HomeMy WebLinkAbout11000 STOCKDALE_CVS SQG 3.14.22, Facility Name: 1)Date: A Site Address: Time In: Time Out: Owncr/Operator: Phone: EPA ID # Twe of Inspection IT", �ovtinc 0 Re-inspection/Follow-up 0 Combined Routine Insvection, ;,D; JointInspection 0 Complaint 0 Focused !0 Other t CONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (Name / Title): Inspection may involve obtaining photographs, review and copying of records, and determination of compliance with hazardous wa'stc handling ; requ i rernents. C = Com2laint: V = Class I,11 or Minor Violation, CE, R S C V IJAZARDOUS NVASTE.,REQUfREMENT N/A Violation # COWNIENTS R - e dk cor eeping/documen on -- ---- - ------ Generator.' has an:EPA;ID. numb [22CCR 66262.l 2 301,0002L I NX 'wr Hazardous Waste determihatibnmade for all wastes 3030005 Analysis era or knowledge [CCR 66262A 1 JCC R: 66262 Contingenc� �Jan ation:j)oSLc&near phone L -,34(d)t2)j 3010 022 L inin awareness !a'6ilit�,:personnel [CCR demonstrate tr6* Ware 3020001-1 MAn ests!ConsoIid atA'Manif t'receipts complete etc [CCR 66262.2L3(2)) 3010008 Ave 1 uc: cop (s) of,mant est[CCR mailed DTSC B L 0 3010011 B illsf o_,Udinrcccipts,available ICCR 66262A. 301,0010 MpleteL 'L LDR 'I b1 '&o [CC sLavai a C.LandL R 66268 7 3030006 0 nsitelveyslit' g.rcp6 6d. usin'' UPCF 25143 1 9 [HSCL 3030001 Container/tank management con:tain'crs.;arc:.inLo'od.66ndition [CCR 66262.34( 3LO30013 L I -I- Containers are c ose&ex dd* nSL crnoy ng, -Cent: w ien: add* i [CM66262.34(d)(2)] 3030017 Satellite containers near oDint �o _EnCra ion [CCR:6626234(6)(l )(A)] E m � Pt y con aindrs, are [CCR6626 1 7, 3030007 Containers ins` IVeekI CCR ,66262.34L)(2) 3030019 Tanks in coed flail CC1Z ,66262.34(o)(2),,,,40CFR265.'20,11 3030027 One container' I p er waste siTcana at satellite area [CCR ,166262.34(d)(2)] 3030022 Ex6ludcle'e'', lible�"�m"atcn*a'ls'stoiiAi'n:acc:6id'a�ncib�vith,lo'caI yq ordinance/liazatdotis materials codes IHSC25143.101 3010016 Accumulation Time: Limits Waste is accumulated not more than 0/270 [CCR 66262.34(d)] 3030010 Empty containers mane g d within one year [CCR 66262.34(d)] 3030010, Universal waste accumulated less :than one year [CCR 66273.15(a)l 3030011 Used oil .filtc bft'§itewithi 1,80 ( year <1 ton) [CCR 66266.130( rs n 3030004 P - b i batteries o'ffiitd %vithin] 80fl, yr. < I ton) [CCR66266.8 Pb-acid 3030002 Labelffivr/Marking, containers, arepro,P crly1abeled [66262.34(f)] 3030007 marked prop-ClPy [HSC 251419(6�)], 'Excluded r'q'c'y`c116bI Excl e, materials' 3050005 Universal. waste c' 6n'tI � R, 66273341 container .1 pMlabeleder y 3030008 Used bkd.bil.' filters, [CM 66266. 1301 3030004 -spentidad.-acid Date Written on batteries [CCR 66266.81 (a)(6)(B)]­ 3030003 "Used `Oil" marked on all used ail .:tabk§/con iner. [CCR66279.21(b)1 T'at.ik%:marked :,.Niiith.:.'.'." 67:,toni fits, start �datq 4(f 1:� 3030007 _.-.:haz[66262.3 Treatment, Transport and Misp6savothor Have perm,__Wauthorza:fion.4to do treatment HS I 5,136 2) 3040003 sent A►ithIauthonied,tfansportfen. cligibl2) 305001Wiste Te! r. Waste disposed oflo,authb rty [HS Dint/ C 25189.5Ka)] 3050002 Failed toro C rl handle .,applit .an cc wastes [HSC 25212( 4)] y : Fire Protection [66262.34(d)(22) 303003211 I Print afid" sign in thisbo'x. f6r receiIA0 this report. Signattire, does, not imply agreement withfindings only.x&6pt of report. INSPECTOR fv­�/ oe\ POST INSPECTION INLSTRUCTIONS: Corrcct the violation(s) noted above by Signature (that all violations have been corrected as noted) • Within 5 days of correcting all of the violations, sign and return a copy of this page to: Bakcrs-ficld Fire Dept., Prevention Services, 210114 St Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date FD2171 (Rcv I P-0 19) Pink- Business Copy White — Prevention Services Yellow— Station Copy