smith Councilmember, Bruce Freeman Special Meeting of the Planning and Development Committee of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Thursday, February 9, 2023 12:00 p.m. City Hall North - Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA 93301 AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Agenda Item Public Statements b. Non -Agenda Item Public Statements 3. ADOPT NOVEMBER 1, 2022, AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 4. REPORTS - None S. DEFERRED BUSINESS - None 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Adoption of 2023 Planning and Development Committee Calendar B. General Plan and Housing Element Update 7. COMMITTEE COMMENTS B. ADJOURNMENT RECEIVE Pfl) PLACE O MEETING GOF N FILE AT2Z3 Planning and Development Committee Calendar January 2023 Through December 2023 All meetings will be held at City Hall North, First Floor, Conference Room A .Planning and Development Meeting 12:00 p.m. Budget Departmental Workshop 12:00 p.m. S TF 6 13 7 14 20 27 21 28 S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 51 61 71 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ;M 25 26 28 29 30 M T I WITHWITHI F I S 1 2 9 10 11 12 3 5J2728 8 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 City Council Meetings 3:30 p.m. Closed Session S: IS p.m. Public Session Budget Heoring: 06114, Budget Adoption: 6/28 Holidays - City Hall Closed S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 12 6 13 7 14 8 15 16 10 17 11 18 19 26 27 21 28 22 23 24 25 S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 8 15 9 11 16 17 18 12 19 13 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 11 5 6 13 7 14 9 15 16 10 17 '12 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ©©u©®"© m�mmmm© © ". ©mmmm S MI T WITHWITHI F S S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 12 6 13 7 14 8 9 15 16 17 11 18 3 4 5 10 11 12 6 8 13 14 15 9 16 15 16 17 18 20 25 26 27 21 28 22 23 24 19 20 27 21 28 22 29 30 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 31 26 24 26 31 27 28 29 30 m C C c v y C N � L d 2J) i u U � � � N � � m O c N `ry N C In O N ODD N i L = O H T > ° � % E N C O C m O> v C SI U N U v0a� v� p v w w c v T3vv� C i n C v Tk oD O O C O p u D N U L yv v E v g c > C C O A E s c .4 m E u > w E _ u v N N .O — i ] � V > i J ti m 'C p O Y y m C N E U y c '> u a u = o v y g j 0 O O n W u E d m s y N N V _ C O _ o f_ V m u q k E V L O E ''° O u s o v v 3 E C v � V c N N N w Y cp � O W Q v o o W m E 2 s oc °O L° p N V v O s M. 0 ® N v y C L °V C v N v� mo> - p O C N N L N U p O L v O .OD L o c -0 c c V 2 y c C ° y C c L ao ° E E o o O d O N o o d 0 E L c O O� g c 0 H d N U C m C L - m w m - v c c ° o o m C E y T O u O O C O y v a N�„ o ">_ C W c y E > s E y m E v o y O O ,° v u m O L N O G 0 O p m 0 > N C N L O q _O W U T k ° . u c O 3 ON J d L v O T o ° 'o O m y E L m E y x tlp m ® ` E E a 3 O _ � � c C N i m V L � C0 o s ° - O N L 2 O O 1] C N v s m E a c c m qE 2 v v � — i D E O `m C E U `ry 0 O � C ✓i _ n o m v E u m oD — i0 o O s m E v O c c q L U C - d S ° C v > ry 1 O w E o,E k ° O L N 2 � C C � y V � E O � v C N W O Y r+ c � N L Q] � ° r0+ �o N y d E V N c o . N C O S O m m \ �¢ \\\\\\ (/E§ƒEll \\\\\\ \\\\\\ a Planning Et Development Committee - February 9, 2023 2/9/2023 3 unnrieum�� RISE Land Use Conservation Noise Circulation Open Space Safety Housing Environmental Justice Air Quality* a A General Plan must i AIRQUALITY' LAND USE IV CIRCULATION HOUSING II ; 11 • A OPEN SPACE NOISE SAFETY ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE' 2 2/9/2023 5 May include optional elements, such as Economic Development Community Design The Downtown., , Public Facilities and Services Quality of Life ... reflective of the priorities of the�•� «• ' �s RISE • General Plan last updated in 2002, 1988 document. • Community has evolved, the collective"nOel vision for the city have developed with it. • Allows Bakersfield to shape its future growt thoughtfully and intentionally, adapting to changing goals and priorities. • Allows Bakersfield to comply with the many State requirements which have been passec recent years. • Allows the City to meet new requirements i own way, preserving local authority and off, residents a greater voice in how standards are determined and m 6 3 2/9/2023 www.bakersfield2045.com BAKERSFIELD 2045 RISE Bakersfield 2045 General Plan Update Welcome to the City of Bakersfield 2M5 General Plan Update websitel We know better decisions are made when Information Is easily accessible and our community provides Input throughout the process. As the process moves forward, this website will be your primary source for access to all materials related to the 20,t5 General Plan update. The webaite will host pmi documents. meeting dates and times, Intormatlon on the basics of the general plan process, and provide the community Win ways to contribute Ideas to help the City develop a radial for the future. 0 4 2/9/2023 10 2/9/2023 C: 11 12 Documents Bakersfield RISE Existing Conditions Background Report (ECBR) i Ecea UrUvmesa hatun0101eaF0ranem mof zoR-Bnhd ph al IaM Usea0a mndquoatl0rns,m mNNM; Wnebmlanatted.1 reSUURaS. ana Wnar[Oy9mlem0ammenleL ena Ouellry 011Oe IPo�- The ECBR 10y50u[ In0 buaa0110n01 UMBrsdOaiag B(9MASn01a and it [g010M11y 2/9/2023 13 2. About Bakersfield 14 # T x��swuem�u�eo 51 15% au�reuw.ue. wuwwwuswn uriwcweaww 3M ix�wvvrtwe �z�% 49% 2/9/2023 15 61 4 "moo couaTS L.IM Ic' SPoRRCOMVIEMFS M E 2/9/2023 EUNE mm=mm1 p v..... v BAKERSFIELD 2045 RISE4 Progress Report 6th Cycle Housing Element 18 C 2/9/2023 One of the nine mandatory elements in the City's General Plan. The Housing Element is governed by California Government Code Article 10.6 (Sections 65580.65589.11) Required to be updated every 8 years in accordance with the RHNA cycle. 11 19 Community ,?; Housing Housing Community Profile '� Constraints Resources Plan I • Compliance with State Law • Non-compliance triggers potential fines Jurisdiction's General Plan could be deem inadequate and therefore invalid • A noncompliant General Plan creates the] for being sued when making land use ded • City would be ineligible for several Feder';', State housing, community developments infrastructure funding and grant program! 21G- 20 Markel G� ,emmanrat E—mnreemai M 2/9/2023 21 Sites inventory completed. BAKERSFIELD 2"S RISE Four annexations v proposed to meet Housing Opportunity required RHNA. sites workshop October 11, 2022 e 22 11 Eveluat on o Current Hous rl ement and Programs Aft v SCer[lca'i.r Ro1R, and City �C I for entory ,n Da"CD Coro PrEl�idon or current Sire Hans ng H.,ElInnn""i-'Mary e Programs Community Outreach R lea of f D It Drat[ n 4 Elem 3 submit « c r v bue Dra2to Pr v t Re. D a vl n C si Submit eo HCD ei « Cou t Cert'M1'adon AdoP[bn H gs Study Sessions 2/9/2023 25 M7M-D WBows a 19M - Developmem BMus - Mixed Use AB 2208 - Inventory of EaM for 9esWentlat Developnent AB 899 - Housing Development Fees 58330-Hd MCrMSAct of 2019 26 SB 5a0 - Workforce AB 686 Affirmatively AB 582 - Separate Sale a AB 2685 - Housing Element Housing OppM my Zone Further Fair Housing Conveyance:A Adoptlon M 1505 - Zoning M 2162 - Supportive M 686 - Affirmatively SD 351W 765 -Affordable (IMlusbnary Housing Housing Furthenng Fair Housing Housing Streamli� Ord.) Approval M n - Housin8 Blement M 23R - Roor Area g W AB 6M -MU: C011lllpll SB 166 - pesidentlat Cwofan Bonus Interest D .. De W aMAHndabiltty AB 698/0167 - Hauling M 2799 - De ity Bonuses Aa mbilityA M 1721-MM a31%-HwOngMct Act: Ropy Approval AB 1781 H-2A - Worker a8 215 Public ge . Hossing Timeirames SB 229 -Accessory M 1398 - M-zoning DHeliirp UM 13 ri�Reledaeaf EDvaluaCoo D aft DSubmit Pla sio i Current Ste ryfIq Elm 4 SubmitC dRyn Submit to HCD Elemem Inventory i t ( Pan Draftm Co al Certificationand P,., in 1 ReviewJ HCD qe p[ on Programs i qs �r �►I Draft HE Preparation _.. � ... 11-11.1 On Schedule 2/9/2023 • 29 • IT, Learn More I Stay Informed www.bakersfield2O4S.com Bakersfield2045@bakersfieldcity.us oelf BAKERSFIELD 2045 RISE" BAKERSFIELD 2045 RISE"-�r 15