HomeMy WebLinkAbout6901 MCCUTCHEN_SQG 1.10.22r Site Address: Pa : �: Time In: Time Out: Owner/Operator: Phone: EPA ID # T,yl)e of Inspection ,Routine 0 Re-inspection/Follow-up �... Combined Routine Ins on, _ Joint Inspection 4 Complaint 0 Focused _ Other CQ\TSENT TO INS'ECTGR��'TE� Inspection may involve obtaining p p photographreviety and copying of records, and deiermintian of compliance with #aza-rdous waste handling requirements. =Cam faint: V -Mass I> Il or lNirior violation, C ''fit 11 � Z��►I��i�C,tLgS'��r WASTE. REQUI.REMEN' I�� . ERR �'iblation # I�C��'tlilE�"I`S Recordkec pin `ldvcumentati bn Generator has an EPA J D number. 22CCR 662 2.12 3010002-14 r> Hazardous Waste detenninatlon made for all m1aste$ # Analysis EI Gcnertitor Knowledge [CCR 66262.11 j 3030005 Con' tin' enc � plan it osted near' hone CC, 66262.34(d)(2)] 30,10022 ' Facili r ,, ersonnel demonstrate itrainin !/awareness [CCR € 6262.34(d)(2)] 3020001 v0L' ManitesiWConsolidated Mi ifest receipts complete [CCR 66262 23(a)] 3010008 �,. Blue cop}'( ) t'n�anifce t mailed to DTSG [CCR 66262.23(a)(4)1 30I00I 1 Bills of Ladin recei ts` available CCR 66262.40(a) 3010010 LD12s availrible and eons fete CCR, 66268.7(a) 3030006 R ..... Qnsite rec clin re prtcd`tlsin,6IJPCF' HSC 25143.10 303ti001 eQntainer/tank mane ement ` m Containers ilrc in opd condition CCR 66262.34(d) 2) 3030013 Cotztainers art closed eacc t tt hen acldin rcmovin CC R66262,34(d)(2) 3030017 Satellite containers at or near oint ofaeneration CCR fo2o2.3-J(c)(1)A) ` Empty containers are em CCR 662617 3030007 `* Containers ins ectcd ti�?eekly CCR 66262-34(d)(2)] 3030019 ` Tanks 'inspected -daily CCR 66262.34(d)(2), 40CFR 265.201 3030027 One containerper waste stream at satellite area[CCR 66262.34(d)(2) 3030022 :.. m Exclude recyclable materials stored in accordance with local ordinance/hutardous materials codes NSC 3010016 Acci mt l i icon Time Litnits t ,. ` 1-Vaste is accumulated not more tlian 901,.1: 801270 JCCR66262.3 d} 3030010 a .:r...: .. :::. ,..� ;. ,.., 7' :. .:.. : ., :..'.:. EITi t containers mono ed tti ithin one ear, CCR,66262.34(d) ..:' 303g01,0 :. .. .. Y'.. a Universal waste accumulated less than one ear: CC.R 66273`.1. S(a) 30300.111 Used oil filters off'site i��fithin l80 1 ear:< ion} CCW66266.130(c)(4) 343000 Pb-acid batteries offsite tiithiri 1;t0 (L r. 1 tin) CCR66266.81(2)(3) 3030002 Labe tir�lblarking 4, Containers are properly. labeled [66262.34(ol 3030007 Zk? Excluded rec tclable materials marked ro erl HSC 25143.% 3050005 l=' Universal waste container ro erlt labeled' (CCR 6f273.34 3030008 Used oil filters marked' "drained used oil, filters" CCR `66266.130 3030004 n; hate tv�ritten:`on s` ent lead-acid..t atteries CCR'66266 81 a)(6")(B) 3030003 "Used Oil" marked on all used oil tanks/containers LCCR, 66279 21.(b) 1 3030007 Tank marked tv1ith "ha waste,, , contents, start date .34M1 3030007 Treatment, Trans art and Dis osal/Other Have ermit/authorization to do treatment 1-ISC 25136;2 300003 " .. 411aste sent �itI authorized trans ort`( en, ell" ib1e) CCR 66263.41. 3050001 . Waste dis used of to authorized Intl arty 1-lSC 25189.5(a) 3050002 `Failed to ro erl handlcapOiance:wisstes l*ISC 25212(a)] R Fire tectivn 66262.34 d)t2) 303,0032 N ,No Print and sigh in this box ' receipt flf this rep€�rt. Si i�nturc does not imply A recm+�nt °ith 6fidin only receipt of report Signaturc (that all violations have been corrected as noted) Date White —Prevention Services 'Yellow-- Station Copy FD2171 (Rev 112019) .fink- Business Copy