HomeMy WebLinkAbout328 UNION AVE_SQG 3.8.22ck Facility Name: V, Date: *15, Site address:Or . Time ;In: Time Out: Owncr/Oncrator Phone: EPA ID Typeof Inspection Y" 4(i ine Re-in'spectionlF'ollow-up D Combined Routine Insp tic-n Jbint Inspection D Complaint 0, Focused 0 Other -CONSENT TQ INSPECT GATED I3Y' (Naioe / Title). Inspection may involve obtainin hoto ra hs review and copying, of records, and determination of compliance with hazardous waste handling, requirements. C ;:+Complaint: V ='Class I, 11-or Mincer Violation; C V H.r' ZARDOUS NVASTE REUII�EI4�ENT N/A CERS 'Violation # COMMENTS Recordkec "in 7documentation G►cncrator has:an EPA iD number . _ 22CCR 66262.12 30l Qt}02`:. ;t; 1. , Hazardous -waste determination made for all wvastes Analysis �,encrator "Knowledge [CCR 66262.11 3030005 =a : C ontingency panInformation . ostcd near Phone CCR 6626234(d)(2) 3010022 Facilit crsonnel demonstrate trainin awareness [CCR b262.34(d)(2) 3020001 - "Manifests/Consoiidatcd anlfest reed tis complete CC,R 6fi262.23(a` 3010008 $ltic copy(s) of manifest mailed to DTSC [CCR 66262 23(a) 4 ] 301001.1 Bills of. Lndin `rccet is available CCR 66262,4© a)� 301.001.0 .,. . LDRs available attd com lctc CCR 66268.7 a) 303Q0fl6apt � _� F ansitc rec clip reported usin = UPCF HSC 25143.1 qH 3030001 Container/tank management Containers arc in ood condition CCR. 66262.34(d)2) 3030013 Containers are closed except «hcn addin rcmovin CCR66262.34(d)(2) 3030017 'Satellite containers ut or n�car oint: of generation CCR 66262.34(c)(1)(k) Em t containers arc em CCR 66261.7 3030007 Containers ins` eeted weckl l ` cCR 66262.34 d) 2 3030019 Tanks ins' ccted dait CCR.66262.34(d)(2), 4OCr-R 265 201 3030027 £.3ne'container ` er,%1�astc:stream at satellite area CCR 66262.34(d) 2) 3030022 Exclude rcc clable materials stored in accordance with local Q:ordinancelhazrdour materials codes LHSC25143.1 Q 301001+ Accgi r ulafion Time Limits .,rite is accumulated not more than 90/ Uj'70 CCR;66262.34(d) 3030010 Ern coniflincrs rrana cd �vithin'onc ' citr ' ` CCR 6b262:34 d 3030010 . Universal %vaste accumulated less than one car CCR 66273J5(a '3030011 " Used oil `filters offsite Nc rthin'1 80 1 car <1 'ton) CCR 6626 .130 c(4) 3030004 � � mot,, < � w � .:. & a Pb-acid batteries offsite within 180 0 ._ . < I ton) CCR66266.81(a)f3) 3030002 Labeling/Marking 66262.34 Containers arc properly labeled [ (f) 3030007 t . _ ". Excluded re+c clable materials marked ro crl HSC 25143 9 a 3,050005 Universal tivaste container ` ro crl ' labeled (CCR 66273.34 3030008 Used oil filters marked''drainIc used oil filters" CCR 66266 130 3030004 ; Dace wrictcn on s +cnt lead -acid batteries `CCR 66266.81 a)(6 8 3030003 _ "Used tail" tnarkcd`on all used oil tankslcontaincrs CCR 66279.2I )] 343QOf}7q - ` Tank marked with ``haz waste" ,contents, start date 66262.34 t) 3030007 .. .,. Treatment :Transport and .Dis osallOther tSTA Have. crmit/authori�ation to do treatment 1.I....S� C1. 2.. 5,1�3.o 6a.2.-. ... .. - 3A0A4t`0/1 0L'101\3, .teay . .x 9 Waste sent witn autnorizea trans orL t cn. e,1 T1U1Cj 1aste di posed: osei of to authQried oinil"art NSC 25 l s9.5 a) 3050002 " °Failed to prop'crly handle a liancc wastes [HSC 25212 a 66262.34(d)(2) 3030032 - # F y, Firc`Protcction Y gip in't#iis box for receipt of this report. Signature does not imply agreement with findings only receipt of report. Print and s'► INSPECTOkOu, PosT i�zSFLCTION INSTRUCTIONS: c violationabove b .� Correct the (s� noted y • NVithin 5 days of correcting all of the violations, sign and return a copy of this page to: Bakersfield.. Fire Dcpt., Prevention Services, 2101 H St. Bak +�rs field, CA 93301 Signature (that all violations have been corrected as noted) Date 1 U2171 (Rev 1r?019) Pink- Business Copy White -- Prevention SerVices yellow-- Station Copy