HomeMy WebLinkAbout9370 ROSEDALE_LENSCRAFTER SQG 2.17.22HAZARDOUS WASTE lx BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS Prevention Services 2101 H Street SMALL QUANTATY HAZARDOUS Bakersfield, CA 93301 . . . . . . . . . . . . WASTE GENERATOR INSPECTION -326-3979 Fax: 661-852-2171 Phone: 661 Date: Facility Name: Time Out: Time In: Site Address: 0hvner/Operator: Phone: EPA ID 4 Type cif Inspection Routine 0 Re-inspection/Followrup [21 Combincd.Routinc nspcction -10 joint Inspection Complaint D Focused L-1 Other [I CONSENT TO INSPECT BY (Name Title Inspection may involve I I obtaining I ph I otogr I aphs,review and copying of records, and. determination of compliance with hazaTdous Waste handling requirements. V = rl*ec I If or Minnr Vininfinn C V HAZARDOUS WASTE ,RE,2UIREARENT N/A CERS Violation # COMMENTS Recordk"ping�documcntation Generator has an number 66262. 3010002 & Hazardous waste tc, d etcrinination m add for all wastes 0 Analysis e6encrat©r Knowledge [CCJt 66262.111 Contin gene lan information posted:near phone [CCR 66262.34(d)(2)] 3030005 3010022 Facility personncl demonstrate training/awareness [CC.R 3020001 Mani fests/Consolidated Manifest receipts complete GCR 66262-23 (a)] 3010008 Blue cones) of manifest mailed to DTSC 66262.23 3010011 Bills of I LadinLreccipts available [CCR 66262.40(a)] 3010010 LDRs available�a [CCR 66268.7(aY] I and complete 3030006 Onsitc recy6lin g' reported usin 'UPCF H SC 25143.10] 3030001 Container/tank management w ainersarc in g C bod condition, CCR 66262.34(d)(ZU_ ont. 3030013 w c C on ncrs are closed e`XcC Pt h adding/rcm-oving [CCR66262 34(d)(2)] 3030017 mr7r,"w, _ satellite containers at ornear. point of �encration [CCR 66262.34(c)(1)(A)l containers are qm2jj [CCR 66261.71 Empty co 3030007 Containers insp-cet6d %V'C-ckly [CCR 66262.34 3030019 Tanks inspected, daily [CCR.1 66262.34(d)(2),, 40CFR265.2011 3030027 on" one containererage stream at satellite arca% [CCR,6626234(L) 2)] 3030022 &sto o; a Exclude recyclable material red in accordance With I c ,1 ordinancAazardou&materia:ls codes SC 25141101 3010016 Accit lation Time, Limits Waste is accumulated 'not.tore than 901jl,�,0/270 _LCCR 66262.34 3030010 X Empty containers managed within one year 66262.34 3030010 Universal Nvasteac cum . ulated less.than one year [CCR 66273.15(a) 3030011 U filters site" - 'thin, 1 80. 1 year < I ton) tc_ R 66266.130(c)(4)] sedoil,filt ' off 41 ( -- 3030004 j 1< 1 0 66266.81 Pb.-acid batteries offiftc. within ton) [OCR 3030 002 Labeling/iNfarking Containers are properly labeled [66262,34(f)] 3030007 Excluded rec clable materials marked _properjy 25143.9(l 3050005 Universal waste container roverly labeled (CC.R 66273.341 30300�08 rained used'oilfiltcrs" Used o filters marked. "d [CCR­06266.139 3030004 Date written spcn .1 t batteries CR 66266.81(a)(6)(B)l 3030003 , _JCCR 66279.21 (b)] "Uscd-O""' marked on 'all used r oil tanks/containers - Tank marked with "haz NNnste contents, r start date [66262.34(t)] 3030007 3030007 Treatment, Transport and Disposal/Other Have pc it/authorization to d0 treatment HSC. 25136.2 eligible) Waste sent with authorized r transrt (�R. 66263. 3040003 3050001en. Waste di s%posed of to authonzedr SC 251,89.5(a)] -r-ai cd to proEefly handle appliance wa stes fHSC 2521 3050002 Fire Protection -66262.34(d)(2)] 1"-ri-oom 111"JILI Mt ont 3030032 mvith findings only reeciot of report. Correct the violati on(s), noted above by Within 5 days of correcting all of the violations, sign and return a copy of this page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Services, 2101 1`1 St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Signature (that all violations have been corrected as noted) Date FD2171 (Rev 1/2019) White- Prevention Services Yellow- Station Copy Pink- Business Copy