HomeMy WebLinkAbout9001 STOCKDALE_CSUB SQG 3.14.222M5✓CcRs� HAZARDOUS.WASTE UNIFIED PROGRAM CO.NSOLIDATEDTORM& IN M M� SIR BAKERSFIELD FIRS DEPARTMENT Prevention Services . A SMALL QUANTATYAZ HARDOUS 2101 H Street ASTE GEN8RATORINSPECTION, WII '01 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 661-326-3979 ®Fax: 661-852-2171 A,& Facility Name: I Date: Site Address: 7 t r,/ Time In: Time Out: 3 -1 Owner/Operator.- Phone: EPA ID # L A t Type of inspection :,*,�-'Ioutinc D Rc-inspection/Fol.low-up 0, Combined Routine'.1qspection 0 Joint Inspection i-e Complaint 0 Focused Other IrtONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (Name/ Title) - Inspection, may involve obtaining photographs, review and copyingof records, and determination of compliance with hazardous waste handling requirements. C = ComElaint: V = Class. 11 I.Lor Minor Violation, HERS CERS Viol. C: V HAZARDOUSAVAST 17E RE!2UIREMENT N/A Violation # NTS N/A atio COMME Reedirdkee 1p'nig/documentakion - v/1 Generator has an, EPA : IDn'umber R 66262. :[22CC 3010002 Hazardous .,%a ste determination made for all wastes 0 Analysis & 6jencrator Knowledge. [CCR 662 3030005 Conting'ency,plan,information posted near hone [CCR- 6626234(�)(2A 3010021 Facility. personnet dcn'ons't1itc'-training/ wacreness CX�66262 34 _p (d)(2)]'_ :3020001 Manifeks/Co'nSiolidai Nainife�itf 6iptsicornp e I te [CCR,166262.23 3010008, 131 :co uc- manifest mai6d to,,DTSC [CCR 6626123(A)(4)1 3010011 Bills� of LAdin e pt§.available. [CCR 66262.4OLa.)] 3010010 A - 1, .� I san ;c2MIcte LDR available:CCR 66268 3030006 nsitcycc. 1i.Axcpo;kd ng. 0 y�q n rt usi UPCF [HSC25143.10jl 3030001 Contaifiethank managemen ontain'cr.siare in,�FLOod-cond-i'tiOn,'.,..,,-.: [CCR,66262.34_(o 30300,13 "onrtalftcrsare� close&6,kccpt when ..add thg1rcrnovihg� fCCR66262 34 3030017 Satellite .,container 'at, ornear pointo gencra, n R 66262 34(c)(J E pty.con aincrs:arc:cmpty [CCR 66261 3,030007 Containers ins pect6d.' kly ��66262.34 [CCR 3030019 Tanks inspected y [CCR 4 dail -66262.34(d)( 0CM265.2011 3030027 OnC.LcofiWner per waste stream : at satellite area 1CM.66262. 34(d 3030022 Ex6lude lable matcr accordance recyclable L ials stored aCco ance with loca :in ordinance/hazardous :materials codes [HSC 25143.10 3010016 A tiM cc ation. Time, Limits Waste �is accumulated not more. than - 90/1,80 270 [CCR 66262.34(d 1 303001 0 EmpV containers mans Ed.LW thin one year [CCR, 66262.34(d)) 3030010 Universal t waste accumulated L less L than one y 66273.15 car .[CCR (a)] 3030011 L I 80�: oil filters 11tors off9i te,.Nvi thin L. (lLyear<lLton} [CCR,66266.130 3030004 L ff --thi L I (,��W L n a [CCR,66266 8t( 1"Pb-acid battenes,o site n 80, < I' to 3030002 Lahelling/81arking Containers C ntAincrs arc pro-ocrlv- labeled [6626234(f)1 3030007 t-Excluded recyclable, materials marked proj�Srlv �LHSC251419 3050005, Universal t waste container proper y -labeled' (CM66273.341 3030008 ed o filters markc&7dra n used oi crS Used fffilt�' L66266.130I.., 3030004 —ICCR cn on , p L, ca -acid batteries Date �,,�fitft entl dm, i , attCne [CCR'66266.81 (a)(6)(B)l 303000 3 "Used Oil"! marked Loniall used oil. tanks/ n ers [CM 6627921 (b)] :3030007 ma "h' "MS C, date; Tank marked iiih 4(f)]L 3030007, "t an Ti qiii6en�, ranspo I/OtherL r d'Dis'posa T L. 21L tj ationAotreatment. .L [H SC 2513 aut on z, * flave.permith h do6. 3040003 COO W, I_ 'ISte: sentLL It yort cm:q ja CGR.66263.41 w authorized fi iblc), 3050001 W L d-Y 6d- [FISQ2518 5 Ispose �b to, aut ionz aste d'; d potailpq 3050002 J- c &L. a . p . p iance I vN?as es �[HSC, 52,12(6) LL Failed y andl 1* i2 F fire-Prbtdc ion L 166262.34(d)(2)] 3030032 r id sign �'this�bk1otrecei t of re.vort.:Sign 't-tire doe n MPIN. agreement with findings only recelpt of report. Print t_ jjLj �fi L, �-S not I L gS gnIlm INSPECTOR, POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: 0 Correct the violation(s) noted above by 0 Within 5 days of correcting allof the violations, sign and return a copy of this page to: Bakcrsfield:Firc Dept., Prevention Services, 2101 H St. Bakcrsfi . eld, CA 93301 Signature (that all violations have been corrected as noted) Date FD2171 (Rev 1/21019) White — Prevention Services Yello%v— Station Copy Pink- Business Copy