HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/11/23 MULTI-MODAL TRASNPORTATION & TRAFFIC SAFETY AGENDA• POSTED ON 3 by City ClIf I erk's Office BAKERSFIELD D�a' Ba(k�e[rgsfield THE SOUND OF,jdvte(lfigrv}�e((ar �'--GJ�. Staff: Committee Members: Gary Hallen, Assistant City Manager Councilmember Eric Arias -Chair Gregg Strakoluse, Public Works Director Councilmember Bob Smith Councilmember Manpreet Kaur Regular Meeting of the Multi -modal Transportation and Safety Ad Hoc Committee of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Tuesday, April 11, 2023 12:00 p.m. City Hall North, First Floor, Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA 93301 AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Agenda Item Public Statements b. Non -Agenda Item Public Statements 3. ADOPTION OF THE FEBRUARY 14, 2023 MEETING MINUTES 4. REPORTS a. Summary update on traffic safety projects completed in the last two months. (Informational item only; staff recommends receive and file)) b. Summary update on example pavement marking designs used on recent resurfacing projects to improve pedestrian/bicycle safety. (Informational item only; staff recommends receive and file) 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS 6. NEW BUSINESS a. Committee consideration and approval of proposed Complete Streets Resolution. (Staff recommends Committee approval and presentation to City Council) b. Staff presentation of updated transportation development standards for Committee discussion and feedback. 7. COMMITTEE COMMENTS B. ADJOURNMENT Multi -modal Transportation and Safety Ad Hoc Committee Special Meeting Apnl 1 I, 2023 Agenda Page 2 BAKERSFIELD THE SOUND OF,5114 14V 6* Staff: Gary Hallen, Assistant City Manager Greg Strakaluse, Public Works Director Committee Members: Councilmember Eric Arias - Chair Councilmember Bob Smith Councilmember Manpreet Kaur Special Meeting of the Multi -modal Transportation and Safety Ad Hoc Committee of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Tuesday, February 14, 2023 12:00 p.m. City Hall North, First Floor, Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA 93301 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT ROLL CALL Committee Members present: Councilmember Eric Arias, Chair Councilmember Bob Smith Councilmember Manpreet Kaur City Staff: Ashley Zambrono, Deputy City Attorney Gregg Strakaluse, Public Works Director Ed Murphy, Public Works Christopher Boyle, Development Services Director Andrae Gonzales, Vice Mayor Julie Drimakis, City Clerk Joseph Conroy, Public Information Officer Gary Hallen, City Mangers Office Luis Topete, Public Works Novdip Grewal, Public Works Additional Attendees: Members of the Public 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. Agenda Item Public Statements 1. Executive director, Kiyoshi Tomono, from Blue Zones Project Bakersfield, made comments regarding partnership with City. 2. Cindy Parra, from GET, gave thanks for inviting various entities to collaborate on the Blue Zone Project. b. Non -Agenda Item Public Statements None. 3. ADOPT PAST MEETING AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT - None 4. REPORTS - None 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS - None b. NEW BUSINESS a. Blue Zones Bakersfield Discovery Report - Built Environment (Attachments: Report, PowerPoint, Complete Streets Resolution, Circulation Element) Public Works Director, Strokaluse, provided staff comments and PowerPoint presentation. After discussion, Council provided direction. b. Adoption of 2023 Calendar and Meeting Topics Assistant City Manager Hallen provided an overview of future committee topics. Motion by Councilmember Kaur to adopt 2023 calendar and meeting topics, second by Councilmember Smith. Motion passed unanimously. 7. COMMITTEE COMMENTS Councilmember Smith called for safer streets. Councilmember Kaur thanked staff for answering questions and everyone for a lively committee meeting. 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:18 p.m. Multi -modal Transportation and Safety Ad Hoc Committee Special Meeting February 14, 2023 Agenda Page 2 V BAKERSFIELD THE SOUND OF p rJ -* MEMORANDUM April 11, 2023 TO: Gary Hallen, Assistant City Manager Christian Clegg, City Manager FROM: Gregg Strakaluse, Public Works Director SUBJECT: Draft Complete Streets Policy Update Background: The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Deputy Directive No. DD-64-R1, "Complete Streets" is defined as a transportation facility that is planned, designed, operated, and maintained to provide safe mobility for all users, including bicyclists, pedestrians, transit riders, and motorists appropriate to the function and context of the facility. Developing a Complete Street ensures that travelers of all ages and abilities can move safely and efficiently along and across a network of Complete Streets. Complete Streets enhance public health benefits by increasing natural movement through walking and bicycling, while reducing the number and severity of motor vehicle crashes and contribution to air pollution. State and Federal laws require local agencies to promote and facilitate increased bicycling and walking as prescribed in California Vehicle Code (CVC) Sections 21200-21212, and Streets and Highway Code Sections 890-894.2, identifying the rights of bicyclists and pedestrians, and establish legislative intent that People of all ages using all types of mobility devices are able to travel on public roads, unless prohibited by CVC Section 21960. Local agencies within the State of California have a duty to provide safe mobility options to all who have legal access to the transportation system. And a Complete Streets policy aligns with the City Council's goals for public safety, quality of life, and reliable infrastructure. On April 17, 2013, the City Council adopted a Complete Streets Policy by Resolution No. 035-13. Implementation of the adopted Resolution was hindered, in part, by the transportation development standards, as well as the State and Federal standards, that remained automobile centric. These standards have and continue to change to reflect a balance of multimodal use of the transportation network and improved safety measures. Given these changes, it is prudent to update the City's Complete Streets policy to recognize actions taken in support of Complete Streets, to update references, to delete obsolete references, and to reinforce the City's commitment to incorporate Complete Streets into all projects that impact the public rights -of -way. An updated Complete Streets policy may also be necessary for securing State and Federal grants for infrastructure projects. For this Ad Hoc meeting, staff proposes the attached Draft Complete Streets Policy Update for discussion. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RESCINDING RESOLUTION NUMBER 035-13 AND ADOPTING AN UPDATED COMPLETE STREETS POLICY IN FURTHERANCE OF THE GOALS, POLICIES AND OBJECTIVES OF THE CIRCULATION ELEMENT OF THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, within the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Deputy Directive No. DD-64-RI, "Complete Str is" is defined as a transportation facility that is planned, designed, operatedWrid m ntaineof to provide safe mobility for all users, including bicyclists, estrions, it riders, and motorists appropriate to the function and conte&ff f he facility JIL WHEREAS, developing a Complet ISireet ensures that fftWiers of all ages and abilities can move safe) and efficien lland acr network of Complete Streets; and WHEREAS, Complete Stree nhance pN6ing benefits by increasing natural movement t h walki , and creducing the number and severity of m crash nd cair pollution; and i WHEREAS, S + e and F _.eral la require local agencies to promote and facilitate increased bicycling and wall g as prescribed in California Vehicle Code ( ns 212p0-2121 Stret�s and Highway Code Sections 890 - 894.2 ifyin rights of bicyclists and pedestrians, and establish legislative inten t people o*%ge g all types of mobility devices are able to travel on pub ads, unless hibifIfty CVC Section 21960; and WHER ocal aglWies within the State of California have a duty to provide safe m op to all who have legal access to the transportation system; and WHEREAS, a Co fete Streets policy aligns with the City Council's goals for safety, quality of life, and reliable infrastructure; and WHEREAS, on April 17, 2013, the City Council adopted a Complete Streets by Resolution No. 035-13; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that an updated Complete Streets policy be necessary for securing State and Federal grants for infrastructure projects; -- Page I of 4 Pages -- public Policy may and WHEREAS, the City Council therefore desires to update the City's Complete Streets policy to recognize actions taken in support of Complete Streets, to update references, to delete obsolete references, and to reinforce the City's commitment to incorporate Complete Streets into all projects that impact the public rights -of -way. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct ncorporated herein by this reference. 2. Resolution 035-13 is hereby resc' land re ed with this Resolution establishing the City's updat mplete Sire olicy in furtherance of the goals, policies, and o fives of the City. 3. The City Council hereby suppo n is imple totion of the following Completeeets Policy ive: City will orporate a context sensitive, Complete Streets ap ch into the planning, design, design review, development, co ction, operation, and maintenan f projects and programs cting all City property, including06MIWt limited to, parks and Wadways, to create a conned network of facilities accommodating all users 4. T 't willrporate the goals and policies of Complete Streets, as fihiOResclulion, in any 4neral Plan amendments and other applicab ns and ordinances. 5. Tt&City affir M that 4W road projects should be designed to ac modate all sers and that context -based pedestrian and bicycle facilitillwill, wh practical, be established in new construction, reconst n, re ving and rehabilitation. The Public Works Director is authorized to ' lement a "Complete Streets Program" in conjunction With appropri e City staff to design, construct, and maintain Complete Street improvements in furtherance of the City's Complete Streets Policy, which should include the following: • Incorporation of the principles of Complete Streets into an interdisciplinary, integrative, multimodol transportation program with implementation guidelines. • Address the needs of all users in the planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation of all street projects. — Page 2 of 4 Pages -- • Consideration of existing natural systems in the earliest phases of design, planning, and implementation of Complete Streets using green infrastructure, including where appropriate the use of low impact development techniques, the use of canopy trees for pedestrian and bicycle pathways, and when practical, transit stops. • Balance the needs of all transportation modes with community values, fiscal constraint, public safety, environmental protection, and historic preservation. • Develop design solutions that us ntext-sensitive approach using then -current best man _ nt practices that connect land use and transportation needs while remaining flexible to the unique circumstances of event sire d projects. • Encourage staff profes ' Idevelopme d training on multi - modal Transportation i S. • Identify current and pote itial sources of fundi roadway Streets pro]W_ team comprising of Public tion and Parks, VCommunity 'r of sidewalks and ide regular updates to City furtherance of the City's Id Bic cle & Pedestrian Safety Plan eld ownfown Corridor Enhancement Master 2 akerstf&ld Local Road Safety Plan 202 rsfeld Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program 2022-2 altrans Complete Streets Action Plan American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Bike Guide The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) Bike Guide The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Designing Walkable Urban Thoroughfares Guide to further develop non -motorized transportation networks within the City. — Page 3 of 4 Pages -- The City will support and encourage contracted service providers to respect and use the Complete Streets approach for transportation and parks projects and related services within the City and work in coordination and cooperation with other adjacent and local jurisdictions with similar Complete Streets programs. 8. The City will support and encourage coordination with its citizens, partnering agencies and organizations, such as Bike Bakersfield and the Blue Zones Project, to provide public awareness of the benefits Complete Streets provide to the commug& 9. This resolution shall take effect I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoll the Council of the City of Bakersfield at by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIEMB NOCOUNCIIMEMeE ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER LE Mayor APPROVED AS TO ASHLEY E. ZAMBRANO Deputy City Attorney adoption. was pa and adopted by L,tinq the?Weld on FREEMAN, GRAY, KAUR CPML! MMC EX OFFICIO CLERK of the Council AEZ:em S:\COUNCIL\Resos\22-23\Reso.CompleteSte is FINAL_ MMCommilleeCleanVers on 4.11.2023.do -- Page 4 of 4 Pages -- (03 BAKERSFIELD THE SOUK OFb*" tt?0* MEMORANDUM April 11, 2023 TO: Gary Haller, Assistant City Manager Christian Clegg, City Manager FROM: Gregg Strakaluse, Public Works Director SUBJECT: Draft Transportation Development Standards Update Background: Development standards for transportation infrastructure are found within the City of Bakersfield Subdivisions & Engineering Design Manual —Standards and Details. The last update to this document was in 2018. In consideration of the City's strong desire to improve transportation safety, multimodal opportunities, public health through natural movement, and quality of life for residents and visitors, modifications to the standards is prudent and necessary. This item reviews proposed changes in the transportation development standards. The standards and details within the Bakersfield Subdivisions & Engineering Design Manual may be modified by the Public Works Director as needed. The Public Works Department seeks general consistency with State and Federal standards when applicable. For this item, staff will present draft updates to the standards for discussion. Flow the in OC! J9 Podkq ro + in in DEL J9 BUFFER LANE Tmud Lme o DET. J2 W h 68' 2-Nby TM Lane o N Tiare' Lane I UET. 39 BUFFER LANE S x one Pmkk TE It Flow Lke Collector Street — Cose 1 the 6' Bea, Love BUFffR LANE 10' Tm q Lane N I0.5' Tmrel Curie 68' 11'-May rum Lowe — 1Imw9 Lane N — 10' BUFFER LAWl0' Imrel Lane a• 6' Me Lane Flow Cke Collector Street — Case 2 Flow Lke -8 6' Bke Lme B18TER lANE 11' Tana' Lane 4!' N 11' Torre' Cone J� 11' Torre' Lone — 46' I4' Med'on 11' Tmid Lane - 11' Trmd L. - N BUFFER LANE 11' ft W L. a• 6' Bke Lame Raw Lke Arterial Street 14' Medm 1. Dimensions are from centerline of stripe STANDARD w2 ]02a 2. Bike Lane Symbol every 500' a as otherwise directed ua BUFFERED BIKE a eas LANE scut Nrs .a CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA T— PUBUC WRKS aEPMIN7 EXISTING CURB EXISTING GUTTER AC SPEED HUMP 3.5" t 0.2" 2' TAPER-{---� SECTION A -A EXISTING AC PAVING 1• iV N TYP• p ?I AC SPEED HUMP m ti n of 2 >>>20"� > 2" �q5 `ROAD EXISTING AC TRACK COAT AT CONFORMS GRIND SURFACE PAVING EXISTING ASPHALT OR SECTION B-B EXCLUDE FROM OVERLAY TO CREATE A KEYWAY r C A 5' 40' MUTCD SPEED HUMP MARKING 5• CENTERED IN TRAVEL LANE, T� EXCLUDING ON —STREET PARKING B _ _ ~ Brtl_ (FIGURE 3B —29, OPTION B) ll, L — — EXISTING AC PAVING SPEED HUMP A4il EXISTING CURB EXISTING GUTTER "SPEED BUMPS AHEAD" SIGN PLANT IF NOTED ON PLANS, "15 °"" ]B]] STANDARD INSTALL SPEED BUMP ..„ YB MPH" SIGN AT PAVEMENT SPEED HUMP Bs UNDULATION B3 oA� .a CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CAUFORNIA T— on B,avrn PUBUC MRDEPMWMT EXISTING CURB EXISTING GUTTER AC SPEED TABLE 2' TAPER �----{ EXISTING AC SECTION A -A PAVING 6' RAMP 10' FLAT 6' RAMP a I a I N Y1 AC SPEED TABLE > 2, > 2" \ 22' `ROAD EXISTING AC TRACK COAT AT CONFORMS, GRIND SURFACE PAVING EXISTING ASPHALT OR SECTION B-B EXCLUDE FROM OVERLAY TO CREATE A KEYWAY r L Ail 5' 40' MUTCD SPEED TABLE MARKING 5• CENTERED IN TRAVEL LANE, EXCLUDING ON -STREET PARKING B _ B+ ~ + (FIGURE 3B-30, OPTION B) —_—_—_—____ _—_ - _— EXISTING AC E I I I I I PAVING SPEED TABLE I A EXISTING CURB EXISTING GUTTER "SPEED BUMPS PLAN AHEAD" SIGN IF NOTED ON PLANS, "15 STANDARD h 2023 INSTALL SPEED BUMP "" Rc MPH" SIGN AT PAVEMENT SPEED TABLE .mod Rn UNDULATION x RTS CRY OF BAKERSFELID CALIFOI T- OP, d6Efl1 PUBLIC MURK$ jF ARIDERT r5' MIN.. } r6' 1 BIKE LANE STRIPE PER DETAIL 38 DETAIL 39 DETAIL39A "BIKE LANE ARROW" PER APPLYCALTRANS MMA TOA24A & "BIKE 4 FIRST 50'LANE I I T SYMBOL WITH T PERSON" PER A24C F----- rrDETAIL39 I 1 2 4 I J TAT 2,T _ 5' MIN. 5' MIN, i i (ulN jV�PR4 DETAIL 39A I ! SEE NOTE 4 "BIKE LANE ARROW" PER 50' CALTRANS -4 I A24A & "BIKE TIONAL) LANE SYMBOL WITH PERSON"PER A24C BIKE LANE STRIPE NOTE 4 PER DETAIL 39 OR E LANE STRIPE 39A, SEE NOTE 3 DETAIL 39 RIGHT -TURN LANE HIGH VOLUME DRIVEWAY, STREET -TYPE CONFLICT ZONE APPROACH OR INTERSECTION CONFLICT ZONE 1. PUBLIC WORKS MAY REQUIRE THE INSTALLATION OF THESE FEATURES ON A CASE -BY -CASE BASIS. 2. ALL STRIPING SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC, PER CITY SPECIFICATIONS. WHERE REQUIRED, THE RIGHT-HAND STRIPE SHALL BE 6" PER DETAIL 39 OR 39A, 3. WHEN USED AT A PUBLIC STREET INTERSECTION THE BIKE LANE STRIPING SHALL BE PER STD. DWG T25 WITH THE LAST 25' BEFORE THE RETURN PAINTED GREEN. IF INSTALLED AT A DRIVEWAY OR STREET -TYPE APPROACH, THE BIKE LANE STRIPE SHALL BE CONTINUOUS ACROSS THE INTERSECTION WITH A 25' GREEN LANE PLACED IN ADVANCE OF THE RETURN. BIKE LANE SYMBOL AND ARROW MAY BE REQUIRED. 4. GREEN PAINT SHALL BE 4y METHYL METHACRYLATE (MMA) INTERMIXED WITH HARD-WEARING AGGREGATE (MOILS HARDNESS O). THE FINISHED APPLICATION SHALL BE 90-MLS THICK, COLOR STABLE WITH NO BEN SLIP RESISTANCE. TYPE ENNIS-FLINT "MMAX", TRANSPO wrz 2022 "COLOR -SAFE", OR APPROVED EQUAL. STANDARD `" uc 5. ALL REFERENCED STRIPING IS PER CALTRANS GREEN BIKE LANE o,m Rs STANDARD PLANS: A20A-A20D. RIGHT —TURN & DRIVEWAY CONFLICT ZONES NTs .Bo.Ku CfTY OF BAKERBI CALFOMM PUBLIC WIRKS CEPARTMEN7 STOP BAR/LIMIT LINE DETAIL 36 DETAIL } 4�z 41 a o "BIKE LANE ARROW'S PER CALTRANS 0 A24A & "BIKE LANE SYMBOL WITH o PERSON" PER A24C a 10' (TYP.) DETAIL 37B FOR TRAP -RIGHT STRIPING SHARROW ON GREEN BACKING (10'x4'); MIN. THREE (3) REO'D. SPACE EVENLY IN IRING ZONE. REF. PUBLIC WORKS MAY ALSO REQUIRE ZONE. REF. NOTE 3 FOR PLACEMENT THE INSTALLATION OF THESE FEATURES ON A CASE -BY -CASE BASIS. 7 "X"= 17.5 (TYP.), 2. ALL STRIPING SHALL BE I 25' (MAX.) THERMOPLASTIC. PER CITY SPECIFICATIONS. WHERE REQUIRED, THE RIGHT-HAND STRIPE SHALL BE 6" PER Gf I DETAIL 39 OR 39A. a 3, WHEN USED AT A PUBLIC STREET E I INTERSECTION THE BIKE LANE STRIPING SHALL BE PER STD. DWG T25 WITH iw I THE LAST 25' BEFORE THE RETURN w PAINTED GREEN. IF INSTALLED AT A o I DRIVEWAY OR STREET -TYPE e APPROACH, THE BIKE LANE STRIPE SHALL BE CONTINUOUS ACROSS THE rcI X. n� INTERSECTION WITH A 25' GREEN LANE PLACED IN ADVANCE OF THE RETURN. BIKE LANE SYMBOL AND ARROW MAY BE REQUIRED. 4. GREEN PAINT SHALL BE qy METHYL METHACRYLATE (MMA) INTERMIXED WITH HARD-WEARING AGGREGATE (MOHS HARDNESS <7). THE FINISHED SEE NOTE 4 APPLICATION X" SHALL BE 90-MLS THICK, COLOR STABLE 1WTH >60 BPN SLIP RESISTANCE. R4-4 TYPE ENNIS-FLINT "MMAX", TRANSPO (OPTIONAL) "COLOR -SAFE", OR APPROVED EQUAL. 5. ALL REFERENCED STRIPING IS PER CALTRANS 25• (MIN.) I "BIKE LANE ARROW" STANDARD PLANS: A20A-A20D. PER CALTRANS A24A & BIKE LANE SYMBOLOLWITH PERSON" PER A24C, CENTER IN � GREEN LANE. BIKE LANE STRIPE PER DETAIL 39 STANDARD XOR2 w, uc GREEN BIKE LANE = . Rye TRAP -RIGHT ,� NTs CONFLICT ZONES aim a..a CRY OF BAKEASFELD CALIFORNIA PUBLIC MOR[5 OEPARIMEM a� B • 'lE ' 3� 9g •1q Jill JillIa . R i oe y' e SB@ z c !6 • Z wa�itwuEaE ma AcenEK� _ $wANSON PED �,�.,w��,e��gggy - ENGINEEWNGINC. ••,�s, PEDFS'1'RIAN CROSSING PLAN m n•.+T� ems....... vim. MUTCD-compliant, pedestrian -activated warning beacon for uncontrolled marked crosswalks • The R920-F is the benchmark for Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons(RRFBs) • Ultra -efficient optics and Energy Management System (EMS) • Compact design to simplify installation • Proven technology platform • Meets and exceeds MUTCD requirements, including IA-21 RRFBs have been found to provide vehicle yielding rates between 72 and 96 percent for crosswalk applications, including 4lane roadways with average daily traffic IADTI exceeding 12,000'. Superior Design and Technology The R920-F utilizes a self-contained solar engine integrating the Energy Management System (EMS) with an on -board user interface, housed in a compact enclosure together with the batteries and solar panel. A larger solar engine enables the R920-F to work with audible push button stations, passive activation sensors, and remote monitoring, as well as operate at higher intensities and increased activations in challenging environments. Easy Installation With its highly efficient and compact design, installation is quick and uncomplicated, dramatically reducing installation costs. Retrofitting can be done where existing sign bases are used to enhance existing marked crosswalks in minutes, and new installations can be completed without the cost of larger poles, new bases, and trenching. Advanced User -Interlace The R920-F comes with an on -board user interface for quick configuration and status monitoring. It allows for simple in -the -field adjustment of flash pattern, duration, intensity, ambient auto adjust, night dimming, and many more. Settings are automatically sent wirelessly to all units in the system. Reliable Designed with Carmanah's industry -leading solar modeling tools to provide dependable year -after -year operation. Trusted With thousands of installations, Carmanah's beacons are the benchmark in traffic applications and other transportation applications worldwide. •us. oePero OfT nsp Iw Wemlwgm. rmmmis=iw,Pubitrmmnxo.Rrv+o-xm-I¢oaa- 'EXxttalVeltrrvPoa ,N, R,,W Rav, Beeamsan Yea, a[Muft,Wn Umm.11M CrosswalFi CEMI siawview 43' 9cm1 ,Ill -mm1 Ill 6 40 emmmwaw 319' 1555 and 20'-15'Pmmmma 239' 2&I'D'ammwr 40'-4i Oism¢mr Spa Pole S". Pole Mount Round Pole Mount fbunrl Pol¢Mount Mount 111f If 4/ WiOuenional Configuration Bidmarso al Configuration * W* noMmna lgmbaation ma MCNa w91v IMeelmea[m�p9ndmt 0 AA R97" S apbp FC spaificafiom subattm Imalemimnaemal aanai lmaand nuy assubiwd m annular. All Grnande pmau[tsare manuh[brelafteamezaatahounmedmlSDquauryabndams. US Patent No 6 571 Offer premr pping. nUamans' and Gmenah logoam therms r m Grmanah Taisminies Cory 0911E Camanah Technologim Corp. Document SPEC _THA_FINE IF Rotor, _ Flash patrems: PFB11WWaSl. HI@IWSDDtf,DSs8 aheneting IMU=RE womaon MUMDI.O1 all uniam,Oa5ma adorn, at. Ksdurk IMINAuniwn, 01 ma. s iak Aaghoughmating Inpucmomelmryfmmsn dmonxwmlm.mm.INwm a wian,nwmalhnp vxyiw Flaanauration 5.z. mt hit Career Imensirysmng:9Cm11oO PrAipmdager fiNl9;uwlarAmmns, mlEDenlpwtlsgm User Mb O NiplaUm¢ dimming: 1Om liA tlryann lAae'lly OBJp Allows Audi Adjust a¢rresasiMnmgdun hghttlaslile Aummwtic U9MGxmop m�msinWsiry itthe bmmryaempneNbw Tampantun roll,don'. yellow or retl h¢amns Glamarinmraltimemock NnNon lbdiomlmgs: ambWdimble, m'slablechannel fiom I W 14 Ouqut enabl¢UwAmnb sMehingdeydmeandnigWm.orng mmN Mimaon ,Donor aM dam repoNng via OBUI or opbme l U9B mmsOm MUMD In®dm gpwal WZI bd MUTCOC compliant Nrmsabulh light Fr opti operator elfi[i¢nry and m shay light E¢eeEV SAE J595 elms 1 imamih b¢25 to 3s wlrl used as rmommerAetl Meer SAEJ53gchm C4 3ln p6mml x t In ll>eman) door, Jul under pUsrsbpem bnswim Palbe LEG Optical High-power(I ar, avir mwinlmanw IM bmetl on IES Ui Sitlaemind, pedesbian unfimelion lFDI Pressures srainl¢mst[el mwwdnq bra[kelartynm[4ro[wtk imltlktinaimpkaN areble infieldaimilg kr mvinumeaM�msa Yellow, black vg mn pmderaam lightWrc rem Emryps,mralmsrWiowiM34GHame Whmlogy Wd'ew uplakof innings from any unit m all s,.i on to rams, radio channel Uonorde atad¢ multiple &mewls m gmup drapes all and ensure a ¢bud wireless signal GnmttivRy Gminunim[m wit all o Gen Ill radmallbLL shownsirclutlmg our lifl6E F,and G arbeamm InmamanewsMmlam.c Oon:GMma Wrelemrarpw'. I000ft( ei InlfigrOb], va W Vpmf ettenna DOW AigAalfltbrq Photo csolar panel Emrgy ISdmadloropanalprgymllaaon Gllatlm Mmbnum Po. NOTM[ ngw TenmmwmC mmmmlMPPFTq Wad M1aMaV [gmalfirergymll%tim inallmNrentl Callery[oMitlOns 13V39Ahr. balmrysmmm F^eryy flapand .. ma/[bamainmarmlrm,bmeinskm AGM bederies Oaptle wkeRtranpmabm "9�manr long extare Staff} Be" resign life: t5 yrs. TW-We bmmytliage wM Luck cr parmireb and .,in, for®yinsplbrm N§ammtmm.gaide1Oa are mare withvems for ampipm air ba rNEMA 3I1) Lorkell a, her Is firs a,, to a, board marnfeaam ard�dpH¢s Currmanre:isum supper. m will to was.1 hamwem sdar fnnmmction Engine Row aluminum No sh on,01i ham. or gotten Powdermaee Prwired to min n mllLoanead HyheNglemya rr and EMS= m¢heart mnal lighMwigm aysrem 39 to 0 ] ) Yg) including UdNd wA m W i%End And psi bum 4 m I F (JD m]0° Cl system ,Aar, Wnmiemre F "mmmemm doll m IV F W to V CI �ry aperaang emyemwre ISO mph 1341 a ph wand apmd m mrApi IIS6 Push bNmn: PDAiongl fart p'emdman wM neual IED and Momna aduIbla Control htNel'Nn Auobla push brown damem: AD4dsq,lam p All morn with w,wal LED and cosanbable Passwesm9e[wnfinrehon ive activmion. micmxaveteand emmr dears {atlmv'p w.rr.Yy syxramiOaa wemiay INSTALL LADDER STRIPING WITH 2' WIDE AND 12' LONG (MIN.) L 2' LINES WITH 3' SPACE BETWEEN THE LINES r _-- 3' MIN. i E HIGH VISIBILITY CROSSWALK (CONTINENTAL) INSTALL 1' WIDE (MIN.) INSTALL LADDER STRIPING WITH 2' WIDE AND 12' LONG (MIN.) 2 1 r LINES WITH 3' SPACE BETWEEN THE LINES. 3' MIN. HIGH VISIBILITY CROSSWALK (LADDER) 1. ALL STRIPING SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC. PER CITY SPECIFICATIONS. 2. ALL REFERENCED STRIPING IS PER CALTRANS STANDARD PLANS: A24F. ONE-WAY CYCLE TRACK WITH NO ADJACENT PARKING BUFFER PHYSICAL SEPARATION MIN. MIN. + i- CYCLE TRACK AT STREET, SIDEWALK, OR INTERMEDIATE LEVEL ONE-WAY PARKING SEPARATED CYCLE TRACK EDGELINE AND/OR PARKING TEES (OPTIONAL) BUFFER STRIPING AND PHYSICAL SEPARATION 8' MIN. 3' MIN. 5 CYCLE TRACK AT STREET, SIDEWALK, OR INTERMEDIATE LEVEL TWO-WAY CYCLE TRACK WITH NO ADJACENT PARKING BUFFER PHYSICAL SEPARATION - - W CYCLE TRACK AT STREET,` SIDEWALK, OR INTERMEDIATE LEVEL TWO-WAY PARKING SEPARATED CYCLE TRACK EDGELINE AND/OR PARKING TEES (OPTIONAL) BUFFER STRIPING AND/OR PHYSICAL SEPARATION 8' MIN. 3' MIN. CYCLE TRACK AT STREET, SIDEWALK, OR INTERMEDIATE LEVEL NOTES: 1. THE DETAIL PROVIDES BASIC MINIMUM DESIRABLE WIDTHS FOR THE CYCLES TRACKS, CYCLE TRACK BUFFERS AND ADJACENT PARKING LANES (IF PRESENT). THESE MINIMUM DIMENSIONS SHOULD BE EXCEEDED IN ALL BUT THE MOST CONSTRAINED CONDITIONS. 2. IF EXISTING GUTTERS OR DRAINAGE INLETS PROTRUDE INTO THE CYCLE TRACK SUCH THAT THERE IS A LONGITUDINAL SEAM WITHIN THE BIKEWAY, AND THESE STRUCTURES CANNOT BE RECONSTRUCTED TO MOVE THE SEAM OUT OF THE BIKEWAY, THE AFFECTED BIKE LANE DIRECTION (IF TWO WAY) SHOULD BE WIDENED SUCH THAT THE RIDEABLE SURFACE CLEAR OF THE SEAM IS AT LEAST 4-FT WIDE. 3. WHERE HIGH BICYCLE VOLUMES ARE EXPECTED, THE CYCLE TRACK SHOULD BE ]-FT OR WIDER IN EACH DIRECTION, TO ALLOW FOR PASSING AND/ OR SIDE -BY -SIDE RIDING. 4. FOR PARKING SEPARATED CYCLE TRACKS, STRIPED BUFFER AREAS MAY BE WIDENED AND ANY VERTICAL SEPARATION SHOULD INCLUDE REGULAR BREAKS TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO PARKED VEHICLES. 5. AT ACCESSIBLE PARKING AND LOADING ZONES, THE STRIPED BUFFER SHALL BE 5-FOOT WIDE (MIN.) TO PROVIDE AND ACCESS AISLE CONNECTING TO CROSSWALK AND/OR CURB RAMP PER ADA GUIDELINES. THE ACCESS AISLE SHOULD BE AT THE SAME GRADE AS THE CYCLE TRACK AND CYCLE TRACK MAY BE NARROWED TO 4 FEET (IF NECESSARY) FOR THE LENGTH OF THE ACCESS AISLE.. Multimodal Transportation Safety Ad Hoc Committee Meeting April 11, 2023 Agenda REPORTS • Two -Month Report on Completed Traffic Safety Projects • Updated Pavement Markings on Resurfaced Roads NEW BUSINESS • Draft Updated Complete Streets Resolution • Review of Updates to Transportation Development Standards Presented by: Public Works Department High Visibility Crosswalks 4 • Campus Park Dr. @ Mountain Vista Dr. • Dos Rios Way @ Montalvo Drive • Belle Terrace @ McDonald Way • Nichols Elementary School • Eissler Elementary School • Chipman Jr. High School • Liberty High School Vi WEUNC Ot --.T '. , dECEIAE YNO brVCE ON Lim A ORadar w Feedback YOURSigns SPEED. Beale Avenue (Grace St. to Lincoln St.) I • 241h Street (Oak St. to B St.) . Hosking Avenue (@ Mira Monte High School) . Niles Street (@ Williams Elementary School) Sidewalk Infill Projects Brimhall @ Jewetta - 700 ft. Panama @ Buena Vista - 1,115 ft. Madison Ave HUD - 7,269 ft. East Brundage HUD - 1,271 ft. Oleander HUD 2,068 ft. Benton HUD 3,221 ft. Upcoming Projects... -_ Boys & Girls Club Of Kern County Rectangular Rapid Flashing Crosswalk "`Mid -block & Uncontrolled -Crossings L +-MBPrfRH I - - i -- - - s r_ - II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIF11111` r Modified Pavement Markings with Resurfacing Updated Pavement Markings on Resurfaced Roads White Lane Gosford to Old River Westwold Drive Coffee Rd California Avenue Belle Terrace Union Avenue 1 1 i - 0 f� woiEs: I Cm OF 94KERSFAMa CALFOMM alapdn uoijnjosa�:j slaaalS alaldwoo ljb�ja RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RESCINDING RESOLUTION NUMBER 035- 1 S AND ADOPTING AN UPDATED COMPLETE STREETS POLICY IN FURTHERANCE OF THE GOALS, POLICIES AND OBJECTIVES OF THE CIRCULATION ELEMENT OF THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, within the California Department of Transpodatlon (Calfrans; Deputy Directive No. DD-64-R I. "Complete Streets" is defined as a transportation facility that is planned, designed, operated, and maintained to provide safe mobility for all users, including bicyclists. pedestrians, transit rider, and motorists appropriate to the function and context of the facility; and WHEREAS, developing a Complete Sheet ensures that travelers of all ages and abilities can move solely and efficiently along and across a network of Complete Sheets: and WHEREAS, Complete Streets enhance public health benefits by increasing natural movement through walking and bicycling, while reducing the number and severity of motor vehicle crashes and contribution to air pollution; and WHEREAS, State and Federal laws require local agencies to promote and facilitate increased bicycnrg and walking as prescribed in California Vehicle Code (CVC) Sections 21200-21212, and Streets and Highway Code Sections 890 - 894.2, Identifying the rights of bicyclists and pedestrians. and estoblish legislative intent that people of of ages using all types of mobility, devices are able to travel on public roads, unless prohibited by CVC Section 21960; and WHEREAS, local agencies within the State of California have a duty to provide Safe mobility options to all who have legal access to the transportation system: and WHEREAS, a Complete Streets policy aligns with the City Council's goals for public safety, quality of life, and reliable infrastructure: and DRAFT Complete Streets Resolution Update Acknowledges 2013 Resolution Restates Definition References Existing Laws Beyond Safety, References Public Health, Quality of Life, & Reliable Infrastructure • Necessity for State & Federal Grants Updates References Reenforces City's Commitment NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Cooncfl of the City of Bakersfield as I. oen: 1. The above recitals are tore and correct and incorporated herein by Mls reference. 2. Resolution 035-13Is hereby rescinded and replaced with this Resolution establishing the City's updated Complete Sheets Policy in furtherance of the goals, policies, and objectives of ttre City. 3. The City Council hereby supports and directs implementation of the following Complete Sheets Policy objective: City will incorporate a context sensitive. Complete Sheets approach into the planning, design, design review, development, construction, operation, and maintenance of projects and programs affecting all City property, includng, but hot limited to, parks and roatlways. to create a connected network of facilities accommodating all users. 4. The City will incorporate the gods and policies of Complete Streets, as set forth In this Resolution, in any General Plan amendments and other applicable plam and ordinances. 5. The City affirms that all road projects should be designed to accommodate ore users and that context -based pedestrian and bicycle facilities vdllwhere practical, be established in new construction, recomtnstion, repaving and rehablitaiion. The Pubic Works Director is authorized to implement a "Complete Sheeh Program' in conjunction with appropriate City staff to design. construct, and maintain Complete Sheet improvements in furtherance of the City's Co nplete Streets Policy, which should include the following: • Incorporation of the principles of Complete Sheets into an interdisciplinary, integrative. muitimocial trumporlation program with implementation guidelines. • Address the needs of all users in the planning, design. construction, maintenance. and operation of oil street projech. - Page 2 Of 4 Pages - DRAFT Complete Streets Resolution Update ✓Rescinds 2013 Resolution ✓ Directs Implementation ✓ Directs addressing in General Plan Update ✓Directs PW... ✓Active Transportation Plan ✓Integrate Amenities ✓Balance Interests & Constraints ✓Context Sensitive Design ✓ Supports Training ✓ Seek Out Grants ✓ Create an Inter- departmental Team ✓ Quantify & Report ✓ City Consultants & Contractors Apply Complete Streets ✓ Coordinate with Neighbor Agencies, Bike Bakersfield, Blue Zones TRANSPORTATION STANDARDS UPDATE Subdivisions & Engineering Design �,•,, Manual'. Standards & Details -Y ' '� I , Enhanced Bicycle Awareness Green Bike Markings F �14 h � Ir imp II L .' ate, III � �I e5 I li I I I I !I I I STANDARD ^_^� High Visibility Crosswalks tlfY N49'•'Y CROCCWP N (CONLNFN(A 1 _ii A Y CROStWA K (LADDER) crosmvtnaa yarss a p : Rectangular Rapid -Flash Beacon , VB&70STREET �- N �40K Speed Humps and Tables Neighborhood Traffic Calming S ANpAHp ��IIIII slneoAao Cycle Tracks &6cEP PRKCAL —YPARRTON — CVCLE WRCN Ri SWEEL SIOMALN. DR _INIERMEpAIE IVEL AND/DR TEES (DPTDN4) TER STRIPING An -LBAE ED, A, BUf ER VGICA.. EEPARATON Y � RPCd ;. 9DfWPl%, INTERMEp1E LEVEL DA REAMI.M� M� - DaoBEE ADD ,AE=I..o 1.1—=wo//DR-1BEsa.a� o=E,..�.oEwA TED UIRL .,o A .wVBLIAK,O. D.P.. BRAQ .E=T�,1. "1 I�. RD - —u .I'L AS —"I'S-1BENA�.EDro.RE SFF STANDARD /,-BUFFER PHYSICAL SEPARATION MIN. CYCLE TRACK AT STREET, SIDEWALK, OR INTERMEDIATE LEVEL ONE-WAY PARKING SEPARATED CYCLE TRACK EDGELINE AND/OR PARKING TEES (OPTIONAL) BUFFER STRIPING AND/OR PHYSICAL SEPARATION 8' 'MIN. a:MIN. 5 MIN. CYCLE TRACK AT STREET, SIDEWALK, OR INTERMEDIATE LEVEL TWO-WAY CYCLE TRACK WITH NO ADJACENT PARKING BUFFER PHYSICAL SEPARATION MIN. CYCLE TRACK AT STREET, SIDEWALK, OR INTERMEDIATE LEVEL 'AS EDGELINE AND/OR PARKING TEES (OPTIONAL) BUFFER STRIPING AND/OR PHYSICAL SEPARATION 8' MIN. �3' MIN. Z - CYCLE TRACK AT STREET, SIDEWALK, OR INTERMEDIATE LEVEL KI J9 9NiF LNf ImY(m< 6 4IY ~— b' r ARl1vn lme IrvI (ww —+ Mb➢ �� Collector Street - CGSe 1 1 10'hM[w GS lm MFU� 10'FM Iw Collector Street — Cose 2 - - n' Imr m Arterial Street Roadway Markings Collector Streets 68" fV �n 0 �n r Trend Lane 1—Nbr Tim Cone G'ollector Nreet - Case 1 In 6' Me Lane BUFFER LANE 10' bowl Lau N I05" Trawl laru 68' II' Way Tam Lane 105'Trowl lane - iV BfIiTER LANE 10' Trawl lane — f 6" 8ie Lane - Collector Street — Case 2 Flaw Lme M M Arterial Streets -8 6' B4Ce Lane 1P Trovel Lane 11' Trovel Lane 11' Travel Lo7e 14' Median 11' Travel Lane 11' Trod Lone 11' Travel Lane 6' Ore Lone Arterial Street 14' Median Flow Line Flow L Single Lane Modern-d Multi Lane Modern-day Roundabout Neighborhood Traffic Circle Discussion