HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 3379 ORDINANCE NO. 3 3 ? 9 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 17.53 OF THEi BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO SITE PLAN REVIEW. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: Chapter 17.53 hereby amended to read as SECTION 1. of the Bakersfield follows: Municipal Code is Sections: 17.53.010 17.53.020 17.53.030 17.53.040 17.53.050 17.53.051 17.53.060 17.53.061 17.53.070 Chapter 17.53 SITE PLAN REVIEW PurpoSe. Site plan review committee. Site ~)lan approval required. Definitions. Basislfor approval. Site plan review objectives. ProceSs. LandsCape requirements and standards. Certificate of occupancy. 17.53.010 Purpose. The purpose of site plan review is to promote standards of development in the community consistent with adopted city policies and to protect the health, safety and welfare of the community through the implementation of development standards, regulations and adopted General Plan policies of the city. 17.53.020 Site plan review co~,,.ittee. A site plan review committee is established consisting of the planning director, building director, fire chief and public works director, or their designated representatives. The planning director shall be responsible for coordination of the committee's activities. - 1 - 17.53.030 Site ~lan approval required. No person shall undertake, conduct, use or construct or cause to be undertaken, conducted, used or constructed any of the following without having first complied with the provisions of this chapter and obtained site plan approval: any change in the actual use of land or improvements thereon, including, but not limited to, the construction of any improvements which require a building permit, enlargement, reconstruction or renovation of improvements; notwithstanding this provision, the following are exempt: A. Permitted uses in the R-I, E, R-S, R-S1A, R-S-2.5A, R-S-5A, R-S10A, RH, A, A-20A, FP-P and FP-S zones; B. Normal maintenance and repair of improvements and exterior remodeling not requiring a building permit; C. Interior improvements which do not involve exterior building modifications or a change of use or intensity of use; D. Subdivision of land. E. Projects with a building valuation of less than $20,000 may be approved over the counter if the planning director finds the project is consistent with 17.53.010 of this code. 17.53.040 Definitions. For purposes of this chapter, the words set out in this section shall have the following meanings: A. "Approving authority" means the authority in whom decision-making responsibility is vested under the provisions of this chapter, including the site plan review committee, the planning commission and the directors, to be determined in context. B. "Certificate of occupancy" means a legal document indicating that the construction of a project conforms to the building plans approved. C. "Directors" means the planning director building director for purposes of this chapter. and D. A "parking lot" means an off-street open area and driveway thereto and within solely for the parking of passenger vehicles. Such an area or portion thereof shall be considered a parking lot whether on the same lot as another use, whether required by Code for any structure or use, and whether classified as an accessory, permitted or conditional use. - 2 - E. The "site plan review room" is an area designated by the planning director for site plan review activities where each member of the site plan review committee meets on a daily basis to review and comment on site plan review applications and related items. 17.53.050 Basis for approval. Approval shall be granted or denied on the basis of the development standards, referred to in Section 17.53.051 and the municipal code, as adopted and amended from time to time. Each approved site plan shall be deemed to include a condition of approval that the project, as developed, comply with all mandatory, adopted improvement standards and requirements applicable to the project on the date on-site construction (excluding grading and other site preparation work) begins, including, but not limited to, those requirements and standards referred to in subdivisions 1 through 5 of subsection D of Section 17.53.060, whether or not such standards and requirements were in effect as of the date of site plan approval. 17.53.051 Site plan review standards. The City Council shall by resolution standards and policies for site plan review. adopt development 17.53.060 Process. A. Application. The application shall consist of a fee, based upon a schedule adopted by the city council, one legible copy of the application form and two legible copies of the site plan, elevations and floor plans, unless otherwise instructed by the planning director, of the following: 1. Application Form. The application form shall be provided by the planning director and shall be filled out to the satisfaction of the planning director. 2. Hazardous materials compliance check list as required by the City Fire Marshal. 3. Site Plan. The site plan shall be neatly dimensioned and drawn to an appropriate scale (preferred scale is one inch equals twenty feet) with a minimum size of eight and one- half inches by eleven inches, shall depict the subject parcel and contain the information specified below. It shall indicate the location of the site, project address, location of all existing improvements, the type and location of all proposed improvements, - 3 type and location of all improvements proposed to be demolished or constructed, all existing and proposed uses on-site and all evidence of a mappable nature which may be required, including: a. Location, height and material of existing and/or proposed fences and walls; b. Location of off-street parking, indicate the number of required parking spaces, the number of provided parking spaces, and the number and location of handicapped spaces, type of paving, direction arrows depicting traffic flow parking dimensions, and parking lot total square footage. c. Location and type of parking lot lighting, including pole locations, pole height, light source, illumination level and fixtures types consistent with the provisions of the zoning ordinance. d. Locations and width of drive approaches; e. Method of storm water disposal; f. Location of existing and/or proposed public improvements (such as curbs, gutters, sidewalks, sewers, utility poles, fire hydrants, street lights, traffic-control signing, traffic signal devices, specific plan lines for streets and highways, etc.); disposal; g. On-site drainage and method of sewage h. Location of trash refuse area; i. Landscaped areas in accordance with Section 17.53.061 (C) of this code. including: j. Bummary of all proposed buildings (1) Total gross floor area as defined in Section 17.58.020 F of this code; (2) Number of floors and square footages per floor; (3) Existing use or uses of buildings and their respective square footages; (4) Proposed use or uses of the building and their respective square footages; (5) Required and provided parking ratios for each building. k. Elevations and floor plans (including description of room use) of all proposed or existing buildings or additions to existing buildings. In the case of building additions the plans shall clearly show existing and proposed areas and any areas proposed for demolition. B. Action Procedure. 1. A~cepta/x~e. The application and copies thereof shall be submitted to the planning director or his representative. Within three working days, he shal application is com~-~ ..... 1 determine wh t 17 ~ ~,~, ~ ~n~ conforms t~ ~ .... e her the ~ri~2~u%a,t If the application %o~= ~vlslons of Section ~ ~lons o~ Section 17.53.060'A, ~ ~o. ~o~ conform to the · ~ ;, Lne plannln · notify the applicant of ad ~e~-~ : .... g director shall d-~=x ~n~orma~lon requirements. If the application is completed and in conformance, he shall accept it and note the date of acceptance on all copies thereof. 2. Referral and review. Within two working days of acceptance, the planning director shall transmit one copy of the application to the site plan review room. Each member of the site plan review committee shall review and comment on said application. 3. Consideratio~ of alm~lication. Not more than fifteen working days from the date of acceptance each member of the site plan review committee shall consider the application and i!lated information and shall make a recommendation on the project bmS.l~ ~i~,~=u=n_.~ss such recommendation is deferred pending o.~ ~ =uu~lonal information requested by the committee. Comments shall be forwarded to the planning director for his consideration and decision. 4. Decision. Decisions are made on the basis of the 9pplication, the comments received from the site plan review committee members, and other relevant information from city departments and/or other public a encie all a~prove the project, attach~ co~=:The p~annlng director ~s or her opinion, are nece ...... ~ ~zu~ons thereto which, in standards; ~=~ uu comply with adopted codes and comply with provided, however, if the proposed project does not said codes, Standards or policies, or if the applicant will not agree to comply with any condition, the planning director shall approve, conditionally approve or deny the site plan review. The planning director shall make a decision on the project within 5 working days of receiving the recommendation from the site plan review committee. Notice of each decision shall be given by posting a copy thereof on the bulletin board at City Hall within three days of the date of the decision and by mailing, within such three-day period, a copy thereof to the applicant and any person who has requested such notice by written request filed with the planning director. 5. Final site plan approval. Upon submittal by the applicant for a building permit on an approved site plan review project, the building director will transmit a copy of the construction plans to the planning director who will transmit said copy of the construction plans along with the site plan review application and decision to the site plan review room. Each member of the site plan review committee will review the plan for compliance with site plan review conditions set forth in the decision. If a member or members determine the applicant has not complied with one or more of the site plan review conditions then the planning director shall, within two working days of said determination, notify the applicant in writing. The plans will be suspended from further processing until such time as necessary corrections are made. If the applicant does correct the plans or satisfy the conditions of approval the planning director shall within five working days of receiving the corrections approve the plans and return them to the building director for further processing. 6. Commencement of construction. The applicant shall not begin development or construction based on the approved site plan until the process set forth in this chapter has been completed, the time period for appeal has expired and each other permit and license required for the project to commence has been obtained. 7. Time extension. The time periods cited in this chapter for review and action on the application may be extended for up to ten working days by the planning director if, in his or her opinion, additional time is required at any stage of the review process for proper and complete review of the proposed project. No application shall be deemed complete unless the project for which the site plan was prepared is consistent with the General Plan and zoning regulations of the city. Should it be determined at any time in the process of review provided in this chapter that requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act have not been satisfied and cannot be satisfied within the time periods specified, such time periods shall be extended for such time as is necessary to satisfy such requirements. The time periods specified in this chapter shall not be applicable to plan check procedures of the city's building director. C. Revisions to Applications. 1. Revisions prior to decision. The applicant may make revisions to the application at any time before the decision. The directors (or if at a hearing, the approving agency) may determine that the revisions require study by the staff or comment by one or more city department and/or other - 6 - public agency, and may therefore move the application back in the action procedure. 2. Revisions after denial of the site plan. Within thirty calendar days of denial of the site plan, the applicant may resubmit his proposal with revision and any additional processing fees as determined necessary by the planning director. Any additional fees shall not exceed 90% of the original site plan review fees for the project. Such resubmittal may be submitted for comment by other city departments and/or other public agencies, shall be acted upon in the same manner as the original application and shall be decided by the approving agency which denied the site plan. 3. Revisions after approval of the site plan. At any time after approval, but before the approved site plan expires, the applicant may submit revisions to the permit. Such revisions shall be acted upon in the same manner as the original application. Minor revisions resulting from physical obstacles or other comparable constraints may be approved by the directors. D. Conditions. The approving authority may place conditions upon approval of a site plan which it deems necessary and proper to ensure that a policy will be implemented in the manner indicated in the application or a revision thereto. The conditions may consist of, but shall not be limited to, one or more of the following: 1. Compliance subdivision ordinance; with the provisions of the 2. Installation of on-site and off-site improvements (including, but not limited to, dedication of rights- of-way, street paving, sidewalks, gutters, street lights and drainage facilities) related to special problems of the property, if developed in accordance with the site plan; 3. Application of landscaping standards required of multiple-family, commercial and industrial zones; 4. Adherence to all adopted laws, regulations, codes, ordinances and improvement standards whether or not cited in this chapter which have application to the project, including payment of fees and charges required thereby; 5. Imposition of time limits within which specified improvements shall be installed for the public welfare, safety or convenience. The approving body may extend such time limits upon the written request of an applicant. Unless such limits are so extended, failure to complete installation of such improvements within the specified time limit shall void the approved site plan. - 7 - H. Expiration of site plan. Approved site plans shall expire unless building permits have been issued on said site plan or, on projects not requiring a building permit construction has commenced on-site within one and one-half years of the date of approval and completed not more than four and one-half years from the date of approval of the site plan. The one and one-half year time requirement may be extended for a period of one year by the Planning Director through resubmittal of final plans for check against current code requirements and written justification for the requested extension. No fees will be levied for such a compliance check and extension. Changes to the plans originally approved for purposes other than code requirements shall pay new site plan review fees equal to or less than 90 percent of the original site plan review fees for the project. Upon expiration of the building permit a new site plan review shall be required. In any event, such site plan shall expire upon the rezoning of the site following approval of the site plan unless the proposed use is an allowable use in the subsequent zone. I. Appeal. 1. Procedure. An applicant not satisfied with the decision of the site plan review committee may, within ten days of the date of the decision, appeal to the city planning commission by filing a written notice of appeal and payment of fees with the planning director setting forth the precise basis and issues on appeal and requesting a hearing thereon. The planning commission shall, within thirty days of such appeal having been filed, hold a noticed public hearing thereon. If such applicant is not satisfied with the decision of the planning commission, he may, within ten days of the date of such decision, appeal in writing to the city council by filing a written appeal and payment of fees with the city clerk. The city council shall hold a public hearing on the appeal. Appeals of building code requirements shall be heard by the Board of Building Appeals. Appeals relative to handicap access shall be heard by the handicap access appeals board. 2. Waiver. Failure to file an appeal within the time period prescribed therefor hereinabove, or application for a building permit following approval of a site plan application, shall be deemed a waiver of the right of appeal. 17.53.061 Landscape requirements and standards. A. The purpose of this section is to establish the necessary criteria, standards and limits for landscaping. The provisions of this section are intended to provide a transition between and mitigate conflicts which may arise between adjacent land uses, to promote an attractive visual harmony between the - 8 landscape and development and to reduce air, noise and visual pollution. B. A final landscape plan shall be incorporated into the plans submitted to the building department for building permits and approved by the planning director prior to final site plan approval. Landscaping and irrigation shall be installed in compliance with the approved final plan prior to final inspection or occupancy except as provided for in 17.53.061 D.1. This plan shall be in accordance with adopted standards and include: A workable scale (preferred - one inch equals ten feet or larger) and north arrow; Property lines, overhead and underground power easements; 3. Dimensions; Location of all trees and shrubs. Mature tree head diameter shall be depicted to scale; 5. Existing and proposed structures; 6. Specifications for irrigation (separate sheet); e Existing natural features (note on plan to be removed or retained); 8. Landscape drainage plan (showing method of water removal from the landscape areas; 9. A plant specification list must be submitted: a. Keyed to the plan, b. Botanical and common plant names, Estimated sizes at planting and at maturity, d. Head diameter of trees at maturity and whether the tree is evergreen or deciduous. e. Container sizes, f. Quantity of each, - 9 - Percent of parking lot shading which will result from tree landscaping calculated in accordance with 17.53.061 D.13. Percent of evergreen trees located in parking lot and percent located along project perimeter lexcluding trees required as buffer in 17.53.061 D.16.) C. All projects initiated after the effective date of the ordinance enacting this chapter shall be in compliance with the minimum landscape standards of subsection D of this section and subject to approval by the planning director with the following exceptions: 1. All uses established prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter shall be exempt from these standards; provided, that such uses are not expanded, changed or otherwise modified in a manner which requires issuance of a building permit with a valuation of fifty percent or greater than the replacement value of the existing improvements. If the existing uses are to be expanded greater than fifty percent of their replacement value, the planning director, at his discretion, shall determine the amount and placement of landscaping needed to comply with subsection C. of Section 17.53.061, which in no case shall exceed two percent of the gross lot area. D. Minimum Landscape Standards. 1. Occupancy of a use subject to these standards shall not be permitted until the approved landscaping and irrigation has been installed or until an agreement and surety bond or cash deposit, in an amount determined by the building director, or sufficient to cover the cost of installation, has been provided to the city specifying completion of installation within thirty days of the date of occupancy. 2. All plantings shall be maintained in a healthy and attractive condition. Maintenance shall included but is not limited to programmed waterings, consistent fertilizing, weed control, cleaning, pruning, trimming, pest control and cultivating. 3. Landscape structural features shall maintained in sound structural and attractive condition. be 4. Plantings shall be serviced by a permanently installed, electrically automated sprinkler system. 5. Replacement planting must conform to the original intent of the landscape design. 6. Installation of landscape materials shall be in accordance with commonly accepted methods of installation. 7. Trees shall be equivalent to minimum fifteen gallon container size or larger and shall be vigorous and healthy when planted. 8. Shrubs shall be a minimum five gallon container size or larger and shall be vigorous and healthy when planted. seventy-five maturity. 9. Live vegetative matter shall cover no less than percent of the required landscaped area at its 10. Where setbacks and public improvements allow, a landscaped area ten feet in width on arterial streets and eight feet in width on collector and local streets shall be installed behind the back of the curb or sidewalk along said street. The width of the landscape strip may be reduced when in the opinion of the planning director the following conditions are met: The total square footage of required landscaped area remains constant; The reduction in the required width is consistent with the purposes of the landscape regulations of this chapter. 11. A tree shall be planted at a ratio of one tree per thirty-five lineal feet, or portion thereof, along a public right-of-way or in groupings which include a number Of trees equal to the thirty-five-foot interval. 12. In parking lots provide at least one tree for each six parking spaces placed at a maximum of sixty-five foot intervals. 13. Parking lot trees shall be installed and thereafter maintained throughout the parking area to ensure that thirty (30) percent of the parking lot will be shaded based on calculating ninety (90) percent of the tree species mature shade area. 14. Buildings with main entrances facing parking lots shall be landscaped with a minimum of one for each fifty feet of linear building frontage or portion thereof. Said trees shall be adjacent to the building and may also be credited for parking lot trees if they comply with the requirements set forth in Section 17.53.061 (D.12.). 15. Of the total number of trees required for the project, thirty (30) percent shall be evergreen species. Further, a minimum of half of the evergreen trees shall be located at the perimeter of the project area. 16. In addition to the trees referenced in 17.53.061 D.12, 13 and 15, evergreen trees shall be installed along the property line perimeter of drive aisles, parking lots, loading areas and storage areas as a buffer between office, commercial and industrial uses and property zoned for residential uses. Said trees shall be spaced no further apart than 30 feet on center. 17.53.070 Certificate of occupancy. After construction and before occupancy of a project, the building director or his authorized representative shall inspect the development to determine whether the permit and conditions thereon have been complied with. If so, he shall issue a certificate of occupancy; if not, he shall order corrections. The development shall not be occupied until the certificate of occupancy is issued. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the City Charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. .......... o0o .......... - 12 - I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on .HH 17 19§! , by the following vote: AYES; COUNCILMEMBERS: EOWA,RJ)S, DeMOND..BJ~. BRUNNI, PETERSON, McDERMOTT, SALVAGGIO NOES; COUNCILMEMBERS: A~SENT COUNCiLMEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS* CITY e Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED JUL 17 199! Vice-MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: LAWRENCE LUNARDINI CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield LCM/meg SITEPLAN.O-3 5/9/91 - 13 - AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING DOCUMENTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) ss. County of Kern) CAROL WILLIAMS, Being duly sworn, That she is the duly appointed, of Bakersfield; and that on the posted on the Bulletin Board at the following: Ordinance City Council at a meeting held and entitled: deposes and says: acting and qualified City Clerk of the City 22nd day of July , 1991 she City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of No. 3379 passed by the Bakersfield on the 17th day of July 1991, NSAOPD /s/ CAROL WILLIAMS CITY CLERK of the City of Bakersfield .'~z~: ~ DEPUTY City Clerk